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    Zorstique’s Mariners All Star Break Update

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    Half the Season down, what a ride it has been. There has been some ups, and there has been some downs. At one point the Mariners were not just in first place in the AL West, but in first place of the AL. The later only lasting about one or two games. The Mariners have…

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    Ricardo Lockette, in his own words

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    This is a nice read. Anyone who follows sports will appreciate the athletes a little more after reading this. “Am I About to Die?”

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    Zorstique’s Mariners Update of the Week

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    It has been over a week since the last update of the week. Unfortunately this means that the actual updates are rather lengthy at this point. Per Cinco I have deleted the original opening article, to keep this one smaller. Please enjoy responsibly, and remember donate to the Keal Drinking Fund today. Zorstique’s Mariners Update…

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    A haircut the first day in Amsterdam by Ancientage

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    What followed was a scary clusterfuck of Dutch, English, and Turkish, if you were to translate everything directly into English: HAIRDRESSER: “So, where you come from?” *Proceeding to attach the appropriate extension onto an electric razor and peel my scalp like a Doner kebab.* ME: “I come from the ‘ooo-ess-ahh,’ uh, America… Sacramento, California correct? It…

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    Zortique’s Mariners Update of the Week – Math is Fun

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    There are a lot of things that I do not understand about baseball. This week I was told about the Pythagorean Winning Percentage. What is the Pythagorean Winning Percentage? There are two ways of calculating Pythagorean Winning Percentage (W%). The more commonly used, and simpler version uses an exponent of 2 in the formula. W%=[(Runs…

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    …Choose Your Slavemaster **Third and Final Installment of the MFA Quadrilogy** by MHB There comes a point in a young man’s life when he must choose between his head and his heart, between chasing after a dream or settling for a sure thing that seems “good enough”. You are all well past that point, and…

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    Zorstique’s Mariners Update of the Week

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     – Or why the Mariners Cannot Win at Home I was asked to come up with an article on why the Mariners cannot win at home. Unless I am mistaken, the Mariners are only 2 games under 500 at home, but this is significant as they are one of the best teams in all of…

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    Hello Mr. and Mrs. Shipley, I am writing to ask for your help in verifying a claim that Michael Brummett was a Navy Seal in the early 80’s. I suppose that most, if not all, of your requests are to call out a fake SEAL, but I tend to believe Mike is the real deal.…

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    OLIVER PRESENTS: Why Your Fans Suck – NFC West Edition

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    Politics, geography, and the NBA playoffs are all fun, but at the end of the day, we are all football fans here. This division is full of crazy fans that have no reason to be this way. Here is why fans of the NFC West suck. Why Cardinals fans suck Cardinal fans are like that…

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    12’s finally get their day, as prediction season continues with the Seahawks getting their time today. Let’s get these over with. Week 1: Miami Dolphins at Seattle Seahawks The Seahawks defense shows why it has been ranked at or near the top each of the last four seasons. The Legion of Boom dooms Miami’s offense…

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