FPS’s Christmas Morning Message

    150 150 nofriendo

    Good morning, Ron.

    And Merry Christmas, you heathens. Was thinking to myself earlier, I hope all you screwballs are well out there. Mayhem is all around us, but not this morning, not this moment, not as you read this.

    Nope, today is a good day. Out there is paper tearing and ungrateful chillen and burnt breakfast and not enough rum to get through the morning. In here, with us, you’re safe. Oh, there will be trolling, and racial remarks. Rampant gender violence. Humiliation. Accusations. Counter accusations. Self-crowning of various championships. Families will be involved. Women and children will not be spared. We care not whether retarded, lame, slow or simply mfaz. We take on all cummers. SKA: The 5th Horseman.

    So for one moment, just a single blink of your blurry eye, think of your blessed brethren today. Taking a break here, looking over your shoulder, giggling at a silently still machine, sipping OSS’s Christmas cough medicine, trying not to think of all the money you spent, or she spent, oh all that money…

    Just think of all these people who care about you here, these people you fake hang out with in real life on the internet with. Who else would go to such lengths for a basic stranger? Somewhere along the line, and your presence here proves it, you must have said something that really impressed someone. You are somebody here.

    So think of all the things we’ve shared here. All the poop. And breathe it in for a moment, be grateful for one second of your lives you ridiculous animals.

    From all of us, to all of us, Merry Christmas




    All stories by: nofriendo