Sports Media’s Slow Drift Into “Bro” Culture

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Yes, I know. The guy that pretends to be a sports journalist every few weeks is trashing the industry he’s dabbled in. To that, I say: If not me, then who?  Sports journalism rarely policies itself, and when it does, it’s often in terms of money, not content.  Which, in a way, is why I’m…

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AFC North Early Camp Stuff

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NFL Stuff’s happening. Not a lot of stuff, but stuff nonetheless.  The Ravens’ rookies and QB Lamar Jackson have reported to training camp.  The rest of the team and NFL should follow suit this weekend, as camps will be fully open, with the annual Hall of Fame “game” set to be played in a little…

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Prelude to the Preview

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Hey all. After my hiatus the last few months, I’m fully back.  Between sick cats and sicker people, it’s been a rough go away from here, so it’s good to be back, even if it’s just to chat about American football and football-related activities, let alone collectively witness the downfall of our Great Society. It’s…

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AFC North Chat Board #3

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Because the last one broke way too soon.

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AFC North Chat Board – 6/4/24

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Just another chat board for AFC North fans.  Feel free to use it as such, or for whatever purposes you deem fit.

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AFC North Chat Board – 5/22/24

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This is another chat board for AFC North fans.  Feel free to use it as such, or for whatever purposes you deem fit.

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AFC North Chat Board – 5/8/24

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This is a chat board for AFC North fans.  Feel free to use it as such, or for whatever purposes you deem fit.

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AFC North Draft Junk and Things

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The 2024 NFL Draft commences tomorrow.  “Big Boards” have been developed, presumably with prospects on them. Who your team chooses to wrap their future around will be revealed shortly. I’m not going to burn many words here, simply because no Big Board can be considered 100% accurate.  The only pick that generally seems certain is…

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AFC North – Rerun Season: Just Go, Joe

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Two weeks until the draft!  Until then, this network shall be displaying classic episodes of “Breaking Ravenous128”.  Remember, if you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! From 2017.  My, how times have changed.  Enjoy.   ______________________________________________________________________________________________________   A couple of years ago, late in the fourth quarter of a meaningless NFL game, Ravens quarterback…

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AFCN North Free Agency Roundup

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This is the odd part of the NFL calendar, aka “Silly Season”, where hopes of immediate turnaround and vast improvement correlate directly to the first “impact” free agent a team signs. While a number of useful free agents remain, the AFC North has already taken its proverbial swings at the market, with a few curious…

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