JUJU Presents: Monday Morning News

    400 400 SKA Intern

    April 3: Clubs that hired a new Head Coach after the end of the 2022 regular season may begin offseason workout programs. April 17:  Clubs with returning Head Coaches may begin offseason workout programs. April 19 Deadline for clubs to time, test, visit, interview, or conduct a physical examination with a draft-eligible player at its…

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    Random Article with funny videos

    896 896 nofriendo — SpikedKoolAid (@SpikedKoolAid1) March 9, 2023 — SpikedKoolAid (@SpikedKoolAid1) January 31, 2023 — SpikedKoolAid (@SpikedKoolAid1) March 22, 2023

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    NFCW Chat Board

    840 473 Ravenous128

    Also because Disqus sucks.  Have at it.

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    Another unhinged sc0tti covid vaccine article

    1024 984 SKA Intern

    mike, you realize when you signed off for that vaccine, that you forfeit any kind of medical rights for the rest of your life, not just in the time after that. wait till you get sick at the end of your life and head to a hospital, you will be in for it with yellow…

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    652 200 nofriendo

    “They say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time”  This post is tribute for our internet friend BMT. The Native Son, the The Cocaine Cowboy, The Shitposter, The Fighter, The Niners Fan,.. The Legend. Also known…

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