Stallion Presents: Tribe – A Coming Out Story

1024 492 BLONKERS

Water Tribe Navi, better know on SKA as Tribe, is going through a dark period in his life. He is figuring out his sexuality as he braces for another tour in Syria with his terrorist friends. A theory proposed by the Honorable FJY is that he began bulking up because his frame is too frail to deal with the girth of Yoshii’s third leg. Latent homosexuals like Tribe do this because they are insecure. His antagonist behavior toward Lisa and Vegas is also another sign that he is going through a mental breakdown rooted in his denial of his lust for male genitalia.

As SKAsians, we need rally around Tribe and show him that it is okay to be a gay in 2019. The Sikh community will have a tough time coming to grips with this but their holy son, Tribe, just really likes men and nothing is wrong with that lifestyle. I hope that Tribe learns to love himself. Self love is a wonderful thing that his Sikh Gurus preached. The deep, dark hatred inside of him can be vanquished if he accepts who he truly is in life.

Thus I ask every SKAsian to be generous toward Tribe and shower him with love and affection as begins to come out to his entire family in 2019. SKA will be his sanctuary. We are open to all lifestyles. Let us uplift our friend during these trying times.

Waheguru ji



I am Trick Daddy in flip flops Cooking up them conch fritters

All stories by: BLONKERS