Arizona Cardinals

    The Real BKOB Report – 2018 – Week 5 Edition

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    GOOD MORNING SKA USERS. IT’S TUESDAY AND THAT MEANS IT’S TIME TO ARM YOURSELVES… WITH KNOWLEDGE!!! Well, that didn’t last long. The 49ers have re-claimed their “Last Place” position in the NFCW standings – resuming their impressive streak after only a brief and unnecessary interruption, ala Eli Manning. Their incompetence somehow eclipses even that of…

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    K1’s Week 5 NFCW Review: Seattle Sneak Edition

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    Standings: Rams: 5-0 Seahawks: 2-3 Cardinals: 1-4 49ers: 1-4 Rams Update: The Rams were able to get out of Seattle with a gutsy 2 point win. The run defense was a sieve the entire game, but per usual the Rams 4th quarter defense pitched a shutout. Marcus Peters arguably had the single worst game of…

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    Rolling Projections of the Final NFC West Standings: A Scientific Effort by Munkey

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    I apologize for there not being a Rolling Projection article last week. It appears that Keal’s alcoholism and deterioting mental state is affecting his ability to post articles on SKA. You hate to see it. San Francisco 49ers – Previous Prediction: 15-1 The 49ers have now lost two games in a row, bringing their record…

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    The Real BKOB Report – 2018 – Week 4 Edition

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    GOOD MORNING SKA USERS. IT’S TUESDAY AND THAT MEANS IT’S TIME TO ARM YOURSELVES… WITH KNOWLEDGE!!! That’s right – double your Tuesdays, double your pleasure, that’s what I always say.  BKOB Report Season is upon us! The most hap-happiest time of the year!! Feel free to hug your neighbor!! When we last left our intrepid…

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    K1’s Week 4 NFCW Update

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    Standings: Rams 4-0 Seahawks: 2-2 49ers: 1-3 Cardinals: 0-4 Rams Update: The Los Angeles Rams hosted the Minnesota Vikings in one of the most entertaining Thursday Night games in the TNF franchise’s history. The game was an absolute shoot out between two strong offenses. At times it seemed that neither team’s defenses could come up…

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