Spiked Content

    Spiked – A Fenty Story : Season 1 : Episode 1

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    DHC wakes up out of a restless booze induced sleep sweating to the tits, and calls the one person who can talk him off the ledge,.. his best friend Bader. Bader convinces him to just sit tight for a few weeks, the SKA Vegas Party was almost here, he promised everyone was gonna be there, it was…

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    The Real BKOB Report – 2018 – Week 10 Edition

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    GOOD MORNING SKA USERS. IT’S TUESDAY AND THAT MEANS IT’S TIME TO ARM YOURSELVES… WITH KNOWLEDGE!!! Another exciting weekend of Knowledge is in the books, with a series of games that has left NFCW fans with one question on their minds: …Is Russell Carrington Wilson the best QB who has ever lived? My research suggests…

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    The Real BKOB Report – 2018 – Week 9 Edition

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    GOOD MORNING SKA USERS. IT’S TUESDAY AND THAT MEANS IT’S TIME TO ARM YOURSELVES… WITH KNOWLEDGE!!! It’s 49ers Week here on SKA, so bust out your Red and Gold Paper Bags and your VCRs! I know their customs may seem strange to us, but it means a lot to them so just play along, ok?…

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    Shathief Presents: Revelations from Red Dead Redemption 2

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    Red Dead Redemption 2 immerses you in a turn of the century shitshow, where everyone and everything is out to kill you. The realistic AI and physics make you feel like you are a gun running, tobacco chewing, loud mouthed cowboy, which has been a childhood aspiration of mine. Over the past few days, this…

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    399 603 Warv Ette

    Some or most of you whipper-snappers may not be old enough to remember one of the spookiest games in history. It was a Monday Night Football game between the Packers and Bears. It was in 1994, and there was a sideways downpour which then morphed into such a thick fog, that the cameras could barely…

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