NAV PRESENTS: A Tribute to our favorite racist DHC

    1000 660 nofriendo

    Hit them with a little Arizona Cardinals talk…

    That is the only thing our good friend DHC wanted. First of all, I sincerely hope this article is premature and DHC is perfectly fine somewhere laughing at ” Dot Head”. Earlier this week Keal attempted to contact DHC through the email address DHC provided for SKA’S Fantasy Football league. Those attempts did not work, and I’m concerned about it. The good news is that iKitten is working on finding DHC’s medical condition through his ” sources”. Just call iKitten the Ken Rosenthal of SKA. Lets see where that endeavor ends up. Hopefully DHC will be here in 2018 praising his Arizona Cardinals.

    Lets talk about the legacy of DHC. He will be remembered as SKA’s favorite racist. No one knows if he actually believed the things he said about minorities or if it was just an act. Personally I think it was a combination of both. He hated those ” niggers” except Larry Fitzgerald. He was also going to let Tribe marry his daughter when she turned 18. A dot head was going to pop his daughters cherries and somehow DHC was fine with that. We will call that those abnormalities. What I’ll remember DHC for is him being the first SKA member to call me a ” dot head”. I was not going to stop my boy from insulting me. He said insane stuff about minorities, and if I had records to previous comments I would have found some of his quotes. Maybe my editor Keal can help me out? To counteract DHC’s racist statements, we used to joke that his wife was getting that Black cock behind his back. It was all fun and games, and we love DHC for being an open racist.

    Along with being a racist we remember DHC for his unquestioned love of the Arizona Cardinals. No one would ever call DHC a fake fan. Sometimes that love lead him to make retarded statements. Like Beanie Wells is better than Adrian Peterson, or Larry Fitzgerald is the greatest post season WR of all time. He also had a love of Patrick Peterson that is unmatched. You think BKOB loves Larry Fitzgerald, or Scotti loves Jake Browning, or I love Navorro Bowman, that is nothing compared to DHC’s love of Patrick Peterson.

    I’m convinced Patrick Peterson is the only black man that DHC would become a cuck for. DHC would let Patrick Peterson fuck his wife without doing a thing. However, if any other black man tried to sleep with his wife, DHC would end up with a murder charge. By the way Patrick Peterson> Richard Sherman. My boy DHC was always right about that debate. Peterson is a superstar, while Sherman is an overrated monkey looking mother fucker. There was one Cardinal that DHC did have irrational hatred towards. His name is John Skeleton and he is the worse QB to ever play in the NFL. John Skeleton might have caused some of DHC’s medical issues. DHC would rant about John Skeleton like I rant about Billy Beane. It was a unhealthy level of hatred. At least Palmer made them respectable. I had debates about Palmer with DHC, but in the end Palmer with all his flaws was pretty good for the Cardinals. DHC probably got the last laugh in that argument. We also argued about Mike Iupati. I am not sure how Iupati has fared with the Cardinals.

    Sometimes DHC would have fights with his fellow fans. No one will ever forget the legendary DHC vs MFA debates. DHC was convinced MFA knows northing about football, and he was probably right. Then there was DHC vs AZK. AZK hates Bruce Arians and that did not fly with DHC. DHC argued that Arians had one down season and this year was mostly fucked by injuries. In my opinion, DHC was correct. Bruce Arians is a good coach and he made the Arizona Cardinals a legit playoff team for awhile. It is hard winning games without David Johnson. DHC also loved David Johnson and for good reason.

    Also the Cardinals own the Packers in the playoffs. In the words of DHC ” Larry Fitzgerald single handily eliminated the packers from the playoffs. Packers fans are just mad because Rogers is falling apart, and the Packers suck-DHC. Amen DHC. The Packers really do suck. Obviously if the 2018 Cardinals find a QB they will be a better team than the Packers, and will eliminate the Packers from the playoffs again. DHC will be watching from above grinning from ear to ear. Or whatever the fuck the phrase is.

    *Sorry this may have not been my best article. AZK asked me to write a DHC tribute and I obliged. I am legit sad about the medical condition of DHC. No one that young should be going through the agony he has facing In his honor I’m going to have some spicy spaghetti. That was classic DHC ranting and raving about his wife making spicy spaghetti. At least DHC had a nice Thanksgiving meal prepared by his mother in law.

    *Pours a 40 out for our homeboy. In the words of Tupac ” Life goes on”. We will have to move on without our favorite racist.

    Lastly, remember Patrick Peterson is a better CB than Richard Sherman.



    All stories by: nofriendo