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    Nav Discusses Why He is On SKA

    1024 576 nofriendo

    Recently Lisa asked me why I’m on SKA. She said I was a fake fan and should ” stick to baseball”. Presumably, that means sticking to baseball blogs? Well Lisa I’ll answer why I’m on SKA. First of all, I am on baseball blogs. The Athletic baseball section, and Athletics Nation to be exact. Yes…

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    BKOB PRESENTS: Jimmy Predictions Revisited

    858 457 BKOB

    Trolling injuries it NOT COOL, you guys! And I’ll have no part of it… HOWEVER… I don’t believe Niner fans deserve immunity after heaping such laughably-high expectations upon an unproven, noodle-armed, Game-Managing QB. Particularly because Jimmy was a miserable-failure-in-progress LONG BEFORE his bone-headed decision making ended his season. And I can prove it. Now, if…

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    Babaji’s Friday Article So Bob has Something to Read

    1000 705 nofriendo

    First of all, let me say that as a SKA writer, I’m completely fair and balanced and unbiased in my coverage, unlike SOME BIAS writers, and I also never miss deadlines. Even when they’re imposed without my knowledge, BOB. So today, we’re going to talk about the dirtiest play in NFL history. As a reference…

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    SKA 2018 Fantasy Leagues

    800 600 nofriendo

    MONEY LEAGUE UPDATE: 11 of the 12 teams have joined. The only one who hasn’t is BKOB cuz walking around somewhere. This is a day to day operation stay tuned. All efforts are being made to find him and bring him hone. I will be sending out polls which you will be notified of via email…

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    603 377 nofriendo

    Dear Papaji, I probably should be asleep right now as I have work in the morning. Instead I am going to use this time to try to explain all the things you did for me. In a chaotic family you were the stable one that rarely lost his cool. You were the one that taught…

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