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    NFC West – Honky’s Thoughts – Episode 1

    1024 683 SKA Intern

    “If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine…open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.” – Silent Bob  

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    956 538 nofriendo

    Here’s a mock draft from PFF. Got sick of looking at Zippy’s lovable face. 1. CINCINNATI BENGALS — QB JOE BURROW, LSU SP: While the Bengals could certainly listen to offers that would completely change the course of their franchise with three or four first-round picks, they’ll hold onto No. 1 overall and go with…

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    I was wrong.

    640 480 Chris Keal

    After fighting it for over three years, I will finally admit that I was wrong. Donald Trump is the leader that our country needed. I was neutered by the Obama presidency. Brainwashed, even. Obama told me “Orange Man bad, Crooked Hillary good.” And I listened to him. The last three months have revealed the true…

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    @oneminutecall PRESENTS: A political rant for the ages.

    600 361 nofriendo

    Here’s the truth…I’m a straight, white, christian, educated American male who makes a fuckton of money. Elections can’t even touch me. Fuck it, vote for Trump. Or ignore Biden because your favorite Grandpa didn’t get the nod. Go for it. I still win. Trump is a plus for me. 1/ The thing is, he’s still…

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    1000 636 nofriendo

    Hello. Here is the most important piece of information: My VENMO account username is – @Chris-Keal Next order of business: The hosting fees for this site are $19.99 per month. There is no price break for a year (which I was surprised by). Therefore 1 year is $240. So I want $240…or more,.. or less.…

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