The battle for the first overall pick begins tonight
ReTodd BMT- “But Landry Jones Brah!!”- DHC *Retodded
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper ReTodd BMT- “But Landry Jones Brah!!”- DHC Did you just use my name in vain?
If we lose to the Niners, we should just tank the season and cut some fuckboys who aren’t pulling their weight like Williams
That jurrasic park intro makes me wanna blow my fuckin brains out.
America is imploding
Oh and fuck seattle
ChrisKeal Leib Obviously, I want the Niners to win just like any thinking man
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper he really wants us to pick first overall
What’s up with Seattle fans using the term “fuckboy”? That shit is so gay
49ers4life coming from a fuckboy from the bay area, i thought you sissies would like it
I think its weird that Keal hates Wilson as a QB but loves him for his social media
ReTodd I do? I thought I hated him for every aspect of his fake life and just laughed at his social media.
Wilson has played like shit in the 4th quarter but like a Greek God the first 3 quarters. Run, Run, Pass can only fool the opponent for so long.
My pee hole tingles right now. Either way whoever loses I win lol.
SeattleSlew206 “Fuckboy”,.. “Greek God”,.. this is getting awkward.
ChrisKeal SeattleSlew206 i got more of that…..i haven’t even opened my first beer yet
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Copied straight out of Tim Kawakami’s Twitter feed
I hope palmer tears his acl on his couch tonight!!!
Remember when this game used to have playoff implications
Sadly it looks like our teams will play the meaningful games lol
Lmao… Keal ? You’re killing me here….” a FIGHT TO THE BOTTOM ….go! “…
KZ Rider – Kaeperpick6 at least you are honest about being a front-running pussy…so I applaud you for that
Seahawk defense is the reason for the struggles. we should be 5-1 right now but the D blew 4th quarter leads. Even the Green Bay game we had the lead in the 4th quarter but Wilson was INT off a tip passed and it was down hill from there.
Yeah man, pundits are already calling this the garlic fry bowl.
SeattleSlew206 Actualy you should be 1-5. That is another entirely reasonable way to look at it. Detroit beat you.
BMT- “But Landry Jones Brah!!”- DHC if by TDs you mean terrorism devices…
BMT- “But Landry Jones Brah!!”- DHC
Rushing…lets make it a reasonable bold prediction.
halosramsfan BMT- “But Landry Jones Brah!!”- DHC hey you shut your cock sucking mouth
“Really, we should be 5-1 right now.” – Classic Seahawks Fan comment
Seahawks shold win this game pretty easily. But I can honestly say this is the first time I’ve ever rooted for the niners. Even back when these two teams were somewhat good I always would have rather seen seattle win.
Kam is playing like shit yet wants more money. Seahawks should be 6-0
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC Landry Jones LMFAO!!!!!!!
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC yea we get it…you love the seahawks
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC
Man I am having a really really hard time with it.
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC don’t say that.. its just ugly man
No I hate both teams. But I really hate the niners
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC yea wull jesus hate you my child
SeattleSlew206 Balances out the games we should have lost. Now we are even!
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC I dont have a counter argument for this….I wish ras was here
Any rams fan should be rooting for San fran. Niners are going to suck…. hawks likely turn it around and start getting some wins. If the hawks lose it makes it easy for az to take this division and it gives the rams a real chance at the wild card. Let’s face it. This is San Frans super bowl this year.
Ancientage Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC Alex, I’ll take ‘things rarely heard on SKA’ for $2000
AnotherBigBlackDickInsideCloister The Cards are leading…..Of course it does
There is too much 49ers Rams history that pisses me off. So anytime the 9ers come up I am like…
AnotherBigBlackDickInsideCloister I’m assuming you lost a name bet of some sort
Seahawks would be undefeated right now if they had an average defense. I blame our defensive coordinator. He isn’t all that good.
The NFCW is the best division in football, the SEC of the NFL
Me too. They used to beat us back when we had warner and winning the division. Somehow they would beat us and lose to everyone else
SeattleSlew206 The only way they would be undefeated is if they didn’t lose games.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper *laughs @ the stupidity of this statement.
http://www.livefyre.com/profile/16791422/5 minutes ago
Seahawk defense is the reason for the struggles. we should be 5-1 right now but the D blew 4th quarter leads. Even the Green Bay game we had the lead in the 4th quarter but Wilson was INT off a tip pass and it was down hill from there.
Yeah, you did have a commanding 17-16 lead. Unfortunately, you scored 0 points in the 4th, allowed 11, and Russell didn’t do anything except throw a pick.
But, yeah, you should have like totally won it, dude.
Lol dude…. watch the cards niners game again and rethink your stance.
It was funny listening to the preseason hype Eagle fans had about Bradford. Fast forward a few weeks and they talking Sanchez.
9ers retardedly benched Hayne and are playing Bush!
These are the type of moves that set you up to fail automatically! Hyde has a stress fracture and his backup is a player who will be out of the game after 5 plays!
Davis going to be running the ball in he 4th qtr
You should never ever try to make a blockbuster trade with the Rams.
– Redskins
MHB™ I expect the continued obvious butthurt from everyone here, GB fans specifically
The best cheesesteak I ever ate came from Subway
That quoted text there made what I wrote what’s commonly known as a “reply”.
At least hayne is a big body that has a back to break tackles
Bush will give u nothing!!!!
MHB™ Why do you even talk about them? It’s all everyone talks about…:) *smoooch
Grow some balls. You could have let my reply go. But, I’m glad you can’t.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper *adds one more stupid comment to yoshii pile
MHB™ *guzzzles, hands a bottle of last 5 minutes of NFCCG to Pineapple
That NFCCG resulted in the same season result for us as it did for you, no trophy. But you do have the lasting memories of the biggest choke job by a QB in SB history. That’s something.
MHB™ I’ll put it next to the highlights from your loss after going 15-1. seriously MHB it’s not becoming to hold on to so much hate…really.
Native new yorker has a better cheesesteak than subway and that’s another shitty food chain
If only Crabtree was there tonight to see Sherman get burned repeatedly by Torrey Smith
I try to remind myself that SeattleSlew is probably the best representation of the almost all Hawks fans.
Random :
I’m not a Hilary fan, but it cracks me up that Trump and Carson demand their next debate time be reduced to 2 hours, Yet Clinton has been grilled for over 9 hours today………Back to our regularly scheduled program.
I saw MFA said he may “stop in from time to time” LOL I guarantee he will be here in the morning
It’s interesting because he told his dietician he may “eat bad stuff from time to time”.
So yoshii, you guys don’t have a Philly Cheesesteak shop around there? It’s a chain, but it’s so much better than subway it’s not even funny
Heard about this new place from the folks a birdgang.com, hello fellow footballers.
Anyone else ever try to watch these games on NFLN and it randomly cuts to commercials but CBS feed is ok?
mrhawk37 Cal vs UCLA doesn’t start hot 45 minutes
Desert Pantera GarrisonHearst 3-4 times a game it just randomly cuts to a commercial for some reason…..
Random new fan Who is this reliable source you heard this from?
DGdub so fucking gay….if i was there and had a gun….I’d be in prison
I think we should start the excuse lists now for the Hawks losing tonight.
1) We can’t close out 4th quarter because Wilson sucks
Anybody try the burger machines at McDonald’s
Fuk Stick 2) I didnt watch the end of the game cause I drank two beers and was so wasted
Random new fan Ancientage we be settin sail for san francisco….avassss me matey
BMT- “But Landry Jones Brah!!”- DHC Jim is gone. That phrase is irrelevant now.
BMT- “But Landry Jones Brah!!”- DHC the Raiders
Random new fan we are all geniuses… You will increase your IQ 10 points by being here
*grabs more paper and pencil for tallies, eliminates ‘no’ column
Amazing Kap can get on a plane every week looking like that
lol wilson is so lame. “lets be consistent all night” yep real motivational right there
FYI Wilson you have been consistent. Consistently losing 4 quarter leads.
The loser of tonight’s game will be a full game behind the Rams and firmly in last place.
*pops Zima*
mrhawk37 Desert Pantera i will again if we lost tonight. If we lost tonight I will also be pissed we won vs balt
CBS thought this was this was the best thursday game they could hope for back in April
Bowman got owned there. Prepare to pay up JP
Why the fuck is reid chipping into the blocker when Lynch is still up
Jackson really crashed his way through there
I thought the only swiss cheese at Levi’s was served by the wine vendors, not the defense
Desert Pantera you act like you want the Seahawks to win
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Desert Pantera i was making a joke
So many runs, RW should just throw it here
my similar joke was too subtle for these troglodytes
Now only if we can stop lynch outside of not being on the goal line
looks like two retards fighting for Special Olympics Championsip
Pete is so fucking old he cant hear the PA announcement. Hang it up already dude.
i need more confused Tomsula shots. get on it CBS
This 1080p stream is amazing quality though. No hiccups so far at all.
Kind of cool to see Ahkbar Kaepernick growing the beard of his people
Use Chrome and have AdBlock installed, it ain’t too bad. 2 X’s to click that’s it.
Man, why can’t this suck ass Niner Dline stop Lynch?
Watch the Niners hold Gurley to 50 yards next week
“Fuck this play, I’m throwing it 40 yards out of bounds”
Kaep is just following Yorks lead. Destroying the 9ers from the inside
Tim Kawakami @timkawakami 2m2 minutes ago
Looks like Sherman is shadowing Torrey Smith–whatever side of the field 82 is on, that’s where 25 is.
Desert Pantera Just going to make the TD drive a few yards longer
Are you happy now Jive, Kaep is a broken man now…:(
BOLD: Whoever wins this game will overstate it’s importance tomorrow…”We’re BACK, BITCHES!”
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper its all because sf4905 believes in him
MHB™ Really no point, don’t think kaep could complete a pass no matter who is out there
Wilson is going to show off his immortal QB ability on this drive
at least the lead brought no shoes back. I am thinking another score will get griz back
Desert Pantera He’ll be at work until the game is Wel out of hand
Matt BarrowsVerified account
The guy on the sideline who got beaned by that Kaepernick incompletion is being tended to by #49ers medical staff.
SCUD missile? Allahu Akhbar!
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper third best rb in the NFC West
CBS has a turkey dinner ready on the sidelines. Thats just cruel
You’re not even safe 20 yards off the field when Kaep is throwing
Adu was right, that Levi’s crowd noise is INTENSE!!
I was thinking Gurley would have his first 200 yard game vs the Browns…..Looks like he’ll have two in row looking at the Niners..
That’s what I’m talking about. Wouldn’t be a Hawks game without a bad O penalty
“11 and a half men on the field, 5 yards.”
*Wilson kicks dirt*
throw it to Graham! Oh wait, he’s blocking because the o-line sucks.
Damn jive, looks like you guys will beat out the Lions for the #1 pick (sorry 4905)
God Loves Me In Vegas yea if he was like an inch or two taller and had 6 inch longer arms
Kaep’s 2 overthrows hitahttps://twitter.com/JanieMcCAPhttps://twitter.com/JanieMcCAP
https://twitter.com/hashtag/49ers?src=hash trainer being looked at on sideline bench after taking Kaepernick pass ball square in the head.
I’m so goddamn sorry I clicked on that link for Janie McAuley.
Kaep can’t hit a wr 10 yards away but can knock the glasses off a moving target 30 yards out
So I did not see Lynch at all that series. I bet he is done. Seattle will no longer have offense unless wilson runs
Know Kaep needs to settle down. Read the field, there hasnt been pressure really
We should have a SKA trip to Africa, to find our roots
Have to admit, 9ers offense is really clicking now that they got rid of Roman
Im so fucked up, needed those runs by Hyde to keep me sane
If Hyde runs this all the way down for a score, you’re allowed to claim it for Kaep. That’s SKA rules.
man…maybe I was wrong..both Dlines blow…It’s any niglets game
Why would they pass it. Hyde is scaring the fuck out of Seattle right now. They want no part of it.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Desert Pantera got sf on the tv
does it show his 5 picks the only time he played a real defense
I just dont get the opening offensive series, Kaep been doin good under center so we open up with three straight shotgun plays
How did Lynch’s stomach get upset?
A. Bulemia.
B. Heroin.
C. Skittles.
D. Fred Jackson’s cum.
Greg Roman made Kaep look like a quarterback
Matt Barrows @mattbarrows 15m15 minutes ago
The guy on the sideline who got beaned by that Kaepernick scud missile has passed away after a brief but valiant struggle. Colin will be tried–and if guilty, executed–by a military tribunal following the game.
Who scored for Seattle? I was seeding my lawn like a house-trained bitch.
Impromptu Singletary sighting for a pants dropping? Might be needed.
Just keep it close SF, Seattle will fold like a tent in the 4th quarter.
When was the last time Bush was any kind of real NFL weapon? Seriously.
They cut Lee for this punter?! Jesus Christ another fail
Not only that they drafted him in the 5th round LOL
should have just drafted Messi to handle kicking and punting
Steve Largest wasted his career playing in Seattle
Goff side stepped the blitz and lasered a first down pass.
What was that bozo Hyde thinking? we’re trying to tank the season asshole, stay with the program. Let’s throw a deep pass so happy foot Kaep can get sacked – Tomsula
The sad thing is the only real qb playing tonight is still in College
Desert Pantera I hope Kaep is a good teacher
Kaep looking as sharp as ever
Oh, yeah – is anybody still looking for Frank Clark?
This Lynch / Rawls tandem could extend Marshawns career beyond the Hawks pocket book.
The tacking tonight is painful. It’s been way too long since the niners D gets pushed forward when tackling.
OIeSagginSeahawk Rawls is looking good if not better this season
OK I just found a solid gold vine feed….
Look at all those Gore/Willis/Aldon jerseys in the crowd
Do NOT frighten the Frank Clark by yelling out his name or he may be spooked and head back into the swamp.
BKOB – Niners have ‘giners kinda like seeing Harvin jerseys in Seattle
These are the people you are voting for Loyal…
Loyal is those guys, only much poorer
Retodd do you live in a fantasy land whre you think I don’t watch Hawk games. I always see Hawk fans wearing Harvin jerseys at Hawk games
Will someone tell this Chris Keal character to not post videos on game threads?
Know the rules new guy
Ut oh -. 2 shallow kicks by Haushka… Not sure he is right.
Keal asked if I wanted to hang out tonight and do each other watching hookers do blow.
Nah Keal…Don’t know who I’m voting for..I steered from Trump months agoo…but if the GOP Est. tries to rip him apart, I might do a “fuck you” vote cuz fuck then niggers
Tomsula has more chew in his mouth than ideas in his head
so Niners offense working better with the short stuff who knew
See CBS just called the SEC the best conference
The Niners are playing like they want to lose
SeattleSlew206 you are trolling yourself if you ever believed this
The 9ers might be better off letting a middle aged guy’s drone play QB
Tim Kawakami Retweeted Ann Killion
Probably 70% full right now.
Ann Killion @annkillion
@timkawakami crowd arrive? Still looks empty on TV.
MHB™ 49er stadium is probably the worst new stadium. It’s in the middle of Mexico and the fan base is trash
might as well send a rush you are getting beat on the run and pass
Week 2: “At least I know my team sucks and is out of it..You fuckers are pathetic”
Niners got ’em right where they want them. This ROPE-A-DOPE is being executed perfectly.
If I was a Seahawks fan, I’d be scared ofva 17 point lead
Yeah RW can’t read and throw the Deep Ball
The FUCK outta here
SaintChicka09 if one was in the area sure but of course niners always in trail position on deep guys
I’m getting more comfortable that the Rams can beat the Niners next week
no clue what the secondary has been thinking its not like the pass rush has gotten home for most of the season
And now the Hawks start celebrating until their last moment defeat.
Chicka, make a colon and then a right parentheses. You will be amazed.
Niners players laughing on the sideline. They have already mailed in the season. Tomsula is a dead man walking.
Liking the NIners is like being the wife in a DV dispute
someone tell CK niners cant afford negative yards throw it away
Jesus. I hate the Niners and this is even pissing me off. What in the fuck?
yup like I said game over they actually are sticking to passing now
OIeSagginSeahawk reminds me of the play action in the endzone
Saints OLine And BREES Watching Game At Resturaunt According To Saints Report
OIeSagginSeahawk sure give the pass rush a extra second to get home
This isn’t the end of the game until the 4th quarter ends. You all should know this.
Kaep is just having a bad first half…he’ll make adjustments
This is hilarious. Thank u niner fans, this is what seattle needed
Cheer up 9er fans…. We’ve blow 17 point leads before……..:-(
mrhawk37 if Niners knew how to adjust sure but they keep finding way to be even more predictable
At this point, I just wanna see Boldin attack someone, you know he is on the verge of a rage meltdown.
Unfortunately I’m only drinking left over Miller lites. I have the option to switch to Johnny Walker and vicoden tho. Thoughts?
ChrisKeal I am surprised he has to bitched slapped CK after that horrible pass when he was open on the short pass
:)https://twitter.com/timkawakami https://twitter.com/timkawakami/status/657369731754647552https://twitter.com/timkawakami/status/657369731754647552
Ugliness. This is just a bad match-up for Kaepernick. For the 49ers. For Jim Tomsula. For everybody in red.
Think the defense has been taking the no holding rules to seriously. Wish someone would tell them it’s ok to hold leads.
one more drive for the hawks and for the love of the cosmos, no run run pass. Try run, pass, pass
Crazy why you throw that. Bomb the pass for PI or get it picked for a long punt.
“Well Jim, I gotta say, this is the first time I have ever seen a player be arrested by the police during a football game. Anquan is gonna regret that one” – Phil Simms
Not complaining, but does this ref crew seem a weeee bit slow tonight ?
noshoes2 he was so open figured someone mush of been behind him probably
noshoes2 Hello 94063 nope I really think he was expecting a hit
Azfan1830 does it come with a happy ending?
This is so out of hand Griz’ labor camp is about to give him a computer pass.
MHB™ unfortunately Griz can’t type with a dick in each hand and both holes filled
LOL! Let’s trade our pro bowl center for a soft tight end
Who is great at catching the football and we will primarily make him block
Definitely take 3 knees and go in the locker room. Don;t be stupid.
“It was like I was seeing a young Brady out there…only far better.”
Chicka is just jealous, because the Saints suck without Jimmy Graham…lol
I know the OL is bad but this turlock bitch has no pocket presence
We NEED to get Reggie Bush some touches! That guy is like liquid electricity!
Imagine If Seahawks Had A Pro Bowl Center Instead Of A Soft TE
Desert Pantera fuck the stadium, fuck York, fuck Ciara lol
“Excuse me you plebe, can you top off my Chardonnay while the gladiators exit the battle arena?” – Santa Clara fans
just have no clue what Niners where thinking earlier when they actually got some first downs tried to go deep and basically gave up on the series
“We just gotta find a rythym..that’s what we gotta do”
Gotta start the 3rd with a scoring drive.. 17pt leads make me REALLY nervous..
SaintChicka09 York believed his trained monkey could do the job
“We should leave, the Tesla is probably charged by now.” – Santa Clara fans.
I’m going to smash my phone make my co workers think I’m crazy
ChrisKeal God Loves Me In Vegas you are the “man” now you have no humor
Give me the fucking razor – I’ll take off more than Kaep’s fucking eyebrow…;the fucking terrorist…I’d fucking kill him. Niners suck fucking rotten 2 year old dead hyena ass
Who knew the 9ers and Seahawks playing on thursday night would look like a thursday night football game.
When they got rid of the stick, all the talent went away with it…lol
What the fuck was point of beating Ravens. Never mind Goff blows. FUCK YOU ALL. FUCK YOU JUST FUCK THE FUCK OFF.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper
Well its not like the 9ers were on the wrong side of a lopsided score when harbs was at the helm vs the seahawks
Nav you know Niners will miss just enough to miss the top 5 picks
I have officially stopped watching – I now know the Hawks suck dick because they couldn’t score 35+ points in the first half…which EVERY team over 500 could do right now.
The Niners are not worthy of my time – they are not worthy of my admiration – they are not worthy of my fandom
Who gets the ball to start the second half? If it’s Seattle, SF has a chance.
Nav, can’t be too mad at Cal, you didn’t even expect them to be ranked this year. They have done pretty well. Bet they compete for North next season.
sc0tti (Chicken ) that’s my nigga righ there
Can’t wait for next week…
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper you seem to have lots of experience in this
sf9ers4905 sc0tti (Chicken ) You are a delusional old man – I am sad for you
just drank a 5th.. dare, me to drive to santa clara and run onto the field?
SacSig sf9ers4905 sc0tti (Chicken ) quitter, go fap to the goff fathead with Jive
Tim Kawakami @timkawakami 2m2 minutes ago
Halftime yardage totals: Seattle 269, 49ers 55.
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC no… no way…. what a great observation!!
I fucking HATE the NFL right now – it should be FUCKING ILLEGAL to take a GREAT FRANCHISE away from a Criminal and hand it to some FUCKING SILVER SPOONING MOTHERFUCKER.
Tribevel hold up an SKA.com banner while you run naked in front of the cameras
bring back eddie.. bring back harbaugh… bring back Montana
sac if you want to watch a real qb play tonight goff is on espn
Gotta love the 9ers PR dpt….. We’re down by 17… Lets fuckin light fireworks !
OIeSagginSeahawk yeah there isn’t a concert on or anything…
OIeSagginSeahawk You can’t just cancel a fireworks show. Thats un-American.
sc0tti (Chicken ) Its a comfort knowing that my heart will out last yours.
sc0tti (Chicken ) this is why i dont need to rant Nav does it for me
I wish you used this anger towards the dot indians that has terrorized our people for centuries..
alright here we go.. Kaep and the offense need to quit sucking each others dick and fucking score a TD their first drive
They on Lockettes nuts tonight. Even got to hear his sweet open mic night
sf9ers4905 sc0tti (Chicken ) not quitting but need to call it as you see it
Congratulations, we ran you through the NFL Fan Draft Lottery and it turns out you now bleed Honolulu Blue & Silver.
sc0tti (Chicken ) you will have a anyeurism by the time you are fifty
You want a bright spot, a FUCKING glass is half FUCKING full of PISS?
Niners are halfway to getting more yards than the PUSSY Cards did in last year’s playoffs
*drops mic*
fuck you Seattle! we still have NBA season to look forward to
Hello 94063 sf9ers4905 sc0tti (Chicken ) nit my first rodeo with the 9ers losing dude
Like Tom Brady gets a year of shit from teh NFL for deflated footballs and Ahmad Brooks is back in the saddle!
halosramsfan We tried the punishing internally thing with Aldon and it didn’t work. I think they said fuck it.
What heart? It’s a sports team. I love sports but don’t owe anything to any of them. Nothing to do with personal life.
If it makes you niner fans feel any better. Not really going to celebrate the win, really like a second bye
rams are my vote for the division. fuck cards and hawks!!
sc0tti (Chicken ) I’m talking stress levels here. You obviously stress more than I do.
“I didnt sexually assault her commish, I just rubbed my knob on her face a couple times while she was passed out.”
“Oh carry on then”
ok errebody – STOP talking football. Let’s get back to the business of identifying the best cock suckers from the 70’s….or the baddest assed boy bands of the 90’s….ANYTHING BUT FOOTBALL
Niners are just getting killed…My gosh, it’s like watching the pre-Walsh niners
I watched losing 49ers teams. Why are you calling me a quitter. The fuckin owner quit on this team.
Tomsula looks like a cock sucker from the 70s though…no troll
I hate how even our sacks…the player gently lowers the QB
490, Jive, Sacsig and Nav….there is always room on the Rams bandwagons for nice guys like you
After tonight’s epic piece of shit that the Niners are dropping in their own bed……I may write my first article. It will be sad, angry, insightful, it may make some of you question your own existence
As your doctor/drug dealer/pimp…
Yeah you can tell Justin Smith is sorely missed on that defense.
What happened to our punt team? Seemed like we were always down there taking off heads. Wasn’t it two years ago we almost had the record for fewest yards allowed?
Man, I just want to see RW get nailed stright up…He fucking always makes it hard to hit him..Maybe one guy stand him up and have some big sloppy fucker pile drive him…
…and Kaep, I couldnt stand that snap back cap…now with that afghan goat humping fro, I am totally good with the hat now.
mrhawk37 yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper I’m sorry
GarrisonHearst noshoes2 But we aren’t getting down field like we used to
mrhawk37 yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Hawk = bird. Chick = baby bird.
im excited to see how Tarrt holds up
if its a lost season, maybe better Bethea is injured…he was playing bad all year anyways
I don’t want to learn that I am strong enough to punch myself in the face hard enough to break my nose, eye sockets and jaw….So I have decided to quit watching Niner football
SacSig I have every confidence that you aren’t that strong. Not in one punch anyway, and you would stop after the first one I think.
SacSig noooooo…Sac State football isn’t enough for you..
well there is two hyde runs. so now a terribly overthrown pass from kaep
I’ll give it 1 more quarter before signing up for my 180 hour shift
Who would ever have thought that Candlestick would be considered the Good Old Days?
The SKA Rams community will now be holding couch sessions on how to cope with inept fucking football teams for psychologically vulnerable 49er fans getting though this tough time.
That’ll be 700 bucks please.
Only the hispanic cleaners and Seahawk fans left in the stadium
Here ya go Niner and Hawk Fans
I personally believe Jed York and Trent Baalke are coexecutives of the year
GarrisonHearst He’s gonna masturbate to nanobubbles, gatorade, and any other company he gets money to shill for.
49ers look so bad they should be playing in the NFC East.
AZK, both the teams I ” Root” for are getting ass kicked. See you in April.
Seatlle plays like shit in the fourth quarters, don’t start sucking Goff’s dick yet jive
Degenerate Pi this off season they played that “Nuke Em” board game from the old Robocop movie.
Holy shit Rawls turns what should have been a loss into a 4 yard gain. Niners are fuct.
Our defense can’t get sacks or force a turnover or stop the run.
Yeah the 9ers are averaging 4.3 a carry, they better keep pounding the rock 17 pts down is not that bad.
JUst fixinga Preseaon mistake..I am announcing my retirement tonight…”
If my team lost to him in the NFCCG I would never show my face.
JohnnyP31 His inexplicable luck over the first few years has to have those reversals to bring him back to the mean.
Get this mess off my TV and put the Rams game on
I love Carroll. He is always trying to make his game manager relevant.
They got the lead on their run game so he has to be a tool and force the ball downfield.
Seriously, the sad part is Wilson could throw 5 picks tonight and I still could see the 49ers going scoreless.
“Dear Lord,.. what the fuck? How many more tests are there?” – Wilson
noshoes2 He finally read a science book and found out that shit is garbage, no more placebo effect for Wilson.
Where is Griz? How badly did you guys ride his ass? Hawks are up 17 and he still is a no show.
With that shitty field at Levi, we might keep Gurley out and let Tre Mason run for 200 yards
~Jeff Fisher
Wilson is lucky that God is testing him with these interceptions. Old Testament God was a way meaner disciplinarian.
Fear not 49ers fans, a DB could slip and fall down, and if he does there is a solid 15% chance Kaep will notice the open man, then throw a remotely catchable ball to the receiver.
Niner fans should be pissed at MFA and the racist for the jinx
“If only Bevell would use unleash Wilson and go deeeeeeeeeep”
Davis looks so scared after the catch. I think Kam lives in his head.
ChrisKeal The group of donkey dicked prison rapists in the next room say they were sent here by God, Mr Wilson —— RW’s assistant.
you can sit on the bench later!!!
Hyde is a damn good RB….. Hopefully he can have a healthy career
I wanted the Rams to trade for Kaep in the off season…lol…I must of gotten some of tribes hippie lettuce
“The group of donkey dicked prison rapists in the next room say they
were sent here by God to test your anal stretchability, Mr Wilson”
—— RW’s assistant.
We have shifted to our 4th qtr, don’t cover anyone, defense early
If the Niners can just get within 10 points by the 4th Quarter, they have this thing won….
If they dont run a Torrey smith play against Cary Williams backup right now…
oh wait,they will probably do “up the gut” for 1 yard
I think those Lowes football self commercials are genius marketing. And so fucking true.
When the Seahawks blow this lead, Griz might be gone all year
we have lost our last 5 games after holding a 4th quarter lead, most were two score leads. This shit has to stop
Ut oh …. Kaep found our weak spot……Only took him 3 quarters
IF the Hawks blew this 17 point lead, it would almost be like Christmas time….
noshoes2 Kaep is a good guy to hold the line against.
LoyalRam Why? why punish your 49er fan brothers so cruelly by giving them hope?
Remember when CK ran against the Packers in the playoffs? Seemed like a good idea.
How many throws to the shoelaces by Kaep? At least 5…
Colin Kaepernick’s terrible throw hit a guy in the face on the sideline.
Let’s see if RW calls another Godible to the 49ers’ safeties here.
MHB™ Our corners each have 1, so I guess the safeties need some love.
This game is like watching two handicapped homeless transgendered men slap fighting over a stale bologna sandwich.
There should be no winner in this game tonight.
Both teams suck.
Degenerate Pi 22SnakePlissken5150 just don’t ask about the mayonaise.
Cardinals would be beating both these teams by 30 points by now.
mrhawk37 Really makes all Hawk fans look like ignorant fucks
Lockett sure looks like a great use of a third round draft pick.
KAMAKAZI is the best. Just the best. Jed should should send him an apology letter and tap out.
noshoes2 JohnnyP31 Trust me, it can. Okung is like the lone non shit stained spot on your line.
AZKardinal Rosen is looking pretty solid if they miss out on goff this year
Hey 49ers fans, your team should trade for Brandon Weeden. he sucks something awful but unlike Kaep he completes more passes to his players than to the turf.
LOL they’re doing the same thing over and over again and we can’t stop it.
Our line can’t block, but they hold and false start on an elite level
This has all the makings of another epic collapse. Please prove me wrong hawks.
22SnakePlissken5150 we dont need someone who completes 3 yrd passes, we traded alex smith away
Lowsaw we all wanna see overtime… Don’t you like free football?
There are two impressive forces if Suck battling right now….Hawks want to give away the game in the 4th quarter, and the Niners want to give it away in all four…
sf9ers4905 yet still a closer game than this one and goff isnt playing bad
Kramer916 22SnakePlissken5150 Yeah, the downfall started about then too.
The NFC East is impressed with the level of suck on the field right now.
Even Craig Dahl didn’t wanna play for this shitty team anymore
Its a fucking trip that Seattle does the same shit over and over again and we can’t stop it.
GarrisonHearst The real Garrison Hearst used to call that “game day”
You know its bad when your defense cant handle the little scripted bullshit like boots, screens, draws and options.
The Levi stadium turf will give us a huge home field advantage by tearing the acl of every opposing player who tries to slid on it
I decided to just read the game highlights.
Cool I just found a free Milwaukee’s best light
I hope you’re as drunk as a freshman girl at Keal’s.
TheAviator4102 “Meh” —- Seahawks’ offensive coordinator, February 2015
I dont blame you 9er fans, I mean what can you do? Fred Jackson got ready for this game by crashing his car? How do you compete with that level of commitment?
Give me a break. What the hell is wrong with york? How frickin stupid can you be? You are a horrible owner.
Over the summer, http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/teams/page/CHI/chicago-bears defensive coordinator Vic Fangio named defensive tacklehttp://www.cbssports.com/nfl/players/playerpage/419238/jay-ratliff as his only “https://twitter.com/AdamHoge/status/657297073742569472” defensive lineman. Six games into the season, that isn’t the case anymore.
On Thursday, the Bears cut ties with Ratliff, releasing him and signing http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/players/playerpage/584340/ziggy-hood to fill his roster spot. Here’s general manager Ryan Pace’s statement on the move.
Sad part is the shell of this defense isn’t terrible the O line just doesnt allow for any movement against anyone but bottom 10 teams.
I sense a pick 6 by the Hawks in the very near future………….
Would the Niners fire Tomsula in mid season? Or is the owner so cheap he’ll keep him to years end..?
As your new OC, the best thing we can do here down 20-3 is get Gurley some rushing yards.
AZKardinal Apparently he got in a fight with the GM, and they called the cops after he left the building.
By fight I mean argument.
LoyalRam I’m sure he will get another year on account of the roster turnover
No. Jed York with a slight assist to harbaugh for being unruly at times
Remember when Spats said he wanted only character guys and no thugs…lol
“Hey guys, my boss let me off the extra shift early!” “Hows the game going?”
MHB™ he was gaining 50 yards a pop on yur ass, so YES
You will see how overmatched this coaching staff is with the play calling in the 4th Q.
should have just moved this team to LA so I didnt have to cheer for them
Hey Palmer, the Hawks kind a Blow, what do you think?
Looks like 80% of betters in Vegas know what they’re talking about.
I think the only way sf possibly fires this staff is if we lose out
hey 49ers fans, I feel bad for you guys so I made this just now.
OMG this is actually worse than the Cards game even though the score isn;t as bad.
Now Hawks fans are going to boast how good their Dline is after getting 20 sacks on this shitty team..
The only good thing to come out of this is trolling the hawks fans while they boast how good their team is.
Congrats Seattle fans and mr 180 hours worker griz who will show up for sure now
Minn and Halt must be sick at their stomach for losing to this shitty team
What the fuck is Tomsula’s malfunction?
Why won’t he just keep Tiller at RG and start Brown?
Does he want Kaep to be injured?
Nice to hear from Earl all mic’ed up. So, I guess he’s retarded.
This is the Niners Superbowl and they still look like shit
MHB™ He already admitted that Kam was the brains behind the operation.
AnotherBigBlackDickInsideCloister Foles >>>Bradford
and a word from Picard to Adu…
sc0tti (Chicken ) here’s a Gurley Jersey Nav
Lol wtf that ref was gonna throw the flag but then he realized he is on Pete’s payroll
On a serious note, Tomsula is just so in over his head with this gig. I’m actually thinking to myself, “I’m glad we have McCarthy.” YOU HEAR ME? McCarthy!
Oh so now the refs are for seattle? Lets ignore the other two times that they went the Niners way. 🙂
How did the ref pull his flag out and then put it bak in his pants on that fair catch penalty?
Seahawks fans think this hot mess makes them a playoff contender…roflmao
See what happens when Wilson is able to ride the coattails of the defense? QB wins go up for a change
Patton probably said “fuck” and deserved that, but I don’t know how they didn’t call Lockette for hitting him after the fair catch.
Seattle still has 2 more primetime games. They need to stay relevant.
Tomsula should grab old ref in a head lock and then rip a fart on him….
I’m sure the national narrative will be: refs deny niners game after valiant effort
It’s comical they don’t have at least 5 designed run plays for Kaep every game
GarrisonHearst Fuk Stick that sucks. i’m sure the league is regretting that.
https://twitter.com/timkawakami https://twitter.com/timkawakami/status/657390503915208705
Tim Kawakami Retweeted Johnny Valz
No, they’re great! I’m sorry for making you feel bad! Please keep reading me! OH WAIT: See ya!
At least we weren’t the first team to give SEA a win after scoring 24 or more. I was worried about that after all the talk on here.
Yeah, celebrate a tackle when youu are getting your ass kicked.lol
So my big takeaway is that the Niners are terrible and they still sacked Wilson 5 times and picked him off twice. Don;t get your boners too greased up just yet Seahawks fans.
Soon all the Hawk fans Wii be back on SKA…I missed them
This win was on the defense. Offense was absent in the 4th again.
Oh you bet they will. They can’t get the niners outta their head
I think the Cards and the Rams are the two most complete teams in the division………..
https://twitter.com/timkawakami https://twitter.com/timkawakami/status/657391964170551296https://twitter.com/timkawakami/status/657391964170551296
Tim Kawakami Retweeted No One’s There
I weep. You’re mad at me because your team is so, so good.
Tim Kawakami leads a fulfilling life. He trolls the bowels of the internet picking on douchebags and writing at a 8th grade level
GarrisonHearst LOLOLOLOLOLOL Like he was ever owned to begine with.
I guarantee you if Tomsula has;t already lost the locker room?.. he just did. Players are gonna tune him out like your drunk uncle at Thanksgiving.
Well after the superbowl looks like SF will be heading back to London for a few years. Good job Jed
ChrisKeal i m the cool uncle at Thanksgiving
“No uncle joe…I don’t wanna go to the back room and play doctor again.”
-young mfa
ChrisKeal I think the issue is they all like him. Players need to dislike a coach at times and I’m not sure we have that. It doesn’t need to be the HC, but someone has to be the bad guy.
TheAviator4102 to be fair, who wants to drop hundreds on that garbage?
If today wasn’t proof that Wilson is carried by the defense and is a game manager, I don’t know what is.
If they score quick and onside kick three times…they still might win this
Fuk Stick yea not like he picked our sorry D apart, actually played eh
Niners fans don;t leave,.. I am issuing temporary Cards fan passes. We are the best team in the division, are fairly likeable and also wear red and also hate Seattle. JOIN US.
How long do Jed and Trent ride this out with Tomsula? They cant fire him after one year for obvious reasons.
This could be very bad for a very long time.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Let me shoot up some happy feelings first
Who will the Niners have blocking Aaron Donald?
It’s a mobile made of bananas with a Rick Ross song playing over it.
Fairly likeable?
You forget you have mfa as a fan their cupcake
Levi stadium looks to big for its britches and its fans in them
The Rams could be 7-4 when they meet the Cards at the Ed Jones Dome, for the NFC West title
Ancientage We all have “THAT GUY”… MFA just takes it to another level. Fuck it.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper make a little hill made out of the holes in the field coming out more effective
https://twitter.com/dannyoneil https://twitter.com/dannyoneil/status/657391502302167040https://twitter.com/dannyoneil/status/657391502302167040
The https://twitter.com/hashtag/Niners?src=hash have scored 13 points in the last 12 quarters they’ve played against the https://twitter.com/hashtag/Seahawks?src=hash.
Okay I’m going to go read Arizona fall league scouting reports
@trashleyyxo: Thanks for fucking us this season @JedYork @49ers https://t.co/GqlIuP0ED0
Those garlic fries ain’t going to cook themselves. Thank goodness we have Tomsula.
Matt Maiocco@MaioccoCSN
49ers scoring update: Punts 9, First downs 8.
This just highlights why every 49er fan wanted to bring in an offensive minded HC. It was either keep Fangio or bring in an O guy. We are a stale offense.
What is Balk’s daughter’s twitter handle? I bet there is some good shit on there.
sf9ers4905 sc0tti (Chicken ) Kaepernick blows. Goff can improve.
JohnnyP31 TheAviator4102 Yes the Oline is probably the worst I’ve ever seen
JohnnyP31 even the D-Line has been lacking the one area that Tomsula actually knows
49ers handing out complimentary lube for all Santa Clara fans in attendance tonight.
TheAviator4102 JohnnyP31 that is just sad considering last season
Goff still has potential. We know all Kaepernick has no future.
Hello 94063 JohnnyP31 Probably because as a HC he isn’t involved as much. Letting Mangini run it.
hhaha that girls Twitter handle is @trashley…… What a skank
hawaiianhonky Niners had 5 sacks and this is a team with no pass rush
TheAviator4102 JohnnyP31 And while I agree Kaep has been erratic, no QB would be good behind that line. Just look at his dropbacks vs times pressured tonight.
Where’d all the Niner fans go??
*Ignores the fact that practically everyone here is a Niner dan*
https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=ESPNNFL @ESPNNFL Last year the 49ers lost to the Seahawks 19-3 at home.
49ers CEO Jed York sent this tweet out after that game. https://t.co/ofmCMPq0RNhttps://twitter.com/ESPNNFL/status/657394423928590336
I don’t care I want him to go back to school anyways. He has work to do.
At least I can be a body double for Mr Jeremy when I get fired -Tomsula
Shows up for 5 minutes of trolling
Goes back to practicing golf swing
Jed York even fucks his tweets up. Way to throw your team under the bus to pacify fans who already know it’s your fault in the first place.
Oh well. Bowman got his 10 tackles. Keeps me in the running for my bet.
TheAviator4102 to many big runs not huge both those 5 and 6 yards runs where deadly
Ancient, Nunez is possible going to be good, he can hit. Too bad about Chapman being injured.
Well, that was an interesting football match.
I’m goin Bowling……
Working a lot in customer support. Trolling has gotten very rusty.
https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=SandoESPN @SandoESPN Looking at it, I do not see a https://twitter.com/hashtag/Seahawks?src=hash road victory against a really strong offensive team since 2012. https://t.co/2VcFfovFZQhttps://twitter.com/SandoESPN/status/657394672311128065
Guy I’m playing only got 6 points from Lynch and Graham (scoring league only)
TheAviator4102 could not even get back to make the tackle or a attempt plenty of times
Way to go kaep 1 damn game i root for your sorry ass team! Put my mudderfucking cred on the line for your nevada pistol bullshit! That’s ok you dickless niners we will take care of seattle with the osprey killa!
Meet me under the bleachers Kaep in half an hour and we can make out and I’ll wear your Niners Jacket
AZKardinal hell no imagine Niners without the one guy that can make some plays
https://twitter.com/timkawakami https://twitter.com/timkawakami/status/657396135753990144https://twitter.com/timkawakami/status/657396135753990144
Quinton Patton ran out onto the field to confront Cooper Helfet, was pulled away by Michael Bennett, calmed down by Richard Sherman.
Kramer916 sc0tti (Chicken ) AZKardinal ha ha , he does not deserve this
sc0tti (Chicken ) KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) illmatic
Hello 94063 AZKardinal They lose by 7 more points a game. No big deal.
How bout them bruins am I right? Thats the game were all watching yea?
22SnakePlissken5150 Hello 94063 AZKardinal maybe would guarantee a top pick at least
Gotta go tell this dumb blonde I’m sorry for calling her mom a whore, I hope my wife is in a good mood…she’s at work, so she hasn’t seen the Niners game yet…maybe I can sneak in a quickie, before she watches the game on DVR
I still dont get how this team had a delay of game really to simple of a playbook
Raise your hands if your team wins 50% of their games or better!
*makes makeshift arms from toilet plungers*
Maynard_DL sc0tti (Chicken ) Like three weeks? and no just don’t give a fuck
Maybe this is a good thing for niners. Clean house in the coaching staff and front office. Did wonders for cards getting rid of whiz and graves.
if anything Niners should go more hurry up really how much are they switching up the plays
Jordan Devey made people believe Tom Brady was finished, so you can imagine what he does for Colin Kaepernickhttps://twitter.com/billbarnwell/status/657388867373420545 https://twitter.com/intent/retweet?tweet_id=657388867373420545 https://twitter.com/intent/favorite?tweet_id=657388867373420545
FearTheTweetTweet York has to go or it wont matter. ANd he wont go so…
FearTheTweetTweet York is the issue so no hope but might of eaten some humble pie this season but doubtful
Maynard_DL FearTheTweetTweet he needs to hire someone to run the team and he needs to fade into the backround
FearTheTweetTweet That was supposed to happen last offseason. For whatever reason.
Tank for the MEMPHIS QB! Fuck it just wait for Browning
He have a kid he can give control? Mike bidwill has been a godsend
At least we lost with class. If you ignore what is about to happen in the Levi’s parking lot.
sc0tti (Chicken ) rg3 and Bradford will both be available next year
our best drives had tiller in, can we just start him and call it good?
did you see that sf4905? Pressure up the middle and completes the 4th and 7 pass
“So do you (Phil Simms) think the seahawks can return to the Super Bowl?
“Yes, I think they can..” Simms
Hey Phil, what fucking game was YOU watching!?
And it only took you 45 minutes to come up with it.
*slow clap
Seriously though guys, if trashley is wearing the grey shirt, that chick is hot as fuck.
This game showed that the Hawks fans are going to enjoy watching the season die like death by 1000 paper cuts.
I thought they were gonna fight like men, but the Niners tucked their tail between their legs and ran like little girls
KaeperGOAT sc0tti (Chicken ) Yeah but great season anyway. Also at this point I think they are best team
I only take solace in knowing that even though we suck, the Hawks are not a good football team.
KaeperGOAT Yeah. But the fans will try to pretend they will make the playoffs and the SB.
Stephen A will call the seahawks rough riders again, and predict that they will win the Superbowl
Fuk Stick KaeperGOAT which will only make it better when they get knocked out. Hey maybe they trade their 2nd rd pick for VD
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked i would never ever never make a bet with an asian. Something about the shady slanted eyes
sc0tti (Chicken ) Finally i get to see a winning team again. Its like a breath of fresh air
Frank Fuckin’ Clark – 2 solo tackles, 1 for a loss BITCHES!!!!
Actually….come to think of it the Hawks might be back afterall. This game is similar to how they won most of their games the last 3 years.
BKOB – Niners have ‘giners the loss was possibly on the most obvious play call ever
BKOB – Niners have ‘giners VD had 3 catches so does that make him good?
I would love nothing more than watching Bradford as the starting quarterback for the niners next year…lol
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper dude we need a upgrade not a downgrade
Hello 94063 Yes but Bush always gets pushed by his OLine like a bowling pin
LoyalRam who’s that ugly broad with the wookie?
BKOB – Niners have ‘giners ” So I said…..yo Fred…..let’s race!!!!”
Jive wants kaeps dick up his ass. At least kaep can hit that small window
We need o-line before we need Goff. Goff would just get killed and become David Carr. I say draft Billings for the DL and go from there.
Plumlogan his brain will be nothing but a mushy mess by January
Well, I’m tired of NFLN sucking that Hawk Cock..g’night.
Rae Rae! JohnnyP31 Lol, not sure what the pace is. We are in the running.
Rather draft O-Line need such a solid line anyone can look good
JohnnyP31 Rae Rae! I dont see us getting it unless we lose ever game this season
Hello 94063 I’d rather spend on o-line, maybe draft 1 guy in the mid rounds, and get Billings.
JohnnyP31 Rae Rae! How good we talking here? Is he better than Bosa?
sorry we have a lt in staley. we are going to have a top 5 pick. we arent drafting a guard or rt in the top 5. Probably going to be pass rusher or hopefully goff.
Rae Rae! JohnnyP31 Oh man. He is a beast. Being touted as the best since Suh or better than Suh (without the attitude).
Bennett was awesome tonight. No offsides penalties in two weeks!
I think Pete was pissed at Russell tonight. Looking at the sideline he was still pissed at the end of the game
Also SF will have 40 million in cap space. Much easier to find some OL via FA than it is to find a qb. And Yes Kaep is a big problem.
Damn lol i see a highlight of Billings and that was him running down a RB. My lord
BKOB – Niners have ‘giners I would have gotten 2 sacks lined up opposite of Devey
at least half the sacks were on him because he cant make a decions to get rid of the ball or pass to a wr.
What’s scary is that the niners dline apparently sucks at rushing the passer
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked I said get OL in FA, and the best DL guy in the draft. I’m not in love with Goff like you guys.
49ers lost 7 good players i will take several seasons to fix this. It’s not just the oline
Fellow hawk fans our team is going nowhere unless that fucking line improves
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Another weak oline for our pass rush to pad their stats.
BKOB – Niners have ‘giners Seemed like ET stopped him on that rivalry question.
Hawks could you at least win your next game so when we beat you in seattle people won’t say az beat another bad team?
Johnny I’ll be perfectly fine building o Line and defense first. Especially o Line
The 49ers have 3 games this year with net passing yards of 53, 81, and 119.
ET – “I’m still a Dallas Cowboy fan.”
You shut yer god damn mouth, I don’t wanna hear those words damn you!!
I’m on 5th floor of parking lot. Should jump. Just joking.
sc0tti (Chicken ) I think o-line needs to be done in FA, its too bad to rely on rookies. Draft a couple guys with upside, maybe one guy early-ish. Grab Billings if possible to replace Justin. Fix the lines first. I like our corners, they just need seasoning and a non-retarded scheme.
Pete basically just said Russell threw his worst int since rookie year
Take 2: Fair-weather Seahawks fan explains why he can’t take watching this teamBy http://www.seattletimes.com/author/cap-don-shelton/
When the going gets tough, I turn off the TV.
I’m sorry, true, blue Seahawks fans, but if I wanted to watch a teammates bicker while the other team scores, I’d watch AAU basketball.
Thanks, but no thanks.
It’s okay to be a long rebuild guys. Lots of irrational rants to come.
both of the those O lines are inexcusably terrible. There has be better players on other teams practice squads.
sc0tti (Chicken ) Fixing the lines shortens a rebuild. We have the money to do it in FA. Baalke will probably take a FA WR though.
Good idea. Next week grab a bunch of practice squad players
https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=ESPNNFL @ESPNNFL Final update on 49ers’ drives tonight:
11 drives, 9 punts, FG, end of half.https://twitter.com/ESPNNFL/status/657402832627175424
On the fact of life on tv la d, oth the girls and guys have sick mullets
WhiteRhinoPower Nathaniel has as many picks as richard sherman
All this does is make it more juice when Matt Cassell shreds the Seahawk D Next week
Kaep rely had some nice “touch” passes tonight.. Adu produced any gifs yet?
@ESPNNFL: Final update on 49ers’ drives tonight:
11 drives, 9 punts, FG, end of half.
Shots of Jimsula on the sidelines were pretty awesome…
Well, we’re getting killed.. Guess I’ll look angry about it…
49ers need http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/players/2061053/jared-goff
Its official, the Rams are the most complete team in the NFCW
You Out of the Gene Pool DGdub I’m really scared of the big bad browns…lol
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper You Out of the Gene Pool DGdub you lost to the Skins
Rams lost to the Fore-Skins, they should be very afraid of the Browns.
You Out of the Gene Pool i lost my fore-skin.. not like I had a fucking choice
http://www.livefyre.com/profile/23919348/6 minutes ago
Kaep looked confused and scared again tonight..
In his defense, most QBs get to play behind an o-line.
Defense looked legit tonight… I hope that is less a reflection of the competition, and more a reflection of dominance to come..
DGdub I wouldn’t try that. Your fans haven’t exactly been great at showing up.
I chuckled….
MaggieEvery season ticket holder should be allowed to line up outside York’s office and drop a duece on his desk.
DGdub Thats why I said your fans and not you. You have stuck it out.
Eleven days for Kaep to prepare for the Rams defense
wilson 2 picks
kaep 0 picks
looks like i won the bet DGdub… hmmm, what should i change your name to?
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Unbalanced o-line the entire game.
TN, Bal, Jax, KC, and Det all have 1 win
KC is probably our only real threat at Goff. Det, Bal are contractually locked into qbs. Jax and Ten recently drafted qbs
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked I think KC has a guy they like, but again, I am not all about Goff.
JohnnyP31 I Love Getting Kaeperdicked also I don’t really value your opinions on qbs when you think Kaep is still good.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Not really… Although I bet we win this game with Alex getting the ball out of his hands quickly
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper hahahaha, not really. He would have been sacked as many times or more than Kap tonight. Smith would look like pre-harbaugh smith behind this shitty OL
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked JohnnyP31 Lol, not once have I said he is playing good.
To be fair… WR’s were rarely open, and he didn’t have a ton of time..
Missed a couple throws…
TheAviator4102 yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper No. Seattle would just squat on all the underneath stuff because they’d know Alex won’t throw deep and outside to Torrey.
Adusoron TheAviator4102 yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Kaep isn’t much different
Adusoron TheAviator4102 yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper neither does kaep
Jordan Devey’s butt should not leave the bench. Yet he played as much as Tiller. What the hell Tomsula???
Adusoron It’s almost as if he’s never been a HC before!
This coaching staff has to go. I’m tempted to go Jive on this and say fire everyone.
(sorry Jive – wasn’t meant as an insult just a description of your approach)
Vic Fangio should have been the HC. It would have been a logical and fairly inexpensive move for Jed York to make.
listen its not all on the line. Kaep has to make decisions. He knows the OL is bad so adjust for that and make quick decions. drop back and if the throw isnt there when you hit your back foot just throw it incomplete or dump it off. instead he fucking drops back looks around for 2 seconds then pumps hten scrambles a little and gets sacked.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper I’m getting mighty close to joining him. This is downright embarrassing.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked I agree. Kap shares some of tonight’s blame.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked He is playing like shit, but guys also aren’t open.
Tribevel Jed York is awful. I hope he feels like the world’s biggest loser and I don’t mean weight loss.
The play-action 15 step drops did not do much to help Kaep out with the rush
Tribevel so you will flip back next tuesday or this weekend?
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Kramer916 no we had a couple of good runs
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Kramer916 But couldnt pass block anyone
If we are safely locked into the playoffs, we should lose to the Niners week 17 just to fuck up their draft position
Kramer916 our drives stalled when they tried to let kaep make a play
I never quit Niners. and not doing so now
Just saying we suck
still want them to get as many wins as possible. I dont want to wait another long offseason
Kramer916 i feel like brady can win without an oline, gets rid of the ball right away
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Kramer916 and havent ran well since the first game
Fünf Schüsseln Kramer916 Ya you know there might be something to that West Coast Offense
Fünf Schüsseln Kramer916 and rodgers and manning of 3 years ago
I do agree with Johnny. We absolutely need to fix the OL and DL in the rebuild. You get another stud FA DL like Justin smith (Muhammad Wilkerson anyone?), take the best outside pass rusher with the high pick, consider paying boone, tell Anthony Davis to get off his ass and rejoin the team, and find another Borland or Bowman in the second or third round, and we’re in business.
Fünf Schüsseln Kramer916 our WR’s have a different skill set than Bradys
just get another DL like justin smith? that’s what every team would do if possible
Adu, I’m trying to decide if I should start Season 5 of DS9 or Season 2 of Voyager. Any thoughts?
JohnnyP31 had to abandon the run down all game and again all the drives stalled when we relied on kaep
We dont have those quick twitch WR’s like GB and the pats have. Or a offensive Cord that has designed an offense like that
Fünf Schüsseln even Justin smith wasn’t JUSTIN SMITH when we got him in FA. Cincy let him go in FA>
Niners wtf? Are you guys really that fucking bad? Jesus christ. I had faith in you retards!!!
Fünf Schüsseln My point is, get a true 3-4 DT anchor in FA and build around him. We don’t currently have one.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked JohnnyP31 one of our drives was 3 and out with all runs
Adusoron I’d go Billings (Justin Smith type), OL in FA, maybe pass rusher in FA, WR in 2nd.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked JohnnyP31 Late in the game when we shoulda been passing
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC Our coaching blows the worst. There is talent but it’s being coached like the French against the German invasion.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Kramer916 no jones is their deep threat.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked JohnnyP31 Our only two successful drives were Kaep throwing the ball. The run game was not good tonight, outside a couple runs.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Kramer916 yes that goes to the coordinator calling plays to highlight his attributes
Would be better for us if we don’t. This coaching staff isn’t going to find the playoffs unless the rest of the NFC West suddenly gets abducted by aliens.
I’m telling you Tomsula will not be fired regardless of the record…. He will get at least 1 more year maybe 2
I can’t wait to point and laugh at the first NFCW team to lose to the Browns, Ravens, or Lions
hopefully sf is at cleveland a 10 am game. id mark that as a loss. so no more wins
JohnnyP31 TheAviator4102 I think he could if fans continue not to go to the games
TheAviator4102 I know. York is such an infant and won’t admit defeat. He had to get rid of JH and he got his wish. An angry Bay area.
Season 1 of Voyager was meh, I’ll give them a chance some day since Season 1 of Next Gen and DS9 were downright awful imo.
He will get the excuse that all the players retired and hell get another tear after that to train his shiny new QB
hey JP, remember that one night you said i was stupid for thinking the niners would only win 6 games? Then you said i’d apologize to you later in the season? well, i was wrong, we won’t even win 6 games
The taliban turned its back on Kaep tonight after another blow out
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked stafford could throw us to victory tho
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked you guys better take those easy wins while you can
Kramer916 I Love Getting Kaeperdicked we had 2 picks today at home and lost
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Kramer916 And lynch ran all over us
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Kramer916 and det’s d isnt that good
Whats everyone here think about the game? Did Seattle play good or are both teams shitty and Seattle less shitty than San Fran?
Double Down The latter. Seattle’s defense is still pretty good, but our offense just blows.
Double Down Wilson threw two bad picks. Against a better team that will kill them.
There will be big changes in the offseason from the roster standpoint. I predict all of the following:
1. VD is traded this season or simply not re-signed in the offseason.
2. Bethea is cut because Tartt is ready and Baalke wants to save money.
3. Boone leaves in FA for a big contract further weakening our OL.
4. Bush is not re-signed.
5. Boldin moves on.
6. Kap is 50/50 to stay or get traded. If he is traded, that means SF is going QB high and planning on sucking in 2016 behind Blaine Gabbert while the rookie sits and holds a clipboard. If he is kept, that probably means no QB high and going with OLB/DE/DT with the high draft pick.
Tribe is funny when the 9ers lose. He’s gunna be a real gold mine all year!
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper I wonder which ones Bar Mitzvah was more fun.
It is possible if we go the trade route that Baalke might try to get Jay Cutler or Matt Stafford. That would be interesting.
i don’t know who you are, but just so you know, i had salmon tonight
Kramer916 Double Down They are ok but the refs gave them one game and they played like poop in their other wins.
1) I agree.
2) Already expected.
3) I think they keep him now.
4) Why would we resign him?
5) I think he retires.
6) Kaep can’t be traded. His contract makes other teams know we will get rid of him if we want another option.
damn I lost a bet to retodd and munkey, Might be a good time to take that 180 hour shift…
JohnnyP31 Adusoron Ok, I wrestled with the Kap decision. What do you think they do?
Fünf Schüsseln Nice. Food is only as good as the chef who prepares it.
Tribevel I’m honestly surprised Griz isn’t here to talk about Seattle dominance and blame his 180 hour shift.
Adusoron JohnnyP31 Its early yet, but I think they probably think like me and want to fix the o-line before they just cut bait. So, I think they keep him one more year.
Never go to Seattle without stopping by red lobster for the Salmon…trust me it’s to die for
Adusoron Tribevel I’m sure he checked in, then saw all the Griz jokes and quietly left.
JohnnyP31 Adusoron I think so too, but damn, he’s still playing like shit against Seattle. He doesn’t turn the ball over anymore, but he’s not scoring TDs or sustaining drives either.
Adusoron JohnnyP31 Our WRs also aren’t open. Our offense just sucks overall.
Double Down Kramer916 they aided them in ours too, I mean the game was over but still
Eric Reid showed up tonight. That was good to see. Pairing him and Tartt together in the future could be a nice combo behind a really good DC.
The Cards look like a contender but the Hawks and 9ers have fallen hard. The 49ers know it and will start to rebuild this off season but the Hawks franchise is in denial so it may take sometime for them to even start the rebuild.
Hopefully York’s kid can turn things around once he rejects grad school to become the CEO of the Niners in 2030
Double Down They are 1 year behind us. They haven’t figured it out yet, but they are going to end up with a middling record. Lynch will retire in the offseason, and Irvin will leave in FA. They have a ton of free agents and can’t pay them all. I also partly expect Chancellor and Bennett to hold out for more $$$.
Why can’t the Niners and Rams ever be playoff contenders at the same time?
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper dont worry Rams are not one either this season
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper because the rams are never good not even this year
Johnny P, do you think things might have been a little different if Simpson were active and also threatening the field deep? Torrey definitely caught seattle’s attention, but they would not have been able to double torrey, simpson and VD.
JohnnyP31 Fünf Schüsseln I like them both but the Hawks will be a nutty ride while the 49ers will be smooth.
DGdub it’s hard for them to hear you so far down there in the sewers
you could give Kaep AJ green and Antonio Brown and they would still end up with Boldin/Smith like stats.
Adusoron Yea what I was sayin yesterday, keep Simpson and Smith on opposite sides of the field and take ur shot to the opposite side that ET shades
Kramer916 Adusoron and put boldin in the slot. Could have opened up some more stuff. Maybe….
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked he needs Julio too
my sister is a whore, she had what’s called “the minivan” done to here earlier tonight…. 2 in the front, 5 in the back
Boldin puts up decent numbers for a 35 year old, need a real #1
Adusoron Yeah, Kilgore might fix things a bit if he comes back. I like Tiller, not sure why he isn’t playing over Devey.
The Cards should have a 3 to 4 game division lead by December 1st.
Landry Jones a 3rd string qb torched the cards
Kaep had 2 pick 6s in 2 minutes and 2 more picks and didnt score
ChrisKeal More about the difference in the bad teams they have played.
do you think kaep would do better with pitt’s oline, WR’s and coaching?
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Whatever. I’m just glad I finally got that tweet to paste correctly. Huge victory for me.
https://twitter.com/timkawakami https://twitter.com/timkawakami/status/657414499494834177
Several are asking why the TV cameras never show Jed York in his box the way other owners are shown. My guess: York orders them not to.
Kaep: 0, Wilson: 2
Rushing Attempts
Kaep 0, Wilson 3
OUCH…running back and a turnover machine
We should all be nice and visit these guys tonight, they are lonely
Fünf Schüsseln I have several seahawk fans on here who would probably love to find me and try to fistfight me.
Kaep is just not the answer.. made some nice throws but damn man… and holy fuck Devey is just so horrible.. dude was getting beat on back to back plays to give up sacks.. straight up look out blocks
BMT- “But Landry Jones Brah!!”- DHC And Carmen policy and bring in some young guys to train up.
BMT- “But Landry Jones Brah!!”- DHC I’m with JP. Let’s fricken rebuild Kap’s OL and see if another offseason with Warner and some good offensive coaching can fix the issue. Do you really think Goff, Cook, or one of the college QBs is the answer?
BMT- “But Landry Jones Brah!!”- DHC wondering why Tiller did not play more I swear kept seeing Devey being used as a rag doll all night
Hello 94063 BMT- “But Landry Jones Brah!!”- DHC He is a turnstile.
BMT- “But Landry Jones Brah!!”- DHC Kurt Warner isn’t ready to give up on Kap. Saw him saying good things about him.
Adusoron BMT- “But Landry Jones Brah!!”- DHC after the Line is fixed sure
BMT- “But Landry Jones Brah!!”- DHC Might not be the long term answer, but he isn’t our biggest issue right now.
worst part is seeing Tim kamakazi blow his load after every game
Adusoron BMT- “But Landry Jones Brah!!”- DHC ive seen kaeps bullshit for 4 seasons now.. im becoming more convinced hes not the answer
at this rate actually want Anthony Davis back next season at least one less spot to worry about
BMT- “But Landry Jones Brah!!”- DHC Adusoron For 2 of those you loved him.
It’s hilarious niner fans think they’ve seen bad offensive line play. Cards fans saw way worse for several years
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC Lol, why don’t you go back and pull up old PFF ratings and compare.
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC O-Line was a mess last season even with all the talent it had
Please. Let’s do it lol. Levi brown is just the start of it
OL was horrid but Kaep also has to make plays. run the damn ball !!! 0 attempts???? what coonery is this?!
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC Go for it. I don’t care. I just think you are socially retarded and have a need for attention that is unrivaled.
Just another example of what a POS York and this FO is
So if Moioco is getting his stuff from the “sources,” which I’m sure he is, it just says our garbage FO is throwing the people THEY brought in under the bus.
York and fellow idiots blew it up, re-shaped it using a pile of crap as the clay, and now they’re blaming the crap.
by http://www.sbnation.com/users/NYners on http://www.ninersnation.com/2015/10/22/9601912/what-would-big-changes-entail-for-the-49ers#335172871 http://www.ninersnation.com/2015/10/22/9601912/what-would-big-changes-entail-for-the-49ers# http://www.ninersnation.com/2015/10/22/9601912/what-would-big-changes-entail-for-the-49ers#
also remember that drop by Bush on the first fucking drive way to set the tone for the game
Adusoron of course when you bring in yes men cant really blame them and everyone knows it
JohnnyP31 Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC think MFA gives him a good run for his money
Hello 94063 JohnnyP31 Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC I mean trying to argue that his team had a worse o-line back in the day than our current one? Weird right?
Hey Peyton, let me give you a few pointers to get your game on point
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Kramer916 going to track down York he will never see it coming
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Kramer916 no grandmas 75th birthday party on saturday
alright, goin to bed, gotta throw the old lady the high hard one by 11
Double Down Bullshit. She is asleep and you get the brush off again. Maybe tomorrow.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper have you seen him recently total Alex Smith clone with more INTS
Big Gulps huh? Welp, see ya later.
JohnnyP31 Double Down that saves me time and pressure to perform.
If I am Denver just trade for the orginal Ball Manager and get some nice picks outs of the deal
Hello 94063 they could always bring back Tebow
Just tweeted that pic to York. I’m sure his hot asian chick who checks his twitter will let him know.
damn good thing i benched Wilson one of the worse D’s in the league guy barely got 8.58
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper http://media.fyre.co/DkxgDsZJTo6FNadYyVdf_CQ-KYj0WsAAcWA3.jpg
Night ladies, here’s a little pussy to keep you busy while I get my beauty rest
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper I like mine at least trimmed if not shaved.
4 game winning streak..
6 out of the last 7..
RW and PC own the Niners…
DGdub To bad they have to play other teams. It’s looking like an 8-8 season at best.
DGdub I have had the same name for months, you jackass.
Down to the final 3 in a $50 suicide pool… I can smell the money and I can smell dissapoitnment simultaneously
sc0tti (Chicken ) see you would know this for FF and where scrambling for WR’s
TheAviator4102 What did you contribute? Do the bettors not pay in?
I really want to see a legit interview
“so you guys fired a coach that had you guys as playoff contenders for a DL coach and thought it was going to work ???”
TheAviator4102 Ok. You said $50 pool, I thought that was the winnings. You are playing for almost 6k. That makes more sense.
Hello 94063 A DL coach with the personality of a chili dog vendor.
Tomsula, “that game today is not what we want, we didn’t play well”…
Understatement of the year!
TheAviator4102 I think we have maybe 3 wins with Brady at QB. We just aren’t good.
I like this line from that nbcsports article: “The fans presumably are now ready to hold York accountable. The
lingering question is how does a fan base hold an owner accountable
while still displaying loyalty to and support for the franchise he owns?”
—–Ask Lions fans, Redskins fans, Browns fans…….you can’t do it. 49ers fans are totally fucked until either York pulls his head out of his ass or loses control of the team. Shit owner trumps all.
Our gameplan to come out throwing early amd often was retarded….. Hyde was getting 5yds a pop pretty easily
Double Down TheAviator4102 and my Cowboys right up until recently when near 20 years of bullshit finally got Jerry to cede some control to smarter and more balanced people…..and he only ceded SOME of the control, nowhere near all of it.
Jerry still has plenty of rope to hang himself. Stephen better get him declared incompetent soon or it could be another 10 years before they get that ship right.
Kaep didn’t play great today… But didn’t play awful… Its a team game and the QB isn’t solely responsible for the outcome….. The Broncos at 6-0 despite Peyton being the 33rd ranked QB is proof of this
49er fan based unhinged
In 2015, the 49ers suffered back to back 40 point losses for the first time in a decade during the first quarter of the season. Jed is being criticized throughout local and national media regarding his poor management and running of the San Francisco 49ers. This has led to fans and even local media requesting that Jed be removed from his position by his parents and for them to hire someone with the knowledge and experience to run the once proud franchise. San Francisco Examiner columnist Jay Mariotti had the following to say about Jed and his poor handling of the 49ers as its CEO: “Unless the objective is to run this franchise into the ground – er, into the shredding sod – Jed York should not be CEO of the 49ers. As hastily as Mom and Dad appointed him to run the family football shop, they should remove him with the same urgency and locate a crisis manager who’ll apply a tourniquet to this profusely bleeding debacle. It should be obvious by now that everything Jed touches turns not to metallic gold, but to an unspeakable substance.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jed_York#cite_note-14
Double Down LOL. There is always the fear that with a bad year (as in, this year continues the way it’s went so far), Jerry will lose faith in the Stephen / McClay / Garrett trust and decide to go rogue again.
WhiteRhinoPower I don’t even disagree with what is said…
But really, Wikipedia?
the thing is…he’s making bank from the stadium. Levi’s hosts a lot of major concerts and events….also hosting SB, the pac12 championships, etc…
He’s having his best financial year
If York had gone to grad school like it was planned, he would known the basics of hiring people smh
WhiteRhinoPower JohnnyP31 Just funny. It will be taken down soon.
Jesus, Gregg Rosenthal on NFL.Com wrote a Tim Kawakami worthy article about the Seahawks v Niners game tonight..
The solution for the 49ers franchise…..check those plane flights from Cleveland….
Tribevel Your best bet would be to dig out the DVD’s from the Montana and Young years and watch them on Sundays for the next decade.
It will save you a lot of pain over the next 10 or so years.
Hitler may have been on to something…. They are evil people
DGdub Lol. Wilson played well, except for those 2 picks. Like he has all season.
Jewish people are fine, its just the zionists that give them the bad rep. Their terrorist state in Israel
Same with ISIS for Muslims, and the UN for Christians
If I were Jed I would just be a puppet for his genius uncle Eddie D
I bet the season ticket holders love Jed York
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Do it. (Ben Stiller voice from that movie)
But the way things have transpired tjere is no way he is listening to him
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper I bet they’re still stuck in traffic
They only had to pay 30,000 for the PSL’S… whats the big deal
I didn’t mind Wilson’s picks.. He was aggressive with the ball, and Bevell was aggressive with the play calling.. That’s what I’ve been asking for… Take the good with the bad..
TheAviator4102 Does Eddie even have a good relationship with John and Denise? It seems like the Yorks just plain don’t like Denise’s brother.
at least he’s showing effort in moving the ball. Bravo ..splendid performance by Wilson
DGdub If you didn’t have a very good defense or weren’t playing utter trash for an opponent, you would probably mind those picks a lot more, cause they would have come in a loss.
So the A’S and 49ers are both rebuilding. Sonny Gray is going to get traded. I just know it. ):
DGdub Except those that boo’d at the home loss and the post that have been shared here.
Kaep is playing so bad I’m afraid to grow any facial hair. Might even go bald.
JohnnyP31 DGdub Well it’s not like the Hawks are going to be in the playoffs so what’s a couple Int’s here and there?
I’m going to go out on a limb and say it will only take the refs to help the Hawks to 2 or 3 more wins and they will be in the playoffs this season.
Snake, I hate the A’S owners. Still find way to root for team. I can do same,with 49ers.
you can probably get natural growth, you’re still young
Double Down I won’t say the refs had anything to do with that loss, we just sucked. But that was a bogus facemask penalty, and not calling Lockette for hitting the returner after a fair catch was crazy.
sc0tti (Chicken ) Still, hard to support the team without inadvertently supporting the ownership. Any merch you buy, game tickets, hell even a direct TV nfl package puts money in the motherfucker’s wallet.
Tribevel They were doing great with the Kings back in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, what the hell happened?
Good point. That’s kinda ironic. Because those cheap bastards don’t spend money on team.
purposely tried to tank to move probably..they wanted new arena
sc0tti (Chicken ) I had it easy the last 20 years with Jerrah. Yeah he’s a crazy bastard who fucked the franchise up, but the dude desperately wants to win so you at least have a feeling that he makes himself suffer as much as he makes the fans suffer.
Oh also I’m never going to a,49ers game. Was thinking opening night but ticket were $225. Only time I’ll enter Levi’s is possibility Pac 1w championship. Probably not. So probably never go to stadium. Also I own no 49ers merchandise except old Gore jersey that I didn’t even buy.
Nav, you know there are hair growth shampoos you can get? If its genetics, you’re screwed but wouldnt hurt to try.
Tribevel LOL. Arco is cool for concerts but I understand their desire to get a new arena, just really….really fucked up timing.
The fact NFL.com sells a Jarryd Hayne for the same price as Navorro Bowman is so stupid.
It should be priced by talent level …well for this one its close enough, but for other players
22SnakePlissken5150 Tribevel yee, I did my high school graduation there!
If you are balding, shave your head. IT will eventually look right, and if you are fat it should make you want to lose weight. Balding is natures way of making you want to be better.
Says the guy with a full head of hair and no receding hairline.
Don’t worry guys, whenever you feel bad about the current ownership, read up on the Redskins and just what an absolute piece of disease infested medical waste Daniel Snyder is. Read up on how he went out and basically bought or bribed almost all local media to squash any local criticism of his fucked up regime, how his franchise basically rips fans off in ways the rest of the league has never thought possible, how his organization handles the REAL American Indians who complain about the Redskin name, etc. etc.
I’ve been doing that since the early 2000’s when Jerrah gets me down and it works like a charm.
sc0tti (Chicken ) They were going great, but my doctor put them on hold for a bit. I have to get surgery on my ankle to fill some holes in the bone (from the blast). I’m limited to the elyptical, and shouldn’t even be doing that, until after the surgery in december.
Tribevel A shampoo that can reduce hair follicle’s sensitivity to testosterone would be great for the genetically disinclined.
But yeah Snake I possibly spend too much money on A’S. It’s only like $300 a year but that’s $300 to much. I type this wearing an A’s shirt. I can’t help it I love O.Co though it’s a dump get to 5 games a year and want to go more. Weird feeling. Anyways fuckin Sonny Gray is going to be gone. Red Sox and Cubs probably going after young star starter. Other than Chris Sale who’s not even available probably that leaves Gray. Second part is me talking to myself.
22SnakePlissken5150 The Native thing really doesn’t bother me. My granddad was full blooded Navajo and he had no issue with it. He was a Cowboys fan, so that is weird, but he lived in Arkansas so what were his options.
sc0tti (Chicken ) It can’t get worse. Or at least that is what the doctor says.
Game six tomorrow night. Does David Price figure out how,to pitch in playoffs. I like to say playoffs are crapp shoot. Which they are but damn David. Whatever good night.
Hearing Dez might be coming back next week when is Romo expected back ???
Morning fans…good game for the Hawks, tough game for the 9ers. Jed York has fucked over a great franchise.
http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/10/23/free-beer-awaits-those-who-go-see-the-chiefs-in-london/. “What we came up with was, let’s figure out a way to http://espn.go.com/blog/kansas-city-chiefs/post/_/id/14245/going-to-london-the-chiefs-might-buy-you-a-pint,” Donovan said, via ESPN.com.
…there you have it….bribing fans to go watch the game. Let’s put a game in Benghazi too!
Ron, good thing I don’t drink much. If I did I probably be completely hung over right now having to go to work. Last night was not good for my Cal or 49ers.
Idon’t know what the 9er fans can do, but they ought to figure out a way to run that silver-spoon kid outta town. Can’t Eddie do something?….hire some goons to take him out or something?
Nope. We had this conversation last night. We are stuck rooting for team whose owners I hate. I also hate A’s owners but still strange. I can’t give any my money to this team.
2nd place in the division feels pretty good after the start we had.. Now, we need to get back to .500..
Once again the value of Bobby Wagner was proven – he is key to stopping the run.
Ron LaCroix
It’s a damn shame. Fans should boycott one game.
Ron- The team boycotted last nights game.. So there’s that…
yea the bandwagoners….they need a total boycott no one entering, with a big crowd outside the stadium with signs calling for York’s resignation as President/CEO, or whatever his title is, and the appointment of a real football guy for his position. Put the fucker on a plane and send him back to Cincinnati or wherever.
gotta go. big changes are expected for SF according to Tomsula. LOL 10 days lets see what these changes are.
I’m not sure which was worse. Colin in the 1st half or the OL the whole game. Good God
Colin had some amazingly bad passes, but you gotta give that award to the OL..
DGdub The DL didn’t even need to do moves. they just ran forward.
That leg whip 15 yard penalty called on Sweezy that killed our drive was obnoxious. If a ref doesn’t see something clearly he oughta keep his flag in his pocket! The 9er player wasn’t even touched by Sweezy’s legs.
Well… thats all folks
Im sure the niners will be looking for a new coach… the big question will be … if they one a big name for it (Chucky, Cowher, etc) they will be asked to concede some power to the new coach reading player decisions…. are they gonna be able to do that? DONT THINK SO
If they don’t… well… we will be on a 10 year slump like the last time… or maybe the Yorks will finally sell the team to Eddy… I don’t know.. but something has to happen.
Its not possible to come from a Super Bowl birth 3 years ago…. to be the cellar in the NFCW… there is no fucking good explanation for that
Man I scrolled down a ways. What game did Adu watch? You’d think it ended 20-17
WTF is wrong with SF’s staff? You got no better WR’s than to trot Boldin out there with a bad hammy. He was jogging at best getting owned by a LB
Brew_City I thought their offensive gameplan was dog shit, soft and gooey.
Ever heard of a slant flats combo with two slot WR’s or TE god damn
and about the game… I just watched the first half… It was enough for me… you are facing the hawks and you send only 2 or three WR looking for deep ball? like… really? …. This OC sucks.. not like the last one, but still sucks.
The D at least has a excuse… the half of the players on D are rookies or second year players
Cool. I stopped at halftime as well. Game was over when it was 10-0.
I think we can all agree that the niners are only one player away from being a SB team right?
The only bright spot: Kenneth Acker will be a great CB…. remember he is virtually a rookie since he spent last season in IR
ReWalterWhite I had a feeling it was over too, but I just can’t stop watching until it is basically mathematically impossibru!
Sad thing is that the Hawks aren’t a good team and they kicked our asses.
At least in the past they were good and losing to them wasn’t a disgrace.
But they are so bad and we’re apparently worse.
KaeperGOAT well close relatively speaking no way you were scoring a TD
Schlereth said our offensive line gave the worst performance he’s seen in 15 years of sports broadcasting.
I feel bad for that poor bastard Colin OWNT with that errant pass 12 yards outta bounds
I agree on something….. the Hawks were bad… RW sucked big time and was giving us chances… and we still got kicked in the ass??
Jesus…. that’s how bad we are and its sad to watch
The Seahawks suck. Who they play next week. Oh the Cowboys without Romo. Great they will be 4-4 and there will be talk of the Seahawks are back.
I know this.. The Rams will beat the Hawks again and the Cards will sweep them…. there is no way they get to the playoffs
I can say this also…. we are getting a top ten pick next year… book on it
ReWalterWhite We need front 7 help. I like the secondary but we need help at ILB and OLB.
At least we get to watch goid NFL on Sunday. Hopefully I get Jets vs,Pats game
Keep looked bad… he was under fire the whole game with that O line
But the worst part is… he was’t the worse on this cluster fuck…. The D was AWFUL.. The Oline was AWFUL
It will take a couple of years to get a good Oline and a good front 7… so I guess it will all depend on the draft for the next two years
ReWalterWhite There are some quality players who recently tore their ACL’s i’m sure baalke has his eye on
Johhny , wants to build O line through free agency. They have money to do it. Thoughts?
Brew_City ReWalterWhite That philosophy worked with acker… he has been good…. got 3 Ints already
HH will probably be looking for me today but I will be in and out. If you see him get my name will you?
My time here is still limited, but….last night was like sex with an unconscious woman. Yes, it counts as scoring, but…come on…seriously…
One thing boggled my mind was the no call when the SEA player ran into our PR after waving for a fair catch. Why was there no call?
Sloppybeast because after their TD in the 1st quarter the game was OVER
Sloppybeast Maybe the refs said… “Who cares?.. this guys are not even trying”
I feel sorry for Tomsula… but he looks like Singletary… has the same stare… clueless
I’m angry…. but didn’t we sort of expect this? If you didn’t…. you probably should have. My anger isn’t directed at the team or the staff, simply at York and Baalke.
There are times when the game plan looks pretty good. Then the following week they completely fuck it up.
Maynard_DL Agreed…. and it was expected… but I expected at least competition.. there wasnt any last night
After the game, Matt Maiocco said something big might happen to shake things up. I did not see it, but it sounds like he did not go into any specifics. We’ve got some video down below, but it cuts off before the full answer. It sounds like Maiocco is not sure of specifics, but he does have quality connections within the organization. He said something about higher ups being displeased, and it would seem to suggest someone told him changes could be in the offing.
SacSig Moving back to Ohio? I want him run over by a truck
SacSig Dismemberment was the word that came to mind but that works too
ReWalterWhite Maynard_DL Offensive line would be a huge difference. We also need changes along the DL too.
We have to replace Devey and Pears on the right side.
Our DL needs to incorporate Armstead as a starter.
Vernon shouldn’t be playing anymore…he’s washed up.
I couldn’t help but chuckle when I saw VD make that catch wide open down the middle and immediately turn and run toward the sideline.
Maynard_DL He’s so afraid of being hurt he will actually run away from the thought of contact.
I wonder just how much York influences the team. If he doesn’t and it is Baalke’s show, then Baalke needs to go. The Niners went from arguably one of the best coaching staffs in the league (even with Roman) to one of the worst, patched together troupes of clowns on the planet.
Sloppybeast KaeperGOAT Tiller and Brown should be starting there.
A lot of Kaeps over throws were on purpose IMO. He saw the pocket collapsing and just chucked it in the direction of a WR and out of bounds.
Sloppybeast A lot of our route concepts are still one side of the field only. That is so easy to defend
I don’t actually put this game on Kaep. He was not protected in any sense of the word. How can you operate if you are literally dodging tacklers as soon as you set your feet?
The short underneath passes were working, so we decided to tell Kaep to stay in the pocket and hope the long, drawn out downfield routes would develop against one of the best defenses in the league. That was fucking retarded
It looked like keap just wanted the.game to end, the guy was.getting murdered.
I’d choose to drink beer with Tomsula over Harbaugh any day of the week. But I want a Harbaugh to coach my team
leatherneckram I don’t blame him. This coaching staff has fucked him with their offensive line philosophy.
SacSig I dunno, Tomsula seems like he gets gassy and all that beer….
Correct me if i am wrong but it looked like so much crap is in keaps head, he over are under threw, he dosent want that int.
Tribe the real reason the Keap sucked last night was because of that drone that attacked him after he took out the CIA spy on the sidelines with a SCUD missile.
https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=NinersNation @NinersNation One thing I do like from this loss is Seahawks fans thinking their team figured something out, when in reality they just beat a shitty teamhttps://twitter.com/NinersNation/status/657558419084308480
We got 5 sacks on wilson… but Kaep got sacked 6 times…. when we thought the Hawks had the worse OL in the league… Niners OL responded…. “Hey… don’t forget about us!” last night
I actually felt bad for him, NO time to throw.he got used to an all pro line when he came in
Adu just tweeted that his work is transferring him to Peru where he will have no internet access until the 9ers win another game
sc0tti (Chicken ) seattle has effectively ended the niners season now in three straight years
Nav you’re lucky – at least the Warriors can close the deal for you
As a long time football watcher, thats what i didnt like about keap, kissing his arm the look at me thing, buddy those guys gave.you the time to throw.those good passes.
OL has always been below average in terms of pass protection
1. This 49ers season was over before it started. 2. Raiders lost ended 49ers season last year
SacSig hawaiianhonky i thought i read somewhere “big changes” were coming?
SacSig hawaiianhonky no way they fire tomsula…..maybe the OC?
Yeah I stick to it. Raiders lost ended 49ers season last year. All chances at wildcard left with that loss. Tribe, Sac you agree?
I think you draft a prospect and oline, keep keap at least another year.
yeah, felt like the team quit that game.
It was the first game after York’s famous tweet
I honestly can’t believe RW only had a bit over 200 yards passing. If I were a Hawks fan this would concern me. Every QB this season has gotten his highest totals against our defense
sc0tti (Chicken ) it was after the hawks loss that all hope was lost
SacSig Lynch was running at will, no need to force passes (even though he did once)
You Out of the Gene Pool I’m not deflecting – I no longer have a horse in this race
Look at you guys deflecting…Dr Crane would destroy you right now. B
KaeperGOAT hawaiianhonky SacSig the one in the end zone wasn’t “forced” though
York has turned the Niners into a pathetic caricature of a prissy, bitchy sorority house
KaeperGOAT hawaiianhonky SacSig one was into double coverage, the other was to a WR that was open…then wasn’t
Admittance without pointing outward is true, yours is disingenuous
Tribe, here is your new avatar
I didn’t see Kaep throw at Sherman once…then again more of his passes went out of bounds than stayed in bounds
I mean, that is what made the loss so fucking depressing.
We didn’t get crushed by a good team.
We lost to a scrub team that only won 1 game without referee help before us.
KaeperGOAT and yet you still can’t stop talking about them…..
Seattle will avoid the basement this year, no way the 49ers win more than another 2-3 games. They will also beat Dallas next week but get dick smacked by AZ after the bye in a reality check game for them.
SacSig ReTodd more punts than first downs….140 yards of offense….i guess it could have been worse
What sup Tigre I got twice the depression last night. Both teams I root for got killed. No worries THE CHAMPS are BACK
SacSig ReTodd How many punts? How many yards? You guys got dominated
Congrats Seattle people. Part of the enjoyment of this whole SKA thing is talking smack when your team wins.
KaeperGOAT hawaiianhonky ummmm because it was 12 hours ago?
last night was the perfect set up for a 56-0 thrashing. I was actually hoping for it after the 1st series when Kaep missed Bush for the 1st down. I wanted an EPIC beatdown, it would have been cathartic. But the fucking Hawks proved they suck too, just not quite as much as the Niners
Proof that the Hawks are shitty can be seen on their offense. Just 20 points with the TOP their offense had is sad.
They gave up 5 sacks to a Niners defensive front that had 0 sacks the past two weeks.
Wilson’s interceptions were awful….how does a QB going into his 3rd year still be limited by throws even a college player can make ?
hawaiianhonky KaeperGOAT Let em cry, they are this close to a mass suicide.
Tribevel your team punted more times than it had first downs, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
KaeperGOAT You literally have nothing to say here. Your team got abused, and yet you are trying to say the Hawks suck? IDIOT
lol I like how they’re trying to convince us Hawks are good
LOL our team was murdered weeks ago.
The funny part is that Hawk homers think they finished the job.
hawaiianhonky Hawaiianismybabydaddy lol, what was I thinking?
KaeperGOAT LOL, your team blows. Nothing changes that…B L O W S
The 49ers suck. So do the Hawks. Thats,all we are saying. Not our fault you guys,are blind homers. But whatever ARIZONA FALL LEAGUE. GO NUNEZ.
Hawaiianismybabydaddy you can take it down wed as i’ll be in arkansas
hawaiianhonky Hawaiianismybabydaddy I thought it was for a year
sc0tti (Chicken ) i don’t get how the hawks suck…..their o line is bad but that’s about it
hawaiianhonky Hawaiianismybabydaddy No, no, no. Did’t we talk about shortening the week because you were leaving earlier?
The defense that collapses two straight weeks? No 4th quarter production. Forgot?
Hawaiianismybabydaddy hawaiianhonky Yes, Wednesday is no where near a full week
What is that 6-1 over the last 7? Yikes and we thought this was a rivalry.
sc0tti (Chicken ) they were up 20-3…..they could have ran up the score i guess but PC showed mercy
Just remember Hawk homers, puff your chests now because you’re a bribed official away from having our same record.
hawaiianhonky Hawaiianismybabydaddy fine, I have no fight left in me anyway
KaeperGOAT but we don’t…….thanks for being our stepping stone back to dominance
I’m not talking yesterday. Don’t base judgment on beating a team that is horrendous.
Adu: “Johnny P do you think if Jerome Simpson woulda been active that woulda opened up the deep field more for Kaep he’s been looking good on those throws”
Seattle is now up to 3rd in YPG allowed and 6th in points, thanks SF
k1joyce #illegalbats Brew_City that was me after ever Niner offensive play
I don’t think kaep was actually trying to hit the WR on several of those overthrows to be honest.
Hawaiianismybabydaddy the fact that there is doubt though should be troubling, he looked AWFUL
RIP Graham
Eric Reid prevents a Jimmy Graham reception with this monstrous hit:
6:46 PM – 22 Oct 2015
ReTodd Hawaiianismybabydaddy with that gameplan and OL play anybody would have looked bad. I don;t blame him.
So SF has been held under 200 yds twice now since not doing since the 60’s
Brew_City It’s all the new rules making it hard for the offense.
I’m getting sick of announcers saying “They’re finally learning how to use Jimmy Graham!” after every catch the bozo has. He had a typical 2 catch performance last night, another great statement by Phil Simms.
So…Hawks only scored 20. Packers only scored 17…umm, am I missing something?
k1joyce #illegalbats he was double teamed most of the night
hawaiianhonky k1joyce #illegalbats So he wasn’t in New Orleans?
k1joyce #illegalbats they have to say something, those clowns never stop saying dumb things
It never was a rivalry Hawks didn’t beat us by enough so they suck -Ras
k1joyce #illegalbats hawaiianhonky not as much, NO actually has WR’s that were drafted
ReTodd It never was a rivalry Ras can never shut the hell up, needs some anger management drugs.
It never was a rivalry k1joyce #illegalbats Not just that but Simms has been off all year. He said two weeks ago that Weeden would stay the Cowboys QB until Romo came back. Another LOL
Graham’s career ended last night on the Eric Reid hit
He was afraid to touch the ball since that
I dont care if he ends up having a career year, Eric Reid ended Graham
k1joyce #illegalbats It never was a rivalry I can’t stand listening to national announcers, they are jackasses
I was pretty worried they wren’t gonna bring marshawn out to get those last 2 yards I woulda been pretty mad
Jerome Simpson’s real claim to fame isbeing a starting WR and going longer than a calendar year without getting a TD. How is that even possible?
KZ Rider – Kaeperpick6 Yes, the 49ers play calling on offense last night was intersting
Brew_City I think I saw Devey leave the game for 1 snap
Brew_City hawaiianhonky touche, i swear i thought he got one though
ReWalterWhite No because their QB went all Cutler a couple times
Brew_City hawaiianhonky Avril’s jersey was hard to tell if it was 56 or 55
Bright spot: I finally found out who Frank Clark is
The niners O was so bad… he got a tackle for a loss and got a mention
Who is the dude interviewing Avril in this clip?
hawaiianhonky He jumped ship as soon as he realized the game was over
how did bruce miller not get flagged on that first punt when he pacman’d chris matthews?
How did SEA not get flagged for running into our PR after he waved for a fair catch? CBS sucks at showing replays so I never got to see if someone pushed him or not.
Boss is making me work 70+ hour weeks, better beat the traffic….*yawns
Hawaiianismybabydaddy IDK but that Lockette guy isn’t very smart is he
Hawaiianismybabydaddy yea that was confusing to me too, i think he got pushed maybe?
Then the niners get flagged for something away from the play. I was like “welp, getting pretty late.Might should go to sleep right about now.”
Hawaiianismybabydaddy yea, that dude went ape shit on the ref
After the WS, the dodger payroll goes down to around 150 million, just like that.
hawaiianhonky Hawaiianismybabydaddy Patton. CBS never showed what happened either. Their coverage is shit.
I was pissed all night at CBS for their coverage. No replays and as many commercials as possible. Weak sauce.
Hawaiianismybabydaddy hawaiianhonky they did show that, he was an inch from the refs face screaming for like 10 seconds
ReTodd He caught even with the ball getting slightly tipped, good catch.
hawaiianhonky Hawaiianismybabydaddy soooooooooooooooooo many shots
Hawaiianismybabydaddy ReTodd he’s fast, he slowed up a lot at the end of that one too
So, did MFA leave? I still see his avatar in the listening section
I thought this place was going to die if Seattle lost, must have read it backwards…
ReTodd You guys made sure the 49ers are permalocked in the basement for some time if nothing else
Why do I have a feeling our government wasted money on this study..
DGdub Regardless, it explains why Ras runs his mouth so much and so loudly.
Just wait til we get you in Seattle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Note the exclamation marks for dramatic effect*
Adu was on for a little while last night… But he didn’t bring gifs with him.. I was disappointed…
He did pull out a 6pt plan to fix the Niners though… It was cute…
We’re good again!! My Jets were killing it so I had to leave. Sorry fam
When your team looks that bad, it’s tough to know where to start… A new HC is always a good first step..
Really, all the trash about how the 49ers were going to kill the Hawks, how it would be a bloodbath in here, making fun of Griz and *POOF a mass disappearnce…was there a massive internet outage at the free clinics in the Bay Area?
ReTodd I already told you why, if you continue to ignore sound reason I will have no choice but think you might be trolling.
He had 3 or 4 bad throws.. His receivers were not open most of the night.. And, his o-line was obviously horrendous.. Lots to fix…
Hawaiianismybabydaddy ReTodd I’m sorry. I didn’t see your reason as to why. Would you be so kind as to repost it?
ReTodd Hawaiianismybabydaddy Gameplan was shit, OL couldn’t give him time, WR’s were blanketed. I don;t think anyoe would have been able to do much with what he had to work with. Several of his “bad” throws were on purpose IMO, he was just getting rid of the ball.
This is the problem with a confident 49er fanbase in a division game..
They all lose name bets, and I have no idea who’s who anymore..
ReTodd sorry, I haven’t been washing my hands and you must have caught my stomach bug.
Hawaiianismybabydaddy ReTodd That explains the bumps on my dick, but not the cold
On the first series, the throw to Bush was off target, there was a slant to Boldin that was 4ft over his head for some reason (he was open).. Then there were one or two throws into the dirt on hitch/curl routes..
But, there were also some obvious throw-aways because no one was open too..
ReTodd Hawaiianismybabydaddy Don’t look at it as a bad thing, you can twist this around to be good. Look at it this way, now you have a built in french-tickler.
Sloppy, it’s like they didn’t have a game plan at all. Tomsula, from what I see, is not the future
https://twitter.com/KevinShockey https://twitter.com/KevinShockey/status/657425719182553088https://twitter.com/KevinShockey/status/657425719182553088
Defense played great (as I watch a replay of the game) but holy COW is Kaepernick a steaming pile of crap. He is TERRIBLE
ReTodd Probably right. It felt like the play calling was similar to me when I play tecmo bowl. Just no real plan, going from play to play on a whim.
Well I guess a thank you is in order to Sloppy for the new French tickler
No jokes about my niners! If we would of won i would of had nothing but respect for the hawks!!!
Some clown just called 710 and said all the hawks’ success over the last 3 years is luck.
I will go with Adu’s plan… will disappear until the niners get a win
Congratulations Hawks fans, your team beat the shitty Niners
This preseason has been up & down, I’m looking forward for the regular season to start
Nav, hate to.tell you buddy, after grienke ops out, the dodgers go to 150 million salary because all dead money goes off from other players.
I see it’s a Hawks circle jerk in here. Season end is delayed a week or two.
I’m ready for the NBA – but I am sure by Thanksgiving I will be pissed off with the Kings too
I like how Sherman followed the #1 receiver and held him t 0 catches
BKOB – OWNT ’em again CK was the best CB on the niners last night
I’m putting together an outline agreement to trade the Yorks for Shahid Khan. If nothing else, we’ll leapfrog the Rams for best stache in the division.
I don’t think a single Niner fan is butthurt about last night, we all knew we were going to lose, the question was how badly the Niners would be beat
Tribevel Success – the thing that others hate when you have it
KZ Rider – Kaeperpick6 Fuk Stick i want to see what you make up. don’t disappoint me.
SF has zero offensive weapons lol.
Torrey is a one trick pony, Boldin is slower than MFA
Niners about to lock up a top 5 pick, while Hawks finish 7-9 and get stuck with the 18th pick
Hey, badmouthing is our job! Now you sit there and pretend to be butthurt about it!
All I learned last night is that the Niners are a dreadful team and the Hawks are slightly less dreadful
Boldin was being covered by a Line Backer. And the LB was on his hip like a tick
Fuk Stick Good for you, what I learned today is that you are a pussy.
Frank Clark: 2 amazing solo tackles, 1 for an epic loss
Tooo Short Fuk Stick I am what I eat. I guess that makes you a dick.
BKOB – OWNT ’em again Clark still has a long way to go, but he is improving
Fuk Stick Tooo Short LOL, you haven’t seen a pussy since you saw your mom’s
Fuk Stick Tooo Short You in Jr High? Last time I heard that comback
bry_paz Fuk Stick yes. slightly. Wilson looks like poo. The D held a horrible offense to 3 points. congrats. It’s like beating the Lions.
If you’re going to come and talk shit, don’t hide behind a new login. It only magnifies what a pussy you are.
Fuk Stick Tooo Short Months? We haven’t had anyone new in 3 years
Fuk Stick Lol. it was a massacre. And on the road. You can say what you want about SEA, but where ever they are, SF is 100000 miles behind
Tooo Short Fuk Stick You just changed your login from yesterday you fuk stick.
I try not to ask for much, but if all of you would take a moment to compliment Tribe on his new avatar, I would greatly appreciate it.
Frank Drebbin has a better chance at the Pro Bowl than Frank Clark
Fuk Stick Tooo Short LMAO, you can see the account and everyone knows who it is. Names get changed all the time,
Beating us last night is like beating the Lions. But without a gift from the refs.
ReTodd The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 Im not, and don’t cal me Surely
Tooo Short Fuk Stick You got me good. Such a clever and witty idiot you are.
Too Short doesn’t feel the need to post porn gifs after the game now that his team has finally won.
that was the first game Marshawn showed up all season. somebody on Santa Clara musta pissed him off. or maybe his momma told him all her friends watch CBS
Tooo Short bry_paz Fuk Stick For all of the stupid Hawks fans, you are by far the biggest fucktard. Hell, it was voted on while you were gone and you came in a tie with HH.
So the official 9er comeback after that debacle is…. Well, we will get a better draft pick than you. Lol
Fuk Stick Tooo Short bry_paz LMAO!!!! You are such a pussy…your life must be miserable.
My coworker just put a jack-o-lantern on her desk. It’s a Donald Trumpkin.
He was back home. While his alumni wad getting beat down in Southern California
Tooo Short Fuk Stick bry_paz Come up with a new line. It shows a lack of intelligence and creativity.
Tooo Short Fuk Stick bry_paz His comeback tool is using variations of fuk_____. It is comical
Tooo Short Fuk Stick Yep. He had to login to his moderator account
Fuk Stick Tooo Short Bring him on, we’ll talk about hit with him then.
bry_paz Tooo Short Fuk Stick Weak sauce, hide behind a different account, too afraid to use his own.
the 3 teams seattle beat have 5 wins total. and those 5 wins all came against teams with 2 or fewer wins, except the 9ers win over Minny
Niner fans have FINALLY been grounded, not sit there in last place and let the real franchises play football
The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 And the 4 they lost to are like 22-3
bry_paz The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 rofl
The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 the sad thing is they lost to the worst team they’ve played, the Lambs
* puts ECW matches,on laptop. Gets,tempted to jump out window,and hit a Swanton bomb or whatever New Jack did
bry_paz the hawks lost to every team they played with a pulse
bry_paz embarrassed in the 4th quarter, every time
The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 The Rams lost to a team without a pulse.
bry_paz The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 you keep referring to a team that beat a team your team lost to. how about we discuss how the Rams beat that ass?
KZ Rider – Kaeperpick6 he’s gotta be the most hated man in california doesn’t he?
The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 Lol. I refer to a team that hasn’t finished a season with a winning record in a decade.
I’ve never seen so much chest beating after a win by fans of a sub .500 team.
Fuk Stick chest beating? we beat an awful team, we all know this
Fuk Stick There is no chest beating. There is just making fun of the 9ers. The hawks may not be great, but they are 10000M X better than the 9ers at least
You can laugh at Jed York, but he has been deemed “the future of the NFL” by Jerry Jon… Never mind
Fuk Stick it’s the fact this awful team has the worst fans in all of sports
bry_paz Fuk Stick or 1 game better. ARE YOU REALL THIS FUCKING STUPID?????
bry_paz The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 now its to the past. like 38 years of hawks futility
remember this one fuk stick?
I think we should start the excuse lists now for the Hawks losing tonight.
1) We can’t close out 4th quarter because Wilson sucks
Fuk Stick Lol. You got destroyed at home. It wasn’t even competitive.
Fuk Stick bry_paz he is. bry is a dummy
or this one?
Niners got this. Easily.
15 hours, 54 minutes ago on https://spikedkoolaid.com/tailgate-special-edition-tnf/
The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 Lol. You realize you currently are behind the hawks in the standings right?
bry_paz Fuk Stick you got humiliated at home last week. where it’s impossible to win supposedly
I think even Andrew Luck could do a better job than Kaepetnick. I mean it
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) That’s a hell of a bar tab at the bowling alley
bry_paz The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 enjoy it for 2 days, loser
Fuk Stick Humiliated? Losing at the last second is not humiliated. We did give up a lead though. And it was depressing
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) I made that much on FanDuel this morning
Fuk Stik…LMAO!!!!! We’re living rent-free in your sorry excuse for a head…
bry_paz The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 Not sure how a team with 1 less loss than the Niners can be 1000x better.
I really like this one fuk stick:
Kaepernick is going to destroy Cary Williams. Probably Sherman too.
2 days ago on https://spikedkoolaid.com/the-real-bkob-report-week-6/
hawaiianhonky That was one of the best articles I have ever read btw
now does the “chest beating” make sense fuk boy…i mean stick
The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 When a streak continues to this day, it is the present
There is not much backup for Fukky. I respect him fighting the losing battle.
Mark Schlereth tells SportsCenter that the 49ers’ offensive line performance Thursday was the “worst” he’s seen in 15 years of broadcasting.
Has anybody ever been the owned the way Sherman owns Kaepernick? It’s just sad.
Leib It feels like he can make this comment about a different team every week.
Tooo Short hahahahahahahahahahahaha, what a fucking sissy ass bitch
Fuk Stick Tooo Short yes you did, man up….i think you need to gym more
I looked at his profile, it was at 2110 posts, now 2106…this is getting sad.
Remember this one Todd:
“http://www.livefyre.com/profile/16711761/16 hours ago
Jimmy Graham is going to score 7 TD’s for a total of 74 points”
0 TDs for Jimmy HAHAHAHAHa
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC i told you not mess around with glory holes
At least MFA never deleted his comments, i’ll give him credit for that
hawaiianhonky Yeah, I was shocked. This is the worst I’ve seen in this place.
The oregon rb drafted was the next sanders, is my favorite
Leib, it isn’t my fault that the Niners cheated the whole game and my Jimmy Graham truth statement didn’t come to fruition
hawaiianhonky Fuk Stick Tooo Short Didn’t delete a thing. Tell me what I supposedly deleted
Fuk Stick hawaiianhonky Tooo Short your comments dropped by about a 50 or so….shameful tactics sissy
Tooo Short hawaiianhonky Tell me what I deleted? You can’t. Because I didn’t.
Fuk Stick Tooo Short hawaiianhonky i was still digging and then POOF
hawaiianhonky Fuk Stick Tooo Short No they didn’t. WTF are you even talking about?
ReTodd Graham didn’t like getting lit up over the middle by Reid. He was kinda like, I’m done with this game
hawaiianhonky Fuk Stick Tooo Short I didn’t delete shit. Every comment is still there in my history
Fuk Stick Tooo Short hawaiianhonky When you delete, we can’t see.. duh.
bry_paz lmao. hope in one hand and jerk off with the other bry
Wait Todd, didn’t you give me fantasy advice just yesterday? *Rushes to adjust lineup*
Fuk Stick should have his blog man card revoked, all in favor say “I”……I
Tooo Short is such a pussy ass bitch deleting comments. What a fag!
(see? I can make up shit too)
KZ Rider – Kaeperpick6 Let’s throw at double covered kearse. Lol. Russ needs to get his head out of his ass
The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 You have strange fantasies. Please keep me out of them
Tooo Short Fuk Stick hawaiianhonky tell me what the comment was.
BKOB – OWNT ’em again and you only have 1 more win than the Bears
Tooo Short Fuk Stick your desperation of making up bullshit is what is hilarious.
KZ Rider – Kaeperpick6 I don’t know what is up with him, but he is trying to lose his job
Fuk Stick Tooo Short hawaiianhonky how am i supposed to remember 2k comments? it was like 2200 then dropped to 2114
49er fans need to patient.. rebuilding takes time.. Tomsula is learning on the job
Tooo Short Fuk Stick if you supposedly saw a comment deleted, you would think you could tell me the context of the comment or what it said. but you can’t. Cause you just made up a bunch of bullshit cause it’s all you have.
It was nice to see Kaepernick only have 1 delay of game penalty. He is improving.
Fuk Stick Tooo Short your comment total literally dropped by 100
AZKardinal and thats just when he was an Uber driver
Colin Kaepernick is having a rough season. The second of Colin Kaepernick’s back-to-back throws out of bounds hits a staff member in the head.
At least we have TWO home fields now – CLink AND Levi’s
The 9ers were max protecting a ton. And only sending 2 guys out on patterns. And the Hawks were getting home anyway. A QB cannot do much when his 2 WRs are triple covered and he has less than 3 secs to throw.
BKOB – OWNT ’em again Levi is more of a neutral field. like a college bowl game or the little league world series
hawaiianhonky Fuk Stick Tooo Short Not it went from 50 to 100. lol You can’t even keep your lies straight.
here’s sme gold from rhino:
after three quarters the score will be 28-7 Seahawks. After the end of OT the score will be 31-28 49ers
bry_paz its sad when you keep 8 in to block and 6 get through within 3 seconds
We tend to win by 17 points a game when we go there. Including SB50
or this one:
two crappy teams.. take the home team by 3
18 hours, 34 minutes ago on https://spikedkoolaid.com/charlies-week-7-picks/
hawaiianhonky Tooo Short And you can’t even delete comments after a few minutes. so please tell me how i deleted 50 or 100 in the last few minutes when I haven’t even made that many.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) We know that all too well. You guys got 5 sacks on RW too.
hawaiianhonky your point? lost 4 games in the 4th quarter
I’m happy we won but we still didn’t do shit in the 4th quarter on offense.
WhiteRhinoPower hawaiianhonky you predicted 31 for the nienrs……they got 3
Never hire the QB of your division rival to help coach your QB.
Now you understand why Kurt Warner was inducted into the Card’s ring of honor….
At least we sustained some drives. That’s a start.
The one takeaway I have from the game is they should never mic up Earl Thomas again.
WhiteRhinoPower hawaiianhonky Get it right. We the last 7 we have lost have been lost in the 4th qrt
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS That’s not gonna cut it
But the 49ers look terrible.
https://twitter.com/DDMon710 https://twitter.com/DDMon710/status/657590638158835712
Overheard on https://twitter.com/AlaskaAir 327 as attendant retrieved air-sick bags: “But we haven’t taken off.” Attendant: “She’s a https://twitter.com/hashtag/Niners?src=hash fan.” https://twitter.com/hashtag/iFlyAlaska?src=hash
AZKardinal i thought it was to have somebody who played more recently than the 70s
Congrats Seahawks for eeking out the win against a shitty team…
ChrisKeal It makes you wonder who is in charge of picking the clips.
I’m just happy that we can all share in the pain of going from SuperBowl appearance to complete obscurity in a few short years…
AZKardinal eeking by 3 touchdowns.
bry_paz ChrisKeal Well I assume those were the best ones,.. which validates my point.
AZKardinal and they still dominated…imagine when he doesn’t
Who do the Niners want as a coach next year?.. and will Baalke keep his job?
You can’t even delete comments after 5 minutes. Yet somehow HH says I deleted 50…..and then later 100. What an Idiot.
Landry Jones completely eliminated the ‘We played Ryan Lindley’ excuse for Card fans, forever.
Sloppy is going to lead the league with 3 players on IR, that’s rough.
I’m telling ya,.. I’ve said it a thousand times. David Shaw from Stanford.
it was 20 not 17. Yes not 3 touchdowns by 1 point.
No troll…. What the Hell is going on with Kaep ? He looked terrible
ChrisKeal no way. he likes Harbs and has a cushy spot
Defense looked good more than the 49ers looked bad IMO
The Niners should hire Whisenhunt when he gets fired next month.
I literally close the my eyes when the Seahawks hike the ball. ..
Tooo Short Fuk Stick There was nothing to delete in the first place. And you for some reason can’t even tell me what I supposedly deleted. You’re just a sad troll with no imagination or creativity
The Niners might be the worst teaM in the league right now and they sacked Wilson 5 times and picked him off twice. I wouldn’t get too excited.
hawaiianhonky *throws another excuse in the crapper – Fuk Stick
ChrisKeal They are not the worst but okay.
hawaiianhonky So I went through racing and deleting 100 comments. Ok. That would go back to 2 days ago.
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS ChrisKeal Bottom 3 for sure.
yea….we got some work to do on the O side of the ball – that’s for sure.
ChrisKeal they had to survive against detroit and let the bears equal them for 2 quarters. and those games were at home
Fuk Stick hawaiianhonky i don’t know how you did it, only you do
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS ChrisKeal Kind as usual
ChrisKeal This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS No, the Seahawks are a good team.
hawaiianhonky There’s nothing to delete. And for some reason you can’t tell me what I supposedly even deleted or the context of the comment.
Fuk Stick hawaiianhonky ummmm, i was pulling all your predictions….then they were gone…..it’s not rocket science
hawaiianhonky ChrisKeal Yeah. Let’s just blame all INT’s as “punts” lol You should just delete that comment.
Don’t let Keal fool you, he really thought the 9ers would win
Fuk Stick hawaiianhonky ChrisKeal you should show me how you did it
Wilson should take some of the 17m and buy a burial plot and casket
That game was tough to watch. I think the hawks are in the niners head the same way that the pats are in the colts’ head
hawaiianhonky Fuk Stick What predictions did I supposedly make? Everything is still there. Nothing has been deleted.
Really didn’t mind the INT’s.. At least the Hawks were playing aggressive and airing the ball out.. That’s what I want to see, combined with a good ground attack..
The first INT was RW being a second late with Baldwin.. We was open a second before RW released it..
Fuk Stick hawaiianhonky forgive me for not remembering every syllable of every one of your posts
I come in with scant hope and Tomsula somehow manages to piss all over it
http://www.livefyre.com/profile/17173457/16 hours ago
My expectations are modest: I just hope not to be embarrassed
hawaiianhonky Fuk Stick I didn’t make any predictions you fuk stick. Maybe that’s whey they aren’t there? smh
shaunniners lol, only shows up for superbowls and big games
Fuk Stick hawaiianhonky i posted as many as i could get before you deleted them
Kaepernick had a 123 yards passing last night. GOD Seattle’s defense is terrible…..
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Shut the fuck up. This was not a big game.
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) lol
I sense fear in AZ hearts.. Seattle may have found their groove.. AZ has seen this script playout before..
I guess it was a little premature to reserve a spot in the HOF for Carlos Hyde….. 🙁
hawaiianhonky Fuk Stick I deleted nothing. I posted one excuse Hawks fans would use if they lost. Then other people responded with their own
Fuk Stick hawaiianhonky and the “CK will torch Sherman” comment?
I mentioned yesterday, i thought losi g team should woo mfa back, i dont think there were any takers.
Wilson is fucking me dry in my money league.
Im glad I didnt completely quit the team. I feel bad for doubting Carroll
DGdub the ball was in the air for like 30 seconds. Being open before he released it is irrelevant. That was an easy pick
this isn’t Tomsula fault.. for him, its like winning a sweepstakes to coach an NFL team for a year.
hawaiianhonky Fuk Stick Someone posted 2) then I posted 3) and the rest were by other people
Quest For Two give it a couple weeks
Seahawks still wont make the playoffs, don’t fool yourselves!
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS ChrisKeal I was talking about the Niners.
hawaiianhonky Fuk Stick That comment is there you fuk stik. Jesus.
Fuk Stick hawaiianhonky well yea, that would give it away if you deleted one that i posted
Fuk Sticks new strategy….post every possible scenario then delete the ones that don’t pan out
I’m I to believe that Seattle fans think their team has turned a corner and all is again well because they beat that mess in Santa Clara?
hawaiianhonky Fuk Stick It’s still there you idiot.
Kaepernick is going to destroy Cary Williams. Probably Sherman too.
2 days, 1 hour ago on https://spikedkoolaid.com/the-real-bkob-report-week-6/
http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/players/playerpage/1737096/keenan-allen has caught 14 or more passes in multiple games.
cloisterwater I do not. I just said they still didn’t play well enough on offense at the end of the game.
cloisterwater no, but they won and that’s all they can do any given week
For all you fans dismissing the Hawks…you’d better be cautious – we have a good team and don’t underestimate us.
hawaiianhonky If you go through the history, the comment you said is deleted is actually right there. You really are sad and pathetic. Blind too.
AZKardinal Fuck that dude, I drafted him early last year and he was a huge dud.
In honesty, it seems like a weird season. A few decent teams and a whole lot of bad football
Ron, if you had a good team you would have thrown a 40 burger on the Niner’s pathetic defense
Fuk Stick hawaiianhonky i know it’s still there you fuck tard!!!!! you’d be MFA dumb to delete something that I already outed you for posting…you deleted the ones i didn’t have a chance to get to
Ron LaCroix I’m not dismissing you,.. I just think the Seahawks are a very different team from what they were the past 2 years.
Pretty humorous when the comment I supposedly deleted because HH is a bitch ass blind nigga is actually right there in the comment history. lol
Fuk Stick i know it’s still there you fuck tard!!!!! you’d be MFA dumb to delete something that I already outed you for posting…you deleted the ones i didn’t have a chance to get to
We got some work to do with our O, but that’s been the case for a few years and we’ve done okay with that, don’t you think?
hawaiianhonky Fuk Stick that’s the only thing I posted. deal with it. i know how badly you want there to be more but there isn’t.
Hawks are middle of the pack and the 49ers are the bottom of the bag.. Hawks 8-8 or 9-7 at best
hawaiianhonky Fuk Stick there wasn’t anything more to delete you dipshit. or why don’t you tell me what is supposedly missing?
Fuk Stick hawaiianhonky again, how can i possibly remember every one of your comments? your not in my head as much as i’m in yours
but they aren’t. we have some changes on the Oline, but that’s it.
It all starts with the offensive line – and the Niners Center and entire right side might as well just lay down and try to trip opposing pass rushers
I see 10 + wins, We’ll see.
Last night was a battle of who’s line is worse? SF won and lost
DGdub until they lose again, if they lose, i’m still at 12-4
patrick, starting on the 3rd of november ill be selling some weed
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS I see 8-8
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS a stretch.. 9-7 maybe
Anybody who thinks Seattle is done clearly hasnxt looked at the schedule or the standings
WhiteRhinoPower This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Of course.
SacSig KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) krush, everything is going great
SacSig KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) i just got a really good weed hookup
ChrisKeal BKOB – OWNT ’em again your intuitions has failed you
BKOB – OWNT ’em again They’ve delayed it by a week or 2. That’s still a bad team.
SacSig KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) I dont think he can do it for that cheap
BKOB – OWNT ’em again or has looked at them play
SacSig KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) i might be wrong tho
We’ll have a Top 3 defense, #1 running game after this
BKOB – OWNT ’em again no team with an oline that bad can win the SB
sc0tti, what you need to remember is Tribe usually packages his shit up when he is high and forgets what to charge. I am fairly sure I could pay him with monopoly money and he’d be happy
Where do our 4 loses come from this list? Ram, Browns, Ravens, 49ers, Vikings, Cowboys, Steelers, and Cardinals twice?
I see the Steelers, Vikings, and Cardinals as our biggest competition.
Said Marshall Faulk, the Hall of Fame running back and NFL Network commentator: “That was an awful effort. In your own house, to come out and lay an egg. … I don’t even know what to say. There is no analysis for what we saw tonight.—‹
SacSig KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) well i can prolly do 80 bucks fora half
BKOB – OWNT ’em again If you include the QB run for life yards. RB carries have been pretty up and down.
My parents are going to the Vikings game in Minnesota.
SacSig KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) just lemme know whenever u cant get some
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Steelers, Cards x2, Rams again, Vkings,
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS you will lose 2 of those games and 1 to the others are looking past
The Cowboys should trade for Landry Jones before the Seahawks game. That dude is incredible.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) SacSig Fuck the bag – pour it in my hand for a dime
Deion “Primetime” Sanders.The former 49ers cornerback, who said at halftime the 49ers’ management and ownership should “be ashamed” of the team they’re fielding,
Fuk Stick This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Because my mom has family there who have season tickets.
Our D had something to do with the 9ers offensive failures last night, believe it or not.
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Fuk Stick i heard their stadium sucks
The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS I’m not looking past anyone and I just said I think 10-6 so we could be 9-7
Fuk Stick This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS It does.
i like how hawk fans are schedule-jerking all of a sudden when none of them looked at the schedule week 1 and had them 3-4 at this point
Darnell Dockett is laughing all the way to the bank…
Thanks for the $2 mil 49ers!!!! ~Darnell
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) you realize a half oz would keep me going for like 2 or 3 months
Serious question: I had heard you guys saying Cable was gonna make some changes to the offensive line. Was that it last night?
I think the 2nd WC will be 9-7
The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 We crushed the Rams too, Cards and Rams…
ChrisKeal No, Lewis was hurt so Nowak played again and the rotated Bailey and Gilliam at RT. I think Bailey should be starting.
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Good thing seattle will be 8-8
The 9ers had 143 total yards. That’s only twice as many as Bruce Arians’ Cardinals in a home playoff game. Pathetic!
Landry Jones The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 12-6 is crushing?
1/2 oz would last me like a year.
The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 Landry Jones More than you beat the Hawks by
Landry Jones The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 lmao
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS I would think he iss elling that
I still haven’t received my Jed York apology tweet this morning….
Time for me to do something else
This may be stating the obvious but : The window has officially closed on the 49ers.
I think Kaepernick is psychologically damaged at this point. His confidence is gone.
AZKardinal Fortunately we have a tyrant owner, an ass hole GM, a porn star Head coach, fluffer coordinators and a sponge bob character quarterback to bring us out of the depths of despair
If i buy an xbox one does the online come with it for free?
ChrisKeal Totally agree, he has no confidence in his line or himself, staff has no confidence in him
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) yup, you also get free tampons and pantyhose
59.99 per yearThe Xbox Live on Xbox One subscription price will continue to cost $59.99 per year, same as on Xbox 360. Price may vary based on store. For example 12 month Xbox Live Gold memberships can be bought on Amazon for as low as $40-50.
BKOB – OWNT ’em again cards starting QB was on another teams practice squad and their starting RB was on the street just a few weeks before the playoffs,not exactly the same thing
Kap should be running a read option running game and throwing as he’s running out, as he did initially.
ChrisKeal have you ever chased a bucket of skittles with a pint of Amsterdam?
Xbox live membership is a crock of cocks. Part of the reason why I never bought a Xbone
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS X-bone? Sounds fun
When he was puking on the sideline, the sideline reporter said the team said that is normal, he does it all the time but usually int he locker room. WTF?
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS Cheap ass, you must have gone to a D-2 school
This name will curse the Hawks, Go Saints! #BFS i bought an Xbone once in Tiajuana
Tomsula has literally dumbed down the offense to help Kaep but it still isn’t working. Kaepernick’s play book is only one page that says “Please don’t poo poo the bed.”
If you get the niners into 3rd and 10, it’s nearly a guarantee they will throw it 2-4 yards
MHB™ you drive and check in on SKA,you are the best we have
Maynard_DL Geep took common core math
“Siri,.. post ‘I have some great puking gifs too. Too bad I’m driving’,.. – MHB
we call our stadium “The field that Sherman built”
So in hindsight, Seattle traded a #1 pick and Max Unger for Lockett and the saints threw in Jimmy Graham
The funny thing is Landry Jones would have thrown 6 TDs against the Niners. Wilson is garbage.
AZK, will you fill this out please? How much are you charging?
BKOB – OWNT ’em again I could beat him out *sends film from Cards game
Niner fans praying that LiveFyre went down during the game last night.
AZKardinal I often pray to servers, like this morning one when a portland server went down.
So I bought myself a ticket to this Funk show last night for tonight… only to find out its a costume ball…. hmm
The great thing about being a fan of such a shitty team is there are now no expectations. I can actually find enjoyment in my team NOT being blown out and be happy by a run of the mill ass kicking
I always wanted the rams to be comical bad, if there were going to win only 2 games
SacSig It makes for some less stressful times, I mean if were looking for silver linings
I might try and get this He-man costume from the spirit store
well, phil dawson has been money this season… i love silver linings
Maynard_DL You know that girl on the left can give a helluva steam cleaner.
Being a Mariner fan has given me lots of experience in this regard – let me know if you need any advice.
KZ Rider – Kaeperpick6 I felt bad for Irvin having to run at 3/4 speed to cover him
Even adu was talking about cutting him last night
Biggest hurricane ever recorded bearing down on mexico, maybe trump will get his wish.
Is Kaep done? I don’t think the coaching staff is using him correctly. Did he even run once last night?
Shit they can’t protect him so let him do what he can and get some yards because that is terrible what they are putting on tape
Tarrt looks good. I hope he starts the rest of the year. . . just play all young guys and let them develop
leatherneckram I don’t read BR. Also damn that is a lot of money to 30+ pitchers
I don’t like long term contracts. One good thing about being A’s fan
After grinke ops out, dodgers have 150 million to spend this year.
BMT- “But Landry Jones Brah!!”- DHC
Adu was n here alot, before last night
If jet fuel can melt steel beams, then Geep can learn to draw proper plays!!
Even madden video games have more complex plays smh!!!
They were paying 5 guys not here, all off the board after ws
leatherneckram Exactly, but they have the money so spend it
I wonder how much Bruce is gonna get paid. I would think there will be a ton of interest next year
I liked the part where Ronsula didn’t know wtf he was doing.
Tribevel It is eerie how many 9er comments can be used for Hawks analysis as well
and the fired Harbaugh cuz they felt Tomsula was the guy who could beat seattle and get us to the super bowl lmfao
Thought i would pop in for a sec…
Cards next 3 games will be against non winning football teams
1 5 raven 2 4 browns and 3 4 hawks should be easy Pickens for the redbirds
BMT- “But Landry Jones Brah!!”- DHC Did they really think that? that is funny shit. York is an idiot
Hawks had the ball 11 times and scored 20 pts on thh worst defense in the league
FanoftheRedbirds *adds self to list of folks not surprised at this
Tribevel There are worse defenses. RW made some really dumb decisions though on those picks
Im hoping to see in my lifetime a fan union. And i dont have much time left.
Fünf Schüsseln Didn’t kaep have like 40 passing yards on 8 completions. Lol
just 3 hours away from gentleman’s happy hour
I have actually read, “LA DOSENT DESERVE THE NFL..DESERVE”
leatherneckram hey you’ve been readin’ my stuff!
ReTodd It is amazing how much this rivalry has gone one sided. I think he has 2 wins though. Unless Alex it
bry_paz Not this year though. Haven’t seen Sherman make a big play this year either.
Tribevel I think you are right in that Graham goes into a shell after he gets popped. He wanted nothing to do with the rest of that game after that hit
Ballon Knot That was a clean hit too. Shouldn’t have been a penalty on that
The marines want females away from close combat units because its been proven units are slower and less lethal. And its causing trouble.
I come to check in and this is what I have to see. Fuck you guys.
the one time a ref dared to throw a penalty on a hawks player
leatherneckram Women in the military should have to wear bikinis when they fight in the middle east. It would literally cause ISIS to run away
Hawaiianismybabydaddy I’m more concerned about you procreating with Honkey….
ReTodd Hawaiianismybabydaddy yes, from now on we will discuss vaginas, boobs and not football.
yeah i watched the play, he was sitting there and squared up Vernon who running right at him
Good hit, but come on man. physics ?
ReTodd Hawaiianismybabydaddy You may come back when the conversation is steered toward penis by your fellow seahawk fan boys.
Do you think Belichick is embarrassed he let Mangenius on his staff all those years ago? Because his scheme sucks ass
I’m surprised that hit on Davis wasn’t a penalty the way the refs are calling things these says. That was way more “defenseless” than the one HaHa got called on.
Here.. I want you to make it look like cover 4 yet cover this dude all the way across the entire field. Don’t fuck up
I hate how the Niners play scared
I love how Carrol tells his players to win at any cost, even jumping on ankles.
Fisher goes all out on special teams, and Arians is always throwing deep no matter who he has
Hawaiianismybabydaddy Brew_City Lets disguise our coverage soooo good we’re never in position to make the actual play
bry_paz VWCAU If HaHa’s was a penalty, that has to be a penalty. But that would require the refs to be consistent….so not likely to happen.
Tribevel Lol. Carroll is in the locker room yelling “sweep the leg!!!!”
Ok. God help me, I still love the 49ers, I have to go back to work.
The US, holds 25 per cent.of worlds.inmates. i blame obama and 4905
SF doesn’t know if they have an NFL HC or a franchise QB
Lot’s of big issues
leatherneckram and yet my license plate still costs $30, what gives?
leatherneckram Well, a lot of that is because we have a police force capable of catching bad guys and the finances to incarcerate them. Most countries couldn’t afford to jail so many people
Obama be like “incarceration rate? I don’t know about that, but check out my march madness bracket, bruh”
bry_paz leatherneckram they can’t afford to jail them so they just shoot them in the head and bury them in a mass grave somewhere.
Looking like the Browns will be missing some players on defense this week
After seeing Kaepernick’s peerformance last night it’s clear the NFL does not care about concussions…
Too Short Do you have the pattern, I’ve been looking for a vreason to get my crochet needles out
Marcus Mariota is out and Zach Mettenberger is in for the Tennessee Titans on Sunday.
Now Whisenhunt can kill two QB careers in a single season.
I think the Titans could have easily gotten a 2nd or 3rd round pick for Mettenberger and after drafting Mariotta number one why the fuck didn’t they get value for him?
Fucking stupid.
Tomsula saying all the right things at his press conference .. and not one fart
Niners need to trade Kaep for this guy, straight up.
* fixed
Cards next 3 games will be against non winning football teams
1 5 ravens 2 4 browns and 3 4 hawks should be easy pickens for the nfcw leading cardinals
FanoftheRedbirds Assuming that these teams don’t win before you play them
bry_paz FanoftheRedbirds even if hawks win their next game 4 4 isn’t winning football
FanoftheRedbirds bry_paz bry just got outsmarted by MIKE
BKOB – OWNT ’em again only popped in for a few
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) FanoftheRedbirds bry_paz No, Mike isn’t here, said he was gone
Too Short KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) FanoftheRedbirds bry_paz well my eyes must deceive me
So much suck, so much sadness from the factory of sadness!!!
BKOB – OWNT ’em again *frantically changes back to Landry Jones outfit
Too Short KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) FanoftheRedbirds bry_paz i said dipshit I would pop in from time to time but wouldn’t be in much. Fuck you cant comprehend shit
BKOB – OWNT ’em again They should be. They have had the easiest schedule in football to start the season and other teams have faultered and are only 2 games up in their division
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Hard to comprehend them not being done
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) huh ? Actually very pissed off the gay 49ers! Idiots making my cred go down by picking them i should have known better. 49ers team are nothing but clowns
FanoftheRedbirds KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) http://imgur.com/XewfqvF
Do you guys think the Hawks will make it back to Lambeau or blow it before then?
bry_paz BKOB – OWNT ’em again the osprey killa will be in seattle in 3 weeks
Brew_City I give them about a 30% chance to make the playoffs right now. We will know more in 4 weeks
bry_paz Brew_City well we all know they’re no longer getting home field so
Brew_City bry_paz No doubt. Unless Rodgers goes down the Pack have it pretty in hand
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) It’s rigged Scotti you know we’re winning SB 50
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) they won’t, they have to play in it to win it. they are peaking early and I’ve taken a hit out on Rodgers…
Too Short KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) lol… peaking early.. Our whole offense is injured right now
Too Short KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) cool story bro, not enough dickbutt
The Browns gave up 10 ypc to Dexter Mccluster this I year…lol
Too Short KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) http://imgur.com/7tpGBDZ
Packers won’t see levi. They will fuck it up somehow. It’s in their dna
Auto wins in your division never hurt. Packs division is just sad
FanoftheRedbirds *checks*
*Sees we have more Championships than all teams
Don’t worry Sc0tti…Goddell wants the Rams to win Superbowl 50….I’m sure you’d be OK with that…:)
bry_paz you’res ain’t looking much better and we’re 3-0 against it
Brew_City Packers are good. Just saying that having a down division helps too.
Brew_City bry_paz dude… bry… your team gets to play the niners twice a year
Ask the cubs what beating up on a weak division did for them in the playoffs…lol
bry_paz Brew_City All the NFCN teams ahve been in the playoffs in the last 4 years. Have all the NFCW teams ?
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) other way around, their level of butthurt is measured by the gallon.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Bears or 9ers? I’ll take the Bears 2 X
Brew_City Lol. I am talking about this season. The NFCW being bad and the NFCN being bad are not mutually exclusive
Brew_City yea that was really stupid, lets call the jordan of football a choker
Too Short Brew_City FanoftheRedbirds and then this
I can’t believe Aaron blew it on the Hands team AND couldn’t cover Kearse. If he wants to be considered better than Jim Thorpe he’s gonna need to up those coverage skills
Brew_City Too Short Brew, you’re relegated to getting likes from 9er fans, game, set and match.
Brew_City How many opps did the Packers have to score more than a FG ? Who’s that on?
Too Short Brew_City 6-0 and 5 games ahead of the Hawks. Game set match
Too Short Brew_City you mean when we ran 6 straight times on our last 2 drives? IDK I personally thought his hand off form was a bit off
Packers are where they need to be, but the Hawks sure as hell aren’t
I’m out. See ya krunks sometime down the ska road
Brew_City Too Short So, he has not part in it, interesting. Sounds kind of like making it all Wilson’s fault…
As a Hawk fan there is a looooong list of things you just cant talk about. Choking is at the top of it, it goes.
1. Choking
2. Midgets
3. Winning multiple championships
4. Not getting PI calls
5. Adderall
6. Frank Clark
7.The Boz
Too Short Brew_City He has a part in it sure he coulda played better. But to say he blew it is hilarious. He was also playing on 1 leg. Possibly a reason the coach was trying to run the ball
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) You can talk about whatever you want man. It’s a free internet
bry_paz KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) no it’s not – it’s owned by Project 24
ReTodd bry_paz If they get to 4-4 thing will be looking up. 3 at home gives then a good chance to make a run
I personally hold Rodgers responsible for those 3 fumbles Ryan Grant had against the Giants tho. I mean why didn’t AR tell him to stop fumbling?
I find it funny that Niner fans forget that CK chocked away a SB
Brew_City Holy shit man. Let it go. You’re like a dog with a bone
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) top of this list should be 1 yard
bry_paz Brew_City Not my fault too short has been butt hurt and delusional for about a month cuz the Hawks suck cock
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) ReTodd 4 tries with the same result
bry_paz Brew_City I’m a fan of the best team in the NFL life is good son.
Brew_City Well you really really want to convince people that ARod isn’t a choker.
bry_paz Brew_City I’m never gonna convince trolls like too short. I just posted simple facts.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) In the end, who cares how many tries you had at it. lol. The result is still 0. 0/2 = 0 0/5 = 0
Kap gets alot of the blame – But their OL is shit
Not fair to compare him to RW under pressure – There is no comparison
Brew_City I find it funny people talk about choking when their guy never even had the oportunity to choke in the first place.
bry_paz KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) RW threw an interception into the endzone to literally lose the superbowl
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) An incomplete in the SB to lose it. How is that different than an INT? They both end as losses
Ballon Knot 6 sacks is a lot. Not that we have any room to gloat
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) I mean if it makes you feel better about losing, I guess you have that. But it is just putting frosting on a turd
bry_paz Brew_City you mean like how the Seahawks got 3 drives in a row to end the NFCCG without Rodgers touching the field and somehow he choked?
Like that?
ReTodd Ballon Knot Lol. As RW takes 5 against a far weaker pass rush
bry_paz Brew_City Actually that’s not true. You got the lead. Rodgers immediately tied it then it went to OT
Truth be told, there is very little to build on right now on the 49er’s roster…..
As a SEA fan – Imagine Tomsula as our HC & Kap as our QB
This is the way of Compassion
AZKardinal I disagree. They have a lot of good players. Young talent on the roster. A good draft and they could be in the hunt again
“Cards haven’t played anyone. Overrated.”- Seahawk fans
Did you ever notice how similar horse bones are to our bones?
Jed York needs to crawl back up his mother’s wretched leg and squeeze back in to the womb. That little fuck just isn’t ready for real life yet.
ChrisKeal It is funny that the 9ers fans don’t even fight your accusation that they are the worst team in the league
I think that is the tough thing about games like last night. Did the Hawks play that well or are the Niners that shitty.
bry_paz ChrisKeal Right now? At this stage in the season?.. they probably are. Certainly bottom 3.
ReTodd They can both be true. But in the end, a win on the road is enough for me. It is a step in the right direction
ReTodd Both. A team with one of the worst pass rushes in the league sacked Wilson 5 times.
Don’t Fret. NFL said they will replace the field at Levi’s prior to the SB
Brew_City Lol. They have replaced it like 6 times. I am not sure how much that will help
Nav are we going to get any of your random outbursts once the MLB season is over? I have grown fond of those this year
ChrisKeal Brew_City Yup. Apparently they always do it for the SB on grass fields
If Brew is serious, I would think they just put in field turf. You know exactly what you are gonna get.
They should bring the SB to the Clink!
We’d show them a good time
Ballon Knot I actually think it should rotate through the league
ChrisKeal The NFL won’t be using the same turf as the Niners get. They will put in their own
Now we know where Griz has been…
Brew_City ChrisKeal did they do that in AZ? I never heard anything about that and all reports are that we have the best natural grass field in the league. Not even trying to make this a brag,.. just sayin’
bry_paz Ballon Knot You have to be able to hold 70k per the NFL. I don’t think we have the capacity
AZKardinal i didnt know mfa could go that hard
ReTodd That is a good point. I think they had 69K last game which was a record though
How could even a huge promo dick even get in there? Seems like you would need some type of extension rod.
So the Rams and the Cards are both losing this weekend. That is neato
ChrisKeal What size 2×4 would you need to keep from falling in?
ReTodd Cards are playing Baltimore at home. I don’t see how they lose
ReTodd you turtle eatin rat face jelly legged mother fucker
God Loves Me In Vegas Kaep would be bad on the register at mickey d’s. no matter what you order he would check down to the dollar menu
That Veronica Vaughn is one nice piece of ass…I know from experience
sc0tti (Chicken ) This is how I imagine you driving listening to A’s radio
This guy wants to lose 100lbs by having sex 7 times a day with Too Short…
DavidDeCastrosGut This is almost as desperate as the GOP Benghazi commission.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) sc0tti (Chicken ) Calmer than you are
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) sc0tti (Chicken ) CALM DOWN WALTER
Brew_City sc0tti (Chicken )
Nice Lateral meovement
SF should bring him in for a try out
Maybe at ILB
its been a while since Ive seen someone billy madison the blog, but I aint never seen two people do it with such precision.
Kael……..remember the spokes person for The Heart Attack Grill? Looked like the guy below.
AZKardinal That shirt tho. Grease stains,.. a hole. This guy gives ZERO fucks.
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) i prefer to ashley madison the blog
Okay real Scotti aND 49ers 4 life. Third calmest guy on here
You can eat at that place for free if you weigh 400lbs or more lol……and the guy died about two years ago
sc0tti (Chicken ) dude there is a fire in my house right now, and i literally choose to not care
Keal and I got more likes from that thread than MFA has had his whole SKA Career
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) sc0tti (Chicken ) http://imgur.com/F8FsEC9
ReTodd Keal’s like ratio is insane we need to GET OFF HIS NUTS
The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 ReTodd Well if you’re not gonna donate,… at least I get get a few sympathy likes here and there.
Where is Turn Rae? I love seeing his spin on outings like last night
ChrisKeal The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 ReTodd hey hey look here, i threw some old Reeboks in the bin
Having some kind of police training or cadet training in room next door.
Did I mention in a room next to my office on Thursday night, they literally have a class on alcohol on Thursday nights. Have walked past and there are cases full of beer.
hahahaha I am dying on that Farley GIF. His face before the meltdown when you know it’s coming is the best. All smiling
I rememeber when Churles Burkley would do the mcdonalds arch commercials. And the arch would be tiny in his hands.
sc0tti (Chicken ) What do you mean, on alcohol? Like they teach you how to drink?
bry_paz sc0tti (Chicken ) we’re just born wit that ability in WI
Scotti you ever see this?
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) The worst thing for the NBA was adding european players that started flopping
Speaking of staying calm, my son was trippin on me last night. I kept calling the plays before they would happen. “Watch… This time they’ll get pressure on him but the little midget will still scramble for the first down.”
TIGRE1629 The Bevell special. Run Run Sack. That is their 4th qtr strategy
great now im stuck in the youtube sidebar watching rugby fights
TIGRE1629 The guy has a bigger arm than people realize. He needs to learn pocket presense though. That is his ultimate downfall. The guy runs himself into sacks when he doesn’t need to
ReTodd Rugby always reminds me of the Friends episode where Ross plays
TIGRE1629 No one throw the ball into the ground 3 yards in front of a receiver beteer
those rugby fights though, the dude who headbutted the back of the guys head..damn
TIGRE1629 Dude, I lost any respect for the dude when he held out his rookie year
KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) Rule #1 about head butts: No one wins
Everyone set their DVRs to record a Football Life tonight? Apparently Jerry Rice idolized Stevie
49er fans if your lost out there, and your all alone, a light is waiting to carry you home.
Ancientage i haven’t been on much. Hanging out at my other sports blog
That Chris Farley skit is classic and I can only assume it is in relation to the way I feel today.
49ers are a joke. But hawks couldn’t put a 40 burger on them like we did
FanoftheRedbirds I would like to formally request that you shut your mouth.
Hey michael.. does everyone already hate you on the other blog?
Ancientage I wish I could move my sports blog like an RV and park it next to MFA’s other sports blog.
Ancientage to be honest it’s very refreshing on the other site. They Only talk football and they don’t get personal. Doesn’t seem to be any krunks there so far. Very nice!!
mChrisKeal FanoftheRedbirds my guns are loaded
There is literally no one on the other site MFA – ya big fucking liar
I just imagine mfa sitting at a pink coffee table with fuzzy bear and princess and Mr doggie all drinking tea and eating cakes and crumpets
50 cents a day for chalk? That nigga needs to go to Costco and get the sidewalk chalk that is like $10 for an ENTIRE YEAR
If I was Bethea I would be relieved to be on IR. Still get paid, don;t have to get whipped for another 9 games.
I drank a 40 during lunch…just wish it was in a plain brown paper bag
SacSig I drank a 24oz. but I have 2 more in the car. Might “go to the bathroom” here in a few minutes.
SacSig ChrisKeal That’s all I buy. My wife can;t ever tell when I run out cuz I am sneaky and just keep adding them to the fridge single can styles.
SacSig Brew_City I don’t think you have the required equipment
I really like the 24oz cans. In the morning it feels so much nicer to say I had 5 beers last night and not 10
SacSig Less of a metal taste too. I bought a regular 12 pack the other day and it tasted totally different. Weird.
I have a buddy who lost his leg in a moto accident. He’s now competing in the adaptive Olympics. It’s not about whether you get knocked down, it’s about what you do after you get up.
TIGRE1629 This is deep – I might need another 40ozer to think about this
TIGRE1629 My business partner’s daughter goes to Texas A&M and they are expecting 8 inches of rain from the remnants
Is this Hurricane the first sign of the winter El Nina to come?
Ok, time to wax the stick and take it for a ride. Hasta luego you crazy bastids!
I guess. We had about 6″ here last night. Sucked cuz the satellite went out andz I missed the kickoff.
TIGRE1629 I’ve never heard of jerking it in those terms before. Nice
And if you’re wondering… I’m doing my MFA exit… as a tribute. sorta speak
Maynard_DL LoyalRam fuck off Maynrad, ya Vandal fluffer!
So what do you tink Maynard? Who you guys looking at in the next draft?
Maynard_DL LoyalRam wtf….You guys need to tar and feather his ass!
Lol… watching NFLN after last night “This defense looks like a SB defense” Week 4 after GB did the exact same thing
“this niners offense is just a joke”
The only thing you can do is laugh really really hard at these fools
” But the relationship the Seattle Seahawks have with their fans is different; different than any other team-fan relationship I have ever witnessed. Even thehttp://www.seattletimes.com/sports/mariners/a-millennial-explains-his-adoration-of-the-1995-mariners-from-rural-pennsylvania/.”
“Yes, the 12s are perfectionists. That’s not to say we have to win every game 49-0 or that we expect flag-free play for the rest of the season. It simply means we want our boys — our family — to be as good as we know they can be. Anything short of that will be a disappointment.”
Hawk fans are spoiled. If they don’t win their next 2 Games they will turn on the hawks and call themselves the SILENT 12
Blah blah fuckin blah! People vote to raise bonds for all these public parks and other community bullshit that they never use. But using a bond to raise money to build a sports stadium and its…”Oh god its the corporate rape of the people!” “How dare you propose funding for a facility that we would actually use regularly!”
Loyal, the doyers will have 150 million to.spend.after the ws, should they go after price?
Wearing my Kosar #19 jersey today.. It’s all about the Browns tsking care of business this weekend..
SacSig hey man…Just workint at shcool and with the bidness…you?
LoyalRam SacSig trying to keep deals alive my man. and trying no to go insane doing it
No offense there DGdub , but if was a Browns fan, I don’t think I would advertise it.
“How I saved my marriage with crack and hookers”
~Lamar Odom’s Book
Unfortunately Kaep will probably go first. I am sure his ability to put butts in the seats has waned. I think Baalke must be friends with York. Its the only thing that explains letting Harbs hit the road instead of keeping Harbs by firing Baalke.
York is the owner of a Pro Football franchise which is much more desired over a college job. So York just has to say. Jim, you are a great coach, you have restored this franchise to its former glory. I will match the Michigan offer and fire Baalke. What do you say?
He only saved it for as long as he is in the headlines.
I went in a coma after Hooker sex and Blow, and woke up to a Kardashian..
~Lamar Odom
LoyalRam I went into a coma after being married to a Kardashian woman, and woke up wanting to be a woman
-Bruce Jenner
Good God it was a long day! This drink is going down waaaaayyyy do easy!
How fuckin Rock n’ Roll is almost dying in a whore house with 7 kinds of drugs in your system?
LoyalRam She had a deep voice and looks like Bruce Jenner
Leather – I’ve said it 100 times.. I’m born and raised Alaskan.. Mom is from Ohio, Dad was from Marysville Wa… So I’m a fan of pretty much everything Seattle/Cleveland..
Sac legend Armstead is the best pass rusher on the Niners by a large margin (DL only), despite his limited snaps
halosramsfan LoyalRam Yeah, Odom is a pussy
The 9ers QB looks awfully familiar! Cant put my finger on it!
– Hillary Clinton
I literally unleashed hell on the NFL and it’s fans last night. Plus I really stunk up the Levi Stadium press room.
So is there a Rams injury report out? Hopefully Quin is good to go.
Hilary grilled for 11 hours, yet Trump and Carson threatened to boycott their next debate if MSNBC didn’t reduce the event from 3 hours down to 2 hours………What a friggin circus….
13 completed passes for Kaepernick last night. 13 completions….
Hey thats longer than a football field including the goalposts.
SacSig OIeSagginSeahawk Can I still diddle my nipples ?
How much did the team practice during the week?
“We did a walk-thru on Monday and then Tuesday we did about an hour-and-half on the field and then Wednesday we did about 40-minutes on the field. But, the tempo was way down. We didn’t work the timing things and the high-speed things. We just walked through the assignments. I mean, you’ve got to take care of the bodies.”
Do you feel that was the right approach in retrospect?
“I do. Yes sir.”
Well one is a congressional hearing and the other is a debate.
Tribevel wtf? If I put in that kind of half assed effort at my job I’d be like MFA – Fat, broke and bitchless
halosramsfan OIeSagginSeahawk We won’t mess it up with details
That’s like 4x better than Gore has done the past few years
I’m really liking the lynch / Rawls combo……If Rawls puts on a few pounds, he is gonna be a handful for defenses.
Niners should go after Alshon Jefferys. Bears are shopping him.
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC His best pass was when he beamed that reporter
Well he’s a RB who got 0 rushing attempts. What do you expect!
SF has tried bringing in receiver after receicer after receiver, Kaep still sucks
Hyde has a stress fracture in his foot – so ya, it’s kinda broken I guess
I still to this day think Baalke wanted to draft Alston and not AJ but he just fucked up somehow. It’s the only thing that makes sense
7:30 tomorrow night Sig….Jake against the intimidating Stanford Tree.
Going after Alshon would be a move to build on for next year. The Niners are done this season.
SacSig In all fairness, playing for York would be pretty stressful.
There is nothing good in SF right now and they need to take a look at how the Bears have been dumping players for picks…
49ers4life He let Cassie call in the pick? “Tell them we want AJ, hun”
I wish the Niners could find some skinny kid that looks out of shape who happens to have un-believable touch throwing the ball….like a Joe Montana or Tom Brady
AZKardinal 9er had somthing like 14 picks and got maybe 2 starters out of them
SacSig I will settle for a fucking O-line that can block longer than 2 seconds
You gotta be lucky. If it were my call I’d change the O back to the one Harbs had and let CK read-option and throw on the run.
This time — 10 months after York finally fired Harbaugh — the 49ers were outplayed, out-coached, and thoroughly out-quarterbacked, 20-3.Maybe most of all, the 49ers were out-ownered, and they’re going to get out-ownered in just about every game they play.
sf9ers4905 SacSig it does kaep cant make a decision to save his life
AZKardinal Silver lining: Still just one point worse than last year!
Somebody tell me why the fuck they started Devey last night? It’s like they are trying to lose. If o needed any more proof that Tomsula is a fuck up, there it is.
Next Sunday, the 49ers play the Rams in St. Louis — another stout defense that could crush Kaepernick & Co.
Then the 49ers host Arizona, which beat them by 40 a month ago.
its not all on the ol. they hold up long enough for kaep to make a quick decision with the ball which is something he cant do and when he does do it he throws a wildly inaccurate pass
9ers def did not play bad, held the Hawks to 20 and were on the damn field 38:05
They didn’t play good either. The Hawks offense isn’t anything special
The Niners need to rebuild through the draft and start by taking a field goal kicker with the first pick. If it works Baalke will be considered a genius.
its obvious sf4905 cant be critical of sf. If we played vs a good team last night its another 40 something to 0 game
If Kaep wasn’t over throwing , he was throwing at shoe laces….Those sessions with Warner really paid off.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked well, I was just talking about last night, 38 minutes is a long time to be on the field
OIeSagginSeahawk he was over throwing too. how do you think he naield the guy 20 yards out of bounds?
sf9ers4905 I Love Getting Kaeperdicked ya and they couldnt tackle starting on drive 1
sf9ers4905 I Love Getting Kaeperdicked seriously you cant claim to have watched and say that. Seattles offense kills itself in teh 4th quarter.
Tribevel Ron LaCroix no he wasnt. it was actually supposed to be to Boldin
Tribevel Ron LaCroix it just looked that way because he is such ass
Kaep hit a guy in the face with one of his passes. His accuracy is getting better.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Tribevel Ron LaCroix who was blanketed
Tribevel I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Ron LaCroix lol blanketed.
Tribevel I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Ron LaCroix there was a db in the trail position.
Has adu showed up to talk about Kaps great ability to throw deep balls?
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC he got knocked out by an errant kaep pass
I see it only took 20 hours for Tribe to become a Kaep fan again
He said they should trade him, until somebody pointed out that he has zero trade value, especially with the flimsy joke of a contract that he has
BKOB – OWNT ’em again they traded for a guy with less trade value than kaep
This was Kaep’s worst pass of the night.
Somene was saying that, since it’s so easy to cut Kaep, teams would just wait for that instead of trading for him
BKOB – OWNT ’em again matt barkley was gonna get cut and AZ traded for him. Its the idea of the waiver wire
BKOB – OWNT ’em again so whoever said that is just a retard.
BKOB – OWNT ’em again Rusty wasnt anything special last night either
This inflated win helps me write my weekly Knowledge Bombs..
Russell is a proven winner. Kaep is a proven loser.
…Who is on pace to win more games than any QB ever
And has more playoff wins in 3 years than several franchises have in their entire history
BKOB – OWNT ’em again doesnt look like he can carry a team to fulfill that stat
Who singlehandedly cost Seattle a superbowl, and then demanded 20 million dollars a year
Tribevel you did last night and basically every game he plays
I feel bad for guys like Bkob and Tribe. They have no idea how shitty their qbs are.
He hasnt been making enough plays. He deserves the criticism.
BKOB – OWNT ’em again I picture you saying this like “2nd highest passer rating eva”
Cleveland has allowed: 8 rushes for for 20+ yards and 3 rushes for more than 40+ yards this year..Expect gurlet to double these stats Sunday
BKOB – OWNT ’em again because your analysis of him is like a teenage girl talking about Beiber “being the best eva”
SF fans still trying to conpare Kaep and Wilson. Lmao They’re literally two and half years behind the rest of the country on this one.
BKOB – OWNT ’em again
Didnt Wilson have 2 picks against that shitty 49er defense.
The only way I’m comparing them is to point out they both suck. And they do.
Kaep is about to be benched for Gabbert. There’s no comparrison
See you guys later, I had Mexican for lunch, now I need to take a wicked Wilson
Kaep is one of those qbs that needs to become a wr like rw needs to just become a rb
Like I said a good team would have lit us up for 40+ last night
BKOB – OWNT ’em again you laugh but this is a shot at seattle
k, 17 point win on the road, divisional game, on a short week. I’m so upset!!
I was ready for Seattle….
BKOB – OWNT ’em again don’t worry it was no indication of your team being good. more sf being the worst team in the nfl
We are good though. We have a top 3 defense and the #1 rushing attack.
Really, neither QB has progressed. Kaep I guess you can say has regressed since his Ocoord wont let him run around. Although he has slightly improved touch on short passes.
Wilson throws a nicer ball on most throws but isnt as mobile.
Kaep just no longer has an established run game to back him up. Wilson still does.
halosramsfan oh shit bkob just said they werent comparable adn here you go comparingthem
Kaep was a gimmick player who was exposed by Seattle and he’ll never be good again
AZKardinal This is the first thing I see when I log back on?
I love when one fan of a 2 3 team puts down another team who is 2 5! Basically both teams are non winning football teams with 2 wins but do carry on. Make for lovable entertainment
Ok lets put it this way….hypothetical situation:
Running game is totally stuffed. Olineman and running backs all get injured and the only way to win the game is to drop back and throw it 45 times. (Which is the point of a quarterback right? The ability to distribute the ball through the air to his weapons)
Wilson or Kaep?
To tell you the truth, I dont think it makes that big a difference either way.
Suck it Mike. A dead Cardinal.
idk, kaep has had big games vs patriots, packers, falcons, and ravens(2x) when he needed to throw
Wilson….0-11 when the defense gives up 24 pts. He cant put the team on his back
FanoftheRedbirds Oh sorry I was on my other sports blog. It’s very refreshing over there. Yes the Rams are 2-3.
That fan gets to because the team that he is a fan has the only undefeated divisional record.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked FanoftheRedbirds i bet you love to get kaeperdicked
God Loves Me In Vegas Seeing him now,.. it’s so obvious he was a pedo.
FanoftheRedbirds I Love Getting Kaeperdicked i bet you love getting dicked
ChrisKeal FanoftheRedbirds then my post below makes perfect sense
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked naw,i dont molest children
FanoftheRedbirds I Love Getting Kaeperdicked orwant to lose weight
Asian you should try other foods besides white rice and dung beetles
The good leaders don’t lie to themselves or their team. They can properly assess where the team is and put together a plan to move forward. And even if they aren’t straight up to the fan base and media about it — and many good ones have been — the leaders make sure the inner circle is in sync.
http://www.mercurynews.com/49ers/ci_29013621/thompson-playoffs-tomsula-49ers-are-kidding-themselves great article about how york, tomsula, and sf4906 are complete retards and I am smart
FanoftheRedbirds you should try other food than rendered pig lard
FanoftheRedbirds you are what you eat is true when it comes to you. don’t believe me go find a mirror you fat pig
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked FanoftheRedbirds slant eyed mudderfucker
Tribe, it can only get better….
AZKardinal I forgot that guys name, but seems to me , he wasn’t even Indian.
Cards can put a few nails in seattles coffin by winning its next 3 games
FanoftheRedbirds cant wait for osmeone to put the nails in your coffin
Teams records are raven 1 5 browns 2 4 hawks 3 4
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked FanoftheRedbirds *someone dickface
God Loves Me In Vegas the vikimngs are the best team in the north
God Loves Me In Vegas you and I both know you reasure my opinion
Vegas the packers have yet to play a team with a winning record.
Thet haven’t been tested yet
It’s good to see shitty qb’s like kaeprdoodle and wilson getting exposed on national tv LOL. Unreal these two makes almost 40mil a year between them
FanoftheRedbirds God Loves Me In Vegas c’mon mike….you can do better
Ancientage God Loves Me In Vegas better than krapnick and wilson
The 2015 49ers. Let’s just go out and have fun, guys!
Ancientage FanoftheRedbirds God Loves Me In Vegas naw its a friday 5pm time to go.home
God Loves Me In Vegas and thats what she said about your performance
FanoftheRedbirds God Loves Me In Vegas vegas is in the nfl?
FanoftheRedbirds God Loves Me In Vegas she told me to go deeper even tho my pelvis was touching hers.
God Loves Me In Vegas FanoftheRedbirds a little short?
she told me to go deeper but I couldnt because of my fat roll – mfa
God Loves Me In Vegas you need to spend more time here if you believe that
SaintChicka09 because we show up no matter what. we arent fair weather
SaintChicka09 because unlike like you, we show up when our teams lose….you coward ass piece of shit
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Ballon Knot I disagree…..lots of drugs, no showers, free food, tax free, getting drunk and scaring children
bkob i don’t really care about what you say about sf. everyone knows that the hawk fan base is the biggest bandwagon fanbase around
Ballon Knot Good for him that the handicapped guy caused a car accident
Has anyone been fired or cut by the Niners yet? I’m waiting for some really knee jerk reactions by York.
York should fire Tomsula,.. but he can;t cuz he fired Harbaugh to promote him. He put himself in a corner. He is fucked.
ChrisKeal Tomsula is getting fired just wont happen till the end of the year because everyone likes tomsual as a person
I really believe Mangini would do a better job as HC for the rest of the season. He is smarter and has WAY more experience than the doormat salesman.
Damn.. Kind of a shit weekend for football.. I don’t see any great college or pro games on my guide..
USC v Utah might be the only good college game..
And pro games look like shit schedule..
I am finding the black people on the walking dead to be the most annoying.
Sasha going nuts
the priest being a douche
morgan or whatever his name is wont kill people
Unfortunately Tomsula won’t be fired this year and possibly the next because the owners will give him the benefit of the doubt with all of the roster turnover
I really want to know what the major changes will be later on. I think Balkee gets fired with Kap getting traded
Belicheck is the best coach ever to have the worst coaching tree ever. Mangini, Weiss, O’Brian, the fat black guy who’s name I forget, etc.
Just remember Jed supposedly fired Harbaugh because he thought we were a sb caliber team
Rae Rae! Yes and no. I definitely am gonna get it but I am only 18% through Metal Gear Solid 5, which is so awesome I can’t even believe it.
I personally wouldnt mind Holmgren coming in as HC. no gm abilities though. Or Shanahan with no GM abilities. Or Gruden again no GM abilities. I would like them to have a say in who the gm is though.
ChrisKeal Rae Rae! Agree. So many awesome games coming out this year. My wallet will be empty by Christmas
Rae Rae! ChrisKeal Pretty much the opposite of last year. There wasn’t shit.
DGdub Fuck it. Milk em for all they got. Raise the price of garlic fries too.
Rae I already pre-ordered Fallout….. One of my best gaming experiences was playing Fallout 3 for the first time….. It was the gold standard of video games
The MG5 graphics are retarded. Afghanistan mountains look actually real. It’s nuts.
ChrisKeal Ya its unreal…… It’s so fun just fucking around with the parachutes and the dummys lol
TheAviator4102 Fallout 3 has got to be the best gaming exeperience of all time for me
I’m gonna get drunk and make some Fanduel teams… Anybody got some good FF advice..
Rae Rae! yup…… Halo 5 next week too… and then COD black ops 3 the week after that
TheAviator4102 Rae Rae! I only support COD if it has Black ops written on it. I cant never skip zombies
H-T is gonna get pounded by the remains of hurricane Patricia.
I’m thinking about running with varying combinations of Freeman, Ivory, Gurley, Foster, and Ingram.. Am I missing someone who might go off this weekend?
gatrbuc 17 God Loves Me In Vegas wilson and kaepernick tho
Ok… WTF is this shit about an early early Sunday game on Yahoo? WTF is Yahoo?
Wilson could be one of the worst QB’s in the NFL, he inherited one of the best running backs in the NFL, and the one of the best defenses in the NFL, and he still sucks major ass.
OIeSagginSeahawk DGdub yep, it is not on tv but Yahoo will stream it. Dumb
Seriously tho guys. Enlarge my Avi and see how sick the bastard is that gave me this after the Fla LSU game.
Well, that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.. That’s some MFA level dumb shit by Goodell there..
sf9ers4905 I watch any game or sporting event in the world on Feed2all. Way better than Firstrowsports and it is Adblock friendly. Even MMA fights are free
I don’t think I’m that old.. But, I like watching sports ON MY TV!!!!!!!!
dg go to the store and get an hdmi cable. if you have a newish tv and a decent laptop you hsould be ok
DGdub Go to radio shack. Buy Chrome cast , plug it into the back of your tv
I gotta a smart TV, can I just get it that way? Probably need some crazy ass high speed internet access for it to work..
DGdub You computer will read it. You click cast, and it shows up on your tv
I should not have to go to radio shack to watch a fucking football game..
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Yeah, I haven’t paid to watch a NFL game in two yrs
I just go to my finished basement!
Who cares it’s the Bills and Jaguars. I got better things to do like sleep
sc0tti (Chicken ) A good part of America said that about last night’s game
sc0tti (Chicken )
…and post on SKA. Holy shit did I just say that?!
Yeah last nights game was better for us because of the Trolling gifts that it provided.
But imagine how the rest of the sorry ass populous felt.
So now the EPA will be looking into Crumb rubber field turf.. Cancer rates are elevated in Soccer players. Mainly goalies……..That’s a shit load of field across the country.
I hate seeing my boy Dobaldson get that ass whooped in KC..
Seriously though Gatbuc, I agree, who gives a fuck about last nights game.
They dont know what causes it. Cancer is like gravity we know what it does, we just have no clue why or how it does.
sc0tti (Chicken ) fans of the teams involved who care about them?
And we have been working on that one for about 500 years.
k1joyce #illegalbats Hey k1…you excited about Suday?
I’m going home and playing Madden or NBA 2K. Woo tomorrow is Saturday
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked sf9ers4905
His legs must be HUGE!
I only do squats twice a week.. I hit the elliptical 5 days a week, so most of my “lifting” is all upper body..
I m a Carpenter, I get all the exercise I need at work and that Includes legs
I am an IT nerd and also do software programming. So I either go to the gym or die of heart attack at 60
I’m in management, so most of the time my legs are propped up on a desk..
halosramsfan I do Database managing, so same situation as you.
sc0tti (Chicken ) halosramsfan
Nice! I do programming for a really old ass database called filepro.
halosramsfan sc0tti (Chicken ) I use Access, and excel, and write reports on word. Next week I read and enter in about 60 rap sheets, after Tuesday night.
k1joyce #illegalbats Me too, of the “Fire Lovie’s Ass if we don’t go 7 and 9”
gatrbuc 17 DGdub
No my eyesight is still good enough to warn my brain to never ever click on your avi.
Just finished an open heart surgery. The rabbit just survived
halosramsfan gatrbuc 17 DGdub What did you click on? I skipped leg day before it was cool?
Filepro was actually partially developed (I discovered) by howard wolowitz. The inspiration behind the guy on the Big Bang theory.
If anyone ever needs a California rap sheet read, find me, I’m basically a expert on reading and analyzing those, and applying to expungement
The couple in front of me make out every royal out, it’s weird
When the Royals go yard grab his woman and go to town.
Dude I grew up with is founder and CEO of a company.. They analyze sponsorships and shit around college and pro sports.. Lucky ass mofo is living the good life..
hawaiianhonky Clearly the dude hasn’t got to 1st base yet
4905, none of my job is that difficult, just takes patience.
Can’t believe that drone took out Kaep last night Tribe
sc0tti (Chicken ) you will find that is the way most of your life if you are an above avg intelligent person with a decent work ethic
them dragonflies…My guess would be the Iranian intelligence group
Tomsula tried subbing in the dragonfly for Kaep but Kaep waved him off
I feel Tomsula was right with trying to go with the dragonfly
sc0tti (Chicken )
Hell no, I think the Rams might have actually fell into a good one there.
Kaepernick for David Fales, who say’s no, 49ers or Bears?
Luckily I still find enjoyment in Seahawks sucking, so this year wont be a total loss
I always liked Mannion at Oregon State. He will be betetr than Foles
Tribevel Your gonna feel sick when we hoist the Lombardi at Levi
lol, Foles is an upgrade over what the Rams had, I don’t get the hate.
Fuck it, I’m just going to try and wait out traffic jam. Read Athletics Nation, Loyal talk about Gurley, etc
Loyal, I’ve said it before everything I say about sports is opposite of my everyday life. I’m not a hot head in anything except sports, well other than a few Excel rants. Yeah I don’t judge fairly. I like roster being blown up, and rosterbation and being irrationally angry.
sc0tti (Chicken ) Just saying judging Foles by the Green Bay game is fucked..The boy got hit so hard all game..QB’s that get that, will make mistakes….His other games were pretty efficent and had shown capability o throwing downfield accurately..We just have to protect him by running the shit out of the ball.
sc0tti (Chicken ) LoyalRam I know what I know as someone that follows the team..you guys know what the national media tells you..but whatever
Actually Idon’t like being irrationally angry it just happens, and yeah Foles is fine. Who Am I too Judge, the 49ers QB is Kaepernick,
sf9ers4905 Tribevel So Oline or QB in the 1st round?
Ha national media, I don’t listen to those guys, too busy on Athletics nation, and listening to wrestling podcast. The National Guy I listen to is Zach Lowe but he does NBA
LoyalRam sf9ers4905 Tribevel Def in draft, O -line in FA, we have the cap
Donaldson hit a shot by the Royals 3rd baseman caught it horizontal for the 3rd out!!!!
LoyalRam Tribevel these dipshits that think any qb (goff) can come in and play great with that line crack me up
sf9ers4905 LoyalRam Tribevel or dispshits like you who are delusional old men
LoyalRam sf9ers4905 Tribevel alex got killed in this same scenario
Build line first, whatever, If Kaepernick is QB in 2017 there are serious issues. I don;t even want him in 2016, but if want to rebuild other parts first, go ahead.
dipshits like sf4906 thinks every ol pick is going to work out and thats not the case. also a top 5 pick better be a lt (which we dont need), qb, or pass rusher. Thats it. you draft a rt or guard and you are a dumb fuck.
sf9ers4905 sc0tti (Chicken ) LoyalRam Tribevel I’m Navarro
you never said what pick SF would get in your imagery situation
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Read what I said Jive, def first – oline via FA
sf9ers4905 I Love Getting Kaeperdicked I did retard. He asked if SF should draft ol and you said definitely first.
if Niners suck enough to be in a position to draft a franchise QB…they should
All I know is that we should never have picked Bradford when we did…He was the best of the lot, and the rest sucked worse than he did…We should have gone Oline
nobody said Goff was going to come in and be great right away either. People say he is a pocket passer and probably the best in teh draft. He can play from the pocket like a real qb.
If SF drafts a QB, early in the 1st round – Who’s going to develop him
If they want to replace Tomsula – How many HCing candidates, are going to want work w/ Kap
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked I actually never said he be great right away. I hope he stays in school but that’s for other reasons.
It’s okay I’ll continue watching on Saturday’s looking for future QB. Does not have to be the Golden Bear, hopefully he stays in school. New watch interest is WSU QB, Memphis QB, there will be others. I’m looking at 2017 now.
so ol or qb in the first round – loyal
Def in draft – sf4905
yes you did. you are so fucking dumb you don’t even remember hte dumb shit you say
Realistically Looking at 2018 as contention year for 49ers.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked I remember…and I stand by what I said
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked I said def in the draft, O-line in FA read it dipshit
outside of whiloite and brooks the front 7 isnt even that bad.
Loyal, it was him or suh, the overwelming 1 and 2. And suh never brought lions a trophy
Def in draft, O -line in FA, we have the cap
11 minutes ago on https://spikedkoolaid.com/tailgate-special-edition-tnf/
Maybe Steve Spagnuolo will get another crack at HC in Frisco…GO SPAGS!
I wanna see more of Eli Harold before I condone drafting another olb
he has to become the TE coach first. Thats how it worked with Mangini.
leatherneckram yep…we were fucked under the old system…No one would trade up
good thing the Rams have Fisher. No threat of them being good anytime soon
at least this year’s draft class has a lot of promise. Aaron Lynch becoming an All Pro player his 2nd year is another positive step
Tribevel we need to bench brooks and find out what we have in harold
I still contend 75% of roster needs to be changed, of course remember what I said earlier Rosterbation
as long as the year 2 and rookies stay + Bowman….I dont care
Of course I say same thing about current A’s roster, blow it up, don’t care.
Keep in mind 9ers fans….. Pete and John totally blew up the Hawks roster…. Took them down to the bone, then started over……..Maybe the 9ers need to do the same.
SONNY GRAY TO THE CUBS. Wooo, Actually I want a bidding war between Dodgers, Red Sox, and Cubs! What your boys got Loyal?
sc0tti (Chicken ) Been consumed by work and school, my man..I have no clue
there’s always the chance Jed’s witch of a mother fires him
Jed will stay, but he may be neutered a bit and forced to hire a solid replacement for Baalke
leatherneckram maybe..Gray is pretty good isn’t he?
leatherneckram seriously? I love Gray but that be ridiculous over pay by Dodgers
I’ll it up to you Jed..I trust you…
~Jed’s Mom
sc0tti (Chicken ) leatherneckram W’e” counter offer the batboy and a year long supply of Dodger Dogs..
sf9ers4905 sc0tti (Chicken ) This sound like a mocking nature, but have a good day
sf9ers4905 OIeSagginSeahawk sc0tti (Chicken ) senile old man
sf9ers4905 OIeSagginSeahawk sc0tti (Chicken ) The Man has Scotti in his name….. He’s a Scotti.
sc0tti (Chicken ) sf9ers4905 OIeSagginSeahawk lol proved my point
OIeSagginSeahawk sf9ers4905 sc0tti (Chicken ) lost a name bet
Enjoy accepting a losing team 4905, A team that the owner quit on. But I’m the quitter. Fuck you, you enjoy losing
sc0tti (Chicken ) Jumping of the wagon ?…… You aren’t the 1st 9er fan.
OIeSagginSeahawk sc0tti (Chicken ) lol, you can’t be talking to me
“All we are saying, is give peace a chance….” eyes Suhkjot and 4905
I can’t fathom a fan wanting to tank for a draft pick, just not in my DNA
Sing it with me 4905….All we are saying, is give Peace a Chance…
sf9ers4905 Teams don’t tank. The players would be fucking themselves financially.
phil dawson has been kicking everything right down the middle, we should ride him to the playoffs
LoyalRam It still boggles my mind that he was killed . Just for singing / writing songs. Pretty sad loss
sf9ers4905 웅장한 거대한 음경 If you think players will play shitty so the team they’re signed to can get better draft picks to compete with them, you need a different hobby.
OIeSagginSeahawk LoyalRam yes….I was..and am still blown away by it..
john lennon was great, the 3 other guys that played with him were alright i guess, nothing special
4905 and Funf, maybe this is the more appropriate 49er Theme Song…
i’ve never tried it, i’ve done shrooms about 3x and weed about 10,000x
My baby left town, she left me a mule to ride
My baby left town, she left me a mule to ride
When the train left the station
The mule laid down and died.
-Po Joe Williams, psychic blues man who foresaw the 49ers 2015 season.
all the mexicans left the game in the 3rd quarter due to having to work in the fields at 5 am
LoyalRam i’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me…. perfect niners song
when i first logged on, i saw the john lennon video, in the backround of the cover shot it says “hair peace” … thought we were talking about MFA to be honest. funny
This is better for you Funf!
God damn.. I forgot about Beck’s loser song.. I must have smoked a ton of pot back in the day to find that enjoyable..
I got me a buick as big as a whale, and she iis about to set sail…
I think I can bridge the peace between the fans who want to tank the season and the fans who can’t imagine rooting for that painful outcome.
We can root hard knowing our team is so poorly coached at the moment that despite our faithful fanatic rooting the team is going to lose.
DGdub Thats when you started liking the Vrowns prolly
Adusoron No bro, its a fuckin dumpster fire..time to get warm!
i drivin those a few times, it’s hard to see out the back, good luck. don’t hit anyone changing lanes
Adusoron The fans aren’t on the field. Fans have 0 control and mostly even less knowledge.
Since starbucks is honoring lynch, dr scholls should honor keap because creates de feets.
Adusoron my point is, as a fan you never root for your team to lose
It’s a little outdated with Bradford and Clemmens gone, but here is the other Rams Video
Adusoron Be good when its the LA Rams vs the SF 49ers
6 Blue Jay Outs left..after the Royals finish inning
4905 you agree we need to end the Tomsula experiment? What works you say to hiring hue Jackson away from the Bengals? He’s a gifted offensive mind and is doing wonders with Andy Dalton
I’d leave that up to hue. If he says dump him and draft me so and so, then do it
Athough, if the Niners drated the next Steve deBerg, I’d be ok with that…
Hue already made Jason Campbell look like a good nfl qb in Oakland. He couldn’t get Palmer to play well but Palmer wasn’t playing well at that time. He’s improved Andy Dalton already. He could improve kap or help us identify the qb of the future. I’m sorry but I have no confidence Tomsula will identify the next good qb (if it’s not kap).
Stays. York loves him. He’s made good picks and been strong in free agency and contracts. He needs a hue tour to help him select some appropriate offensive talent
Sean Peyton and Baalke are both parcells disciples. However, I don’t think york had the guts to hire another strong willed fu type coach. He wanted a kind man and now we’re getting these results. The only way is for its to lose out. Jed has to look so bad he has no choice to fire JT and get another offensive guru
Sometimes a second stint at HC does the trick…..Bill Parcels….Don Shula….and Tom Cable?
The Cable Era will begin at Levi in 2016
Tribevel I think i remember that. He’d be a good find. I think he’s learned from his time under Al Davis, and all that really said to me is that he should NOT have been both HC and GM like he was. The Palmer trade (plus Al being Al) really sunk him.
LoyalRam sf9ers4905 harbs was 8-8 wit twice thew team last year
sf9ers4905 No, it’s not all Tomsula’s fault, but he’s clearly not the answer. I see an overmatched HC. He reminds me of Nolan and Singletary, just nicer.
sf9ers4905 We can keep him around, but every year we do, we’ll continue to be a 6-10 type team that wins a few games late in the season to save face.
Hey, the Niners have a roster full of SB caliber talent.. It must be Tomsula’s fault..
sf9ers4905 I’m not interested in sucking for 8 years behind Nolantary type coaches.
DGdub Bro, don’t even. Our roster is 9-7 type talent. The loss of good players dropped us from 12-4 type talent to 9-7. Tomsula’s bad coaching is dropping us to 6-10 or worse type records. Mangini and Chryst just aren’t that good. We’re going to get outschemed and outplayed by the better teams in the league even though our talent can win 9 games under a good HC.
DGdub I’ve seen enough to know what we’ve got. Seen enough of Erickson, Nolan and Singletary. We’re right back there. Hopefully York wakes up and realizes what he did and fixes it in 2016.
Jake the janitor from Candlestick was worthy of an interview in my opinion
DGdub Stop trying to troll us into being convinced to keep a bad coach. No thanks.
I’d take a second look at the guy who installed the first field at Levi’s…
Ballon Knot I said months ago that i wanted to see 8 games and I’d know all I need to know about JT’s coaching chops. I’m a fair guy. I’ve seen enough.
I hope all the blame goes to Tomsula.. Keep Kaep, he’s the answer..
DGdub You can’t seriously think Tomsula’s a good coach. Now I know you’re trolling.
Adusoron Ballon Knot
2 days you were talking shit
We’ve been telling You, the stuf You’re just coping too now
Tim Kawakami….. There’s your next GM/HC…….Hand the reins over to him Jed !
Off the top of my head, give me:
1. Sean Payton
2. Hue Jackson
3. Andy Reid (if he’s fired from KC)
All three of those guys would be good here. I’d also consider Shanahan.
Adusoron TheAviator4102 Nolan as D coordinator and we keep Geep at O coordinator
Personally, I’m not sure the 49ers can attract top coaching prospects at this point in time..
Nope. I said before the seattle game we sucked. I said months ago give me 8 games to judge JT. I’ve seen 7 and it’s enough.
Aviator, we need to rehire Jim Hostler at OC. That 2007 offense was the best I’ve ever seen.
Scary how Jed is dumb just like his cunt mom
Erickson returned to the NFL in February https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_San_Francisco_49ers_season with the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Francisco_49ers, and received a five-year contract at $2.5 million per year.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Erickson#cite_note-35 The Niners had serious salary cap problems, and Erickson lasted just two seasons before being fired, along with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_manager https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Donahue, after a 2–14 season in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_San_Francisco_49ers_season.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Erickson#cite_note-36 The hiring of Erickson was very surprising and highly criticized by the fans and the media after a longer-than-usual coaching search to replace the fired coach https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Mariucci.
Adu comes on here, stating what’s wrong w/ SF,… & it’s what many have been saying, & he’s been defending
Once an owner has “run off” a really good coach and replaced him with Jimsula… Other coaches take notice, and you’ll have to try and find a gem looking for their first HC job..
Apparently Bethea tore a pectoral muscle and went on IR. Too bad. It’s Tartt time.
Just your typical post by Adu,
“Bro, don’t even. Our roster is 9-7 type talent. The loss of good
players dropped us from 12-4 type talent to 9-7. Tomsula’s bad coaching
is dropping us to 6-10 or worse type records. Mangini and Chryst just
aren’t that good. We’re going to get outschemed and outplayed by the
better teams in the league even though our talent can win 9 games under a
good HC.”
Right dude
I’m disappointed you disagree, but I’ll bravely soldier on. Congrats on your win last night.
Oh,,. I agree w/ the above
Just not your assertion, that it’s been you position all along
Fünf Schüsseln I thought the Jays were dead meat and they’re proving to be resilient.
Do you even gif bro?
Wouldn’t it be poetic justice , if El Chapo was killed in a mudslide caused by hurricane Patrica ?
Excited Tartt gets to play now…..Him and Reid will be very good together for a very long time
OIeSagginSeahawk TheAviator4102 ? not that I know of… Bethea is on IR
Chris Farley was awesome. It’s too bad cocaine and cheeseburgers are so delicious.
Pete hasn’t seemed like his carefree self on the sidelines lately. Seems nervous
I know I’m joking. But damn I be so devastating right now if I was Blue Jays fan
sc0tti (Chicken ) I thought they were going to game 7 for sure
Not sure what Batista was doing on that cutoff throw….. cost them the game
Fuck Canada!! Go KC, I guess..
Yeah, don’t really give a shit who wins now..
Chargers lawyer on their application to move to LA:
“As you know, 25 percent of our season-ticket business comes from those markets. So we have to be able to protect those markets. That’s why as a last resort we went out and created the certain option we now have in Los Angeles. And if everything is moving ahead, we’re not going to be standing on the sidelines and watching everything go by. We’ve got to stay in the game to protect the future of the franchise.”
…TRANSLATION: We want a bunch of dough from any franchise going to LA, or we’re gonna fuck with them.
Ron LaCroixwhy do you say that? No chance for Seattle to lose?
Ron LaCroix technically it was the Rams market before teh cahrgers. I BET AT LEAST 25% OF LA IS RAMS FANS. sorry caps was on and im not fixing it
The Raiders, Chargers, Minnesota Vikings and New Orleans Saints have consistently drawn high ratings in L.A. for ESPN’s Monday night telecasts since 2008.
yea. I’ll bet that dickhead Spanos is spending half his day talking with his lawyers about tactics to use to hit the jackpot on getting compensated by the NFL for the Rams going to LA.
yea. Despite LA’s casual fans, there’s enough good fans to watch a football game if the team is half decent.
Ron LaCroix I ust posted this out of the hilarity taht nobody watches the Rams
think Tomsula’s gonna come up a different game plan for the 9ers, Drew?
Bobby Boucher explains Tomsulas new game plan!!
<iframe width=”999″ height=”562″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/nfHOQAT0-Mk” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
Ron LaCroix The defense should really benefit from these teachings
What! nobody’s in here trolling yet! OMG…..it’s tough times for the 9ers and good times for the Cards and nobody shows!
This is literally true>>> NFL Power Rankings
29. Texans
30. Browns
31. Jaguars
32. 49ers
yea, me too….course I’m no troller anyway, but I think it’s a shame.
Monday’s your chance to shine, AZK….you gonna trounce the Ravens?
…Good, maybe the fans will stop going to the game and Rog will stop sending teams over there.
AZKardinal good we can get the number 1 pick and get goff and be the only team with a good qb for the long haul
Not like they know the difference between good football and bad football
One of the reasons why Andy Dalton is having such a good year? His OL is giving him good protection….how novel, eh? He’s only been sacked 6 times the whole year! Dang….what the Hawks could do if we had their horses up front!
Ron LaCroix wilson would wait a second longer to start the scramble drill?
Ron LaCroix you act like your ol is restricting your passing game and it isnt your qb is
true….I’d be curious to know what the percentage of the crowd is limey.
I think the 49ers should make a trade for Alshon Jeffreys.
Probably get him for a 2nd or 3rd round pick and he’s on the market…. The Niners need WRs.
Niners don’t know which way they are going now – blowing up the team or trying to get better.
The thing is, a homer will look at the stats and read them their own way. “See how good Wilson is if you only give him 3.6+ seconds!”
MHB that is basically why I don’t blame the ol for Kaep. Sure if we wanted to just have an avg qb we would need a great OL that can buy them time. But a good to great qb makes quick decisions and releases the ball. Kaep and wilson are not good qbs.
The main takeaway from this article should be that your time to throw isn’t all on the OL. It’s influenced in large part by how you play.
Peyton (from a year ago +) and Brady rely mostly on presnap, so they get it out fast. How much OL protection do you need if you get it out within 1.4 seconds?
Some guys roll around looking for throwing lanes. *cough cough* Some guys roll out to let a deeper play develop.
The SF OL is bad. But when it wasn’t bad, Kaep didn’t look great. He’s kind of gotten a little worse each year.
The telltale sign for me was when they publicly “scaled back the playbook” for him this year. That’s when I knew he jumped the shark. You don’t do that going into your 4th year or whatever. That’s the time you should be mastering the offense.
NFL QB rating – 10th
Completion % – 7th
Yds/a – 8th
Under pressure – 45%
of dropbacks – 1st
Wins – 2 trips to
Super Bowl
Those are the stats for a good QB.
MHB™ basically when they said they scaled it back so he could be more comfortable then the following week he comes out and throws 4 picks and 2 pick 6s I knew it was time to jump shark. Also they were bragging about the scale back and his performance in it because he had garbage statsvs Pitt. He wasnt doing anything special when the game was close.
And for the record, no troll, I think Wilson is good. Top 10 good. But he is vastly overrated by the homers. Consider that I only think about 12-14 starting QB’s are “good”.
Ron LaCroix his completion % is high becuase he lives off of screens and short passes. He is under pressure so much because he holds on to the ball too long. that is his own fault.
He looks good when he takes off and runs because he’s fast as hell and a good runner. But if you could just make a great QB off that skill alone, Vick would be seen as the greatest QB of all time.
I’ve seen it all play out before.
MHB™ I think he is avg and when the threat of Lynch is gone they will crumble
The thing is we won’t know what he really is until they regress into an average defense and he’s forced to score more. But, it will almost certainly happen because the NFL is cyclical. You generally don’t get to keep a Top 5 unit for a decade plus.
Every homer overrates his own team and players…nuthin new. I agree that right now RW is good but not great. Drew is on a mission to prove Wilson isn’t – right Drew?
Ron LaCroix wilson is proving it for me on a weekly basis that he is just avg at best
Jive would you say wilson is better than kap though?
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC the difference isnt much and I don’t want either as my franchise qb
Tomsula will draft a field goal kicker with the first pick in the draft. Starting a new trend by re-building a team around a kicker….
I have more faith in Kaep winning a game if the defense isnt bringing him along
I have mroe faith in wilson to not be a complete bonehead on a daily basis and throws better passes.
Ron LaCroix not a franchise qb because he is 35. move on. he isnt going to win a playoff game. waste of time.
Without Hyde for the rest of the season that Niner offense is going to get killed….
Ypu sound ridiculous saying he isn’t gonna win a playoff game
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC ya 13 years prove otherwise
DHC if this was 2001 and I said Palmer would never win a playoff game then I would sound ridiculous
fact is its 2015 and he still hasnt won one and the cards peaked around week 3 and are on the decline.
He’s very capable of winning a playoff game. If you wanna say he won’t win a rING that’s fine. But he surely could win a playoff game lol
He hasn’t done much since week 1…the only game where the entire O-line showed up
Honky is great, though. He keeps asking me how many “drafted WR’s” Rodgers has, like that’s the key.
Our #1 hasn’t played all year. #3 has been out most of the year. #4 now out, and is a rookie anyway. #2 still not 100%.
The highest pick was a low 2nd. James Jones released by Oakland, then the Giants. Currently hoping for our 7th rounder to take more load because of the other injuries.
Yeah, it’s all about the WR’s.
Played well. Don’t be an idiot who blindly goes by the name. Kid made plays
I might take back the palmer never winning a playoff game thing if they play a nfce team first. but I doubt they will
But isn’t that the point? If you’re a great QB, you drive the offense. You don’t give a fuck who’s out there.
You’d rather have your best guys, but even when you’re down to rookies you magically produce.
But why does Eddie lacy suck now? -stupid packer fans
Losing guys affects HOW you play, but doesn’t have to drastically affect your production. Rodgers is a different QB this year because he has no one to take deep shots with and that’s what he loves best.
He’s playing more like Drew Brees from a few years ago, minus the bonehead shit. If Janis keeps blossoming, maybe we’ll have a deep guy by Week 12 or so heading into the stretch. That’s this boy’s dream scenario.
Bad ankle which is either caused by or exacerbated by triple helpings of sausage. If you aren’t on the field, your stats are gonna suck.
It’s the single most influential position in this game, and the second most ain’t fuckin’ close. And that’s why MVP keeps going to QB’s, and while that might be boring, it’s absolutely correct.
Tomsula likely gets at least one more year in San fran. He’s building a “culture” or whatever dumb shit he’s spewing to york.
Trade Watt for Rodgers straight up. Is Green Bay better or worse? Is Houston better or worse?
Pretty fucking funny to think of it that way, isn’t it?
York needs a weak minded person to boss around. He could never do that with Harbaugh and look what happened to the team. Fuck you York
One head coach was fired already this season (Dolphins) and it has so far been a positive move. I expect to see a couple more coaches fired mid-season.
Whisenhunt, Tomsula, Bradley, and maybe Caldwell….
Honestly, I don’t think Tomsula will get canned….it would make the FO look even lousier than they are, since they canned Harbs and hired him.
MHB I agree that qb is the most important position in teh game. That is why I feel SF needs to take Goff if they can. Clearly the best qb that is draft eligible. JP and SF4905 think we need someone on the dl or ol. Our DL is fine. If anything we need a new pass rushing olb. the ol is important but really we can get by with moving boone to rt and getting 2 guards later in teh draft and fa. QB should be our most important player. Goff is 6’4 215 and has displayed great footwork, touch, and accuracy. Never going to know if he can play against an NFL d until he does but at least he has the prototypical talent of a pocket passing qb.
Ron LaCroix no we need Goff or no qb because all the rest arent that great.
There were rumors 3 seasons ago that Eric Mangina was brought in to replace Harbs. He’s still there and has HC experience. Plus he’s a Bill Belichik disciple….
Pick out the best talent on the list, for your scheme and take him. Have you got another year to wait? What if its the same situation next year – wait another year? Meanwhile no butts are in the seats.
The 49ers are also destroying any trade value that Kaep or Vernon Davis had….
Ron LaCroix so what if butts are in the seats? Get a franchise qb when you can and butts will get in the seats sooner or later. People bought psls anyways so they stadium is basically always going to be sold out people might just not go
There are really zero good players on that 49er roster to build with…
AZKardinal staley si a good lt, hyde a good rb, smith is a decent wr, boone a good g/t, kilgore a good center when he returns, bowman is still good, bethea has been playing good, dl has been good, aaron lynch
rstoopes30 Bowman is getting up there. 3 years from now when SF might be better he’ll be done.
I don’t even know all the college QB’s, but I would guess that a few of them are good enough to make solid starters for a team. You need to get one as soon as you can – wait for the best one and you could be waiting for a long time.
Ron LaCroix again ron you are stuck in your avg qb world with rw. I want a real franchise qb. If I want to stick wiht an avg qb I can stick with Kaep
HTown49er you are the one buying cars that scream “i have a small penis”
He took us to the Super Bowl twice and won one of them. What’s wrong with that?
I thought this was supposed to be rivalry week? At least that is what I thought I heard on espn radio this week
bad Saturday for college games – plus the Dawgs are gonna get killed tonight by Stanford.
Bud light drinkers definitely drive Camero’s or Mustang’s.. It is not surprising this is HTown’s choice in rides..
I hate when you go to espn and click the scores tab they list european soccer leagues first.
ya everyone from america is going to espn to see scores of european soccer games pos site
ole miss and texas a&m only 3 ranked teams playing each other today?
At least the Buckeyes and Huskies are on TV today.. I don’t expect either game to be close though..
I keep waiting to see what Jed might say on Twitter, and nothing..
He had several Tweets on the 18th, 19tg, 20th, and 21st… He’s been “radio silent” ever since… I wonder what happened on Thursday the 22nd?
i am going to spend a large portion of today on hold with wells fargo. I entered the wrong password on my internet login and they blocked my card from using atms.
noshoes2 I Love Getting Kaeperdicked been on hold 10 mins so far
noshoes2 I Love Getting Kaeperdicked contemplating just going there and taking all my money out
Lol, Wells Fargo did that to me today. I had to go through a reset process
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked noshoes2 US Bank has had the best customer service that I have experienced with a bank.
God Loves Me In Vegas i am going to make sure to tell them what a huge wast eof time this is
I like my local bank, but opened a Wells Fargo account just for traveling purposes..
DGdub yes I have 2 banks. One a local credit union and one wells fargo.
my credit union has an online app now so its easier to deposit checks. depositing checks is the only reason I opened the wells fargo
its funny how i will sit on hold for 30 mins and my problem will be fixed in less than 5. hire more people you fucks
if I go to a wells fargo there will be 3 people standing by the door ready to jump you like its a car dealership
I don’t get how a team like the Miami Hurricanes can suck this bad (for several years now).. I mean great recruiting edge with climate, should be able to get recruits from all over the country..
MFA, don’t say I never did anything for you…
The Nebraska/Northwestern game is close, but not really a big game.. As is Texas/K St..
Wells Fargo? I hear nothing but bad about them.
I use Chase and they are the shit.
Plus they’re all over the fucking place, at least here in Chicago.
Suspect TTech Oklahoma will be decent. Tenn might be able to hang with bama for a half
Fünf Schüsseln I can use any atm with my welfare card without any fees
Rugby World Cup Semifinal: South Africa vs. New Zealand, NBC now.
Fünf Schüsseln haven’t been to happy with these 4th qtr blown leads
liking the all blacks is the same thing as rooting for manchester united and the yankees…. so fucking lame
Zippy…HARUMPH! I might tune in, there is no good college games on at the moment
If you’re getting charged ATM fees to begin with that’s usually a red flag to find someplace else. Those fees shouldn’t be a main revenue stream.
MHB™ i heard if i eat a lot of pineapple, my cum will taste good for the ladies… mfa, can u confirm this?
I personally am a fan of using a local credit union and just making sure they’re part of a national credit union along with a VISA/MC seal for usage out of your home area. No bank fees/savings account fees, and usually good customer service.
Russell Wilson uses one of the biggest banks because his MEGA-Contract is too big. Kam uses a local neighborhood credit union..
Wilson is killing that team.
Not all that much. The 49ers are such a mess on offense, RW can throw a couple of bad picks and you know it won’t matter.
I’m starting a SKA credit union and I promise no ATM fees no matter the ATM you use. Just wire me your funds and I’ll get you set up.
The http://bleacherreport.com/nfl's quest to land a franchise in Los Angeles may be closer to fruition, as the http://bleacherreport.com/san-diego-chargers will file official relocation paperwork to move to the City of Angels.
According to http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2015/oct/23/chargers-stadium-fabiani-relocation-los-angeles/ of the San Diego Union-Tribune, Chargers special counsel Mark Fabiani said on The Mighty 1090 AM radio show that the team will make the request in January.
“If everything is moving ahead, obviously we’re not going to be standing on the sidelines and watching everything go by,” Fabiani said. “We’ve got to stay in the game to protect the franchise.”
AZKardinal It will be the Rams. SD isn’t going anywhere on their own.
God Loves Me In Vegas That’s MHB’s momma ! You cruel bastid !
The Cards are frauds. I could see the division winner being 9-7
the idiot fans of the champ will just say we are the toughest division and battle tested then flame out in their first playoff game
The Cardinals are not dominant but they are a solid team. Nobody ever said they were the best team in the NFL.
Clemson D is hard hitting. They might be legit playoff contenders
Sports Dad @Sports_Father
What do you think Peyton Manning’s helmet smells like?
Ben Gay, shame, and regret.
Nobody ever said they were the best team in the NFL.
Seahawks are the best team in the NFL.
azk you dont htink mfa has said az is the best?
Also dhc has said it in 1 form or another.
He’s only going to pop in 18-19 times a day, max. He’s basically out of here.
noshoes2 its miami have you never watched one of their sports teams?
But in any case, nice to knowing you through Internet Vegas
We need to start kicking at least 7 field goals a game if we want to compete in this league.
Suhkjot, so you are holding yourself to a stupid bet that no one seriously believes you should honor…Why?
Why because this is waste of time. Sports is a waste of time. * turns self pity her mode on.
sc0tti (Chicken ) it’s a hobby..a passion…I will miss you dammit
sc0tti (Chicken ) Bests the Hell out of the alternative.
Just buck up Suhkjot, and get ready for Law School..
noshoes2 OIeSagginSeahawk sc0tti (Chicken ) ahhh….. I think we need to start over here.
Being under .500 is something that lifetime friendships are built on.
Here ya go Suhkjot SHOW SOME PASSION for yur new sport!
Pineapple, this 49ers team is most lifeless team I have ever seen. Thoughts?
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked LoyalRam yeah, but you need to focus on the Blue Jays, you ADHD Motherfucker
KZ I would give Jackson lessons but I’m not good driver
Your defense has looked real good in some games, and then terrible. Same with your offense. It’s really all or nothing from both units. I don’t know why that is.
On offense it’s easy to say Kaep is inconsistent and that’s the reason. On defense it makes less sense.
I just got done putting together a ton of teams.. Trying to get through the $$ I have in there before it gets outlawed..
Funny thing ball hit Donaldson hit last night was harder than one that got past him last year. Different positioning
So Suhkjot, yu back up team has to be the Rams….Got your Gurley jersey yet?
MHB™ I hope the guy that got hit in the head was Kaep’s QB coach.
Kaep has been concussed since week 1.
Pro Football Focus @PFF
Todd Gurley has gained 57% of his rushing yards on 5 of his 55 carries.
MHB™ No..He wears down a defense until he breaks big runs..you should know this after he wore out your defense
MHB™ talk to your HC, he will expolain how great Gurleys performance was
That 55 yarder came down 2 scores with 5 minutes left. I don’t think most teams care to defend the run that much in that case.
MHB™ yes..Mariotta is out for a while..Gurley will get it
MHB™ 3rd game for Gurley that will be for more than 150 yards
Nav, if you’re gonna jump ship, jump to one that isn’t spewing water out the side. Or one that has Jeff Fisher wearing a Captain’s hat.
Just sayin’.
One of these kids grows up and joins ISIS.
Fucking Packers will punk out like normal..step aside has beens, Rams will win it all.
I have to go buy chicken. Be back. Hopefully one of these afternoon games are good. Not doing anything today. I want a close game damn it.
EDTGO, ADU, Jive, and Scotti are now on the Cardinals bandwagon.
MHB™ *1700 yards for year with only 13 games played
Good fine earlier, your right I need to step my meltdown game up
Seriously though Pineapple I’m not jumping on another teams bandwagon. No need to Ill watch Warriors and NBA and follow baseball offseason
Gurley owned the Cards and the Packers consecutively…
vs the 32nd rated Defense vs the run Browns
vs. the 49ers at home (nuff said)
Gurley could get 4 games with more than 150 yards in a row, and new rookie record/
sc0tti (Chicken ) No..You are a Rams fan, you alreasdy signed this contract in blood…
LoyalRam sc0tti (Chicken ) who would honestly do this by choice
Hello 94063 LoyalRam sc0tti (Chicken ) (I won’t out you bro…)
He could do a lot of things. He could also not be that amazing. Why not just let him do it first?
If SF gets up a few scores on teh Rams I could see Gurley breaking a few hundred in garbage time
I can’t wait to troll MFA with this. I mean, IF he EVER COMES BACK!
Welcome to ISIS Colin. We’ve been expecting you….
21 for Tenn, they said he had 21 or 22 tackles in a single game. That is crazy
AZKardinal Sapp was a great player, but I do not want his opinion on anything
On Friday, a ProFootball Talk report emerged that http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/10/23/something-big-could-be-coming-for-49ers/ was going to happen with the San Francisco 49ers.
That “something big” was never clarified, leaving NFL fans everywhere to speculate — whichhttp://www.nj.com/eagles fans certainly did.
The speculation?
That 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick could be on his way out of San Francisco, leading the possibility that maybe — just maybe — he would land in Philadelphia.
Mychel thompson went to interview sapp a few years ago, and sapp insulted him pretty good, the guys been a jerk
AZKardinal I think the something big is Colin coming out of the closet.
Yep. He truly belongs in San Francisco…
Hello 49ers.
Can Bradford understand the complexity of Tomsula’s playbook? If Kaep can, anybody can…
AZKardinal I love Sam Bradford. Dallas is gonna win the NFC East this year because of that fraud of a QB.
Word is that the Eagles and Niners are swapping Kaepernick and Bradford.
Now wait for Jive and other Niner fans to deny it….
On Friday, a ProFootball Talk report emerged that http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/10/23/something-big-could-be-coming-for-49ers/ was going to happen with the San Francisco 49ers.
That “something big” was never clarified, leaving NFL fans everywhere to speculate — whichhttp://www.nj.com/eagles fans certainly did.
The speculation?
That 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick could be on his way out of San Francisco, leading the possibility that maybe — just maybe — he would land in Philadelphia.
DGdub told ya, Tenn can keep close for a half. After that, doubtful
AZKardinal lol so you are going to a philly fan dream scenario
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked AZKardinal If it’s on the internet it’s true.
Well, it is a good question..
Who would Niner fans rather have right now? Kaep or the Gunslinger?
DGdub actually Bradford because he is more likely to get us the number 1 pick
They already missed one FG, but I think kicking another is the right move
I imagine if Gabbert ends up playing it could be bad news for us with him trying to win so I hope Kaep continues to start.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Go Gabbert..get the Niners to 6-10!
LoyalRam I Love Getting Kaeperdicked you are a homo whom i dislike
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked LoyalRam this make me feel good
LoyalRam I Love Getting Kaeperdicked people thinking you are a homo makes you feel good?
DGdub dealer is probably letting him test it for the weekend
HTown is that guy that buys a new car right before a hurricane hits
Is that a Charger or a Camaro? Hard for me to tell these days.
Buy a fake Chinese Lamborghini for only $66K.
You’ll NEVER guess it’s not a real Lamborghini when you hear that 2.2 liter Toyota engine ROAR TO LIFE!
65-63-3 will be history..In 5 years, it will be 65-73-3….
MHB™ naw..he’ll have almost 10000 yards by then, and still going strong
Brodie was almost replaced by Billy Kilmer once, he had his uups and downs for sure
Jeff Fisher will be extended after going 20-60…because he said he had a 10 year plan…
Aaron Donald will be so morbidly obese he’ll have to wash himself with a rag attached to a long stick…..
sf9ers4905 and then the great Steve DeBerg, showed nhe was the greatest Niner of all…
LoyalRam sf9ers4905 ha deberg had a few records, crazy career, get replaced for montana, goes to denver, replaced by elway, goes to tampa, replaced by Kosar, goes to KC and is replaced by Montana
sf9ers4905 if youo think kaep is going to be a good qb you are a retard
What? It’s all over the internet bradford goes to the 49ers for kaepernick? Eagles are idiots
FanoftheRedbirds There you are..your deathwas greatly exagerated
So Kaep will be traded to Philly for Bradford…..(oh please God..please…)
LoyalRam FanoftheRedbirds never said I was leaving permanently. Just found a better place to post about football. If i want comedy i come here
John Krahn is a 7 foot 440lb lineman currently in High School (Scotti’s nephew?). But look at that face–that ain’t a football player’s face. I think I recognize this guy from somewhere….just…..can’t…..place it…..
LoyalRam ya its a rumor started by eagles fans and so far the only people stupid enough to read into it are you, azk, and mfa
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked LoyalRam lol…sounds like you are scared..this is good
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked LoyalRam everything online is true. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
MHB™ Dude will have serious knee problems, that is a lot of weight to carry around
LoyalRam I Love Getting Kaeperdicked actually I wouldnt mind it. Probably get a pick as well. Bradford will lose for us way better than Kaep wil
Plus just look at his frame. That’s all flab. He’s a big fat kid…sorry world. This isn’t a frame you build on, it’s one that becomes bed-ridden.
Mike I read online that you were a seal and we all know that is not true
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked LoyalRam *5 year 100 million dollar deal for Bradford in Frisco..will be glorious
Why in Gods name would the eagles want kaep?
Hmmm wait! Keap ran the pistol in college at nevada and eagles hc loves the pistol read option !!
If things don’t work out for John Krahn in football (and they won’t), Blues Traveler is looking for a singing harmonica player.
FanoftheRedbirds maybe palmer should play from the pistol so he doesnt throw game losing ints and lose to 3rd string qbs
Ok i just reached my posting limit on ska. Damn!!
MHB™ maybe monday night after i get home from the ravens slaughter. Or maybe not
I’m tired of pussy ass football. Back to when real men played it, and drank a nice sugary Coke after the game with a few cigs.
MHB™ Would be awesome to see a player light up a smoke on the sidelines.
noshoes2 didn’t quit . Just found a new place to talk football. So wont be on much
FanoftheRedbirds noshoes2 What?? You have to stay Mike. What’s the new place?
“See you Monday…MAYBE!”
Left unsaid is that he will see you today 8 more times, and 12 times on Sunday too.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked you need to take classes in sarcasm and bullshit
Police said Charles Cole strangled his mother on Aug. 16 at the Pleasant Valley Motel, where the two of them were living along with his wife, Ronalda Cole, and kept the body there for seven weeks.
I want to see a picture of ronalda
noshoes2 FanoftheRedbirds cant post it because idiots like asian jive and hh would fuck it up
You know what’s funny no body ever says anything when I go on A’S rants. But when I do it on 49ers I am a quitter. Quick thought. GO TENNESSEE
sc0tti (Chicken ) its because sf49 is not an A’s fan just a douchebag niner fan that thinks he plays in the games so winning every game and playing hard every minute is important to him
sc0tti (Chicken ) he wont like seeing the film of that one
Later my young and old krunks. Peace out! 🙂
FanoftheRedbirds ill say bye to you the next time in 5 minutes
By the way Tom Verduchi is the worse baseball writer alive. Okay he’s basically baseball version of Prisco.
Tennessee is not done. Might be long shot. But Touchdown and they take lead.
sc0tti (Chicken ) the same retard thinks kaep is a good qb
DGdub want me to show you what kawakami said about the worst play in sb history?
I’ve seen it.. I’m talking about which QB can still be competent with a shitty o-line
We know from last week and Duck Domination..HUSKY’S BLOW
sf9ers4905 LoyalRam (Hawks will get him with the 3rd overall pick)
sf9ers4905 DGdub Now don’t you 2 start arguing over who has a shittier O line.
Ohio State is starting JT Barrett tonight.. This ought to be interesting..
Ahh its been an awesome weekend so far. Got all my server parts in, she is built about to load hyperv-core. Got a decent buzz going…the Rams are going to beat the Browns tomorrow awesome!
halosramsfan We better..they have to cover my ass with all the bragging on the Browns board..lol
LoyalRam halosramsfan
They will I have a feeling the Rams are about to catch fire!
halosramsfan I paid a $172 bucks for a Tux rental for my daughters wedding, FU
halosramsfan LoyalRam Me too..we are on the verge of beinga REALLY good team!
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked
I defintely could with this puppy. I got 4 4tb drives I am going to put in Raid 10.
I am actually trying those seagate hybrid drives. It should be pretty fast.
halosramsfan LoyalRam DGdub I think Gurley breaks Dickerson’s record
McCown is 12th in QB Rating.. I don’t see Foles on the list.. Hmm…
Watching Gurley the last two games. He looked like Eric Dickerson and Stephen Jackson all rolled into one!
If they get him involved in the passing game, I might include marshall faulk in that statement.
DGdub in his defense he does look like Jackson. Playing in games down 2 scores
DGdub no dickhead….150 yard games (3 in a row)..Gurley could break this
I said looked like….I didnt say better I will reserve that judgement for a few years.
https://twitter.com/timkawakami https://twitter.com/timkawakami/status/657944545506689024https://twitter.com/timkawakami/status/657944545506689024
Tim Kawakami Retweeted Dukes
I wouldn’t say York/Baalke planned for the QB to fail. They’re more interested in setting up blame IF he fails.
Rae Rae! LoyalRam no, just the proper amount for a GOAT
MHB™ York and Balkee are fucking vultures. I will never see these two out of SF in 10 years. They’re both dumb and dumber
Kaepernick is the type of gift the Rams give teams every once in a while and like the Rams, it is cursed.
Hey if Gurley gets the Rams to the playoffs, I might consider some knee rug burn.
Oh why am i Niners fan? I have to be stuck with heart pain for the next 4 years
halosramsfan Rae will help, cuz he’s good that way
Rae Rae! you sound like republicans when obama got elected
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Rae Rae! Difference is that politics is gay as fuck
OIeSagginSeahawk LoyalRam
Rawks 4.6 yards per carry..ok for a scrub
LoyalRam Hyde has been injured but always shows up, kid is a gamer
sf9ers4905 LoyalRam Plus hes running through a OLine full of scrubs
sf9ers4905 LoyalRam he’s good, just not in Gurleys class
sf9ers4905 I Love Getting Kaeperdicked unban him and ask him
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked LoyalRam he just did by liking my statement
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked sf9ers4905 I can only unban him if he was banned on this site
LoyalRam I Love Getting Kaeperdicked he basically likes any comment
sf9ers4905 I Love Getting Kaeperdicked yes that is how he is banned here
NJ.Com never lies…..Kaep for Bradford swap?
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked omg we’re in a new low for Jive folks. Kap for Lindley. Hilarious
Rae Rae! too bad the Hawks will probably finish with a worse record….Goff will be a Hawk
Rae I want Lindley becuase I want to guarantee the first pick and Goff.
Really, if Tomsula thinks the season is over, they should be letting Gabbert play to see what they have…What if he plays great? Maybe the next Sam Bradford?
Colin Kaepernick signed a 6 year,$114,000,000 contract with the San Francisco 49ers, including a $12,328,766 signing bonus, $61,000,000 guaranteed, and an average annual salary of $19,000,000. In 2015, Kaepernick will earn a base salary of$10,400,000, a roster bonus of $2,000,000 and a workout bonus of $400,000.
87 welcome back jordy..for a little while anyway..lol
LoyalRam 87 dont woryr i just ate some yogurt and my wife thinks im lactose in tolerant
Tomsula doesnt think the season is over until we are mathematically eliminated from teh playoffs
i got a sweet tooth
tomsula probably does too
*hops onto Jordy’s right shoulder, pokes with pitchfork*
Show them pictures of your poop, Jordy. You know they wanna see what it looks like.
*hops onto Jordy’s left shoulder*
Don’t do it Jordy! You’ll be banned again!
MHB™ figure ill show em something they haavent seen, a butthole . an vagina nexxt to each other
So jordy, you and Bader share time in the same Cooky County Jail?
Some Mod beat to the trigger…. Fair to say, Jordy always has a grand entrance…….Or exit , as exhibited by his deleted post.
OIeSagginSeahawk MTGriz Deer season just started and I didn’t feel like coming here. That pretty much sums it up
*sees Griz*
*does double-take*
*spit take*
DGdub No but I’m being super lazy this year. If it’s not within eye shot of the road I probably won’t be killing it
Griz, the rumor wa yur boss had you chained to a desk for 6 days after the last Hawk loss, abd couldn’t respond last Thurs night…
LoyalRam Thankfully I don’t work a desk but I wish the lady that’s my boss would chain me to something
I did my best to nip this rumor in the bud, but after a while I just gave up.
I poked my head in here a little bit earlier this week but Jive was already trolling the shit out of the 49ers so things seemed well in hand
DGdub good don’t want york and baalke getting distracted by gaudy stats
With JT Barrett running Meyer’s offense.. This could get scary for the rest of the country..
LoyalRam DGdub its the gimmicky qb that is better than the starter
Bill Clinton didn’t join Hilary’s campaigning tour, until he found out Katy Perry was on the same tour…….That Bill…… he’s sly ole dog.
OIeSagginSeahawk If Hillary gets elected, he’s gonna be doin freaky shit in the White House again
OIeSagginSeahawk I honestly think Hillary might be a lesbian at this point and that’s why she never left Bill. They just each do their own thing.
LoyalRam OIeSagginSeahawk Sounds like entertainment to me !…
OIeSagginSeahawk LoyalRam “Lincoln Bedroom is my pimp palace..”
LoyalRam OIeSagginSeahawk Hillary is still getting investigated by the FBI and raked over the coals for Benghazi. Her best chance is if the retards that vote in the primaries push Trump through
LoyalRam Hey now. They only allowed 3 points against a top 4 NFCW team.
Trump the Candidate is like being on the edge of the Grand Canyon..Such a huge, wide open space..where you feel yourself leaning over into the yawning chasm..farther, ever farther…Trump is like that. He would fuck up the GOP for a few decades if he wins the nomination and everyone knows it…But the “faithful” are so fucking tired of GOP leadership that has promised the world and delivered nothing, and laughs about it….
“Fuck it, lets dive into the deep..”
LoyalRam The Republicans would be a massive joke if that happened. They are already a joke for him being on the same stage as legit presidential candidates. I’m completely independent and even I’m embarrassed
MTGriz LoyalRam They can’t even agree on their own speaker
MTGriz LoyalRam The GOP Leadership deserves it…..They overpromise and bnever deliver..They let Obama do what he wants, so why even have a GOP? Just another fuckin wing of the DNC ifor all practical purpose
OIeSagginSeahawk MTGriz LoyalRam that is not uncommon in both parties
sf9ers4905 OIeSagginSeahawk MTGriz LoyalRam True , however 2 members have already turned to job down.
I really do think it will end up being Bush vs Clinton and people will be more indifferent to this election than any other I can remember.
OIeSagginSeahawk sf9ers4905 MTGriz LoyalRam Ryan will do it, not that I care for him either
sf9ers4905 My insurance is paid for by my work but it has to suck for other people who don’t have much money.
“You have to pay for this or we will make you pay a fine”
LoyalRam OIeSagginSeahawk sf9ers4905 MTGriz I kind of like Ryan. Not as a president but I think he could be a good speaker. He’s a really smart guy.
MTGriz sf9ers4905 problem here is plans are cancelled, few options left
MTGriz LoyalRam OIeSagginSeahawk sf9ers4905 He won’t be any better than Boehner in my book..But it’s a fucked job in any case
sf9ers4905 MTGriz Ya it’s the same here I think. Having options doesn’t work when there is a limited number of options and they all suck
Anybody see the Steve Largent special on NFLN? They showed him decleating Harden which was great
MTGriz you better explain the newer Hawks fans who Largent is….
LoyalRam CheckMyStats sf9ers4905 Democrats are trying to make all healthcare be free, ya moron.
I vote Repub , Dem, and Ind. ….I figure if they can’t figure this shit out together, than we’re fucked.
CheckMyStats LoyalRam sf9ers4905 nothing is free dickhead
OIeSagginSeahawk They can’t. I’m not sure which is better. One party having control and passing what they want or both parties being equal and nothing gets done.
CheckMyStats LoyalRam sf9ers4905 and you are a brain dead socialist
LoyalRam OIeSagginSeahawk sf9ers4905 “We see your lawn got 4 inches of rain this month. That will be 10 dollars”
MTGriz LoyalRam OIeSagginSeahawk sf9ers4905 no lie
MTGriz he has talent, but I think Gore is doing better this year
LoyalRam MTGriz Telling Gore that he could come back but only as a backup seems weird. Make Hyde beat him out for the job.
health care costs are going up for a few reasons.
1. you have people getting healthcare that have pre existing conditions and health insurers would not previously inusre them
2. Increasing rate of obesity. Obese people requiring way more health care compared to not obese people.
3. Baby boomers are getting old and requiring more health care
MTGriz LoyalRam of course..I meant for Gore to be the starter
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Don’t forget the heavy costs of litigation.
LoyalRam yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Go Mets!!!
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper LoyalRam Fuk da Mets!
LoyalRam MTGriz Oh I know. That’s what Baalke told Gore this offseason
The Browns gave up 149 yards to dexter mccluster and he sucks
SEC is tough, LSU is handling Western kentucky in Baton Rouge, 14-7….lmao
yoshii you strange fuck..you say have Chief season tix, but you are against the othe KC team..wtf?
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper *since Missouri joined it
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper *hands yoshii cup to pee in for testing
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Nope … I’d say the NFC in the pro’s
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper LoyalRam haing on Missouri teams yoshii!
The royals stole the world series from us
I like the Red Sox in the American league
sc0tti (Chicken ) going to be tough, Stanford is kicking ass and taking names with their offense.
If we win tommorow and beat the Niners next week well be 4-3
sc0tti (Chicken ) I’m turning him toward the Royals bro..relax
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper yes…we have to do this
I am now rooting for the team with the least amount of fans on this site. so go mets
it just toook fags like loyal and sf49 to make me want ras to win
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked that would be the Royals….no one else besides me is rooting for them
I really don’t care who wins the World Series, so I revert to the never root for NY or LA mindset…
Royals have won the AL pennant two years in a row….They are starting to make me love them,..
At Louis never gets any love in the National media, everyone hates us
LoyalRam yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper because they hate small market teams
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper
This team is about to get some love in about 3 or 4 weeks. The Rams are hitting the powderpuff part of the schedule.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper LoyalRam Because th cards are insufferable fucks with the “Cardinal Way”..fuck that
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper LoyalRam and also they stole the Rams
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper We reformed him when he went to Brooklyn
I predict that the National Media will want to fellate the Rams afte three wins in a row that are about to come up…….and we will let them…
I haven’t used yahoo in ages, its gonna be weird trying to and the yahoo channel on my TV…I can’t even remember where it is
Buckeyes are doing good…which is a shame..quack, quack
The Rams will get no media love unless it is getting to be playoff time and they look to have 10+ wins and a guaranteed ticket to the tournament.
Meanwhile the NFC East is a dumpster fire and the media still can’t stop tonguing our grundles.
sc0tti (Chicken ) Nav wants the As and Dodgers to follow the ‘Cardinal’ Way
22SnakePlissken5150 lol…I meant as a darkhorse pick, but yeah I agree with you
The NFCE sucks so bad this year, the Cowboys are still in it after losing 90% of their offense
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper they will win it..the Iggles are shit
LoyalRam 22SnakePlissken5150 How’s the ongoing rape of the Eagles QB and Redskins draft picks going right now?
22SnakePlissken5150 LoyalRam really good….Have a lot of starters and it coming together..I think we battle the Cards for the NFC West
22SnakePlissken5150 When the Seahawks sucked I used to wish the media would cover the Seahawks more. Then they got good, the media was all up on them and now I want them to fuck off
LoyalRam yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Shit, after a 3 game losing streak, we’re back at number 1 if we win and the Iggles lose, both of which will probably happen. It pays to be surrounded by utter trash.
As long as we can beat the Vikings, we probably can get a wildcard fairly easy with the schedule we have left…the only games that scare me the rest of the way is Vinci and maybe minn, everything else should be winnable
MTGriz 22SnakePlissken5150 I know that feeling well. The media will latch on like leeches when things are going well but they will go out of their way and try to throw extra obstacles in the team’s way when adversity comes.
Now if the Iggles will just trade Bradford for Kaep, the Iggles Dumspetrfire would be complete
Dammit, I want my team to be surrounded by utter trash! This is fuckin bullshit!
LoyalRam I don’t even know who would be getting the better deal out of that
LoyalRam LOL and they get rid of Murray and Dallas picks him back up off the FA scrapheap for peanuts.
MTGriz LoyalRam No one..but think of the trolling..lol
Bradford had a chance to go to the playoffs his rookie year, and he lost to clipboard Jesus
Someone brought up the possibility of the Seahawks trading for the Ravens LG. Ravens won’t be able to keep him after the season but I still don’t see it happening. They still want to protect Flacco as much as possible. It’d be cool though.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper NFC not like it was last year. 11-5 could miss the playoffs last year, but 10 wins probably guarantees making it in this year.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper It was a competition of which HC trusted their QB the least.
Andrew luck can play like shit half of tgear and make the playoffs in that weak ass division, it ain’t fair…
I just want the Iggles to lose out, if possible…..We need that 2nd round pick to be valauble
MTGriz Let Okung negotiate his own deal. We might be able to do both
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper I don’t know that Wilson would put up Luck stats if he was on the Colts but I don’t get people that say the Colts would be a .500 team if he was on the Colts. Makes no sense. That division is so terrible that all the Colts need is competent QB play. Kaepernick would win that division
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper yeah but he’s gonna have a Peyton-like career with the way Indy builds teams. Lots of playoff trips but not the kind of complete team that is ever likely to win it all no matter how good the QB is. Peyton is lucky as hell to have got the 1 ring he did get there and Luck will probably be wasted the same way.
Well the good news about Okung regressing hardcore from his rookie year is that he won’t cost that much
MTGriz yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper because wilson hasnt won a game where the opponent scores over 24 and luck has
22SnakePlissken5150 yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Hopefully Mariota is actually legit so there is some real competition
LoyalRam FUCK YEAH. I just want to see their fanbase gorge on crow, nice rotting crow. All that talk about how dumb shit Bradford is a future MVP candidate and how Chip is the best coach in the NFL bar none…….they deserve to wallow in despair after such insane arrogance.
LoyalRam Ya but do they keep playing Bradford if that happens? Isn’t that conditional?
22SnakePlissken5150 LoyalRam loyal was on the bradford future mvp thing for like the last 5 yearss
MTGriz LoyalRam No..the 2nd pick is our unconditionally
MTGriz LoyalRam the second round pick is guaranteed to come to us the get a fourth round pick if bradford doesn’t play nine games
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked 22SnakePlissken5150 LoyalRam He didn’t have a choice, Bradford looked the part coming out of college, Eagles fans got to impartially watch Bradford suck for 5 years in the pros before they made this judgement.
Bradford needs to play more than 50% of the snaps for us to not lose a 4th rounder to the Iggles
We would have also given up a 3rd rounder if Bradford wouldn’t have played in 2015 at all..no worries there
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper MTGriz LoyalRam *50% of the snaps for 2015
My daughter asking for money for some stood camping tr, why can’t she just pay for education by being a stripper, like everyone else…lol
Purely statwise, there really isnt much difference between foles and bradford. Foles has way less yardage but bradford is an INT mill.
But from a financial standpoint, how the Rams passed off that shit sandwich to another NFL team has to be Les Sneads greatest move!
LoyalRam Barring something crazy, you’ll meet that milestone in a couple of weeks.
22SnakePlissken5150 LoyalRam I wonder what happens if the trade for Kaep happens? lol
LoyalRam 22SnakePlissken5150 Won’t happen, at least not until the off season. Chip Kelly’s reputation is wrapped up in Bradford right now.
HTown49er First things first.
Repaint that motherfucker. It’s a Camaro not some woman’s 4 door sedan.
Texas A& M are getting curb stomped like the Niners Thursday Night
For all you fans of grease with trovolta, they are tearing down the famous 6th st bridge in los angeles. The bridge has appeared in many movies and commercials
OIeSagginSeahawk I drove by her house once, got a boner. – Loyal
Anybody tried this recipe, I’m hungry and I’m looking for something to cook
OIeSagginSeahawk I’ll have to pick out one of the movies she did with John Wayne out of my JW collection and watch it later. Think I’ll go with The Quiet Man.
LoyalRam Mrs. O’Hara got you thinking about John Wayne too huh?
Mrs o hara turned down 4905 for a date saying i dont date dads.
OIeSagginSeahawk it was a copy and paste from a ‘rant’ website. hilarioius, but it didn’t copy well.
Hey Too Short, those long ago injuns should have killed my ancestors getting off the boat in 1633….Thats what happens when you are tolerant of “illegals”
LoyalRam I crack up when I hear people bitch about Spanish or whatever. Get off your lazy asses and get to learning.
Too Short LoyalRam except most are dead…what happens when a superior/strong culture overwhelms the other
LoyalRam Or when 96% of your population died and nearly every native american civilization on the continent collapsed between 1492 and 1630 after the first exposure to the plague and smallpox.
LoyalRam Too Short Superior? lmao, ruin everything, wasteful, horrible diseases…should I go on?
There are like 50 thousand illegal irish people here. We need to get them douchebags out
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked After the bar closes, need to pay the bills first
I’m voting a straight ticket
DGdub michicgan will kill their punter by then so watch out
Jake Browning not playing tonight, I might watch a movie instead.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Too Short I could see this happening
Too Short I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Secret Bowling /kidnapping scheme
It was horrific..the natives in the Americas were set up for failure..No resistance to small pox, plague, etc…It was a closed system, waiting to be blown apart even if the conquistadores were nice guys with no evil intentions (which they had)..Same would be tru if exploreres came from Asia…They had no chance
leatherneckram the spy movie? I liked it better than the martian
LoyalRam Americans have no chance, ‘whitey’ is a minority now, days are numbered/
Too short, bring a box a wing and we can hang out together and watch the Bridges of Madison County and Beaches together in our pajamas…
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper *stops looking for a box of wing after spelling correction
If the native Americans didn’t want to fail maybe they should have developed more weapons. Just sayin
noshoes2 Oh you done and did it……..* Waits for BMT to come blasting in.
MTGriz noshoes2 I’m offended by their lack of natural resistances to old world diseases.
OIeSagginSeahawk noshoes2 I guess he could roulette me to death
22SnakePlissken5150 MTGriz noshoes2 Nobody told them not to have advanced medicine. That was their choice
If it wasn’t for the Romans, the Germans might still be running around peacefully singing praises to Baldyr and Thor…Genocide is never a good thing unless your on the winning team
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Good thing the Rams aren’t a race. They’d be fucked.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper If it wasn’t for the Justinian Plague outbreak, Rome would probably still be an empire.
Columbia Exchange..
Whitey gave the Americas: small pox, plaugue, horses
Injuns gave Europe: beans, potatos, corn, gold, silver, and syphillis. The new foods exploded the population Europe, which caused more to want to come to the New World……
If it wasn’t for that stupid serpent, Adam would still be banging Eve in the garden.
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC Go Ravens!!!
We fucked over the natives about every way possible..
LoyalRam yep, also tomatoes and squash. There is some evidence that Syphalis might not have come from the new world afterall though, they are investigating new findings.
22SnakePlissken5150 LoyalRam hmm..had not heard that (syphilis)..Must be very new info
Just saying, who talks to snakes? Must’ve had some high quality Coca leaves in that garden
Utah dline needs to take over this game if theyre going to come back
We are all the children of the grey aliens to provide them with resources, while they fight an intergalactic war with the reptilians…thank god for scientology
noshoes2 On a related note, many European explorers and colonists in the new world from 1550 onwards kept finding what looked like orchards and shit out in the wilderness with no owners. They had no idea that the native populations had been wiped out by Euro diseases decades or a century earlier and thought that orchards and natural roads and town grids found out there was evidence of god setting up the new land for immediate colonization.
22SnakePlissken5150 noshoes2 Whole village were wiped out across the Northern Hemisphere, without ever seeing a white man
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper fuck grey aliens, all about the green
LoyalRam 22SnakePlissken5150 I read about it a few weeks ago, they are still investigating the issue.
the rule that the player can stay in the game because it his helmet came off due to a foul is dumb. if its unsafe that his helmet comes off it shouldnt matter if it was a foul or not
LoyalRam 22SnakePlissken5150 noshoes2 yep and by the time Eupeans showed up, the natives they found were basically living in a stone age “mad max post apocolyptic” setting.
As a historian, I have grown to hate that mass killer Christopher Columbus…You all know how conservative I am, but I will never say anything nice about that killer again..
The irish were treated so bad, many went on the mexican.side during mex am war
LoyalRam Agreed, dude seemed like a douche. Like if Kaepernick knew how to sail.
Ever notice that once people stopped believing in religion, they just simply replaced visitation by gods angels and demons with alien abduction
LoyalRam He was a crazy bastard. I read about the things he put sailors who worked for him and captive natives through. Probably no coincidence that the spanish inquisition was going on and aided by the royals who funded his journeys back in Europe.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper
Bless your heart
~Sheldon from Big Bang
I bet the people in the middle east just think Americans are swell
Haha. Im irish and mexican so you insulted me twice, nice job!
leatherneckram During the Civil war, Irish men were taken directly off the boats in NY to Union recruitment centers. Southerners called them “white catholic niggers” and hated them nearly as much as the black troops.
22SnakePlissken5150 LoyalRam His very first contact with the Arawaks, who swam out to meet the ships, were friendly and generous..Offering the new comers a meal..meanwhile, Columbus noticed the gold jewelry (small bits of it) and wrote in his diary that they would be easy to subjugate
Kyle Allen sure is no Johnny Freaking Football
In less than 100 years after Columbvus landed on Hispanola, 3 million Arawak Indians were reduced to less than 50,000
I’m Irish and English. I like to think Irish people were always treated with high regards.
leatherneckram A lot of US army guys in general were irish immigrants at that time.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC people forget that
They said earlier since I bought my car if I had a small dick. Nope it’s all about having money and good credit!!!
Lol why though? They the same as other white people. Other than those really extreme ginger fags.
The football gods will not be pleased. I smell a 50 point run by the utes
The curse for the poor Arawaks were that they were communal, and gave freely all the small amounts of gold that they had..Columbus and the spaniards with him thought they had much more..So they gave every one a quato of gold to fulfill, or limbs would be cut off…A communal people were now forced to scavange the land for gold, seperated for months at a time..Suicide rates were insane…..and the the disease……Europeans were monsters
DHC, slavery only recently became about skin color. Slavery was/is fairly common
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC Racial bigotry goes way past skin color. The Brits back in the day considered Irish, Scots, and Welsh to be sub-human compared to them as they did most other Europeans.
LoyalRam Maybe they should have went with State Farm, they probably would’ve been covered for that mayhem.
In other news….
Ohio State is kicking ass, Utah is getting ass kicked..
LoyalRam As much flak as the Brits get for their treatment of American natives (and they deserve a lot of the global flak they get about how their empire treated native peoples), they were far fairer to the American indians than the Spanish and Portugese ever were, same with the Africans. Hell, Americans were much harsher towards Native Americans after gaining independence than the Colonials under the Crown ever were.
Lol its kind of funny my dad side was all English and my mom’s was all Irish. I like to think there was some hard serious misogynistic problems when I was conceived.
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC English are a bunch of tea sucking bastards
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC I think the Scotts just had a referendum recently that put leaving the UK as an issue and had surprising traction. There is a lot of talk about Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales all breaking away from Britain within the next 20-30 years, and a few other European countries are facing similar issues.
I miss the good old days..
When you went to war and won, you took the land and drove the losers out (or killed them all)… Now, we blow shit up just to rebuild it.. Thanks a lot WWII..
Just saying, the English are the cause of all the worlds problems. I don’t make these things up, I just report the facts.
This is why I feel like I was lied to as a kid..Columbus was a monster, so why was his true nature hidden, while lauded as this great man?
noshoes2 There is a lot of truth to that. The way they chose to divide up the failed Ottoman Empire after WW1 is still the biggest problem causer in the middle east and the way that their and the other Eurpopean colonial empires collapsed after WW2 has been a driving force for the instabilities found in Africa and Southeast Asia to this day as well.
Columbus was a badass… Society was a wee bit different back then.. He was a product of his time, but still a badass…
The problem is overpopulation once we developed stone weapons and eliminated most of our natural predators human populations exploded to the point where there just wasn’t enough resources for everyone to be at peace, sinceonce you know there are people over there that have shit you don’t have, inevitably you are gonna decide you deserve their land too and seek to take it by firce
Columbus discovered people, he had no clue about the disease stuff
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Have you seen the charts of population growth over the last 100 years? It’s speeding up with advancements in medicine, something will have to give soon
My Puritan acestors came over with the Puritan Preacher Thomas Hooker to Connecticut in 1633…He was a founder of Hartford Conn, and must have been involved in idian wars that were brutal in those days…women and children massacred…So my relatives were not immune from attrocity
So No Shoes, Cal plays USC next week, three straight loses?
sf9ers4905 He also straight up murdered and enslaved most of the people he found.
sc0tti (Chicken ) Cal wins. Teams always play out of their mind first game for an interim.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked lol…Columbus didn’t discover Nigeria
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper I Love Getting Kaeperdicked majority
rstoopes30 doubtful your parents orancestors would have met
noshoes2 yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper
1–Advancements in farming and water extraction
2–New world fruits and vegetables exported to the rest of the world
3–Discovery of fossil fuels
4–Medical tech
We would just have concentrated on Japan in the 1490’s without Columbus, and enslaved jive and his bro’s
Spaniards that tortured nativeswere worse, signifacant history of it in NM
leatherneckram I mean USC is playing well for interim HC, pretty sure it’s his first game
LoyalRam The first ancestor of mine (European side, not Cherokee side) to reach America was fleeing the British authorities on a murder rap. Changed the spelling of the last name (apparently that worked back then to hide your identity) and to this day those of my lineage in England spell the last name differently than those of us in America.
22SnakePlissken5150 LoyalRam when did yur acestors get off the boat?
LoyalRam Why fuck with the Japanese, poor bastards have it hard enough not having souls and all
sc0tti (Chicken ) noshoes2 leatherneckram Did he? Well that would throw water on my theory
22SnakePlissken5150 LoyalRam mine was an indentured servant, to pay off the voyage over..
If Adam had slit Eves throat and asked God for a woman that knew how to listen to instructions, we’d all be better off
LoyalRam 22SnakePlissken5150 first was around 1650 I believe. My dad is into that family lineage tracing stuff.
noshoes2 LoyalRam leatherneckram It’s cool, you should go
leatherneckram John Wesley Hardin is one of my direct ancestors. I’m proud of that in a weird kind of way.
Didn’t Homo Sapiens move from Africa to Europe and wipe out the Neanderthals and steal all their women?
I think you all judge Columbus based off of society today..
IT WAS THE 1400’S!!!!! Things were a little different, don’t try and reflect your 2015 morals on people 600 years ago..
The Rams should have blue turf, it just looks cool…lol
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper So you’re saying that all of the American racism is really just black on black crime?
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Still a lot of competing theories about that. One genetics reasearch theory shows that Europeans and Asians have small amounts of Neandertal DNA and certain asians have some other early human DNA…..which makes Africans the only people with straight up Homo Sapien DNA, no mixing.
sc0tti (Chicken ) yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper what’s wrong with it?
I drove by mananzar japanese concentration camp just a couple days ago. Still has guard tower
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper sc0tti (Chicken ) nothing, sorry Yoshii
leatherneckram booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
A small percentage of Scandinavians are immune to HIV. This dude with HIV got a bone marrow transplant from one of the immune people, within a year, the dude was completely HIV free.
From a micro view, it’s hard to not see the horrible atrocities, etc..From a macro point of view, it was a battle between two totally different cultures…Europeans had advanced weaponry and new immigrants coming every day wanting..hungering for a piece of land of their own..While indians were decimated by disease and many depended on a hunter gatherer existance, especially on the Plains……Just as germanic tribes overwhelmed ancient Rome, Euro’s overwhelmed the Natives in America..Fair? Fuck no….Just reality.
LoyalRam Also what passed as morally right back then the world over was very different from how we see things now. Amazing brutality as the norm in virtually every culture.
leatherneckram Great talent, better without alcoholic coach
A white college kid was so enraged his friends were being put in the camps, he went with them.and stayed aost whole war
DGdub also, consider that the Inquisition was going on at the time, a particularly nasty time as far as European culture and standards in general at the time, and it’s not like native american civilizations weren’t blood thirsty brutes either.
One of these days, Wyoming willbe national champs
“Wait these guys are getting taken to a camp….instead of getting drafted?…….OUTRAGEOUS. I demand to go with them”
We should all start sneaking into mexico and demanding free health care and food stamps
leatherneckram Considering how the Japanese Empire treated nonJapanese Asians, european civilian prisoners, and allied POWs, if that was the worst we treated them they were still doing pretty fucking well.
The Japanese Empire did fucked up shit that even the Nazis didn’t do, Nazi attrocities just hogged all the press
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper lol, let me know how that turns out
noshoes2 yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper pansy, you are not coming with us?
LoyalRam sc0tti (Chicken ) i’m just joking, do what you want
sc0tti (Chicken ) noshoes2 yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper No, I won’t go to my poor neighbor and demand their food
Whats crazy is that a liberal democrat (FDR) that interned the Japanese…This is why I won’t let Obama herd me into a truck for whatever reason….
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper One thing Mexico does that we should take a look at is pay for schooling to become things like doctors and lawyers in return for a certain number of hours the graduated doctors and lawyers spend working the debt off for the government.
I wanna here more about this $5 million for Chapo… Is this a dead or alive thing?
Loyal…does that st Louis station on tune in radio still broadcast Rams games?
DGdub I was hoping he was killed in a mudslide or something
All I’m saying is camp can get pretty expensive, maybe the Japanese-Americans should be thanking the US for free camp instead of complaining.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper they are not allowed to unless you have “Premium”..I think locally its 101ESPN
LoyalRam It’s not like conservative Dems, Conservative Republicans, or Liberal republicans had much of a problem with it at the time. hell it might have even saved Japanese lives from mob attacks and shit like that. We REALLY, REALLY HATED THE JAPS AT THAT TIME.
leatherneckram With all the preservatives in food sounds like a good thing.
22SnakePlissken5150 LoyalRam I know..My Gramps called the japanese…”Japs” until the day he died
Its funny the Japanese had to be self sufficient, but the prisoners get sex changes
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Finally someone is doing the right thing
You would never collect. Chapo isn’t going to write you a check either.
leatherneckram Are you talking current prison system? All kinds of fucked uped
I wanted to choke this.lady on.the radio saying it was the rights of the prisoners
sc0tti (Chicken ) noshoes2 leatherneckram no, it’s bullshit. shouldn’t happen
LoyalRam OIeSagginSeahawk In that case, you’re nuts. I already told you
1 Hawks
2 Rams
3. Cards
4/ 9ers
My next door neighbor in Sacramento is a convicted murderer……He was at Pelican Bay…Of course he says that he;s innocent, which I don’t know if I believe or not
We are stuck with the chiefs on TV and the Rams radio station around here gets into a fight with the cowboys station in the middle of the game so you hear the rams game fading in and out with the cowboys game…
a friend I used to play baseball with..a fuckin A’s fan
LoyalRam they all are innocent until they find the evidence
sc0tti (Chicken ) He’s a few months out of high school and is getting hit by full grown DEs
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper
I am going down to my basement and watch it on my directv 4k 65 inch samsung. Just cause I like to brag!
With the prisoner sex reassignment surgery, it’s a special case considering the nut has some fucked up gender dimorphism mental condition that requires sex reassignment surgery in order to not continue to mentally degrade. Still bullshit and probably won’t pass a supreme court test but it’s a special case situation and not a situation where the state would have to pay for any inmate who wants to swap a hot dog for a taco.
*watches Too Short leave the room, cussing like a truck driver
Any dime store quack knows this is bullshit, medically speaking
I used to date this German chick that was a transport officer taking prisoners to the pen going out with her was fun because anywhere she goes she swore that she recognized some bodies face that she had roughed up an thought they wanted to pay her back
This was my friend/next door neighbor…Guy Musladin
DGdub who are they playing….little sisters of the poor?
Jive, will the Niners score forty on us with an extra four days to prepare?
leatherneckram I have written him, and asked his side of the story…I live in Kansas, so that visit is hard to do
sc0tti (Chicken ) yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Chris long might be out
What happened to Miami…how did Clemson hang 56 on them?
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Your Dline vs that Oline is gonna be retarded
Everything is set up so that my Cowboys should beat the flailing Giants, but I still don’t trust the timing of the QB change. I can’t think of a time when a team benched a QB in favor of a journeyman who has been on the team only a few weeks where it worked out well.
Matt Cassel lost his job to Kyle Oorton…lol
Yeah, don’t think Weeden was playing all that bad.. Not sure Cassel will be an upgrade..
DGdub He has a noodle arm, Cassel might be able to push the ball down the field
CharlietheUnicorn lol…you are just upset that you are gonna lose to the Cowboys, that too will pass
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper CharlietheUnicorn Even you know what is going to happen in Big D
Some woman got mauled by a bear around here. The moral of the story is don’t feed the bears.
MTGriz yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Griz FF play of the week?
MTGriz People trying to get selfies with bears.. need to be eaten
MTGriz at first I thought I heard you say, “married” a bear…..nevermid..continue…
CharlietheUnicorn DGdub To WHO?
Williams is a solid #2 but he can’t beat #1 WR type coverage
Beasley is a slot guy, not a guy who can stretch the field on the outside
Devin Street looks like a horrible fucking bust
Witten is great but no longer has the speed to get downfield
Best recieving RB blew up his knee.
22SnakePlissken5150 CharlietheUnicorn DGdub i’m just regurgitating what a few talking head said on the pre-game show last weekend. I thought Weeden played ok, but he can’t make explosive plays… so the theory is…. Cassel can make a few plays
CharlietheUnicorn 22SnakePlissken5150 DGdub I’m fearing he’ll make explosive picks but yeah, I understand the idea.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper I’ve had a Bear / Elk mix……Pretty good
So if I asked you about https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Art, you’d probably give me the skinny on every art book ever written. https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Michelangelo, you know a lot about him. Life’s work, political aspirations, him and the Pope, sexual orientation, the whole works, right? But I’ll bet you can’t tell me what it smells like in the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sistine_Chapel. You’ve never actually stood there and looked up at that beautiful ceiling.
DGdub sort of….
If you’re dumb enough to fuck around with 400 pound carniviorous wild animals like they are friendly dogs and cats, should you be trusted to have a firearm?
It smells like over a 1000 years of soot and candles being burnt indoors.
Since they built the daycare in my back yard, I can’t see the woman across the street when she showers anymore…:(
OIeSagginSeahawk CharlietheUnicorn they had a pretty sweet underground catacomb system.. according to Twilight
CharlietheUnicorn OIeSagginSeahawk To be honest, IDK what the fuck the subject is……
OIeSagginSeahawk CharlietheUnicorn twilight? Just horny teenagers / undying love
College football is sexist, they need more all women teams…toughen those bitches up
CharlietheUnicorn OIeSagginSeahawk are you team Taylor?
OIeSagginSeahawk CharlietheUnicorn https://i.imgur.com/2lUq3NN.jpg
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper CharlietheUnicorn OIeSagginSeahawk OSS is so on team taylor, he virtually lives in Forks already 🙂
Good thing I caught myself before I dumped a pan of water into a fryer full of hot oil or else I would be remodeling my kitchen
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper and getting a face transplant
25 yr old women who hit and killed 4 people, what a waste.
Lol…Browns fans…let them dream, I guess
Cleveland Browns 27, St. Louis Rams 17
Look at it this way, she started partying early for the OSU game
leatherneckram DUI… Same shit happened up here. …smh…..I don’t drink and drive……No friggin way.
CharlietheUnicorn leatherneckram she drank her Jesus juice…
I’m thoroughly convinced, there should be a MANDATORY, 10 year retest and decertification of 1/2 the people on the road.
CharlietheUnicorn OIeSagginSeahawk I’ll by a piece of shit , just to ram the fucker off the road
noshoes2 it was very dangerous in ROME in 345 AD… chariots are rough
No wonder they are undefeated look at all these cupcakes they play
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper They will loose to that team up north
CharlietheUnicorn noshoes2 and it starts again…….I’m so abused in here
Why does the Big 10 have 14 teams and the Big 12 have 10 teams?
Gaskin is such a beast. Will dominate next year with that big ol baby browning
CharlietheUnicorn Expansion a few years ago messed up the conferences
Charlie where are your Manners its Mr OSS people of a certain age deserve respect
noshoes2 CharlietheUnicorn then why not rename them… you know Big 14
I repsect anyone who has lived through 2 world wars and the great revolution and civil war
OIeSagginSeahawk CharlietheUnicorn Azteca, Maya and Incas
Lol…the Big twelve replace Mizzou and TAM with WV and Boise state…hahaha…man the conference sucks now
It’s sad for your qb when “throwing the football is not what he does well”
The FST / GT ending just on replay.,.. what a frigging embarrassment
CharlietheUnicorn At least it wasn’t the Chuck Pagano fake punt. That was special.
LsU gave up 20 points to W Kentucky, they must have called off the dogs early
Sorry, IND sucks as well…. so last good school on the OHST schedule is Michigan State
So- What we have here, is10 day break for the Hawks, then @ Dallas..I see us winning that one
OIeSagginSeahawk I’m thinking about going to the game, but it will cost 2k for everything : /
noshoes2 CharlietheUnicorn let’s see if they rebound from a loss, they might go full 49ers mode
OIeSagginSeahawk CharlietheUnicorn I was thinking I could buy a bigger TV and still have money left
CharlietheUnicorn OIeSagginSeahawk And drink /eat/piss when you want during the game
It’s too bad we didn’t land Rosen. Would much rather have him than Browning from what I’ve seen so far
OSS, Maureen O’Hara died today. She was a looker back in the day
CharlietheUnicorn Yep. That puss dried up at age 95…….Bummer
I had forgotten she was in many John Wayne movies, until I read an article about her
Go Thunder!!! Wednesday is opening night!!!
CharlietheUnicorn Oh Hell yes. John always wanted her……Can’t blame him… She was a beautiful woman.
Just scrolling through recent posts, and realizing how old OSS must be..
Worried about when he can piss during a football game… smh
DGdub Well, he has his priorities straight. You know how many flights of stairs you have to go to get to a restroom in Jerry World? Too many
DGdub As long as he can make babies, his prostate is ok
I could spend the same amount of money and go to Hawaii…. or go to a SEA/DAL NFL game
CharlietheUnicorn Watching the game at a beach bar in Hawaii is probably the way to go
DGdub wut ?…. You have to have perfect timing. 2 beers ,timed perfectly with a score, punt, and FG……What’s the prob with that logic ?
CharlietheUnicorn make the little lady happy..Aloha!!!
The Rams are gonna have to shutdown Robert Turbin tommorow…looks like he’s gonna be the centerpiece of the Browns offense
Gald FSU is done… Also, Baylor probably out of the picture as well.. Buckeyes just need to win the Big 10 and they’re in..
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper DGdub JH in National Championship game *rubs salt in 49ers fans wounds*
Buckeyes looked so different with JT playing QB.. Been saying it forever, he’s the right QB for Meyer’s system…
Beginning to think Urban planned it out like this to keep Barrett fresh down the stretch..
DGdub What would you think of him being the #2 QB for your Seattle Seahawks (via the draft)??
Can’t go there yet.. He’s such a running threat, that he’s typically throwing to WIDE OPEN receivers when he’s passing..
Really hard to judge his accuracy.. Also, he’d have to bulk up to play his style at the next level..
Tribevel KershawOwnedBumgarner(sc0tti) oh shit you got beef?
Tribevel you roll with fire you need to know to use it
lol….I can see the faces of the broads at the office if they saw me watching this at work!
fucking scotti with yeldon and gurley on his bench and wont trade them
Stanford rolled over the Dawgs as expected last night. Sumbich…they got the O that the 49er used to have and it sure looked awesome.
TV commentators wondering why David Shaw doesn’t get a job in the pros….because the guy is smart!!
Jacksonville isn’t vreally hat good are they
The Yahoo channel on my TV actually looks better than the Cable…lol
Zippy…HARUMPH! Is funny how Hawk fans love the Jags now because of their HC
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper is your tv connected directly to a cable box?
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper yeah…internet and TV through the same wire
So because I say they’re doing well while on Yahoo, I “love” them.
Good morning ska, vegas actually had usc as 3 point favs against utah. Those boys know what they are doing.
no kiddin….and all they go by is the money they take in on the betting!
Ron LaCroix the cable connection runs to the router, and then you plug an Ethernet cable and a coax into the tv
leatherneckram they have the Rams as 4 point favourites today…will we cover?
does your cable box connect to your tv through hdmi cable?
Horrible football day guys. However better than bo football
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked no, just through the modem
sc0tti (Chicken ) Second Rubgy World Cup Semifinal is on this morning, on some obscure cable channel. Yesterday’s game was awesome.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper I Love Getting Kaeperdicked well that is probably why
Ron LaCroix Yesterday was 20-18, back and forth fight all the way. South Africa nearly pulled off the upset.
Back in 1981 I was in New Zealand and the controversial South African team was playing the Kiwi team in Nelson (this was when SA was still segregated.) I went to the match – there were demonstrations all over the country and around the stadium. This blond kid named Botha was the big star.
Ron LaCroix I was in NZ in 2000, during the Jonah Lomu era. Amazing the way the entire country stops. I was on vacation in Raratonga and the Kiwis were staying up until 2 AM to watch a practice game against Tonga that the All-Blacks won by over 100 points.
On my phone ron, just go to cnn. You can see the rescue guys almost thanking the troops whe fleei g
When they announced this in the Spring they said the NFL was considering the possibility of eventuallystreaming 2 games every Sunday in the future and this is the first trial run
They want people to be able to buy jerseys by pointing and clicking on players.
Florio’s news of the day:
“Raiders, Rams likely to
join Chargers in L.A. relocation effort”
….no shit!
Ron LaCroix Florio is the leading asshole in pro football media today.
Zippy, I know two baseball writers worse at their job than Florio.
sc0tti (Chicken ) Do they also try to raise torch and pitchfork over stupid shit?
yea…the team’s the deal there. New Zealand’s kinda like one US state – small time stuff, but a great bunch of people.
Ron LaCroix Nation of four million that has dominated world rugby for most of the time it’s existed. More Olympic medals per capita than any nation on earth.
they’re gonna have the Rams – Chargers and Rayduhs are just playin games for dough and stadiums.
Verduchi for a guy that covers baseball does not much about sport. Yes Rosenthal does that. Two click bait journalist
Think so. Nfl or kronke gonna have to build raiders a place
SD is getti g the business. They should throw spanos to the sharks
Three teams in two stadiums located about 12 miles apart. Yeah, that’ll work.
leatherneck I think it’ll probably be just the Rams there next year. Chargers will probably move into Inglewood once the site is complete.
k1joyce #illegalbats Rams will probably spend another year in STL
k1joyce #illegalbats I Love Getting Kaeperdicked because I don’t think the NFL will let them leave until then
The nfl is supposed to be one business, relocation fee will pay for raider stadium
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked k1joyce #illegalbats They have said they want a team there in 2016. Things have already gone nuclear in STL. LA Coliseum has already said they can host a team next year.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked k1joyce #illegalbats I’m at about 70% they are there next year
Ron LaCroix The owners favor the Inglewood stadium because it’s far superior to the Carson option. There are some who are staying loyal to Dean Spanos because of long time friendships but even they know who’s got the superior stadium project, it’s not hard to see that,
They don’t give a fuck about the stadium….they’re all playing politics for money.
IMO the NFL should set up a rule. A team get can nfl funding for a new stadium every 62 years. So you better build a good one when you build one. This Rams shit pisses me off. That stadium was around for like 20 years. Build something that lasts and stick with it.
so basically every other eyar the nfl would have to come up with stadium funding
I remember when they left for that state of the art stadium
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked They should probably never have moved in the first place. The whole deal for their move to STL was bogus in the first place, it was set up to fail essentially.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked Same with Atlanta. Replacing the Georgia Dome after 25 years because they didn’t put in enough luxury boxes the first time around.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked and whomever designed the EJD was a fucking moron. It was practically obsolete the second it was completed.
In those few years, many teams left. It was the start of blackmail by the nfl
leatherneck you gonna go watch some Rams game in the Coliseum next year?
Georgia left many husbands, do you think she cared about leaving fans?
….lol….we know you VD
and don’t pretend you wouldn’t like to get off a sinking ship, purely for selfish reasons.
Ron LaCroix and what is him being upset really gonna matter?
I Find Is Funny Saints Are So Popular Even Our Backups Get Commercials
SaintChicka09 I find it funny the Saints are fucking under the Mount Everest of Salary cap hells
SaintChicka09 I don’t think you get what the commercial is about
games id rahter watch over saints and indi
nyj vs ne
pitt kc
clv stl
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked I’d rather be watching the shitstorm game in London
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC Hey, they are our other team – Hawk fans
They should have left the team name and colors to the city. I laugh when i read, la did not support rams…really? What business stays open half a century with no support?
all she cared about was her own little world of spending money.
When A 2-5 Team Who Ruined Thursday Night Football With Their Awfulness Complains About Another Team Being On TV
leatherneckram Rams have stayed open a 1/4 century in STL with no support
I’m going to be forced to watch Colts and Saints while at gym. So to answer your question Chicka while doing cairdo I’ll watch Saints and Colts
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked leatherneckram Hey now, they had about 4 years of support
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC Brady is going to eat the Bowles blitz attack alive today
I’m watchin the night game just cuz I like night games, and nuthin else interests me today. I’m gonna go the driving range.
We get the fucking loser chiefs vs the Sorry ass Steelers…yuck…
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC Alot of injuries for the Pats though. They should have a decent chance.
Am I the only person watching the jags and bills shit show? Mainly watching to see how the British crowd is. They don’t know how to cheer for football. Then again there isn’t much to cheer.
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC The NFL gives them utter shit games every year
They are jags fans. Half the stadium is waving jags flags. It’s cause we always send them there lol.
Good idea. I’ll probably stop watching at like 1230. Bad football day Ron
SaintChicka09 no it does not depend on where i live you fucking dumb shit bitch
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper lol, thank god that BS stopped. LA is Kroenke’s focus now
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked SaintChicka09 Are you Italian also?
k1joyce #illegalbats I Love Getting Kaeperdicked SaintChicka09 yes
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked k1joyce #illegalbats SaintChicka09 I have a friend who is Italian, German, and Japanese. He’s the Axis.
Ron let’s talk Mariners. Um never mind I have no idea who the guy they hired as manager is.
chicka i could wear a wig and get more guys numbers than you
me neither….true M’s fans are like….’whoaaaa….NO managerial experience!” I think it’s a risky hire.
One of few Red Sox players I actually liked along with Pedro and Manny Ramirez
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC are you gonna watch some landry jones today?
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC could be the cards future qb.
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC I think Landry Jones might earn himself a chance to start somewhere next year if he does good again. He made some nice throws.
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC same with az and over the hill game losing int throwing palmer
He played well. Everyone trolls cause he’s an unproven guy but he looked promising.
sc0tti (Chicken ) and the ealges and panthers dont play in the afternoon. where I live does not matter. She is dumber than MFA
The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 the one girl is like I have nasty nipples do not take my pic
If Stan Kroenke owns his own stadium the city can’t block him from playing games in London….he was stopped by the lease he had on the dome
I’ll Be Commentating On Saints Colts Today In Case U Were Wondering
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC Guy was a 3rd round pick, there is some talent there
Well, he wouldn’t be available under the last regime, but Dipoto has said he wants a top defensive OF, so am unsure about that. I think he’s got the makings of a good CF with a strong bat, but who knows now!
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper so you want your team to play in london? Wow you really are the Jags of the East
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper if they move to LA yes
that is censorship k1. i thought you were an American bro
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper If they move to LA there is 0 chance it will happen again
Nav, this guy probably knows the game quite well (former 10 year MLB catcher); can assess talent well (player development and scout), works well with Dipoto (assistant to him in Anaheim), and is on the same page with him and sabermetrics, but dang….managing a clubhouse is a different game – you gotta have leadership qualities and I don’t know about that yet.
God fucking damnit I have mccoy. I was stoked thinking he was about to score amd then boom he fumbles on the fucking 3 yard line
The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 he is but he is gay so dont kim davis him
somebody bail Keal out of the drunk tank so we can get a current thread
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 idk Jive you were the one talking about throwing a wig on earlier and and picking up more guys than chicka. Not that I doubt the realism of that scenario.
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC couldnt have happened to a better person
It’s OK Ron, Ron Washington made Marcus Semien a compotent SS, can do same thing with Miller.
Lol I bet mccoy is gonna have a concussion now. Julius thomas is doing jack shit. The one week I need to start him cause eifert is on bye he lays an egg.
Todd Gurley is the #2 ranked back in fantasy today, #1 on some lists. Rams have 3 susperstuds at their positions and havent had many injuries. things could get real Rammy around here real soon
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC he had a nice 1 handed juggling catch
The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 No brace for Gurley today either
I have him in the ska dynasty league. I have him locked up for 3 seasons lol
Ihate Every race equally, so I am not a bigot
may be……but he’s been throwing balls away for a few years here.
Its gonna be funny when Gurley doesnt crack 100 yards today.
Everyone laughed when I took him in the 3rd round. Now he’s gonna be shitting on these clowns for years
Tre Mason is out with an injury today. Sucks for him that he can’t stay on the field especially with Gurley emerging.
I Love Getting Kaeperdicked the Browns gave up 149 to dexter Mccluster and the Whiz
DHC if you want a good laugh go look at my fantasy team now.
I was forced to pick up Carr because Mariotta is injured and Manning is on a bye and he sucks
Browns have allowed the most rushing yards in football I believe.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper I Love Getting Kaeperdicked caught them by surprise
DHC it looks like the Rams got the right guy. Melvin Gordon is off to a rough start.
well, he’s work fixin’ if you can fix that – he’s got power, hits line drives and will just get better.
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC and that is why it will be funny
Lol yeah Jive because you are such a great judge of talent. Goff has gotten worse and worse since you started praising him
youre like the Bartman of the internet
I had to play Eli vs the Cowboys, because Peyton was on bye
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC I picked Gordon way too high in my league, guy sucks so far
I have AP and Gurley in ska dynasty league. That’s fucking awesome.
The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 Brady didnt have the best college stats
The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 Goff and Lawler are the only good things on the Cal Bears.
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC I have Gurley and Freeman in my dynasty league.
yeah but he didnt have terrible stats either. the coaches just decided to go with Drew Henson
The Gateway Gurley Show aka MB3 goff isnt having terrible stats. he had 1 really bad game.
The Niners have given up more passing yards than anyone in the league, yet russel Wilson still looked like shit
It’s prime time. Game will be closer than it should be but we are gonna be pissed off and at home wanting to show everyone we are legit.
Goff completed over 60%of his passes for 295 yards and 3 tds vs UCLA and MB3 wants to pretendthat is a bad game.
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC Usually true but I can see the Cards winning this game easy.
Lol you’re talking about the draft already. Awesome.
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC idk, their pass defense made Josh McCown look like fucking Dan Marino. I wouldn’t lose any sleep if I were a Cards fan
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC I have been talking Goff since the blowout loss to you. Do you not pay attention to anything?
Oh I’m not worried at all. But I don’t think it will be a crazy blowout. We should control the game from the first snap and win by a good amoubt.
I thought he looked pretty good, aside from throwing that long ball that was intercepted.
We are very good at home. 4 losses at home in the arians era.
The Cards are going to have a strangle hold on the division with a win over Balty and the Rams losing to the Browns.
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC I am glad you want to play against the horrible niners because you know you cant beat a good team
No way Goff is getting by the Chiefs, Lions, and bears to get to the Niners…and the Niners can’t possibly lose to both the Lions and bears, in fact they might beat both
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper I’m not sure about that. Every one of those teams has a far superior HC
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper lions bears and chiefs are all really locked into their qbs
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper even wooden indian Caldwell is better than Tomsula
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper and the bears can beat us. Lions can also beat us
Someone needs tyo take a n hjour out of their day everyday to write a couple articles
KZ Rider – Kaeperpick6 Only a matter of time until Jeff Fisher trades for him.
If you look at the league standings only the 1 win teams are ranked lower than sf
Ten – has a young qb wont draft goff
KC – financially stuck with smith
jax- gonna win today and have young bortles
bal – has flacco and contractually locked in
det- contractually locked into stafford.
sf could cut akep and draft goff and still come out with a smaller cap him than just sticking with kaep for next year
Bears are not locker into cutler. They will pick goff. Chiefs will pick goff in a heart beat. Lions are the only team committed to their qb
Man Rex Ryan has turned into a bad coach really fast, the Jets must have milkeed all the fight out of him
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC ya they are with that mega deal cutler has till 2020
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC yet they cant because of the cap situation
The niners should get rid of Kaepernik and pick up RGIII when the Redskins cut him.
Jags and titans have their young qbs. Chiefs and bears will take goff. It’s a no brainer
Yes they can retard. Goff wouldn’t have a huge contract
If the Bears cut Cutler they are taking cap hits for him for the next 3 years dhc. You are a fucking idiot
Re: Gambling on football games in England
“Legalized gambling is part of the culture in that country and we are comfortable conforming with the cultural norms of where we play,” NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy explained via email on Saturday.
….what a friggin joke….’part of the culture’…point is the NFL lawyers couldn’t do shit about it, and they shouldn’t be doing shit about it in this country – it goes on, anyway!
There was already talks about them cutting him. Youre a fucking moron if you think they will pass on Goff just to keep cutler
Bears would likely draft goff and keep cutler for one year and then cut him or try and trade him but that’s unlikely
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC ya and how the cap hit is 3 years long
Matthew Staffd can be cut next year by June first and the lions will only be on the hook for 11 million split up over two years, but I’m sure there are teams that would line up to trade for a guy with his numbers
Ok that’s what happens. They have to eat their mistake.
Ron LaCroix NFL lawyers aren’t doing anything about it in this country. It’s the big money in vegas paying off our politicians that has kept it illegal in other states.
Either way Bears have 2 wins and are better than SF they arent going to have a chance to draft goff.
hey drew, how’s that QB from Michigan State – he seems to be the other 1st round QB mentioned for the draft?
If goff is as good as you say he is jive then he would completely change a franchise. Youre a very stupid person if you think a team wouldn’t eat some cap figures for a couple years to add that type of talent. I’m just going off how good you claim him to be.
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC Do you see the decisions the bears make?
The Rams should lose to the Niners week 17 just to fuck up their draft position, especially wife we have the playoffs secured…lol
This game just got interesting I guess lol. Let’s see what bottles is made of
Hopefully this all mute, and he’s back for senior year!
Goff doesn’t look anywhere near being worth all the hoopla around him. Not yet.
Didnt the Bears have McCown when they gave the mega deal to Cutler? And wasnt Mccown playing good?
I thought the jags were gonna actually win this game lol.
Matty Maui is still available Jive, hand he’ll fit in as a niners too since he’s already been suspended this year for his drinking problem
MHB™ good footwork, pocket presence, and accuracy. Also prototypical size
The new gm has no ties to cutler. Inherited that awful contract.
Idk, what I saw wasn’t a great prospect. He’s all unrealized potential. Gotta be better #1s out there.
Likely wants to dump it and start over. They are the one team I think would be a lock for goff
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC lol…does Gus Bradley go to USC next year?
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC they already have 2 wins and can beat sf. they arent a lock for goff
Stafford was a #1 for the same reasons, but he is an average NFL qb in my opinion.
Gus Bradley must have been hanging out in Seattle this past week blowing a lead like this
MHB™ stafford has a dbag attitude and more of a gunslinger arm.
Didn’t Goff put up better numbers at Cal, than Aaron Rodgers?
This Allen Robinson kid is pretty good. Jags got themselves a good young wr.
His attitude hasn’t been an issue. He just is inefficient and throws too many bonehead picks.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper and with less talent around him
Connor Cook Michigan State. 6-4 220. I’d take him if Goff weren’t available, Drew.
MHB™ id contend his attitude reflects his crappy in game decisions that lose him games
I want to like bottles. Then he does this shit. One play he makes a great throw and the next play he looks like a high school qb
SeattleSlew206 Might as well be the Browns playing the Browns.
Landry Jones Fukd My Bish #DHC Seahawks already have a best seller on that book
Let’s give the Wembley fans what they want – MORE FIELD GOALS!!!!
You guys are funny. Rodgers had 43 TDs and 13 INTs for a 150+ rating in 2 years. Goff has 73 and 26 for 138 in 3 years.
I think the Niners can put up 40 on us next week with extra days to prepare, Jive…lol
Then bortles does that and looks like a franchise qb lol
MHB™ Gogff is only a junior Why couldnt Rodgers play 3 yeras not good enough?
Probably because he transferred and was told he had a shot at #1.
At least we gave the British a good game to watch. Read that they are really taking a liking to football.
MHB™ so a half year more and played as a freshman and 30 more tds.
Pineapple I said Rodgers only played two years. Rodgers wad better than Goff is now. He transfered from a JC
It’s awesome when we can make pineapple break his status and become a little fanboy
Sup people…You ready for some rams FOOTBALL!…GET EXCITED SUHKJOT!
Why would I care about college? My ppint is that Goff isn’t a can’t miss.
LoyalRam I get Saint’s /Colts or Jets / Pats……… whoopy friggin dooooooooo !
I’m fucking with you. I just pretend he is to argue with jive about how the niners won’t get it.
MHB™ your point is you like to deep throat rodgers more than his male assistant
Rodgers is already proven. Goff is a total X factor as a pro.
Congrats NFL. By sending Jacksonville to London every other week and not televising the game you have effectively cut them from the league….
And they haven’t even figured it out yet….
Rodgers had a great game in his biggest game, Hoff choked. Both lost but Rodgers completed 21 straight passes vs USC in its heyday, Goff threw 5 Ints vs Utah. Also I agree I love Goff but not can’t miss prospect.
I get chiefs steelers and raiders v chargers
Yeah, I know. I hope everyone reminds me what a kick ass pro QB Goff is later.
I actually was only speaking about Goff’s mechanics to begin with. He doesn’t look amazing to me. Guess we will see.
I want him to stay in college but that’s for other reasons as well
Honestly I think Goff should change his name….folks will be sayin’, ‘did you watch Goff yesterday?’ and other folks will be punchin the guy in the teeth – ‘I’m no faggot!’
Will cause a lot of violence in the country.
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KZ Rider – Kaeperpick6 I feel like both teams have already been exposed.