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    K1 PRESENTS: MFA’s Top 10 SKA enemies of all time

    500 500 nofriendo

    I was sitting here today thinking about making some sort of SB Review article, but a heated discussion with MFA in regards to Tammy got me thinking along different lines. Instead, I am going to compile a list of MFA’s Top 10 Enemies in SKA History.  A ponderous list to be certain, and sadly some…

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    BKOB Presents: NFCW Report Card

    1024 578 BKOB

    Greetings, Knowledge Seekers The 2021 NFL Season has mercifully come to an end, and not a moment too soon if you ask me!! Now I get to share my abundance of Knowledge with the greatest fans in the world – the Knowledge Seekers!! This year’s postseason promises to be the least interesting playoff tournament in…

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    MindFukAssassin’s Last Dance

    1000 736 nofriendo

    Thank you BKOB and other krunks over the previous decade. I had a blast! Last year I went into the hospital for Covid. I had to be put on a vent for three weeks, put into a medical coma, resuscitated a couple of times and was pretty close to death for those entire three weeks.…

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    BKOB Presents: NFCW Progress Report Week 15 Edition

    600 315 BKOB

    Greetings, Knowledge Seekers Happy Holidays to you all!! As usual, I am bringing the gift of Knowledge – feel free to re-gift my copy/pasted Stats and Rankings as much as you please! I’m on vacation, so this will be an abbreviated version of the BKOB Report. Please enjoy the following Table, which shows that the…

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    SKA regulars that would beat 5’11” 245lb JuJU in a cage match according to FANDUEL.com: Yoshii: Obviously FJY: Mechanic, ran a train on a pregnant woman. Pure savage. Justin: Owns a miniature Tiger Bader: Can dunk a basketball Gubby: Claims to ride bicycles. Good cardio. Dubs: Snow Machine expert Munkey: Confident Slavic machismo Sc0tti: Can…

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