see his helmet did not hit him in the head or neck area. his helmet hit his shoulder
I love Russell Wilson think you are seeing it wrong. or maybe i am. still think it was a penalty
Obama made the case for wage insurance. He said: “Say a hard-working American loses his job — we shouldn’t just make sure that he can get unemployment insurance; we should make sure that program encourages him to retrain for a business that’s ready to hire him. If that new job doesn’t pay as much, there should be a system of wage insurance in place so that he can still pay his bills.”
It’s because Seattle fans complained, he immediately saw it differently. Pavilvian response
Too Short™ no its because amendolas helmet literally did not touch the head or neck area of the kc guy. it literally hit him square in the shoulder
Too Short™ there wasnt a single replay taht made it look like he hit him in the head
I’m watching this shit in my hotel room on a 27″ TV and it appears to not be in HD and I am fucking furious.
Too Short™ i dont have children I can still buy nice things for myself
ChrisKeal you probably have bed bugs as well. check the vents for some drugs
ChrisKeal I hope furious is the name of your hotel’s hooker
Ballon Knot I got a bad feeling. Probably just me being a total vagina.
mikegalligan There’s a sports bar down the street I will probably go over there.
that’s 6! Rack em up for Tommie. Best come to play, AleX!!
oh yeah that’s how they fuck you. I haven’t seen HD in a hotel room in years.
Get your ass to the sports bar down the street
There will be pussy there
What is Mike Carey’s record on reviews? Seems like he is always wrong
noshoes2 I love Russell Wilson well he reviewed the hit
noshoes2 I love Russell Wilson my point is he was wrong on that and the td that wasnt a td
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Jon Cryer and Charlie Sheen on “Two and a Half Men.” (Greg Gayne/Warner Bros.)
During the http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/style-blog/wp/2015/02/19/lets-all-remember-the-infamous-charlie-sheen-two-and-a-half-men-meltdown/ of “Two and a Half Men,” his co-star Jon Cryer rarely said a word in public — save for a few interviews and http://voices.washingtonpost.com/tvblog/2011/03/jon-cryer-tells-conan-charlie.html.
I meant to post that as a new comment. Instead I’ll post this one explaining the mistake.
If she had a large order of fries between those….my bet is you would eat them
Alex used to throw a decent deep ball, until Mike Nolan forced him to destroy his shoulder
mikegalligan Pats seeming to get all the breaks so far perfect timing on some of these mistakes
man I wished the Hawks were playing today so I would have half the weekend to troll their losing.
noshoes2 they blew the really good start on the drive they did shit on
at least scored and killed clock Pats cant do nothing with it
yeah that was a while back needs to update his troll material
Baalke is the DB coach Tribe, still working his way up the coaching latter. Maybe DC in a few
They haven’t coordinated any defense in a blog a season and a half
York me in the bum – one more time what was he doing trying to get free BJ’s ???
Service men get free BJs? Man I mad a wrong turn in life.
Sugar Dick Supreme the guy playing cop why did he go to jail
Ricky Booby now this is how to start when you come into the blog
so the other beauty gets poofed but the guy on the shitter hangs around ???
What about our rights to tits and ass? Damn communists.
only sf4905, oss, and loyal are that gay from the west
GTFO fuck gay ass mods. This is SKA not your personal PC playhouse. This is regular shit for the weekend.
noshoes2 There is a guy on the East board who calls himself Bad Boy Bob. He would be getting wood watching this.
The irony of someone suggesting man titts then calling someone a faggot is palpable.
It was black and white photography showing the fragile human form.
Angry Burnt Toast Naa but that guy Bob had some sick stories about gay orgies and what his father taught him.
Angry Burnt Toast That guy Bad Boy Bob didn’t protest at all. In fact he told us about his sick family sex as if he were proud of it.
This aggression agaonst our inalienable rights will not be tolerated.
Angry Burnt Toast No. Sounds like you are as sick as him. Im done with you. Enjoy talking to yourself.
Why would you run Smith? The defense is already playing up at the line because they don’t respect his long ball.
SKA is a real shitshow right now. If i had to guess I’d say Kroenke is somehow involved
LoyalRam LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 Is that you Loyal, deleting everything?
noshoes2 LoyalRam LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 no, but whoever it was just beat me to it (game time)
LoyalRam noshoes2 LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 smh, Nazi
Wow that was a great game. Oklahoma pulled it out though. Lets see if Kentucky-Auburn or Oklahoma State-Texas can live up to that
LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 if you are talking about college basketball nobody fuckng cares
LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 I am saying nice things bro
I love Russell Wilson I-Love-The-Arch yes, but he is not honoring it
I-Love-The-Arch I love Russell Wilson so you are calling him a pussy?
Im not being honorable? That qualifies me for full fledged NFL team ownership
just woke up from a nap.. what the fuck is going on in here you cunts
Come Honor Face playoff football and rams fans fighting
Best Punters in St Louis Football HistoryJohnny Hekker. ’12-’15 He has already equaled the total number of pro bowls of all other Ram punters COMBINED (2) ….eh…just one stain on his record.Donnie Jones ’07-’11. Dude could also punt. Who knew we were to get an upgrade when he left.Sean Landetta. ’93-’96, ’03-’04. Left and then came back.Dale Hatcher. ’85-’91. Pro Bowl in ’85. (1)Dave Chapple. ’72-’74 (1)Don Bracken. ’92-’93.Rick Tuten. ’98-’99Glen Walker. ’77-’78John Kilgore. ’65-’67John Misko. ’82-’84
LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 so your honor is dictated by others?
noshoes2 Come Honor Face *gives noshoes a bro hug*
I love Russell Wilson I-Love-The-Arch even worse Rams Punters
Come Honor Face noshoes2 you should not be hugging any guys after seeing this pic
Hello why wouldnt i hug a guy? what are you a fag ? afraid if you touched a guy you might like it or something? you queer
DGdub nbc streams them with free preview of 45 minutes. You can get around this by using different browsers as it apparently doesn’t pick up it’s still same person
Since you sideline fucks are so concerned, the bet with johnny has not reached the end yet. But like typical for you two, you are uninformed of the facts. Lmao
And for the record, it was a technicality i lost on. Bowman blew like the entire 9ers team. A bunch of useless 2nd level tackles and no impact plays
LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 Well when is the end?.. and STATS are STATS.
I love Russell Wilson Come Honor Face i wouldnt hug MFA under any circumstances
DGdub but don’t test, if you click on live feed your stream timer starts from them, even if you immediately close it
LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 so you admit you lost. that means its over
The end is after the season. Also, the original bet was retur n to the same player which even 9er fans have admitted he hasnt yet in convos separate of the bet
ChrisKeal ya someone let the east mods in and they are deleting all the hot bitches
Keal lay some damn justice down on this mod deleting titties
I love Russell Wilson ChrisKeal I was talking bout the Alex Smith scramble.
I love Russell Wilson ChrisKeal I tested with non nude hot bitches and gay men, the gay men were left up
ChrisKeal I love Russell Wilson we all know what you were talking about
Come Honor Face just saying after seeing a nice pic might have some issues
KZRider_ i wanna See alex smith shit on the Niners FO by winning the super bowl in SF
The bet was whether the Rams would move to LA or not. I said they would, and MB3 said they wouldn’t
If I lost? I would say that I love St Louis every week, without fail?
If MB3 lost, he would remain a Rams fan, regardless of location? (like me)
ChrisKeal im telling you to put down the pipe !
I love Russell Wilson ChrisKeal It was probably Loyal fucking with you guys. He seems mad right now.
Why is it that Peyton Manning struggles in the playoffs and media pundits give him shit relentlessly. But Alex Smith is 10 for 21 at half time and the same media pundits are like “Oh god, he is just so under rated, he is so smart, he is just so good!”
They just relentlessly slob his knob!
ChrisKeal I love Russell Wilson If you were a Rams fan, U would be mad too.
It used to be Beaster. Now its. PES for Philadelphia Eagles Sux
I’m disgusted….Fucking Patriots are doing what they always do…Rise to the Occassion…….Only way to stop Brady/Belicheck, is to nuke them from orbit.
this reminds me of last season only reliable guy for Alex was Avant and Kelce
The bet i proposed involved the inclusion of impact plays. Sacks, picks, passes defended, TFL, FF, FR. A bunch of scared 9er fans jumped in and said that was too hard and begged for it to be based on pro bowl. I forgot the football all star game is strictly a faggy popularity contest. So congrats you have half of bowman, a shitty two coaches to pay and the 2nd worst owner in california. Oh wait, Davis is there too lmao
Come Honor Face I-Love-The-Arch
We will be reborn and steam roll them in the next dynasty!!
LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 bowman was All Pro too
The one good thing the Chiefs have done has been to sustain drives and keep the pats D on the field so a comeback is very much in play.
Lol. He had zero passes defended, no turnovers til 1 in week 17. He is a shell of himself
LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 lol and still lead the NFL in tackles… hey if you wanna be a welcher have at it haha
Munkee for the past 20 minutes or so, someone has been on a tear
The rams will be awful in la. Especially at the coliseum. Then 5 years from now when Josh is running the team they will be a real shitshow, like how they have been tanking since Georgia died. They have like a 2 year window to be decent
LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 So when is that you troll in the Rams behalf?
I notice though that the LA Collesium just threw down more to renovate their stadium for a team they know they are only going to have for 2 seasons.
The Rams just took a giant crap on MB3 by telling him they have no interest in him as a fan. Why shouldn’t he be pissed?
Bragging about tackles is hilarious. Good defenses dont rack up tackles because they get off the field. Bowman’s tackle numbers is a product of the complete implosion of the 9ers. And he has nothing but tackles to claim. No impact plays and the “leader” of a terrible D
Also a temp place to train oxnard or Westlake Village, hopefully next to justin beavers pad
LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 you are still talking about this get over it
I halfway expected Keal to do something about this rampant deletion of titties bit its Keal so I knew its be too much to ask.
He would have done something if he wasn’t baked but U got to catch him at about 7 am for that.
Well, I would be deleting these pics because that originally what we were supposed to do as MODS…But if the owner of the site comes in while its happening, during game…Fuck it
There wasn’t even nudity. Stop promoting your gay agenda
Ricky Booby Not sure what’s going on in this pic, but I assume it’s dirty
Riding the fat chick always cracks me up. Have you no sense of humor?
noshoes2 LoyalLARam It’s what th original intent was…just didn’t spell it out before
PES noshoes2 LoyalLARam no, it means wronged fan in 1995, where the wrong nas been made right
Loyal we are mortal enemies now. Get used to it. At least you have k1 and the 2 guys who actually live in la. Vaya con dios!
LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 fuck him up MB3
LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 Yes, because you are an honorless fuck..No fuck yourself
Loyal what do you think about the move to LA?
Loyal: Do you even remember the disclaimer I wrote on each TG article about embedding images on game day? It was at the bottom of every article. It’s not on this one or the past few but it said we were going to be more lenient with embedding unless the board was super active and laggy or if anyone complained about embedded images. Just sayin’. If it’s not upsetting anyone on the board except you,.. then you should probably just leave it alone. Now if it’s like hardcore porn or something totally nuts,.. then yes by all means delete it. If someone on here asks you to because their kids are around or something,.. then yes delete it. In other words, use some common sense.
LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 So your honor is dependent on another? What a chicken shit
The odds are 50/50 that Chip Kelly destroys the 49ers for another 3 more seasons.
LoyalLARam ChrisKeal I told him it was an East Mod. Those bastards are ruthless.
LoyalLARam Come Honor Face nah i was legit wondering
Come Honor Face LoyalLARam I am from LA…It’s righting a wrong that Cunt Georgia did..This move was righteous
Hello 94063 well they did start on KCs 40 and were kept out of the endzone
Keal i plan to write an article on Stan Kroenke’s greatest fails as an owner in 4 pro leagues on 2 continents. Can i get a 3 day run on this if i ppst ot tuesday?
Come Honor Face Hello 94063 still big KC needs to score some TD’s
LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 idk, heard MFA had a compelling rewrite.
Hello 94063 Come Honor Face most definitely .. i think this game is out of reach already.. KCs offense moves too slow and their D isnt stopping the pats for shit
I thought the NFL owners where saying everyone wins with the Rams moving to LA
I plan to write an article on hypocrites in St Louis, when they steal a team, and then scream like bitches when it happens to them
Kroenke > Georgia
White Trash Lizard #DHC I will be happy either way, provided the hawks win in car
This will be overturned later, like the joey porter fine and the kj wright endzone thing. And the fail mary and the dez catch and the….
Sugar Dick Supreme Now we get this shit instead of those hot chicks?
Come Honor Face Hello 94063 same it would of been different if the D got any of the INT’s that where begging to be made
cant wait to watch the cards go one and done
Come Honor Face Maybe after Palmer gets his back2back SBs
Ballon Knot I think he feels teh confidence in no playoff wins palmer
Come Honor Face He would be a hell of a player if he learned how to throw the ball
His shoulder is permanently fucked. He will never throw the same again
I think we found the mod that was deleting all the pictures. See below.
White Trash Lizard #DHC no injuries and more points than the other guys
Loyal you’re still my guy. We’ll always have the ownership of RW, the nfcw record, “The Tie”, breaking palmers knee and unleashing Lindley on the world…so many memories bro
noshoes2 PES Who? Loyal? Dont think so he knows the deal
I hope palmer shuts everyone up about his playoff career. He’s had barely any chances and when he has he got hurt. People act like he’s just known to collapse and choke in the playoffs lol.
I hope it doesn’t happen. But it would be funny if Palmer gets concussed on the first offensive play for the Cards
White Trash Lizard #DHC all the of DHCs excuses lmfao
LOL always find it funny when they make a INT on 4th down cost the offense yards but still happy as hell
LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 you fucker…I strill like you although yur still my mortal enemy dammit!
oh well KC had plenty of chances just could not take advantage of them
might of been better than expected with Maclin hurt and Brady on target all day
noshoes2 I love Russell Wilson how he tells hawk fans to not have sex with women
Getting ready to go in the stadium. I’ll post a pic later
Packers are 0-5 ATS in their last 5 games after allowing more than 250 yards passing in their previous game.
All kidding aside, I wanted the Chiefs to win…I live in Chiefs country…ah well, the Royals won the World Series, so that will have to do.
Anyone know – What are those logos of, along the sidelines on the 50
No Cubs No! (Kevin) yep..Smith went farther than Kaep this year
I wanted the Chiefs to win pretty badly. Was a nice story. 11 straight wins after starting 1-5
With their best player gething hurt in week 5. When Charles went down I thought they were beyond done
White Trash Lizard #DHC will you shut the fuck up
Does it make me a bad person to want the Hawks and the Cards to fail miserably? *cries
They just can’t write “Gillette” on it… probably a league rule to keep the field clean.
White Trash Lizard #DHC you always bring stupid bullshit so i have to respond with the same.. but youre right i should stoop to your lower uneducated level
maybe if the rams traded us for alex they could have played the playoffs and stayed in STL
all the ass and titty images that scroll by and the one that gets features is an old man on a fat chick! What a fuckin shocker!
Whats funny, is that there is a big market for failed HC’s……Fucking Niners..lol
Does Fisher have pictures of the owner having sex with farm animals?
you are right loyal, sf keeps trying new coaches that suck and stl just sticks with the 1 crappy guy they already have
lol I knew knut would be here. In fact I already fake quoted him about avant earlier
You aught to read what the LA Press is saying about Fisher….Fisher got chippy after the heat he recieved in the lou with a 5 game losing streak this year….LA is giving him more heat than 4 years in St Louis already, before the team even moves….If the Rams pull a 49er a lose a lot, expect there to be pressure to fire him before season’s end…..
Avant is a solid veteran problem is when he is your top WR you are in trouble
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD?!! Can we PLEASE get through a game without mentioning Chip Fucking Kelly?!! PLEASE!
LoyalLARam like Kroenke goves a fuck about public perception?
Sugar Dick Supreme I love Russell Wilson What happend to all those beautiful pictures?
Sugar Dick Supreme LoyalLARam actually yes..He needs to sell out now..Didn’t care about St Louis
Yeah 27 for 47 a TD and 220 yards….OH GOD i JUST LOVE ALEX SMITH, HE IS JUST SO GOOD!!! He missed Kelce by 9 feet in the endzone twice but they way he pulls down the football and runs when the defense confuses the shit out of him! HE IS JUST SO UNDERRATED!
He was never a top WR for the Eagles. I just listed him as a “notable player” and I got shit for it because these faggots don’t know what good football is
How many times will the announcers bring up Larry Fitzgerald’s blocking comparisons to Hines Ward tonight???
If it’s Collinsworth I’m guessing 15…..
I could see the Rams having a new HC, to open the new Stadium
WTH use the same fucking line up when you have them on their heels
AZKardinal less times than they will show 2nd and goalol tomorrow
~tigre a few days ago
Damn wireless piece of shit computer !…… Been trying all day to chat with you shit heads …..
kind of thinking they just dont want the Pats to score again end it with a one score game
OIeSagginSeahawk dont deal with that shit and my PC hook it up directly
LoyalLARam I was with clients showing luxury homes. My buddy started pinging me with news stories and updates… fucking sucked AND they didn’t buy anything?!!
Steelers07 solid routes good hands pretty much want you want from your depth guys
AZKardinal cards should have got a qb that can win a playoff game
halosramsfan OIeSagginSeahawk Yep…. I’ll fix the fucker, even if it means loading my shotgun.
Navorro Fire Baalke almost as many times as Sonny Gray in a loss
Come Honor Face
They know they are done…they are just savoring the playoff moment before its gone.
Chiefs score here, get the on-side kick, score using their 3 timeouts… win.
Navorro Fire Baalke LoyalLARam *Gray gets bombed out in the first inning? 50 throws might be as many as that
Chiefs gonna score as time expired
Hopefully Reid gets stabbed by k1joyce
halosramsfan TIGRE1629 I like Alex the person but he is limited player.
Hopefully I’ll stay connected for the Cards /GB game and Hawks game tomorrow. If not, you know I be on the verge of killing something………. * eye’s neighbors dog
come on KC get the onside and make this interesting
yoshi is going to be touchy that his bandwagon team lost
5 mins for a drive when youre down 14 in the 4th nice…
I don’t know if you guys remember the NFC Chip vs. the Giants. Everybody blames K Will for those turnovers (which they should), but Alex was fucking horrible that game.
btw, that was a BS none call… Alex was horse collared out of bounds
He kept throwing the ball into Crabtree’s feet, and Crabs was like WTF Whitey??
Navorro Fire Baalke no playoff win palmer is up next
Kramer916 Pats been getting all the breaks plus a on target Brady way to much for KC
Oh just wait guys next year the chiefs will string some together and we will hear it again.
Alex Smith is just playing great football! Alex Smith is just SOOOO good! Fuckin shoot me, he cant hit shit beyond 20 yards but whatever!
jeez been calling it all day all the bounces to the Patriots
Chief fans should burn down Reid’s house
This trash needs to leave the city
halosramsfan think you got Alex Smith confused with the Rams
at least it was somewhat close with a hurt Maclin had a feeling it was going to be ugly
leatherneckram Goos thing I only watched in back ground
How the fuck do you only manage 246 yards on 50 fuckin pass attempts! I dont even think the Rams QBs could manage that!
Martz would have blow all his timeouts 5 minutes into the 3rd quarter. On the flipside, no Martz QB ever had 246 yards on 50 pass attempts so theres that.
I am quite sure that the Patriots have signed a deal with the devil
halosramsfan maybe but would the QB finish the game after all the sacks
Hello 94063 halosramsfan
What do you mean…if it werent for the Rams, he would still be stinking it up for the 9ers…your welcome!
five straight AFC championship games for the Pats… crazy
LoyalLARam Come Honor Face you shut your whore mouth loyal
Come Honor Face LoyalLARam he is a ram fan he thinks losing is a good thing.
Loyal… are you rocking a Deacon Jones avatar? Funniest thing is he wouldn’t even be able to play in today’s game. They’d throw a flag on every play.
TIGRE1629 Yes….He made the game change..as did Night Train Lane
Tigre I disagree, all time greats can play in any era
Just Wow..the Pats are more vulnerable than they have ever been. But the AFC teams that made it into the playoffs are all so equally injured.
Its amazing how their fortunes are.
If the Rams ever manage to make it into the playoffs, all their best players would go on to IR on the winning game that got them into the playoffs. FUCK YOU FOOTBALL GODS!!!
AZKardinal his gut will censor his penis but the network will censor his boobs
Pitt won’t beat the Broncos, so it Pats vs Denver……. Go Bronco’s and may the Pats plane crash on the way back to Boston……………….Did I mention, I pretty much hate the Pats ?
As long as it’s not Seattle vs. Patriots, or Seattle vs. Denver… IDGAF.
halosramsfan OIeSagginSeahawk Really? Broncos are well rested and going to beat them down.
I’ll become an LA Ram fan when they move bacto LA…(3 years ago)
3 AFC Teams left (NE, DEN & PIT) – SEA’s play all in a SB
Denver D is good, but I saw manning in that last game. He still cant hit anything beyond 15 yards. The steelers run D is stout…its the back end that is horrendous.
Yeah whats his nuts is down but the Steelers still have wheaton and archer to take the top off the defense.
Steelers are just going to stack the box and wait for the INTs to rain down.
I love Russell Wilson TIGRE1629 I’d be fine with AZ winning one. MIKE would be incorrigible, but Keal would HAVE TO keep the site going.
God damn Chiefs … wasted the clock the last 6 min of game
OIeSagginSeahawk TIGRE1629 God, I hope not. That would be the worst. ugh
mfa predicted afcw nfcw ccgs. hope his trend of being wrong continues
I love Russell Wilson MFA would predict the Hawks and Cards in SB 50
CharlietheUnicorn dude that was bad.. no hustle whatsoever
basically if the hawks won the sb their fans would have to solely fund this site
Come Honor Face CharlietheUnicorn I was yelling at the TV….
Carolina is going to be tough tomorrow, but Seattle definitely has a shot.
dudes just loafing around.. like yeah you guys arent in a playoff game down by two scores with four minutes or anything
CharlietheUnicorn Loyal and I bet Rushing Yards for the season.
Come Honor Face coming out of the half… some terrible playcalling for KC as well
Come Honor Face I think they knew they will lost just tried to keep it close even for Andy reid standards lots of wasted time
im will relentlessly troll DHC the entire offseason if the cards lose tonight
CharlietheUnicorn Come Honor Face this as well where moving the ball with the pass went to short pass and run no clue why
Rob Gronkowski is the greatest TE I have ever seen! Fuckin Patriots!
OIeSagginSeahawk seen little shoves that are borderline get a flag
Sugar Dick Supreme thats weird cuz we all know you love meat
Hello 94063 CharlietheUnicorn Come Honor Face Maclin was out, so that changed things.. but Avant stepped up big
oh yah if az loses dhc and mfa are going to get trollled pretty hard. epecially about no playoff win palmer
Rams relocation to LA, winning the bet with tigre, having both the Hawks and cards get knocked out of the playoffs….
This would be the perfect week
Team Rushing. Rams finished higher. No way I could know our RBs would go down and they’d be signing guys off the couch, etc. Our O-line was hot garbage, as well.
Come Honor Face Sugar Dick Supreme Deli counter boarshead or nothing
I love Russell Wilson there is no realistic way they lose tonight right?
CharlietheUnicorn LoyalLARam
*No cash ~ Mark Davis..even bigger DOH
CharlietheUnicorn Hello 94063 Come Honor Face he has always been reliable just dont want him as your top option
halosramsfan CharlietheUnicorn he is the best at push offs
LoyalLARam All I know is I’m not betting you next year. Chip is a 70%-30% run guy. smh
CharlietheUnicorn I love Russell Wilson they are the cardinals charlie OF COURSE THERE IS
TIGRE1629 LoyalLARam except he does rush more than you would think
Navorro Fire Baalke CharlietheUnicorn I love Russell Wilson good point
CharlietheUnicorn TIGRE1629 LoyalLARam and a lot of 3 and outs..lol
Bet Cards fans have a major case of the butterflys right now.
I’m going out on a limb here, but do not pick the SF 49ers defense in 2016 FF season
Rooting for the Cards to win because I prefer the Seahawks to play in good weather in AZ than risk playing in another ice bowl up in Green Bay.
hahahaha that guy whipped out his nipples to the camera right now
SeattleSlew206 seahawks are playing in hawaii after this week
Just for the sake of conversation, Charlie…..Raiders can’t afford the $550 million..Goldman Sacks has pulled out, and he has said that he doesn’t want to be a tenant in Inglewood…..Looks like the Raiders might as well fo to levi
LoyalLARam Why not, I heard the league is giving them 500 for a new stadium
Nav is the only one who would know or care about OAKLAND ?
Kramer916 LoyalLARam No, no… Raiders are getting $100 million, not $500 million, right?
No more ice bowls. The vikings last week relied entirely on mother nature to stop the Seahawks. That was their game plan since they couldn’t score to save their lives without ref help or turnover.
LoyalLARam Kramer916 why cant they afford 550 when the league will give them 500? Not hard to figure out
Kramer916 LoyalLARam they are not giving 500 million to the Raiders are you fucking high?
Once the crap NBA team moves, then tear down that old stadium and build a football stadium.. done.
JohnnyP31 SeattleSlew206 bad snap recovery. They never had a shot of getting it.
CharlietheUnicorn what are they doing at the old Sonics home ???
MTGriz JohnnyP31 SeattleSlew206 Either way, the reason you took a 1 pt lead.
The only reason Seattle is in the playoffs is becaus of the refs they should be 8-8 at best
I love Russell Wilson CharlietheUnicorn aren’t they moving to SF in 2017 ?
Sugar Dick Supreme Haha alright. Btw that team curb stomped you guys 2 weeks ago
The Raiders recieved a potential $100 million gift from the NFL for losing out in the LA sweepstakes..They can get a $200 million loan…and Davis is the most broke owner in the NFL..STRIGHT to fucking LEVI!
Sugar Dick Supreme I remember a Panthers game and probably more but to lazy and forgetfull
Come Honor Face Except… Seattle will kill GB, so… I’d rather they have ACTUAL competition next week.
Loyal i would rather AZ lose and troll the living fuck out of DHC
AZKardinal better than taking money to show fake patriotism on the field with soldiers
Come on Carson, don’t be stingy throwing the ball.. I started your old ass in FF
Al and Chris are the best announcers imo…. even tho Collinsworth babble some BS sometimes.
Palmer already showing off his vintage playoff form
9ers fans need to sit the fuck down and figure out if they are going to trade up in the draft
DGdub DG, you should close the computer and enjoy the sites…..
damn with KC out cant cheer for any team anymore well besides whoever plays the Hawks
Sugar Dick Supreme lol you are so mad right now bro
sugar dick we dont mean to offend you but you root for the same team as mfa and dhc so you are going to deal with piling on about the cards
KZRider_ how can such a big guy go all Vernon Davis like tap dancing and all
Anybody on SKA tonight rooting against the Cardinals can go fuck themselves.
I thought Pineapple might show up tonight…. for one last ride on SKA
I don’t care if I’m in Timbuktu… if there’s an NFL Playoff game on, I’m watching it.
The Cards are the only franchise that is undefeated at home in the playoffs.
PES when you only go to the playoffs 1x every 10 years.. helps
CharlietheUnicorn PES and play 1 or 2 home games ever
CharlietheUnicorn LoyalLARam He made a bet that required him to leave?
LoyalLARam CharlietheUnicorn no, he saw the score… lost his crown
Nice pass, but the Cards need to start smashing D Johnson into that Defense.
Don’t have a rooting interest in this one. Rather have the hawks travel to AZ than GB, but wouldn’t mind seeing Cards one and done
Come Honor Face Some family member in the delivery room made a joke when he popped out, and his momma laughed.
So is it just me when I see that chevy mailibu commercial and see another goddamn bailout in 8 years.
I love Russell Wilson No it isn’t but it doesn’t change the fact that they haven’t lost a home playoff game.
halosramsfan I would take the Ford over the Chev truck… I don’t need a mobile office
CharlietheUnicorn halosramsfan
If they are selling that car at 22k, then they are doing the same bullshit where they are selling it at a loss but selling at volume so they can just pay off the interest on their debt and kick the can down the road.
LoyalLARam I don’t want GB to win bro. I have nothing against AZ.
TIGRE1629 LoyalLARam limited trolling on SKA isn’t attractive?
MFA after his third bowl of chili during the game
kudos to palmer for getting right back up .. crazy it didnt knock the wind out of him that shit was hard unblocked and clean
TIGRE1629 Sugar Dick Supreme GB not acoring till garbage time
Come Honor Face White Trash Lizard #DHC We are good believe it or not
halosramsfan WE picked up his fifth year option. Hes here next year.
Cards are like the retarded little brother of the NFC West. I hope they win and take down Seattle next week.
White Trash Lizard #DHC Come Honor Face overrated
halosramsfan We are already in contract negotiations.
Cards fans be like. http://media.fyre.co/EOoQ4PBxRh6DwhYSLW69_gifs_154.gif
AZKardinal Id like to see seattle in the NFC championship game no doubt.
AZKardinal I sure hope so, but I can’t root for the Cards…..weird huh
KZRider_ I like they use the old model of the Ford Truck
Im pissed we arent wearing our all red uniforms. We havent worn them all year for some reason and they are way better than our regular home unifors.
OIeSagginSeahawk White Trash Lizard #DHC Did you lisp when you said that?
Packers using lacy cause they watched the Rams tape. Lookin for it to pay off in the 4th quarter
You guys need to get to know who tony jefferson is. Hes a key player for us
Turn Rae White Trash Lizard #DHC It figures you wouldnt know good saftey play
halosramsfan I love Russell Wilson i thought were talking about how it paid off for gurley in teh 4th
Turn Rae White Trash Lizard #DHC Uhm the dude who owns your team.
Turn Rae White Trash Lizard #DHC Just made a huge play right on your tv screen. Better than most of your players lol
I love Russell Wilson halosramsfan
Yes the packers would be playing the Arizona Cardinals
I will pay a MOD to Feature another pic… that dude riding the fat chick is going to make me barf.
TIGRE1629 CharlietheUnicorn
LMFAO…. Spoken like a true Nightmare…..
White Trash Lizard #DHC Finally. Dude has blew on and off all year
noshoes2 Sweet Body….. Shame about the “Art work”……………..
Our punter is trash. Probably the biggest weak link of our team. I guess thats a good thing though lol.
The Cardinals are hot today….
Come Honor Face you play a small guy at LB.. you get run on
not a good sign for the Packers that one guy that has to show up
Come Honor Face I guess one good eun does look like slicing up someones D to a 9er fan
CharlietheUnicorn Come Honor Face Buc is a beast. You sound retarded… For real charlie…
OIeSagginSeahawk bad drop right there he had the DBs burned
You just get the sense that the Packers get to a certain point against good teams, and then they realize they suck…Rodgers will never get another Super Bowl win with the Packers
damn Rodgers running all over that weak defense!!
White Trash Lizard #DHC why the refs are bailing you out
Come Honor Face White Trash Lizard #DHC Oh yeah prior to the catch they are bailing us out?
EDTGO funny how that works like the guy that messes up on freethrows yet makes crazy shots all day
White Trash Lizard #DHC Come Honor Face that catch was a huge bail lol
I don’t come here during game days when the niners play…it’s way too retarded
White Trash Lizard #DHC go fuck your cousi… i mean wife and calm down
Cards seem to always choke it up in the playoffs. Wheres Warner when you need him
Turn Rae What? lol we dont choke. We exceeded expectations under warner
Turn Rae Started ryan lindley on the road last year. We dont choke in the playoffs. Usually we just suck so much we dont make the playoffs.
aaron Rogers has no chance to win this game…it’s pretty much over
I have a feeling Packers are going to win this. When you have Rodgers you always have a chance
KZRider_ 6th most populated city in the country though
Turn Rae I think we win. But with rodgers they always have a chance. Could go either way
good job by the DB to pull off rodgers and not hit him
Im gonna lose my fucking mind. I almost need to stop watching
normally youre like yeah a penalty but then youre like fuck we just gave rodgers another down
damn cards are playing phenomenal defense right now
York me in the bum – one more time poor mans jimmy ward
Lmao Cards cant even stop Rodgers. 49ers had no problems stopping him in the last 4 years
coming back with a first down for rodgers lmfao
BNT trying so hard to troll but then I remember he’s got Chip Kelly for the forseeable future. Then I laugh.
this type of stuff has to happen for the sake of palmer never winning in the playoffs
MFA and dhc at the pre game party
Come Honor Face Sugar Dick Supreme While your team is at home dreading playing for Chip
York me in the bum – one more time having a good QB will keep you employed for a good time
York me in the bum – one more time I know…. Thats why im pissed
Ancientage good drive for the pack.. started at their five
DHC thinks he’s being calm, but…..
Yea. They could have folded after that huge penalty…but they didn’t . Good stand
I’d be more mad at PP for the taunting . Like dude score the TD and then do a stupid dance or whatever
wouldnt have mattered either way but the wonderlic score of 2 showed on that play
The penalty was legit. Thats why im furious. PP made an awesome play and something as stupid as that negates it. Kill that dumb nigger.
I dunno. It’s a chest injury and he was bleeding out of his mouth
White Trash Lizard #DHC its Rucker who fucked us. Pp would still count as TD
York me in the bum – one more time He made a hell of a play but hes a dumb nigger. The rucker penalty took 6 off the board. Kill him
I am shocked at MFA’s ability to not come on here during a Cards home game…it shows a REMARKABLE amount of self control, something you don’t usually see in an obese retard
I seriously shouldnt watch football. Im just screaming on every play.
CharlietheUnicorn White Trash Lizard #DHC Im ridiculous
Since advertisers pay quite a bit of money to show commercials during playoff games, and the stations often take breaks on player injury, could you say that they are making money off of players getting hurt?
Where the hell is MFA? He gonna show up only if the Cards have a sizable lead?
Petersons 100 yard TD was what we needed. Ruckers stupid penalty fucked us. Fuck that fat USC nigger with a retarded nigger name. Bullshit. Absolute trash.
Ancientage – Anything with Ben Assface usually looks pretty bad.
White Trash Lizard #DHC Armstead is light years better than that nigger
I dont know, this other white guy they found Jordy 2.0 looks pretty good. We will see.
Ancientage Hey, youre my internet acquaintance and I expect your support.
Step your game up and be strong!
When I watch my 49ers I dont really get mad. I stay quiet and observant towards the game. I mind my own business when my friends or family troll me when they’re at my house
Yeah this jordy 2.0 is pretty decent. Thats the signature pass Rodgers always thows to Nelson
sf9ers4905 No one expected a high-fivin’ white guy WR to step up
Cards should just blitz the shit out of Rodgers….soon or later he will make a mistake throwing to those scrubs.
cknuckles60191 Or throw for 3-4 TDs in a Packer win
If a Kaep Pick 6 is wrong, I don’t wanna be right,,,
~Chip Kelly
Two high-fivin’ white guy WRs. Packers aren’t playing fair.
KZRider_ – Kind of the like the poor bastard who had to deliver room service to Lacy’s room.
Wow this is actually going to be a ballgame!
I need to start drinking more so I Arians face is even more hiularious
AZKardinal noshoes2 He is the David Bowie of NFL head coaches.
Zippy…HARUMPH! AZKardinal noshoes2 – He bangs a black chick?
Sugar Dick Supreme your defense is playing great… crazy coverage
2016 Hawks motto:
I like that dildo….but do you have one in black
nothing worse than when your team is losing and collingsworth is going over the details as to why your team is struggling.
OIeSagginSeahawk Zippy…HARUMPH! Viking fan with a sign that said “I bought the ticket before the kick”.
Ancientage I also heard that the Cardinols only had seventy five yards.
I think the NFC West should change it’s beer of the NFL from that St Louis Pisswater (Budweiser), to Anchor Steam
Ancientage I wonder what the record is for fewest yards in a game, anyone know?
Come Honor Face WHo needs Cobb. They have the White Power Twins.
back2backNFCWchamps DHCs wife is too after i got done with her
Hey leather, will Inglewood have grass or that fake turf shit?
Zippy…HARUMPH! leatherneckram special clear roof, and open sides for air flow
Finally! everybody has gone home- 7 hour birthday party for a 9 year old
These people are crazy- my family that is
AZ defense will be hurting in the second half…. out on the field way too long already
the more I hear about the rams new stadium the more it sounds like an epic failure waiting to happen
Someone should send the Cards a bag of dicks at Halftime. Just because.
Ancientage its sounding like its gonna be 10xs worse than levis
that picture is makes my cry its so beautiful
Ancient go into a greenhouse in socal in September and tell me how enjoyable that is. Thats gonna be the rams new stadium. 120 degrees
I love Russell Wilson They will also use it as a grow op in the offseason
Actually it was a late birthday party for me too my wife told people I needed socks
Both my son in laws brought 30 packs of beer instead. I love them
Hey buddy this might be the dumbest thing I ever heard.
Here we are in the biggest game of the cardinals season and you bring up the 49ers
Look at the “Inglewood Stadium Rendering” video…….It flies you through the stadium..It’s what made 30 out of 32 owners tell Dean Spanos and Mark Davis to Fuck OFF…It’s worth the time to see….
If that’s not proof that we are a superior franchise I don’t know what is
LoyalLARam Gonna be hosting lots of NFL stuff for a few years
LoyalLARam reminds me of the time I burned ants with a piece of glass
This is the playoffs you dumb announcers. Anything can happen. The past is the past suckers!!!!
Sugar Dick Supreme cd4packers iT’S NOT 2009, ALSO THAT WAS FANTASTIC GAME
Sugar Dick Supreme LoyalLARam Yep..NFL Draft..Pro Bowl…Final Four..Super Bowls….and maybe the Olympics
So the Cardinals rookie RB is the only one who showed up to play in the first half… interesting
Haha… in Latin America, you don’t get the graphics when Al and Chris are talking. Not a big loss, but now they’re showing 1st Half highlights, and it’s just crowd noise and a cheesy electric guitar.
mikegalligan That will be me at 6:30am tomorrow. Only 2-3 ft., but off-shore and clean!
It’s my favorite pic! Surfs up! But….he looks alittle pissed off?….who the fuck is he chasing??? I’m guessing pussy!!
The secret to my chili is, it says to add 1 lb of ground beef, but I add 1 lb of ground beef and 1 lb of Jimmy dean sausage meat. Also, jabanero peppers instead of jalapeños
cant wait for tomorrow so I can see 2nd and goalol about 10 more times. My favorite wilson play
Kevin, look for a guy who is choking on a box of “hot dogs”
KZRider_ – No matter how many times they show it, it never changes. WOOOOOOO!
mfa should be easy to spot. I am sure there are not may 5’6 200+ lb dudes out there
holy fuck Leather..did you see that scoreboard? It’s a fucking oval shaped thing, two sided, called the Occulus
“The Inglewood Stadium, the future home of the Los Angeles http://www.si.com/nfl/team/st-louis-rams, will possess a videoboard that is twice the length of the Dallas http://www.si.com/nfl/team/dallas-cowboys’ at AT&T Stadium,http://www.sportsbusinessdaily.com/Daily/Issues/2016/01/15/Facilities/Inglewood.aspx SportsBusiness Journal’s Don Muret.
The scoreboard, which will be called the “Oculus,” will reportedly be an oval, two-sided structure that is 50 feet tall, while stretching 120 yards in length.
“It’s an immersive experience,” HKS associate principal & senior vice president Andy Henning http://www.sportsbusinessdaily.com/Daily/Issues/2016/01/15/Facilities/Inglewood.aspx. “You will feel like you’re sitting in the videoboard itself.”
I love Russell Wilson It’s hard to see someone who is only 5’6 in a crowd.
I think this is Tigre, but not sure
I am 5’9 and I dont normally see many guys shorter than me and really fat
I see 5 ft 6 200 lb dudes almost every time I go outside, and this is California. We are supposed to be the healthy state
I had to come show my brother some love. #76 Lets Get it.
what a faggot
CharlietheUnicorn After I shit myself, I would most definitely punch the shit out of a shark if it was attacking me.
I love Russell Wilson Because most have the common decency to cower in their homes in shame.
TIGRE1629 CharlietheUnicorn eyes and nose, eyes and nose
Packers have 3 healthy WRs…why would they have one of them returning kicks?
AZKardinal You’re a horrible human being, but an excellent troll!
I met Kevin Costner when my highschool golf team went to the At&t pro am at pebble beach. He was chilling along the 17th fairway, barefoot and just hitting chip shots in the middle of the tournament. I was like “hey, it’s Tin Cup!” and he actually laughed, though I’m sure he heard that every 5 minutes. Seemed pretty chill
Damn. Another guy down? Packers are soft as tissue paper
The Packers may need guys to play both ways before the game is over.
cknuckles60191 Sugar Dick Supreme Scotts? Who uses that sand paper. Cottonelle all the way
LOL… dude posts some woman who can even sit up she’s so fat, and THAT COMMENT is the weirdest shit of the day???
sf9ers4905 – I heard Ghandi could play a mean game of quarters.
So, it’s pretty much confirmed that tomorrow’s game is for the NFC Championship, then.
lock your doors minorties dhc will be on the drunk driving prowl tonight
Too Short™ …like their last game was against the Seahawks.
http://imgur.com/oouVCrQ palmer is always playing like a bitch
Come Honor Face White Trash Lizard #DHC Youre a niner fan… Did you watch your team?
White Trash Lizard #DHC Blow is an apt description.
White Trash Lizard #DHC Come Honor Face i am watching the embarrassment cardinals team right now and its hilarious
White Trash Lizard #DHC Come Honor Face Yeah, but accepted that way early in the season, some even before the season.
Have they run the ball even once??? WTF happened to smash mouth football??
fell down and still got the first down hahahahahaha
Go down for a little bit, then finish the run … interesting strategy
SO FUCKING DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Someone with MFAs bodily dimensions is destroying the Cards.
White Trash Lizard #DHC LoyalLARam we beat yur ass in this very stadium, right?
LoyalLARam White Trash Lizard #DHC lol you won 7 games
LoyalLARam White Trash Lizard #DHC we won 13 and the division
lol that run by lacy felt like to took 10 minutes lmfao
White Trash Lizard #DHC LoyalLARam focus DHC, did we, or did we not kick your ass in YOUR House?
LoyalLARam White Trash Lizard #DHC you barely beat us then we dominated you and won the division
Why the Fuck couldn’t Lacy do that for my fantasy team!?!?!?
People talk about kelly being bad
But all I know is GB started balling when they took our Pudgy no neck having offensive minded guy as their HC
Now we have a pudgy no neck having Offensive Minded HC of our own!
I need to go smoke a cigarette. Ill be back. I cant handle this shit.
“but but butt all those regular season stats!”-DHC
I feel bad for MFAZ.. it must be hard sitting in his car in his garage…. listening to the game.
Just turn on the engine bro
AZRam(Kard), have you seen our new stadium? It’s like Ram fan porn..These fuckers don’t get it
losing to rodgers is an upgrade over sanchez – palmer
I know I said I wouldn’t mind seeing the Cardinals win it all… but this is so much better
We lost MB3 and yoshii, in trade for AZKard(AZRam)..WE FUCKIN WON!
Its funny because I was the only card fan not talking shit this week.
But because im the ultimate supporter you guys make up things I say. Ill kill all of you. So dont worry
Ballon Knot I know… But im furious with our performance so far
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLoLOLoLOL HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA :pLLoLoLoLoSHdwisuhdfisgfabi;psudbgpaisufbgipsabhdfiuahsuifgbsduaifhauisfbgulyasegbfi;usbafoygaspifbuaseipudfbguoasydbi;puabfpisuadz
Zippy…HARUMPH! That what happens when you don’t pound the rock int he 1st Half.
Arians is going to rely on Palmer to win it with his arm… time will tell if he can d it.
Larry is the best WR in postseason history statistically. Feed him
I knew Arizona was a fraud!!
Fuck! Seattle kicked their shit!
Why are the fans cheering so loud while the Cards are on Offense?? Either they’re fucking idiots, or there are A LOT of Packer fans there.
York me in the bum – one more time what you talkin about Willis?
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! pick six
Probably one of the best bounce passes I’ve seen all year
Milly B Brostein 49ers5bowls I’m wearing Loyal’s avatar. Don’t ask.
they won’t get onion rings or curley fries….. but they go this route? i call BS
I love Russell Wilson Milly B Brostein 49ers5bowls he said you like to get cornholed, everyway possible
Milly B Brostein I love Russell Wilson 49ers5bowls you are loyal and a fag
Tyler Lockett raped those special teams. Even the slow white dude gets past the 30.
Dhc must be torn, packers easily whitest team in league, how can he not route for them
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! pats are prettu white
Ricky Booty Then she turns around and has a dick……………….oh FUCK !
You’re only as strong as your weakest link and yours is mfa…..
Think the Cards will drive right down the field and Palmer will throw an int in the endzone
Rubbing my balls in broken glass and drinking drano while chasing it with lye is more enjoyable than watching a cardinals playoff game.
White Trash Lizard #DHC Now you understand my reality for fifty nine minutes and thirty eight seconds of last Sunday’s game.
Zippy…HARUMPH! White Trash Lizard #DHC Bro… Im a cardinals fan… You want to know about some REAL SHIT ask me. Do you know what a john skelton is?
White Trash Lizard #DHC DHC is ready to blow someone
As soon as DHC started being pessimistic Cards start getting calls and yards. Hmm…
lol, at least don’t make it so obvious you are fixing the game
Sugar Dick Supreme At least he broke. That is a win for the rest of us.
I have had a great time with the Cardinals..but my wife and i discussed it and we are choosing to retire from football while I still have a few marbles left in my head..
~Carson Palmer
Come on! lets start clicking and be what we have been all year! We are the best offense in football with a top defense. If we lose thi game its because we choked.
David Johnson is a triplet with two sisters, that must suck
Ballon Knot You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose.
Palmer has fucked up some easy throws and cost you guys points
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! That dude has worn a dress.
VentureBeat – 9 hours ago(Reuters, Jemima Kelly) – Bitcoin slid by 10 percent on Friday after one of its lead developers, Mike Hearn, said in a blogpost that he was ending his involvement with the cryptocurrency and selling all of his remaining holdings because it had “failed
Think the Cards will drive right down the field and Palmer will throw an int in the endzone
10 minutes ago on https://spikedkoolaid.com/tailgate-2015-divisional-round/
I am SERIOUSLY LAUGHING!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA..and rolling!
No excuses that was awful. We deserve to lose this game. wow
They said that was a bad throw, and it was dangerous… but it looked like the guy from GB wanted it more than the WR. That was basically a 50/50 ball
All the pressure is/has been on ARI
They’ve been simmering on that, for 2 weeks
bunch of racist white tweakers in AZ… they just want to yell Kuhn
what Rodgers does differentlly than Alex Smith is that Rodgers finds reasons to throw it over the defenses head. Like a high and tight pitch. Broken play, oh let me wing one over everybody and keep them stretched. Very shrewd.
MFAZ is going to be so pissedThe Verge – 4 hours agoSoon, when you buy a new PC, it won’t support Windows 7 or 8. Microsoft has announced a change to its support policy that lays out its plans for future updates to its older operating systems, and the new rules mean that future PC owners with next
Refs trying to cover up there AZ bias by seemingly letting GB get away with one, knowing full well it would be challenged and easily overturned. Smart move refs.
White people need to come to Indian Casino’s more..I needa Porsche
I wonder if hurrying to the line somtimes tips your hand on challenges. Then again, it could be faked too.
You guys shut the fuck up. You didn’t even know a hand job was a blow job too…. So fuck you.
White Trash Lizard #DHC agreed.. overrated team in the playoffs always deserve to lose
We are a very good team. But we deserve to lose. This is a bad efferot
We are fortunate to have learned at the feet of a master as wise as MFA
This Tyson-Holyfield 30 for 30 is riveting. I cant think of anything else a real sports fan would be watching right now.
Now the question is, can they call pass interference on peterson based on the video?
DHC you guys suck.. the packers are beating you with a bunch of shitty ass receivers .. no fly zone my asss lmfao
Come Honor Face It’s like DHS…it’s only tough on colored folks.
For that kind of bullshit, AZ should not be charged a challenge.
OIeSagginSeahawk Fucking Round Eyes The sacred herb? No, black man
He’s been great this year. Elite. But tonight is just wow
Palmer used to do this all the fuckin time in Cincinnati. When the pressure is on…he folds.
Cards Run Game is piss poor. Just a horrible game plan tonight. imo
How to win in playoffs: Run the ball, stop the run.
I’m the only cards fan who rips on my te yet everyone thinks I’m the biggest homer. We have a legit chance to win but this performance tonight has been underwhelming to say the least.
White Trash Lizard #DHC we dont think youre a homer.. just a douche bag
halosramsfan most probably focused on the game, i do the same
Nothing you cant learn from losing that you cant learn from almost losing
I don’t hide. Yet I’m seen as the irrational homer yet I’m here ripping in my trams performance
Could the Cards lose on a last second missed FG from 27 yards out?
Every person who posts here is a homer, though to varying degrees. Trying to deny you are a homer on here is just lying to yourself, and makes you the worst kind of homer.
Panthers better fucking win, neither of these teams going to be able to beat hawks
JohnnyP31 I’m pretty balanced..not a homer at all
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Your right
CharlietheUnicorn PES So your saying he pooped his depends?
i wish that would have been picked… serves them right for not running and using more clock. so gay
Cardinal fans last week: “Seattle is so lucky!”
Zippy…HARUMPH! At least we are winning on our own merit and not a missed FG
this is the best sports fan feeling only because trolling DHC and MHB are equal in my heart.
#;44 for Aaron Rodgers to win it……..4 down territory all of the way
will Rodgers produce some post season magic?! stay tuned!!
Sugar Dick Supreme Zippy…HARUMPH! Your QB just threw a shitty pass and was rewarded for it.
Now we are going to see if Rodgers just got lucky winning that one Super Bowl…
Arizona would be winning by 40 if this was Seattle right now…..
hey guys im on my way to redlobster before it closes
AZKardinal I think octopus handjobs do because they have all those suckers on their arms.
now i kinda hope seattle wins tomorrow that would be an awesome Championship game
Goddamn it we gotta win tomorrow. Those guys are ready to fall.
Us Weekly – 3 hours agoWe’re so sorry, Celine. Celine Dion’s older brother Daniel lost his battle with cancer on Saturday, January 16, just two days after her husband and longtime love, René Angelil, passed away.
Cards only team to host a team playing on a short week, then will get an extra day off before next game and have gotten every call to go their way. Pathetic.
Cary Williams>>Sherman
You can use that statement to decide for yourself if I’m stoned tonight…
What a night… The Cards played about as bad as an NFL team can play and Green Bay found a way to play worse.
If I was a troll, I might like to hit the Packer fan forums…….lol
Here ya go Chuck…………. Now Palmer takes a knee , and it snaps…………..
Too Short™ Or GB improved. Shit happens. You guys made the Vikings look like studs.
Come Honor Face They won’t need it after this kick is blocked, and returned for a touchdown.
Zippy…HARUMPH! Come Honor Face oh god that would be amazing..
Fire Jeff Fisher… Didn’t he know to run the ball!!!!!,…..wait….not even Jim tomsula or Jeff Fisher are that stupid… Lol
New York Times – Jan 15, 2016LONDON – Six men were hospitalized – and one of them was pronounced brain-dead – after a drug trial in northwestern France, the country’s health minister said on Friday.
Cards Look To Become First Team To Win Playoff Game With A Blind QB
Maynard is a Niner fan who lives like a few streets away from me. I’m still looking for a faggot with a smug on his face and a gay white cowboy hat to punch in Lynnwood.
Sugar Dick Supreme Blair Walsh is crying, somewhere.
Zippy…HARUMPH! Sugar Dick Supreme – He’s in the trunk of someone’s car.
If the Seahawks win the Superbowl, they owe Blair Walsh a ring…
That shit happens when the ref is 65 and can’t keep up with the play
they pulled out had to repenetrate GB
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee….
Bad calls both ways Cards underachieved but still pulled out the win.
Shit like this, is why we are all the NFL’s bitch.
I always knew Running the Ball wasn’t the way to go! Pass that FUCKER!
Id put my money on incomplete. Was clearly a catch, but the refs want AZ to win this
EDTGO No. go for 1 and OT.. they are the hotter offense
noshoes2 I never saw it touch it the ground. Not sure why they are so concerned.
Rodgers has a horseshoe the size of Texas stuffed in his ass.
good Crosby avoided the jinx thought he was done for when he was called one of the better kickers in the league
I told my gf right before that play when they showed blitz that they would be dumb to blitz
CharlietheUnicorn for a 7 point difference not even yoda worthy
but seriously the D just needs to try to knock it down made it easier by trying to go for it
I feel like I’ve seen this before. Didn’t like the way it ended last time
OK, I want quintuple OT here…..no hold barred….BRUTAL…
Carson Palmer throwing might have cost the cardinals their season…those extra 40 secs
Arians should be fired for his shitty play calls
Fucking joke
York me in the bum – one more time
he’s spawned coping personalities.
*police scanner*
We just watched Chris Keal driving 110 MPH down the freeway chugging beers like it is going out of style, stop him ASAP”
AZK… you should just post the Yoda gif now and get it over with.
Ok after 20 texts i turn on the game, the first footballl i watched all day. And i see that hail mary in replay. Aaron Rodgers gay ass may have brought me back to football
Isn’t the Dodge Ram the official truck of the NFL?
LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 YEAH!!! MY TAMS BROSTEIN IS BACK!
LOL what was the point of the comeback just to lay down and play dead
Throw to Larry every play here. He deserves it.
York me in the bum – one more time
he deserved that. to the roar of his own crowd too.
They’re not gonna score and miss the field goal
Clinton Dix returns it for a TD
if palmer throws a pick he’s going to get hit with a bullet on teh spot
The cards are going to get their teeth kicked in next week. They have looked like shit last two
I won’t even be swayed by a Super Bowl win this year..I am a LA Ram, through and through
Larry is the most productive wr in postseason history. Broke all of jerry rices single postseason records and he did it again
White Trash Lizard #DHC fucking awesome game man.. Fitz took that shit over respect
and that ladies and gentlmen is why I would take Fitz over doug baldwin and antonio bryant.
yeah i dont think anyone has called Fitz the legend lmfao
Rice played in an era before the pass happy “modern” NFL
White Trash Lizard #DHC well thats not very often at all
Jerry rice is the best football player of all time. But fitz is historically great. He has the most catches, yards, and tds in single postseason history. Averages the most yards per game in postseason history and once again proved his greatness. I’m not saying he’s jerry rice. But jerry rice himself has said fitz is the best wr of this era. Truly the only GREAT arizona cardinal. Larry legend did it again.
Hey, it’s not every day you see DHC fellate a black man.
Wow—– A Hardy Congrats to the Card fans……………That was wild…………….* and gifted by the refs
See you next week for the NFCCG…..
White Trash Lizard #DHC – Fitz is awesome…Seems like a really solid person citizen too.
Give fitz props. Football fans in general should recognize greatness.
Blair Walsh and the guy covering Fitz are gonna take a nice long vacation together….somewhere noons can find them
AZKardinal – I would rather have Fitz because he actually blocks when asked to.
DCS are you gonna root for your Boy Chip Kelly in San Fran?
The better team won, but Palmer looks like he’s gonna be easy to rattle next week
Plumlogan Just play some man on man…. he was throwing it up for grabs
I didnt see it, but good for Larry. According to my feeds this was an awesome game. Thanks again Stan
full potato stop the gobbler neck is more unfortunate.. and the rug
Actually this is more like Keal.
Bring my 49ers back to Candlestick Park….
Pineapple MHB, i feel your pain, wherever you are lol
LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 He left after week 16 when we blew them out. He talked shit to me all year too. Being pretentious as fuck.
Ancientage I didnt give up but i wish you saw my reaction. I lost it.
Seattle vs Az would be an epic championship game i hope seattle wins tomorrow
KZRider_ Thats cute. Worry about tomorrow. Maybe you can come here to play
It would be fun to watch…but fuck Hawks fans, I hope they lose
KZRider_ White Trash Lizard #DHC Uhm… You guys didnt score double digits last week… lol
I imagine Keal will be here soon but right now he’s doing something like this. http://media.fyre.co/6XYW4wIoRUalTeOLX85D_94y5u.gif
This was the last moment I was a seahawks fan…lucky bastard…I cracked the screen on my new TV throwing a beer bottle at the screen…
damn what an ending.. shit like that is why i love football
Come Honor Face Reminded me of the 2009 wild card game AZ vs GB
MFA is so happy tonight that he’s out back of his house taking a dip in the pool. http://i.imgur.com/BIXc66K.gif
Look up Larry Fitzgeralds career postseason stats. They are absurd. Historically great
This is the only reason Seattle won a Super Bowl….
Hey so Arians and palmer won a playoff game in their first time together. So shut the fuck up
No more bullshit talk about Palmer and no playoff wins
No Cubs No! (Kevin) I love how they act like hes notoriously bad and chokes. He finally got a chance without getting hurt…
No Cubs No! (Kevin) Hall of famer. One of the best WR’s of all time. His stats and postseason stats show that
Then I’ll have to make up for those that leave. I dont get the attitude of this place sometimes…
White Trash Lizard #DHC CharlietheUnicorn Fitz had more yards on 1 play than the Cardinals did last playoffs
Next year the Rams will win the Superbowl…
With any luck MFA got the shit beat out of him tonight
CharlietheUnicorn White Trash Lizard #DHC Ok? Half our roster was down and we were starting a 4th string QB who wasnt even on our roster half of the year.
MFA should be here soon. He decided to stop and have some fun on his way home from the game. http://i.imgur.com/HH3xPxk.jpg?1
CharlietheUnicorn White Trash Lizard #DHC I know youre smart enough to understand how that doesnt correlate to this years team or even our starters
I have the most perfect gif locked and ready to roll when he shows up
Free El Chapo In Vegas I liked both of them in the draft
That pic Palmer threw in the end zone was the most retarded thing I have ever seen. Larry refused to lose though. Fucking guy would not be denied.
I would like to congratulate cards fans… your starting QB now has as many playoff wins as tim tebow
ChrisKeal I thought you were still busy doing this. http://i.imgur.com/eHEMr4B.png
I imagine that MFA will stay up til at least 2 or 3 tonight coming up with some super legit singers
Palmer made some terrible throws, but he threw a great ball when it counted
MFA…is gonna own you guys tommorow… He is a jeenyus
Shields dropped fucking 3 picks today. Disappointing for an ex-WR
talking about throws.. that fucking bomb Rodgers unleashed on the hail mary holy shit
CharlietheUnicorn Palmer didnt play like he usually did this year but he did enough. Larry legend finished it off
Keal, DG checked in form the South Pacific…. he is living the life right now
Come Honor Face technically 3 x, but the bullshit non call PI
AZKardinal Yes, letting Lacy drop 100 on the ground on the Cardinals is a productive way to win games.. against Seattle (or Carolina)
Rodgers needs to suck Jordy Nelsons dick or do whatever it takes to make sure he stays healthy next year….
Some boner was wearing a Hawks jersey in the bar tonight. He was drunk and obnoxious
Jordy, Cobb, Adams, Abbrederis, and Janis is a scary group.
Free El Chapo In Vegas He has dropped more passes than… I have fingers
That’s fixable. He has loads of talent. Just look at his catch last week.
good night fellas.. great win cards fans fun game to watch see you niggas tomorrow
Glad to see the best white man in the NFL dominate today (Gronk)
One more beer and I’m gonna post some titties and go to bed…
I imagine that retard will stay up til at least 2 or 3 tonight coming up with some super legit singers
Rodgers has established himself as the best hail mary thrower of all time
Goff is being compared to Cutler for arm talent…. interesting
LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 You gotta lay down your Pats hate for a second and appreciate his greatness. I know you secretly admire him.
PES I remember watching that fight. So satisfying seing that homo get dropped
Mock drafts are showing the Rams taking Wentz now at #15 (?)
CharlietheUnicorn Kiper has them taking the Memphis QB at 15
Yeah Cutler has great arm and so does Goff.
Nope. Gonk is average. The giants owned a him. Maybe if i hear he does something this year. Admittedly i did not watch today
I’m gonna do a madden franchise where I only draft or sign white players…..for thirty years….we will dominate
Ricky Booties this girl is like 15… no woman wears that shit
LA stands for Loser Anuslickers aka MB3 haha, you must have missed his 75 yard TD against them in the most recent contest
CharlietheUnicorn k1joyce from AZ yeah idk my college players
CharlietheUnicorn k1joyce from AZ if he looks like a good QB, bring him on down. Bring 10 of them in
Giants shutting Gronk down
Here’s proof MFA was in the armed service. http://i.imgur.com/rStV2zg.jpg
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Shes gonna look fuggly in 5 yrs
Craig Dahl and Justin King used to be hell on the right side of the secondary..
You have to admit when the Cards have a good QB the playoffs are exiting as fuck
What a game!!! Palmer had 3 bad passes but he also had 349 passing yds and 3tds
and fuck you all!! palmer has won a playoff game!!
Crazy crazy game. That is 4 straight years of the Packers getting booted out of the playoffs by a NFCW team
For those of you wondering why MFA just got here. He will be here any minute as I passed him in a liquer store by his house a few minutes ago and snapped this picture to prove it. http://i.imgur.com/OdYAiiX.jpg
Sugar Dick Supreme AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! too late
CharlietheUnicorn Sugar Dick Supreme AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! SHIT!
Alright Hawks. Get it done so the NFL is on notice. NFCW runs this shit.
Now its the Rams turn to own the Packers in the playoffs next year…
Seattle beat carolina tommorow. No excuses.
I’m out. My throat hurts from yelling and I’m exausted with that Game. Wow!!!
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Is yelling a code word for sucking dick?
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Too much cock at the bar bathroom stall?
I said we would easily handle the Packers.. and we did ~ MFAZ
CharlietheUnicorn His throat hurts from sucking cock so he needs to take some of this. http://i.imgur.com/VHUNTRD.png
Sugar Dick Supreme CharlietheUnicorn sadly, he said it would be no contest and was looking past the game
CharlietheUnicorn Sugar Dick Supreme Never count out Rodgers
PES CharlietheUnicorn bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha~DCS
Sugar Dick Supreme CharlietheUnicorn I give him props, he did more with less
Sugar Dick Supreme CharlietheUnicorn top 3 WR out, top TE out…. facing a very good defense….
CharlietheUnicorn Sugar Dick Supreme Yep. Such a good game.
Both coaches made some mistakes in the game and some odd play calling. The Refs were not even on calls… they sometimes threw the yellow hanky for everything, then they left it in their pockets
NFL VP of officiating: Wild Martavis Bryant TD vs. Bengals wasn’t a catch
Late money is betting heavy on Carolina at -2.5 favorites
I think the concept of the Rams making the playoffs is cute.
Hilarious, actually.
Free El Chapo In Vegas I think they will win SB 51 or 52… they have won a SB/Championship within a few years of moving the last few times
I wanted Arizona to win because the Seahawks perform better @AZ. Of course that means nothing if they can’t beat Carolina (50/50 game at best).
Regardless that was a spectacular game. Instant classic
CharlietheUnicorn Free El Chapo In Vegas 5 years, and they had a great coach, and got lucky at QB.
Ian 202128 Go 1-0 each week. Panthers are the only concern this week.
That sweet (featured) ass reminds me of an ex Girl friend……..She broke my “heart” , but damn it was a good ride..
Poor OSS. Having a shelf full of stone tablets must be tough to sort through. Heck, he needs to brush up on his cuneiform to read em.
I’ll be honest with you guys, I think CAR is the better team tomorrow. I also don’t know if it will matter.
Norman is made to follow a #1, but SEA really doesn’t have that guy. Put him on Baldwin I guess, or leave him to one side. Their defense will give SEA fits, but it is the breakdown coverage that matters most.
Their offense is good, but I wonder if it is too predictable for the SEA D. Olsen should have a good game, but that is guaranteed by any means.
I will say that Kuechly as a Wilson spy has worked in the past and may work better this time with their defense playing better. The Kuechly/Wilson matchup is the one to watch.
CharlietheUnicorn My cuneiform is a bit rusty as well. It happens.
Also, gas prices will both rise and fall during every month this year.
JohnnyP31 Norman won’t be on Baldwin. He almost never goes to the slot and that’s basically where Baldwin lives
Norman may shadow Baldwin, but then that leave Lockett on one of the “old” CBs. He can eat them up, he has way more speed than they can cover. I think Norman will be all over the place, not necessarily locked on one WR.
Wagner is back. KJ / Kam will be covering Olsen. I think he might have a decent game, but not a Gronk game.
Key is Newton playing mistake free. Not getting rattled. Taking what the defense gives him.
CharlietheUnicorn That is why you give safety help for the CB on Lockette. It is basic stuff. It’s not a mismatch.
JohnnyP31 CharlietheUnicorn I’m looking for some of the NE Patriot rub routes in the game… I’ve noticed more of them the last few games.. trying to spring WR open.
Marshawn Lynch averages 75 yards or so vs the Panthers….. that is interesting to watch as the game proceeds.
Teams used to say ” Don’t let RW out of the pocket, he’ll burn you”, now they say ” Flush him out of the pocket, he’ll burn you”……………..Just sayin
CharlietheUnicorn Navorro Fire Baalke Yes, LA has two teams that are highly popular
For the past four years, the GB Packers have been eliminated in the playoffs to NFC West opponents(SF, SF, SEA, ARI).https://twitter.com/elshorts/status/688583282133340160
Navorro Fire Baalke CharlietheUnicorn If the Raiders leave, they better build a MLB stadium ASAP
Charlie I want the A’s to go somewhere anywhere if it will finally get the A’s owners to spend money
I thought the Packers defense played decent today. Much better than I’ve seen them play most of the season.
The funny part. Packers losses to the NFCW always seem heartbreaking
Hello 94063 CharlietheUnicorn They stuffed the run. The pass defense actually was decent overall…. only major breakdown was the OT scramble play
Hello 94063 Do you think San Antonio is a viable location for a MLB or NFL team?
Hello, I’m a huge fan but I find this extreme. http://www.athleticsnation.com/2016/1/16/10777708/marcus-semien-oakland-as-shortstop-ranking-mlb-network-top-10-right-now
Sugar Dick Supreme Fitz’s production with the lack of playoff games is crazy
MTGriz Sugar Dick Supreme Product of a great WR but also the changes in rules
wow he is ranked that highly I know the position is weak but wow
Thats why Jerry Rice is the GOAT. Look at his records, its unbreakable
is that only WR or all players? Gronk has to be close now
Hello 94063 CharlietheUnicorn Sugar Dick Supreme he did have 29 games to grab TDs.. plenty of chances 😉
CharlietheUnicorn Hello 94063 Sugar Dick Supreme yeah but look at all the others some benefiting from the rule changes compared to when rice played
CharlietheUnicorn Sugar Dick Supreme Turn Rae Different eras
The real test for playoff TDs comes next. Rice had 0 his first three years (3 games), but he had 11 his first 9 games.
CharlietheUnicorn Sugar Dick Supreme Turn Rae to being a straight guy I bet
no way you have manning playing till now with the rules how they where back in the day
Sugar Dick Supreme CharlietheUnicorn Gonk has 8 I think
Sugar Dick Supreme CharlietheUnicorn Gronk is not on list? I guess he has not been as productive as I thought
retiring like Warner would be more the norm if not could of been killed on the field
The criteria was Taking into account a number of offensive and defensive metrics, both advanced and traditional, plus projections for the upcoming season …
Seems ambiguous
http://espn.go.com/mlb/player/_/id/29563/josh-donaldson has filed for salary arbitration, asking for a huge raise to $11.8 million after winning AL MVP honors and leading the http://espn.go.com/mlb/team/_/name/tor/toronto-blue-jays to the playoffs for the first time since 1993.
CharlietheUnicorn Sugar Dick Supreme Gronk has 8 after today, Fitz has 9. The list is older than today.
Navorro Fire Baalke the position is really weak so I can see it if he cuts down on the errors alone with last year stats not bad at all
Navorro Fire Baalke Hello 94063 true but trying to low ball the guy while still under control is not a good long term idea
Hello 94063 Navorro Fire Baalke I’m hoping he can push for 20-20 with average to above average defense.
Mariano Rivera says his toughest test was EDGAR MARYINEZ. How’s he not in the Hall
Hello 94063 Navorro Fire Baalke That is a really valuable player something like 270/350/420
Ian 202128 being a Mariner his whole Career pretty much did him in
Name this player: only MLB player with an award named after himself but not in the Hall
I have to say, M’s have been making all kinds of wacky moves…. never heard of some of the guys they have brought in (players)
CharlietheUnicorn Hello 94063 how many years with no playoffs ???
Ian just searched Edgar’s numbers, some of them that I don’t understand but the guy was pitting up 150 WRC yearly. 1995 it was 182 what the fuck ( 100 is average) was Great to good player until 2004. yeah he is hall of famer.
Hello 94063 CharlietheUnicorn what is it now 8-9 years ?
I can;t say I was broken up seeing some of the old bums leave…
CharlietheUnicorn need to get something out of pieces that probably wont help much either way long term
Hello 94063 CharlietheUnicorn 2005 was his first season in Majors… so 10 years already
His 1995 was Miguel Caberra type year. I am going to compare their numbers.
Hello 94063 CharlietheUnicorn it will take 2-3 years to get the ship righted I think…. need to start with scouting and development… because they have sucked at identifying and producing hitters
old fucks will not vote Edgar in HoF, because he was mostly a DH… and they hate DH in MLB.
Hello 94063 CharlietheUnicorn naugh, they have stated they would never vote DH in… over a position player
They will vote David Ortiz in. Fuck him and the Red Sox
I don’t know how you can vote guys in or out of HoF based on numbers anymore….. who was juicing, not juicing, cheating… it makes a mockery of the HoF
Ortiz was average at best player with Twins, other than that home run in 2002 ALDS
Adam Jones? A star. Future HOF maybe if he continues hood course??
He’s never eclipsed Edgar’s WRC AVERAGE. AVERAGE!! In his career
There’s a list of absolute stars who haven’t had better years than GAR at the plate. That’s all I’m sayin
Read this OSS, Charlie yeah I don’t know what some of these things mean other
Navorro Fire Baalke The tidal wave of talent following him (Edgar) onto the ballot, however, has stopped his vote total in its tracks; this is already his seventh year of eligibility, and to make matters worse, players are now allowed only 10 tries before their name is removed from the ballot and turned over to the Veterans Committee, whose specialty is electing no one.
York me in the bum – one more time He’ll get in the day after he dies
ONE MONTH UNTIL SPRING TRAINING, on another note I’ll be done with Spring Training by March 7th
Congrats DHC. A sloppy win is still a win, and next week will be totally different.
Not that I am saying you WILL play better, but that you CAN play better.
How did you feel when dude caught that hail mary dhc?
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) My balls dropped for the second time, and I’m not a fan of either team. Freaked me out.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) No idea how I am going to explain 4 balls going forward.
Charlie dont even think about all the greats you have seen retire not good for feeling young
Hello 94063 Lebron is my vicarious athlete, hes exactly my age,born 1 month 28 days apart. Always trips me out to see him getting old.
Hello 94063 and Ive seen his whole career, my dad warned me about this.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Hello 94063 scary aint it and all these young stars and now younger than us
the day lebron retires its gonna fuck with my head.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Hello 94063 You are his evil ginger twin!!!
Navorro Fire Baalke KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) 2024
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Navorro Fire Baalke Yeah I was going on higher scale
so far my predictions from week 14 are coming true.
I said the Panthers would get knocked off by the Hawks in the divisional
OIeSagginSeahawk KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Stop asking stupid questions
Scotti is nearing that age when he realizes he is older than most of the athletes he roots for. It can be a tough time.
JohnnyP31 Next thing ya know, he’ll want to drive a Semi / Tractor trailer…..
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Week 14 was the week my brother had full meltdown or was it 13
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Lost to Chiefs basically ended season
OIeSagginSeahawk JohnnyP31 Slow down now, he isn’t ready for that….oh wait.
Nav did you see that Chris Davis’ contract pays him until hes 51
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Yes, like the guy from the Mets Bobby Bolina
CharlietheUnicorn OIeSagginSeahawk JohnnyP31
Ya.. We got one of those around here also………..
O’s were bidding against themselves for Davis. Boras is amazing at his job
I’m watching Homeland for the first time….gotta say, I agree with the terrorist guy way more than I should. That means it is a well done show.
Also, I’d shoot him in the face if I had the option.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Hello 94063 making the Dodgers seem financially reasonable
Navorro Fire Baalke Fuck Boras.. single handily destroyed MLB FA
Davis will receive a $17 million annual salary from 2016 to 2022 and will receive additional annual payments through 2037, when he will be 51, a source told Olney. There is no interest accrued on the deferrals.
When you are young, you point at the guy saying “get off my lawn” and laugh
When you are old, you shake your fist and say “get off my lawn you young punks” and cry
and then 42 more mill for 14 more years after hes done
JohnnyP31 CharlietheUnicorn Guy I know says he has claymores around his house
CharlietheUnicorn JohnnyP31 He is a liar, obviously. But awesome.
Boras tried pushing that Davis could play OF, no body bought it. Also teams did not want to pay 1st baseman that, especially with Davis risk, and still got paid. This might be next Ryan Howard.
CharlietheUnicorn JohnnyP31 He either has random and dangerous trip wires, or he can set them off from within the house and that is dangerous for anyone in his house.
The cap hit on Davis because of the differed payment means his team can sign better talent each year of his prime, where he only makes 17 a year, some guys be makin 25+
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Navorro Fire Baalke Yeah could go either way, did have off 2014. Other years dominate power hitter.
People are willing to occupy a pc of crap land in winter….. with limited food or water.. so they will do anything I think
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Extend Machado that is what they should do, but well Boras is his agent.
Also, the sheer devastation of a claymore would be enough for the front of any average house. Having multiple would mean the backyard (why put it on the side with no real entrance?)
Your guy is a grade A liar, and not even good at it.
I say my 90lb dog will rip you up, but its more likely she will run downstairs when you break in.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) JohnnyP31 Sure, if you hate your neighbors.
McDonald’s doubled my order accidentally. Fuck power ball… I’m winning
CharlietheUnicorn KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) im a boss
CharlietheUnicorn KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) and its like 2.75
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) CharlietheUnicorn mac sauce?
JohnnyP31 KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) ive never been, but everyone raves about it
everyone hates their neighbors right?
I like the passive aggressive notes on my car, that say to report some other neighbor with a barking dog to the animal control people
I’ve only heard a dog barking 3-4 times EVER at my house
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) JohnnyP31 I’ll send you some. It is seriously amaze-balls. And I have used that word like 4 times ever.
Chick-fil-a is only mediocre chicken, but their sauce is why people go. And the fact they put pickles on a chicken sandwich.
JohnnyP31 Pickles on chicken sandwiches is amazing
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) JohnnyP31 It is bread, chicken, and pickles. Then you get the sauce on the side.
It is not good, but it is soooo good.
If you have never had Chik-fil-a sauce, it is like an alien came down and did their spin on honey mustard and you can’t really describe what the difference is.
But it is better in so many ways.
I love and hate that sauce.
I have like 30 packets in my pantry because I take extra when I go.
JohnnyP31 Think im going to this warlock on monday
CharlietheUnicorn bet its probably the neighbors that are always yelling at each other leaving the notes
I also have like 30 fortune cookies though, but that is because eat a lot of chinese.
OIeSagginSeahawk JohnnyP31 I am regretting that comment about black and white pictures.
Can’t a fit, white guy like chicken?!?
I knew a guy who had a smugglers jacket. He would go to Shakey’s pizza all you can eat.. and load it up
I saved up chick-fil-a sauce and marinaded a pork butt in it.
CharlietheUnicorn Have to draw the line at stealing forks and spoons from pizza places
He finally got caught. Was lifetime banned form the place.
Claire Danes is a horrible CIA agent, but I think she is supposed to be.
White Trash Lizard #DHC grats, cards are still my superbowl winner
White Trash Lizard #DHC I called the Cards vs Hawks NFC CG months ago
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) White Trash Lizard #DHC NOICE!
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) White Trash Lizard #DHC You’ll be wrong.
JohnnyP31 KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) White Trash Lizard #DHC nope
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC CAR has them.
JohnnyP31 KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) White Trash Lizard #DHC My whole prediction hinged around the Panthers losing round 2 at home
So, how can the playoffs be topped with such wacky finishes in several games already
Almost like I’m watching WWF/WWE
JohnnyP31 KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) White Trash Lizard #DHC Scam Newton
CharlietheUnicorn JohnnyP31 She was ugly, then attractive, then plain. All without really changing.
JohnnyP31 KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) White Trash Lizard #DHC so im pretty sure the hawks expose them
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) White Trash Lizard #DHC I’m not wrong often.
I’m still pissed about the Chiefs today. Fucking terrible playcalling/clock management at end of game
Came down like a bolt of thunder. How do you stop it? Its coming straight down.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) he tossed 3 balls 50 yards final drive
The Panthers players are ready to implode, they are all worried. Meanwhile the Hawks players been there done that. I see the heart of a champion winning this game.
LOL johnny isnt wrong often. Dont worry. Hes self endorsed. He allegedly coaches youth football. Hes kind of a big deal.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Why are they worried? I don’t buy the playoffs vitriol.
These guys have all been in playoffs before.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) RW is 7-2 vs Panthers in career I believe
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) White Trash Lizard #DHC 🙂
JohnnyP31 KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) They have too much pressure
White Trash Lizard #DHC Outside of my awesome coaching, I’m not wrong often.
Name an instance that I was clearly wrong.
JP said the 49ers would go 8-8 this year : WRONG
(I actually don’t know, but whatevers)
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC Countless times…. Almost everything 49ers youve been wrong about.
The difference between us DHC, is that I tend to look up shit before my statements. I rarely make a statement I am unsure about.
Though I do drink a bit.
Navorro it feels like they play every year and then some
JohnnyP31 KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) imma drink with you now
JohnnyP31 CharlietheUnicorn ok….. I know you didn’t say 12-4
JohnnyP31 Oh really? Damn bro… Google is fun and all so i guess I understand.
CharlietheUnicorn JohnnyP31 I did, but because I said it could be anywhere inbetween.
Can you guys please change your MFAZ avatars.. it creeps me out
JohnnyP31 How the fuck am I supposed to remember every little detail youve been wrong about? Youre just like every other niner fan.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) CharlietheUnicorn you need to make one with him next to a filled in pool
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 Lol, you don’t use it though. You believe what you read and then spout it here.
scOtti I appreciate the effort on the gif a few days ago.. adding MFAZ into it…. thatnks
He was wrong but I can’t name one instance – DHC
Navorro You and Htown are the closest things on here to mike… Dont even try this. Youre a bland contributor to this blog with literally zero sense of humor and are a sensitive rag head piece of shit.
White Trash Lizard #DHC Navorro DONT YOU TALK TO NAV LIKE THAT
White Trash Lizard #DHC Navorro He is just saying the truth. If I was wrong you would have at least one example.
White Trash Lizard #DHC Navorro Nav might be the greatest blogger in our blogs history.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) White Trash Lizard #DHC Navorro Hes a sikh bastard
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC Navorro You liked kap. You thought he was a good QB. You like Crabtree. You thought the niners were better than the hawks. You thought the niners would be better than they were this year. Pretty much every single thing we can say about every niner fan youve supported and been wrong about.
scOtti, sadly I can;t find it.. but I lol’ed when I saw it
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC Navorro You are literally just like the rest of all niner homers…
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) you need a picture of him from straight on
Oh because DHC has a fantastic personality.
Navorro I bring xubstance and character to this blog… Youre the most generic on here. Youre the same shit every day. Talks bullshit about baseball and then tells everyone to shut up in a humorless way. All of your posts are the epitome of redundancy.
You liked kap. You thought he was a good QB.
– He WAS a good QB. That is unarguable. If he is a long term option is now up in the air.
You like Crabtree.
– He was pretty damn good in OAK this year. I like that I liked him.
You thought the niners were better than the hawks.
– We were, and then we were even, and then we were worse.
You thought the niners would be better than they were this year.
– I was iffy. I had hopes (and expressed them as such), but I saw the downside
Pretty much every single thing we can say about every niner fan youve supported and been wrong about.
– Wrong.
” Sikh Bastard ” this is an outrage. I’m neither of those things. Well maybe classified as Sikh but not really religious. However go on
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 I need the maximum butthurt achieved gif.. too lazy
I love it when DHC becomes Germany and tries to battle on several fronts at once.
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 Does it hurt that Crabtree helped me beat you in the dynasty league?
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) He is more like Japan… and gets NUKED
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Im pretty good at it. “im not wrong very often”.
White Trash Lizard #DHC KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) that really made you made lol
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) White Trash Lizard #DHC It really did
White Trash Lizard #DHC KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) You are literally wrong all the time. Even when you try and quote stats.
CharlietheUnicorn KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Says you. Remember how I was supposed to suck at fantasy football? Because youre the johnny of the FF world right?
White Trash Lizard #DHC KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) I however, am rarely wrong because I don’t say stupid shit like “best in the league” or “and its not even close”
Sikh, techicalky my middle name is Singh
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) No bro, im not wrong often. Holds just as much merit as your claims.
Bowman led the NFL in tackles, what a comeback season..
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Those arent even my lines but let roll with it. After all youre not wrong very often. Weve gathered that much.
DHC once claimed that Palmer was a 5000 yd passer in his first 16 games in OAK.
Then denied he said it, then was floored that I found the quote.
White Trash Lizard #DHC CharlietheUnicorn KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Did you win a championship?
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) See above.
I hate Kaepernick but he was a good QB at one time. Also the 49ers and Seahawks were close for three seasons.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Actually PFF said he was pretty average and the worst player to make the pro bowl. Tackles arent the best stat to guage success
White Trash Lizard #DHC KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) ok thats it, now you pissed off merica
White Trash Lizard #DHC KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) damn nazi
He did throw for a lot of yards but yeah I remember this.
See DHC, some of us can remember bullshit. If I was wrong, you’d remember something. We argue enough afterall.
JohnnyP31 Remember that stretch of years you thought kap was a franchise QB?
back in the day I would have reamed DHC for suggesting that leading the league in tackles isnt good.
Navorro No…. He was a gimmick QB who fooled people until he was figured out.
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 I never said elite, I actually said he wasn’t. I did say top 10, when his stats agreed.
White Trash Lizard #DHC KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) who didnt
Seattle is 5-1 SU in its last 6 games against Carolina
Carolina is 2-3-1 ATS in its last 6 games against Seattle
Carolina is -2.5 again
lol to sit there as a full fledged homer and say “im not wrong often” is just hilarious to me. Its the same thing as when Adu says he “keeps it real”.
CharlietheUnicorn White Trash Lizard #DHC KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) I have several times.
White Trash Lizard #DHC ADU has been ghosting lately. Shocked he didn’t show up tonight
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) White Trash Lizard #DHC Are you alright? Should we consult Johnny for his expert advice on everything in life? Surely he can help. After all the dude is not wrong very often.
Navorro YAY you learned how to use somebody elses content. This is a small step towards you developing a personality.
DHC says the SF defense has no one notable, yet his favorite website, (PFF), rated us the 5th best run defense. They also had the following rankings.
Rookie defense end Arik Armstead was the 13th rated 3-4 defensive end according to PFF, ranking ahead of Sheldon Richardson of the Jets. Nose tackle Ian Williams was rated 9th at his position, ahead of guys like Marcell Dareus (Bills), Bennie Logan (Eagles) and Michael Brockers (Rams).
That is without mentioning Bowman, Lynch, and Ward (who was the top rated CB by PFF for the last month of football).
Yeah, we have no talent, and no future.
I have more of a personality than you
No. It was a newspaper front page or a magazine cover… I think about pedophiles
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 So I am so smart that you have no logical response.
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC Jesus johnny…. Really? Are you this easy?
he is off the the right of the picture, lower right side
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 I mean 5 guys on an 11 man defense seems solid to me.
” Rookie defense end Arik Armstead was the 13th rated 3-4 defensive end according to PFF, ranking ahead of Sheldon Richardson of the Jets. Nose tackle Ian Williams was rated 9th at his position, ahead of guys like Marcell Dareus (Bills), Bennie Logan (Eagles) and Michael Brockers (Rams). ”
Jesus fucking christ…. LOL
The niners roster is absolute trash… Ian Williams is a nice player though.
Navorro The Broncos have a more complete and healthy team than KC.
White Trash Lizard #DHC What is funny? You quote PFF like the fucking gospel. Those are good rankings.
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC Do you think Palmer is the best QB in football?
CharlietheUnicorn KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) damnit
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC Mathieu and PP are the best corners in football?
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) CharlietheUnicorn this is actually quite good and accurate
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 No. Is it debatable that he was this year? Sure.
Navorro Broncos defense has played well all year……. and Broncos have more than 1 WR
lol remember how Iupati was supposed to suck and somehow make AZ’s OL worse.That was one of my favorite retard angles from niner fans ive ever seen.
The picture looks like a black and white one… kind of old looking
From my understanding, DHC doesn’t believe PFF rankings, he just uses them when they suit a purpose because he is too stupid to do his own research.
White Trash Lizard #DHC He got worked tonight by Guion / Raji
JohnnyP31 They arent the end all be all but they are a nice metric.
CharlietheUnicorn White Trash Lizard #DHC He also had a great year on the 8th best rushing offense and a line that allowed the 4th fewest sacks and made the pro bowl
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 Whoah now, slow down.
You mean that when you quote them, we can assume you don’t think they 100% accurate?
CharlietheUnicorn White Trash Lizard #DHC BY far better than anyone on your line
Seriously what is your personality ” fake racist “
White Trash Lizard #DHC CharlietheUnicorn bahahhahahahahahahaha
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 Like, you are just quoting scotti or some other bullshit?
CharlietheUnicorn White Trash Lizard #DHC Thats funny? lol we have a premier guard…. Laugh at that I guess
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) and it will not besmirch the blog again
I mean scotti does his own math and all, and makes his own decisions based on it.
Seems as legit as PFF.
Navorro Its alright man. Ill leave you alone. You bring less substance than mike.
The things you have to worry about when you base your arguments on other people’s work.
JohnnyP31 So do you think the niners have legitimate talent? lol
JohnnyP31 Lets dive into this since youre never wrong
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 I think our talent is above average, but not near the top.
We do have like 50M in cap space and 12 picks so that can change quickly.
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 Nice attempt at a diversion btw. Fail, but nice attempt.
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC jesus christ…. Above average? You seriously have like 3 or 4 GOOD players
scOtti, when you post male model photos with MFAZ pictures…. I have to wonder about you
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) It is always sad to see the “before” picture.
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 I already showed you that your bible PFF likes more than 4 just on our defense.
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC PFF isnt my bible bro…. Like I said its a nice metric but not the end all be all. Youre twisting my words to somehow magnify your shitty roster
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 It is the only metric you ever use. It is your go to. Your bible.
And coaches disagree with you.
DHC, I’m drunk, but that just evens the playing field if you are sober.
If you are drunk, this isn’t really fair and I am sorry.
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC Bullshit dude… If you want to talk PFF then you think AZ has one of the top 3 rosters in football then. Do you agree?
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC With Palmer being the best QB in football
JohnnyP31 Oh damn bro. Guess im in for some trouble. Super pretentious online football czar is here to school me.
JohnnyP31 Youve been wrong about almost every single aspect of your team. open your eyes bro
Johnny lets hear your thoughts on Chip Kelly. Seeing as youre never wrong I would love to be enlightened about how he will help the niners become mediocre.
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 I haven’t, but if I was….I’d be you for the 5 years before this year.
Weird, fans talk shit. That is different than actual predictions.
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC Haha yet im usually right as well. Remember how we were supposed to suck each of the last 3 years?
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC Im just like you now! IM RIGHT MOST OF THE TIME lol
White Trash Lizard #DHC I am very “meh” about it. I really don’t like it at all, but think it will be good for our offense. I worry about who the DC will be, and how we will do in a defensive NCFW.
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC What do you think your record will be next year?
Scotti, there was article on Car Go’s regression. Says he will be platoon IF with limited defensive ability.
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 Difference, you said bullshit for 5 years of shitty, whereas I have had 1 year.
You love every player, I don’t.
We aren’t the same.
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 Before FA and the draft?
You are a retard.
I’m always struggled judging him as player
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 Give us 3 more wins than Tomsula just on principle.
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC Just a ballpark idea.
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 It is stupid. We have 50+M for FA and 12 picks(plus a WR in waiting that was on IR). Shit changes.
I am not a Kelly fan, but I recognize his football genius. I also recognize that genius is often limited. We will do as well as our DC next year, but we will have a good offense.
Johnny what arethe strengths on your roster? To me I think your offensive talent is laugh out loud funny. Staley is very good but hes getting old. Boone is overrated but solid. Hyde is a promising young back but is injusry prone. Smith is meh and the rest is just a dumpster fire. Honestly one of the least talented offenses in football imo. Defense has a few pieces but is also pretty underwhelming. Niners roster is honestly one of the worst in the league in my opinion.
dont you want your little guy wearing one of these bad boys?
White Trash Lizard #DHC
Offense –
Staley and Boone – Staley is old, but still effective. His athletic ability is paying dividends as he ages. Boone is a great G, despite your opinion.
Kilgore is a solid C, but needs to prove it this year by staying healthy.
AD might be coming back this year. HE is a great run blocking guy, but I’d draft a T anyway.
We need a G in FA or draft.
Hyde is fine, draft a guy or sign a FA to be a 1b. The way of the NFL
QB is a big ?, but Kelly’s offense will sink or swim on his guy. If he pick Kaep, then I see a slight resurgence. I honestly feel Gabbert is a better fit though.
We should draft a WR at 7 because OL will be too early or too late.
White Trash Lizard #DHC You also ignore that we had a shit O staff.
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC Boone is overrated but solid. I forgot about Kilgore. He can be effective but nothing special. Davis is good but im just assuming hes not coming back. If he does we can revisit that. Qb is a huge joke. Its actually sad hearing niner fans talk abut gabbert and kap
Saying I am rarely wrong just means I rarely make stupid statements that aren’t easily backed up. I’m not saying you don’t know football DHC. Though that appears to be how you took it.
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 Kilgore was only like the #2 rated center before he got hurt…but yeah.
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 Davis has said he is coming back since a month after he “retired”
JohnnyP31 You have blatantly attacked my football IQ tons of times. I know more than most on here and most of the knowledgeable fans on here agree,
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 Never your football IQ…..just your IQ….in my defense
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 For proof…..how many times have I called you out on an X’s and O’s thing?
Random stat (fan) thing?
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC lol thats just silly and doesnt make you look good.
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 How many people have you called a retard…or the equivalent? Its just business here. It isn’t serious.
But I have never called you out for not knowing the game. Yet.
Fitzgerald finished with eight receptions for 176 yards and the winning score. He’s the only player in the http://www.nfl.com/superbowl era to have three games of over 150 receiving yards in the playoffs. Canton can work up the bust right now and just keep it in storage.
Johnny this is an example of my random stat postings. I enjoy these types of stats. They are fun. Some people like you seem to take these as massive homer feelings I have rather than me just posting them for what they are.
I didnt write that an analyst did yet tons of people will sit there and conjure up these conclusions that all I do is find ways to hype up players non stop
White Trash Lizard #DHC No, that is a stat. You post others that don’t matter, or the stats matter but you make them seem trivial to make your player look better.
You are a weird animal. Stats matter sometimes, but others they don’t.
JohnnyP31 White Trash Lizard #DHC Stats are stats… I post them for what they are. More often than not people try to trivialize my stats to downplay how they make our players look good.
Regardless, I said that I am rarely wrong. And that is correct.
It didn’t become about you until you made it about you.
JohnnyP31 Well you are wrong just as much as the rest of us.
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 There are people who are wrong less often, I am one of those.
White Trash Lizard #DHC JohnnyP31 You post stats to form an argument. You ignore stats that directly affect that argument.
That is our huge difference. I have usually already looked at the other stats and so I don’t make the initial argument.
I’m not an argue for argument’s sake guy.
Start your morning off right with an explosion of Hawk greatness.
I would ban you if I still had mod badge
Navorro If if’s and buts were candy and nuts we’d all have a merry Christmas.
Good morning all. Congrats to card fans. That pass palmer threw that was int in the end zone reminded me of the Vikings kicker. Holy cow.
You guys need to stop commenting so that more people can enjoy the Hawks Greatness Photo Collection by Noshoes2 copyright 2016
I want Seahawks lost. Want Seahawks lost. Boom Boom
Sorry, i liked the ones scotti did last night, except the ones with the shirtless guys
leatherneckram Scotti can be a little…. different sometimes
The one with MFA in the shampoo ad had me waking the whole house up, im laughing so hard.
Scotti will be Scotti. That’s great. No need to change
That’s my line that I will not deliver on!
I’m going to be kind to you! That will show you No Shoes!
leatherneckram I’d seriously buy one. His face cracks me up
Navorro I’m not reactive. I only have one mode on game day. ATTACK!
I turned off the Cards game after Rodgers threw the incompletion on 4th down in the the 4th quarter. FML
leatherneckram my daughter had a friend spending the night so I let them turn on the fucking disney channel – it’s my own private version of the Raiders’ Hiedi game
It’s fine Sac all you need to see is Panthers beat Cardinals next week.
Same, it was family get together night. Still not sure what they were watching
Navorro *readies sword. *sends thank you not to tribe for showing me how swords>guns
SacSig Well fuck. Where can I purchase a semi-automatic bag of rocks?
SacSig noshoes2 Can’t use my arm. I’m not allowed to carry fully automatic weapons in this state.
A little disappointed you didn’t change your flight so you could watch the game
They have cancelled two already
This one is unscheduled
Weather has been shittttty
mikegalligan hmmmm. Sounds like a bunch of excuses to me. smh.
mikegalligan then you are forgiven for missing the game. I have a buddy that fished Salmon in Alaska at the mouth of some river over the summer months
We gotta load a bunch of supply’s this morning….ill have the TV on in the galley
Don’t worry fuckers!
Go Hawks!
Bank it!
leatherneckram No, world’s most dangerous job is feeding MFA
What a crazy game last night.. Glad AZ won, but disappointed we lost the great Palmer/Arians “no playoff win” trolling angle.. 🙁
I knew a guy who broke his leg 1 or 2 days out, no real medical attention until they got back.
My bloody mary has overrun the hangover’s forward positions….ass kicking is commencing
Fucking “Air Somalia”
Alaska Airlines
All processor workers for the fish plants in Dutch Harbor are Somalians…can’t get Americans to work for $9/hr
leatherneckram it looks good – I think you just have to suspend reality to enjoy it
White Trash Lizard #DHC Congrats on paying off the refs last night
White Trash Lizard #DHC dhc what a game last night! I’m still hoarse
Larry Fitzgerald had 170 second half yards!!
Leather – I heard there is no mention of how the politicians completely fucked the guys in Benghazi
All tourism companies, Princess/Holland America use Rusdians & Bolgarians.. Shit like that.. Some hot foreign chicks
Despite palmer having 3 very bad passes he did have 349 psssing yards, 3 tds and scrambled from a,heavy rush to find fitz in overtime
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I turned off the game with a couple minutes left in regulation!
They have been getting a lot of Somalians lately…they will work for nothing…pain in the ass though….bow down to Mecca 4 times a day…slows the processing down
leatherneckram no , 2008 playoffs ,where he broke several jerry rice playoff records
leatherneckram very bad pass. Game should not have been close
SacSig AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! That.was dumb but its you so…
Congats to the both the Cards & the Packers on a terrific game – it was a lot of fun to watch.
I was going to be nice to you today MFA – but you just went and fucked that all up
Hope you choke on a Hoagie
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Just because you said that they will anyway. Idiot.
If they still post it then it will show what a fool they are
Cards are just 2 wins away from winning sb50!
Palmer should have had like 8 picks and the refs bailed him out. I think it was a 1 sided coin they “flipped”
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! They will get trounced enxt week
noshoes2 AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! yep panthers wont drop so many sure fire picks
See what i mean? Jive was the first fool. Lolololollolollol
I love Russell Wilson Refs helped all day. No call on go ahead TD?
They have to play better than the.portion i saw last night.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! fool? I am posting the truth
That pic Palmer threw was the worst int in the history of sports. We still won cuz Larry put the team in his back doe.
Technically fitz had like 90 second half yards. The other 80 came in OT. 6 came in the first half
Leather our d only allowed 13 points until the hail mary. I think palmers finger is bothering him some
Packers this season were a shell of their normal selves, and still took AZ to OT
Party like it’s 1999 MFA, next week you come crashing down
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! ya against an injured pack offense that has looked like crap
SacSig do you like watching playoff games with your team watching them with you?
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! SacSig I’ve watched my team win 5 Super Bowls – how about you?
Alex Smith: It would have been nice to score before two minute warning.
….no shit? that was a pathetic time-consuming drive. FOUR & ONE-HALF MINUTES!…dang, KC…not good.
I agree about his finger. Been saying that for the past 2 weeks. Balls are sailing on him.
ChrisKeal well thats not going to get any better in a week
The pic had nothing to do with that tho. That was just full retard.
SacSig did not palmer scramble from a,heavy rush to find fitz and he threw across his body to the other side of the field?
the cards second to last today should have been picked. Pack dropped like 5 sure fire ints
ChrisKeal You are guilty by association with the world’s biggest lying retard
I was yelling at the tv the whole fest half. Our pass rush was garbage
The only Carson that is a bigger fraud than Ben Carson is Carson Palmer
I’m sure MFA’s wife isn’t even going to try and clean those underwear from last night, straight in the garbage.
I love Russell Wilson 14 3 gobbler and counting
Too Short™ its ,my throat. Very hoarse from yelling at the game
I think AR could probably fuck any bitch he wanted in the State of Wisconsin.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Too Short™ It’s hoarse from taking huge cock in it.
Watching a game that is not in HD is complete bullshit. Not sure how we ever survived before HD.
I could be genuinely happy for keal, kevin, even DHC…..But Fuck MFA – that fat ass is ruining it for the rest of you guys
Can’t wait for AZK to post breaking news that the Cards won in 10 hours from now
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! ChrisKeal shut up fool, your 1080i 2003 TV is not what he meant.
Sac stfu and go dust off your old gopher wood and impure metals
Tards look beatable
Gotta take down Panthers first!
Go Hawks!
Cards played terrible at points and still won
I say that’s gotta count for something. DHC was a bit dramatic last night… Quite the preteen tantrum.
MFA is mad…stupid shit is one mad little man after his team won. I am living rent free in your head MFA
I love Russell Wilson Sugar Dick Supreme in the basement at gradmas place
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I love Russell Wilson Sugar Dick Supreme so your moms?
wtf is with PP!…..dang, he sure does some knuckleheaded things.
Bill Belichick is 3-0 in the postseason against teams entering the game with at least a 10-game win streak. https://t.co/KMmrMGUC6W https://twitter.com/ESPNNFL/status/688714920695828480
Ron LaCroix Even with that it was Frostee Rucker who got it called back
Im.out. have to get some things done before the seattle panthers game. Hawks fans if you don’t win today i will troll your mudderfucking osprey ass’s into oblivion
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! No, you won’t. You’ll try, but fail miserably because you are one dumb fucking idiot.
Too Short™ Ron LaCroix ron has class unlike you
If the Hawks don’t win today mfa will be in a corner crying because he will realize his only chance for AZ to go to the SB just went out the window
How many interceptions did Sam Shields have his hands on? dang….
If you cant win in 4 quarters and your D cant stop a.TD in OT you dont drserve to win.
Ron LaCroix That last one…he gets that and it would have been over
Sugar Dick Supreme what about when the refs flip a 1 sided coin to cheat?
I love Russell Wilson Sugar Dick Supreme I say “They shoulda picked heads. Also, get better.
I have to say, if it were the Hawks instead of the Packers, the Hawks mystical magical bullshit would have won it for them. Packers just don’t have that kind of mojo going for them
SacSig if it were the Hawks, it would have been 30-6 at half, again.
awkward for the whole town to get together and round up enough money for bribes.
Pack fans have to be wondering what sacrifice they have to make to stop the bleeding. Five of their last seven playoff losses have come on the last play of the game.
BJ Raji may be a huge man, but he is one fucken pussy to block.
He needs some Defense and has to figure out how to keep guys healthy
No depth at WR
And no TE
The WRs for the Packers did some good work, bunch of practice squad guys, give them some credit.
Too Short™ which is why the Cards shouldn’t get big heads right now
They held onto the passes – something some of those fast Black athletes could learn how to do.
Cards have shut down better rushing teams than the Packers. After rewatching the game damn near all of the big gains especially Laceys 62 yarder was Rucker over playing his gap pushing laterally instead of upfield. This will be fixed Frostee is a much better run stuffer than that
Sugar Dick Supreme That will be some good stuff for them to work on in the offseason.
Too Short™ Sugar Dick Supreme Yup after the Super Bowl parade in downtown Phx
Sugar Dick Supreme Too Short™ Why would the team that won it do the parade in Phoenix? Retarded.
Too Short™ Sugar Dick Supreme Because Glendale is shit
you’ve re-watched the game already! lol! you are a super-fan.
Ron LaCroix He is panicking, knows how sorry his team has looked in it’s last two games.
Ron LaCroix Why not. Its not like i have kids or family to be responsible for… Wait…
ha ha….I at least wait till the middle of the week to re-watch.
I love Russell Wilson Ron LaCroix Okafor hurt his toe last week drunk swimming.
Remember when Seattle only won last week cuz the Vikings missed a chip shot FG? Glass houses people.
ChrisKeal I am not a lucky bitch like hawk and cards fans so I can talk shit
ChrisKeal True, but you ever think maybe that’s why you get so much shit?
Too Short™ ChrisKeal I never said shit, that was Loyal impersonating me.
Chip MOTHERFUCKING Kelly is NOT going to need LUCK! He’s going to kick ass all by himself!
White Trash Lizard #DHC Be intersting to see how much he plays today and how effective he will be.
Do you guys remember the last time Palmer won a game i regulation?
White Trash Lizard #DHC Could go either way,.. Rusty or Refreshed
How do you even get hangovers when you have green to prevent that?
I hope Bevell doesn’t come out with his “Gee, Marshawn is back – let’s run the ball up the gut for about 5 three and outs in the first half.”
York me in the bum – one more time I drink a bottle of wine and 18 beers and smoke…so…ya
I sat in my spa last night for several hours and drank Coors Lights like it was my fucking Jay Oh Bee
Ron LaCroix ya – it was later – the kids were watching some cartoon movie, the kind without sex and cursing…so I snuck off to the spa
Remember that time Rodgers won a playoff game against the nfcwest? Yea, me neither.
Don’t worry he will beat Rams. Wait
I have found that in general I hate most people I meet, the beer makes people tolerable…so I smash beers to handle humans
They just played a German radio call of the bad snap RW to Lockett play last week on 710, it was damn funny.
Wonder if the FOX comedy team will talk about the Giants off-season or the Cowboys off-season this morning?
don’t let them influence you – be yourself and live with the consequences.
I’m a psycho when I watch football. It’s kind of bad. Last night I was losing my god damn mind after the 4th and 20 conversion and the hail Mary.
I’ve tried that…but I just keep watching it! I can’t help it!
White Trash Lizard #DHC It was implied, your comments during the game were hilarious.
Fitzgerald is truly epic. Best postseason wr of all time.
White Trash Lizard #DHC Your funny when you are a psycho, when you try to be serious it’s sad.
you give me a fan that doesn’t go psycho and I’ll give you a bandwagoner!
I’m being dead serious. Wanna see some stats? They are absurd
KZRider_ I don’t think they have a choice, some crazy FCC rule or something.
KZRider_ it’s the man trying to keep you down, locked up and caged!
Try the KIRO710 app, I’ve been lucky and had it work a time or two on the cell.
Fitz is the only player in the super bowl era to have 3 postseason games with over 150 yards. He has the most catches, yards, and tds in single postseason history.
White Trash Lizard #DHC good for him and his single post season stats and no rings.
White Trash Lizard #DHC For christ’s sake – stop stealing MFA’s posts
Fuck me right? Getting all excited about an epic wr performing better than anyone in history.
7 years ago fitz had a good post season and dhc still masturbates to it
Nope don’t you know this is how it goes. You fags do it all the time with hawks bullshit
Lol Rice has 900 more yards and 12 more tds than anyone in the postseason
You crazy DHC
I am glad that fitz had another good postseason game during the obama administration. I don’t think he could have held off for the Sanders administration to get in
Fitz is great. Also don’t stop DHC he is a football savant brings great substance
it was all on Fitz that nobody bothered to cover him, he’s great! Jedi mind tricks ‘this is not the player they are throwing to…’
York me in the bum – one more time Gloves today are Stickum, they are insane.
Man I love the way the Cardinals just ‘toyed’ with the Packers…..
AZKardinal That was mean, letting them stay close thinking they had a chance…
You sound dumb. Yeah they purposely decided to go to OT!
DHC last night is a long ways away from 7 years ago. The single post season crap is really nothing special. You dont see niner fans sitting here saying VD is the greatest TE ever even though he had the greatest single post season for a TE ever
Cardinals fans be using too many drugs
I love Russell Wilson He might still lead all TEs in post season stats.
Crabtree was pretty damn good that year too
Former supervisor of NFL officials Jim Daopoulos says there’s no actual rule that says the coin must turn over in the coin flip.
….lawyers running the NFL! ha ha!
Jesus you’re an idiot. Just last night he was great
Ron your irrational hate of lawyers is extending to refs now I see
White Trash Lizard #DHC ya so why bring up 7 years ago? It mkaes you look dumb
It’s gotta be on paper, written specifically or it doesn’t exist.
“Single best postseason ever is really nothing”
Haha incredible.
White Trash Lizard #DHC Post of a pic of his SB ring, that might quiet him down.
basically nobody here ever has a good time, cuz even when your WR has an epic performance and you have every right to come in here to talk about it, we won’t let you.
Go look at his career postseason numbers. That’s not fluke. Literally just last night he did it again…. just yesterday….
OH no DHC I agree with you. VD Is the single greatest TE ever because he had a good offseason 1 year
White Trash Lizard #DHC I did and I see lots of years of 0 playoff stats
Someone put David Eckstein in Hof- DHC. OK that’s reference only MB3 understands.
You sound like a retard. When fitz is in the playoffs he’s epic. It’s a trend. It’s not a fluke. Just stop
You are correct DHC, we went over this last night. If Fitz gets a TD next week he will match Jerry’s pace of 11 TDs in 9 playoff games. Halfway there!!
New York Times – 50 minutes agoPARIS – A man died in a French hospital Sunday after taking part in a drug trial for a painkiller based on a compound similar to cannabis, and five other participants remain hospitalized
White Trash Lizard #DHC 75 yard play with nobody covering him, yeah, this is all due to his skills
Can’t wait for the Cardinal beat down of the Seahawks next Sunday!!!
White Trash Lizard #DHC You are always comparing him to Rice in some way.
Something happening 1 time n 7 years is a trend – dhc
I’ve always said rice is the best football player ever. Just stop. But fitz is truly great. Slight in him is ridiculous
When you say Fitz is the greatest postseason receiver in history….you are comparing him to Jerry Rice
White Trash Lizard #DHC Lol you forgot he had 2 in 2009!!! Like you just don’t remember those playoffs.
my prediction: Hawks 24 – Kam 21…..GO HAWWWWWKS!!
later guys!
SacSig Well, to compare you’d have to digitize all those Rice highlight films from VHS…
Does Fitz even have as many yards and TDs in the postseason as John Taylor?
I’m too lazy to look it up
Did Jerry Rice ever go 7 years in between relevant playoff production?
Brazilian Women Playing Slip-N-Slide Soccer Is So Damn HOT! https://t.co/3MWe1cybN6
AZKardinal You mad bro? You know you’ve lost when you have to use another team’s highlights…
Fitz should be put in the HOF today. Why wait? Afterall, they let mediocre Steve Largent in.
Larry Fitz is 16th in post season receiving yards. Boldin 10th
Kyle, his wife, had apparently been having sex with a middle school kid from her school since he was 13 years old in 2013. It began, he says, after she lured him to her husband’s “man cave” to assault him. Sickeningly, she had known the kid all his life — she was his preschool teacher more than a decade ago.
My point is, once the HOF put Steve Largent in it set the precedence for mediocrity to get into the hall….
The NFL confirmed this morning that its rules do not require a coin to actually flip during the coin toss. But it said referee Clete Blakeman made a judgment call out of fairness Saturday night in overtime at University of Phoenix Stadium. The league’s statement: “There is nothing in the rule book that specifies this. But the referee used his judgment to determine that basic fairness dictated that the coin should flip for the toss to be valid. That is why he re-tossed the coin.”
Baldwin 20 years younger than fitz can’t run 79 yd routes
Lol, did he really just say that he is picking SEA because their defense won’t have to deal with crowd noise?
Too Short™ Was obvious the refs were calling the game for the Cards. If they needed that much help to get the W, how good are they?
Fitz has slightly more yards and 4 more TD’s in the postseason than the Niners #2 wide receiver John Taylor…and 3 less SB rings
SacSig Careful, AZK is getting furious, he might come after you.
Has baldwin broke any jerry rice playoff records?
I love Russell Wilson of course he did, Packers draped all over him too…
I love Russell Wilson Was epic. He is so good, he ran the route WITH the ball
pretty sure he ran a 10 yard route and was wide open then had 66 yards of yac
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! How many servings of Nachos did you devour last night?
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Baldwin broke the Cards spirit
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Mike after your incident where you didn’t know who Aeneas Williams was you would be smart not to talk about things you know nothing about
Did baldwin have more than 1250 yards in 2015?
noshoes2 AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Nope wrong!
The food caught in the folds of MFA’s 5 necks could feed an African village for a month
noshoes2 AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I believe you over that notoroius lier
Baldwin barely went over a 1000 yds in 2015
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! You barely broke 10000 calories last night, but you did!
White Trash Lizard #DHC I wish we had Fitz…but could you imagine the ass fucking going on in the locker room between him and VD?
Seriously though it doesnt get more desperate than DHC bringing up a single post season from 7 years ago to look for any meaning into what is going on this year. If we are going that far back in teh past for relevance then SF still has a chance at a sb
Too Short™ AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! might want to add another 0 there, realistically
I’m not hating on Fitz, but he is past his prime. Had a lucky game last night. As of right now, total body of work for this season Baldwin > Fitz.
Baldwin will be in the HOF with Largent in the “Mediocre Wing”…
AZKardinal Right next to Bruce Arians, all those winning seasons and not even a trip to the SB
Lol he had 109 catches this year and did that in the playoffs again…. keep trying
I saw the episode on Largent from the Football Life series. Pretty tough not to like the guy even if you’re trolling hardcore
noshoes2 AZKardinal Uncle Fester? His Addams family show was awesome
The most important thing in football is scoring, and Baldwin did that much better
k1joyce from AZ Largent is still good from a post season 30 years ago – DHC
Too Short™ k1joyce from AZ and he single handily carried the team at times
do they ever get into snoop dogg in this compton movie?
The poor kid had really been through the ringer. He confessed at one point she became pregnant but miscarried. She reportedly offered him $900 to keep quiet about the whole thing.
This woman is a devious sexual predator and needs to be kept away from kids — for good. If this was a middle-aged man sleeping with a girl, we would all be calling for his head. But for some inexplicable reason, we give women a pass when it comes to having sex with underage boys. It’s wrong and it needs to stop.
AZKardinal Turbio could have been if he had the drive. He didn’t and so won’t make it. But Rawls will be
I love Russell Wilson Don’t know. I don’t support criminal movies.
noshoes2 I love Russell Wilson you support the seahawks right?
Too Short™ “Yesterday’s history, tomorrows a mystery, todays a gift”——-
Fitz > baldwin. Not even close
Fitz is a hof’r and a legend baldwin is an udfa on a good team with a good qb who finds him
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Aeneas Williams would stifle both of them
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Do you prefer extra sour cream on your fat boy nachos?
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I recycle because I’m environmentally conscious
The Seattle Seahawks wing at the Pro Football The Hall of Fame… Complete with Steve Largent urinal cakes….
Why do all the AZ fans sound pissed? I thought they won last night *goes back and checks score again.
k1joyce from AZ Too Short™ I mean, there is an undertone of hostility in their posts.
Good point never seen so many people mad about a win
Noshoes who goes barefoot i hope your team wins today. Not just because we will have the nfccg at our crib. But more importantly i want to kick your teams ass on our field and knock your sorry osprey ass out of the playoffs.
* we already took the nfcw from you
Navorro Hawks got lucky and won, I was ecstatic. Az gets lucky and they’re picking on HoF quality people.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Mike what the fuck do you have against Ospreys? Did you get attacked by a flock once?
really the only way dhc could have embarrassed himself after that win was talk about fitzs post season from 7 years ago like its relevant
Too Short™ I love Russell Wilson he came in swinging off the bat about it
I love Russell Wilson like you talk about a sb from 1995? Lolololollolollol Bawahahahahaha
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I love Russell Wilson do i?
Na I don’t do that and neither does Jive
Navorro Now he’s accusing Nav of going into the history books? MFA is way mad
Too Short™ nope i said the score would be 27 16
Fucker I said I was 3 when that happened. I do care
Kip Chelly Are you working today? I can take that tweet down if you want me to.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Too Short™ I’m pretty sure you said 40-0.
yes immediately after SF eeks out a home playoff win in OT I immediately talk about the 1995 SB you are right MFA
Too short you must be about 19 or 20 years old. You are the most immature hawk fan on ska
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! BOOM, Mike just laid the wood
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Take a pic of your forehead again, I want to see how red it is.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Mike you are the picture of maturity yourself
It’s a fact 49ers have 5 superbowls but I’m not bragging about something that happened when I was 3
Too Short™ AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Mad? Who me? Im very happy my team in in the nfccg
Don’t make Mike angry, you wouldn’t like him when he is angry
Mfa talking about other people’s maturity is like Suh calling out dirty players
Good morning gents!
What great win. Cards
honestly played poorly but advance. Hopefully got that out of their system.
JohnnyP31 k1joyce from AZ AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! and a great example to our young servicemen
Not that he needed to, but Fitz once again immortalized himself to this organization. That guy rises to another level in the playoffs.
It’s a shame he was cheated out of more playoff games with the shitty QBs he had to play with.
Azfan1830 imo carsons finger is bothering him
@Navorro Yea, but iirc, the trophies are made out of gopher wood and impure metals that are very corrosive
k1joyce from AZ JohnnyP31 AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! A warning for veterans everywhere.
Why did Pete let Wilson throw the ball..?
~Hawks fans in 3 hours 45 minutes from now after Wilson chokes and costs Seattle the game
k1joyce from AZ fuck your mother in secret
AZKardinal Refs gave you the game………..~ Me one second ago
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! k1joyce from AZ very mature
Cards fans aren’t used to celebrating playoff wins. Not sure what to do with themselves right now
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Azfan1830 I thought Carson played like shit
k1joyce from AZ AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! So serious ly
Mike I think it’s time you put these young krunks in school
I like bitter Cards fans except AZ fan he’s happy
It’s this. I posted it here and people liked it. I post it there and one of our mods deletes it. https://twitter.com/imagesSexyyhttps://twitter.com/imagesSexyy/status/688611816188989440
Brazilian Women Playing Slip-N-Slide Soccer Is So Damn HOT!https://t.co/3MWe1cybN6
Azfan1830 AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Wasnt very accurate. His finger is bothering him
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Azfan1830 my finger is bothering me
Settle down Mike. Have a breakfast burrito
k1joyce from AZ naw I’m wore out from the game last night can barely talk
back2backNFCWchamps Roasted us, damn you are on fire Mike
Since 2008 cards are 6 2 in playoff games
back2backNFCWchamps Oh, sorry my mistake. Didn’t read the name
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! AND they set a record for total yards in a game
I remember jumpring from iceburg to iceburg during my seal training in SSan Diego 35 years ago – MFA
I actually want the Seahawks to win today. Bring on the rematch in Glendale next week….
I love Russell Wilson Fucking global warming has melted all of the SD ice sheet
Brb when the hawks panthers game starts
Cam is teaching all of these kids that taking hand outs is ok. SMH. Instead of learning to go out and earn a football, now they will just think if they want something they should just stick their hands out and wait. Terrible example he is setting. Where are the parents?
I was disappointed in the run blocking last night and of course in how Carson was throwing he ball. I know I have to give the Packers some credit against the run but still I thought the OL didn’t measure up. Carson was just off, but he’s been so good this year it actually makes me confident that he will not have another bad week next week
PES “Shaken the bush Boss, Shaken the bush”…….~ Cool Hand Luke
DallasCowboysSux SESS IS COMING.
You misspelled success by the way
I love Russell Wilson PES I’ll probably just bust in my pants after RW’s 10th td pass
k1joyce from AZ He usually uses a broom stick to make sure he gets it all the way in.
Last year Tila Tequila was notoriously removed from the Celebrity Big Brother house after it was revealed that she is a Nazi sympathiser who claimed to be Adolf Hitler reincarnated.
Now Tila has been forced to turn to online crowdfunding to pay for her and her daughter Izzy’s rent.
lol and there will be pathetic, balding men who will send money to her hoe daughter
I think the final score will be around 21-17. Not sure who will win. It all depends on if the refs have money on the Hawks again.
York me in the bum – one more time thts not a nice way to talk about nav
Oh good. Pro Bowlers Tour is on……. At least some good sports on ESPN today.
out of the renaming teams, I’m okay with the Broncos, Cardinals, or Panthers winning the SB
I am rolling the panther victory joint as we speak. I am making a bubble hash snake and surrounding it in weed and rolling a joint.
I thought it was going to be a 2 yard run with that slow ass RB
who the fuck is artis payne do not give that fag the ball
well seattle is getting the ball ran down their throat. very enjoyable
If the seahawks can’t stop this how will they stop shitty chip kelly next year?
I’m sure Russell Wilson will bail out this defense like always…wait.
Keal are there donation refunds? I dont care if the site is up anymore – BK
Well hmmm that was easy Hawks run defense. Wow!!
Damn why does Carolina fans waste thousands of dollars so a fucking 5 year old can sit in the front row?
Buck just said that’s the first TD against the Seahawks by a RB since 2014. Gurley scored a TD against them less than a month ago.
Carolina 7-0. 0 passing yards 70 something rush yards
Well that’s not how you want to start it. Will be fine. Early nerves, settle down.
Why all the Hawks hate ? You’d think we been to 2 straight SB’s or something…………….
Well that was quick. Seahawks fans can go out and enjoy the day.
cd4packers yeah beat you last 2 games we played lol
OIeSagginSeahawk you say that like its unprecedented or something
too angry you better hope stewart gets cancer because at the moment he is avging like 35 yards and a td
Free El Chapo In Vegas yeah the only difference is i know we are going to lose
cd4packers yup 38 8 is pure luck but not a hail.mary. haha
Plus the refs are blind as hell. They missed a boat load of hold calls. Your team got away with murder.
14-0 apparently you can win in the first 5 mins tho Too short
The cards won’t win again. That was their last win of the season.
oh look s what happens when WIlson plays vs a team thats top 16 in pass d
well it looks like this game is over and I can finish watchign the compton movie
Well, now we can add to teh playoff games won after being down by at least 9
Damnit hawks,fans i wanted the nfccg at uop you fucking losers! !
The Cardinals would be beating both these teams by 30 points already…
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! lol y’all shouldve lost yesterday
Wilson has never won a playoff game when the opponent scores more than 24 points. 10 more points Car thats all you need
Steelers07 AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Steelers losing later today don’t worry
Well, we gotta go start our 180 hour shift now….
~noshoes, tooshort, seattleslew, munkey, plumlogan, oss
I’m changing up my prediction one last time. Carolina 84- Seattle 2
pDallasCowboysSux lol yeah they look just fine
I am coming out of retirement becuase seattle sucks so bad. Wal mart here I come – OSS
Hawks just got punched in the fucking mouth. Let’s see how they handle it
You know a team has not played in January much when their fans complain about field conditions. Its fucking January. Majority of the grass in the US is dormant you cant expect it to be in good condition
Too Short™ they better or i will be all over you like white on rice
too short do you even know what resodding means? It means they took strips of sod and put it on the ground. The roots are not growing and it has not attached itself.
I hawk’s oline reverting back to their old ways not good
Too Short™ so who is the idiot? You were expecting a good field? Its fucking january
The sack was 100% on RW
He just runs backwards from the beginning…you cant blame the OL for a retarded chicken running around
We need better def tackles for blocking next season – Cable
Aahahah I go get something to eat come back and it’s 14 zero zilp nothing nada.
Let’s me guess that elite midget is going to carry the team to a win like he always does?
“I think their desire to win is very, very similar,” said Ertz, who played for both coaches. “I did not have a problem with Coach Harbaugh. I definitely did not have a problem with Coach Kelly. I think, ultimately, as a player, you want to play for a coach that wants to win as much, if not more, than you do.
“I think that’s what the 49ers are getting.”
-Stanford/Eagles TE Ertz
I love Russell Wilson Too Short™ cards have a very nice field
If I had the number 1 scoring defense for 4 straight years I would have more than 1 SB ring – Dilfer
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I love Russell Wilson Too Short™ growing season is the winter in az
back2backNFCWchamps Well yea, he scored a TD for the panthers, HE IS THAT GOOD
Russell wilson…. ” Panthers look focused”
Greg Olsen is going to fuck the shithawks defense up
MFA after the way the cards played last night I would not talk shit
Steelers07 cards will beat them. We have the fitz
Car looks like htey would beat AZ by 100. 5 pick 6s by now for Palmer
I love Russell Wilson yes, how many INT’s did green bay drop? 3?
Imagine If Seahawks Had Good Center And First Round Pick Instead Of An Inactive Injury Prone TE
Mike McCarthy apparently lost his job immediately after last night’s game (via https://twitter.com/sandau_marc) https://twitter.com/darrenrovell/status/688730713496121344 https://twitter.com/intent/retweet?tweet_id=688730713496121344 https://twitter.com/intent/like?tweet_id=688730713496121344
Jive we would beat Carolina we have the secret weapon. The fitz!
Only if Sherman could tackle like he talks, he’d actually be good
Can’t blamethe field. Both teams play on the same field and this is way better than the conditions at the stick for the 80s and 90s
Giving up an early lead and playing on a shitty field – reminds me of the Washington playoff game
Don’t both teams play on the same field? Stfu carroll!!
I fucking told you Olsen going to fuck shit up today
sf4905 is going to be devastated when seattle loses. bandwagon bitch. You still have denver sf4905
He’s the only legit weapon, and then you have Ginn running sprints every play
York me in the bum – one more time he only catch’s 50% of balls thrown to him tho
Where is this #1 hawk defense? Did they miss their flight?
noshoes2 they did, Carroll is gonna blame everything besides him or the team for this loss
Hawks will still win this game, everyone calm down.
I love Russell Wilson cause big dicks in ur ass is bad for ur health?
We’ll be leaving this game to allow our viewers to see a more competitive WNBA game.
~ FOX Sports
7 plays 25 yards. With elite Wilson and bitch mode and that sorry receiver
We got our asses kicked that first quarter. These guys need to wake the fuck up
This is Russell Wilson’s air……..
All I’ve heard all week is how good Wilson is. He hasn’t done shit since week 17
It must be -30 degrees because the hawks offense blows and that is what Hawk fans told me all week as to why their offense blew vs minny
Tomsula farted for sure, his eyebrows moved with the fart
Shithawk fans how bad do you wish you were playing the Browns or steelers, I mean a team with no defense
Cam is going to hand the ball off to Russell Wilson after the TD
Man, way to be patient stewart, I didnt think that was goin anywhere
Don’t ban me OSS…..I’m just the messenger…
https://twitter.com/dannyoneil https://twitter.com/dannyoneil/status/688792633347448833https://twitter.com/dannyoneil/status/688792633347448833
https://twitter.com/hashtag/Seahawks?src=hash have been outscored 81-28 in first quarter in playoff games under Pete Carroll.
Might be time for the snap it over his head and hope everybody breaks coverage play
“I’m not worried about the Panthers”- hawk fans all week
being outscored 81-28in playoff first quarters, its like the same old show over and over again. This is why i think the hawks still come back
@I love Russell Wilson im surprisingly calm. I have this weird feeling that we will come back. I am the dog in the burning bar
Now I’ll have to switch from comparing this to Washington game to comparing it to the Atlanta game … and then I have to change the ending, which is … goddamit, this is sucking shit
The Panthers are gonna get suspended 3 games for targeting a defenseless team
I dont want to see Broncos and Pats in the title game again…..FUCK
I kinda feel bad for the little guy. I imagine he will be looking something like this after the game.
Fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool & fuck you aka MB3 I thought this was great
Fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool & fuck you aka MB3 ppl are idiots
hawk fans just wait until dhc sees this and comes back talking about the playoffs from 7 years ago
Nigger Tebow will have the hawks in the game soon enough if the defense can tighten their shit up
2015 was not the year for wild card teams!! NOPE!!
Somewhere Keal is in a cheap bed bug infested hotel room high on meth and laughing his ass off at this game right now….
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! only thing that would be better is a turnover
oh I cant wait for that finnegan matchup – hawk fans
Panthers dont have a shithead like McCarthy or Bostik….so I FEEL GOOD ABOUT THIS!!!
This is an old fashioned take em behind the wood shed ass whoopin.
https://twitter.com/RealSkipBayless https://twitter.com/RealSkipBayless/status/688793644967555073https://twitter.com/RealSkipBayless/status/688793644967555073
Well, this time Seattle probably doesn’t have to worry about blowing its 6th fourth-quarter lead of the season.
Cards will give the panthers a much better game
Glad Okung is out. Oline will be solid again. RW doesn’t get sacked for rest of the game
Kramer916 back2backNFCWchamps cause women pretend to care
Kramer916 back2backNFCWchamps but shes thinking about dick and money
Panthers running a 4 min drill with over 35 mins left in the game
BKOB – Fire Everybody yea Panthers first drive that didnt end in a TD
remember the Giants Panthers game a few weeks ago? The Panthers will sit on a lead at some point and let the Hawks back in.
if this were a game of online madden, the user controlling the seahawks wouldve already quit by now
NFL teams are 1-76 when trailing by at least 21 at any point in a game this season, including the playoffs (WSH beat TB in Week 7)https://twitter.com/ESPNStatsInfo/status/688793802937643015 https://twitter.com/intent/retweet?tweet_id=688793802937643015 https://twitter.com/intent/like?tweet_id=688793802937643015
Hawks will make it a game in the second half.. Can’t count out Wilson the
I was worried that RW might have saved Tom Cable’s job. What a relief.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) remember when i owned you in madden and made your entire lineage look like weak bitches
Seahawks are just spotting CAR 24 and a qtr. Have to level the playing field. Don’t be sheeple believing what the media tells you.
I think its safe to light up the panther victory joint.
Trainwreck bubblehash surrounded by a mix of indoor bluedream and outdoor bluedream
Have any of you had a thai stick? Those things look like they’d knock the hugest of stoners on their ass.
oh yeah knut m ywhole lineage was destroyed with that game of madden that day…
What is this highlander?
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) do better next time and maybe you wont be disowned
Hawks lose the LT and then the right side of the line becomes porous
Just toss some quick outs to Baldwin and get some kinda rhythm going.
sugar me and you might have 2 definition of thai stick.
I think a thai stick is just when you grow 1 big bud and take everything else off the plant
No blocked punt returned for a td – that feels like a win right now
AZKardinal He was the all time leading receiver when he retired?
By holding the record for most receiving td’s, among many others
In brighter news Wilson only has one Incompletion
All the trolling from you Hawks fans all game then your team comes out like this? I dont even need to troll. Cable and RW are doing it for us.
Sherman has allowed more yards in this game than Jimmie Ward has all season lol
BKOB – Fire Everybody yea ur play calling has sucked and not let anyone get comfortable
BKOB – Fire Everybody maybe its ur GM’s fault for horrible oline drafting
I’ve heard somewhere that shithawks had a good defense? Was I mislead?
Whats better this or the game winning interception?!
It’s ok. Patrick Peterson got burnt to a crisp on a Hail Mary by a rookie who came into the game with two catches all season
Seattle’s largest comeback ever was in 2013 against Tampa Bay when they came back from 21-0 deficit. Down 24 now.
Okay Seattle. The game is basically over. You have one job. Kill Cam Newton. Or ya know dive at a knee or something.
I fucking said it, Olsen is fucking shithawks ass uo
Holy shit. What the hell happened? Was playing dq8 and just now checked the score.
Panthers have more points than the hawks do yards hahahahaha
31 – 0 middle of the 2nd….. this is funnier than anything ever
“What was the score of that AFCCG? Bills vs Oilers?”
-Wes Welker
Last time these two teams played,lane didn’t play. I don’t think that matters
If The Hawks Got A Point For Every Yard They Would Still Be Losing By 2 Touchdowns
Not sure if this has been said so far, but:
Lol Seahawks…
i think the oilers blew like a 35 point half time lead in the playoffs before…. stay positive seattle
Shit do something! DL needs to put helmets to groins up in here.
Good news for Seahawks fans. You have plenty to time to take your wife shopping today.
https://twitter.com/SandoESPN https://twitter.com/SandoESPN/status/688796205745242112https://twitter.com/SandoESPN/status/688796205745242112
Since 2001, NFL teams are 99-3 when leading by exactly 24 points in a first half. Only the Broncos, Chargers and… https://t.co/0af8YAPe22
Now I gotta dig back to buffalo vs the oilers to find a sliver of hope here
You fucking bitch ass hawks . You fucking mudderfucker losers. Now we have to pack our bags!!
Don’t worry, we’ll be facing their backups in the 2nd half
buffalo wild wings seattle just had every customer ask for their check
Jeff Garcia has the biggest playoff comeback in NFL history. Wilson is no Jeff Garcia
Lol, MFA. You’re going to get murdered in Carolina next week.
They’re running our of rich kids to give footballs to
https://twitter.com/SandoESPN https://twitter.com/SandoESPN/status/688799340769312768https://twitter.com/SandoESPN/status/688799340769312768
Since 2001, NFL teams are 16-0 after taking 31-point leads in first halves.
Its kind of shocking that a team that went 15-1 is smacking the shit out of a team that got swept by the sexy combo of Nick Foles and Case Keenum
That is the real Russell Wilson, hawks fans. Still can’t play qb from the pocket and isn’t worth that contract.
Just. Not. Good. Enough.
Hawks may break the Cards record for total yards in a playoff game
Well seahawks are only 3-9 in road playoffs. Not like they are historically good on the road.
noshoes2 you forgot 4 2 point conversations,lol
don’t worry 12’s…. the panthers will back off a bit in the second half and RW will still get some descent stats
LOL Ryan Lindley and Merwin Williams got more offense for AZ last year than RW and Lynch today
Seattle can still win this. Trade Wilson for Tom Brady right now.
if only wilson could play vs the browns defense every week
Fitz had 176 yds and 1,td. I wonder if baldwin will match this.
I blame the Cardinals. If they had gotten the one seed, we’d be in AZ, up 30 points by now
After this game I am thinking of rocking this wilson garb for a while. I love you wilson for exposing to all hawk fans the fraud you are
Also. Lol at the hawks fans who said it’s a good thing they didn’t have home field advantage.
Yep whew. Nice to be on the road isn’t it?
BKOB – Fire Everybody not in the playoffs you wouldn’t besides carolina beat the bucs
I wonder if God is mad at Russell? Did he break his vow of celebacy?
Pedal to the metal panthers, put a 60 burger on em. Don’t let up.
Lol, Buck and Aikman trying to keep viewers watching. Talking comeback lmao.
I’m hopping on the Panthers bandwagon. Go beat NE in the SB.
Hawk fans said they weren’t worried about Carolina lmfao
I’m gunna go look at my pics from the SB Parade. Those were happy days
better get out windows 7 so u can view it on your current computer… getting old btw
“Oh well look at that. I have a 300 hour work week” – griz
Hawks need to make it close so Avril and Bennett have a reason to shatter Cams fibula
Boy, have the mighty have Fallin !’
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! As opposed to fallout?
At this point, they should let our bounce passes count
“Will I run out of balls to hand to the kids before this game is over?”
we are losing you are supposed to make calls that help us – pete caroll
@Stephenasmith Lord Have Mercy! What I annihilation. We can never call them the Legion of Boom again. Not after this beat down. What a destruction!
Wtf is wrong with seattles defense? The #1 defense giving up 31 in the first half??
So you’re saying there’s no chance?
Teams trailing by 31+ points in any game in last 15 seasons are 0-325. https://t.co/J6Dfjq5icP
I think panthers put a 40 burger on seattle today 🙂
I think the panthers can put up a 30 burger on seattle today – mfa
i cant wait for bkob to hit me with some knowledge come tuesday
Hawks ingredients to win a SB.
-HFA at Sound Machine Stadium
-Lucky broken plays that weirdly lead to an improbable win.
-A historically good defense that could win with MFA playing qb
-Playing Peyton Manning who is a career choker in the post season
These ingredients are mandatory and non negotiable. Without them there is no SB in Seattle now and in the future.
pete, 3 points were there and you just sealed the loss…. again
Russell wilson may own a swimming pool and a bird and make awesome smoothies but he doesn’t own a panther!
bkob does not do his report in the postseason because he knew wilson would be exposed
ok guys, we need this first down to have any chance… i say we throw it short of the sticks, fuck it
I’m glad so many people are begging me to resume the BKOB Report.
Thanks for your support, Knowledge Seekers!
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! For the game dipshit . It’s only 1 half. What a tard like your team
This is how im feeling about the 1st half
The hawks can barely win 3 road games ina seasonz. They were never gonna do it in the playoffs
Maybe your team could be involved in a meaningful game some day
Well I’m turning on natgeo to learn about panthers. See I’m doing my homework unlike seattle
AZKardinal Drugged and raped? How current and topical.
uh oh panthers are playing to lose now. 3rd and 6 and you are running with tolbert give me a break. look plum is chest thumping that
I love Russell Wilson Kramer916 madden doesnt let u play a RB at QB
Noshoes said seattle would win by 2 tds all week
I think the final score of this game should be everybody’s screen name all week
Noshoes said rw would have 4 tds and baldwin 2 and lockett 2
WIlson will run on half of the plays of this drive if its a scoring drive
Have the Seahawks won yet….I’m still looking for the game on TV….
How dare you sully the name of the mighty nfcwest seattle. Shame on you. Shame!
ok, i have the game dvr’d, about to start this baby….. go hawks!
Free El Chapo In Vegas how is that possible when you signed up for all that ot with the packers losing?
Noshoes wants us not to watch the game anymore and see his tit pics
noshoes2 doesn’t need them uses his mouth
I hate how this game is so early. Wish this was a night game everybody wouldve watch this rape session
The Fan 64 I heard there is a guy that is a good DE conversion to Olinemen
“‘The Comeback’ Oilers vs. Bills 1992 AFC Wild Card Game” on YouTube
i’m glad blair walsh missed the FG now, didn’t realize how funny a football game could actually be?
This has to be the worst playoff game by the hawks ever
Good thing we have an offensive genius in Chip Kelly. Poor seahawks are stuck with bevell
First it was Cable, now Bevell. Lets just blame all the coach’s
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! No shit captain obvious
shit hawk fans were saying the cold was why they sucked in minnesota. must be -100 in carolina
The Seahawks have been exposed as frauds now…at least Minn would have made it a game for a couple quarters
Free El Chapo In Vegas AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Stfu loser like your team. You couldn’t even beat us with a hail mary. Lol
Even if they hit that field goal they would need 10 more to take the lead, lol
Seahawk fans changing into their Panther jerseys now. And then after the game they will put on their Warrior jerseys
Rich CiminiESPN Staff Writer
Pete Carroll’s gamble comes up a yard short. The Seahawks have been there before.Share16m
Fitting #1 against #2 for the 2015 nfc championship
According to ESPN Stats & Information, in the last 15 years, teams that have trailed by 31 points at any point are 0-325. The Seahawks trailed 31-0 going into halftime.Share5m
EDTGO 1,left they will be done after denver wins
York me in the bum – one more time How the fuck they get these stats?
Definitley dont blame the players who have to play. Hawks do the same exact shit and some times its execution not coaching. Not that Pete Coaches. He’s head cheerleader.
The way Cam is throwing the ball and he is balling
he is MVP for sure and he should be in talks as the best QB in the NFL, with A. Rodgers and T. Brady
Seattle needs to trade a first round pick for Jared Cook…. Or maybe Vernon Davis….they need a big TE
49ers5bowls i bet it will be a lot closer than 31 0 at the half lol
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper They need offensive lineman anyways
he’s getting there, i think its brady…. then tier two is AR, cam, big ben
Derek Anderson will start the second half. End game with 4 tds himself.
EDTGO That’s not going to happen. I will use Randolf Dukes words to tell you way. He is a negro.
3 n out for Hawks first possession of 2nd half. TD Carolina
U have to see how he elevates the whole team with his leadership and he not only does it with his arm but legs….. And killer smile!
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Cable is so good Im sure they can find a DE to convert as a free agent
Adusoron Kaep will never see the post season again
Let’s play predict the hawk fans excuse on Monday.
I’ll start.
Stupid Darrell Bevell!
Turn Rae he could as a backup somehwere dumbass bkob
So I got Netflix yesterday
In 2 episodes of Narcos. Pretty bad ass show.
Looks like our CS is falling into place. DC is still a question mark whether Mangini is coming back or not
Halftime adjustments. Epic come back………..Yes I went there.
Who are kelly coordinators?
I have not heard shit, DC is going to be key
we all know kelly and mangini are going to watch star wars together and nerd connect and work together
The plan to have Carolina forfeit after giving away all of the game balls after TDs has apparently been abandoned.
Already gettinf out of bounds on every play. Smart move not enough time leftto mount a comeback
That DB on the right never turns all late and when he does he turns the wrong way. They are going to go after that guy
RW went into the locker and sucked more cock asking for more miracle magic
Yes my wishes are coming true. Now Avril and Bennett will have something to play for and destroy Cams knees
I was really expecting Wilson to get hurt just before halftime, so Tavaris Jackson would come out and go Frank Reich on some Panther ass.
Now they are just giving the Panthers a reason to keep their foot on the gas on offense… Lol
BKOB – Fire Everybody Masturbating to first half highlights.
I’d rather pay 22k for that malibu than 34k for mfas kia
Frank Clark about to get the strip/sack/recovery/TD
the game took a turn when the “good luck titties” were posted… interesting
Has anybody actually blamed the field? Other than the announcers?
Is Carolina playing on a different field than the Hawks? I’m not sure why the crybaby bitching about the field.
I just saw a Carolina Panthers ball boy walk in Dick’s Sporting Goods and buy 10 more footballs for the second half.https://twitter.com/finebaum/status/688799891800330240 https://twitter.com/intent/retweet?tweet_id=688799891800330240 https://twitter.com/intent/like?tweet_id=688799891800330240
He was in the pocket why couldn’t he make the throw?
Why’d is he testing the best CB in the game with these mediocre WRs?
York me in the bum – one more time Peterson Played yesterday
HAHAHA, Peterson got burnt by a rookie last night. He sucks
Let’s play close and stop the run now that we are up 31, surely they won’t throw the ball
– panthers DC
Time for Cam to get a wee bit nervous and force a ball into traffic here.
BKOB – Fire Everybody I’ll take your spot cheering for Seattle till you get back…;)
Nice kick by Hausch….they are not kicking to the end zone, want them to handle the ball.
That 6 points that Seattle should have from that missed FG and not taking the FG on 4th and 5 could end up being the difference in this game.
Fucking Ryan Reynolds. Gonna ruin the coolest comic book character.
noshoes2 if there is no nipple its not really good luck, those are teasing titties
BKOB – Fire Everybody hope is not a strategy for success…
It’s been almost 20 seconds. Somebody should repost the 0-325 stat
Posting full nudes for Panthers
is RW looking to pass in the pocket or just looking to scramble?
The fact that we don’t think this game is over is proof of how spoiled Seahawk fans have become
BKOB – Fire Everybody lol there are like 2 of you here
too many first downs there and not even a FG attempt…. not good seattle
The great russ wilson.
Posting Andy Daltons sister for Carolina good luck
how old are these titty pictures the girls have very bushybushes
The Fan 64 Nothing better than hairy pussy
Curious as to Hawk fans reaction to Thomas Davis’ perfectly accurate comments?
time for wilson to run. that is what I interpreted noshoes as saying
ford always bragging about how many trucks they sell, but the quality is questionable. Reminds me of mcdonalds
If they don’t overturn this the fix is in
Just kidding – this game is over
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper desperation is 10 years under .500 and moving…
Thank you crappy field for providing incontrovertible proof
Even tho the Panthers will most likely win they showed way more heart than the Panthers. I can see Cards beating them
Any other team would have grabbed their blankets and gone home.
man, and to think it could be a 7 point game, but no pete went for it on 4th and 5 in the 2nd qtr
pete carroll shot his wad to early in the 2nd qtr. should have taken the 3 points
Come on Too Short you know my thoughts
Seattle is going to get a turnover right here
Seattle can’t blame the refs if they lose…
Oh well, all they have to do is run some a few minutes off and this game is over
You guys realize this game is going to end exactly how it began…on a russell wilson interception.
RW suddenly has twice as many passing yards as Cam
this is going to at least tick down to 3 mins on this drive. hawks have 2 time outs. yep this is over barring an onside kick recovery
Seattle couldn’t cover a TE all year… I blame it on Kams holdout
hey hawk fans you can take your blankets and go home now
Seattle couldnt do what the niners did… Go into Carolina and win
lol noshoes pussy bitch getting all teh calls and bitching about it
* hands no shoes a baby milk bottle
back2back looking at tranny twitter instead of watching football?
he should have thrown the red flag right before the snap, burn 10 more secs
The hawks get to save face, but just like the 2nd rams game, the lions game, the 2nd vikings game…they were outclassed and put up points late when the other team was playing prevent. They werent good this year, plain and simple
He didn’t gain possession until after his foot was off the ground. Incomplete
Seattle luck is still alive. Luckiest team in the NFL since PC became HC. Hmmmm
OSS if the hawks score right now
Are seahawls fans gonna root for Carolina or Arizona next week?
Well they have Bryant a TD on the most obvious incomplete
Panthers probably lose too
As long as John Bostick isn’t on the Panthers this game is over
My boy Peyton is up next…I wonder where he will play next year
This years refs might the worse in history
Affected 3 playoff games already
BMT is straight up rooting for Seattle right now
Navorro Take a couple of shots at the end zone while close.
seattle needs to get a onside kick at this point. I dont see it happening again this year
most football fans have no idea what illegal formation even means
look at noshoes complain about the refs hahhahaha
Pete telling RW he can put it in his ass tonight if they win
all i want to see is hawk players and coaches arms up complaining ‘where’s the flag?!?”
Carroll tried to go to 3 straight NFC championship games lol you aint Harbaugh nigga!!
So what will SFC say about RW elite fucking talents after that first half he had?
Good. The hawks did not in any way shape or form deserve to advance. #bettertobegoodthanlucky
I’m gonna run by the trailer park anch catch me some pussy after the first couple drives of the next game…
I give all credit to the Panthers. THey came out and put it to us physically and attained a lead we couldn’t catch.
dmanit I wanted to see that old bag put on those glasses
i wonder if an nfcw team ever went to carolina and won a playoff game, seems impossible
Carolina out-physicaled us today, and they will do that all the way to their first Lombardi.
hell of a second half. the team never gave up. love the effort
I just don’t see Palmer having the pocket he’s going to need to pass. They aren’t going to run the ball well.
Hats off to Car. They played a hell of a half. Just one score too many to overcome
It’ll be fun to see RW vs Palmer in the Pro Bowl
wilson loses another game where his defense gives up more than 24 lmfao
now I have to find avatar for HH> I am thinking naked kaep
So it’s up to the Cards to rep the NFCW…………. Don’t fuck it up boys. Sadly my Hawks did….
Wilson has never been beaten. He’s only run out of time.
Time to play Fallout for 10 straight hours…. Care to join me BKOB?
so that pick 6 by RW was the difference maker…. just noting things
“Andrew Luck would’ve won today. Eat it BKOB!” -Danny O’Neil
There was no one play that decided that game. When you give up 31 in a half, there is a shit ton of plays that didn’t go right
TIGRE1629 I knew they’d make me grind to the final two minutes. It’s what they do.
Come Honor Face hell be busy for about six months…lol
Kaep threw a pick six in a divisional round game too, but then finished setting NFL records hah
I’ll be pulling for ARI
Go rep the NFCW & win the SB!
Mike pretended like he wanted SEA in the NFCCG. We can now see that was a lie.
Lol MFA, you let a rookie WR go down the field in 55 seconds…101 yards to tie the game last night. Cardinal fans have little room to talk.
Wilson played a great second half, poor first one behind a shit oline. That game really summed up our season actually
noshoes2 Yeah, whole team loss. Wilson didn’t play well, no running game, defense gives up three TDs on long drives.
Free El Chapo In Vegas and you still lost the game. Haha
noshoes2 lol blame the o line for wilsons shitty play
Here’s Jim Ross calling the first half of Seahawks-Panthers https://t.co/EMxPPD93nM
BKOB – Fire Everybody i wanted your team at uop. It’s ok you are done
Niners with best coaching hire + epic choke job by the midget
Best weekend ever!!!
CK7 beat Carolina in playoffs at home
RW needs to CAR to play contain and click management to law by 3
CK7 > Russell “I’m a born again virgin” wilson
hawks lose by a touchdown in a game where RW threw a pick 6…. i’ll bring this up until the draft
Well the shithawks finally ran out of luck and dismantling is gonna begin HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE
no shoes no trolling it was the second quarter and the panthers had more points than the hawks had yards lol Wilson played like Kaerpnick out there
I just wanted to drop in real quick to say how happy I am that the Hawks lost. That is all.
BKOB – Fire Everybody i have ron so….
So who are gonna be the hold outs? Bennet, chancellor? Irvin gone HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Zippy…HARUMPH! Nope and we wont get down by 31,lol
Hell of a 2nd half by Seattle. To bad they forgot they had to play the 1st.
OIeSagginSeahawk k1joyce from AZ haha, I would hope so
MB3SPN Stats & Information: hawks were 0-8 against any team with a defense this year
Fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool & fuck you aka MB3 I love MB3SPN
hell of a comeback by rw and company.
Just gave up too much in the first half
I love Russell Wilson MFA’s wife cheating on him again
i hope you guys can swim!!
When you let a ,team put 31 on you in the first half you deserve to lose period! Hawks lol
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! They still punked you pretty good Week 17
CAR took their foot off the pedal for 2.5 quarters and the Hawks still couldn’t foot. Lol
I am reminded of the 2012 playoff game of Seattle vs. Atlanta.
Hawks fans ill lick Wilson’s balls for coming back in a prevent half of football after blowing the first half badly.
Oh well. Can’t win ’em all
Another great season from Seattle. I’m gunna enjoy them while they last.
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll They will continue, it’s not like we from the Bay Area…
maybe if the Hawks got wilson out of hte pocket more they would have won
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll Luckiest team in NFL history and BA BYE
seriously though, both of the NFC teams would whoop any of the three remaining AFC teams
Well at least Wilson wasn’t the worst playoff qb this year, Hoyer barely got that honor
k1joyce from AZ AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Keep up lambs fan it’s the playoffs
Oh wait you don’t know what that is,lol
Too Short™ BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll Hope you enjoyed the ride, it will never happen again LOL
These guys are talking up Peyton’s “Big return” game like it was some sort of modern day miracle. He went fucking 5 for 9
Carolina and AZ are much more complete than anyone remaining
https://twitter.com/TheMrPaix?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor2 mins ago – https://twitter.com/TheMrPaix/status/688834358501744641?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5EtweetSucks to see Seahawks lose. Straight up butt whoopin
Free El Chapo In Vegas No, they aren’t. No, Arizona blows. That game last night proved it.
seahawks window is closed. last year of having number 1 scoring d. 4 years of having it in a row and only 1 sb. kinda disappointing
Making playoffs four straight years is hard, Seahawks had good season. Happy they lost though.
As long as we have Wilson, we’ll have a chance every year. That dude is special.
I might write an article about it
1 more wc team will lose and they will all be done
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll It’s not like we’re stuck with Kelly, Kaep and the douche GM
say that for any team, take out good players and they’ll be worse… dum
Going to commit wanton acts of virtual murder in Call of Duty while watching the afternoon game. I’ll be here all next week to be kicked around.
The game was really like our season: Sucked early on, dug ourselves a hole, and then fought like hell to get out of it. Ultimately came up short, but, I was very well entertained. Can’t wait to see what next year brings. GO SEAHAWKS!
I’m going to kill you all with kindness.
Starting with Danny O’neil
Yeah, RW had a real special 1st half. I think he might have left his playbook on the short bus.
I love how the hawk fans are trash talking the Niners lol
Blame your shitty qb and defense
please send thank you letters to Nike
I don’t have much to troll about. So nor from me
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Hey that’s my old girlfriend.
Haters gonna hate. Damn i hate the hawks for not coming to UoP!
31 total points against the #1 scoring offense isn’t that bad
sfcis also back in intense training in alabamawhere the internet is banned
I’m just gonna leave this jar right here, if Hawks fans would kindly make sure they are directly over the jar when their tears are falling I would appreciate it.
dg if the hawks didnt lose today I’d draw a penis in your hand
DG looks like a fuckin rapist HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Woah, I didn’t know DGDub was Jean Claude Van Damme!!
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll Luckily, Fallout 4 is a pretty good game
“Luckily Fallout 4 is a great game”
Almost outta shit to do. I’m gunna get into my 2nd character and Mod the fuck out of everything
Its pretty gloomy up in the PNW, cry you little bitches cry HEEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll I’m working on my 2nd guy now. I added in this “extreme weather” mod and now there is massive sandstorms
It feels like the party after the Death Star was defeated in return of the jedi
“im not worried about Carolina at all”- Hawk fans this week lmfao
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll Agreed. That is an example of why you guys need HFA. On the road you guys aren’t good enough IMO even thought they never gave up.
Love watching sherman’s face after losses “insert evil laugh here”
We’ve been damn good on the road. Just shit the bed in the 1st half
This MIGHT be the year the Hawks realistically address the O line
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll The problem is that they shit the bed on the road more than they do at home in the postseason.
k1joyce from AZ This might be the year the 49ers…oh wait, no they won’t.
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll The margin of error is tight against a quality team like Carolina. You need HFA to swing it back your way
I think found the Hawks problem. http://i.imgur.com/HxNqaRX.jpg
Too Short™ k1joyce from AZ Well. they got a guy who has been a HC before so I guess that is a start
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll Well, I can point to Colin Kaepernick winning more on the road in the postseason as one isolated example.
Its a good thing the Seahawks traded their pro bowl center for a soft tight end who had to block before he got hurt because the o-line was trash all season.
k1joyce from AZ Too Short™ I suppose, luckily they still have that GM so the West doesn’t have to worry at all about them.
Ok, gotta go. Save some meltdown for tomorrow please, I don’t want to miss it all.
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll The 49ers beat the Pack in the cold, and the Panthers at home to get to the 13 NFC CG and should have won that game. I just don’t think Seattle plays well on the road and the objective results bear it out.
RW already has 2 road playoff wins. More than Steve Young
Jimmy Graham and Percy Harvin watched this game at Harbaugh’s crib
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper How did your new team do yesterday?
Another example of RW’s record when his defense gives up 24+ points.
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll Maybe they have a slight chance of bringing him back?
been with a torn shoulder still has way more juice on that ball then most
When they got sweptb by the Rams I knew they were frauds…even the Niners didn’t get swept by the Rams….
WIlson is working his way up the list. But Marshawn is #1 by a lot
So now that Seattle is out, I think I’m going to root for Carolina so that the Cards are out too, but part of me wants them to have 1 SB so DHC can troll the hawks fans about it.
There were 12 teams
Now there are 5 and hawks are not one of them! 🙂
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper and you bailed and became a Chiefs fan…
oh and mfa’s thumb is here. we have a celeb in the house
who are the hawks potentially losing this offseason?
Hawks finished their season at 11 7.
The arrow is pointing down since 2013
I’d love sweezy lol. He can take out the oppositions best defender
Irvin isnt a loss.. hawks played good without lynch
I see mfa is doing math again http://i.imgur.com/fu1pHAp.png
TIGRE1629 i wouldn’t have watched the game…ill watch the puppy bowl instead
Ballon Knot The cards have their work cut out for them. Big time.
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll you don’t understand i know you are still shook up over this loss. Its ok it happens
So is Seattle picking 25? 26?
…..I don’t really care, I just wanted to bring up draft talk
Ok, so of the following Hawks players, who will return in 2016 and who will be cut/traded/departed in FA?
1. Okung
2. Chancellor
3. Mebane
4. Kearse
5. Bennett
6. Sweezy
7. Lynch
8. Irvin
9. Rubin
Let me help you bkob
2013 hawks win the sb
2014 hawks lose th sb
2015 hawks dont win nfcw. Lose in div round
The arrow is pointing or trending down
Last week all road teams won
If den wins this week all home teams would have won.
OK, time to make some food and drink some beer. Hasta luego you crazy bastids!
I think bkob is mad at me for owning a friend
That’s about as deep as RW and the Defense could have dragged that Oline. I’m proud of my team.
Well, that was fun watching russell the midget throw INT’s. Gotta go enjoy my team’s win FUCK SEAHAWKS HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Too short went here after the game today
Michael Robinson Retweeted Brad Sanchez
2 words….. Tom. Cable.
Reverend Ras That’s tomorrow. SFC is going to tell us about “the best QB in the NFL.”
funny how tom cable isnt an excuse when wilson is racking up numbersvs bad nfl defenses
BKOB, do you think Seattle is going to shift focus and dump Cable and his project approach to the OL?
VIDEO: Cam Newton grabs, throws Seattle fan’s “12” flag after victory over Seahawks ble.ac/1Qg4TQY
hey the top 2 qbs over the last 8 weeks of the season are not in the playoffs anymore.
RW holding the ball 8 fucking seconds is Tom Cable’s fault!!! GET IT RIGHT!
I don’t get it., does MRob think Cable is no longer able to accurately scout D linemen
York me in the bum – one more time Idiot. It’s Darrell Bevell’s fault
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! whats that have to do with this year?
how can you blame the O-Line coach when you already know its a issue long term guy has been doing miracles with what he has
mfa takes pride in repeating the same steps of a sb his team lost
Free El Chapo In Vegas AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Just sayin. Sometimes things repeat themselves
Hello 94063 Anything to insulate the midget….they’ll do it/say it
Not what happened. But I forgive your pitiful trolling
Grizzly we had a picture bet, bitch.
You know, your GM doesn’t actually have to listen to Cable’s bad ideas. He is one of the best line coaches in the league, and was long before he came to Seattle. This is the first time he’s ever converted D linemen to offense
I love Russell Wilson at least my team is in the playoffs lol
FuckChipKelly you do this only when you got nothing to work with might as well
EDTGO fuck you bitch taking about 2008
mrhawk37 and the panthers playing prevent defense made it close
FuckChipKelly His teams always struggled in pass protection. That was the knock against him in Oakland, too
Anybody who thinks Cable isn’t a great assessor of D line talent is crazy
I mean O line talent
Well, I mean accurately assessing which D linemen could be good …
What the hell is he doing
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll FuckChipKelly think that was mostly bad QB’s
MFA’s thumb named Logan Good lord did you lose a bet to that reject?
The knock against him in Oakland was he knocked out his assistant coaches teeth and beat his wife
You guys are right. Our o-line is awesome. Silly me.
Free El Chapo In Vegas only in your mind
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll you guys suck at drafting O-Line like Niners at WR since Owens
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll They aren’t good, but Wilson makes his own job infinitely harder with his struggles in the pocket.
that is the thing with Wilson and the plays he makes thinks he can just get away from the pass rush every time
Friggin nice, Denver ST and defense going to get them to see Brady but not past him
Hello 94063 he took sacks today when he should have thrown the ball away
See you krunk pot heads next sunday
Taking a break from this jungle
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll by scrambling away but if caught could hurt big negative plays
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! lol see you later today faggot
Your O line is NOT awesome, but that’s the GMs fault more than the line coach, imo. He is in charge of making sure you have talent on the field, regardless of suggestions made by position coaches. If the 49ers WR coach told Baalke AJ Jenkins was a lock to be a hall of fame before the draft, would that make Baalke not responsible for drafting him?
* cracks beer , lights bowl……….Later scooter ..
sf9ers4905 Hello 94063 This is the correct answer. Drives would have had a way better chance if he throws the ball away instead of take 10+ yard losing sacks.
FuckChipKelly this is what I am saying you can only work with what you have no coach would be considering converting guys if he had something to work with
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll that is BS even HC have no say ~Harbaugh
But THEY make the final decision, and take the credit or blame that comes with that
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll sure. but the GM ultimately wears the blame.
If I’m sea I would more concerned that car scored 24pts on your d than that OLIne
I think the Seahawks should trade more lineman for soft players
sf9ers4905 Plenty of blame to go around…………….including Pete
tells you everything you need to know when they tried to teach Charmin soft to block
SEA hurt itself a lot on offense
But give CAR credit – That front 7 on D, will give others problems, too
It’s time to replace Okung. This was his contract year and didn’t up his game at all.
So you guys went from “Seattle’s o-line is actually really great” to “Schdeider is a bad GM”
I’m starting to think you guys are just trolling.
OIeSagginSeahawk just draft O-Line eventually might get it right
It must also be Cable’s fault that Schneider also got Graham by trading your your best interior lineman away.
Blame Cable!
OIeSagginSeahawk He’s ok, but not worth top tackle money. On the other hand who will replace him?
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll even good GM have a position they suck at drafting
Him and Harbaugh are similar with that. They get too hyped up to think rationally
We should switch to Facebook comments to raise the level of discourse
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll schneider has plenty of draft misses. Like the entire 2013 and 2014 classes sucked.
Hello 94063 k1joyce from AZ This is great, two crippled QBs
It would have been Beverly if RW didn’t score some garbage time tds
Remember when Levi Brown was an elite LT? At least we never put a DT in there.
I take issue with that Ras. It’s Darrell Bevell that’s responsible. Hawks should have that guy fired in a few days.
York me in the bum – one more time Bevell leaves, RW will get even worse.
In the regular season the hawks only played the 1st 3quarters. In the postseason they only played the 2nd half. They just aren’t a 60 minute team with that OLine and the running game they had without rawls
Fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool & fuck you aka MB3 Sounds like Pete Carroll isn’t that great after all? 😉
Fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool & fuck you aka MB3 Which team you going to root for now?
Adusoron York me in the bum – one more time Even worse than #1 in passer rating?
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll Adusoron York me in the bum – one more time Fluke numbers built on joke competition (mostly). the real RW showed up the last two weeks
Fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool & fuck you aka MB3 Mom’s dead, makes you pretty fucked up.
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll Adusoron York me in the bum – one more time He’s a limited game manager who relies on Bevell’s scramble drill. nothing more.
SOS was about average, finished #1 in passer rating, #2 in comp%
I don’t have an issue with Bevell. Every coach has some plays that make you scratch your head.
mrhawk37 These guys are miserable (look at their franchises and you can see why) they complain about everything.
Too Short™ – We lost you simply suck mrhawk37 we arent the ones blaming bevell
Bwahahaha. Actually I’m as happy as a pig in shit right now!
Too Short™ – We lost you simply suck Fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool & fuck you aka MB3 So the necromancers?
FuckChipKelly Because another team beat our team, your team sucks which is why you are miserable.
Stedman Bailey is launching a barrage of religious tweets today
I love Russell Wilson k1joyce from AZ Apparently he has been healing very well
Reverend Ras Free El Chapo In Vegas back2backNFCWchamps You worked 4 months of OT straight last year…world record
Ras, how much money did you make when you were on 4 months of OT last year?
Adusoron Too Short™ – We lost you simply suck No, I am asking a serious question.
I think Frasier needs to come out and talk to tooshort
Well i’m sure your mom understands that you brought this on yourself
back2backNFCWchamps he welched on someone else earlier this year
I love Russell Wilson The Indian Chief might be able to make more sense to him.
Too Short™ – We lost you simply suck Adusoron http://imgur.com/EC5cz1b
If manning loses again he gets no more excuses. He’s probably out of them anyway
Too Short™ – We lost you simply suck dont worry chip kelly wont scare him off for 10 months now
Too Short™ – We lost you simply suck and he has been here, just not as much
Can’t wait for Bernie to kick some HIllary ass tonight.
My team lost in the Super Bowl, I was here…
My team lost today, I’m here…
You disappear for 4 months (120 days), how many hours is that?
Too Short™ – We lost you simply suck 1440 for sfc. he will be gone all offseason now.
I think Justin Britt has replaced Kelly Herndon as my least favorite seahawk ever
Twenty Eight Hundred and Eighty Hours, being two chicken to show your face…how do you live with that?
Am I late for the Seahawk game? I hear they are gonna kill the Panthers//?
I woke up and saw the score on my phone and thought it was a mistake….the panthers couldn’t have scored 31 before the end of the first half…lol
I love Russell Wilson Too Short™ – We lost you simply suck Fine, take it up with him. I’m talking to Ras now.
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper wut? It happened already..Hawks win?
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper it was on at like non your time. you were sleeping?
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper This just in….Rams still moving.
Barely remember McGwire. Stevens had some ok games, his off the field shit was despicable
I’m gonna round up, Ras new name is the 3,000 hour disappearing act.
From all of this week I heard Russell Wilson > Cam Newton? How did that work out?
He had twice as many passing yards and 3x as many TDs
Too Short™ – We lost you simply suck Reverend Ras http://i.imgur.com/MzqQM9u.jpg
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll So any points scored by the Hawks in the 2nd half were just garbahe yards?
Too funny Ras, you need another team to beat the Hawks. When your team blows, you simply leave and take your keyboard and don’t come back.
Don’t see ARI, being able to run on CAR
Going to be hard for Palmer, to let anything develop down field, before getting killed
If a team scores 31 points in the first half, how could any points/yards/stats scored by the losing team be described as anything baut garbage stats?
The lack of anyone coming to your defense should speak volumes to you, they all know I’m right.
Too Short™ – We lost you simply suck No more clueless HC, 60-75M in cap space, and 12 picks (many of them high).
Too Short™ – We lost you simply suck Congrats on ur better season. the only thing it got u was a worse draft pick
loyal, i remember when i trolled you and you said “fuck this, i’m out of here”
Adusoron Too Short™ – We lost you simply suck Chip kelly? RIP 49ers.
Loyal I am planning to be at the first LA Rams game at the Coliseum this fall
Munkee Another troller that leaves for a month? This is some kind of trend.
Too Short™ – We lost you simply suck Adusoron he won 10 games each year until her was the GM too
nfl is going to conspire for the rams to be good after this year. refs were helping az and seattle all year to give them one last hurrah at gaining fans
k1joyce from AZ So cool…I need a travelling partner to go..MB? what about it homey?
LoyalLARam k1joyce from AZ I plan on stealing a piece of concrete from the stadium
I don’t understand why Loyal would leave. The rams swept the hawks. I’d be all over that if it were my team.
Too short is just stuck in the denial phase anger is next….then bargaining…then acceptance
What a crazy game. I am totally exhausted. Hawks just didn’t have time to dig out of that hole. On to the draft
Too Short™ – We lost you simply suck Reverend Ras http://imgur.com/U53LhYO
Making playoffs is bad now? I hate Seahawks but this is ridiculous.
Too Short™ – We lost you simply suck Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper How is this responsive to the original point, Griz?
You got it bro. I will kill you in kansas, then stab k1 and Kroenke when i get to Cali. #businesstrip
Navorro Yes, you can troll our playoff team Nav, get on board…
Fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool & fuck you aka MB3 I will bury you in concrete
Fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool & fuck you aka MB3 and from what I understand there is plenty of rubble at the Coliseum
Adusoron Too Short™ – We lost you simply suck Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper What?
Munkee, wait 4 months then come back, the new version fixes it.
bry_paz Obviously I’m biased but I was shocked how that game started
Na I’m good. I thought the goal was to make playoffs every year once you get in anything can happen.
bry_paz I had Carolina by 10, I sure as hell didn’t have them up 31-0 in the 2nd
Hawk fans show up after the game is decided. I think the team followed your lead this postseaso
CAR looked fresher and ready. The Hawks were not able to weather the ferocious start.
Fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool & fuck you aka MB3 Go Rams! No really, go…away, far…to Calif
Micky, your countertroll techniques suck. Like MFA’s mental math level of suck.
LoyalLARam AFC looks like a cake walk watching these two crippled QBs play
last week it was jack frosts fault for the crappy showing
this week its tom cables fault
Adusoron What, pointing out they hypocrisy of ‘fans’ that get so mad they leave for 3000 hours?
Smart man. I should try that. I watch a lot of games on mute take next step.
bry_paz I usually come on say good luck and then come back when its over
Seattle is set up for the long haul. Hard to picture them not contending for the next several years.
Not sure why ppl are blaming Cable
CAR has a great front 7
Micky after the hawks loss today and getting trolled by 49ers fans….
If I blame anyone for the loss, it’s Wilson making bad decisions early
Wow, trying to figure out why I would even come back if I left for 3,000 hours…
Loyal do you think any STL media guys will follow the team to LA? I’m pretty sure Savard said he’s staying, but I really wonder if Farr will stay behind also.
My goal for every team I root for is win division. If not then make playoffs some way.Then go on from there.
Carroll also made some bad decisions. Not kicking FGs in the first half being big ones
Fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool & fuck you aka MB3 Savard does the news there in STL, no way he moves
LoyalLARam k1joyce from AZ Karraker is? I highly doubt that
I don’t see ARI stopping CAR’s power run game
Stewart & Tolbert are going to destroy Buchannon & that soft ARI secondary
The rams arent even keeping half the office staff. They are a shit org.
The difference between this season and previous ones is no timely takeaways.
https://twitter.com/JasonLaCanfora https://twitter.com/JasonLaCanfora/status/688850440155435008https://twitter.com/JasonLaCanfora/status/688850440155435008
Timing of Russell Okung’s injury today could be brutal. SEA tackle headed into free agency. Injury looked significant
bry_paz I don’t know that, one against Peterson was about as clutch as they come
Ballon Knot Your predictions mean nothing after a SEA win prediction.
Adusoron They will get some rookie FA dlinemen to covert to LT
Adusoron was blocking, DE went around him, he went down grabbing his shoulder
Best road team since the beginning of 2013, but alright
Jack Snow moved with the team, and he was very pro LA at the time. I’d say Farr is 40/60 he’s pretty dug in on 101MB3SPN
I loved Thomas Davis’ comment on RW…..
He is a RB with a strong arm….. they proved that when it mattered in the 1st half
so the hawks have joinedf us on the couch…*pats the couch..lots of room for the Cards next week…
Cliff dislocated shoulder on the punch-out. Somebody check the air pressure on that ball!! #InflateGate
Don’t worry MB3 one month till spring training
I saw Peyton Manning at a pharmacy in Denver yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for free Papa John’s or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him hum the Nationwide jingle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen vials of HGH serum in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the vials and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each vial and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Alright. Had to show my face, but I’m out. GoHawks! SB 51 run starts now
Ras left SKA for 3000 hours he was so mad 31-21
Ras left SKA for 3000 hours he was so mad smh
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Ras left SKA for 3000 hours he was so mad Los Angeles
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Ras left SKA for 3000 hours he was so mad LOL
back2backNFCWchamps that looks like the “clear head” ask any giants fan we saw it first hand with Bonds
Hard to catch a pass from manning when it’s wiggling more than MFA’s mom in a brothel
And Ras was here in January last year
Navorro, whatever. I have been here all crappy season long to watch the 49ers be boring and terrible.
Ras and Adu left SKA for 3000 hours they mad Adusoron Been here all season, bully.
I still can’t believe AZ blitzed on that last play before OT last night. They need to calm that down, if they get to the SB Brady will eat that shit alive
Adusoron Ras and Adu left SKA for 3000 hours they mad you come crawling out of the woodwork to troll,
Ras and Adu left SKA for 3000 hours they mad Adusoron Been here all season long.
Adusoron Ras and Adu left SKA for 3000 hours they mad you left for that amount of time previous, it is well known.
There’s been a lack of double A gap blitzes from the cards the last few weeks
https://twitter.com/MikeSilver https://twitter.com/MikeSilver/status/688854181914882049https://twitter.com/MikeSilver/status/688854181914882049
Michael Silver Retweeted Chris/Nashville_MMA
Edward J. DeBartolo Jr.
York me in the bum – one more time change it to tom cable
If Bailey was more consistent, then I’d be fine with signing him and letting Okung walk. He played okay today. J.R. Sweezy was horrid.
It’s terrifying to think of what Schnieder will be capable of with a top 25 pick.
I’m waiting in a parking lot outside a grocery store and crackheads running about every which way
Man you gotta be gay. Posting some tranny’s twitter all game now a bunch of homo pics
Sweezy and Britt are human garbage. Their DNA should be illegal
The disscuss the loser mentality. Difficult to conquer. As hard as to cure as bubonic plague..Ahhh, but curable!
It’s a bummer that Seattle ran out of time to complete their dominant comeback. They would have walked through Arizona and bitch slapped the AFC champ. I’m tempted to count it as a SB winning season. Spoiled by a minor clock issue is all.
I forgot some of the names,long offseason
His team fucking sucks so he calls somebody a gay. Whatever makes you feel better about rooting for a team that can’t get it done.
This is big for Arizona
https://twitter.com/jjones9 https://twitter.com/jjones9/status/688854764063469568
I’m told Panthers DE Jared Allen suffered a foot injury that will likely require surgery and end his season.
BKOB, lets discuss your Danny Oneill murder fantasy you have…..It might require giving up losing football teams for a while.
https://twitter.com/richeisen https://twitter.com/richeisen/status/688852393522380800https://twitter.com/richeisen/status/688852393522380800
With https://twitter.com/Seahawks loss today, the last Pacific Coast team to win back-to-back playoff games in the Eastern Time Zone is still the ’89 https://twitter.com/RamsNFL
Big Ben must be pumped with about a gallon of horse tranquilizer
Not to mention you should have never made it out of the wild card round
back2backNFCWchamps well I mean u have been posting homo shit all day. and now ur getting offended, so……
k1joyce from AZ Niners beat GB then Car in 2013… Close enough for me
Sugar Dick Supreme Patriots are going back to the SB. Neither of these teams are good enough to get them.
*waits for back2back to fly off the handle at another 49er fan and accuse them of rooting for a gay ass team*
minnesota isnt in the eastern time zone. gb is further east
We need to examine this Mariner/A’s fixation. Exyension of the Oedipal complex?
As long as it has nothing to do with my mother, I’m okay with it.
I’ve reached the “I was here after we lost” quota, and then some. I’m playing videogames.
Kill… Danny… O’neil…………………….
k1joyce from AZ BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll He wont make it to the vault…
Sugar Dick Supreme k1joyce from AZ BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll hahahah
Did you know that a 12 pack of Busch Light, freezes outside when it’s 11 degrees F?
Kramer916 LoyalLARam It’s the drink of winners..Tom Brady’s favorite
I know an IPA freezes on top of the hood of my nissan when I’m shoveling the driveway and its -15.
We are kind of the same team, with our strenghs slightly shifted.
LoyalLARam Kramer916 the tweakers in my neighborhood growing up use to drink that crap
Sugar Dick Supreme LoyalLARam Kramer916 Busch Light..Fosters is his back up
Kam just wasn’t much of an impact player this year. I wonder if he is broken. I’d be tempted to trade him or release him and give most of his salary to Bennett. Bennett showed up in camp this year and dominated. Kam held out and then was not the same guy.
“No dum asses I said use stickum jelly, not petroleum jelly!”
– p. manning
I want the Bronco’s to win, and then Manning tio kick Brady’s ass next week…
Munkee happens all the time just hope he bounces back next season
Munkee I wonder if Seattle will trade him? Will Kam hold out again?
LoyalLARam no way did you see him vs KC doubt many teams will be able to slow him down
damn..they just killed that old man..that there is elder abuse…
I want a healthy Steelers team so fucking bad. Revenge is on the horizon.
yes adu, Sweezy is an UDFA …, he made strides between his 2 and 3 year, but has leveled off at best.
Net/net – I’m happy about the season
Optimistic about next yr
Ballon Knot Net net, i hated this season, but I’m optimistic about next year with Chip, 60-75M in cap space, 12 picks (many of them high) and an offensive vision.
LoyalLARam Adusoron Ballon Knot Baalke will stock his cupboard at defense. That is for sure.
Good GM/Coach and QB. 35 million in cap space. Seattle not going anywhere yet.
Munkey you don’t think Lynch will want to play for the Raiders next year? Maybe a trade or cut and release him to go sign with them?
Not sure
Saw Your thoughts below – Seem sound/plausible
Never know
Hi. The Arizona Cardinals are a horrible franchise and Arians has immoral pornography collections.
The only real questtion next year is whether the Rams have one playoff game at the LA Coliseum, or two?
I wouldn’t mind if they drafted Kenneth Dixon or Alex Collins. Or some other RB.
So whats going to be on the agenda for the next Hawaii powow?
What was the name of Thurmon Thomas’ backup? Was he kenneth dixon too?
Hey Hello I found a photo of Jon Fisher he is an ugly man. Also baby gap ( Fisher) is devoting more time to this ballpark search than normal.
no more stupid space needle. I have to keep the loser name a bit longer I think. Good thing he gave me a reason to love him today by being crappy
Navorro Fire Baalke Why does your account vary between having an avatar and no avatar? logging in from different locations?
Munkee Hey at least you have time on the weekends now.
Adusoron Navorro Fire Baalke laptop avatar, phone no avatar
https://twitter.com/GerryCallahan https://twitter.com/GerryCallahan/status/688861205910413312https://twitter.com/GerryCallahan/status/688861205910413312
Broncos should have started Osweiler. At wide receiver
Sugar Dick Supreme Munkee we all will in three weeks
I love how one of the 36 ways to say no to weed and still be cool is “I’m calling the cops on you”. This just oozes coolness
https://twitter.com/SteelersPRBurt https://twitter.com/SteelersPRBurt/status/688862316025102340
https://twitter.com/hashtag/Steelers?src=hash LB Arthur Moats has been downgraded to OUT for today’s game with his pectoral injury.
Buy your wife a dildo and a pair of slippers, if she doesn’t like the slippers then she can go fuck herself
back2backNFCWchamps was funny the first time it was posted a couple weeks ago
What are good DC out there?
What I hear is Nolan, manusky, mangini, we had all these fuckers already.
Maybe Kelly brings in his guy from phily. Lovie is the big name but will he run the 3-4?
Take someone from Baltmore, always works
Poach a defensive assistant from Pitt or Bal to run
3-4D. Always a good move
Check it out. Somebody hacked Korey Toomer’s twitter account and tweeted me
ED, i think Nolan and Davis are definite no go’s. Don’t want either and both are bad DCs.
I’m ok with Mangini. He’s not fangio but he’s good and could be better with more DL and pass rushing talent.
Manusky is meh to me.
U are having a nervouse breakdown
It’s cool BKOB, just breath in breath out
He’s sent like a thousand tweets in the last 10 minutes, all ads
Impressive comeback attempt. Down 31-0 I’m surprised they even got as close as they did.
FuckChipKelly I don’t want Nolan anywhere near this franchise in particular.
Yeah, but hopefully we can have someone better, or else next year is going to be terrible
Good to know that we can play the worst 1st half possible, on the road, against the best team in football, and still have a shot at a comeback
EDTGO I remember when the 80s 49ers used to go into Prevent when they got up on teams. Used to drive me to drink… I was not of legal drinking age.
Well I guess we won’t be seeing Hawaiian hockey or Seattle sleuth for another year.
FuckChipKelly I think hiring the right DC is critical to Kelly’s overall success. I figure Baalke knows this too.
mike Pettine Ran a 3-4d and was with Rex Ryan right?
I give him a try, clev D was not bad.
Will he take DC job though.
You guys are just jealous because you didn’t get a tweet from Korey Toomer’s hacked account.
IF… notice the BIG IF… IF the Steelers can beat Denver, and they get back A Brown and D Williams… they could beat the Pats.
EDTGO i thought you suggested john defilippo earlier.
I asked about what coordinators have we hired or rumored to get. Maybe someone named him
Chip kelly offense
With Pettine running the defense
I like that combo
TheAviator4102 TIGRE1629 He needs Cam’s Lucky Tank. “LUCKY TAAAANK.”
Notice how people only chant “HEEATH/LUUKE!!/KUUHN!!!” for white players? Racism.
Either that or it’s hard to chant “MARTAVIS!!!!!”
TIGRE1629 Not unless he can fix his accuracy, I think Gabbert wins that battle
What wod be our cap situation if a. Davis comes back?but Boone walks
Think Q, Patton, Simpson, tank, brooks all are gone
Bathed on the bubble
TIGRE1629 I liked Gabbert when he was aggressive last year but that was only for like a quarter a game
I think SF should move lynch to DE and go to a 4-3. Lynch and Aarmstead as starting de’s. dorsey and williams as dts. bowman and some sort of combo of harold/hodges/wilhoite at the other lb spots
EDTGO They need to reload… Brooks is the only guy I’d try to keep. Bethea is old and slow.
EDTGO Brooks probably stays but redoes his deal. I think patton probably stays too
Patton’s been such a disappointment. I hope Smelter steps up… they need a big body, sure handed guy on the outside.
I posted the wrong one. The other one is much gayer
I’m excited about CK7 in Kelly’s offense
U fuckers don’t have my vision is all.
Besides no QB to draft. Maybe pick up RG3 when he gets cut on 1 year deal. CK7 plus RG3 competiting for starting QB. If both suck draft Clemson QB next year.
Kramer916 TIGRE1629 I wouldn’t call that “coming on”. he was average at best.
That first half was one of the most dominating halves of football I have ever seen. The Cards are most likely fucked
HAHA… too bad we have to wait 10 months for you to see that you’re wrong.
I will say, the Hawks made that game interesting at the end, which is really a pretty big complement.
SacSig It reminds me a little of the 1994 NFC CG. We put points up on Dallas so fast they didn’t have time to blink.
EDTGO We better not touch RG3. Gabbert is a way better option than RG3
There is no fucking way Brooks stays another year. He cost too much for all the mistakes he makes. Gets diva attitude and he is not one to teach the young guys how to be a pro and better player.
No reason to keep him when they will start Lynch and draft another OLB.
EDTGO Harrold needs to get a little stronger and then I think he can take Brooks’ spot
EDTGO I’m fine with that, but Lemonade and Eli Harold aren’t scaring anybody.
TIGRE1629 EDTGO Harrold has potential – another year in the NFL weight room and watch out
EDTGO Yes, he can read a defense. I dont need to make another point
SacSig TIGRE1629 EDTGO Hope you’re right Sac… they need help at OLB.
TIGRE1629 EDTGO Harold should be better with another year to get stronger
What they really need is a tackling machine ILB to pair with Bowman.
I wish I could say I am sorry for you Hawks fans….but I am not – FUCK YOU GUYS. All your last gasp attempt to jump through the slamming SB window did for your team is fuck up your draft position!
Kramer916 TIGRE1629 No… I’m talking about an impact guy like Willis.
How many selfies does it take to get to the center of attention
They get a pretty big savings from cutting Brooks. He’s likely gone. Lemonier is basically another nice savings and should be cut.
The rumors are out there that Baalke will pursue Bruce Irvin. Von Miller would be better but he’s getting franchised.
Kramer916 OIeSagginSeahawk TIGRE1629 He really fucked over the 9ers IMO
Adusoron Irvin would help, I just dont wanna look at him more than I have to
Round 1) OL or OLB (goff will be gone so shut up about him)
Round 2) WR like the one from TCU or PITT right now
Round 3) ILB
Round 4) OL or OLB (what ever we did not get in round 1)
Rond 5) TE
Round 6) BPA
Round 7) BPA
Disclaimer: I don’t know how many picks we have
I’m going to change it, just because that guy keeps yelling Omaha!
Hiring Chip Kelly basically fucked any hope of drafting a legit young QB. RG3 sucks and will never take a team to the SB, so fuck that idea. I’m telling you… they’re going to tailor the roster to fit Chip’s system, and it’s going to fuck them for years to come.
Would not go after Irvin
He will get overpaid based on sea recent success and people will talk about his speed.
Will be maxwell contarct 2.0
Came out of his hand funny. No he threw a fucking duck.
His system offensively is not that bad and our roster is already good fit for what he does.
Stop it Tigre
TIGRE1629 I think we have a lot of pieces to fit his system now.
It’s not vision ED… it’s delusion. Chip Kelly will not win consistently in the NFL. Teams have too much tape on him now… no power run game… smh.. It’s such a lame hire, I can’t believe it.
every innovator was shit on in the beginning. People said Walsh’s system would never produce results over time. Come on Tigre, you know this!
I will see batman vs superman
Action will be good, but story will suck and will leave like meh!
Same as Man of steel was
Tigre, i get your concerns about Chip. However, I can see this working well too. Chip’s offenses have been top 10 regardless of Sanchez, Foles or Bradford running them. Chip also prefers to run the ball first which fits our philosophy well. He’s going to see offensive talent where Baalke probably wouldn’t, and Baalke is going to use his strength at drafting defense and stock the cupboard for Chip so that he doesn’t have to truly try to win shootouts.
So….who wants to discuss the Hawk’s Dynasty? BWAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAA
I have the same worries lingering in my mind, btw. High risk, high reward.
SacSig It’s not blind hate Tribe. I just hate that style of Offense and I don’t think it works in December/January/Playoffs.
His offense have been ranked high
He is a horrible GM, but I’m OK with the hire as long as he knows he is here to only coach
EDTGO easy money grab at least they have been getting better with superhero movies compared to back in the day
EDTGO He needs a lot talent on defense and a good DC. Give him those and he’ll have a major advantage.
My contention is that Philly’s Defense sucked BECAUSE of Chip’s Offense. Philly’s Defense was 30th in Yards Allowed and 28th in Points Allowed.
Hope Denver lose and fire wade Philips
Would pick that guy up in a heartbeat
TIGRE1629 You should be concerned, the depths are deep where this franchise is going.
It sucked cuz he paid for maxwell and traded for Buf ILB, losing talent elsewhere
TIGRE1629 I agree and think Baalke is planning on spending a bunch of his resources on defense.
This is the most worked up I have ever seen Tigre
I almost can’t believe its him
Adusoron TIGRE1629 HAHA… hope you’re right. I’m not convinced he’s a guru of talent either.
oh ya denver is going to fire a dc that has a top rated defense. the defense dragged denver along all year
Even in our day, 3,000 hours was a lot of hours… – SF4905 and OSS
I thought I would change pics to mark Chip’s future as 49ers HC.
I’m die hard 49ers fan, and I want them to win Super Bowls. They ain’t winning sheit with Chip Kelly.
Tribal Chip His Defenses are fucking gassed man. Don’t be daft.
Tigre, what would chip and baalke have to do to get you more excited? What moves would they have to make?
was probably a boy at one point….am i right back2back?
I see Tigre is stuck in Chip-hater mode.
Let him stay rooted in the past.
Chip is innovating the future.
Sugar Dick Supreme ChampionChip Another word for someone with no imagination.
I’ll cut beooks and bring in tamba Hali
Adusoron ChampionChip It’s bad, if you don’t say anything supportive of the team you get banned
https://twitter.com/bigjimmurray https://twitter.com/bigjimmurray/status/688868072246145024https://twitter.com/bigjimmurray/status/688868072246145024
There’d be full on mutiny in that stadium if it was #17 playing like this & being down 13-9. But ya know, gotta let the legend hang in there.
love Russell Wilson 4 minutes ago
of course they had a girl as the seahawk kid
I love Russell Wilson
I love Russell Wilson 4 minutes ago
was probably a boy at one point….am i right back2back?
OH I am laffin
Ras and Adu left SKA for 3000 hours they mad Both will happen.
ChampionChip Adusoron ChampionChip
so nothings changed.
Philly’s Defense Points Allowed ranking by Year…
2013 – 29th
2014 – 22nd
2015 – 28th
I wonder why?
3, 4, and 13 on offense
full potato stop I was surprised the Panthers went conservative so early.
Crazy to think how this game would have turned if the fumble on the second play of the game didn’t bounce directly to a Panther for 7 yard gain.
She blew a bubble. She blew a bee.by http://www.sbnation.com/users/Flyndiggory on http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#354711963 http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#
What important stat would you like me to look at??? POINTS ALLOWED is a significant stat. If you can’t stop the other team from scoring, you probably suck.
Tribal Chip Come on Tribe… you know Championships are won with Defense. smh
if it were a 15 round fight it would have started 9 rounds to 0. Ended 10-5.
Championships are won by balanced teams, with offense being the primary difference
Panthers troll “The Office” actor after eliminating Seahawks ble.ac/1SqyRmF
Tribal Chip HAHAHA… (1) they have Brady and (2) their D was ranked #8. GTFO with that shit.
So frustrating.
The only team that can really beat the Seahawks… is the Seahawks.
I’m not saying Carolina sucks. They took advantage—no doubts. But Jesus Christ can the team just stay out of their own way?by http://www.sbnation.com/users/willhewillhenot on http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#354712601 http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#
White Trash Lizard #DHC Not really. It doesn’t account for a per snap basis.
to get to 3000 one only has to believe in the power to say no…
The #seaHAWKS got robbed playing an East Coast playoff game at 10 a.m. PT: usat.ly/1n4ZYGO
White Trash Lizard #DHC Yeah, but it isn’t really a great defensive stat because it includes return TDs and turnovers for scores.
Man, still trying to come to grips with how much of a complete pussy you have to be to leave SKA for 3,000 hours…*mind blown
Should have taken the field goal in 2nd Quarter
That would have had them within TD on last drive.
Hawks will be better next year, more driven. Would not surprise to see them win it all.by http://www.sbnation.com/users/edward.devotion on http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#354713337 http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#
Well, if your team gives up a bunch of those, you’re probably going to lose.
I’m sure you returned all your gear and replaced all the shit you broke during your 3,000 hour ‘leave of absence’
Too bad the Hawks remained frozen from Minnesota
By the time they thawed it made the game a strange one, almost an anomaly.
Carson Palmer should not pose any threat, assuming the Cards have no running game, especially on the road. They are not the Seahawks.by http://www.sbnation.com/users/edward.devotion on http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#354716789 http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson# http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#
TIGRE1629 Yes, but the defense didn’t give up those points, yet points allowed is always used to rank defenses.
Hawks had #1 scoring D and lost……
#1 Panthers
#2 Cardinals
#3 Patriots
#4 Steelers
So… he’s a poor play caller. Got it. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/10/07/chip-kelly-i-have-to-admit-my-play-calling-hasnt-succeeded/
ChampionChip full potato stop
they’ll grass, refs, earthquakes, anything
So Tigre, thoughts on the top 4 scoring offenses still remaining in the playoffs?
Well… maybe you’re right. I’m not so stubborn that I won’t listen.
TIGRE1629 I would much rather here this than hear a coach point fingers at the players and say they have to execute better.
Refs gonna give this game to the Steelers again ?… They sure did vs the Bengals
Tribal Chip Like I said… maybe you’re right. I’m open to the fact that the NFL may be changing… especially with the rules changes, etc.
on the bright side for hawk fans the 2nd and goalol play will only be shown 1/4 of the amount it would be if seattle was still in it
ChampionChip Tribal Chip Dude… come on… I grew up with Walsh, Montana, etc.
Stop whining about this flukey loss and respect that this team has shown they can beat the best teams when they need to. Sometimes it just doesn’t go your way. This game was a metaphor for the season. They get a ridiculously slow start, fight and scrap to come back to go 8-2 over the end of the season while looking unstoppable in the process. The only difference here was that they couldn’t finish in time or generate one of those game turning plays like they have always relied on. This team is still really fucking good, and if you are going to whine about losing to perhaps the best team in the league this year, then you’re really missing the point.by http://www.sbnation.com/users/twelveoutof10 on http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#354724525 http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson# http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#
TIGRE1629 ChampionChip Tribal Chip Kelly is a Walsh type innovator.
Yeah, the team that lost to Atlanta was a lot like this team
I mean, it’s really scary actually. Similar situation about underperforming first half, dominant second half. Wins the wild card game and loses a divisional round after coming out flat.by http://www.sbnation.com/users/twelveoutof10 on http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#354725449 http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson# http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#
I don’t get why Tigre shits on a coach who took a team that won 4 games to two 10-6 seasons?
His front office was a bigger mess than ours last season.
ChampionChip I think when baalke rebuilds/retools the defense, and the OL, chip is going to look pretty good.
ChampionChip Kap is going to have to throw accurately on the run to stay and start.
This season feels a hell of a lot like 2012, except everyone is crying about it rather than being optimistic for what it means for next year.
I mean come on, if they don’t get ONE of those picks, then we win this game. If we fell on that fumble early? We probably win this game. This team has always relied on that game turning play going our way and they just didn’t today. I can’t even be mad about that.by http://www.sbnation.com/users/twelveoutof10 on http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#354729023 http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson# http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#
Why did he fail last year? You’d think after he handpicked his players, they would have lit it up.
best part is im pretty sure marshawn lynch got his way.
full potato stop They’re playing the “IF” game. If my aunt had balls, she’d be my uncle.
Adusoron full potato stop
it must be in the water up there.
If we can get a good DC and more talent on defense, Niners are going to be good
I’m not worried about the offense one bit under the Chipper
Panthers safety sacks Russell Wilson, does dance from Future video http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/panthers-safety-sacks-russell-wilson–does-dance-from-future-video-220953069.html
Thanks Hawks
*Goodbye Beast. All X fun to watch
*Goodbye Carp – nice effort w glass legs
*Goodbye Bruce – good player, bit overrated
*Cam – since u lost a step this yr…put in 25lbs and play Leo (Bruce’s old spot)
*Carroll – go all man to man d next yr w a spy
*Russ – start calling your own plays & no more delay of game penalties
*Rawls – hit those weights, run those hills (fun to watch next yr)
*1st pick of draft L Tackle
*give M Bennett a slight raise – before he asks
*another great season – thanks Hawks!!!by http://www.sbnation.com/users/Cwellbrock on http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#354717843 http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#
TIGRE1629 Adusoron ChampionChip I think he’s more accurate on the move and if Chip runs more of a Mariota version of his offense, we could see Kap rebuild himself.
TIGRE1629 He was blowing up his team and rebuilding it. He should have gotten the benefit of sticking it out.
TIGRE1629 Adusoron ChampionChip Chip had mariota throwing on the move all the time. Kap does way better at that than he does trying to run a basic pocket dropback offense.
So, on the bright side, how about that fake punt!
That was one of my favorite plays this year.by http://www.sbnation.com/users/King%20of%20the%20North on http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#354718729 http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#
ChampionChip TIGRE1629 HAHA… like Baalke or Jed is going to give him that. Chip has two years at most. The Faithful won’t stand for 3 and out, losing seasons.
David Bowie died at age 69. Alan Rickman died at age 69. Donald Trump is age 69.
yeah tigre i don’t know what Jed is thinking hiring Chip, what did that guy learn really? Ya know? His whole problem was harbaughs problem and thats this, he knows the NFL is full of big dumb brats and then like 5% mature men.
I love Russell Wilson
looking for backup before you go on a tangent?
Tigre they are trying to trick you. If Denver wins tonight, then all 4 teams remaining will have finished top 10 in points allowed. If PITT wins, it moves to top 11. Gotta have some balance to be good.
JohnnyP31 I understand their point and the stats to back it up. I’m not a dickhead like some people on here.
Tigre, you think Kelly should have been fired after his only losing season?
TIGRE1629 JohnnyP31 and i respect your position as well. The draft and FA period will be very telling. the DC hire too.
Yep. He lost the players, he lost the fans, he lost the confidence of the owner… they would have sucked in 2016 if they kept him.
2. The fact that we struggled so much with the field conditions early is unacceptable. We should have figured out the adjustments that we needed to make (presumably in the type of cleats) during the pregame warmups. Not after falling behind 21-0. However, it’s also shocking that the NFL allows teams to do have such poor field conditions. They’re a huge injury risk and impair the quality of play – don’t see what advantage either of those is to the league.
if you are such a bitch you can’t handle grass don’t call me.
Full lame duck season would have fired him after the bye.
Adusoron TIGRE1629 JohnnyP31 We need to have a good free agency period. Can’t sit on all that money, and we can’t waste it on an overpriced guy.
Just realized. I’m the only Hawk fan here……. I feel like Chevy Chase rolling into St, Louis…….
” Roll em up ! “
Adusoron full potato stop
does Carolina not have perfect football playoff grass?
JohnnyP31 Adusoron TIGRE1629 Agreed. No dicking around. Spend the money across the board and get it done.
Show me one turf that stays perfect after a fucked up winter storm. Or a couple of em.
“the fans hated Chip Kelly”
Read this shit, they sound just like us when we fired Harbaugh
Bad grass injures players – it’s not an excuse, because it didn’t give an advantage – but the league and owners are wealthy enough to address it
full potato stop Adusoron looked fine to me. nothing like pittsburgh or DC in the winter.
“Yep. He lost the players, he lost the fans, he lost the confidence of the owner… they would have sucked in 2016 if they kept him.”
You know that this could be used to describe Jim Harbaugh after 2014, right?
back2backNFCWchamps its january. they pretend grass grows year round because htey have very little january experience
mrhawk37 this. well said. understand we are going to hear them all week from many of your fellow fans.
So where the shithawks the only ones playing on this “terrible field”
Seahawks need to make serious change
Overall this team was average. 10-6, 6th seed, loss in divisional round… Hopefully they’ll find the heart they lost in the offseasonby http://www.sbnation.com/users/Esss on http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#354723967 http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#That’s not average, it’s just not dominant.
We aim to be dominant. And we weren’t.by http://www.sbnation.com/users/HawkHearted on http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#354726927 http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson# http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#
But, I fundamentally agree with Harbaugh’s approach to playing football. Chip… not as much.
TIGRE1629 So your argument is that its OK to fire a proven winner if you don’t like their style of football?
My final comment on Chip… from here on out, I’m going to look at the bright side, silver lining, potential, positives… mainly because I can’t stand fans who hate on their team. But mark my words… hiring Chip will prove to be a mistake. The 49ers will not win anything of significance with him as HC, and after he’s fired (probably two years, if that) they will have to continue the rebuild.
Tribal Chip Philly fans hate every coach that loses 1 game.
Grizzlies bitch ass needs to show the fuck up and put up his new avatar. Bitch ass fuck boi
its my opinion Harbaugh would have had no problems at all if it weren’t for Jed being a bitch.
But Chip would have exploded earlier if his owner didnt’ just keep signing things over to him.
I think they realize they weren’t going to be able to win with him. PERSONALLY, I believe in Harbaugh’s system/approach.
TIGRE1629 They went 7-9. You think they weren’t going to able to win with him? Preytell how?
TIGRE1629 I have no idea what to expect really. Harbaugh is definitely more my style of coach, but a lot of the things people say about Chip and his offense were said about Walsh and the WCO and the Air Coryell.
Its going to be interesting to see where it goes.
TIGRE1629 I actually think it was more about burnt bridges and they couldn’t take his GM powers and keep him as a coach.
I told you guys last year when we poached Tom Gamble…Chip was coming here
York is finally learning how to build a winner …(ok I giggled)
Players of the game for the Panthers in the 1st half:
Darrell Bevell, Marshawn Lynch, and Russell Okung. And our Interior D-Line sucked early in the game.
by http://www.sbnation.com/users/Willyeye on http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#354723975 http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#I'm sad…
by http://www.sbnation.com/users/iheartfelix on http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#354724331 http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#
Seattle is going to continue to feature the run, but that line needs to get addressed. Rawls will be our guy next year. Expect more passing, a healthy dose of running – the big question still be the defense – between Bennett and Chancellor and Irvin – not sure cutting/trading Beast can fix all that
MFA’s thumb named Logan Irvin is gone. Chancellor is possibly gone. Bennett will still be there.
For the 1st time in NFL
You have 1 week all road teams win the games, then all home teams win the following week.
MFA’s thumb named Logan Okung is gone most likely. Sweezy is gone.
MFA’s thumb named Logan They don’t seem to have any issues passing the ball, so that’s good. But, you guys need to improve your O-line… in a bad way.
I also endorse the Harbaugh style. But I am also someone who respects whenever someone is willing to push the envelope to find a new, different edge. Chip is that type. So hiring him is a home run type move.
I also feel the guy was given a major raw deal in Philly his last season after the Eagles ownership fired Gamble and had Chip handle GM duties.
ChampionChip Home run hitters also strike out a lot. DAMMIT… see what you made me do?!!
ChampionChip I think pushed for the GM duties so I can’t really feel bad for him.
The Seahawks has to play like they did in the 2nd half…
For all four quarters. Oh well, next season we win our division and get a Playoff bye.by http://www.sbnation.com/users/korboko on http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#354727279 http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#
Well I guess that’s what you get when you’re down to your #3 RB
ChampionChip I look at chip as a mad scientist type. he tinkers with his offense and he will do the same in SF. If he keeps Kap it won’t look the same as it did in Philly. It will look more like what he did with Mariota
More than 1 way to crack and egg
Chip is our coach, get over it people.
It all comes down to our DC
i think they are hoping he’s been gristled properly. He hasn’t.
ChampionChip I love Russell Wilson MFA’s thumb named Logan no its ras
JohnnyP31 ChampionChip He did not want Gamble fired. He just stepped in to do it because he didn’t like the alternative.
Looks like I am 3 of four this weekend..Dammit, I thoought the Chiefs would win!
knut maybe if you fielded a real defense you wouldnt lose to noddle arm manning
NFL agreed Bryant’s “catch” was wrongly called
Joey Porter should have been flagged instead of Adam Jones
Our defense played lights out. Fucking #3 RB ruined this game for us
0 am games
I can see last week’s game having to be one due to weather but we should have been the afternoon game. I travel for work and when I go back to back east coast trips it is hard on the body in the mornings to get startedby http://www.sbnation.com/users/gossettjc on http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#354728587 http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#
Pitt should have 4 to 5 WR sets right now. TE does nothing right now
I think everyone knew the D would sink the Steelers – silk curtain
LoyalLARam Once Edelman/Gronk were healthy it was over
Bobby Wagner did not have a great season
Look at the plays that Kuechly made. He was a stud. Bobby has been solid, but not the All-Pro he was. Hopefully just an off year.by http://www.sbnation.com/users/Nshima on http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#354733243 http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#
knut HH was here and I tried to give him his new avatar pick from teh best he lost and he scurried off. Feel free to call him a welcher
full potato stop could say that about chancellor even more strongly
No way Pats don’t win by 10 next week with Edelman and Gronk healthy
I was going to post something anti-Rams but then I saw k1joyce post
GB lost be TD
KC lost by TD
Sea lost by TD
Pitt will lose by TD
We have had a weird season
Tomlin is wasting what little time Big Ben has left to be an elite level QB before he eats and drinks himself out of the league.
LoyalLARam k1joyce from AZ You need to leave the Pats hate to the STL fags
i was going to go full potato SOCKS but thought that ppl wouldn’t laugh like it made me laugh. ill use it in a sentence:’
Knutt, shut up bro, you are wearing full potato socks right now, stop.
k1joyce from AZ LoyalLARam *Rams fans hate those theiving FUCKERS!
Wilson’s INTs, defense starting off horribly, and Lynch not getting anything going in the first half were the reasons Seattle lost.
Rooneys should fire Tomlin so he can fulfill his life calling of becoming Omar Epps’ body double.
LoyalLARam k1joyce from AZ Yeah, they stole Martz’s brain gotta give them credit. Amaing how terrible of a coach he was in that game
TIGRE1629 It will be the biggest NFL stadium and best stadiium ever built by man
If it weren’t for Marvin Lewis the Steelers wouldn’t any playoff games at all anymore.
All road teams won last week
All QB with 0 playoff experience lost last week
All home teams won this week
All losing teams lost by a TD this week
What a fucking crazy season
The oval video score board, will be 125 yards long and will feel immersive to the viewer..Much bigger than Jerry Jones video score board…
Every time Peyton takes off his helmet, it’s like his forehead stretches a little farther.
The last time I got a subway sandwich it looked nothing like it did in the commercial
accidentally voted for a WWE character last time. Didn’t make a difference.
https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=FieldGulls @FieldGulls Seahawks get the 26th pick in the 2016 NFL Draft. Which they’ll probably trade.https://twitter.com/FieldGulls/status/688886676739854336
Which of you faggot tardinals fan wanna make a avatar bet with me, but a actually be around to host the picture? Unlike that dickwrinkle griz
i though full potao socks was funny nobody else thought so
I would berry my dick so far in her ass whoever pulls it out a be crowned king Arthur
It was a great season everyone. Unfortunate the way it ended. Side note, related to work, I don’t make my schedule and it looks like I have to work from tomorrow at 5am til April at 5pm. Sucks. Oh well, see you all then.
Watched the game from Whistler
Second year in a row at Whistler when Seahawks playing over the Martin Luther King holiday.
The Hawks fans are everywhere. They are noisy, rude and trampling over anyone not cheering for their team.
Heaps of college kids have come over the border to be able to take advantage of the lower drinking age in Canada. And not being used to drinking the Hawks college kids are a pathetic mess.
The refrain of one drunken group shouting “Sea” on side of the Village Square so that another group can respond “Hawks” is embarrassing. Especially at 12noon.
Have nothing against Pete Carroll and his team but the fans…. they are a disgrace.
OIeSagginSeahawk noshoes2 Don’t be rediculous, they have to give breaks according to the law, but no wifi in the building or within a 50 mile radius
Does it look like the floor needs to be repainted?
Ok it’s fucking Sunday you dick blower. I’m 99% sure that nobody is probably not working
back2backNFCWchamps Eat that pussy and she’d pop your head like a pimple….
It would be great if the Cardinals joined us next week…It’s the Panthers year this year,,Cards year is in 2056
The neighbors a need a cigarette after I’m done with her
I’m eating dinner thinking to myself:
It really is great that the Hawks season is over
My friggin grilfriend is the same fucking way. Dumb bitch a wear 49ers gear and SF giants gear tho
I don’t she does it so I can pay attention to her for a bit
Ancientage Eat that pussy and she’d pop your head like a pimple. – OSS
Kramer916 OIeSagginSeahawk I love Russell Wilson Ancientage Thanks
I’m calling old man Payton beating the pats….and I think the cards take down the panthers.
Ancient, now you can come on without incessant SFC posts about “Russell Wilson’s Bird,” RW is the best QB in the NFL, and other hilarity.
i feel a disturbance in the SKA force, its as if the hawks fans cried out and then disappeared
I saw Mtgriz posting on fieldgulls.com lol
Ska is too much for him I guess
someone needs to go to fieldgulls and collect griz and bring him back
Kramer that first fight was good that dude was countering nicely ..
Tribal Chip a hawk fan that admits wilson sucks in the pocket? do my eyes deceive me? not at all surprised griz felt required to respond to that.
seriously something wrong with hawk fans.. they refuse to blame wilson for anything
lol griz defending the shitty qb that was the reason they were behind
Wilson made a bad decision to throw the pick 6, other than that, his other int was tipped and the oline couldn’t block in the first half to save their lives
noshoes2 wasnt that a bragging point? oh look how good wilson plays despite his o line!!! now its an excuse for his shitty play
noshoes2 and the sacks he took holding onto the ball in the pocket instead of stepping up or sideways and letting it rip?
I went on Fieldgulls for the first time in months hoping to see some epic temper tantrums. I was let down. Only thing mildly entertaining was a guy calling for the equipment manager to be fired for having the wrong cleats.
ChrisKeal Come Honor Face hes on there and hasnt been on SKA lol look below
ChrisKeal Well they shouldv’e had that figured out, but no excuses.
griz is a sensitive guy. He will need to be coddled for a few days
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper he will be rams qb next year
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper We’ll see, he was good with rest even in the reg season
I went on field gulls after they lost and EVERYONE was getting banned lol
So most of the good comments are good , and now just the hawk supporters left
I knew we were in trouble when I woke at 9 am……I never sleep that late.
Tribal Chip their mods have itchy fingers on the banhammer trigger, i hear
never been to field gulls i bet theyd ban me in a second
I’ve been able to browse the infested place with ease but didn’t want to risk it today
I love Russell Wilson Im thinkin of making a seahawk version of Darren account
Bernie keeps using the ” Revolution” card………………….. Dude it’s 2016
https://twitter.com/PriscoCBS https://twitter.com/PriscoCBS/status/688905212074045440https://twitter.com/PriscoCBS/status/688905212074045440
Early lean: Broncos win, Cardinals win. Might change
I say that cause I feel like I got smashed in the face with big ol dicks today
LoyalLARam I love Russell Wilson 50rushing yard bet with lynch. kaep pic i posted hemust wear
hawaiianhonky Trade for MIN’s Cordarelle Patterson. 1st, 3rd, 7th and a 60M contract paid over 5 years.
Adusoron hawaiianhonky hh is too busy welching on a bet
hawaiianhonky http://imgur.com/8RfiSRJ there you go fag boy
All wc teams are gone . It’s the #1 and #2 in both conferences left
The way it should be
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Panthers will win the NFC Champioonship
noshoes2 can’t take my eyes off the hair
…And Jerry Mathers as the Beaver WTF are you babbling about ?
LoyalLARam AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Maybe. But i guarantee you we wont be down 31 at halftime
Cards are the last team of ska standing. Hawks, packers, and steelers all eliminated. Fuck all of you haters!
White Trash Lizard #DHC we gave a panther pats and brnocos fans
White Trash Lizard #DHC Better rep the NFCW or fuck the Cards
You hope. At least the two best teams are playing.
What happened? Thought the hawks were the best team in football?
All 53 hawk players including fans HH, todd, munkey, too short, noshoes, oss and bkob will be watching the nfc championship on tv
Where did Seattle Slew goe? That fucker always shows up on game day, talks shit..disappears unless the Hawks regain a lead late (then returns to gloat, until the Hawks lose..then he’s gone again)
fuck u hawk fans! !
leatherneckram So is Slew when the Hawks lose a lead late in the game…Up and GONE
There were some obnoxious hawks fans at the local bar i go to. One even yelled at me for having my phone on during commercials.
Happy we get to see brady vs peyton one last time. That has been the rivalry for more than a decade.
leatherneckram oss is 10 years younger he will probably win
LoyalLARam I love Russell Wilson seems kinda low to me too
I wish we had a few panther fans on ska. This will be weird
I love Russell Wilson LoyalLARam America is fucked up, but will not vote for an avowed socialist..Besides, National Polls are fucked now anyway
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I can always switch to the panther pciture. We all know I dont want az to win. I can easily troll az for Car
LoyalLARam I love Russell Wilson we electeda black guy
I love Russell Wilson AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Since your team sucks buttermilk sure go for it bandwagon nerd
“You say you wanna revolution , ya we know, We all want to change the world”….Beattles
and Bernie
I love Russell Wilson LoyalLARam he’s not a socialist (or at least he didn’t say it out loud)..electing a black man isn’t that crazy of a thing..I was expecting the GOP to do it before the Dems, but…
I miss listening to brunch with Bernie Sanders an Fridays…is he still a crazy socialist…preaching free everything at the expense of the rich?
Denver doesn’t impress me at all. I think pats win. As for the panthers we have to play a almost perfect game to win
OIeSagginSeahawk The Dems put this debate on now, so no one would watch it except for us sociopaths..lol
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! you won’t. palmer sucks. carolina won’t be bad like gbs d
VWCAU your team can’t win despite a hail mary. Haha
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! gb lost that game 3 times before you finally won
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! it was borderline pathetic for az
VWCAU beat your team twice in 3 weeke
Panthers and cards should be a fantastic Gane. They will be favored but I think we have more talent. Gonna be an epic showdown. Could go either way.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! VWCAU Not sure if you were aware, but they were not expected to win. They were 7 point underdogs. Shouldn’t have even been in the game and the hail mary wouldn’t have been necessary if the refs didn’t completely fuck up what is easy pass interference.
VWCAU AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Blag blah blah. You sound like a bitch
I think the Panthers win a close game vs the Cards,,,and then shock the World by destroying the Brady/Bellicheat mystique in the Super Bowl…..
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! VWCAU All I know…..is that it is very clear the Cardinals have no shot at winning the SB. They were exposed the last few weeks.
VWCAU AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! 38 to.8.exposed your team as a fraud
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! VWCAU Explain needing overtime and winning the coin flip to win.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! VWCAU Against a team using their #3, #6 and #7 WR’s. LOL
White Trash Lizard #DHC no tos must run the football to control the clock. Then we have a chance
White Trash Lizard #DHC i we can run the football will set up play action
Do you want a first round quarterback Loyal?
White Trash Lizard #DHC i always make sense you just don’t listen
Won’t argue anyone saying the panthers will win. I personally think we pull it off but it should be close. Panthers should be favored. Nothing wrong with thinking they will win.
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Not really..not impressed by them at all
I think we match up better against Carolina than SEA. Our WR group plus David Johnson should give them all they can handle. Norman will take away Fitz and Floyd, Brown or Johnson will have a day. Too many weapons. This all hinges on our line playing better though. Fuck it, I like AZ in an upset.
Week 17 and first playoff game our oline has not played well. They are not holding their blocks and are not opening up run lanes
This has to improve or we wont win bext sunday
LoyalLARam ChrisKeal “That’s fine,.. that’s fine, that’s fine.” – Derek Anderson
Keal, you would be very fun during an actual game..We kinda troll folks whenever possible..fun had by all…
You can just feel the sleeze wafting off of Hillary, and its sickening
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper She does look hot tonight tho. Pant-suit game is STRONG as fuck.
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper If I was picking public devastation, I would pick Bernie over Hillary..At least he believes his bullshit
I hear some bitch talking, but all I see is this….
Palmer needs to play A LOT better to have any chance next weekend. I don’t see that happening after what I saw last night. I think his finger injury is having somewhat of an impact on his confidence, much like MFA’s fat rolls affect his.
VWCAU I do think they are publicly downplaying how fucked up his finger is.
Online must also hold their blocks so palmer has time to throw down field
ChrisKeal VWCAU how can it not have an impact? it’s on his throwing hand for cripes sake.
VWCAU ChrisKeal ..and his index finger no less. They keep saying it’s fine, totally fine, but balls are sailing on him a lot.
I see Hillary had a cankle reduction surgery. I’m sure Bill is pleased. Next up………vaginal rejuvination.
LoyalLARam OIeSagginSeahawk Scary thing is, Her body is far worse than that…
Packers. Lol I’m out! Fucking cheeseheaded frauds
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Don’t leave MFA…..I’m just getting started after being banned for several months. I wasn’t even sure if my posts were being seen until you responded. Please stay!
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! that last Card TD shouldn’t have happened…Refs missed an obvious penalty
LoyalLARam AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! what penalty was that? the only one i’m disappointed in were the 2 blatan non-PI calls. Especially the one where the guy is literally pulling the hand down that he’s trying to catch the ball with.
VWCAU LoyalLARam AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! The one to Janis? The last one? Yeah that was totally PI, you guys still scored a TD though so fuck it. They first one was not PI, Merle Hodge even said so.
ChrisKeal VWCAU LoyalLARam AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! The first one to Abberderis earlier than the Janis one. The Janis one I feel was still PI, but a lot closer of a call.
VWCAU ChrisKeal LoyalLARam AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! still, the Packer Defense shit the bed and deserved to lose
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Ya … How’d that work out for him ?
Lol the ball was knocked into janis’ hands. He doesn’t catch that without the “PI”
OIeSagginSeahawk Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper you must not be a big fan of hippies
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Lenin wasn’t very popular with Josef Stalin
White Trash Lizard #DHC What are you even talking about? He didn’t catch it. And I was referring to the Abberderis one where the guy is literally pulling down the hand he is trying to catch the ball with. They didn’t matter or affect the outcome due to the Hail Mary, but it was frustrating nonetheless. And 2 more examples of how horrible the officiating in the NFL has gotten.
White Trash Lizard #DHC Sometimes it needs to be explained in depth for the slow people.
I’m fucked…Waiting for my Busch Light to unmelt (was outside in 10 degree weather)…..I wanna get drunk dammit, so I can discuss shit with DHC
LoyalLARam Cry me a river. It’s -9 degrees right now in Minneapolis.
Palmer had a bad game. Made a few terrible throws. But I don’t think his finger is much of an issue. He’s been just fine since the injury and showed excellent accuracy in that game. See floyd first td. I think he just made bad reads on a few of those throws. Not gonna blame his finger when he’s shown he can throw just fine. But he did at the end of the game make up for it with spinning out of the pocket and throwing across his body to essentially win the game.
White Trash Lizard #DHC How did he look in the previous game against Seattle?
Cardinals have been on the lucky side of a lot of calls lately. It’s no biggie. Don’s see why people got to deny it.
Munkee some teams get lucky when the opposing kickers misses a 27 yard FG in OT
Hardly played. The entire team mailed it in. His record in his last 20 something games is ridiculous
White Trash Lizard #DHC Hardly played? How did he attempt 25 passes then?
LoyalLARam Munkee And some teams do not get luck and are not good. Bad combination … can lead to a decade and counting of irrelevancy.
No…. but Im glad you’re here to hope the cards lose.
Lol you’re too smart for this. Youre showing your butthurt side.
Munkee LoyalLARam and some teams get swept by said teams, which just proves your team was a PRETENDER
I see there is a lot of jealousy out there for how awesome the Seahawks are.
Munkee LoyalLARam You can’t warm yourself with yesterdays fire..lol
Munkee i moved on from the expected panther win long ago
He’s probably just using the race as a way to stay semi-relevant so he can win a senate race or something.
I love Russell Wilson Munkee I’m already focusing on next year’s SB (RW wins SB MVP).
How is Hillary going to punish wall street when Chelsea is married to hedge fund money, and has a job at a wall street consulting firm herself?
Munkee Oay some of his bills…… Will hit the scam news later
I love Russell Wilson I hope you didn’t get sloppy seconds….
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Dude…..don’t you know how this works yet? Nothing….and I mean nothing you hear from any politician while campaigning or debating is the truth. Everything you here is basically a lie with a tiny element of truth
gonna send my overthecap thing to PCJS so they know what’s up this offseeason
When Bernie gets frustrated and wound up, he looks like he’s about to pop a vessel and have a stroke.
LoyalLARam VWCAU I used to drink that shit in college years ago. I didn’t even know it was still made.
lol, i said something marginally unflattering about the cards and dhc left. Probably went to watch BET and masturbate.
Well hill, your husband was the architect of the bill, along with Newt Gingrich…
I love Russell Wilson The Dude ….You can see his BP rising when he gets pissed off
So all the pot heads are voting for Bernie….that’s all it takes to get people to surrender to communism…free pot and porn?
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper and healthcare. now go fuck yourself
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper
We can be had cheaply
~jives gen
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper You forgot beer and hookers…….smh
OIeSagginSeahawk Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper And you forgot viagra
LoyalLARam Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper bernie is your generation
VWCAU OIeSagginSeahawk Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper
I own stock in the company……………
leatherneckram not verbally. but a salute in owens direction
“We started with little national debt and robust infrastructure. We will pass along a crumbling infrastructure and 20 trillion in debt to our children” ~ Loyal’s generation
OIeSagginSeahawk VWCAU Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Bernie’s going to make sure you pay PLENTY of capital gains taxes on that!
why is this whole healthcare thingn so confusing to people?
I love Russell Wilson LoyalLARam Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper but he appeals to yours
Personally I am a fan of monarchies. It would be amazing to never have to hear a political ad on TV again.
I love Russell Wilson Big biz wants their returns on investments.
I love Russell Wilson Mostly because Obama wanted it to be a mystery to everyone….then told a bunch of lies about who would be impacted and how to get re-elected…then a month after completely re-negged on everything he said to get elected.
Munkee That’s fine, just don’t go on a genocidal rage and we’ll be alright
k1joyce from AZ They haven’t even started… It will get worse
VWCAU I love Russell Wilson
“It’s not a tax” ~Obama
“Its a tax” – Obama’s lawyers befreo SCOTUS
OIeSagginSeahawk k1joyce from AZ I want to vote for Marco Rubio because he throws around footballs, and is a Dolphins fan.
OIeSagginSeahawk k1joyce from AZ He should have Don Shula be his VP.
I was talking about being taxed more but not having to pay for healthcare seaparately so its really not costing citizens any more money. In fact it should lower costs because people who have healthcare are already paying for people without it
I love Russell Wilson Sounds good in theory. But the opposite has happened because the numbers were a total sham.
VWCAU I love Russell Wilson technicallywe didnt get a universal healthcare plan.
VWCAU I love Russell Wilson we got a force certain people to buy health insurance plan
I love Russell Wilson VWCAU And make sure those 25 year olds are paying 2x what they were if they got their own coverage before Obammycare to offset the older people.
obamas plan wasnt universal single payer health care. it was make private health insurance companies rich healthcare
I miss the dictators, Gaddafi had fine women as security. How would you like to travel in that corcle?
Nice quote from Issac Bruce here Loyal/Leatherneck
“I see it this way,” Bruce said. “I don’t think Eric Dickerson’s legacy was tainted at all (by the move to St. Louis). Guys like Marshall (Faulk). Guys like Torry (Holt). Like Orlando. These guys are NFL legends. So what they did, and their body of work, is legendary in the NFL in itself.”
The more I hear Ted Cruz the more I like pretty much anyone else.
I love Russell Wilson Meanwhile companies like Coventry is deserting Obamacare in some states
I love Russell Wilson then explain why so many private health insurance companies are trying to get out of writing obamacare policies?
PES kasich yes and rubio sucks. rubio wants a 1.3 trillion dollar military budget I believe
Obamacare is not perfect by any stretch but it’s a start to getting more people insured. Instead of trying to repeal it and destroy it with no alternative plan in place, the smarter move would be to try and improve it, tweak it and fix it.
Democrats were so desperate to get it passed that they let the republicans shit all over it and make it pretty gay.
Kasich is the best but everybody wants/stands for something you won’t like.
ChrisKeal The problem is that people are already so pissed off about being lied to about it that nobody wants to even consider that.
Fuck no …We should NOT open our embassy in Iran………No even close to that shit.
LoyalLARam k1joyce from AZ It was from Jim Thomas’s latest article. Unlike literally everyone else in STL he isn’t emotionally compromised.
They could have saved this mess by just taxing the people who are paying for the this now more and making sure it went towards the people who didn’t have health care to have it. Just say it’s a tax because that’s what it is.
I’m going to watch Sicario now with a pregnant person. Just as long as you realize that they are all lying fucks that pander to a nation of retards. Loyal’s generation ruined everything.
Syria- No, we should dry up the finances and ISIS will slowly die…………Then assassinate Assad…
OIeSagginSeahawk I’m all for letting Turkey/Saudi Arabia take care of shit over there. Time for one of those guys to step up and deal with their problems.
LoyalLARam noshoes2 Munkee *pulls out set of bear arms, get’s ready to beat loyal with them
Me and OSS will spend our Social Security Checks..You fuckers need to get to work…Daddy needs a new walker…
We can be besties with Iran, Assad, and Isis…and Putin…and they won’t be meanies to us any more….
OIeSagginSeahawk I have a feeling that $12/barrel oil will create a system in the middle east where they end up fighting each other and doing our dirty work for them.
https://twitter.com/thelukerodgers https://twitter.com/thelukerodgers/status/688807013422346240
https://twitter.com/hashtag/Panthers?src=hash trolled Russell Wilson with a sack dance from a Future video. https://twitter.com/hashtag/SEAvsCAR?src=hash https://twitter.com/hashtag/Seahawks?src=hash
Kill theold fat rich guys and give their money to the poor young who have more productive years left….
That’s fine though, it’s not like he’s banging her or anything
All you old fuckers consume resources, shit more than cows, and you are preventing us from taking over…Enter the Zyklon B Comfort Stations
Kill old people and lessen Green House gases..
NY Daily News is the worst publication in the US, if not indeed the Universe
Send in the drones and bomb the shit out of them. There are kids all over the United States who can operate them with the x Boxes.
shit what the fuck are you guys talking about in here
Who’s this Donald Trump guys. He seems like an easy going likable guy.
https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/688925707360145408https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/688925707360145408
This election is not only about choosing a president—it’s also about choosing our next commander in chief. https://twitter.com/hashtag/DemDebate?src=hash
Thanks for clarifying that, good god
One more beer left straight whiskey next…..any more intellictual conversations you would like to have before I get drunk and stoned and fall asleep in my own filth?
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Your Chiefs almost won yesterday
The greatest generation got bent over, and pretty much sold our inheritance. Our dads were just fodder. We’re the real target.
k1joyce from AZ Yoshii – the HOF panty dropperdropper fire Andy Reid!!!!
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper k1joyce from AZ Yeah, but the Chiefs were actually more injured than NE was
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper k1joyce from AZ Andy Reid’s clock management is mind numbing. It was just like the Pats/Eagles SB where they blew it the last 5 minutes
The Rams could be good next year with a quarterback and a healthy OLine….
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper You drank the wrong way Yoshi…. You gonna puke Son.
full potato stop Aliens that run the Bildeburgs are instituting this…
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Really the only two things that held them back this year
These guys talking about who what race we should and shouldn’t take remind me of the movie Blazing Saddles.
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Why do you care? You are a Chiefs fan
Oh man….these black lives matter crazies are planning on protesting on some bridge in Minneapolis tomorrow. Enjoy -26 degrees with the wind chill you crazy people!
ChampionChip and his 3000 hour tour Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Hey, stop trolling! We’re having a heart to heart here
k1joyce from AZ Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Oline is young and more experienced….we should be much better there next year
LoyalLARam k1joyce from AZ Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Havenstein is already better than Robinson
k1joyce from AZ LoyalLARam Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper at RT..RT is a lot different than LT
LoyalLARam k1joyce from AZ Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper So what
VWCAU k1joyce from AZ wtf is wrong with their kickers
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper you know I would never say that….Tyler was the biggest waste of talent EVER
VWCAU k1joyce from AZ Anderson could have come in cold and hit that
k1joyce from AZ ChampionChip and his 3000 hour tour Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper No, there are no heart to hearts here…
k1joyce from AZ LoyalLARam Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Havenstein would probably get killed at LT, unlike Robinson
LoyalLARam Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Lawrence Phillips
My pharmacist was roomies with Wendell Tyler at USC….he acts like he was the best Rams running back of all time…tells you how much a seahawks fan knows about football…
k1joyce from AZ LoyalLARam Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper didn’t he die over the weekend?
k1joyce from AZ LoyalLARam Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Did Phillips do anything on the foield? Tyler would do great, then fumble in the RED ZONE EVERY FUCKING TIME
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper You can barely spell it if we spot you the foot…
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper k1joyce from AZ LoyalLARam suicide
LoyalLARam k1joyce from AZ Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper jokester
Kramer916 OIeSagginSeahawk do you chase your pussy with that?
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper Kramer916 OIeSagginSeahawk no i use my cock to chase my pussy around the house
LoyalLARam TheAviator4102
there has to be something to the tinfoil.
leatherneckram OMG..I had ulcers before puberty, watching that guy swing his arm when running
LoyalLARam I can only imagine his state of mind when the Hawks fell behind 31-0
there are no aliens, Loyal, you meatneck. We live under a glass dome.
full potato stop what about the Greens and the Greys?…refers to Coast to Coast
LoyalLARam full potato stop coast to coast is a weird as radio show
Ancient Aliens did a documentary on how the grey aliens and reptilians genetically engineered us from monkeys
Kramer916 LoyalLARam full potato stop It sure is…listened to it when Art Bell was the Main host..I can’t listen to it now
LoyalLARam Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper George Noori was on there…the new coast to coast guy as an expert of some sort
Speaking of glass domes.. Inglewood…..Now lets just top this new stadium off with a glass roof in the heart of earthquake country……..What could go wrong ?
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper LoyalLARam I listened to the show before Art Bell melted down the first time..Well before Noori…in “The Kingdom of Nye”
OSS..This is what Inglewood’s roof is made of…
“The stadium, designed by HKS, will be open on the sides but covered by a huge roof made out of ETFE, “which is as clear as a car windshield and strong enough to support the weight of a vehicle.” It’ll stretch over the stadium, as well as the accompanying Champions Plaza and neighboring 6,000-seat performing arts venue. HKS is looking into perforated metal panels, which they hope will “cast [patterns] on the ground like sunlight through a tree.”
also the largest digital advertising billboard in maybe anywhere?
LoyalLARam And when the big one hits , I hope the Hawks aren’t playing there that day.
OIeSagginSeahawk LoyalLARam I hope its the patriots
OIeSagginSeahawk LoyalLARam They probably have stricter building codes in LA than in Seattle
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper OIeSagginSeahawk LoyalLARam
vs the Chargers
It’s more like a plastic OSS, not glass:
Ethylene tetrafluoroethylene, ETFE, a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluorine based https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plastic, was designed to have high corrosion resistance and strength over a wide temperature range. ETFE is a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polymer and its source-based name is poly(ethene-co-tetrafluoroethene). ETFE has a relatively high melting temperature, excellent chemical, electrical and high-energy radiation resistance properties.
Why don’t parents have their young boys castrated any more…Castratos have such beautiful singing voices….so high and angelic…
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper and make good slaves in ancient Rome
It will be interesting to see how the LA fans react to the Rams being back.
OIeSagginSeahawk A lot of old Rams that hated the team in 1995, are back on board..hell, look at leather….
OIeSagginSeahawk well 7-9 will be amazing to them the first year
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper don’t hate bro…you will be an excellent Rams fan next year, like in 1994
LA did lose a generation of fans. Like bmt, but they will learn
Its a little strange to see young niner fans when there is such a rivalry in baseball basketball etc, this changes it back
leatherneckram If I listen closely, I can hear the clicking of keyboard keys as little kids buy Gurley jerseys
leatherneckram I have been hearing glorious Niner hate on LA radio..lol
The rams kicker.lansford was on today, the one who kicked barefoot. Was from LA
I really should go to Rams Park in St Louis, and pick up the tons of Rams jerseys in a pile……Good ebay business I think
Someone needs design a virus that targets Rothchilds dna
Maybe like the same thing like they did for the Ghengis Kahn gene
leatherneckram remember him well..No one kicks barefoot anymore..There more than just him back then doing it
OIeSagginSeahawk LoyalLARam I am talking about hating St Loui fans dumping them in front of the training facility..Rams won’t move totally until after the draft
leatherneckram don’t thin it would ever happen anyway…Situation is totally different
Im not sure football lasts another 20 or 25 years.so kronkes stadium will be a swapmeet anyway
The Inglewood Stadium will be totally privately financed/owned….Upgrading it will be on the Rams…..Another new stadium, would come from these same owners/heirs…….Still, LA is the 2nd largest market in the nation
I think we all wish we could have watchd the game with a hawk fan
White Trash Lizard #DHC She lift her arms , and those tit’s would flow under her arm pits.
No Cubs No! (Kevin) Way to many mistakes made in the first half. From coaching to RW being timid. Bad tackling…..ect
once it carlina got the clock down to 3 mins and up 10 it was well over
All 4 road teams won wildcard weekend and all 4 home teams won this weekend. Kinda weird.
nav I am sure there is at least 1 more dead hooker this weekend in dc than usual
I don’t care what Arians tries to say, to pass the ball in that situation late in the game and allowing the clock to stop was one of the dumbest calls ever. It’s almost unthinkable that he tried to explain it away as anything but a brain fart.
He does dumb shit like that. He gives no fucks. Yes it was dumb though.
I would argue that Palmers pick in the end zone was even worse tho. WTF was that? Possibly the worst throw/decision I have ever seen.
VWCAU Except if he Packers were caught off guard and Fitz walks in the end zone, there would have been no OT…
Palmer shouldn’t have thrown it unless Fitz was wide open
Larry got mad and had to pick up the slack from his QB and coach fucking everything up.
The game winner play call was on point tho. You got give it up to Arians on that one.
Azfan1830 VWCAU There is no excuse. It’s about as dumb as the people saying the Packers should have gone for 2 points to win the game rather than play for OT.
Go Panthers, I am not even big fan of them just fuck everyone else.
I personally wanted a pick 6 to happen on the final play
ChrisKeal That was a good play call. Much better than the lucky ass tipped ball touchdown play.
I love Russell Wilson that would have been hilarious
i really did want to see seattle and Arizona in the championship game
Did you guys see the video of that Seahawks fans get the shit pounded out of him in the stands at the Packers/Cards game?
VWCAU Azfan1830 I agree it was dumb, but it also didn’t work. Had Fitz been wide open because the Packers sold out to stop the run it would have been seen a guts call
I was on the fence. That would have been some high drama, but at the same time I was laughing my ass off and super happy when they were down 31-0.
I did. That shot was weak. He barely got hurt at all. I was actually embarrassed the Cards fans didn’t fuck him up worse. It was weak-sauce.
ChrisKeal lol yeah it was awesome to watch.. i really thought seattle luck was going to swing their way again
ChrisKeal I liked that one of the guys was like 60. And then the guy is crying about getting his Seahawks hat back before he was ejected.
I’m already over the Hawks loss….. I’d root for the Panthers, but I can’t stand Newton. Therefore , I’ll root for the Cards for 2 reasons. Maintain the cred of the NFCW and Larry Fitz……That’s about it.
I saw the headline of the article and expected to see some real shit.
Navorro Fire Baalke ChrisKeal http://www.tmz.com/2016/01/17/packers-cardinals-fight-stands/
ChrisKeal I have to say…after going to the Packer game in 2009, Cards fans are pretty docile. Didn’t get even close to harassed. Perhaps it had something to do with “accidentally” sitting behind Clay Matthews family. His Dad looks like he could still whoop some serious ass.
It’s odd… I didn’t root for the 9ers when they were on a roll……..Could be their fans….
TJ Dillashaw vs Dominik Cruz right now on FS1.. gonna be a good fight!
Navorro Fire Baalke That was my favorite. 2nd favorite was the 60 year old guy who had him in a headlock.
lmfao fucking tribe trolling griz on field gulls lmfao
VWCAU Come Honor Face look at the featured comments
I fear that Griz’s work schedule is going to be INSANE for the next few weeks.
Crazy story on NBC…. Family with multiple kids having heart transplants……
Griz needs to man the fuck up and put up the avatar i got for his bitch ass.
Shitattle, City full of glory hunting arrogant fan fucks . The “12th man” didn’t exist 5 years ago. They have the whitest acting black QB that ever existed.
and he’s over there saying dumb ass shit too. bring that mess over here, tubby.
Disqualified. MFaZ is on their team.
hawk fan wearing his gay jersey to a playoff game where his division rival is playing against the other team that hates his guts. then he’s crying cuz he lost his hat. they are like the toddlers of the NFL.
“The fact that U.S. and European shares fell below their August lows, failing to sustain their rebound, is significant,” said Chotaro Morita, chief fixed income strategist at SMBC Nikko Securities.
“We are coming to a stage where we need to consider the risk of recession in the global economy,” he said.
An unexpected drop in retail sales and the third consecutive monthly fall in industrial output in December added to the latest indication that U.S. economic growth braked sharply in the fourth quarter.
Just 62 people, 53 of them men, own as much wealth as the poorest half of the entire world population and the richest 1 percent own more than the other 99 percent put together, anti-poverty charity Oxfam said on Monday.
Significantly, the wealth gap is widening faster than anyone anticipated, with the 1 percent overtaking the rest one year earlier than Oxfam had predicted only a year ago.
Last year, the organisation has calculated, 62 individuals had the same wealth as 3.5 billion people, or the bottom half of humanity. The wealth of those 62 people has risen 44 percent, or more than half a trillion dollars, over the past five years, while the wealth of the bottom half has fallen by over a trillion.
“Far from trickling down, income and wealth are instead being sucked upwards at an alarming rate,” the report says.
It points to a “global spider’s web” of tax havens that ensures wealth stays out of reach of ordinary citizens and governments, citing a recent estimate that $7.6 trillion of individual wealth – more than the combined economies of Germany and the UK – is currently held offshore.
Computerworld – 7 hours agoMicrosoft made this totally stupid change to its Windows support policy. With no notice, older versions of Windows lose support on the latest PC hardware.
danggggg……guess the loss fucked me up – I’m up at 3:30!! oh well….no work today for me – I’ll go back to bed later.
I doubt if there are any Panther fans here, but congrats to you for the win.
okay….I’m sleepy again….nice talking wicha – back to bed, lol!
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! didnt you pickseattle to win?
The winner of cards and panthers game wins sb50
I love Russell Wilson AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! No I wanted them to win but I knew Carolina would
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I love Russell Wilson you are so full of shit
I love Russell Wilson AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Stfu you are an idiot whon don’t shit about football like your team
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I love Russell Wilson the team with 5 rings?
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I love Russell Wilson kinda funnny oyu are saying a team with 5 rings doesnt know shit about football when your team has 0
I love Russell Wilson AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Fuck off. I wanted hawks to win son
the nfccg would be at uop. But i knew panthers would
I love Russell Wilson AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! No just you
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I love Russell Wilson shut up you picked seattle to win like 30 times over the week. picking them to win is what you think
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I love Russell Wilson Stfu you are an idiot whon don’t shit about football like your team
Cards are 6 0 in prime time games this season. Sundays nfccg is at 6:40 eastern time
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! ya thats not primetime. primetime is 8-10pm eastern time
Hawks down 31 at halftime. Nothing but embarrassing
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! good thing you picked them to win
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! with all your infinite football knowledge
I love Russell Wilson AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Stfu loser like your team
I love Russell Wilson AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! You are a moranic fool who just likes to beat your meat and your keyboard
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I love Russell Wilson at least I stand by my picks even if I am wrong
Cards are fucked. Nobody is beating the Panthers until the Super Bowl.
mfa posts seattle is going to beat Carolina 10000000 fucking times through out the week and now denies he picked them to win.
hey mfa if you don’t want people to remember your predictions dont repost them over and oveer and over and over again
Well all saw it. What else did you expect from a retard like MFA?
Steelers07 sad thing is he’s not even a seattle fan boy
As much as I try, I can’t bring myself to hate Manning. The dude is a class act; one of the best of all time.
If you thought the panthers would win but want teh seahawks to win so you can play at home this is how you phrase it
“I want seattle to win so we can play at home and they are an easier team to beat than Carolina. In saying that Carolina is better and they probably win the game”
instead this is mfa all week
I’d honestly just give it up. It’s only going to make your day worse.
Steelers07 lol I just want to get him going so I can leave
Steelers07 he will either start freaking out soon or disappear
I wonder what the #blacklivesmatter leadership is doing today.
I love Russell Wilson i never said this. Why didnt you screen shoot what i realltly said. And i never say “in saying that” haha
Steelers07 standing on a bridge in minnesota according to fap
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I love Russell Wilson no shit because I was making up a quote you should have said
Jive you made that shit up I NEVER SAY “IN SAYING THAT”
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! never said you did retard. That is what I said you should have said. Man you are dumb
MFA not one time did you say Panthers would win.
Why didn’t you just screen shoot what i really said you asswipe
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! you said seattle would win. I dont get your point
Navorro i never gave a prediction who would win. Alli said was i wanted hawks to win so the game woukd be at uop
MFA thinks I actually quoted him when I was giving him advice
I love Russell Wilson AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! No i never gave a prediction like i did the cards packers game but hh did
Cards 27 packers 16
Hawks 16 panthers 13
2 days, 18 hours ago on https://spikedkoolaid.com/charlies-picks-division-playoffs-edition/
I love Russell Wilson why would you give me advice when you don’t know shit about nfl football?
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I love Russell Wilson see above faggot
Panthers 27 Cardinals 23. Broncos 24 Patriots 19. MFA so we can get you on record and not ” misquote you” what’s your predictions.
Brew_City I love Russell Wilson I am waiting for him to deny it
Navorro who is misquoting him? I got his fucking score prediction
I typed this before I saw that. I’ll edit.
I love Russell Wilson where is my name and post timestamp i didn’t pick a score with panthers hawks game
Where is the actual screenshot?
Navorro where is the actual screenshot?
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I love Russell Wilson mike fuck you I got it from your livefyre comments
Oh Warriors play Cavs today. Warriors got destroyed Saturday. Expect them to be fired up tonight.
Navorro still lost
Fucking crying ass rodgers was quoted “we never got the ball in overtime”
Dude blame your sorry ass defense for leaving a living legend wide open then let him go for 75 yards! Right gay rodgers?
Navorro good it wasnt for you anyway dickface
Oh he called Fitzgerald a living legend
Changing Seahawks to Cardinals on user name?
As much as I would like to see Larry Fitzgerald with a Super Bowl ring I don’t think it will happen. Panthers have an all around solid team and with their defense Cards will have a very hard time.
Pats have to come to Denver but even this saving grace won’t help Denver. Their defense may give Tom Brady fits from time to time but I just don’t see their offense getting it together
Lisa9er4life who cares about larry fitzgerald you are a niner fan and he is a scumbag woman beater
I love Russell Wilson Lisa9er4life when did that happen? I didn’t know about that
Lisa9er4life i don’t believe he went to FSU which is why you usually give disgusting humans a pass
Lisa9er4life I love Russell Wilson 2008 he beat his babies momma and she got a restraining order and all types of shit
Lisa9er4life I love Russell Wilson easy to have stuff swept under the rug when your father works for the media in the same town you do
I see you’re in fine form this morning Jive. What happened someone pee in your Cheerios?
I love Russell Wilson Sloppybeast RW the post season INT master
Sloppybeast I love Russell Wilson griz is on field gulls avoiding a bet from here
Brew_City he is in hiding because I screenshotted his seahawk prediction
I left a jar here yesterday to collect tears. I see it still has some room, Hawk fans let’s go at least show up and cry instead of crying at home under the sheets.
mike and mike just said 17th time brady and manning met in the post season. this cant be right but maybe it is or maybe i misheard it
How crazy was that Pack-Cards game. That is one for the books. That fucking coin toss too! HAHAH. School yards rules still apply every now and then.
Saw Randall Cobb with blood coming out of his mouth. Glad he is ok. When they rushed him to the locker room I knew it had to be serious
Lisa9er4life coughing blood is usually a bad sign…strike that…always a bad sign.
Sloppybeast I’m really really getting sick of losing playoff games right at the end
Brew_City Sloppybeast For the unbiased observer we thank you though.
Steelers07 I am thinking NE makes it. I don’t trust noodle arm
Brew_City Sloppybeast I did’t think about that, maybe, would have been gutsy.
Steelers07 one can home but those fuck stick patriots will probably win
Steelers07 I don’t see the Broncos making it as much as I dislike the Pats
The Pats have so many weaknesses. It’ll be a good game but I’ll give the nod to the home team
Yeah, it’s just hard to travel in the playoffs, especially across the country.
KZRider_ best first half of seahawk football I have ever watched
when the Panthers were up 31-0 mfa came on and predicted a 40 burger lol
CAR played way too conservative for 2.5 quarters. They basically decided that there was no way the Hawks could win if they didn’t turn the ball over. They were right, but they still nearly let them back in the game.
hawaiianhonky Sloppybeast Interesting take away from the game. I tend to disagree.
I am voting for Hillary 2016 That depends is your sad scale a 10 on a 1-10 scale?
Guys, i request you participate in “no troll monday” please. Thanks, MLK would want you to
I love Russell Wilson I am voting for Hillary 2016 I certainly did
“It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish. Unless you fall behind by 31 points. Then, it probably is about how you start.”
Sloppybeast Cam Newton was getting frustrated with the offensive play calling then he had some offensive words of his own on the mic
wow Ted is was a really good idea to replace that injured TE with a defensive back who wasn’t even gonna be active instead of IDK a 5th WR…
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! I am voting for Hillary 2016 2
How bout the fact the guy who made the great onside special teams play was freakin Thomas Davis. What a stud
Jared Abbre-who-dis and Janis were almost enough. One has to think that if the Pack had all their WR’s healthy they would have won this game.
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! wierd to see a lb on the hands team
Speculation. If Fitz didn’t go beast mode, they may have had a shot.
packers would have won if they could catch sure fire ints
When I saw Janis catch those amazing passes from AR all I thought about is “Jordy Nelson who?”
The only positive from that game is they have to now realize that they need to draft like 8 or nine o lineman this year….instead they’ll probably draft a few TE’s a RB and some corners
Cards look beatable. Should still be a good game against the Pathers though.
I am voting for Hillary 2016 Their biggest strength is WRs, which matches up against Carolina’s biggest weakness.
it chased him off. feel free to use it if he comes back with that screenshot of you
Is there a new protest from Hawks fans about Cam throwing the 12th flag yet? There sure was a lot of bitching online about that
I love Russell Wilson lol, i just did….he used mine this week but not when i called the AZ/SEA game
I was hoping the football gods would give us Karma for that trash fucking deflection TD and they did
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! It was a bit classless, but I could care less.
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! it was a bitch move but oh well
hawaiianhonky So you admit they have drafted bad recently?
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! hawaiianhonky in terms of the o line? absolutely
Well if their weakest link includes an All-Pro, I think they’ll be fine.
hawaiianhonky I love Russell Wilson guy picks seattle all week then pretends like he didnt lol
Brew_City Not covering Fitz wasn’t the best plan.
I love Russell Wilson hawaiianhonky yea, he’s a mess of nonsense and cholesterol
throwing a 12 flag on the ground is classless but throwing food at injured players is ok
Palmer had to be thinking “what the fuck do I have to do to win a damn playoff game!” LOL. Good for him, it has been a long time coming.
I love Russell Wilson is this a bowman reference? if so, he got that food thrown at him by the same fans who’s sign he destroyed….IN SEATTLE
I would like to see Fitz or Manning get a ring. So that is the match up I am rooting for.
Carson Palmer has now joined Tim Tebow in the elite “one playoff win” club
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! it made my day a little better yes
hawaiianhonky Came within five yards of doing it on the first play of OT, too.
Zippy…HARUMPH! hawaiianhonky i was thinking that as it was happening lol
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! You are a Niner fan, so, yeah, it probably was, wasn’t it.
Brew_City This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! *shakes fist
Niner fans will get to know the feeling of losing in the playoffs in like 10 years….till then, our misery will suffice
I was just glad that the Hawks came back and made a game out of it.
hawaiianhonky We lost the NFCCG a few times in the last few years. We have suffered enough. Especially after this past season
KZRider_ Someone will pay him more then we will be able to afford. We have Smith and Williams, one of them, or a rookie, will have to step up next year.
My name worked. I feel so happy about it. Fuck BFS’ name and reverse curse!
Such a stupid fucking pass to Lynch fucking stupid dummy making such a dumb pass with his dumb ass god that was dumb
I know that we were down the whole game, but Lynch looked like he mailed it in.
Man that’s gotta piss 12 off so bad. Just stand there and watch us lose 2 years in a row.
I am voting for Hillary 2016 Maybe he shouldn’t have played is what I was thinking
I am voting for Hillary 2016 I still say he pushed himself back way too soon with that sports hernia
I love Russell Wilson Brew_City we’ve lost our last 3 playoff games either in OT or SF just took off the last 6 minutes and kicked a FG as time ran out
I bet favre secretly laughs that rodgers keeps losing close games
It was a solid run, NFCW. Y’all were the best for a couple of years, but here’s to getting fucked by the long dick of parity.
Brew_City And the last two in OT without even touching the ball.
You should pay Tavaris Jackson minimum salary to be your backup QB / designated coin-toss caller.
I have to run. Walt owes me a name so if someone could grab that while I am out that would be neato..
KZRider_ i don’t get how they let a TE do what they want ALL year against us
Zippy…HARUMPH! Brew_City MM has lost 7 playoff games as our coach. 5 of them on the last play of the game. No other coach has more than 2 games that way
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! I am voting for Hillary 2016 Well it isn’t a 180hr shift thank goodness
The only downside to the blowout is no youtube video reactions of a blown play like 2nd and goalol or the blair walsh kick
There are starving children in San Francisco whose souls were fed for at least 1 night, thank you RW. God bless you.
Probably, because Brady. I think we will be up there and they’ll probably put the Colts back up there.
I am voting for Hillary 2016 Lisa9er4life It didn’t even look like he got hit that bad
I think Seattle just was being merciful and decided to let someone else have a SB run for a change…Pete the merciful!
Of course we lost. No team has ever had to play a playoff game without their #1 WR or their #1 RB (not to mention #2 RB, too). Ben was a monster even though numerous people said no other QB would even consider playing with his injury.
As I was watching us attempt to come back, and Okung and Avril went down, I was thinking “Welp, even if we do pull this off, winning the next two is going to be a real bitch without those guys.”
I was also glad to see Greg Olsen get back on the field after taking a big shot. Panthers NEED that guy if they hope to win it all.
Steelers07 I am sure teams have played with out their top 2 rbs and top wr before
KZRider_ if they don’t draft lineman i’m going to send a strong tweet to someone in the front office
Zippy…HARUMPH! kinda how I felt when Iupati and Bowman went down vs seattle in teh nfccg
Zippy…HARUMPH! Jonathan Stewart had a great game. Panthers really missed him and you can see why
It is. I mean that’s all anyone talked about last week leading up to the game.
Well with Lynch’s money they should be able to improve somewhere, was a good run Lynch have fun in retirement or Oakland
hawaiianhonky I am voting for Hillary 2016 I’m not holding my breathe.
I am voting for Hillary 2016 I would keep Kearse. He was the reason Hawks made a come back
That’s because you’re an NFCW fan. I mean look it up, everyone knows it’s true haha
I am voting for Hillary 2016 hawaiianhonky he’s still got 2 years left on his deal and played like shit this year, he has no more leverage at all
hawaiianhonky I am voting for Hillary 2016 He didn’t last year either. I think it is the Hawks moving on more than him
I am voting for Hillary 2016 hawaiianhonky he at least played really good last year, and they won’t trade him unless a team wow’s them
hawaiianhonky He can go play a year in Oakland while Oakland still has a team.
Ahmad Brooks is 2nd in 2016 against the cap at $9 for SF, there’s no way he stays on that number right?
Wilson has never had a guy who can get separation on a consistent basis, until now.
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! he is probably gone
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! I think Kelly will get rid of him.
Zippy…HARUMPH! For a rookie he has great awareness on the field
GF is out of town from Wednesday thru Friday. I’m going to smoke so many god damn bowls and play so much god damn madden
They mostly do in madden. Hey we had a good run in real life this year. I’m certainly not upset about it.
Sloppybeast This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! It’s up to Baalke. Kelly has no GM powers anymore
Lisa9er4life Sloppybeast This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! He still will have a lot in put, just doesn’t have final say.
Sloppybeast Lisa9er4life This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Considering his decisions with the Eagles I think Baalke will be making the final say
Lisa9er4life Sloppybeast This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Yes, that is what I’m saying. But if he really doesn’t want a player I would imagine that Baalke will give it a lot of consideration.
I feel good. Should be a fun game. It’s gonna be really close.
Sloppybeast Lisa9er4life This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! I would let Brook’s record stand for the argument. He is more of an asset than a liability. As long as he stays out of trouble
Agreed. The NFCW game is the Super Bowl as far as I’m concerned.
Palmer should have batted that Hail Mary down man. Totally his fault we had to go to OT. He’s a bum!
Rodgers would have never gotten the final Hail Mary off if Arians didnt call a retarded pass on 2nd down when they had the ball
Sugar Dick Supreme it was football god Karma after that bullshit Floyd TD
I feel good about going on the road as well. We only lost one road game all year
The refs actually did a decent job this last weekend, barring tossing the coin correctly.
maybe if palmer played a better game it never would have went to OT. He was lucky GB’s D couldnt catch easy INTs that were thrown right at them
Steelers07 it wasn’t without hiccups, but he wasn’t touched so….
White Trash Lizard #DHC you cant deny this. he was pathetic
Yeah but when a player gives himself up like that, the play is over.
White Trash Lizard #DHC az won in spite of palmer not because of him
The Fitz catch was very reminiscent of Dez Bryants as well, but with different results. I actually thought they were going to reverse the call.
Anyone else notice the clock wasn’t stopping when Seattle or Carolina was going out of bounds?
hawaiianhonky forward progress and being down in bounds
hawaiianhonky Until the 2 minute mark you mean? That is the rules now.
Sloppybeast I loved the call: “There are fouls on both teams” Then the ref calls 2 penalties on the defense. Can’t remember which game that was think it was Cards/Packers
Sloppybeast hawaiianhonky no, if you go out moving forward the clock stops
I thought the Packers D played really well they just didn’t make the plays in crunch time. Shoulda sacked Palmer on that OT throw. Shields shoulda picked him off on their TD in the 4th. Gotta make those plays
Tribal Chip i don’t, i saw it stop when kearse went out (not the last two minutes either) then on others it wouldn’t
hawaiianhonky Sloppybeast You have plenty of time to read the rule book now, so don’t sweat it.
That was a hell of a play by palmer to spin out and throw across his body to fitz. Gotta give him some credit.
Brew_City dhc is in nervous denial over it because he knows Carolina won’t drop that garbage
White Trash Lizard #DHC Oh I do. But the DL had his hands on him he’s gotta make that play. From my perspective. Carson made the play he didn’t
I thought Alex Smith balled out. I was proud of him. Unfortunately the Chiefs just don’t have a quick strike offense.
And with Andy Reid’s clock management skills, they were fucked from the get go.
I love Russell Wilson White Trash Lizard #DHC Youre just hilarious. Palmer made a few really badthrows. He also had 350 and 3 tds and played excellent in overtime. Not worried at all.
ReWalterWhite He was on and had to go, he asked for the name
Sloppybeast He had some overthrown passes and their clock management was garbage
White Trash Lizard #DHC I love Russell Wilson excellent in ot? He made 1 play lol
ReWalterWhite You should just have him keep his current name or change it to Bernie Sanders.
I love Russell Wilson White Trash Lizard #DHC He and Fitz won us the game lol. Thats kind of a good thing in this sport.
Palmer played excellent in OT.
I love Russell Wilson He and Fitz won us the game. Stop being a retard. You look really jealous
Lisa9er4life Sloppybeast Well it wasn’t without problems, but geez way to look at it with a glass is half empty approach. Man you are hard to please.
I love Russell Wilson Palmers dislocated finger was definitely giving him problems throwing at times
Well, safe to say we’ll be drafting a left tackle….i’m not sad to see okung go
White Trash Lizard #DHC I love Russell Wilson lol I am not jealous. You are delusional if you think Palmer had a good game
Honestly Palmer played worse than Wilson this weekend Wilson just played vs a d that could catch the ball adn tackle.
GOD DAMNIT fucking sucks that we had to play with a 3rd string RB. Hold on to the god damn football!
I love Russell Wilson White Trash Lizard #DHC Yes 350 and 3 TD’s and drive to win the game in OT is a good game… Regardless if he made a couple very bad throws.
Sloppybeast Lisa9er4life I just remember how it was toward the end when he was with the Niners
Brew_City Steelers07 Last year half our roster was down and we were playing with ryan lindley lol. It happens.
Wilson’s deep throw to the back of the endzone when Lockett fell down catching it was baller. When they showed the throw from the QB’s perspective it was even more impressive.
He was our best OL for a long time – I’d rather keep him then plug in another CFA.
Sloppybeast Lisa9er4life And it’s the Divisional game have to play much better than that if you want to win
lol we didn’t have the best WR in the game, our #1 or #2 RB, an all pro C, or our starting LT. I will ducking cry about it.
Aaron Rodgers made Butte College proud with his performance yesterday
The back pedaling TD throw that was barely touched by the DB was stupid. That DB just didn’t jump as high as he normally can, should have been batted away.
All I known is we better fucking feed Fitz in carolina. Dude is something else in the postseason.
that’s what he grades out now – but we could use some average OL, rather than crap OL….LOL!
Munkee Im ALWAYS ready to get butthurt.You know this.
Steelers07 yes, but wasn’t a very high jump in the first place
*assumes position on offseason loser couch next to Rams and 49er fans*
I love Russell Wilson Who the fuck cares dude? Palmer had the highest QBR of anyone in football this year. Stop obsessing over Palmer and Wilson.
White Trash Lizard #DHC I love Russell Wilson just saying if he gives the same performance az loses like wilson did
Lisa9er4life Munkee Chip just got hired. The dips have always been here.
White Trash Lizard #DHC I love Russell Wilson yet you laughed at the idea.
I love Russell Wilson White Trash Lizard #DHC Ok… cool story.
Sean Penn interviewed El Chipo
Norman really wasnt burnt much. He was for that 1 td to kearse. He also got a big sack in teh 4th on wilson
Zippy…HARUMPH! Lisa9er4life Munkee He adds to the dip – loads of sour cream
number 27 mclain on the other hand was burnt all game
I love Russell Wilson norman gave up both TD’s to Kearse i think
Lisa9er4life Tribal Chip
besides Harbaugh there isn’t a better coach for him.
Tribal Chip I think so but that was a scheme problem not his
I love Russell Wilson Tribal Chip
the scheme tells him to make the read
That field in Carolina was crap! That 60 yard run would have been an 8 yard gain if ET and KJ both hadn’t slipped and fell on their ass when Stewart broke thru the line.
Ron LaCroix is january dont be a sissy and bitch about the field
I love Russell Wilson Ron LaCroix the field in denver was fine….and they have far worse weather
A guy that is pretty good at projecting contracts predicts Okung will get 7.5 to 8 million a year.
hawaiianhonky I love Russell Wilson Ron LaCroix it was the same. just frozen together
I love Russell Wilson hawaiianhonky Ron LaCroix it was far from the same
they are debt notes, nobody here has ever made money their whole life. They’ve worked for debt.
hawaiianhonky I love Russell Wilson Ron LaCroix it was the same.
Brew_City Sloppybeast
welcome to Discourse in Seattle.
I remember when the Fedex field destroyed RG3’s career in that playoff game
Redskins had the lead, and the injury allowed the Hawks to come back in the late
I love Russell Wilson “The tide is high today, looks like the field will be soggy”
~49ers Announcer
So now the Marshawn Lynch era comes to an end in Seattle… To be honest, that’s good news for the rest of the NFCW.
Funny thing is Seattle gives Lynch a huge deal and then he barely plays this season….
yeah i’ll take Chip and Bevell and fuck it lets bring Lynch home for an encore season to help CHip transition to coaching in the NFL.
I hate domes and artificial surfaces. Play in the elements on the earth. The flat earth
If the Cards can be productive running the ball I can see Palmer having a monster game. Partly why Seattle was getting no offensive production in the 1st half tbh. #1 it slows the pass rush and #2 gives better chance at 1 on 1 coverage.
AZ should just grow all the grass for the NFL..like their system the most
I love Russell Wilson
they complain if its actual grass and sod.
I like either one, just not SF-like turf that you need 4″ cleats to keep from spinning your wheels
this worked out exactly the way Lynch wanted it to.
Sugar Dick Supreme throwing it to the other teams MLB isn’t a great idea either
Sloppybeast I love Russell Wilson
and in comes the fog. it was the best
I love Russell Wilson Sugar Dick Supreme Yes your season was.
It’s time to abandon that power run game and let the best pocket passer in the NFL do his thing from here on out
This is what happens when you have 2 white TEs on your team and the other team has a white MLB.
2 deflected balls that turn into completions at BIG moments of the game this weekend. Shit is crazy in the playoffs.
Tribal Chip their field looks good because grass can grow in january there.
Tribal Chip The playing surface yesterday was ridiculous. League is lucky there weren’t 3-4 ACL sprains or tears.
Tribal Chip grass isnt growing in carolina in january or denver or pitt
Yeah, throwing to the guy who’s been sitting out a couple of months in that scenario wasn’t the best decision.
I love Russell Wilson Ron LaCroix He was shit but stll won. What?
Cards and packers need to meet in the playoffs more often. Its always epic.
Sugar Dick Supreme I love Russell Wilson Ron LaCroix yes it happens.
Has a screen pass to Lynch EVER worked? why that was even in the playbook is silly to me
Sugar Dick Supreme I love Russell Wilson Ron LaCroix the qb can play bad and the team still win. happens alll the time.
For two years in a row the Seahawks season is ruined by Wilson.
That team is going to implode now.
Bye bye, Lynch, Avril, Irvin, etc…..
Wilson’s contract is going to strangle the salary cap for everyone in Seattle.
Welcome back to the basement of the NFCW Seahawks!!!
4 losses in a row to NFCW. I may or may not burn this place to the ground
That play where he paused on 1 yard line to mock Culliver or Brock (don’t remember) then stepped into the endzone like a boss.
anouncers were talking up the screen pass to lynch. LOL HH
Brew_City I was thinking about too. AR must fucking hate the NFCW
Brew_City and the rest of the team and the coaching staff and the fans.
at least the losses to SF were due to sheer dominance, instead of pure luck
Under Pete Carroll, the Seahawks have played four playoff games that start at 10:00 AM Pacific.
First half score: 0
Second half score: 86
Once is an event. Twice is a trend. Four times, it’s time to start re-thinking your approach.
Munkee was that a designed screen though? i think that was RW checking down to him
I half expected to see a pic of PC climbing on top of some lockers and congratulating his team this morning due to his early onset dementia.
sorry brew, that post didn’t read the way I had it in my head.
No, but mayhaps you can score some points, just for shits and giggles ~ me
The Panthers do look tough to beat. Arians better pull a rabbit out of his hat. (beret)
Tensing, 25 at the time, http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/black-man-samuel-dubose-shot-head-cincinnati-cop-ray-tensing-n396116 during an off-campus traffic stop for a missing front license plate. The entire episode was captured by officers’ body cameras.
Hamilton County prosecutor Joe Deters, announcing murder and manslaughter charges against Tensing, said the fatal shooting was “the most asinine act I’ve ever seen a police officer make.”
The settlement was reached while the murder case against the officer, Ray Tensing, remains unresolved. Tensing, who was fired after the July 19 shooting of 43-year-old Samuel DuBose, has pleaded not guilty and is awaiting a trial date.
In addition to the cash payment, the University of Cincinnati will pay for tuition and fees for all 12 of DuBose’s children, who range in age from 4 to 23. Under current costs, that part of the settlement comes out at over $530,000, but the price is sure to increase as the youngest children reach college age
Munkee River Boat Ron was going line for line out of the McCarthy “how to play stupidly conservative” tho
Brew, I saw where AR was complaining about how the ref tossed the coin for over time. Are concerned at all about the rapid growth of his vagina, and that it might get so big and flappy as to impede his mobility?
Not sure who I’m gonna root for in the Cards-Panthers match up. Cam’s such a bozo, sure don’t want him in the spotlight for a full year….but don’t wanna hear these Card bloggers talk shit for a year either…..Go Broncos!! ha ha!
A police officer was found dead in Ohio with his gun and cruiser missing, authorities said early Monday. It said dispatchers had received a tip-off from a female caller that Danville cops “were in danger” because her ex-boyfriend Herschel Jones had “left with weapons and was looking to kill an officer.”
perp was white
OH MY GOD, HE THREW OUR FLAG, WAHHHHH. Your gnarly snatch is showing
Seattle has mystic powers that prevent it from ever being blown out. And they will win the Super Bowl next year.
I am still laughing to myself spontaneously over that schoolyard BS about the coin toss. How does that shit happen in a NFL playoff game? The ref actually tosses it again because of school yard rules that demand he must. Too funny.
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS was Cam grabbing flags again?
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS He did it in a playful way. No story here.
Sloppybeast How do you toss it without it rotating once and it also bounced without flipping lol
A coin toss that doesn’t flip is problematic for a number of reasons
Brew_City Sloppybeast Couldn’t do it again in a million tries
I figure no flip is just as random as a flip if he wasn’t trying to do it.
TIGRE1629 This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS My new feed is terrible.
This bitch wrote a letter to Cam talking about the dying 12 kids and how disrespectful that was…
battles, did cam throw a flag of some kind? I don’t care what players do. I’m raising my kids, not them. And if the other team doesn’t want it to happen then they should win the game (or take cheap shots to end their seasons so that they’re too sad to do that kind of stuff).
Munkee Someone handed it to him from the stands.
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS hahhttp://imgur.com/oyiKDRM
Zippy…HARUMPH! TIGRE1629 Favorite comic of all time. That and Silver Surfer.
thanks, Tigre. you’re the first non-hawk fan to say something nice about us today. 🙂
Munkee So did a Seahawks fan give him it, someone left it, or was it bought by a Panthers fan just for that. Regardless, I give no fucks and people need to toughen up.
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Munkee The Russians will laugh at us.
So for the record, the glass firmament dome is purportedly GOLD or yellow. So any reference in society to a Golden Dome is a Flat Earth hint. Laughing right in our faces.
The King Day at the Dome gathering began in 2000 with that call. Last July, organizers got their wish as South Carolina swiftly removed the flag which had flown at the capitol for more than 50 years after what police said was a racially motivated shooting that claimed nine lives at a church in Charleston.
I officially can grow up to 6 plants. They are a little too generous.
Ron LaCroix You guys are going to be tough next year… add some O-line talent, and you’ll be in the mix again.
Brew_City This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS
no comprendar
This will be interesting, last time the Cards played the Panthers in the postseason they got 78 yards
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS I see, you stop drinking so now you are going to become a pot head.
time to amp up prison rules for 2016, might even have to resign sweezy so we can have a cut-blocking TE
you can have someone grow 6 plants for you (patient to patient)
well yeah that’s where you got your name : )
my wish list…..who the fuck knows about Schneiders’s selections tho…
Ron LaCroix
fuck that bullshit tigre is a gay liar Ron
Seriously this letter was fucking funny. Guess what lady, there are kids dying from cancer that are Panthers fans too and guess what our “classy” fans threw popcorn on Bowman being carted off. Get over it.
yes, sweezy should be moved to TE, he is athletic enough to block on the edge, and that way DTs won’t be getting to RW at the same time as the ball
ChampionChip So what he posts somewhere else now?
For the love of god Mike if you ruin this run we’re on I will put a potato in your tailpipe.
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS ChampionChip Hahahaha
Sloppybeast This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS No not really. I’d tell you if I were.
FuckChipKelly I smoke a bowl every other day lol
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS
“We’re new, and trashy.” – Hawk fans
Tribal Chip Co op? I rather grow them. I’m thinking 3
Pete is getting old, maybe his thirst for blood is receding..??
Props to all the 12ths that showed up to weather the post-loss storm here… *slow clap
LOL, I love how you try and legitimize that faggotry with Bowman by including it with some story about Seahawk fans butthurt about a flag
Zippy, reading that book is making me more confused.
I pulled off a solid Tokyo drift driving back to my house to switch vehicles after I dropped my kid off to school today.
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS How so?
Idaho does not believe in road maintenance in the winter. Survival of the fittest.
We get that day off around Xmas. Along with Veterans and Presidents day. We get a whole week off for Xmas.
https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=ProFootballTalk @ProFootballTalk Report: “Strong possibility” Eric Mangini remains as 49ers defensive coordinator https://t.co/vb9f4FTfQ7https://twitter.com/ProFootballTalk/status/689115948931018752
Zippy…HARUMPH! This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS So much information and a lot conflicting with what I had read online. Like it basically says to do very little trimming but online everyone talks about taking off a lot of weak branches to get bigger buds.
I had 8 inches to shovel this morning and we are looking at getting a lot more by midnight tonight. I guess global warming couldn’t protect us forever.
Zippy…HARUMPH! This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS I’m not done yet so maybe it will be more clear but I don’t know how to do starts indoor, how to “harden” them up and ect.
Sugar prick I’m sure you have plenty of potatoes living out in the country of laveen. i will 1 up you and put a banana in your tailpipe since you drive a yugo
Manning has the best defense he’s ever played with this year, and can barely manage an offense at this age
AFC title game is going to be a joke
There’s a balance to strike. You don’t need a lot of growth at the lower part of the plant, especially if you’re doing indoors, because the light won’t penetrate the canopy that deep. But some people seriously overdo it with the pruning.
Tribal Chip I think they win pretty easily but we’ll see.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! lol at Yugo. Go get him Mike.
I saw a First Data product this weekend and kick me in the jimmy if I didn’t think of Brummet on my own time!
Zippy…HARUMPH! I was planning on doing outdoors. I still need to decide what soil and ect too.
Zippy…HARUMPH! I may do them in larger pots on wheels instead of raised beds so I can move them for better light.
I wanna see him convert to Islam and change his name to Mohammad Cam.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Mine has a sun roof that wont close so I’m good.
Zippy…HARUMPH! I also have 0 idea what plants do well in this climate.
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Tribal Chip gotta cut weight everywhere you can dude.
That’s whos ass you’re fapping too.
Lugeing seems like one of the gayest most bad ass ways to die.
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS i see what you did there….and over there too
Finding a DC to work with Chip has got to be a tough job. What DC in their right mind would want that job?
Remember when Bennett stole a kids bike and rode it around the stadium.
Sloppybeast Hey you wanna be looking for work in a year? – Baalke
Banks bracing for oil companies to begin defaulting on their loans due to plummeting oil prices. We might have to bomb Saudi Arabia.
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Yes I do. I also remember writing a nasty letter to him.
2nd police officer in Ohio killed
http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/18/us/danville-ohio-officer-killed/https://news.google.com/news/rtc?ncl=dfDni9lfzerqzBMy5cili1-ab6tQM&authuser=0&ned=us&topic=hhttp://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/19/us/tom-cottrell-douglas-barney-2-police-officers-killed-ohio-and-utah.htmlNew York Times – 49 minutes agoA police officer in Ohio was found dead late Sunday, shortly after dispatchers received a warning from a woman who said her ex-boyfriend was armed and looking to kill an officer, the authorities said
Bennett steals a bike, Lynch steals a cart. Who is the smarter criminal?
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS
full potato stop We should take that guy and painful remove every bone in his body but keep him alive.
Russia stated that they are bracing for 7 to 8 years of low oil prices, and they just cut their national spending by 10%.
hawaiianhonky Munkee reminded me it was a cops bike.
hawaiianhonky they are smarter in Seattle than they are in other locales
I’m sure good ole WA ST will just add new gas tax due to the drop in oil prices.
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS hawaiianhonky that’s right, it was a cop bike
Munkee i’m pretty hung over today, you will continue to confuse me
No I trolled Black Santa because he’s a greedy fuck. I’m glad he didn’t do what Kam did though.
And doesn’t take dog ownership seriously.
Gas taxes are the one tax I’m okay with increasing. Our infrastructure is pure shit and the tax has not gone up in proportion to the cost of road construction and/or maintenance.
http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Justice/2016/0118/Hate-crime-in-the-Bronx-Local-leaders-condemn-attack-on-Muslim-manChristian Science Monitor – 34 minutes agoAnxiety over ISIS has contributed to tripling of hate crimes against Muslim Americans in recent months. In New York, Mayor Bill de Blasio says he is taking steps to protect and connect with the city’s Muslims.
wait till they start raping our white women during parades and festivals.
Are you glad he also almost led the league in QB hurries while being a monster against the run game will getting paid about 35% of his market value?
Where will RW take the team this offseason for the powow?
Hawks lose and are better represented here than the Niners. Just sad
Hmmm…Fangio had the 31st ranked DVOA defense last year, Mangini 27th
but interesting stat, Mangini’s defense at home was
2nd in points allowed .
1st in yards per point allowed
Top 10 in yards per play.
They just got blown out on the road lol
Steelers07 I’m okay with this, as long as they use it for actual construction/maint as opposed to putting in the general fund
Are you glad he never quits and rallies the team and says hilarious things … also while being massively under paid. AND grows an awesome beard?
Munkee Of course I’m glad.
http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/bitter-cold-strikes-northern-plains-great-lakes-regions-36346479ABC News – 1 hour agoThe arctic air mass that froze water pipes in Minnesota and lead Chicago officials to ask residents to check on neighbors this weekend is sticking around in some parts of the upper Midwest.
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Steelers07 Which is constantly the problem here in WA
The federal gas tax is only used for improvements and maintenance. That’s literally all it is there for.
I am voting for Hillary 2016 Not surprising, they are a train wreck.
My car this morning
<iframe width=”854″ height=”480″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/El5HCRnhdDY” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
Steelers07 WA ST adds onto it. That is what we are referring to
Steelers07 Right, but ours goes into a general fund half the time.
Where fuel tax money goes
All fuel taxes collected are placed in the Motor Vehicle Fund which supports highway programs including:
Constructing and maintaining state, city, and county roads, bridges, and ferries.
Purchasing right of ways.
Installing, maintaining, and operating traffic and signal lights.
Policing state public highways.
Operating movable span bridges.
I’m going to the MLK monument today and it’s 23 degrees but windy so 11 degrees. Not thrilled.
How do your pipes freeze in Minnesota? It’s not like the cold should catch you by surprise. Heat tape. Leave a little bit of water running.
i hope your eyelids freeze shut so you dont have to watch
it’s unusually cold monkey, hello, are you even paying attention.
“If they’d of shot 4 more, we could have had the whole week off” ~ my racist grandma before dementia made her kinder and gentler
Steelers07 Washington has it’s own gas taxes, 2nd highest in the US behind California
All states have their own gas tax. Todd was spewing some BS about how it goes into a “general fund”, which isn’t true.
Let’s get down to brass tax too short
Steelers07 I missed the days when you worked for the State of Washington.
Ancientage Don’t blame me, the Chinese calendar is full of surprises.
Obviously the pipes in question know better than you.
The best thing about yesterday was the Horchata i got on my way home
One doesn’t have to work for the state in order to know where their tax dollars go. They are required by law to use it as specified.
I have never seen such a long run look so pathetic and sad for everyone involved.
I forgot to stop by after the game yesterday, sorry.
LOLSeahawks. Better late than never.
I’m concerned about our oline. Week 17 and against packers the oline couldn’t sustain blocks worth a shit! Rbs had no holes!palmer doesn’t have enough time to throw deep! Cards oline needs to get its shit together before panthers game
Keal you’re at the MLK monument?
Yup I think this friendship is over…
i put chips in a cup with a scoop of Peanut Butter and a dash of salt and eat them with a spoon. Lost 75lbs
I don’t like buffalo wold wings that much but it’s not terrible. But I’d rather go to native new yorker or something if I’m going to a big chain place.
don’t like any food stop where the first question asked upon arrival like where should we sit gets ,”huh? What did you say? I can’t hear you, or see you because this huge fucking TV is in the way.
Well that Arizona vs Green Bay game was one of the wildest playoffs games I can remember. It’s beat out the last playoff game they played
How long does someone have to live in AZ to be eligible to vote in an election?
White Trash Lizard #DHC DJs here in omaha is way better than BWW but i don’t mind BWW, they have heineken on tap which is the main reason i’d go to BWW
I think Detroit is blacker than DC. I will miss my annual trips to that lovely city now that my wife’s family has started having their reunions in Charleston.
You think? I liked the 09 game a little more. Both were epic.
What about:
Sure sit there sir…and if you meet me in the bathroom in five I’ll suck your dick
welcome to america
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/01/18/dozens-muslims-leave-company-that-limits-prayer-to-scheduled-breaks.htmlFox News – 1 hour agoDozens of Muslim employees at a Wisconsin manufacturer say they are now out of a job after the company changed its prayer-on-the-job policy.
I think you just need to establish residency. Probably just have an Arizona DL? Shit idk
I find it funny how Eagles want to hire the Chiefs OC, especially after that time management disaster against Pats on Saturday.
They want to let the offense take the year off and recover after Chip kelly wore down those scrubs
i don’t have time for lunch again today Anciente.
http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2016/01/18/two-women-found-dead-with-ligature-marks-in-northwest-indiana/CBS Local – 2 hours agoCHICAGO (CBS) – Police in northwest Indiana were conducting dual homicide investigations, after two women were found dead of apparent strangulation at neighboring homes in unincorporated Gary.
I believe Netflix is an old old wooden ship used during the civil war era
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS I’m a loser today and it hurts
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Only makes you stronger.
Seahawks window is shutting, I hope they mix things up quite a bit for next season.
Ried doesn’t have an OC he calls all the plays CHIP NEEDS AN NFL OC AND DC
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Settle down francis
Says a fan of the team that hired a guy that had to call teams looking for work.
Brew_City This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS I’m settled, I trust them but I think we were weakened on defense. We need better depth for Safety if either Kam and Thomas miss time.
I read an interesting article on ESPN.
Okung, Irvin, sweezy, and a couple d linemen all set to become free agents, and y’all need another corner opposite Sherman. And what happens to lynch
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Brew_City You had the #1 scoring D in the NFL again. Paa-lease
Ancientage Lynch got hurt and the offense got better. He’s gone, and we now have his contract money to spend elsewhere.
Brew_City This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS I watched with my eye balls brew.
Brew_City This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS And a franchise QB who is worth building an offense around.
Brew_City This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS I promise, we played some weak offenses too. They were good but I see room for a lot of improvement is what I’m saying.
I thought I was going to get mugged when I was in DC and was too stupid to figure out how to get tickets for their metro system. Just standing by the little ticket vending machine like a retard while more and more people started to watch me. Finally, 3 ebony goddesses stopped and helped me.
Police told GBI investigators that the alleged combatant took a Taser from one of the officers and fired it, hitting the officer.
At least one officer was tasered multiple times and two other officers fired at and hit the suspect. But the GBI states in a written release that the subject continued to attack and refused to drop the Taser.
Ancientage There’s a couple of midrange FA offensive linemen, right there.
Even on April 5, 1968 Martin Luther King Jr. had a brighter future than the Seahawks at this point.
What the fuck is this stupid “dabbing” bullshit? Its so retarded.
ReWalterWhite Brew_City If he wasn’t afraid of his own shadow now sure
lol I like how NFL Memes just waterstamps it while some random troll out there made this
lol DC’s old mayor, Marion Berry, got video taped doing meth with a hooker. He went to jail for years, got out, and was subsequently voted back in. Black people are racist as fuck man
Brew_City ReWalterWhite Well.. he could be good again playing with rogers
Dhc tell our oline to get its act together!
Cam named his fucking child “chosen”?!?!?!? Jesus christ I hate niggers.
SUNRISE, Fla. — A South Florida man is charged with first-degree murder after allegedly mutilating, murdering and disemboweling his girlfriend in a drunken rage after she called out her ex-husband’s name in the midst of rough sex, according to a police report.
My money is on Big Ben having shoulder surgery this offseason.
good timing, just finished rendering on imgur
Steelers07 What offseason has Ben not had surgery. Motherfucker is a beast.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! https://media.giphy.com/media/65bxkf1WSByjC/giphy.gif
There, I showed up after a loss. Now I’m leaving for six months.
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll Ras and Adu only left for 4, that should suffice
Bkob even though your team looked like shit the first half of the Carolina game i still luv ya bro
I love that Ilrun gets his dick sucked for that second half “comeback” after blowing the game in the first half.
ChampionChip I love that the time its going to take the 49ers to get back to relevance is measured in decades
No Leaves of Absence will be granted AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS!
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Playoffs has made Mike a meme machine. This one isn’t halfway retarded even if it is recycled.
Sugar Dick Supreme AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Naw just ran out if material
Sugar Dick Supreme AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Did you say ‘if’?
Uh ih, The board isn’t updating for me. This is the worst thing that’s ever happened to a Seahawk fan.
I want Nkemdiche with the 7th pick, but he would be a dumber and more talented Aldon
LONGMONT, Colo. – The woman accused of stabbing a pregnant woman and cutting her unborn baby out of her womb could face an attempted first-degree murder charge.
According to court documents, the suspect – a 34-year-old mother-of-three – admitted to police she had cut the victim’s abdomen to remove her baby.
Dynel Lane has two teenage daughters. According to family, she also had a son with her ex-husband, who drowned in a pond when he was a year old.
i meant about off field retardness, you know with the synthethic weed
Coming off a BYE we didn’t prepare at all for any RB other than Lynch (per Bowman’s own words I believe)
And then we got steam rolled by Rawls
That alone is enough to make me scared about bringing Mangini back
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Google has served you well.
Lynch just seems like an afterthought in seattle now. Hes done.
White Trash Lizard #DHC Well with Rawls and Christine it is prudent.
Sugar Dick Supreme White Trash Lizard #DHC Christine isnt even worth mentioning.
Dhc what’s wrong with our oline?????.
White Trash Lizard #DHC Sugar Dick Supreme I smell a 1 yr Keim deal.
Police asked her why she was in the home in the first place, and Wilkins said she was answering a Craigslist ad for baby clothes. Officers found a text message on the victim’s cellphone from “Dynel” giving Wilkins the Longmont address.
Ridley told police he left work early on Wednesday to take Lane to a prenatal appointment. When he got home, he found Lane covered in blood, claiming she had miscarried. She said the baby was upstairs in the bathtub. He ran upstairs and found the child lying in the bathtub.
“He rubbed the baby slightly then rolled it over to hear and see it take a gasping breath,” the affidavit reads.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Shut the fuck up retard. Every part of our team must play well to beat carolina. There is nothing else to say. Now kill yourself.
Seattle Seahawks are now an afterthought
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! our DL was playing well. It happens
okung is done with the team, maybe with the nfl. too many injuries. his play seemed down this year, i
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Yet, you’re still fat, an idiot, a liar, renting a shitty house and driving a piece of shit…
No Leaves of Absence will be granted AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! And she said you were too short
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! No Leaves of Absence will be granted wow, that’s the only line you ever have. what a fucking moron you are.
Speaking of Cam Newton’s kids name… did anybody watch that show about the gay white rapper whose name was “chosen”? I thought that was pretty funny
Okung isn’t done with the NFL . Only 9ers retire in their late 20’s
No Leaves of Absence will be granted AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Ownd.
It’s been like 3 years since a saw a seahawk actually play in the pro bowl, this is gonna be weird.
This feels wierd… Usually im paying attention to college prospects around this time.
White Trash Lizard #DHC Well, the police warned you not to go back there.
“Seahawks are an afterthought”
*Posts only Seahawks memes all morning after the 2nd biggest win in Arizona history*
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll Mike is your friend… Dont be mean to him.
We spar on football related matters, it’s all good
White Trash Lizard #DHC BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll Mike is a douche, let’s be real.
Michael I dont trust this BKOB fella. Its time to find new friends honey, lets see what Jordy is up to at FAP
No Leaves of Absence will be granted White Trash Lizard #DHC BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll Douche actually gets pussy though.
Bkob today I’m getting hawks out of my system since your team fucked up. We were suppose to have the mfccg at uop
MFA this weekend at the game
Hmm, Targhee got 3 feet of snow this weekend, and another 3 feet is forecast for this week. I’m gonna go skiing next weekend I think.
hawaiianhonky What the hell is happening in that gif? Is that some sort of event?
How munkee met his lady friend
Brew_City Munkee like, wtf does adam jones have to do with skiing?
The evening after all of those wasted gifs my son fell down the stairs in an epic fashion. If my wife wasn’t yelling at me right afterward I would have said “Wasted”. Oh, yeah he is fine, just scared the shit out of him.
Here’s a skiing gif that sums up how seattle started that game yesterday
Cards did beat Carolina on the road in 2008 in the playoffs
I was at a guys house and his 10 month old kid cartwheeled down about 20 steps. He bawled a bunch but was fine. I thought he was going to die.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! https://media.giphy.com/media/tdkx9be2XuHAs/giphy.gif
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! You get all your Cards info from 98.7fm
lol, then about 20 minutes later the guys dog walked into the kitchen and fell over and died … he had a rough night
MFA, how much does the government give you for your disability?
Sugar Dick Supreme AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Duh
Im happy Carolina eliminated us last year with ryan lindley. Hopefully it adds a little to our fire.
I wish I had it on video. My son was going down the stairs head over heels. At one point he was flipping through the air like that skiing video. I thought he was going to be hurt for a split second, but the crying wasn’t the ear shattering kind so I knew right away he was ok.
Hawk fans tell me i gots to know. How did it feel being down 31 to 0 at halftime in a playoff game? I have never experienced this
Sloppybeast Lucky he didn’t break his neck. I would have been terrified
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Pats in 2008 and Hawks in 2012. You’re an idiot.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! https://media.giphy.com/media/UAJpANY0bGPhS/giphy.gif
Sugar Dick Supreme AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Playoff game you fuckimg moron
If I said wasted right then i think my wife would have scratched my eyes out. She was pretty angry with me since I was in charge of him at the moment. Apparently when I’m in charge he isn’t allowed to get hurt, but when she is in charge there was nothing that she could have done.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! You’re playing with fire Mike. This may happen to the Cards this weekend
All the hassle about grown men getting concussions occasionally make me worry about my kids. The oldest one hits his head on the regular.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Sugar Dick Supreme It doesn’t matter when it happened you fucking tool.
Sugar Dick Supreme AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! My original post said a playoff game you tard
sloppy, the women were going out and i was at that guys house watching our kids with him. He was all nervous cause he’s usually not allowed to be alone with his kids because his wife is a control freak. He left the gate open on his stairs and I saw his kid crawl through it. I said “your kid’s on the stairs” … and he’s like, “well, i think that’s allowed.” … then the kid just launched himself into nothingness and that dad freaked the fuck out.
So the wife came home to that story + a dead dog. He’s probably grounded from being a dad.
Poor hawk fans now it’s personal attacks haha
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! How is this different from any other day?
If your team wins a Super Bowl, this will not change, by the way.
In fact I don’t think she has ever yelled at me like she did in that moment. Since he ended up not being hurt I think we have an unspoken agreement that we will simply forget the whole thing.
Hawks get fucked in the ass on national tv. Now hawk fans trying to return the favor on a blog site lololollolollol
Oh yeah… its personal… since the day we got your mugshot… you can bet your ass its personal
I allow them to get away with more stuff. My wife will come home and my oldest will be standing on a dresser and jumping onto his bed and the younger one will be jumping off the couch. “What …, they’re just exercising?”
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Sloppybeast that’s going in the jar for sure
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Sloppybeast stowed away on the top shelf to unleash on you when you least expect it
No Leaves of Absence will be granted my wife uses her hands much softer
I was like, “what, you never let him go down the stairs on his own?!”
Mrs. Sloppy – “NO!”
I decided not to tell her about all the other times.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! No Leaves of Absence will be granted on herself, maybe
Lisa9er4life Munkee Oh, they do that when she’s home too, there’s just more yelling.
Hawks arrow is now trending downward after 13 and 14
No Leaves of Absence will be granted AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! He’s just saying that so we will get the idea that a female actually touches him without him paying for it.
We finally took our oldest out of gymnastics because he kept leaping from this tall ass podium. But instead of jumping into the ball pit, he just jumped onto the regular floor. “We can’t keep your child safe sir.”
No Leaves of Absence will be granted That’s a lie. There are no lawns like that in AZ.
Stairs are always a chore for kids due to the being top heavy with a large dome
KZRider_ AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Yeah pick 6 in the most important game of the year
Zippy…HARUMPH! No Leaves of Absence will be granted He lived in an undisclosed location (SEAL privacy, can’t divulge)
Are you saying we should masturbate with one hand, while holding God’s hand with the other?
Munkey and Sloppy may I suggest you wrap your children in bubble wrap?
Moving in general is difficult for those little alien potatoes.
People with a unit large enough to require it.
I’ve got so many scars from childhood because of lack of coordination.
About 3 weeks ago I walk into my oldest’s room and he’s sitting on a chair, reading a book … on top of a five foot dresser. “Uhhh, sooo, whatcha ya doin?” ……. “Readin'” …. “I see.”
My son does pretty well going down the stairs I thought. The problem this time was that I said something to him so he looked backward while continuing to step down.
Well, I tried putting two diapers on my youngest to minimize the bruising he would get from butt bombing off the couch.
Too short can’t fap with both hands. He’s too short
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! *looks up burn trauma centers for treatment…
It’s quite nice not having to stress over any more games. I feel free.
I am a man who has consumed far too much bourbon this season. Next year will be even better.
MFA is on hyperdrive right now, but I guess that’s what happens when your team only makes the playoffs 3 times in 70 years (no I didn’t look this up, but I bet I’m pretty damn close)
Russell Wilson has more playoff wins than the Arizona Cardinals.
Now that Seattle is a perennial contender, I realize how stressful it is. Can’t imagine how Steeler and Patriot fans have coped for so long.
SacSig He’s giving you asshats so much damn material in the event we lose one of these next two games… I hate him so much.
Munkee Going backwards each year. No playoffs next season
Too shorts girlfriend asked him a question
“Have you always been this short” looking down at his
“I think this relationship will end very shortly now”
I am a light sleeper always have been since my kids were small. I was so afraid of them getting out of bed in the middle of the night and falling down the stairs even with the gate up. My oldest son used to sleep walk. I could be in a deep sleep and as soon as i heard one noise I was up like a shot
Sugar Dick Supreme SacSig He will not show up when you lose, he’ll get buried.
I don’t have a daughter, but my 2 year old stabbed me with a butcher knife.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! *starts asking for skin donors…
Sugar Dick Supreme SacSig He is the one reason I can’t bring myself to cheer for the Cardinals. Only way I cheer for you guys is if you play the Pats in the SB…and even then it will be tepid.
Lisa9er4life Even I have become a light sleeper, it’s strange how your body will adjust to it’s environment.
“Seahawks didn’t go to the SB three straight years, so their window is closed” you guys are silly
We never used a gate on our staircase, never locked any of the cabinets, never put bumpers on the corners of the coffee tables…I figured if my daughter couldn’t navigate her way through our house then life for her would be like what I assume it is for MFA
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll SB, SB loss, Divisional Loss, no playoffs
Because I’m an awesome parent. He pushed a chair up to a counter and unlatched the baby latches on the drawer that keeps the knives in it.
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll Moved to London is the next step in this progression.
When I was 14, my Mom went with my sister on a summer church choir tour. My brother, who was 16 and had a part-time job, was allowed to stay at home; I was sent to my aunt and uncle’s house for the two weeks.
My dad came home early from work one day during this time, and found my brother on the roof of the house, on a bicycle. He was riding the bike off the roof and into the swimming pool.
There are no baby locks that work on him. He used a broom to undue our dead bolt once.
Bkob if we win the next 2 games i will send you a bluray copy of the cards run to sb50 and a cap. gift to my ska buddy
My son is one of those big toddlers that is always hungry. The other night he woke at 3:00 in the morning and started crying for food. He wouldn’t stop so we gave him an apple and put in bed between us. I swear for the next 45 minutes I would wake up and hear him biting that damn apple in the dark. In the morning there was no evidence, nothing. The damn kid ate the entire apple. The seeds, the core, the stem and probably the sticker to.
He joined the Army and went Airborne. Go figure.
Zippy…HARUMPH! That’s a rush man. Did that a couple times at my friends house. His deep end was closer to the roof than mine was.
If Toddlers weighed 200 pounds, all other life would cease on earth.
Sloppybeast I bet the sounds were straight from a horror movie, too.
There are 4 teams left! THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE! !
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll You’ll kill yourself by the time he ships it?
we used to take our bikes to the river and jump off a 30-40 foot cliff with life-vests wrapped around the handlebars
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Quick someone shock the shit outta Mike!
Sugar Dick Supreme AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Blame him when your team goes down.
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Sugar Dick Supreme AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! IF you bastard.
I will guarantee you we will be 1 of 3 left after afccg l
I used to jump off my roof as a kid too, but we didn’t have a pool, just a big bed of ivy. Broke my leg doing it. That is also how I learned that our ivy was the neighborhood dumping ground for weaponry that had been used in crimes, lol
Sloppybeast SacSig you had to kick the bike away so you didn’t land on it
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! You don’t have to type lol mike. We know you’re chortling after every dumb joke you make.
SacSig Sloppybeast thanks, I might not have thought of that the first time.
I remember my mom getting a phone call from a neighbor saying “Your son is jumping off your roof into the pool” My mom was like, ya? So what’s the problem?
“You’re calling me for this? Call me when he misses.”
No Leaves of Absence will be granted FuckChipKelly his shorts are still stuck on the post after ward
This same neighbor called the Fire Dept when they saw “red smoke” billowing from our backyard….it was winter and we had the spa on with a red light filter. Dumbass neighbor
Can we talk about the az cardinals? No panthers or pats or bronco fans post on here
I just got done watching the film…..basically they fucked themselves in the first half
I am the youngest of 4 so I was the center of a lot of hilarious games growing up. One game we would play was my other siblings would all hold a pillow in front of them and keep me in the center. I would ram them as hard as I could to get out. On one particular attempt my brother jumped out of the way at the last second and I rammed my nose into a hard corner and the result was very bad. I still have the scar across the bridge of my nose.
I got my first concussion in that same ivy, playing wrestling with my cousind. Got slammed head first into a baseball bat somebody had shoved in there. They pulled it out and it was all chipped up and had blood stains all over it. After that I wasn’t supposed to play I’m the ivy anymore (but I still did)
hawaiianhonky well when it starts 31-0 and ends up 24-31 I think you can say they fucked up the first half
Especially since you don’t have the right plumbing, and it would have to crawl out of your urethra.
Steelers07 It definitely adds an element of surprise to your life.
I have all the respect in the world for women, having to poop babies out and all that.
My mom and dad had gone out to dinner that night at a friends house. They got a call from my oldest brother asking what to do if my nose wouldn’t stop bleeding. My mom gave him some instructions so they tried that.
My sons were on their Little Tikes Teeter Totter and my oldest son decided he had enough of it but didn’t say anything to my younger son. He just got off of it in a hurry thereby launching my younger son on the floor thereby knocking out his 2 front baby teeth. I put the teeth in milk and rushed him to the dentist. The dentist said no point in putting them back in they’re going to fall out eventually anyway. My son had to go for a while with no front teeth until the new ones came in. What a disaster
Then she got a second call from my oldest brother asking what to do if it still won’t stop bleeding. She decided it was time to come home.
I learned how to stop a nosebleed watching GI Joe cartoons. Because knowing is half the battle
What do the rams and panthers have in common besides being in the nfc?
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! they both beat seattle twice, good job fatty
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! They both have a retard talking about them on the internet?
Both will have beaten Arizona by the end of the season?
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! They both have big cats as their mascots
My parents were convinced that Chlorinated water cured everything. I’d come running in the house and they’d be sitting in the spa having a cocktail and I’d have a road rash all down my leg from wiping out riding my bike. They’d say, oh, just jump in the spa with us – the chlorine will help it.
This explains so much, especially if they used it for sore throats, too.
hawaiianhonky both beat hawks in seattle
“Can we talk about the az cardinals?”
*Contibues talking about the Seahawks*
The doctor gave me a butterfly band-aid, which was a cutting edge concept at the time, to try and hold the cut closed and reduce the size of the permanent scar.
I do find it hilarious that Palmer didn’t get his first playoff win until his like 10th season, and it wasn’t even a regulation win.
Sloppybeast my doctor just pulled out the needle and thread “Scars build character kid, now sit still”
I have the strongest urge to play some Marvel vs Capcom 2
White Trash Lizard #DHC hh set himself up
Alright. It’s not like he’s had tons of chances though.
SacSig Sloppybeast right across the bridge of the nose would look tough as nails.
Third most regular season games in history without a playoff win before that game
Brady has done much, much better with some less talented teams.
White Trash Lizard #DHC As Fitz said ” He played 5 total quarters in the playoffs. Not quite fair”
Saw the previews for Superman Vs Batman
What a joke of a movie this is going to be. Ben Affleck as Batman….horrible choice
White Trash Lizard #DHC I believe this, but the dirty ass Steelers went for his knees.
He got hurt on his first pass of the game. That’s a retarded thing to say.
Brady is the best quarterback in nfl history…. we got carson palmer for basically nothing and he’s turned us into a yearly double digit win team
Lisa9er4life everyone said this about heath ledger as the joker too
When the dialog in the commercials is cheesey, it’s not a great sign.
Hypothetically speaking
Arians was with the steelers and he said palmer was sharp. He had a feeling it would have been a long day
hawaiianhonky Lisa9er4life Heath Ledger was great as the joker. I never thought he would be bad for the part…even before I saw it
No not really. Palmer finally got a chance and he won. Deal with it
Lisa9er4life hawaiianhonky here’s a sample of some of the comments:
“Heath? let’s reminisce on the days of A Knight’s Tale and Ten Things I Hate About You. Heath? The Joker? Bad casting. Bad joke.”
“probably the worst casting of all time.”
“On no, it’s wrong on every level.”
“This is totally bull. I do not at all like this choice.”
“And now begins the second downfall of the Batman series… I hope this is all a joke”
“I am NOT seeing this movie if he is in it.”
“The Joker is a character that needs an actor with gravity. Not some little twerp who got lucky.”
Ben Affleck actually looks how older Batman should look. Plus, as long as he doesn’t do the terrible Batman voice like Christian Bale I will be happy
So basically we can still troll Palmer for never winning a Playoff game in regulation? I like it
FuckChipKelly Sounds like it’s electronically assisted.
No Leaves of Absence will be granted AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Hmmmmm interesting
hawaiianhonky Lisa9er4life They’re forgetting Heath Ledger was in The Patriot with Mel Gibson. I love that movie he was wonderful in it
Take me into the mind of DHC when the Packers caught that Hail Mary.
Lisa9er4life hawaiianhonky right, but the point is the majority of people hated that ledger was in that movie and he was literally the best of any batman movie ever
Palmer and wilsons stat line very similar this weekend yet palmer is going deeper in the playoffs
hawaiianhonky Lisa9er4life This Superman remake wasn’t that great wither
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! they won the exact same number of games in the playoffs…and it will stay that way
I haven’t seen the movie, lol. That’s just how the comic book story goes
hawaiianhonky AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Deeper like she said
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! hawaiianhonky 1 win each….like i said
FuckChipKelly I know. There’s literally no way to spoil this movie.
DGdub At this point, I would gladly view Manning going out with a win…
DGdub If that happens Panthers defense will give Brady a nervous tic
I think our special teams is just as much to blame as Toussaint for the loss. Our P had two (TWO) fucking punts of 27 yards lol
Zippy…HARUMPH! Manning would be picked off 4 or 5 times.
Spend a fifth rounder on a rookie punter and make him at least sweat the entire offseason.
All batman has to do is pour some of that green shit (kryptonite) in supermans drink it’s over
I want to see a Marvel/DC crossover movie, just so we can see Batman beat the shit out of Tony Stark
Well we spent a 4th rounder on a P during Tomlin’s first draft. Now he plays for he Cardinals so I wouldn’t be surprised
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Pour some of that green shit in supermans drink… How do you troll yourself consistently?
Yes, he will. Batman is the DC version of Tony Stark, except he has crazy martial arts training too
Hey laveen country prick. Kryptonite can come in many forms.
i watch supergirl
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I want to troll you but you’ve done it again.
FuckChipKelly Does Batman come covered with tons of indestructible metal and loaded weapons
MFA knows martial arts………
If he wants to. He’s Batman. He has a contingency plan for everything. He has a contingency plan for his contingency plan
Steelers07 If I had to chose a different QB it would be Ben. He’s such a beast.
Sugar Dick Supreme AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Im very creative and witty
MFA’s lady friend knows karate too
lol, i like it when MFA goes into selfownage mode and just keeps going
In that wild 51-45 wild-card loss to Arizona in 2009, Rodgers led Green Bay to a game-tying TD on his final drive, then never went out on offense again (except for one kneel down play at the end of regulation.)
Wrong… In 09 he was strip sacked and Dansby ran it in. So he did in fact touch the ball.
On NFL Network right after the Broncos beat the Steelers they were saying “Should Broncos go with Osweiler?”
So you bring in Peyton Manning to win the Divisional game yet you want to leave him out of the AFCCG? Who thinks like this? You know who? Sports Media
Sugar Dick Supreme so he can’t even get the details right? I didn’t read it due to the audacity of the Headline
Wait, you mean, there’s a time when he isn’t in self-ownage mode? When has this happened?
Shut up we won this battle. We are better than the hawks. Stop entertaining them.
I would have started Oswieler anyway. If it wasn’t for their defense Manning would have lost that game
Mike we are better than the hawks. Give it a rest. We won this battle. Stop entertaining them.
White Trash Lizard #DHC that’s like setting a pizza in front of a dog on the ground and telling him to not even sniff it
Why don’t you go try to stop Sheriff Joe from being a redneck. You’d have better luck.
When I see Landry Jones you know who he reminds me of? Neil O’Donnell
Alright time to go to town on some chicken piccata. My wife is the shit.
Munkee That was my parent’s vision of my life.
My hopes for each of my children are shaping up to be different. My daughter is crazy smart, so I am going to hold her to a higher bar. My son, well I hope he is really good at sports.
I think I woke up with the “end of season” look this morning.
Not that he is a dullard, but my daughter was having conversations at this point and he is still trying hard to put 3 or words together at a time.
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Adusoron Steve Brock just felt a tingle in his pants
Munkee I’m in full on reversal now. All I want is for everybody to just stop talking at all.
Munkee When do they learn how to say stuff with their mind they expect you to understand?
micky, does griz get included in your no-tolerance policy against leaves of absence?
i have a better understanding of what my 2 year old wants than my wife, and he mostly snarls and growls
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Adusoron Aha, I should have figured – there is a loophole for hawks fans. And what about the weeks he was gone during the season?
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Adusoron i recall him welching on a bet too (not fulfilling the full terms)
Adusoron No Leaves of Absence will be granted Maybe he was bored, got tired of listening to a bunch of idiots spew nonsense.
Adusoron No Leaves of Absence will be granted Fuck, you left for months…do you actually have the balls to ask these questions?
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Adusoron Ah. More loopholes and excuses given to hawks fans.
Cards are 60 minutes away from SB50!
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Adusoron The answer should depend on your normal habits and how you typically post during winning weeks. If you come on here and act obnoxious like Griz does then the policy should apply to you. If he was not so much of a damn homer then I could place him under the forgiveness act.
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Adusoron I stayed all crappy season long.
Adusoron No Leaves of Absence will be granted Last season you left for months, there is no ‘this season’
Come Honor Face Reminding everyone where Seattle wound up 12.5 months after their last “disappointing” division round exit.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! If the Cards win, and that’s a BIG IF they are probably 75 minutes from it
BMT, you watched UFC fight night, right? I think Dillishaw got robbed
FuckChipKelly no way Cruz won that hands down
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Adusoron Oh well. I stayed this season and yes, I’m going to criticize Griz. I hope you will too instead of making excuses.
Cards have to play an almost perfect game to win in Carolina
SacSig Come Honor Face FuckChipKelly lol no he didnt
Adusoron No Leaves of Absence will be granted I hope you realize what complete morons you guys sound like on a daily basis.
RW needs 2 TDs to pass Jim Zorn into 3rd on Seattle’s all time list.
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Adusoron Also not that it’s any of your business but I changed jobs in that “absent period” you mention.
Adusoron No Leaves of Absence will be granted You make MFA sound intelligent
Adusoron No Leaves of Absence will be granted Excuses? This is some bullshit
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Adusoron This is patently ridiculous.
He threw and landed more punches, his kicks were hurting Cruz. The only thing is Cruz got a few takedowns, but he didn’t do anything with it
Oh, gee, negativity from Haters, what on earth shall we ever do.
SF’s all time leader in TD’s has 244….seattles has 195……that’s sad
Cruz got more take downs, his movement was a lot better and had more effective striking. i had it at 3-2 cruz
I think having a coin toss largley decide the outcome of OT is so fucking stupid. They need to adopt college rules of OT and be done with it.
Tribal Chip Fix the Slurpee machine, it ain’t gonna fix itself
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Sloppybeast oh come on, you know it’s better.
Sloppybeast I’m fine with OT. I just wish our D would stop letting the other team score every time
Sloppybeast No Leaves of Absence will be granted don’t bother. he is in one of his moods.
ET needs 1 FF to match Tez. Sinclair had 25 though. Strip machine.
I think the Hawks fans got a taste of what the Broncos went through in SB 48
The takedowns I’ll give you, but I hate that, takedowns where you don’t accomplish anything shouldn’t give you points, imo. I thought Dillishaw got the better of the striking
When DHC shows up, I want everybody to wish him a Happy Martin Luther King day ………..
Adusoron Sloppybeast No Leaves of Absence will be granted “I got a new job, lost my computer for months…’ – Adu
To be fair, we actually pulled our shit together and made a game of it. They scored 8 points.
Brew_City Sloppybeast I applaud your dignity, but you know college are better.
Jon Ryan is already Seattle’s all time leader in punts, punting yardage and yards per punt.
Sloppybeast Brew_City yes and know. They usually take all weather and field position tactics out of the game.
Matt hasselbeck threw for as many career yards as steve young
5 keys to cards victory in Carolina
1 online must keep palmer clean
2 match Carolina intensity and physical play
3 must be able to run the ball to control the clock and to set up play action
4 cards d must control panthers run game and no big plays
5 must make came feel uncomfortable in the pocket. Make him throw early
FuckChipKelly you didnt notice how frustrated he was getting? got flat footed and Cruz started landing combos. Cruz also slipped a ton of his punches
Coin tosses do not largely decide the outcome of games. Peter King researched this and found out that receiving teams still lose like 52% of the time
Munkee Who is likely leaving. His average was down this past year.
McCarthy has not gotten the team to come thru in crunch time the last few years.
Steve Young spent half his career in USFL, Tampa Bay and as a backup
Tribe did Griz ever reply to you on field gulls? Or were you just banned by some skinflint mod over there?
i dont think DHC celebrates martin luther coon day
Hauschka will probably pass Norm Johnson for most field goals made in Seattle history.
I hope you football aficionados are taking note.
Well I see MFA has been listening and taking notes of the local sports radio shows.
Seriously I was about ready to fly to Arizona and strangle our ginger punter on the sideline. KICK THE BALL ASSHOLE
He is the undisputed mastur of conventional wizzdumb.
What’s the difference between MLK Day and St. Patrick’s Day?
On St. Patrick’s day everyone wants to be Irish
*stares at Munkey…shakes fist furiously*
but TT will coddle him and give him ANOTHER year to figure it out.
Sloppybeast Not at all, just piggy backing on the “oh look how sad seattles passing records” are non sense
hawaiianhonky AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Yeah you lost because your team couldn’t do these 5 things
White Trash Lizard #DHC I bet you took the day off, didn’t you?
TT is also not without blame. Davante gets hurt and instead of promoting a WR from the PS so we have 5 he promotes a DB that was inactive. Then we are down to 3 WR’s all game.
If MLK gave the exact same I have a Dream Speech today..he’d be labeled an Uncle Tom far right radical
No Leaves of Absence will be granted damn griz took that shit like a champ
SacSig He didn’t put enough in the speech about entitlements and slave reparations. Jessie and Al would be very unhappy with him.
See? I’m an equal opportunity comedian…*wipes tears from eyes…
Brew_City Same thing happened to us last year in the SB. Go into the game with 3 TEs on roster, don’t throw a single pass to a TE, then get the shaft when Lane gets hurt and Marcus Burley is on the inactive list.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! The Red sea will drown in the deep blue sea this weekend
Munkee i was thinking that car/truck was completely messed up. like insurance company totaled messed up
LOL, you know Jesse Jackson was actually there when he gave that speech, right?
Lisa9er4life AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Cards have a chance if they play their best football
FuckChipKelly Actually, I didn’t know that. However, if you listen to what Jesse says, it’s far more radical than what MLK said
FuckChipKelly Jesse has “evolved” in his thinking in the last 50 years
He has made a career out of racial issues, but to say he would be disappointed in MLK is crazy
You guys see this picture of a grizzly paw?
Chicka hearing KFC is closed on MLK day
Sloppy, there are wolves in the northern lower peninsula, are there not?
DHC doesn’t like anything black. And i mean ANYTHING! !
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! http://i.imgur.com/PCoA39C.jpg
White Trash Lizard #DHC i love chocolate milk
No Leaves of Absence will be granted i can imagine what that female dog is thinking ? This dog needs pills
I don’t like El Nino. It caused 2 EF2 tornadoes about 1 hour or so away from me early Sunday morning. Killed 2 people and injured some children
What will the 1-2th man do if Paul Allen doesn’t want to pay the Texas A&M name license prices? They last renewed in 2011 and are due to renew in 2016. You have to figure A&M is going to jack that price way up.
If DHC owned a nfl franchise they would all be white players!
Someone sent a 55 gallon container of lube to Y’all Queda.
My wife and just finished watching Orange is the New Black. Lots of tits, not bad.
White Trash Lizard #DHC my butt is sensitive
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! White Trash Lizard #DHC double jesus Mike
Do the cardinals have a chance in Carolina? Vegas says they do
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I think they do. Especially when you look at how tight the CAR players got and how conservative the CAR coaches called the game.
Sloppybeast AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! 2nd half? I agree
Did you guys hear about Cam Newton ripping a hawk fan towel and throwing it on the ground after the game? Apparently someone was very butthurt about it.
That’s almost as funny as the two Niner fans who wrote an angry letter demanding Seattle fans keep quiet at home games.
Sweet. Looks like we have about 30m in cap space, almost 37m if we cut Marshawn
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll We get a third-rounder for losing Maxwell. Just need some more other sucker teams to step up and give our guys huge money for leaving.
Adu in cams presser he’s an ego creep magnifide!!
I know plenty of Niner fans who applauded “Legwhip Bob” McKittrick when he coaches for the team.
Adusoron hawaiianhonky Zippy…HARUMPH! yep, fuck him he got what he deserved
Adusoron hawaiianhonky Zippy…HARUMPH! he ripped those peoples sign up and got a popcorn shower for being a douche
You know, the guy who, on his deathbed, called up to Howie Long to apologize for nearly ending his career.
hawaiianhonky Adusoron Zippy…HARUMPH! Wow. You need to examine your life.
<iframe width=”854″ height=”480″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/fWz9YZZS7qs” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
I wipe my boots on a 12th man flag I took from a neighbor kid before I go inside everyday. Contrary to popular belief the fabric isn’t ruined, they can still be useful.
The fanbase who had their preseason series against the closest AFC team cancelled because of fans rioting is going to presume to give lectures about class now. Awesome.
I hope the cards defense can punk cam and turn him into tastless fig newtons
Seahawk fans are the biggest faggots, lol. They throw food on a dude who could have just had a career ending injury, but fucking cry about somebody ripping up a 12th man flag. Jesus.
hawaiianhonky so this justifies his knee getting ripped up? what is wrong with you?
FuckChipKelly i don’t care if cam threw the flag…i actually like that he did that
Oh no! I spent $1 on that and 30 minutes of my time, how dare you sir!
Ooh I see MFA returned. Ready to admit you picked Seattle yet MFA?
<iframe width=”854″ height=”480″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/csUjXQvXPeo” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
hawaiianhonky How does this justify your retarded comments on bowman? You have issues dude.
More class
<iframe width=”854″ height=”480″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/MdMCxyGEfi0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
hawaiianhonky It could have been worse. They could have thrown some light, fluffy popcorn at the poor fella.
Do I need to post the video of the Seahawk fan (in Arizona at Cards Packers) starting a fight in the stands and getting beat up?
and yet some more
<iframe width=”854″ height=”480″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/YVxIcvDUovY” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
I guess if a fight must happen at least the 49er fans are the ones kicking ass.
No one is arguing 49ers have some shitty stupid classless fans, what does that have to do with the hypocrisy that 12’s have about their team and class?
FuckChipKelly the fact is it’s a lot tougher to find videos of hawk fans acting a fool than niner fans
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! because bowman tore up a sign and thus got popcorn tossed on him?
Did you hear about the 49er fans that were so mad, they left SKA for months?
Niner fans are pretty shitty…. A bunch of classless Mexicans.
White Trash Lizard #DHC it’s really no secret that them and raiders fans are the worst
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Whining about Bowman too? Jesus christ
One fan in 70,000 throws popcorn, so they become every Seahawk fan.
So therefore, we can assume that every Niner fan on this board appears in the NUMEROUS videos of Niner fan violence.
You guys are a bunch of douchebags.
Do we have to revisit the vicious popcorn attack? Let’s just be thankful that Bowman survived.
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! right, niner fans are salty that i said fuck bowman
No Leaves of Absence will be granted BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll he got exactly what he asked for
This one really hit a nerve. We need more 12th man flag violence.
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! I couldn’t give a fuck
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! But you are salty
Sloppybeast right, the fact that you think that upsets most seahawks fans is hilarious
Where are Munkey and BK to reign in their lesser elements? Some of these guys are openly cheering injuries
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! hawaiianhonky salty about?
Apparently if you want to rid yourself of MFA just bring up his seahawks prediction
Adusoron i’m openly cheering that bowman tore up a sign and then got popcorn thrown on him for being a piece of shit
hawaiianhonky Adusoron No. You’re openly cheering a gruesome injury. It’s classless.
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! kiss the ring bitch
You guys act lile a Seahawk fan busted Bowman’s leg with a sledgehammer.
One guy threw a handful of popcorn and you’ve been crying about it for 3 years
Adusoron hawaiianhonky i clearly only cheered the throwing of popcorn on him
I think I will start writing fake Hawk fan letters so we can do this more often.
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll popcorn thrown from 20 feet up can reach terminal velocity ripping through skin and bone
It is indeed the special kind of douche that wears a third team’s jersey into a game between two others.
One of the two ejections I witnessed from C-Link during my season ticket year was a guy in a Manning jersey at the NFCCG.
I’d have taken a shit in my hand and launched it at his bitch ass
HH you don’t think the flag gate made 12’s salty then you didn’t read the seattle times comments.
I am here Adu, however, I remember when you were wishing a concussion on Chancellor.
Bucannon playing linebacker and his natural position is safety had 127 tackles in 2015.
FuckChipKelly well he’s an NFL linebacker, what am i gonna do fight him?
Tribal Chip He’s just pissed he’s stuck in that shitty franchise.
Munkee I admit I sunk to the level of some in your fanbase in that moment. Please correct them as you once did me. K Thanks.
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! they are journalists, of course they’re going to bitch about that
He was clearly throwing popcorn at the paramedic. Didn’t even hit Bowman
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! And the fans on the comments?
I knew if we kept pushing we would get meltdown, i just didn’t think it would be a meltdown hydra, This is awesome.
Also, if it’s about concussions, I allow that due to “I’m batman” jokes.
https://twitter.com/RapSheet https://twitter.com/RapSheet/status/689166640924241920https://twitter.com/RapSheet/status/689166640924241920
Update on https://twitter.com/hashtag/Panthers?src=hash DE Jared Allen: Nothing has changed from yesterday. Broken small bone near his pinky. He still plans to play through it.
Adusoron Munkee I’m afraid of too short though, and I owe honky for his under armour boxer brief recommendation
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Sloppybeast What does a bunch of classy people have to do with this?
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! hawaiianhonky i didn’t read them
Just like you cowered in fear for months while your team was failing apart in 2014, and now you’re The Enforcer in making sure Griz shows up to eat crow.
Sloppybeast No Leaves of Absence will be granted Two huge fags are ‘classy’ ?
Anyone that throws popcorn on a guy on a cart, especially an apparently upstanding guy like Bowman, should get his ass kicked.
Munkee no, you need to go away until they have finished crying.
Can we only talk about the 4 teams remaining in the sb50 hunt??
Are you saying gay people can’t be classy? So you add bigotry to your classlessness?
http://www.livefyre.com/profile/30639459/just now
Munkee I’d piss on him, what is this pussyville?
Adusoron Munkee i said i’d shit in my hand and throw it at him
https://www.facebook.com/casey.evans.338658?fref=ufi Hey Cam, no one likes either of the Carolinas or the South. That’s why, win or lose, the Seahawks will always be the classier team and Seattle and the Pacific Northwest will always, ALWAYS be superior to the pitiful, soul crushing reclaimed swamp that you represent.
https://www.facebook.com/HaLo3MsterChief918?fref=ufi People blaming on the Panthers, but it’s Cam Newton himself that’s very unsportsmanlike…. Shame on you, Cam Newton….
https://www.facebook.com/tj.riordan?fref=ufi This guy is a trash-act. Cam doesn’t know the meaning of winning with class, he acts like an entitled millennial not a league MVP. There’s a difference between celebrating and being an a-hole.
https://www.facebook.com/johnroberthill?fref=ufi Yes, I agree that trashing the 12 flag was tacky but Cam more than offsets his arrogance with the great deals he can offer you on a laptop…
https://www.facebook.com/jeff.raecker?fref=ufi I'm surprised he didn’t steal the Seahawks beanie off the little Carolina kid Pete Carroll invited to game and then stomp on it
https://www.facebook.com/leaeblack?fref=ufi Not all quarterbacks have the class of Russell Wilson.
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009381580404&fref=ufi Not cool…you guys deserved the win today but please take some time and learn some Class…hint ask.Aaron Rodgers and Russell Wilson on how to get some
I’d take out the guy driving the cart, drive him into Puget Sound
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! he is an arrogant fucker though, no other QB in the NFL does that shit…WR’s and LB’s should be destroying flags
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! So is his position matters?! Oh jesus fucking christ get over yourselves
Honestly I really like our wrs vs the panthers dbs.
i see you’ve been scouring the comment sections of seahawk related stuff, how is your obsession coming along?
White Trash Lizard #DHC except for #24
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! hawaiianhonky I would be very upset if RW acted like that….Sherman or Baldwin, who the fuck cares
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! ROFL
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! hawaiianhonky Position does matter fyi
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Please
Cam is no different than other QB’s. He just does it blacker than the other guys. It’s not his fault Tom Brady has no rhythm and can’t dance
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! hawaiianhonky You don’t think it does? The QB is the face of the franchise, they are held to a higher standard…you don’t agree with that?
Ballon Knot They ain’t going to run, and they need to keep Palmer vertical.
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Brew_City You guys are such fucking hypocrites
Jeez, one guy tries to share his popcorn and everybody freaks out. Maybe Bowman was hungry??
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Brew_City Why? because he has fun? Did you think RW was a douche when he was crying like a sissy girl and praising god for being a seahawk fan?
Brew_City Tom Brady sure knows how to throw a water bottle though
Was anyone else appalled by the unsportsmanlike conduct of the Seattle Seahawks and their fans, juiced on noise, which surely creates as big an advantage over an opponent as any performance enhancing drug and which, to their shame, NFL officials turn the same blind eye they have to concussions and drugs (“Seattle states case loudly, clearly in rout,” Sports, Sept. 16)?
It would be simple to fix. Seahawks players and managers would ask their fans to cease and desist, and the NFL would implement a new rule: The visiting team may stop the game when fan noise is greater than a specified decibel level, and should this rule be violated in more than three games, no home games will be played at the offending field for the rest of the season, including playoff games. Things would quiet down.
At a time when the world seems sour, sports give us a place of joy, community and hope, and to have it spoiled is a bigger loss than it seems on the surface.
Comical reading the banter with 49er and hawk fans.
I think 49er fans were waiting until the hawks were knocked out of the playoffs 🙂
Brew_City No Leaves of Absence will be granted Well, fuck you too.
I don’t get the Newton hate. All the guys in the league that are rapist and woman beaters and people get hung up on guys like Newton and Sherman that are upstanding citizens and give back to their communities.
Lisa9er4life Brew_City and scream at his WR’s. His celebrating is fist pumps and missing high 5’s cuz he’s super white
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll maybe throwing popcorn at an injured player is not funny and shouldn’t be defended.
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Adusoron pretty much
Like all the 49er fans that hate Sherman because he is an outspoken black man that succeeded coming out of Compton. Clear case of penis envy imo.
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Adusoron you know how dumb that sounds?
Munkee Yes, I wish my penis was smaller and easier to carry around like his.
Cam newton is an ego trip waiting to go on vacation
it’s the same thing when people call AR cocky and arrogant when he does his Champ belt or is smiling on the field
I like Newton. I didn’t like him at all coming out of college because of the whole cheating thing, but as a pro he entertains me.
Speaking of afns who are ACTUALLY classless
I hate Ben R, but I was so glad when he came out and led the game wining drive after the entire city of Cincinatti cheered his injury. Served em right
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! hawaiianhonky Adusoron you know how dumb it sounds that you don’t think the QB is held to a higher standard?
To be honest this is less about Cam Newton and more about the pedestal the 12’s have put themselves on so much that anything done to a 12’s flag might as well be being done to an American Flag
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I was a viking fan? awful troll
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Or about the fact that you live in Seattle and root for a train wreck…
Not even mad.
Next year we’re going to have the best offense in the League. With Graham and Rawls back and probably a better O-line.
Sports fan….. Not a doctor.by http://www.sbnation.com/users/bcaspersen1 on http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#354706889 http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson# http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson# http://www.fieldgulls.com/2016/1/17/10782972/seahawks-panthers-final-playoffs-divisional-carolina-seattle-wilson#
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! I think many were just mad everyone thought Cam was having a better season than RW.
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! except no one on here cares about that flag he threw?
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! But so many of your fans do
What about when Kaep scored a TD against the Panthers and buttoned up Superman’s shirt? Cam said he respected it
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! hawaiianhonky no they don’t
Adusoron guys that go to other teams blogs are…pretty fucking sad
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Yes they do.
Looks like I am missing the meltdown…why is my 12 Bitching Alarm App not working? WTF KEAL!?
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! hawaiianhonky lol, because of 100 comments? there are far more fans than 100
Just because the 49ers have open arms towards the gays, the Asians and the Latinos doesn’t mean you have to be salty. We are a culturally diverse and accepting fan base. Our only requirement is that you show some class.
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Enough so that it’s been talked about on the radio, the news paper and twitter, plus here on SKA. Yall are a bunch of pussies
Who said i wouldn’t show up after a cards win?
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! hawaiianhonky lol, it’s being talked about and brought up by niner fans…not a single seahawks fan brought it up
The Seahawk fans here are too smart for Adu, so he has to seek out out-of-context quotes from other sites. He knows those posters aren’t here to own him.
Those dudes with one falling asleep on the other…those guys were brothers, some of you homos need to get your minds out of the gutter
hawaiianhonky SacSig Didn’t you say it was not ok because it was a QB? So you don’t care or it’s not ok?
It’s the behavior of a creepy stalker. You expected different from Adu?
He is one of those who loves to point out when others have the same shortcomings that he does himself.
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! hawaiianhonky SacSig i don’t care at all, but i’m glad RW doesn’t act that way was the moral of the story
No Leaves of Absence will be granted BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll This is news to me
I plan.on.leaving the ram games in the 3rd quarter., for the beach, whats wrong with that?
Packers LT played most of year with 3 torn ligaments in ankle. That’s gotta sting
This was a really fun meltdown. I will refer to this one as the Hawk Meltdown Hydra of 2016.
leatherneckram The traffic from the stadium to the shore is going to be murder at 3:00 Sunday afternoon.
Bakthiari was a great find for you guys. He’s not great but to find a solid starting tackle where you did is awesome
Sloppybeast lol, too bad there wasn’t a meltdown…you’ve set the bar extremely low
Sloppybeast hawaiianhonky i got you all butt hurt by bashing bowman….the meltdown was from niner fans
hawaiianhonky Sloppybeast Meltdown is what the 49er fan base has been in for the last 3 years
White Trash Lizard #DHC And most packer fan’s think he blows. They are retarded tho
49er fans…..”it’s much easier to troll hawk fans once they got knocked out of the playoffs”
White Trash Lizard #DHC Look what happened the 5 games he missed
Munkee Lisa9er4life His pic looks like a mug shot of a serial killer….seriously
Wilson’s relentless positivism has ruined our fanbase…..RUINED IT I SAY
I think fitzgerald is going to obliterate finnegan. Floyd or brown should be able to roast whoever number 27 is on the panthers.
Please provide me of a list of ideals and hopes that I can mock.
<iframe width=”854″ height=”480″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/-UkcsiY-19E” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
right after this came the popcorn
White Trash Lizard #DHC and pp will shut down ginn
If Eric Reid wasn’t such a dirty fuck that would have never happened
Lisa9er4life White Trash Lizard #DHC yeah rw was hit as he released the ball
I think we match up very well vs the panthers. I think we are a more talented team. But those guys just find ways to win and they were the best team in football record wise. Should be a really fun game
Sloppybeast Munkee Their finger tip are scorched from the hot rollers 🙂
White Trash Lizard #DHC I think their D line is gonna have some pass rushing opportunities up the middle
My second full month’s bill for wireless phone and internet service through Project Fi just arrived.
Total $25.53
He succumbed to Adu’s trolling. A horribly embarrassing thing in and of itself.
White Trash Lizard #DHC he is in the middle of an episode let him continue
White Trash Lizard #DHC You’re team is falling, get crunched by the Hawks and a coin flip saved their ass against GB. Pray long and hard.
Too short you are way short of Trolling techniques
White Trash Lizard #DHC yeah, but everything I said is true…LOL…
I would really hate to play a 4-3 team that had Aaron Donald and Kawann Short as their DTs.
Bennett has two more years on his contract. He will be paid a scant 4 million in 2016. If he were a FA he’d pull 12 per year. Dilemma.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Wow, what a killshot
Munkee The real question will be how long until he starts bitching about it again
Munkee right, but that’s the money he’ll see with signing bounuses and such
HH you are fucking crazy – Reid was avoiding a helmet to helmet hit on Kearse.
MFA you need to tone it down a notch or tow, too violent today
He bitched about it last year, but he showed up for camp and then ass raped all of the olinemen in the league. Mean while, Kam bitched about it and then sat out and then played average.
Project Fi is Google’s cell phone service. They partnered with Sprint and T-Mobile to get network access, while also creating a system of wi-fi hotspots the lower the data load on the mobile networks and allow for “free” data access in many places.
I pay $20 a month for voice and text, and $10 a GB for any on-network data that I use. The trick is, I barely use the network for data.
Derek Wolfe just got 9 million per year. He is a white retard version of Bennett.
Few caveats: Because this uses two networks and Google’s national wi-fi network, it requires a special kind of SIM card, and only works with Google-approved phones.
Better bring it to Carolina… or this game could get ugly in a hurry, too.
So we can all 100% agree the Jimmy trade was bad now right?
No Leaves of Absence will be granted HAHA… who the fuck is that guy??
TIGRE1629 Better bring that fence back to his wife or it could get ugly lol
No Leaves of Absence will be granted I think the blonde likes it.
No Leaves of Absence will be granted When I was 13, that was my favorite scene in all movies, ever.
My friends and I used to watch Dukes of Hazard to see what Daisy would be wearing.
Desert Pantera i wanted them to come here so we had another home game.whats wong with that? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
DHC why in the fuck did you guys blitz on the last play of the game? If you just played coverage there that hail mary doens’t happy. If you guys get past Carolina, Brady will eat that shit alive in the SB.
No Leaves of Absence will be granted What’s the name of this movie “Mother, Jugs and speed?”
Zippy…HARUMPH! No Leaves of Absence will be granted what movie is this?
Cards and panthers are pretty evenly matched… Doubt the game gets ugly for either team. Should be very close.
Alright, I’ve solved Seattle’s offseason:
Must resign: Rubin, Lane, Shead, Burley (rfa), Bailey (rfa), p lewis (rfa), coleman (rfa),
Hopefully resign: Kearse, Okung, Sweezy
Probably gone: lynch, Irvin, Mebane, Tarvaris, Jon Ryan, Tukuafu, CMike
Draft: HOF Olinemen, HOF Dlinemen, HOF LBs
Brew_City Zippy…HARUMPH! No Leaves of Absence will be granted Cannonball Run I think
Remember when Kam had time left on his contract…and he held out? Ya, Hawks players NEVER EVER want more money – they are all perfect angels
White Trash Lizard #DHC yeah but it’s the last play of the game, not the fucking 1st quarter
k1joyce from AZ Tom Brady would have gotten engulfed on that play
How did baldwin do against Carolina? fitz had 176 yds an a td
Brew_City k1joyce from AZ Tom Brady wouldn’t have been up 2 TDs, so no.
We are aggressive. As keim and arians say “we play to win”. I trust the coaches.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! It took OT to get that much – you fucking retard
That was the point of my comment. Thank you for misinterpreting it and attempting to turn it around and troll me with it even though you are echoing my exact sentiment.
TIGRE1629 Brew_City k1joyce from AZ Tom Brady cannot escape pressure like AR.
SacSig Remember when you had players talented enough to think they could get away with holding out?
Baldwin is never covered when he catches passes
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Yes, never has been once
“All receiving stats for an uncovered WR are null and void” – 12’s
Larry Fitzgerald is only good when he’s catching a ton of passes for a ton of yards
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll Injury prone and penalty inducing. Not a good combo
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Fitz is just… “that good”.
Bobby Wagner gets better pressure on the inside blitz when it is not picked up.
For CHRIST”S SAKE DHC – MFA’s retardation must be highly contagious. You guys are comparing Fitz’s stats (where he got 80 yards in OT) to a Hawks’ receiver who played only 4 quarters.
k1joyce from AZ AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Sherlock
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! After this weekend we’ll be singing “Welcome Back”
SacSig ok lets compare 16 games fitz had almost 200 more yards than baldwin
SacSig Uh Maynard, I don’t see you commenting on Sac’s observation.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! SacSig hahahaha who had more TD’s
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! SacSig You’re a better blocker
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! SacSig Fitz kicks animals when nobody is watching
Sac, is OT part of the game? Mind you he still had over 100 in regulation. Fitz better game.
Happy Mick?
I’m not comparing anything. There is no comparison. It’s larry fitzgerald and Doug fucking baldwin.
I’m almost there sag just a few more minutes
We aren’t talking about septic infections, here.
No Leaves of Absence will be granted This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! How bout now?
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! I just find it laughable when they keep saying 175 yards – he had more time to get them
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! No Leaves of Absence will be granted Still……no.
SacSig This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Never the less, it counts
Mike was the one talking about them. I just thought it’s funny you were talking about OT like it was a long time. 3 plays…
No Leaves of Absence will be granted This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! ♥
And now?
“The doctor told police the reason he built the sound-proofed bunker was because “he wanted to have a girlfriend,” Stockholm chief prosecutor Peter Claeson told CNN.”
Doug Baldwin had a better year than larry, it’s not even debatable
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! SacSig FINE MOTHERFUCKER – GO JUMP ON DHC”S AND MFA”S NUTS SOME MORE!!!!!!!!!
Fuck YOU ♥
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! hawaiianhonky no troll either
Good morning to NFC divisional game losers, oh its so nice to look forward to next week. HAHAHAHAHA
Fitz had a few more yards with almost twice as many targets
Baldwin had a good season comparatively to his previous seasons and Seahawks ridiculously bad historic receiving seasons
Larry just caught another 75 yard pass!!
Hello, fan of the fourth-place team in the NFC West.
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! he lead the NFL in TD’s
Only thing sadder than leaving for 4 months, is making the new account just for trolling.
“I decided to check out a NFC West chat board for the first time … weird folks” ~ panther claw
Too short don’t fuck with a living legend!
Oh, no, I fully believe that this site got its first brand-new member in its existence the exact same week Seattle played Carolina.
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! He tied for lead, thats pretty solid, other 2 guys had better numbers overall
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! https://media0.giphy.com/media/r5H1htBeYU6Na/200.gif
Dont be such sore losers, well you’ll get used it even more. You’ll never make it to playoffs again seachickens
So the Seahawks are going to have to pay Baldwin twice what he makes for an average WR. Works for me!
Munkee At least it’s marginally more original than “FanOfNFL”. Marginally.
White Trash Lizard #DHC it’s nothing new
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! hawaiianhonky i’ll take less drops and higher catch percentage all day….they had more yards but all had 50 + more targets
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! he’s not a free agent
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! 1 year left? Might want to renegoiate after his best season
Maynard doesn’t really follow football. He’s miserable when he sees other people being happy, so he’s grown hateful of the 12s over the past few years.
Zippy…HARUMPH! This was brought up on Seahawks local radio, so clearly im not the only one
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Zippy…HARUMPH! you’re listening to local seahawks radio???? bahahahaha
K1 you are very impartial cause you are a rams fan on the move
Whats your opinion about the nfccg?
“i listen to Seahawk stuff on the radio … I find it fuels my misplaced freudian rage” ~ maynard
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Zippy…HARUMPH! Seattle radio? Yes?
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! https://media.giphy.com/media/d5tZ6FmpUVGYU/giphy.gif
It’s news to HH that I listen to the local seattle sports radio? How?
Watch this moron sea chicken fans get his ass kicked in cards-packers game
typical sea chicken fan HAHAHAHAHAHA
Baldwin big season is the best thing that could have happened to the nfc west. That pretentious nigger is gonna think he’s some awesome player and want to be paid like it. Either way he’s going to make more than he should. Congrats hawks fans.
White Trash Lizard #DHC he’s under contract….for 6 million next year…..great try though
Field conditions favore CAR
LOS goes to CAR
Run game goes to CAR
I hope we draft another RB maybe that will make eddie sweat.
a lot.
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! shouldn’t you be studying up on the niners?
That’s more than hes worth. I’m saying he’s going to want to be paid more very soon
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! yes sir.
Brew_City Is it really that difficult to make Eddie sweat?
White Trash Lizard #DHC hahahaha, Kam didn’t get more money and neither will Baldwin…if he had another year like this then he’ll get his once his deal is up
Munkee also.. I’m sick of having a median of 15 players on the injury list annually
Brew_City Because I’m seeing his shirt soaked the moment the temp clears 61.
HH I asked about Brooks 9M against the cap this morning, been doing my 49ers work. But today is troll Hawks jabroni playoff losing asses
Zippy…HARUMPH! Brew_City we need to put him in a wet suit in Alabama in the summer
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! but you’re a niners fan?
Ballon Knot oh but they could. Pp will shut down ginn
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Is that a question? Are you confused today?
Baldwin had 14 TDs this year for 3.05 million dollars, and DHC is laughing about it.
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Look buddy, ill lay off if you’re in full depressed mode
BK, AZ has every kind os passing game with all different types of wr’s. Youre usually a very knowledgeable fan but that was just silly
Munkee He has 1 year left on his deal and you guys laughed he might ask for more…
Just cause we can stretch the field better than anyone doesn’t mean we can’t have quick short passes as well
ARI’s strength is it’s downfield passing game
CAR’s front 7 won’t allow those plays to develop
From the most unbiased homer less person i know
Panthers cards tell of the tape
Offense cards
Defense panthers
Sts even
No, you’re elevating yourself to MFA status. The success of the Cardinals has inebriated you.
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! hawaiianhonky i’m not depressed at all, i enjoy being the only bright spot in a niner fans day
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! It’s ok, I k now you’re having a tough day, im sorry big guy
Fitz and brown are excellent in the short passing game.
Also last year, 42 officers were killed by firearms, which was a decline from 2014, when 49 officers were shot and killed,http://www.nleomf.org/assets/pdfs/reports/2015-EOY-Officer-Fatalities-Report.pdf.
haha. Cops murder that many unarmed innocent men in the first 49 days of the year.
its pretty crazy to think that we still put up 396 yards of offense on the #1 defense despite missing our #1 WR and our #1 and #2 RB
NE/Brady have a quick passing game – Passing game that can negate a pass rush
ARI doesn’t have that
He had an awful game. He’s been pretty good though
Brew_City Both Panthers and Carolina have that guy, McClain and Bethel
White Trash Lizard #DHC
honestly, are you lubed up right now?
I think Arians personality is better suited to keep his players from playing tight than Riveras. It seems like Arians is willing to continue calling his normal plays where as CAR went into a shell.
Fitz….. “Against the packers d just throw to the wide open guy”
An explosion of optimism inside of DHC’s head sent all of the football knowledge spurting out of his ears.
Carrol gave him time off since you guys were eliminated.
Sloppybeast But Arizona has proven they can lay a complete EGG, Carolina has not
To say we don’t have a short passing game is comical…. that’s just plain stupid
White Trash Lizard #DHC you think john brown is a short game WR lol
I’m giving the rushing edge to CAR partially based on CAR’s rushing D but also that Newton can run and Palmer can only quick step.
hawaiianhonky fitz is so.is johnson and ellington
Sloppybeast Palmer does nothing quick when it comes to moving
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! hawaiianhonky mother fucker read my post again
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Sloppybeast Carolina gave up significant points in the 2nd half just like they did with the Giants. This should never happen. Keep your foot on the pedal the whole game
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Sloppybeast he beat you with his legs on a 8 yard run
Lisa9er4life This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Sloppybeast Arizona scored 6 at home v Seattle, at least Carolina played one really good half
One of our main go to plays is short quick slants to John brown…. he’s a great deep threat but we love getting him open quick with out routes, bubble screens, and slants. Fitz is always running short routes. We have the most versatile passing game in football. We have some weaknesses. Throwing the ball is not one of them.
I was pretty happy Dom Capers switched to zone in the 4th quarter because Man wasn’t working the whole game or anything
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Sloppybeast It almost killed him though, he nearly fell down dead from trying to spike the ball afterword.
Someone remind me, was RW in the endzone when he threw the pick 6? Would a sack have resulted in a safety?
Key to the game is pass blocking. Carolina has a dominant front. We must give palmer time. If they rattle palmer we will lose. If we keep him clean I have all the confidence in the world that our wrs’s will win across the board vs the panthers secondary.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Sloppybeast I took him 10 minutes to get there
Panthers just beat the best QB in the NFL ….. beating palmer should be a piece of cake
Lisa9er4life he can’t cover in coverage
I’m giving the passing edge to the Cards because of the WR group. I think the DB’s are mostly a push with Tyrann hurt, although I think Greg Olson is going to run wild.
Hm don’t think this is Ras, he wouldn’t make a “nigger lip” joke.
This seems more like the person who took the “Hacksaw” nickname.
hawaiianhonky AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I can tell. Go buy some liquor it will help
Lol I even forgot about ellington…. saying we have no short passing game is ludicrous. Nice try though.
Jonathan Stewart will have over 200 yards rushing this weekend
After the first half of the Panthers game I was convinced that they would destroy the Cards too.
After the second half of the game, I think the Cards have a better than 50/50 shot of winning
White Trash Lizard #DHC johnson is also good out if the backfield or even at wr
Munkee hahahahahahaha, dude had a monster year…….3 years ago
Let’s pull out the gif of ellington burning the fuck out of kam to beat seattle this year
“we have an injury prone RB that runs soft, clear evidence of our superior quick passing game”
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Lisa9er4life you are fucking high
I can feel hawk butt hurt in here today. Maybe some flatulence?
In his match-up – I see ARI as a finesse passing team & CAR as a power running team
Don’t see Buchannon,… & ARI’s non-physical secondary, slowing Stewart & Tolbert down
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! yea, i have horrible gas because the seahawks lost
White Trash Lizard #DHC
85% sure you are full mast right now.
That’s just chafing from when you shit your pants watching the Packers go 98 yards in 55 seconds.
White Trash Lizard #DHC lets play the gif of seattle winning 38-8
Jesus…. just say you think Carolina will win. You would sound smarter 🙂
White Trash Lizard #DHC Big difference without Mathieu. Stewart busted through the Hawks defense for significant yards
I give the pass rush edge to CAR. Newton is going to be able to avoid getting much pressure I think. He gets rid of the ball fast enough and obviously he can run well. Palmer showed that he will chuck the ball into terrible spots instead of taking the sack when it matters most. Arians better remind him to take the sack this week.
Ballon Knot non physical secondary? Bucannon 127 solo tackles
White Trash Lizard #DHC not really. But if you can get a lineman to the 2nd level on him that’s a mismatch in the run game
Sure. But that’s to be said about most players on the second level. Bucannon is probably the most physical player we have though
The Cards now have an elite short passing game courtesy of Andre Ellington.
lol mexican radio annoucers just emphatically yell shit into the microphone
Finicum displays a disabled camera. The armed anti-government militia group continues to occupy the Malheur National Wildlife Headquarters as they protest the jailing of two ranchers for arson.”
yah, and the guy sitting on the curb is a terrorist occupying the sidewalk.
Bk most of the time i agree with you andi love your sense of humor. But this game you are waY off . Cards secondary top 5 with takeaways and Bucannon has 127 tackles
I’ll give ST’s edge to the Cards because Peterson has shown that he will not make a bad call or muff the punt when it is critical, plus he pretty damn shifty on PR’s.
Ellington had 15 catches for 148 yards this year….he’s basically a way shittier version of Fred Jackson
full potato stop lol i really dont know who you are. but whoever mans this account spends an incredible amount of time researching depressing shit all day
White Trash Lizard #DHC hes a funny dude unlike you
Cam, Stewart & Tolbert,… Are all bigger than, Buchannon @210lbs
You’re wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too smart to sit here and tell me ellington isnt a good receiving option our of the backfield. Troll on!
A 9-year-old Northern California boy was mauled to death by his sister’s pit bulls while she was at her job Sunday morning, police said.
Investigators believe the three pit bulls Alexandria Griffin-Heady calls her “wolfpack” attacked Tyler Griffin-Huston during his 24-year-old sister’s approved weekend custody of him at her Linda residence, http://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2016/01/04/boy-mauled-to-death-by-sisters-pit-bulls-in-linda-trailer/
Griffin-Heady dialed 911 when she found the boy suffering life-threatening injuries upon her return to her trailer home on Dunning Ave., where several siblings live with their adoptive mother in a house next door.
White Trash Lizard #DHC i just gave you his numbers…….should i be impressed with his one catch a game average?
Ballon Knot Size doesn’t always mean not physical, I think Bucannon is physical myself
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Ballon Knot he definitely is. But his physical ain’t gonna matter to much if a someone 320 is rolling into him
No… who gives a shit about ellington. Just saying when assessing our roster and to say we don’t have a short passing game is just silly.
I should have just talked about David johnson. He alone disproves that notion.
White Trash Lizard #DHC you used ellington to spotlight said passing game…not me
Griffin-Heady, who works as a security guard, posted several videos of the dogs on YouTube in which the dogs appeared friendly and peaceful from their times as puppies. She is shown petting the pit bulls and several cats in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQ_dNbBp9cgshe called “Wolfpack snuggle cuddle.”
Yes ellington along with fitz, brown, and johnson create a diverse and potent short passing attack.
Steelers07 full potato stop If you spend less on monthly rent than dog food, you don’t love your dog enough.
Hh you fucking moran ellington been hurt most if the season
Your trolling techniques need work
“She’s never seen any kind of violent behavior from these dogs. They’re just lovable, playful dogs like any other dogs,” Marquez said. “Never did she ever see any kind of sign that the dogs could be a danger to anyone, especially her little brother.”
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! he played in 10 games….racking up 15 receptions…..i’m super impressed
Yet other family members maintain Sacramento County Child Protective Services never should have given Griffin-Heady permission to take care of her brother on the weekends. Both come from a group of five children whose drug-plagued mother died homeless in Sacramento in 2011 and whose father is mentally-disabled, their aunt Laura Badeker told the Bee.
“She was trying to rescue him from the system,” Badeker said. “But I told everyone on the team that was supposed to be protecting Tyler that Ali was not prepared to take care of him on any level. They were warned, over and over again. Why didn’t someone evaluate what was happening? Somebody needs to be held accountable for this.”
Ellington is an explosive luxury we have on offense. Particularly when we need to roast kam chancellor for game sealing touchdowns.
hawaiianhonky White Trash Lizard #DHC So the first game doesn’t matter?
I think we are gonna seebig games from ellington and 13 td johnson in a short passing game
I’m pulling for ARI
But if I had to put $ on the game – My bet would be CAR
John Brown has 10 catches on 24 targets when it’s 3rd and 4 or less…….short game passing legend!!!!!
Did you know our shitty luxury player is the only active player in the nfl with touchdowns rushing and receiving over 80 yards. Fun fact!
White Trash Lizard #DHC that would be when the “short passing” game was used right?
White Trash Lizard #DHC and he literally doesn’t catch more than half of them
Bk imo it will be a close game and if it is and palmer has the last drive look out santa clara . Palmer is clutch in the 4th qtr in close games. Ask the 49er and hawk fans
White Trash Lizard #DHC he’s not “not explosive”…he’s just not good
Oh okay. He’s a nice little weapon. That’s what I’ll say
Some of the KJR guys think i tmight possible Hawks have 5 new starting Olinemen in 2016… seems a bit excessive and over reactive to me.
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! i vote yes to this proposition
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Don’t get me wrong, they all suck but thats a tough task
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! hawaiianhonky it’s not that hard to replace trash
Trolling ellington was solid Beckford David johnson emerged. Now it’s just sad. Ellington is an excellent option behind DJ. Versatile and has shown he can make EXPLOSIVE plays.
5 D2 defensive linemen will have an NFL gig next year. Nice.
White Trash Lizard #DHC you used the word “excellent”…he’s far from excellent at anything other than getting hurt
White Trash Lizard #DHC loaded offense that scored 8 points against us?
I’d say he’s an excellent pass catcher for a running back.
I’m so happy palmer got that “munkey” off his back of no playoff wins!
Gained the most yards of any team in the league this year
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! congrats, he’s won as many as tim tebow
Wilson’s luck is finally running out. He’s only averaging 1 miracle play a game now
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! “Cable has the best right hook in the league.” -Sweezy
FuckChipKelly She’s been dead over a decade….damn, man, no wonder, if it’s been that long since you busted a nut….
Look, I have no problem with people thinking the panthers will win. They should be favored. But hearing some of you guys analyze our roster is kind of funny that’s all.
White Trash Lizard #DHC you said ellington was good and that brown was a “short game WR”…..this is your own doing
You are falling for their rage filled trolls. Not that I’m complaining
Vegas has panthers favored by 1 point it will change its early
I didn’t say brown was a short game wr…. I said he makes plays for us in the short passing game when called upon.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! It will be 6 points tomorrow
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS MY NAME WORKED. F U!!!
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS hahahahaha
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll All those SB nation sites seem the same way. The Rams site is just a pissing contest for STL fans now it’s pretty sad
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Did you play? You must have been on before we play.
A Milwaukee-area high school reading teacher had sex with a 16-year-old male student in her classroom a dozen times, officials said.
April Novak, 30, was charged with 12 felony counts of sexual assault of a student by school staff Tuesday, a day after her husband filed for divorce, according to court documents http://www.jsonline.com/news/crime/ex-falls-teacher-charged-with-sexually-assaulting-student-b99639186z1-363283351.html.
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! full potato stop
think there were other kids there. youngins.
Afer this weekend’s AFC matchup I hope I hear Bellichick say: “We’re moving on to the draft”
No 16 year old “boy” has ever been hurt by getting some pussy in the entire history of 16 year old boys and pussy
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll
take off that mask you can’t fool us
Lisa9er4life You should just sit back and enjoy Tom Brady’s greatness instead!
Why do mature women want to fuck a young teen?
FuckChipKelly I bet they bawl like babies once they tell their friends, who then tell their friends, and the next thing they know, the teacher is in jail and they aren’t getting any anymore.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3405145/Mother-six-month-old-baby-mauled-death-American-pitbull-face-trial-accused-charge-dangerously-control-dog.htmlDaily Mail-3 hours agoThe mother of a six-month-old baby girl who was mauled to death by an American pitbull will go on trial accused of owning a dangerously out of …
She’s probably a fucked up teenager trapped in a grown woman’s body
Here’s a hint: It’s about eight inches long, and on someone that age, never gets soft.
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS
how would i know. i couldn’t get laid at 16. ask Lisa/
Zippy…HARUMPH! Meh I doubt that.
Exactly. Keep your mouth shut and keep plowing kid, you’re living the dream!
k1joyce from AZ Lisa9er4life Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale a tale of fateful trip….
Zippy…HARUMPH! Not the never gets soft but did she do a big dick survey?
BRADENTON POLICEAshley Miller, 18, was charged with engaging in sexual activities with an animal after police found photos of her having sex with her pit bull hidden on her cell phone.
A Florida woman admitted to taking selfies as she had sex with her pit bull inside her grandmother’s house, police said.
Ashley Miller, 18, was charged with two counts of sexual activities involving animals after Bradenton investigators found the graphic photos stashed on her cell phone.
The 18-year-old coaxed her dog, 2-face, into licking her vagina between 30 and 40 times over the past five years, she told police according to documents http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/animal-sex/canine-sex-arrest-657092
She also admitted to making her previous dog, a pit bull Rottweiler mix named Scarface, perform oral sex on her, too.
Miller told cops that 2-face lives at her grandmother’s house in Bradenton. Each time she wanted to have sex with the dog, she’d lock herself in a bedroom, take off her pants and call 2-face over.
The pup would “put her snout into her vagina on her own” without Miller forcing her into the act, the teen claimed. Miller said that’s where the sex ended: she never touched 2-face sexually, she said.
One of her family members was always inside the house, Miller said, but they were unaware of what was happening in the bedroom.
During at least two of the oral sex sessions, Miller snapped photos of the pup licking her vagina. Cops discovered the puppy porn in two hidden folders on Miller’s phone, one titled “2-face fun” and another titled “Me.”
holy fuck, im watching this netflix documentary called Trophy Kids, and this mother just said “that’s the covenant i made to god on his (her son) behalf. he is to be the #1 tennis player in the world.”
Turkey gobbler palmer had 349 passing yds and 3 tds.
You are just a plain dumb asian
A 45-year-old teacher’s aide in Connecticut repeatedly had sex with a 15-year-old boy she once taught in preschool, authorities say.
The teen victim told police that Kyle Damato-Kushel was having sex with him since 2013, when he was in seventh grade, http://www.ctpost.com/news/article/School-aide-charged-with-having-sex-with-boy-6713649.phpMonday.
Damato-Kushel’s husband discovered the relationship when he was woken up by voices in their Stratford home, according to the newspaper. He called police, thinking it was a burglary.
Told her he was God, but it as satan. that’s his MO
Steelers07 Just so happen to make a pact with God that insures your child can afford to take care of you the rest of your life. Now that’s smart planning.
BFS- guys hit their sexual peak at about 16-18, and women in their mid 30s. That probably has something to do with it
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Desert Pantera if he has played good he would have had 500 yds passing and 5 tds lol
full potato stop FuckChipKelly Don’t ask me I don’t have a fetish for teenage boys
A missing part of the story, how did the police know to look for doggie porn on her phone?
I have to get off of here mayNERD and turkey gobbler are killing me with bad trolling technique
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! You spilled something on your shirt.
The girls volleyball coach in TC gave a blowjob to a student and got caught. Her kids were in HS at the time. I felt so bad for them. They must have gone through some serious razzing by the time they got out of school.
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Sloppybeast I think they ended up switching schools.
Man, if I ever fucked a teacher, I wouldn’t tell anybody until years later. Kids these days probably post that shit on Facebook
Sloppybeast No Leaves of Absence will be granted looking for new horny teachers?
The PSLs are probably hundreds of thousands each.
My peak was clearly not at 16
It’s the only season ticket application form in the world that asks if you’ve ever written a screenplay.
Yeah, I don’t get why kids can’t help themselves and spread shit around that they know will be bad for everyone. My older brothers friend was a track coach at my HS. He used to come to my house all the time and he and my other HS friends would get high for 4 years. We never got him in trouble.
For most guys it is. Not your peak of getting laid, but your peak of sexual preformance
Lisa9er4life He’s terrible.
Lisa9er4life But is he better than the Eagles DC’s?
FuckChipKelly That’s a crock of shit, Your performance gets better with experience.
Here ya go boys..a new Rams video
We had a guidance counselor at my school who would pretty much fuck any black kid in the school. All the kids knew, but no one ever said shit, and I’m pretty sure she still works there
Magic – How about we trade a suite for suite, you can come to Dodgers games as much as you want.
Kroneke – HAHA, No.
I mean just physically. Your dick is working at peak efficiency
So when are they gonna replace that dump in Seattle? They are bringing the NFC West image down with CLink
FuckChipKelly Was she hot?
This is proven science, I don’t know what you are arguing about, lol
Fret for your figure and
Fret for your latte and
Fret for your
lawsuit and
Fret for your hairpiece and
Fret for your Prozac and
for your pilot and
Fret for your contract and
Fret for your Rams
Rams were just PRETENDER detectors this year, Super Bowl Champs next year?
No one’s ever written an entire song about a city being full of fakes about any place other than LA.
hahahaha this dad just called her 12 year old golfing daughter a stupid bitch
That was one of the best playoff games in NFL history, and thankfully we had Bruce Arians on the sidelines to end it in style. After a stunning Hail Mary finisher by http://www.nfl.com/player/aaronrodgers/2506363/profile to end regulation,http://www.nfl.com/player/carsonpalmer/2505245/profile spun out of pressure, ran into his own offensive lineman and then hit a wide openhttp://www.nfl.com/player/larryfitzgerald/2506106/profile, who took it 75 yards into scoring territory. Arians went right back to Fitzgerald on the next play, and the play after that. http://www.nfl.com/videos/arizona-cardinals/0ap3000000623984/Palmer-flips-it-to-Fitzgerald-for-game-winning-TD was most definitely a tribute to Fitzgerald, who was exceptional on Saturday (eight catches, 176 yards and a touchdown), and you had to know that Arians would not want to end the game any other way.
Zippy do you grow from seeds or clones?
I had always done seeds until my current grow, which is all clones.
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS I would use clones for 3 generations or so and then go back to seeds until found a good one again.
Clones are definitely faster. You start out about 3-4 weeks ahead from dropping a seed into dirt.
Clones is much easier, but watch out for spider mite infestation
Don’t see them now that it’s winter, but they nearly ruined my first legal crop last year.
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Can you buy clones these days or do you have to make them yourselves still?
Sloppybeast This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS I can walk to the corner store and get them for fifteen bucks each.
Ancientage in the words of Clint Eastwood
“What the fuck is this … get off my lawn”
I used to buy clones at the club, and they were ALWAYS infested. I would just dunk them in a neem oil solution as soon as I got them
No Leaves of Absence will be granted That was actually the greatest parallel parking job in the history of humanity.
No Leaves of Absence will be granted This is no doubt from Russia
First sign of spider mites will be little white spots on the leaves, by which time, it’s almost too late. Flip the leaf over and you can see the little bastards and their eggs on the underside. If it gets really bad, you can see the little webbings at the point where the leaves connect to the branch.
k1joyce from AZ No Leaves of Absence will be granted the dashboard cam is the dead giveaway
The mold sucks because it’s hard to tell the difference between the crystals and the mold
My attitude…I’d probably smoke it anyway, just not share it with anyone. I bet I’ve smoked plenty of mold on the shitty Mexi ditch weed I used to burn 30 years ago.
Look at sac gettin rowdy on MLK day
I love that new Directv commercial with “The Settlers”
“We don’t have Directv boy we’re Settlers we settle”
“Now go churn some butter boy and make your own clothes”
I doubt there is a HOA in this neighborhood lol
I should start the seeds soon if I do them right? I read that I should prepare the outside soil a month in advance so it won’t burn the roots.
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! I did on Saturday, 6 plants is my limit.
He had me take some random shit, it was odd.I did on Saturday, 6 plants is my limit.
I am leaving a few minutes early today, see you guys tomorrow.
It takes about 3-4 days for a seedling to sprout from the day you plant it and water it. You’ll then need to be very careful with it for the first week or so, since that’s when it’s the most vulnerable.
Also, nutrient overloads and deficiency can be a bitch. If you are using liquid fertilizer like General Hydroponics stuff, make sure you mix them in the right amounts and the right order or you can get nutrient lockout, which will effect the quality
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Figured, how far you get in on new D3 char?
FuckChipKelly Alright alright alright.
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS I got the DH to 70 and a buddy power leveled another friend and I to 70 on Hardcore. I chose Monk and can of regret it. You?
Brew_City I’m concerned with when to start everything but most people grow indoors which I rather be all natural.
Brew_City It is, and yet, it really isn’t.
The best grows I had were the first couple when I wasn’t trying to overthink things. The more complex shit I try, the worse my results are lol.
It’s really a hard plant to kill or seriously injure, but it’s real easy to turn some chronic into some bammer
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! Only got o 59 until this morning, now im 70 with P level like 110
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Got me beat then. I’m like a Paragon 50
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS That one friend was 269 on hardcore seasonal
so basically if you don’t grow it just right it won’t get you as high or what?
Temp control is big too. Too cold and it won’t grow properly, too hot and it can either go hermaphrodite or turn male
all the homegrown I’ve smoked isn’t very dense… how do you make it so it’s like a solid little nug?
Basically. The thc content is really effected by how you care for it. The yield too
I’m doing the seeds inside, so I need to get some light and then have to do something called hardening the plants until I plant it outside.
Most home grown isn’t dense because the light isn’t powerful enough, and the temp control isn’t on point. The warmer it is in the grow room, the less dense the bugs will be
are we really talking about weed right now? Grow up guys
FuckChipKelly so for instance the Blue Cheese I have right now are like solid Nugs and not leafy at all. Are those mostly grown indoors?
We are talking about growing artesianal batches of high quality herbage, you heathen
I am voting for Hillary 2016 Haven’t seen him while I’ve been on here
Lisa9er4life I am voting for Hillary 2016 Thank you Lisa.
Could be. I’ve had dense bud grown either way. Of it is indoor, that means the grower has a good setup for regulating temperature
anyone watching angie tribeca? Im stoned and its funny as shit
I am voting for Hillary 2016 I forgot there was a Democratic Debate this weekend
Brew_City FuckChipKelly 75-80 degrees is optimal.70-80 degrees is optimal. I base my temps on what is comfortable inside my house, and the tent.
Currently cold in my home (I always wear sweats), but inside the tent it’s 77, 82 directly underneath the main light.
Between 70-80 is fine. The problem happens with HID lights, they need to be close to the plants, but right under them gets really hot
I am voting for Hillary 2016 Heard none of them mentioned terrorism though as important
Brew_City FuckChipKelly But I use LEDs, so, fuck me.
Zippy…HARUMPH! Brew_City FuckChipKelly so you grow yours indoors?
Brew_City Zippy…HARUMPH! FuckChipKelly That is all I can legally do. Need a license to grow outdoors.
LEDs are great because they don’t use as much power or put out as much heat. More of the power you burn goes directly into the light that the pant needs.
The downside is, they’re expensive as fuck. As in, you can get a full hood/ballast/bulb setup, 1000w, for about 1/3rd the cost of a low-power LED array.
No Leaves of Absence will be granted I heard the US is trying to rescue Golden Retrievers from Turkey due to many of them being abandoned. Also heard some people are burying the dogs alive to get rid of them. It’s heart breaking
Dabs can be made a number of ways, from cold water to dry ice to butane. The basic is, you use a solvent to separate the thc from the plant matter, then get all the solvent out
No Leaves of Absence will be granted FuckChipKelly Expand lol
My neighbor, who has his medical card, uses a 1000w setup in his garage. It’s arranged so he can open up the garage door, and the heat from the lights, which is enormous, flows into his downstairs area and rises up the stairs to his main living quarters.
His says his bill went from $125 a month before he started growing to $150 afterwards, because he doesn’t have to turn his heater on nearly as often.
The way I do it is with butane. It’s easiest, but it takes longer to get the butane out of the wax
Nice name Too Short. So no exceptions?
I’m debating just growing inside just because I haven’t read enough about our climate and when to do shit.
Brew_City FuckChipKelly It’s high concentration THC so that sounds right.
You’d want to start by the end of May, at the latest, if you wanted plants big enough to harvest in October. Start in early April, and you will have trees.
It’s more like processing cocaine. But that’s why it’s called a concentrate
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Brew_City FuckChipKelly oh I’ve done them plenty of times. Just wasn’t sure how they were made
Zippy…HARUMPH! Yeah I was going to start the seeds in February inside and plant the beginning of April.
I had a hit of Fruity Pebbles, it was nice.
I think we’ve already had two idiots in Oregon blow up their own apartments or garages trying to make hash using butane.
Navorro Sure smelt like it.
I had a thermostat controlling a portable AC unit in my grow box. Worked really well
I haven’t smoked weed in almost 2 months. I wish I was dead.
Nav have you never tried smoking cereal? What is wrong with you?
Frankly, I don’t want to know. If I ever make hash, it’s going to be the freezer or bubble variety.
Trying to save money, get promoted/find a new job
Do you really want me to answer that question?
I like having a nice grinder with a kief catcher.
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll my business requires no test.
You get a bunch of trim, and I have a glass tube, fill it up with trim, then just shoot a can of butane through it and collect the runoff. Then let it air out for days to remove the butane
Zippy…HARUMPH! Just sprinkle some pixie dust on top of the bowl. party time
For one right now I’m watching Grizzlies vs Pelicans
I would get tested during the promotion, but never again. If that doesn’t happen soon I’m sending out resumed
Brew_City Zippy…HARUMPH! The stuff I grow myself isn’t as potent as what I can buy, but add a little kief….
FuckChipKelly like butane liquid form or are you burning it with butane?
Now that football season is over I can learn my wifes name again
Watch. AZ legislature will legalize it soon, with hope of keeping liberals out of the voting booths in November.
White Trash Lizard #DHC I’m enlightened.
White Trash Lizard #DHC shut your damn mouth if you drink with me, we smoke at the end of the night at least
DHC, I feel you need to be converted once it’s legal.
I also am at best socially ackward, at worse full of anxiety, have been described as bland, slightly balding some timed worse, and well a hot head at times. Also not smartest guy but I’m not dumb. That answer your question Brew. * goes into corner.
No Leaves of Absence will be granted White Trash Lizard #DHC They look like they’ve rubbed off on one another
“Weed makes me feel good and I want to be perpetually mad and angry at everything in life” – DHC
The good news is, the money I would have spent on weed ($10 – $20 a day) has gone towards new backpacking gear. Not only is my shit top of the line, but I have enough spare gear to bring someone along who isn’t stocked up, like me.
hawaiianhonky you put that on the table just to take this pic? I hope you cleaned it up
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) hawaiianhonky you missed my previous picture
KZRider_ hawaiianhonky KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) it’s been like 3 months maybe?
KZRider_ hawaiianhonky KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) that would take me years
hawaiianhonky KZRider_ KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Why do you have no stache?
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS hawaiianhonky KZRider_ KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) he’s amish
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS hawaiianhonky KZRider_ KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) i have no stache because i like to eat messy foods
LOL, my beard is about the same right now. It’s about time to shave
Scotti you watching tonight’s game
hawaiianhonky This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS KZRider_ KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Jesus.
I have the Andrew Luck look when I have beard
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS hawaiianhonky KZRider_ KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) you ever ate a chili dog with a full beard w/ stache?
why in the hell would you post a positive video about a loss zippy?
FuckChipKelly lose the stache, it’s so much more manageable
White Trash Lizard #DHC I wonder if Hacksaw will give up the pantherclaw disguise once everyone realizes he’s only cutting and pasting the same shit from earlier today.
posting a highlight video where you diss the opponent that beat you is ROFL
DHC – For the record
I think ARI is a great team
CAR is just a bad match-up for them
Zippy…HARUMPH! White Trash Lizard #DHC he can’t come in under his own name to troll; true faggot move
FuckChipKelly i went no stache this run and i’m LOVING it….any food the may have found it’s way to my skin is instantly gone with a napkin now
White Trash Lizard #DHC It’s so stupid
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS and get a lint roller
Ashamed because my team fought back from 2-4 to make the playoffs to begin with, and fell to a 15-1 team in their own building?
Not the year I hoped for, true, but better than what 24 other teams managed to do this year.
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS is your beard red?
White Trash Lizard #DHC Lock up your wife.
Brew_City This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Mostly.
Brew_City This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Some grey and brown.
LOL. You made up a fake name to support a team you don’t even like.
White Trash Lizard #DHC YES
Because your own team finished 5-11, didn’t they.
Brew_City and blonde I guess.
I just dont see how you can make or post a video about a TD within a game, mocking your opponent heavily in the video, and its from a game you lost.
The brand-new Panther fan, who is the only new member SKA has gotten since we opened up. Just started showing up a few days ago. What a coincidence, right?
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) well you’re a niner fan, you are currently celebrating the hiring of chip kelly…this is more mind boggling
pantherclaw, this is the weakest sauce ever. make a name pretending to be a panther fan. not sure if taking 4 months off due to excessive butthurt is worse or this?
There was heavy mocking in that video?
Only if you’re a nancyboy. Wait, this is Scotti….so, never mind.
BKOB I invited Danny O Neil to pro bowl tailgate
When I was going to court my lawyer showed up with facial hair like BFS, and all I could think was “I’m so fucked”
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) cheering for chip kelly is WAY worse
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Huh?
based on the use of ‘shithawks’ in his first post…gives a clue as to who it is.
“I’m too embarrassed to troll using my real name, because my team sucked so bad this year I don’t have a leg to stand on. Hey, I know….I’ll steal a name from the team that beat Seattle!”
FuckChipKelly I really should shave.
FuckChipKelly It was a challenge.
Zippy…HARUMPH! well, his real name probably represents some long ago event that happened and he’s embarassed as hell.
beards used to be cool before the fags with their man buns coopted them
Yeah got to grow. Before going to court
Amount of butt hurt amongst the sea chicken fans is unreal, DEAL WITH IT
My buddy has the same sideburns, but he is completely bald. It’s a wierd look
I’ve had a beard and a manbun for 4 years. Way longer than they’ve been trendy. Mine are grandfathered in, and are acceptable.
hawaiianhonky SacSig yes – if you had a man bun you would be the Ultimate Douche
Scotti, you should change your name to Trollkommandant and have a swastika for your avatar. You’re clearly SKA’s Trolling Nazi.
pantherclaw this is classic, the guy with the fake name talking about buttuhurt.
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll I give you a pass because you are so full of knowledge
reason #345 to have a beard
My threat was so heavy that you just turned me into the nazi’s? DHC is the nazis
I’ve had a beard since hipsters were still only rocking ironic mustaches. Fuck that, I’m not changing
Lack of basic grammar structure indicates an IQ of approximately 78 to go with rage issues.
hawaiianhonky Disgusting lol
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) hawaiianhonky i know, you tell me every day
hawaiianhonky KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) you probably follow his faggy vine
What is a man bun? I want to be able to judge BKOB.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) hawaiianhonky lol, you know who he is!!!!!
I’ve had the whole “crazy homeless guy” look since I was a teenager. It’s not my fault it became trendy the past 2 years. O’m not changing now.
White Trash Lizard #DHC A dude with long hair who ties it all up in a little ball on their head like a bitch
There was never a Panthers fan here. I’ll go with it. How did you find out about SKA
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS https://media.giphy.com/media/5xtDarGmIlxRJyGNLYA/giphy.gif
If I let me hair down I look like blonde Rob Zombie. The manbun is for the office.
DHC, this is the type of man bun you were hoping for
hawaiianhonky dude…..your browsing history must be really really gay
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) There is nothing a Nazi loves more than telling someone else how it is they need to be doing something.
SacSig hawaiianhonky i actually searched “man bun” in the gifs page and this came up
People here already think I’m insane. If I let me hair loose they’d probably call the cops
KZRider_ Fucking Homo can probably tell what you had for dinner by sipping your man mayonnaise
“Tastes pretty good, and as a bonus, you can also use it to strip finish from wood furniture.”
You remind me of Japanese Substitute teacher Tommy Ree Jones
You be youBKOB. Same thing I told Scotti.
BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll I think my beard is starting to make people not want to talk to me at work….when i wear a sportcoat it’s super funny the looks i get
I just don’t like getting haircuts or shaving, so I do it as infrequently as possible
I am fairly sure that God took my hair from me to keep me from running the Universe….dude was getting nervous that I’d crowd his scene
My dad always made me pay for my own haircuts. So i stopped getting them.
hawaiianhonky BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll its because everyone thinks your a douche
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) hawaiianhonky BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll i am a douche though
hawaiianhonky BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll you need to understand this, and look normal
Maybe receding is better word. Whatever
I’m wearing vintage jeans right now too. Not really, I’ve just owned them for like 10 years
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) hawaiianhonky BKOB – Pro Bowl Troll a beard and a sport coat is now abnormal?
The douche isnt supposed to love his roll of being the douche
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) i want people to either hate me or not…no in between
KZRider_ They ask that every time regardless.
KZRider_ Even if they cut it last.
hawaiianhonky KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) you dont know your father do you
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) hawaiianhonky this is the conclusion you drew?
Zippy…HARUMPH! mfa is just a douche he doesnt think so though
hawaiianhonky KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) maybe, that or you were molested
Cutting your own hair is easy but the back of my head always looks meh.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) hawaiianhonky this is an interesting conclusion to come to, i’m actually chuckling
I don’t think I could rock a turban – it just doesn’t seem all that comfortable. Being all top heavy and falling down every time you bent over to pick up a penny in the liquor store parking lot would get old
what’s the doucheist thing i could do in a picture scotti? i need to know so i can be THAT douchey
Just asking because I know some Sikh guys from high school, and I noticed some wore it and some didnt, but the older generation always did
A ball cap is just too easy.
Which begs the question….does anyone have the rights to team-logo turbans?
Yeah. In my family as a kid almost all the kids wore turbans to like age 8 except me. Some get involved and no meat no liquor keep turban. Though there is always the guy wearing turban that drinks more than anyone else.
The douchiest thing you could possibly do would be to grow a huge unkempt beard and shave only your mustache, just for eating purposes. Then go to 3 amigos and pour ketchup ranch and mustard onto the restaurants fucking TABLE, ONTO THE TABLE, and take an IG pic and a FB version of it of you talking about how you ALMOST snorted it. Almost.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) shit, i already did all that!
Some are like born again Christians, my grandpa was he didn’t start wearing turban until 50’s.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) yesssssssssssssssssssssssss, so i’ve peaked?
hawaiianhonky KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) in the zone breh
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) hawaiianhonky it’s not a zone if i’m always there
hawaiianhonky KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) some people say think outside the box, you say think inside the box
I actually really shave it like that because i ripped half my face off when i was younger and the hair doesn’t grow that good on the lower left lip area…..i find that shaving it like this allows for full growth potential while not looking like i have stage 4 lip cancer
At the ska Vegas party honky is the one dude I would let get his ass kicked. Wouldn’t even consider having his back.
Really, if you wear a turban you’re suppose to be vegetarian and no booze?
Everyone’s copying this guy
White Trash Lizard #DHC good thing i’m able to hold my own i guess
White Trash Lizard #DHC you’d be the first persons jaw i broke
I’m not an expert on this but not carrying knife in public obviously. I actually have the knife under my bed dont know how I find it. Grandpa keeps it in his room I think. Tribe know’s more.
hawaiianhonky White Trash Lizard #DHC thats the douchiest thing someone can say
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! LOL
hawaiianhonky White Trash Lizard #DHC you are probably a short little bitch
I’m just looking for Betty Crocker in the kitchen and a former Disney Child Star in the bedroom
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) hawaiianhonky White Trash Lizard #DHC i’m 5’11
hawaiianhonky KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) White Trash Lizard #DHC not tall
I am voting for Hillary 2016 You mean Betty Cocker in the bedroom
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) hawaiianhonky White Trash Lizard #DHC not short either
hawaiianhonky KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) White Trash Lizard #DHC still a bitch
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) hawaiianhonky White Trash Lizard #DHC so i’m a douchey bitch?
hawaiianhonky KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) White Trash Lizard #DHC most douches are bitches
I have been meaning to study Sikhism more. Keep putting it off.
I will have to ask him. I was always interested in Sikh culture from the basic stuff my friend told me about it
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) hawaiianhonky White Trash Lizard #DHC gotcha….wanna room with me on the vegas trip?
Navorro I’ll give you the Readers Digest version. They stink
hawaiianhonky KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) White Trash Lizard #DHC hahahaha
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) hawaiianhonky White Trash Lizard #DHC it’ll be a hoot!!!!
Aren’t they in some way distantly related to Arians? That is what I seem to remember
Fyi, I probably wouldn’t jump in to help any of you in a fight, depending on the circumstances
FuckChipKelly hell no, fuck everyone on here in a fight…if i’m going to jail it’s cause of my own stupidity not yours
I would 100% have HH’s back over Steelers, that much is fact.
I am voting for Hillary 2016 Yea, there’s a few people i’d throw a punch at first word out of their mouth…he’s one
ive been gone for one hour and y’all are still talking about me
Lol only person I could see actually getting punched in the face is jive.
How much will a 1 plant normally yield indoors? Outdoors is more?
Yeah, you can tell he takes out agressive here that he never would irl
hawaiianhonky i’d sue you for your house then make you watch as i burned it to the ground for fun
Steelers07 hawaiianhonky you would sue cause you’re a bitch
hawaiianhonky not because i would need to, but because i want to watch you suffer
FuckChipKelly How long is a typical veg? 4-6 weeks?
Steelers07 hawaiianhonky Let me get this straight. You don’t even own a house or pay mortgage but you mock someone who does?
But there are diminishing returns indoors. U don’t want to get them too big before you bud, because they will double in size
I am voting for Hillary 2016 Steelers07 hawaiianhonky and he’s a bitch who’s never thrown a punch
I am voting for Hillary 2016 yeah absolutely. his house is a fucking matchbox lol
you dont have to be a fan of a team to know they have a shitty team (the browns) the same way you dont have to own a home to recognize what a shitty house is.
and HH has a shitty house.
Steelers07 I am voting for Hillary 2016 buuuuuuuuuuuuut, i own it nonetheless…you own a kia and an iphone…congrats
FuckChipKelly I’m doing outdoors.
Steelers07 I am voting for Hillary 2016 You are a special kind of stupid Knut
hawaiianhonky hahahaha enjoy those property taxes and that 30 year mortgage
I am voting for Hillary 2016 i know youre confused because when youre confused you say this
hawaiianhonky only weak-minded individuals value their worth by their possessions.
hawaiianhonky im prooud of you for defending your $150,000 matchbox, though.
Then it just depends how long you want to veg them. I would recommend starting the veg indoors before the growing season to get bigger plants and bigger yield
Steelers07 hawaiianhonky And yet you are judging him by his worth.
I am voting for Hillary 2016 Exactly. Now you’re starting to get it! It only took you one full year hahahha
FuckChipKelly That’s my plan 🙂 what’s a ball park though.
BFS-My uncle does 100 percent organic outdoor, starts them a few months early indoors, and he’s had plants that yield over a pound a piece
God damn, dude. Glenn Frey (one of the Eagles) died. This year has been a bitch! RIP
I still can’t even grasp how knut thinks renting is better than owning.
Alright calm down ska krunks. Mfa is in the house rent free in your heads
White Trash Lizard #DHC however, in true SKA fashion, this has become a popular trend
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! http://imgur.com/3atCnXC
Steelers07 White Trash Lizard #DHC sure you have. Oh that’s right youre a welcher
White Trash Lizard #DHC it’s one of the great SKA mysteries
I am voting for Hillary 2016 that’s rich coming from someone who still has the same name as before he lost a name bet
Steelers07 I am voting for Hillary 2016 Walt hasn’t been on to give me the name.
I am voting for Hillary 2016 oh, he’s been on. he’s been on twice now today that i’ve seen and i havent been here that much.
Steelers07 I am voting for Hillary 2016 Well not when I have been on. I also asked while I was out if someone would grab it for me for when I return
For your first time growing, I would think about 4-5 ounces for an outdoor plant is pretty reasonable
FuckChipKelly I think you could get 3-6 ounces and am willing to fight about it for hours
I am voting for Hillary 2016 making other people do the labor for you? typical republican.
I am voting for Hillary 2016 FuckChipKelly http://imgur.com/s8zgFiX
FuckChipKelly Thanks that helps! I smoke about a gram every few days.
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS god damn im through my first gram just today
So 1 plant would cover me for a year most likely lol
When I first started growing, I didn’t have a scale, had no idea what yield was. All I know is I filled a couple of mason jars and it lasted me almost six months. Grew it in a 2×2 foot tent.
Do you know when he starts them inside, after the germ and are planted in a small pot, does he keep light on them?
Yeah, but it could be less or more. I would do the full amount. You WILL have problems, and probably lose a plant or 2
FuckChipKelly Better one too many, than one too few.
FuckChipKelly That’s why I may do 4 but what if all 6 grow, I couldn’t smoke it all lol
I can’t believe people grow drugs in the U.S. unless you are in Columbia
Kfa slaps his forehead in disbelief
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Always on Tuesday’s. Glad to help 🙂
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! lot of forehead to work with
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS I kept mine in darkness and checked them 2-3 times a day until I could see that the seeds were sprouting.
FuckChipKelly I read that it’s typically only good for 6 months.
how did you grow it only in a 2′ tent don’t they get like 6 ft tall?
Zippy…HARUMPH! This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Read something about putting them in soaked paper towel and a dark place.
2×2 on floor, 60″ tall.
I chose plants that grow short, or pruned down. There are ways you can control branching.
You can always control height by topping the plant, and their are auto flower strains like low rider that bud immediately so they stay short
FuckChipKelly as long as the quality of the nutrients is good you dont need that much
You chop off the main branch early, and then a bunch of smaller main branches grow in its place. Or you can train them by bending the branches
Me trying to ignore the happy stoner talk
I think weed should be legalized everywhere. It’s not bad at all. Just not my thing.
Dhc they won’t talk about the cards and their 14 3 record
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) I’ve done well with Fox Farms.
Pro tip: start out using Fox Farms potting soil. Also add some bat guano and perlite to the mix. You won’t have to use nutrients for weeks. Just check the PH of the soil to make sure it’s not too acidic
I hope the 8 cards players are not playing in the pro bowl 1.31.2016
Also, check what kind of sediments come in the local water. In some places mixing tap water with your nutrients will cause nutrient lockout in the plant, which will lead to nutrient deficiency and inferior buds
FuckChipKelly Oh organic, perfect.
White Trash Lizard #DHC why billy you do me like that?
FuckChipKelly Seattle water is fairly neutral. It’s low in just about everything. I have to make adjustments for when I brew some beers.
That fucking ransomware nuked all my old gardening pics…didn’t have many of them, but it did show what 2×2 looked like.
I’ll take a few pics of my current setup the next time it’s “daylight”, which starts at 6:30 PM, and share tomorrow. I’m sure Jive will have plenty of constructive criticism, lol.
Dhc….”wtf mike. Why don’t you want our guys going to Hawaii?”
The hardest thing for me at the start was not over watering. I was paranoid that they would dry out and die, so I kept them too wet, and I got mold
General Organics GH5100 Go Box Starter Kit provides gardeners with a complete line of premium biological plant foods and supplements. A combination of time-tested ingredients of traditional agriculture with sustainable and efficient methods of modern cultivation. The GO Box contains 16-once BioThrive Grow and Bloom fertilizers, as well as 8-once sizes of every GO liquid supplement.
FuckChipKelly I bought a PH soil tester/light meter that also measure moisture level in soil. Best gardening tool I ever bought.
Same people who make General Hydroponics nutrients. It’s pretty good stuff
Zippy…HARUMPH! FuckChipKelly ohhhhhhh nice.
And u will say it again. Go light with the nutrients. Don’t start adding until the leaves start to get paler green. Too much too soon can shock the plant, burn the roots, or best case scenario make your buds taste bad
It’s so simple that even you can over-think it.
Here’s a soil/light/moisture analyzer similar to the one I have. This one also says it does N/P/K levels.
And on that note, I’m outta here.
This will tell you if you are a fan of a shitty team or if your season can be saved…
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Lol…..on life support
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper lol
Yoshii – the HOF panty dropper No Leaves of Absence will be granted
4 teams left in order of winning sb50
1 panthers
2 pats
4 broncos
Great Irvin is saying that he might take less money to stay in SEA. We all know that isn’t going to happen but stupid fans will be, well stupid about it.
I am voting for Hillary 2016 just like you are with Lynch and Unger and Harvin and (probably) Graham
I am voting for Hillary 2016 He didn’t live up to his draft pick, but he’s still decent
lol the womens college basketball game being broadcast on espn2 right now is using the radio audio instead of the live feed haha
2 tacos- 99 cents
6 pack of beer- 5.99
Niners cap- 25.00
Hawks losing- PRICELESS!!!
Steelers07 I like his spark, but fear he’d have a stroke when under presidential pressure.
There are holocaust deniers in the world. Shit like this makes me wonder. Keep the storyline alive?
http://time.com/4184509/auschwitz-nazi-trial/TIME – 3 hours agoA 95-year-old man who was a medical attendant at the Nazis’ Auschwitz camp will go on trial in Germany next month on charges of being an accessory to the murder of more than 3,000 people.
OIeSagginSeahawk he’s only 5-6 years older than trump and hilary
they act like gas prices are so inflexible. Its only inflexible becasue Chevron will shut you down in minutes if you take a penny off their 98% profit margin. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2016/01/18/gas-price-fell-77-cents-one-michigan-site/78957822/USA TODAY – 2 hours agoAn apparent gas price war in one northern Michigan location briefly sent prices to a back-to-the-’60s low – 47 cents a gallon – according to GasBuddy and area TV stations
https://twitter.com/Softykjr https://twitter.com/Softykjr/status/689229961819897857
“We gotta figure that out.”-Pete on keeping Britt at LG5 retweets6 likesReply Retweet 5 Like 6 More
For a coach known for slobbing his players during pressers, not exactly a ringing endorsement.
OIeSagginSeahawk AZKardinal
Glenn Frey, a founding member of the rock band the Eagles, has died at 67, a publicist for the band has confirmed.
“Glenn fought a courageous battle for the past several weeks but, sadly, succumbed to complications from rheumatoid arthritis, acute ulcerative colitis and pneumonia,” reads a post on the band’s official website.
He would have said more, but RW needed his balls tongue washed
I am voting for Hillary 2016 so, like is said, 5-6 years older than trump and hilary
Steelers07 I am voting for Hillary 2016 Yup, no one is fighting you on it
I thought you would be ready to fight him for hours. I’m disappointed
Pretty cool knowledge bombs I was dropping about ellington earlier. Don’t you think so munkey?
AZKardinal OIeSagginSeahawk
people don’t die of RA, it’s like HIV, they die of the treatment.
https://twitter.com/DavisHsuSeattle Retweetedhttps://twitter.com/Curtis_Crabtree https://twitter.com/Curtis_Crabtree/status/689226616984047616
“I don’t think we’ve nailed it yet.” – Carroll on the offensive line.9 retweets4 likesReply Retweet 9 Like 4
FuckChipKelly I suppose we could fight about not fighting
I realized that you were acting like a delusional on purpose to troll me.
Munkey, in all honesty you know ellington is a solid player. He’s finally been put into the role everyone here said he should be in for years.
White Trash Lizard #DHC he was demoted from the #1 RB spot and overtaken by a rookie. that’s what he is.
Fuck man, we can’t win. We finally make ellington a change of pace back and we still get trolled! Damn you!
White Trash Lizard #DHC he’s some rookie guy. He’s certainly no Le’Veon or Lynch.
Yeah just list truly elite players and hold him in that stabdard. DJ is legit and will be for a long time.
White Trash Lizard #DHC well you implied he isn’t just a mere rookie doing rookie things.
Bruce Irvin just said he would stay in Seattle for 3-5 million less (total) than offers he receives from other teams. His agent was thrilled with that announcement.
Does BKOB feel better now that he wrote that angry letter to cam newton?
irvin says 3-5 mill less now then when another team only offers him a 1 year 3 mill deal he will change his tune
Now DHC trying to say he wanted Ellington as a role player all along?
David johnson tied for 2 d in tds this year with 13 as a rookie and only started 5 games.
“Just some rookie guy”- knut
Did I say that? I think he’s more than a role player. But the emergence of David johnson makes him a role player
So basically Irvin will take less money and give up any hope of winning a Super Bowl ring?
White Trash Lizard #DHC yeah and martavis bryant broke out last year in like 6 games. now teams have tape on him and his average production will decrease next season. promise.
Hey guys did u know sea lost?
Also showed how much RW sucks in the pocket
White Trash Lizard #DHC remember when Vince Young won ROTY or RGIII was the next Cunningham?
Alright chill out… I said that’s what everyone called him.
Ed, your absence from SKA has caused your trolling techniques to lag behind.
Knut, david johnson looks like the real deal. I’m not saying he’s going to be a superstar but I definitely think we found a real running back. He should be a regular 1000 yard rusher for years to come. I’m not saying he will be bell or lynch.
david johnson gets a lot of goaline stuff because he is big and can run up the middle and can catch. He also broke a couple big screen passes for long tds because defenses didnt cover him. This will probably be the high point of his career.
wwaits for dhc to furiously type about how he is the next Ladanian Tomlinson
If you actually watch football and him extensively you would know he should be a good long term starter.
David Johnson screams average to me. I know Cards can do better at another RB but since they never had a good one since old Emmit Smith, Johnson looks elite to them
How bad do you guys expect the Cardinals to lose by this weekend? I’m going to say at least 10 points. Palmer just isn’t good enough. If Carolina picked off Wilson that many times….I have a feeling Palmer will be even worse.
Chris Johnson will be ready for the Super Bowl. He’s on a steady diet of protein bars and boogers….
I am voting for Hillary 2016 Turn Rae Im a 49ers fan and I support him. Something wrong with that?
Munkee After seeing them almost lose to the Packers with their 1-4 WR’s missing, I just don’t see it.
He practiced this week. Even if we make the super bowl I don’t see him playing a big role. David johnson has taken over that job. CJ might get carries over ellington though
White Trash Lizard #DHC Not at all. I told Keal on FB that I didn’t think the Packers had much of a chance at all. The fact that they did…tells me all I need to know.
We’ll see whether Bruce Irvin remains in take less money to stay in Seattle mode. Golden Tate said the same thing & left for more money.
DHC the guy who compared Beanie wells to Frank Gore and Marshawn Lynch is trying to tell me about another RB that will be good long term…like beanie
EDTGO Did he ever say he would? Irvin has always been about the money. And he has an over inflated value of himself.
David Johnson is totally average. His skillset reminds me of the old Cards RB Tim Hightower
White Trash Lizard #DHC So you’re pleased with how Palmer is playing and how the defense allowed scrub WR’s to beat them quite a few times?
at least dhc has stepped it up to this year.
over the weekend he resulted to bragging about fitz being the best post season wr ever because he had a good post season 7 years ago
I think it’s the playoffs and it was two very good team battling it out.
I just hope Thomas Rawls comes back at 100%…….Lynch is gone.
I do want palmer to play smarter next game for sure though.
Fitzheralds postseason numbers are ridiculous. Take whatever angle you need to make yourself feel better.
Lynch is not the same player he was last season. He is done. Dude looks slower than Eddie Lacy.
I like Rawls but lets not act like hes going to replace Lynch easily. Lynch’s shoes are really big to fill
AZKardinal His only surgery… Dude still has something to offer… just not for the Hawks
AZKardinal ya he should retire after he makes seattle cut him
Turn Rae some fans really bank on that 4 game stretch where there is no film on a guy and he does good stuff
holy shit, when lacy broke free on that long run, I took a bathroom break in the middle and still caught the end of it.
Ska has been fun today. I loved the part where az has no short passing game lol. Good stuff.
Munkee when stewart broke free I shot water out of my nose
They were actually trying to say az can throw the ball short to create quick plays lol. We have the most versatile and deep wr core in football. It was awesomely hilarious.
DHC stop. You guys dont have a deeper WR core than the Steelers and Jags
DHC, the Cardinals short passing game is based on archaic routes from the 90s, simplistic route options.
He and Jaron Brown could be #1s and #2s on almost any other team in the league.
I want to see Arians going 5 wide against Carolina….. Cortland Finnegan? Arizona toasted him for years when he played for the Rams.
Oh god. We have so many weapons around the line of scrimmage. Fitz, brown, johnson, and ellington all have the ability to thrive in the short passing game. Seriously absurd to suggest we can’t throw the ball short. As if we need to send guys deep every play lo . Smh
Exactly. All the analysts have been saying the same thing. Our greatest strength goes against the panthers biggest weakness.
Cards are 5 deep at wr. Question the bottom 2 but I promise you nelson and Jaron brown are better than whoever the panthers 4th and 5th corners are. Those safties are questionable at best. If we can block and let our plays develop I think our wr’s could feast.
Norman is great. He will likely eliminate floyd or brown outside depending on the play. But we are deep. We should win that match up overall if protection holds up
good thing the cards are deep at wr because it makes up for the fact they have 0 relevant tes
White Trash Lizard #DHC I’d be more worried about Short/Lutateli vs your interior O line
https://twitter.com/timkawakami https://twitter.com/timkawakami/status/689236895537074176https://twitter.com/timkawakami/status/689236895537074176
Since the Kelly hiring, I’ve said I thought Kaepernick was 50/50 at best to return to the 49ers. Might be less than that now.
Adusoron must think he can win with gabbert and wants kaeps cap space
Oh I’m not saying it’s easy. I’m just saying what we must do to win.
Trent Dilfer (who is very tight with Jed York), was bashing Kap on air today. That gives insight on what the 49ers are planning to do.
Rae I know you are black but RG3 sucks and is a baby. fuck him. would rather just stick with kaep.
and when I say that I mean I would rather just stick with gabbert
Jive if the 49ers signed Bradford what would your reaction be?
What the hell did Kaep do to get bashed by Dilfer? I’ve seen Dilfer deepthroat Kaep for throwing the ball 3 yards off mark.
I agree with K1. I’ve changed my prediction on Kap. If Dilfer is giving us an inside look on York’s thinking with Kap, then Kap is gone April 1 and Kelly is going to try to bring Bradford in.
*gulp* yay?
Oh shit if Kap isnt coming back who’ll be playing QB for us? Im really meh on Gabbert
Munkee Dilfer is sympatico with York. What Dilfer says about the 49ers tends to mirror what York thinks.
*leads WR into destruction by safety, pass sails high and wide and is nearly picked*
“You know, that is actually a very good pass. It may not seem like it to a non-QB, but trust me.” ~ Dilfer
Adusoron He was ranting about how great his stats were late in the year. Doubtful the Eagles bring him back.
Fitzgerald vs finnegan in the slot has me excited.
sf9ers4905 it must suck to not follow the team and say irrelevant stuff like this
sf9ers4905 I think our OL is ok if Davis comes back. I like Brown and Tiller
I love Russell Wilson sf9ers4905 you think we have a good O-line? Lol
Bradford is going to be in for a huge awakening when he sees his free agent offers
We could be wrong and misreading things. Dilfer has gone off on tangents before that don’t line up with York, but I think in this case the Kelly + Kap connection needs a serious tap on the brakes.
Kawakami is crazy too, so there’s that.
sf9ers4905 I love Russell Wilson I think you dont realize how much better it is with kilgore back. Davis is coming back. Ya its a lot better than when you stopped watching sf in week 8
Turn Rae He is getting franchise tagged faster than the fat kid in a game of freeze tag.
Sorry but this upcoming QB class is trash. None of them are capable of being a franchise QB except Goff
Eric Mangini, this season’s defensive coordinator, is a “strong possibility” to remain in that role, Fox Sports reported Monday. barf
White Trash Lizard #DHC Its funny that finally the Cards a relevant nobody still gives a shit about them
Great another year of 30 yard blitzes from the safety
I think we keep Kap, doesn’t count all that much against Cap and they want to see what Kelly can dow ith him
I don’t have a lot of interest in trolling the 49ers due to their extreme state of suckitude. So you’ll just need to imagine all the funny and insulting things I could be saying about them.
This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! I think they keep kaep too, unfortunately
I love Russell Wilson This name will curse the Seahawks. Go Panthers! It’s worth another season IMO
Turn Rae lol enraged? I want to hear his fucking plan too
Haha but he’s not smart. But I’m a big fan of Kawakami the master troll
leatherneckram from the guy who tries to fight people for parking spots
Niners will finish last next year regardless. So I hope they keep kap for ska purposes.
White Trash Lizard #DHC If you dont think Chip is smart then you must be a genius just by sitting by your computer
Turn Rae How about that faggot tells everyone how to run a successful organization? Kawakami is such a fucking joke
First thing Chip will do is fit Kaep with a vest,………… then send him to Syria…………..
White Trash Lizard #DHC seattle is on teh decline and LA still has fisher
White Trash Lizard #DHC az is a knee injury away from irrelevance
He will send Gabbert with him to be sold as a sex slave by ISIS.
Turn Rae well I amsure they both kow kelly and tim doesnt
We need to open up negotiations with floyd. He was hurt and started slow but he’s shown he’s taken the next step. He’s a huge part of this offense. We should give him 7-8 a year.
Peyton Manning – first pick in the draft
Carson Palmer – first pick in the draft
Cam Newton – first pick in the draft
Tom Brady – 166th pick in the draft
3 weeks ago I was being told that top picks at qb dont work out. LOL
Will be interesting to see, what kind of relationship, Tim K & Chip develop
Ballon Knot well tim isnt black but he is a minority
Tim will expertly gauge the tea leaves and position himself in an optimal position for trolling.
Oh thats great work. It may not <i/>seem<> like trolling to a non-troll…
Hawks #1 priority should be OFFENSIVE LINE !…. The Tom Cable conversion concept cost the Hawks to many games…That said, Cable is still a good coach. He just needs to be reeled in a bit.
Guys like brady and wilson are rare. Most elite qbs are top 10 picks or high round picks. Most starters are picked at least in the first 2 rounds.
OIeSagginSeahawk Sando said the O line doesn’t matter. Sure, I’m sure Wilson just loves scrambling for his life and getting slammed weekly. Shit is gonna catch up to him, protect the guy.
Maybe Baalke will consider trading for mike glennon? Seems like he had potential on an otherwise terrible team?
Adusoron You guys might as well just accept Bradford right now.
Carroll says that they will reconsider Britt at LG. Britt is fucking horrible.
Adusoron MG is gonna be a Good QB somewhere. He deserves a Legit shot
We have a short QB, and probably the worst inside pass pro in the league. Solid combo.
If we get Glennon or Bradford I am starting a change.org petition to get adu banned from ska
munkee you don’t like Britt? I though he was at least serviceable but I don’t know alot about him.
I did not even know that Glennon was still alive. I thought the Boogie Monster dragged him into the closet.
Patrick Lewis is the guy on the inside that approaches servicable in pass protection.
Okay. Patrick Lewis finished at -4.9 on PFF’s magical metric. 21st among centers.
Sweezy finished at -15.8 and Britt finished at … wait for it … -32.6.
Sweet and hot beef jerk is kind of a big deal… just so you guys are aware.
White Trash Lizard #DHC I am not a fan of hot as much anymore.
Munkee could you link me to the page you’re looking at?
It’s not hot. It’s sweet and tangy that ends with a small bite.
I can’t even eat taco hot sauce and I love this jerky
I don’t know. It’s like, 3 trips through the drive through at Taco Bell worth of $$.
I think the cards playoff win was more sweet than any junk food!
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Better than the Bell?
k1joyce from AZ AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! Those Doritos wrapped tacos are the bees knees
No Leaves of Absence will be granted MFA is pissed at you
No Leaves of Absence will be granted k1joyce from AZ AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! indeed they are
k1joyce from AZ No Leaves of Absence will be granted this means I’ve been doing my job
k1 don’t do it. don’t pay for made up stats. its ool andall to use them for free but dont be a sucker
k1joyce from AZ No Leaves of Absence will be granted AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! *hops in car, heads to TB
White Trash Lizard #DHC actuality past 8 months have cut way down on junk food. Aldon smith would be proud
jesus, Seattle’s offensive line is complete shit. It is unparalleled.
I love Russell Wilson I’m in the mood to donate money to nonsense tonight .. just renewed my driver’s registration
k1joyce from AZ I love Russell Wilson give it to keal
Patrick Lewis on the cheap. Probably Alvin Bailey to play LG after we grind up Britt and feed him to the poor. And maybe Okung if he can manage to play 12 games in a season.
I love Russell Wilson k1joyce from AZ so he can spend it on crack?
Okung, Sweezy and Lewis are okay there. imo. Britt does nothing well. He should be murdered.
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Munkee FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK THEY SUCK
I feel like ska has changed mikes life. Since he’s been exposed as a fat retard renting his house in the shitty town of mesa he’s been motivated to change his life. I actually believe he’s been attempting a diet for the past 6 months or so.
Cards 1 0 playoff season . 2 more to go
Yes, we all saw the pick he bragged about. He still has tits, but it was progress.
k1, how about this you donate the money to keal then whenever you want a player grade you can ask me and I will make one up.
Actually dhc my wife wanted different sex besides doggy
No Leaves of Absence will be granted White Trash Lizard #DHC
shitface is exactly what the gays say too
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! *shit, I need to stop reading his posts…barks in trash
Hahahah this is truly a legendary post from you. I wish more were here to see it.
WHERE IS MY FUCKIN MOD BADGE, * Desperately searches for ban hammer
Are you saying that you were so out of shape that missionary was a no go? Jesus
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! I kind of want to feature this, but that Griz thing is legendary
okay, well, first of all, don’t ask him to expand on that comment in anyway shape or form
The only thing organic about mike is his posts on here. For that we should all appreciate his presence.
Fuck it, I’m going in…
Mike, please tell us how the lost weight provides additional sexual positions with your wife. Don’t be shy, let it all hang out…
*shuts off computer
No Leaves of Absence will be granted Wow, looks like I just got about 700 hours of OT to start on right now
YERBA BUENA ISLAND (CBS SF) — Three westbound lanes of the Bay Bridge have reopened about 30 minutes after protesters shut down all lanes just east of Treasure Island Monday afternoon, according to the California Highway Patrol.
They posted photos of several protesters chained to cars stopped across the bridge.
Members of protest groups Black Seed and the Black Queer Liberation Collective took responsibility for the protest in a statement, citing recent police shootings.
It’s almost impossible to be too fat to have sex, unless you are one of those people who can’t even walk
FuckChipKelly I have never been fat like MFA. BUt I am sure the gut gets in the way
I swear, I wish I was the first person they tried to stop. I would run them the fuck over
My wife told me once you can see your flacid penis by looking straight down then i will suck you off in the shower.
Talk about motivation to lose weight! ! To hell with Jenny craig
FuckChipKelly i have never been fat. I have never had a gut
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! she is hoping for never
From the group’s press release:
For the second year in a row, the Anti-Police Terror Project (APTP) put out a call for 96 Hours of Direct Action to reclaim Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s radical legacy and take a stand against anti-Black racism and terrorism. In a courageous display of solidarity and the spirit of MLK, Black.Seed, a Black, queer liberation collective, has shut down the Bay Bridge as a show of resistance to a system that continues to oppress Black, Queer, Brown, Indigenous and other marginalized people throughout the Bay Area.
As of about 4:30 p.m. the protesters had been cleared from three lanes of the bridge and traffic was moving again, though delays will likely persist as the 30-minute closure caused massive backups, according to the CHP.
AZ CARDINALS 2015 NFCW CHAMPIONS! she was politely saying she doesnt want to suck your dick
And know his fat ass has no shot at seeing that tiny penis.
hows she gonna know?
well if we are being gross and since I never been fat I gotta ask.
MFA when you get a boner does it push up your gut?
FuckChipKelly how do you know this? Did you get lost and needed a gps?
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — A group of French tourists was assaulted and robbed on Twin Peaks, according to San Francisco police.
It happened Monday at about 11:15 a.m., in the 100 block of Twin Peaks Boulevard.
The victims were standing on a hill taking pictures of the city when they were approached by two men.
Before making off with the victims’ cameras, money, purses and passports, one of the suspects knocked a 81-year-old man to the ground causing him to lose consciousness, according to police.
The victim was treated at a nearby hospital and is expected to survive.
Both suspects were described as black males, between the ages of 20- and 25-years-old.
White Trash Lizard #DHC Anderson Vaerjao for the Cavs. He could pass for a cross dresser
Q: How do you castrate MFA?
A: Kick his sister in the mouth.
Ok.gotta go wife just started the shower. Later krunks
PES So you are basically saying that the only reason MFA and his sister do it doggie style is so they can Both watch NASCAR?
PC’s end of season presser
LOL, the refs trying hard to keep the Cavs in this game, because it’s the national headliner and they are getting smoked
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — A deputy who works for a Northern California anti-narcotics task force is facing felony drug charges after he was arrested delivering $2 million worth of marijuana to someone in Pennsylvania.
According to a criminal complaint, officers arrested Yuba County Sheriff’s Deputy Christopher M. Heath, along with 2 other men, driving across the country with 122 packages of marijuana. Each package weighed about a pound.
The trio was stopped on December 29 after police received a tip. All three were booked into York County Prison.
Heath, 37, was also carrying his badge, his duty firearm and $11,000 in cash, according to the York County District Attorney. He has been released on $1 million bail.
For 3 years, Heath was part of the Yuba County drug task force known as NET-5 which deals with illegal drug possession, manufacture and sales. His unit commander told http://www.appeal-democrat.com/news/charging-documents-drug-agent-admitted-to-transporting-pot/article_2a5eac5e-b011-11e5-9d1e-83082023f776.html, Heath lead some 62 criminal marijuana cases.
Since Heath’s arrest, the Yuba County District Attorney is investigating whether the cases he worked on were tainted. Meantime, Heath has been placed on paid administrative leave.
Well, the Cavs are shitting themselves, if that’s what you mean
Lol Dubs winning by 20. Cavs are perrenial losers and always will be
I hate Jim Rome but while running errands today I heard him on the radio, He was blasting the Hawks and PC
They played a hell of a 1st half yesterday. It was a reminder of the 1st half of the season.
I can’t take rome for more than 5 minutes. I feel brain cells dying when I listen.
Cavaliers getting embarrassed on their home court on national tv
Rawls made Lynch expendable. You guys get so fucking lucky with late draft and UDFAs
Of course. Rome was willing to take the beating to get famous though
I love Russell Wilson Adusoron We have an all sports channel he is on
Sugar Dick Supreme lol rawls was good for a few games….lets let this thing play out
each nfcw team has a young back that showed promise. odds are 1 or 2 at best will be around for the long haul.
I like david johnson over rawls. But both should be long term starters in this division. I think both might be better than hyde in the long term. Gurley is a superstar though. Luckily that’s the only thing the rams have.
They are playing the Cavaliers with their full team. This team was supposed to beat the Warriors now, everybody said so
He is. But he’s injury prone. I like Hyde more than most
I believe I could break that bitch. I am CERTAIN that I could have her broken and thinking she is lucky a guy like me finds her remotely attractive. I kind of have a way with breaking hot women
OIeSagginSeahawk Bernie buys the drinks “its on the taxpayers”
Looks like you are the dumb one if you say I’m blaming him. I’m just pointing out facts. Sorry if you don’t like them.
It’s sad that you are this clueless. Saying he didn’t have a good first half doesn’t mean I blame him for the rest of the team sucking that half.
SacSig i know absolutely zero about the context of this post but im pretty sure all of this is bullshit
But Lockett had a hell of a first half yesterday. Just ask KZ…. BWAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAHAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA
Bwahahahahahaha. JR Smith just got ejected, trying to be a tough guy. Cavs are melting down
In long run this game doesen’t mean much er not at all but what’s the excuse now?
This article is fucking awesome.
Comments are closed.
The real SacSig
Thank you