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    @cmsportss Polina Knoroz Beautiful Woman Pole Vaulter Tver 2021 #sports #girls #athlete #beautifulwoman #athletics #polevault ♬ Sport Motivational(785257) – TimTaj

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    768 1024 Ravenous128

    Full disclosure:  I am a proud gun owner. The picture above displays a 1906 Pieper Arms Co. special edition something-something.  It’s been handed down, more or less, for four generations, eventually landing in my hands after my mother passed a couple of years ago.  To the best of my knowledge, Mom never fired it, and…

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    K1 PRESENTS: Profiles in Courage: An Ode to Rant

    1024 768 nofriendo

    This is the debut article in perhaps what could be a series of articles. This chapter is dedicated to NFC East vagabond “Rant”. He is also known as move37, “shitrant”, Gabriel and a few other aliases which elude me right now. A true enigma to be certain, we will try to get to the bottom…

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    K1 PRESENTS: MFA’s Top 10 Enemies in SKA History, Part 2

    535 467 nofriendo

    After some delay which I will attribute to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I have come back to complete my list of MFA’s Top 10 Enemies of all time. This was a tough group to nail down, which is why I’m going to have an honorable mention of sorts. This man deserves his own category…

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    FPS PRESENTS: Friday Frednesday Farewell

    1000 736 BLONKERS

    To the mental retards, science appears to be magic while truth sounds to be heresy. -FPS Leaves are fallen all around, Time I was on my way. But still, I’m much obliged, for such a pleasant stay. At 1030 on a bright Sunday morning My mom birthed me into this world, While all God’s people…

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