TIGRE1629 Too Short I was sweating that final drive by the Ravens.
22SnakePlissken5150 Romo looked good yesterday. with that oline you guys should be in the playoffs. barring any key injuries.
Niners average almost 12 more yards per game…..this is going to be a SLAUGHTER
Too Short I like how a back-up made such a good impression on people they count him as a starter
Popeye’s chicken is disgusting. It tastes like someone deep-fried breading wrapped around a hunk of salt, and added a little chicken broth to it.
I should have got the five piece instead of the three.
TIGRE1629 22SnakePlissken5150 Loved Romo’s play, loved how the defense played, not so crazy about the rest of the offense, and the injuries are pretty scary moving forward.
You need to have a fall guy…. ~Chris Carter
Lynch cost us the game…. ~Russell Wilson
Hauschka you idiot!! I said “Ron Hide Dick”, NOT “On Side Kick”… `Petee
I should make up a fake account called “Tim Kamakaze” and tweet out ridiculous shit that makes fun of Kawakami.
Reverand Ras I made an account ‘Tim hondasushi’ on twitter
Niner’s 3rd down conversion rate is 1.5% better than the Vikings….YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP PEOPLE!!!!! NUMBERS DON’T LIE
TIGRE1629 think if the run game improves should be fine they need to dominate will open up guys with play action
I still don’t understand that onside kick. I don’t understand Pete’s explanation as to how that was not supposed to be an onside kick. And I don’t understand how Hauschka could have tried to be kicking anything other than an onside kick there. none of that shit made any sense to me.
And fuck all the injuries yesterday. I mean, what’s the point if they are all on teams the Niners won’t be facing this season?
Lowsaw 22SnakePlissken5150 A lot of it depends on whether Dez can really come back in 4-6 weeks, apparently the nature of that injury can take much longer sometimes. Gonna be hard to win with 2x Eagles games, At Saints, and against New England before he comes back.
Tribal Rhetoric Reverand Ras I bet if you worked at it you could get a shit ton of followers.
How can you troll RW when you have CK? CK cost you a SB and also cost you a trip back the next year.
Kawakami needs to be counter trolled in a NotJerryJones sort of way.
TIGRE1629 AT LEAST A MONTH, and that injury often takes much longer than 6 weeks.
Keal, I want you to know all you AZ folks really dodged a bullet this past weekend.
Because if Cal Poly had actually beaten AZ State, I’d have reminded you about it every day this board exists until I die.
Zippy, Corporate Whore Yeah they are clearly pretenders. USC will probably slaughter them.
Tribal Rhetoric Rams_R_Just_Better (ReTodd) Especially the final score
Kaep is actually 4-0 on MNF. AP has never had a 100 yard game against the Niners. The SHIT IS STACKING UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kaep is actually 4-0 on MNF. AP has never had a 100 yard game against the Niners. The SHIT IS STACKING UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lowsaw Too Short he said there was an o-lineman around the 25, he sat there. The kick was supposed to go to him, make an OL catch the ball.
TIGRE1629 Zippy, Corporate Whore Yeah. Had ’em tied at 21 in the fourth quarter, but really just wore down because they had more big bodies.
Kaep will tie the record for most TD passes on MNF without throwing an interception. I figure it’ll happen with about 9 minutes left in the 1st quarter
East bitches have been put on notice, some of them should start filtering in here now.
Lowsaw AZKardinal He is so mad that Baldwin has a ring and he doesn’t. SO mad.
Rams_R_Just_Better (ReTodd) OIeSagginSeahawk Said he didn’t like the D line up.
This new Tomsula era is frighteningly uncertain. Even when we sucked with Harbaugh there was certainty in how we’d suck. But this is virgin territory, we could suck in whole new different ways.
New game for cannabis smokers: Watch NFL Red Zone on Sunday. Every time someone scores a TD, take a hit.
White Trash Lizard #DHC But….excuses aren’t allowed here.
Keal, answer this. What do I have to do to be a mod again
AZKardinal 6 more and he would have had 78…which team had 78 in the playoffs last year?
AZKardinal Easiest was is have the Hawks gameplan him out like they did yesterday
#InJayWeTrust Why do you want to be a mod so bad???? We have plenty of East mods right now. Someone drops out,.. you are on the short list.
ChrisKeal #InJayWeTrust He wants to be a Mod to yield his power and get more people to quit
ChrisKeal #InJayWeTrust He wants to be a Mod to yield his power and get more people to quit
Rams_R_Just_Better (ReTodd) AZKardinal Yeah, 40 passes isn’t going to win us many games.
Rams_R_Just_Better (ReTodd) AZKardinal Yeah, 40 passes isn’t going to win us many games.
White Trash Lizard #DHC He was the worst Mod we had on the East.
White Trash Lizard #DHC He was the worst Mod we had on the East.
Keal, Mytee dropped out, and his dying wish was for me to be named mod/dictator of the East
Keal, Mytee dropped out, and his dying wish was for me to be named mod/dictator of the East
Solely in the interest of humor, I would like to be added to that shorty list……. Preferably a head of injay….
ChrisKeal would a gang rape joke have been too much?
If they let RG3 be a fucking mod I should get the privilege.
I am way more qualified than the asshat losers who have the mod status.
I mean, Jesus, even a dope like DHC has one.
#InJayWeTrust Not exactly the ringing endorsement you should be sharing. I hate Mytee. Fuck him.
As you guys can clearly see my trolling is on point tonight. Watch out
#InJayWeTrust mytee ragequit and for all we know you contributed
Using the word dictator says a lot about your plan and why you shouldn’t be a mod
ChrisKeal #InJayWeTrust Only a matter of time before I go to jail for something. BOOM, you’re in Jay.
More fun with temporal math: 2013 is more recent than 1947.
ChrisKeal. I don’t have money, but what I do have is a set of skills……
AZKardinal 78 yards, a record that will never be broken…in a playoff game…from Uncle Fester
Zippy, Corporate Whore as an eagles fan, i like this one
Zippy, Corporate Whore as an eagles fan, i like this one
#InJayWeTrust ChrisKeal. …blowjobs aren’t a skill Keal wants.
#InJayWeTrust ChrisKeal. …blowjobs aren’t a skill Keal wants.
Not hating, but I don’t understand why people want to be mods. It’s like asking to be married, who needs the responsibility AMIRITE?
Mytee was a nice guy but he yelled at me on twitter and said very hurtful things. Made my lower lip quiver and now I am not a fan.
Jay, I might consider it, if you start wearingRG3’s likeness daily, for a few months
22SnakePlissken5150 I would’ve thought the California Corrections System allowed internet access.
22SnakePlissken5150 I would’ve thought the California Corrections System allowed internet access.
ChrisKeal. As if he hasn’t embarrassed me enough for the last 2 years
I’ll get injay to give you a handy, or I will stop him from giving you a handy. Your choice.
A Nightmare On Cunt Street 22SnakePlissken5150 budget cuts son.
Leib It’s for people who love authority, so they can feel Important and won’t whine all the time.
http://www.livefyre.com/profile/17033855/May 28, 2015I’ve decided this community shouldn’t exist anymore. So I’m ending it.
White Trash Lizard #DHC we’re recruiting him to be our practice squad joe webb
MVP Shit! Honestly, there’s no real reason for us to have any mods.
Reverand Ras Did he give a shout-out and high four to JPP?
southy and the connective tissue White Trash Lizard #DHC heard he was playing safety for the practice squad
Mosley Fan In Vegas I won 4 billion dollars yesterday on that site.
Mosley Fan In Vegas I won 4 billion dollars yesterday on that site.
Zippy, Corporate Whore Reverand Ras I see what you did there.
there, fixed it for you.
Oh, I didn’t say what I had a bad feeling about. I just wanted to be dramatic.
Keal, if you want to end the East board make Jay a mod. He will kill it for sure.
#InJayWeTrust I like the one that looks like a black messiah
#InJayWeTrust That was;t even me. Loyal has you doing tricks for his amusement. If you were a mod you would know that.
#InJayWeTrust what about changing your handle to “RG3 and his flat butt wife are great”
#InJayWeTrust what about changing your handle to “RG3 and his flat butt wife are great”
I hope my laptop battery doesn’t die in the middle of my epic 49er trolling tonight….
I hope my laptop battery doesn’t die in the middle of my epic 49er trolling tonight….
my lineup
Sam Bradford
Carlos Hyde
Adrian Peterson
Jordan Matthews
Julio Jones
Charles Johnson
Kyle Rudolph
Cody Parkey
Eagles Defense
my lineup
Sam Bradford
Carlos Hyde
Adrian Peterson
Jordan Matthews
Julio Jones
Charles Johnson
Kyle Rudolph
Cody Parkey
Eagles Defense
InJay told me when he’s a mod again he is going ban me and 3 other Eagles fans.
That article pick was so unnecessary lol. Tomsula will prove the haters wrong tonight
That article pick was so unnecessary lol. Tomsula will prove the haters wrong tonight
Tribal Rhetoric I turned myself in for being a shitty, authoritarian mod and he told me “good”.
Tribal Rhetoric I turned myself in for being a shitty, authoritarian mod and he told me “good”.
Rae Rae! NFL players are not geniuses why do you think they use so many pictures
Rae Rae! NFL players are not geniuses why do you think they use so many pictures
I’m the best mod. I like to keep this place PG-13. Wouldn’t want someone’s feelings to get hurt or have damning content to this website.
6 yards Short of 78 hey at least he is coaching the players up
Mosley Fan In Vegas what’s wrong with racism?
how many acl tears before you run out of places to graft from?
A Nightmare On Cunt Street Mosley Fan In Vegas i love it , personally
The Cowboys fans on the East board were like this today…
i hope murray breaks his leg…that will lock me into fan duel hall of fame
White Trash Lizard #DHC quit sucking up, I won’t make you a Grand Wizard
TIGRE1629 Math for Dummies Coach, I can’t even spell gateraid
White Trash Lizard #DHC you and R. Kelly like to keep it PG13
Tribe I didn;t unmod you for trolling me. I unmodded all the accounts when I was getting hacked by chicka. Your account name was something random I did;t know it was you so I did;t turn it back on. Gimme a break.
Tribe I didn;t unmod you for trolling me. I unmodded all the accounts when I was getting hacked by chicka. Your account name was something random I did;t know it was you so I did;t turn it back on. Gimme a break.
ChrisKeal *threatens to cancel payment for un-modding Tribe
MVP LOL, you could have posted this same shit at the beginning of last year. Lotta good it would have done you too.
Mosley Fan In Vegas you spent it on booze
Last year you had Murray and Dez playing game 2. LOL
“You all the sum of all your cheating.” – Under Armour
Being you just isnt the same without a mod badge, keal 🙁
MVP We were also expected to have the worst defense in league history, our QB could barely move with his fucked up back, and we got trounced on opening day.
There is actually a very important Cowboys fan troll you’ve been missing, Ill fill you in a bit later since you helped me out that one time.
Most of the feeds are in HD quality. Not always 100% smooth, but it is free. Can’t complain.
ChrisKeal MVP That’s right, run away bitches — Tanner.
Have something like AdBlocker installed, but that should go without saying these days.
BREAKING NEWS: Sam Bradford Tears Both ACLs, MCL, and Hymen While Jumping in Pregame Hype Circle
Do any of you Westies think the Cowboys be 8-8 or better without Dez?
The St Louis SEAfood Chef aka MB3 That’s not nice
MVP The St Louis SEAfood Chef aka MB3 Oh god, who was the Skins QB who KO’ed himself headbutting the wall celebrating again?
LoyalRam with a zippo and an empty 5 gallon gas can in his hands.
22SnakePlissken5150 MVP I will tell you what. Let’s bet. I will take the Eagles you take the Cowboys. Name the stakes.
they needed a close up of Dave Fipp during the national anthem.
I better get this in before the game starts. [img]http://i.imgur.com/sAt3st1.jpg[/img]
MVP beaster stop recycling material
I believe in Romo, they will weather the storm without Dez and he will finish 3rd in MVP vote
MVP 22SnakePlissken5150 I’m not betting on shit right now, I gotta see how they look moving forward. I will however give you this:
About 25% of Cowboys fans had left the game already before Romo pulled off that game winning drive. So that’s 2 home openers in a row that Cowboys fans basically were disloyal fucks. Have fun with that.
southy and the connective tissue I only posted it East. 1st time I put it here.
Lol it would be crazy if the Rams got Mack instead of bummy GRob. Too bad they were stupid
Justin Britt is going to lose his starting role the way he is playing. I don’t know what happened to that guy, but he seems to have regressed a bit.
22SnakePlissken5150 In other words you aren’t confident in the Cowboys and are pretty sure the Eagles are better. Fair enough.
The St Louis SEAfood Chef aka MB3 I was thinking of Randdle
The Gunslinger is going to go off tonight.
I WEAR WOMENS PANTS #BFS Lowsaw even so. there’s a reason why he’s in a new position.
What should the over / under be set for Bradford injured in his 1st series ?
Thats tooo low a bar. Im thinking GOATs only, although, Randle was a dam beast
You have to hand it to Foles, he’s got heart. Comes back from getting blasted, strip sack td, and goes down the field for a TD. he did that in philly as well.
How many more games until that horrible Seattle O-line gets the midget killed?
Have Matt Ryan and Bradford on different teams hoping for shoot out
Have Matt Ryan and Bradford on different teams hoping for shoot out
Eagles fans you think Ryan Mathews plays a role tonight? Does he get goal line work?
Eagles fans you think Ryan Mathews plays a role tonight? Does he get goal line work?
I only lose week 1 on fantasy if demarco gets like 250 yards and 4 tds.
I only lose week 1 on fantasy if demarco gets like 250 yards and 4 tds.
Loyal was a victim of bullying from Hawk fan when he offered his prediction on the Rams vs Hawks game. But he didnt care. Loyal must feel amazing right now
Loyal was a victim of bullying from Hawk fan when he offered his prediction on the Rams vs Hawks game. But he didnt care. Loyal must feel amazing right now
Yeah luckily he didnt go to ringless az
Yeah luckily he didnt go to ringless az
ChrisKeal MVP I wouldn’t until U see how they are going to use him.
Im starting to think AZK is just a weird account to say what Keal wants without retribution, like the anger translator on key & peele
MVP ChrisKeal Torey Smith is my other option. I already have the game won but I want to really pour it on with another 10 points or so.
Eagles offense never scored a point against us last year in a loss
sf9ers4905 with the D and special teams spotting them like 21 points
ChrisKeal MVP I think that anything that Mathews can do, Murray or Sproles can do better. He’s great insurance against either one being hurt but he probably doesn’t do much tonight, especially with all the red zone passing that Philly did in the preseason.
ChrisKeal The St Louis SEAfood Chef aka MB3 Chicka is winning her game in our league. How do I go in and take points away from her and give them to her opponent?
ChrisKeal The St Louis SEAfood Chef aka MB3 Chicka is winning her game in our league. How do I go in and take points away from her and give them to her opponent?
22SnakePlissken5150 He will spell Murray and get more carries than Sproles but I’m not sure about receptions.
Matt Ryan is a Philly boy and he won’t beat the Eagles as he knows the fans will throw snowballs and batteries at him when he visits his parents.
Keal are you drunk? Not even Bevell would a 5’7″guy goalline carries over Murray. Wait, he might. But Chip wont
MVP also he’s overrated and his team probably won’t be all that good this year.
The St Louis SEAfood Chef aka MB3 I saw him get goal line work in the pre-season I thought. Even took Murray out and put him in.
22SnakePlissken5150 MVP Jones is impossible to cover.
Malcolm in midseason form, dropping INTs
Subterfuge! He also played tebow
Oh the game already started? Well I guess my mind was made for me. Fuck it, Ryan Mathews it is.
MVP 22SnakePlissken5150 Eagles DL should help by making sure there are not that many catchable balls coming his way.
Rae Rae! ChrisKeal I have the game in the bag. It does;t matter really.
Reverand Ras MVP Cards coach might be a lesbian
Reverand Ras LoyalRam HAHAHA
Hey Keal, my team is crushing it in league 2, so yer off the hook for now lol
ChrisKeal Rae Rae! according to some SKAers they saying you have the worst team in the league.
LoyalRam I made the mistake of blinking and missed the opening 3 and out.
LoyalRam 1 for 2, not on the same page with Ertz. other pass was to the flat.
ChrisKeal Rae Rae! But i was like nah nigga nah Keal knows what hes doing
Julio and Sproles should feel free to go off. Scotti has Hyde and Davis in the late game and I’m conservatively penciling in 100 points between the two of them
southy and the connective tissue LoyalRam Yes, solid two yards on that one.
Rae Rae! ChrisKeal They are retarded. I have 101 points right now with 2 players left. My opponent has 70 and the next highest score in the league is in the 80’s
U cant walk and chew gum at the same time?
Poor Sam
..Chip Kelly is gonna get him hurt
Foles had 297 yards….He just needs to pass for less (Bradford)
OK, right there, that’s a huge problem.
There is no one on the planet who believes that Sam Bradford is going to keep the ball on a read option.
ChrisKeal Rae Rae! LOL yeah dont worry. You’re 1-0. Better luck next week for Charlie
FanoftheRedbirds Foles had no INTS, one TD passing and one running
toodlum Looking at their roster trying to figure out who the hell is on their team.
Weird I couldn’t login from Chrome…..Thoughts? Box just opens to login then insta closes
If Sam Bradford does shit you’ll see wanted signs for Chip Kellys head
DallasCowboysSux We already had to adjust orbital trajectory for the change in planetary gravity after he moved to KC….are you saying we need to do that again?
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper KC is like a cheeseburger. — Andy Reid
There is an intangible that Bradford doesn’t have…..He is a HOFer with a red shirt on, when no one can hit him….He looks tight in real games
There once was a QB named Sam
Who was the most overpaid Ram
After tearing his knee
He was sent to Philly
Where he’d be exposed as a sham.
Throw to Roddy White side Matt im playing against Julio in fantasy football
Reverand Ras That’s your best yet.
Have my FF game in the bag at 55-26, he has c oleman/matthews, I have Hyde/9ers def
I WEAR WOMENS PANTS #BFS Reverand Ras Thanks but my best was the Matt Flynn one.
I WEAR WOMENS PANTS #BFS Reverand Ras There once was a QB named Flynn
Who sat on the bench with a grin
For he found it too funny
They paid him much money
To cheerlead his team to a win.
I really wish I didn’t make that bet with ChipKellyPhiladelphia..I think I win..but I have no joy in being right (seeing Sam fail)
Bradford is Gun shy…to bad the Eagles let all the courage get beat out of him with their shitty o line
Bradford is Gun shy…to bad the Eagles let all the courage get beat out of him with their shitty o line
Maxwell is learning you can’t get away with PI unless Paul Allen teaches pays the officials off for you.
Maxwell is learning you can’t get away with PI unless Paul Allen teaches pays the officials off for you.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper
I think the Rams already did that.
Lol. I know it will just be better once Gruden starts laying into them.
Lol. I know it will just be better once Gruden starts laying into them.
did all the fucking seachicken fans run away?
White Trash Lizard #DHC I told everyone.
If tyhe Iggles lose this game…MELTDOWN IN PHILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially since their first love Marcus Mariotta killed it yesterday…..lol
eagles and falcons.
gay ass games.
They have all been here Jordy, Griz will be missing a bit I think
cant believing the 49ers game starts at fucking 10pm wtf is that shit.
sf9ers4905 fuck em they cock suckas
Nasty. When you got LB’s doing that it’s time to look at the gloves.
I need to find a radio stream.
The good news for Philly is the Eagles have the ball
The bad news for Philly is the Eagles have the ball
Zippy, Corporate Whore I WEAR WOMENS PANTS #BFS they don’t have it.
idk aboot you.
but i was in such a shitty mood last night i emailed keal. to send him a picture of stone cold.
Steelers07 Depending on what I see tonight, I may make the Steelers my pick for next week’s eliminator.
Not really. Live in philly. Those fuckers get miserable to be around when their team takes a total dumper.
There once was a linebacker named Kiko
More suave than the man they call Rico
With his hand in the air
He made Atlanta despair
Worse than Richard Greico.
is richard greico the guy from cheaters?
Reverand Ras 87 ahhh i know who you are talking aboot now.
joey greco, richard greico
cum on cum on
For a fan of the undefeated cards is it safe?
No i need four FG’s from the Eagles kicker
Packers better show up with their A game for week 2 Hawks starting 0-2 would be sweet
OIeSagginSeahawk FanoftheRedbirds how does it feel to be in last place in the nfcw?
Steelers get 10 days to prepare for Niners, who are on a short week.
NFL had to make sure Big Ben didnt bitch this time around
Tribe k1joyce #rollhawks your time will come later tonight tribe
GarrisonHearst How did Garrison Hearst have a kid that is that white?
k1joyce #rollhawks GarrisonHearst Love me some white women
The most interesting team in the world plays in 3 hours. Go Niners!
The most interesting team in the world plays in 3 hours. Go Niners!
Hello 94063 Over-under DK and FD commericials tonight? 83
Hello 94063 Over-under DK and FD commericials tonight? 83
Hello 94063 How else do you think the networks are able to pay the NFL billions for broadcast rights?
Hello 94063 How else do you think the networks are able to pay the NFL billions for broadcast rights?
sf9ers4905 Maybe we’ll get to hear some rumblin and stumblin.
sf9ers4905 Maybe we’ll get to hear some rumblin and stumblin.
every time I see Ryan my dislikes grow yet a team of mine will always end up with him same thing with Stafford
every time I see Ryan my dislikes grow yet a team of mine will always end up with him same thing with Stafford
got four shitty teams tonight…gentlemen
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper did they reschedule the Rams Hawks game?
Griz will show up at the half of the 49ers game when the score is Vikes 42, 49ers 3…
Foles had a 115.8 Passing rating yesterday….11 yards per completion average..I think RW’s completion average was like around 6 yards…..
Cards would have beaten rams week 1. We did it a few seasons ago
GarrisonHearst, your kid is a bandwagoner for getting a Kaep jersey. Should have gotten him a Bowman or Hayne
LoyalRam He sucks. A rookie starting his first game did a lot better!
Tribe Why in the fuck did they make that trade LOL
Zippy, Corporate Whore LoyalRam actually no…Why do you have to get nasty..I have said RW is really good
Dan Quinn has this defense nice. Hawks are fucked without him
LoyalRam Zippy, Corporate Whore zippy is just bitch
OIeSagginSeahawk Hello 94063 Tribe They actually have booed Santa…
Quinn’s Seattle D held the chip jelly Eagles to 152 total yards last year. Is that the over/under for tonight?
AZKardinal me i have 2 eagles on my fantasy team
Have a great night everyone. Hopefully no injuries. See ya tomorrow
I just want to take this opportunity to salute the 9erfans who have continued to play on the deck of the titanic before this game and this season come crashing down on them
I don’t see Freeman being a productive NFL back at all.
I guess it wasnt our receivers droppingj all those balls that hurt Sam’s numbers
I guess it wasnt our receivers droppingj all those balls that hurt Sam’s numbers
Steelers07 I WEAR WOMENS PANTS #BFS Yeah I haven’t seen him hardly at all.
Steelers07 I WEAR WOMENS PANTS #BFS Yeah I haven’t seen him hardly at all.
k1joyce #rollhawks a poor one. Has he been on recently?
Reverand Ras k1joyce #rollhawks Him and Griz are getting shock treatments together
I WEAR WOMENS PANTS #BFS k1joyce #rollhawks He’s been gone since March at least
I actually like the whole MNF doubleheader thing. I wish they got rid of Thursday games and did this all the time.
Zippy, Corporate Whore 10 is way too late on the east coast.
Zippy, Corporate Whore Do a west coast game every Monday night
Loyal wanted to try and trade a first round pick for Eli…lol
Loyal the sad thing is I don’t think Fairley even got on the field yesterday
LoyalRam yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper tofu brain fart loyal
LoyalRam yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper tofu brain fart loyal
GarrisonHearst Zippy, Corporate Whore And 10 AM is too early for a home-team kickoff time,
Fuck Thursday Night Games. Product is terrible.
k1joyce #rollhawks he’s just a back up..We roll with the best
I WEAR WOMENS PANTS #BFS “Oh boy, two really tired teams!”
I don’t know why I want the Iggles to lose..Does this make me a bad person?
I WEAR WOMENS PANTS #BFS thursday and any game in fucking england, needs to go
I WEAR WOMENS PANTS #BFS thursday and any game in fucking england, needs to go
Atlanta looking like its 2012 self.
Might be that another NFC team will look like its 2012 self tonight as well.
Murray averaging -3 yards per carry in the first quarter.
So if not for Kiko’s freak interception, it’s 17-0 right now.
One more TD and Sam will start making plays
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper He will make plays in the 4th down 27 going against prevent.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper He will make plays in the 4th down 27 going against prevent.
I am a sick puppy..I will listen to the agony expressed on Philly Sports radio tonmorrow if Sam doesn’t pull this out..I can bet they will say
I just passed Keal for highest score of the week. Because you all care…
I just hope Matty Ice doesn’t throw an incompletion in the end zone in the last two minutes
We don’t… We care about the Eagles being abused…
Take a shot or smoke a bowl every time Gruden says, “I like…”
Zippy, Corporate Whore I like “one of the best in the game” but I think that’s the Thursday night crew.
There is nothing spent with hating Jews, Mexicans and blacks…
Wow, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the football gods for Chip Kelly!!!
I miss these MNF commercials.. This one reminds me of the 49ers vs Vikings game tonight…
Thanks NFCE . for your generosity….you guys are so nice to the Rams
I would hate RW, too….. but I refuse to stoop to his eye level
Don’t hate Sam, tribe you bastid…Foles just had to pass for more yards than him for a name bet!
SJAX is the most screwed millionaire ex-football player there is……I don’t know if he ever started for a winning team his whole career
AZKardinal i don’t know why they don’t just snap it to julio
Toddulum it’s Astros va Rangers time. * Realizes I’m alone
Fuck stop asking me that. I HAVE ANSWERED YOUR QUESTION 300 TIMES
Coleman (atl) Matthews (eagles ) have to score 5 td’s tonight for me to lose in FF
*cracks beer
lol whats up with all these garbage ex Hawk players on the Eagles
Can’t Arthur Blank get down to Home Depot and buy some light bulbs. That stadium looks dark down in the end zones…
Navorro It’s my way of saying “Hi Suhkjot, my friend” SKA style
AZKardinal Getting a new place… Saving coin until then
@ Yoshi
We are nice, especially us redskin fans… But Fisher better not send all those Viking guys from the IIIsus trade for the coin toss…
who.woulda thought the better game.tonight woulda.been the.vike niners game
I think I’ll stand by my ATL wins the south. They have looked pretty good so far
The camera man is having a tough time staying on the ball / play
I’m going to do something else until 49ers game starts. Fuck this.
I’m going to do something else until 49ers game starts. Fuck this.
OIeSagginSeahawk sf9ers4905 That’s why I’m sticking with sativa for now.
OIeSagginSeahawk sf9ers4905 That’s why I’m sticking with sativa for now.
Nav, Cespedes with yet another HR. Its just obscene now. MLB can’t contain him.
The Real Sham Bradford has shown up. Les Snead doesnt lose trades. Chip is gonna have long year with this guy, shoulda kept tebow
At least the Eagles bandwagon will get better gas mileage since it will be empty tomorrow.
Enjoy it now, he’ll be a yankee next year
JohnnyP31 sf9ers4905 hundred rabbits around here, it won’t be moving on
Atlanta could make the playoffs. No, this one half of the first game isn’t making me drink their Kool-Aid, but the rest of that division appears so damn awful, they can’t help but contend.
The Iggles are a hodgepodge of guys who could be great on other teams but don’t mean shitt together. Typical college coach.mistakes
Tribe was within 25 feet from him, he is not afraid of humans at all, has a tag on his ear so he has been relocated before
I like whores and capitalism… We would get along great…
Navorro Saw the Bucs game yesterday. They’re TERRIBLE. It’s not just Winston.
I’m probably an hour away from going caps mode. Ima start making dinner
This isn’t college ball. You can’t change as many pieces as they did this offseason and expect to come out and have everything firing on all cylinders….there are no warmup games against The Citadel.
How long is Tomsula’s contract? I am praying they gave him a 5 year deal…
That’s the chant they’re hearing in Delaware and Jersey right now.
Hahaha, Keal comes up with the best TrollGate doctored pictures for our Tailgate threads.
If this was in black and white I could swear that was an old Romo reel.
Be honest. How many of you Ram fans felt your guts clench when he said “BRADFORD INTERCEPTED!” out of reflex?
https://twitter.com/CamInman https://twitter.com/CamInman/status/643581496448516096
Eddie DeBartolo says he is “blown away” by first visit to https://twitter.com/hashtag/49ers?src=hash Levi’s Stadium. “Seriously this place is Star Wars”
Alright, I just need Ryan to pass for 400 more yards and a 5tds and I might pull off this win
Ras has his memes loaded. He is prepared for a total fail. I respect they
so the hawks just.lost too many.defensive coach’s and thats why there d is slacking?
Poor Sam…can we swap Foles for Bradford back?
Eagles have what, negative 4 yards rushing and look to go into halftime down by 17?
https://twitter.com/MaioccoCSN https://twitter.com/MaioccoCSN/status/643581266613288962
Fully expecting Jarryd Hayne to be in uniform as one of the https://twitter.com/hashtag/49ers?src=hash active players. Inactives are announced 90 minutes before kickoff.
https://twitter.com/MaioccoCSN https://twitter.com/MaioccoCSN/status/643581266613288962
Fully expecting Jarryd Hayne to be in uniform as one of the https://twitter.com/hashtag/49ers?src=hash active players. Inactives are announced 90 minutes before kickoff.
22SnakePlissken5150 Talking shit does not equal wins Eagles Fans are the biggest example
Cowboys “worst ever RBs” 81 yards rushing, 212 total yards from scrimmage
Eagles “best RB corps in the NFL” so far: -4 yards, grand total of like 2 yards from scrimmage.
Hello, I need about 60 points from ryan. My entire roster sucked it up, only one double digit scorer, MIA D
Atlanta with a huge lead and everyone talking like the game is over at halftime.
Seems a familiar scenario.
https://twitter.com/SakamotoRyan https://twitter.com/SakamotoRyan/status/643579961459232768https://twitter.com/search?q=place%3A4b58830723ec6371
https://twitter.com/hashtag/49ers?src=hash field is in the best condition that I have ever seen. @ Levi’s Stadium https://t.co/iV6rRSlSQL
Remember when ( was it chicka ?) that claimed her caplock key was stuck ?
Zippy, Corporate Whore Just saying, Eagles fans been making out like they are gonna be throwing up 40 a game or some shit, don’t look too impressive right now.
Bleeding green nation will be hilarious tonight
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper EatDatPussy445 is gonna have a heart attack in his next video upload.
clois·ter / ˈkloistər / verb / seclude or shut up in or as if in a convent or monastery.
2nd and 20 with 14 seconds left on your own 21? Go for it, nothing bad could possibly happen (LOL)
i barely recognize him in pads, usually that nike workout gear
Dallas may trade for Murray tomorrow, if they throw in Maxwell
Navorro He’s a funny dude. Big fat black dude who makes YT videos about the Eagles and Porn.
big dick nick might actually be better than bradford when healthy?
can someone tell the Eagles the NFL season has started already
22SnakePlissken5150 they had to get out of there totally being outplayed
Nothing better than watching Bradford play for another team
It does, actually, but only because injuries can change personnel and season outlooks so much.
https://twitter.com/RossTuckerNFL https://twitter.com/RossTuckerNFL/status/643584855503192064
Ross Tucker retweeted Around The NFL
Wow that’s a sad headline.
Ross Tucker added,Around The NFL @AroundTheNFLRaiders hope to boost secondary by signing Taylor Mays 0 retweets0 favoritesReplyRetweet Favorite More
I agre Tigre..Rams were 0-4 in PRESEASON!!!!!! and then kicking that NFC Cjhamp ass!!!
k1joyce #rollhawks admit, it is fun to root against him
Do you miss 7-9 K1? Bradford is always good for that at least….
Do you miss 7-9 K1? Bradford is always good for that at least….
Eagles average 30 pt per game last season….. 3 pts 1st half…. they have some work to do
Eagles average 30 pt per game last season….. 3 pts 1st half…. they have some work to do
Tie game in Arlington ( I’m not watching MNF, well first MNF game)
I kept telling Eagles fans who thought they traded servicable Foles for something special. If goddamn Bradford was so special, in his like 5 years in STL he would have out played the journeymen who backed him up. Check the stats, he played no better than those guys when he DID play and he was always injured to boot.
impressive backwards running by murray there. shed like 4 tackles on his way to a ten yard loss
CharlietheUnicorn Nah, I want him to do well. I just like not having the stress of fearing injury on every play. That was worse than anything else.
CharlietheUnicorn Nah, I want him to do well. I just like not having the stress of fearing injury on every play. That was worse than anything else.
22SnakePlissken5150 The one year he looked pretty good was his rookie year. then it was basically all downhill from there. His 2012 season was ok. That’s it.
22SnakePlissken5150 The one year he looked pretty good was his rookie year. then it was basically all downhill from there. His 2012 season was ok. That’s it.
That trade was one of the biggest head-scratchers I’ve ever seen.
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper lol, there was more to it than that
k1joyce #rollhawks CharlietheUnicorn Become a Cardinals fan
CharlietheUnicorn k1joyce #rollhawks Fuck the Cardinals
You Rams fans were in love with Bradford for the last 4 years…. Now he’s garbage….
Uh huh……
You Rams fans were in love with Bradford for the last 4 years…. Now he’s garbage….
Uh huh……
Adusoron 22SnakePlissken5150 he took a ton of punishment…
AZKardinal You should just be happy that the Cardinals are finally less than 200 games under .500
Hello 94063 22SnakePlissken5150 Dallas fucked that up on opening MNF in 2010 against Washington. Fumble returned for a TD just before the half ended. Ended up being the deciding points too.
AZKardinal At least I tell Kam to Fuck off, while he’s still on the team.
OIeSagginSeahawk AZKardinal I just said since he’s now playing on a twice torn ACL that he is more vulnerable to injury.
How cute…the Falcons even have a fake richard Sherman…pretending to be a good corner
How cute…the Falcons even have a fake richard Sherman…pretending to be a good corner
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper well he did get burned last game so good job so far
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper Speaking of Hawks corners, how does what’s his name who the Eagles picked up look tonight?
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper you know the Falcons CBs are actually pretty good
22SnakePlissken5150 yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper JJ torched him so far
k1joyce #rollhawks right after the Viagra kicks in
k1joyce #rollhawks after each 49er TD. Lots of Ron Jeremy moments
AP’s rushing yards set at 92.5. It’s probably been a while since a line was set that high against SF’s D.
Where the fuck is Chicka??? That bitch owes me an Avi Change after her loss to the Cardinals………………….You guys fuck with her if you see her
GarrisonHearst Especially for a guy with a missed season’s worth or rust
gatrbuc 17 she is looking for a KFC to eat away her sorrows
gatrbuc 17 lol, she won’t be here unless the niners are getting blown out
Not that there is anything wrong with that. At times I look like one.
Tribe Given his jihadist looking appearance, I’m sure Homeland Security is already watching him.
we dont have a good short yardage run game. our oline gets fucked up
Adusoron Reverand Ras No, he said he almost was going to quit last year but has renewed love for the game. You read between the lines.
i want to see kaep running a lot more, keep the defense honest.
having jimmy is supposed to help relieve that, if they load up on the run, he is one on one and gets the ball
Moses Malone was the first NBA player to sign a million dollar contract
Tribe lack of soothing man butter for her throat. You should help her out.
first good player to come straight out of high school it think?
Fünf Schüsseln in 1978, I thought there was someone before him
Hell this weekend my mom said I look a refudgee ( I’m sure spelling is wrong) how rude.
Who’s announcing the night game? It’s not Berman and Dilfer, is it?
CharlietheUnicorn 22SnakePlissken5150 Tribe Eh, kind of miss the ex wife now. She was good about giving head during the game when the kid’s not around.
sf9ers4905 CharlietheUnicorn he was in his late 50s I think….. no got to be late 60s
I sure hope this game doesn’t go to OT…. Cut to the Vikes kick 9ers ass game already
I just need three more kicks from Parkey and my fantasy team is golden…
OIeSagginSeahawk Well, it is the Falcons, and you know how they can be about having a big lead….but I think it’s pretty safe.
Hey Snake your Cowboys looked better than I thought and to you Westies, YES I called the Rams win.
Tribe good..you would feel uncomfortable usinjg the same old name
I heard the Vegas sports books took a monster loss on Sunday with all the big favorites covering the spread and the few underdogs who DID win being overly bet on.
22SnakePlissken5150 They make it all back tonight. On ATL
CharlietheUnicorn gatrbuc 17 Dumbass you can see the info on the link
GarrisonHearst 22SnakePlissken5150 LOL, looks that way.
GarrisonHearst 22SnakePlissken5150 they get a cut of all bets, they dont fucking lose ever
White Trash Lizard #DHC Me too. We’re by far the most interesting/mysterious team in the NFL
Tribe GarrisonHearst 22SnakePlissken5150 not always. It’s rigged for the house but sometimes even they can take a bath.
White Trash Lizard #DHC By that i mean you dont what you can expect from them
If this game runs long, they’ll delay the kickoff of the later game by a maximum of like five minutes. In past years, they’ve had the games kick off on ESPN 2 and then change over to ESPN when the first game ends.
@NinersNation: .@chrisbiderman nailed it: Nice of the 49ers to pay tribute to Michael Crabtree with their Texas Tech uniforms.
CharlietheUnicorn Leib Scotti has Hyde in the late game, gonna gain at least 50 points on me
Hayne is active!
https://twitter.com/Eric_Branch https://twitter.com/Eric_Branch/status/643588589540933633
https://twitter.com/hashtag/49ers?src=hash inactives: WR White, CB Wright, RB Davis, NT Purcell, OG Thomas, C Easton, OLB Lemonier.
Have you noticed that every culture no matter the place has it so that every person has two names – the first to explain individuality and the last to express the family they belong to?
CharlietheUnicorn Reverand Ras You think so? What proof do you have of this?
https://twitter.com/mattbarrows https://twitter.com/mattbarrows/status/643589057419743232
Uncork the bubbly, Australia: Jarryd Hayne will play today.
TIGRE1629 Zippy, Corporate Whore In desperation time sure….with a 17 point lead, fuck no.
TIGRE1629 Zippy, Corporate Whore In desperation time sure….with a 17 point lead, fuck no.
k1joyce #rollhawks its ok you dont have to stick up for him anymore
k1joyce #rollhawks its ok you dont have to stick up for him anymore
Tigre can I hang out in your backyard when I need to hide
Hayne is our magic- until scotti starts slobbering all over him like Boreland
Odd that Lemonier is active. Brooks, Lynch and Harold are enough?
lynch better step it up, i’m tired of hurries, i want sacks
so basically Matt Ryan single handedly got the Eagles back in the game
so basically Matt Ryan single handedly got the Eagles back in the game
I bet we will stay in the nickle most of the night and bring in Tarrt. Put Armstead on the line as a de
yoshii-the HOF Panty Dropper true but down 10 basically at the start of the half is good
john gruden is wearing on me season after season… any good players are the very best at their position the night he announces for them, then next week says the same shit about another guy that plays the same position.
White Trash Lizard #DHC because you don’t understand football
White Trash Lizard #DHC because you don’t understand football
Fünf Schüsseln Do a shot every time he says “I like…”. You’ll be in the hospital midway through the second.
Fünf Schüsseln Do a shot every time he says “I like…”. You’ll be in the hospital midway through the second.
Zippy, Corporate Whore Fünf Schüsseln Maybe just from the pregame.
Desert Pantera I doubt Armstead dresses, unless the dont dress jerod-eddie
I know you’re out there, BMT. Waiting… Watching…
Soon you will lose the fantasy matchup and the name bet. It is inevitable.
i remember when the eagles had dawkins, that dude would really lay the wood
Kramer916 Desert Pantera he is probably takinglemoniers spot who would be a de in our nickle
I can live with any announcer but Costas, fuck that munchkin MFA fucker
https://twitter.com/hashtag/49ers?src=hash inactives: WR White, CB Wright, RB Davis, NT Purcell, OG Thomas, C Easton, OLB Lemonier.
here yu go kramer. I am thinking Armstead is taking lemoniers spot
White Trash Lizard #DHC Lol, Buccanaon has one year of experience on him. Its not like he invented the concept of hard nosed safety.
Desert Pantera TJE can play OLB. That’s the backup/emergency situation
EDTGO we are in base d like 1/3 of the time. 2/3 in nickle if you base off of typical seasons in the past
CharlietheUnicorn Brew_City this is trash I have the 2nd highest score and I’m losing
Buc has like 90 tackles last year in a unique roll that I can’t think of any other db in football plays
Brew_City CharlietheUnicorn I’m getting ownt by a guy (KEAL) with a team called ISIS
“the Rams looked good, but seriously we need gun control and better security for Dollar stores in Ferguson”
Bob Costas
White innactive means they only running with 4wrs
Why it’s a surprise. Figure they would suit up 5
Guess both bush and hayne can catch
OMG someone shoot me for drafting Ryan again after last seasons fiasco
This is why I do not believe in Matt Ryan, and am glad he’s not the QB of my team.
sf9ers4905 No way………..Wouldn’t doubt he actuallly said that
sf9ers4905 This fucked up my plans ~ Rams Owner (after win)
Tribe, Aaron Lynch is going to be all over Bridgewater…that is when Bowman’s finished cleaning Teddy off his cleats.
Zippy, Corporate Whore where is Keal was talking about how good he was while I was hating
Loyal looks like I might win the bet in week 10 instead of week 8. Nice job from your rams pulling the win
DHC thinks ARI invented the big nickle concept. No one else has ever used a hybrid safety/LB role.
Hello 94063 Zippy, Corporate Whore he was mind fucking you
We only have 3 outside linebackers pass rushers with lemonier out.
Lynch, Harold and brooks
Not feeling good about that.
CharlietheUnicorn Hello 94063 it was so late could not help it =-(
JohnnyP31 DHC is a retard. THere is no reason to ever reply to him
Adusoron EDTGO and we spend more time in the nickle than base ds
I almost like watching the Niners lose as much as I like watching the Rams win
Desert Pantera JohnnyP31 sometimes I feel compelled to argue with him. It’s usually hilarious
Shareece wright not suiting up, why keep that guy around? Cut him and have young guy to develop take his spot. No point having him on team
Shareece wright not suiting up, why keep that guy around? Cut him and have young guy to develop take his spot. No point having him on team
think the niners will make history this year, becoming only the second team ever to go 0-16
think the niners will make history this year, becoming only the second team ever to go 0-16
Rae Rae! Adusoron EDTGO he will play de in the nickle imo
Rae Rae! Adusoron EDTGO he will play de in the nickle imo
3 OLB active is the first epic fail for tomsula in the regular season
Bold: AP breaks 200 for the first time vs the Niners
4 yard pass.. almost gets WR killed… GOOD JOB BRADFORD
Leatherneckram…ostrich skiing like this?
LOL think Gruden missed some injured seasons
Bradford played the Hawks twice a year ~Gruden
You literally go after me even if it defends the njners. So awesome lol
The Two Rams DT’s will each get two sacks and 11-12 solo tackles each!…..err (Fuck, they already did that)
Hello 94063 “Bradford ate donuts in the training room while the Rams played the Hawks twice a year.”
AZKardinal I love how Patrick Willis and Justin Smith are equated with Alfonso Smith and Jonathan martin like that matters. LOL
AZKardinal OH yeah, losing Trindon Holliday is a killer. Season wrecker
AZKardinal OH yeah, losing Trindon Holliday is a killer. Season wrecker
Dude the only guy for the Eagles that actually showed up today
Besides Tomsula, What HC is on the hot seat this year ?…Chip ?
Rae Rae! Adusoron Completely replaceable. He was a spare part we picked up in free agency for peanuts.
Rae Rae! Adusoron Completely replaceable. He was a spare part we picked up in free agency for peanuts.
AZKardinal Way to put Osgood, alfanzo smith,stevie Johnson, Jonathon Martin, trindon holliday ( played like 2 games), josh johnson, the others contributed so i wont hate
AZKardinal Way to put Osgood, alfanzo smith,stevie Johnson, Jonathon Martin, trindon holliday ( played like 2 games), josh johnson, the others contributed so i wont hate
can the refs put the flags away game is painful as is already
Actually, trading for Bradford is something I could have imagined Baalke doing. For like a sixth-rounder or something
Mathews has a shoulder injury according to radio call
GarrisonHearst He has had enough of that with the black alex thing with wilson
What grown ass man dresses up like an Eagle? I don’t understand these people.
Am I incredibly high, or did some really, really freaky Eagle fan just flash on the screen?
Prolly both.
Celek and Bell are on the active roster. I’d rather have lemonier over one of them
Celek and Bell are on the active roster. I’d rather have lemonier over one of them
Dude your team can’t even get the active players right….. LOL
Jeff Fisher’s job is safe. He’s almost .500 against Pete. That’s a big deal.
Jeff Fisher’s job is safe. He’s almost .500 against Pete. That’s a big deal.
Rae Rae! White Trash Lizard #DHC no its not. look at posts.
SFGoldRush49 Rae Rae! White Trash Lizard #DHC My bad. Good to be back bro
So that’s what an effective offensive lineman looks like.
They need to do the Bryce Brown jump pass interception on the 1.
https://twitter.com/SandoESPN https://twitter.com/SandoESPN/status/643575512321888256https://twitter.com/SandoESPN/status/643575512321888256
Programming note: https://twitter.com/hashtag/Eagles?src=hash scheduled to get preseason Super Bowl rings at halftime
It’s really weird to see Matt Ryan choking away a huge lead like this. I mean, it’s not like this is the playoffs or something.
Sorry if it was late, but it was funny…Sando trolling the Eagles.
Sando is a fag. He never mocked seattle for being preseason champs.
Desert Pantera *looks for Frasier login to provide counseling.
GoldRush, I thought you retired after I embarassed you on Trivia night.
k1joyce #rollhawks You forgot ” rare” … in that sentence
Hello 94063 Desert Pantera just point out the hypocrisy that is sando
Now time for the Quick Falcos score to dash the Eagle’s hopes…I’ve seen this movie a couple times before
Now time for the Quick Falcos score to dash the Eagle’s hopes…I’ve seen this movie a couple times before
Jive is legitimately the most angry person I’ve ever interacted with. He’s the real nav
Dan Quinn coached in the NFCW long enough to know Sam Bradford checks down like nobodies business. Gotta cover up close and tight!
I liked Sando even if you did not agree with some of his statements at least gave some facts to show why he thinks that way miss the Charts good conversation starters on slow days
TIGRE1629 I think if they feed Coleman they will be alright.
Hello 94063 He skewed everything towards Seattle and is stuck on a shitty site so no one will ever read his garbage again
Hello 94063 He skewed everything towards Seattle and is stuck on a shitty site so no one will ever read his garbage again
Hello 94063 If you looked at some of the other bloggers’ articles, he was a flipping Hemingway
The Sando blog. Single handedly forced ESPN to move to Facebook comments.
Desert Pantera SFGoldRush49 Yea, when we were posting on a memorial post, right? Lol!
Desert Pantera Leib Hello 94063 dude you had everyone go to the NFCW because the blog was good
Desert Pantera Leib Hello 94063 I never paid for any of it. I feel I got more than my money’s worth
In case you guys didn’t know, I’m an MSPaint genius
Leib Desert Pantera Hello 94063 you paid through advertising.
More Sando…
https://twitter.com/SandoESPN https://twitter.com/SandoESPN/status/643563014860484609
It’s loud here. Wonder if they are piping in noise. Just kidding. No one would ever do that.
LoyalRam I just need the Garbage points granted Matt Ryan helped it being important instead of garbage time
I remember when Sando picked the Rams to win the NFCW. That was 7 years into their current 13 year losing season streak.
I think Levi’s is piping in noise now. I’m fine with it. It was CRAZY loud at one of the preseason games.
Crew yesterday called nothing at all on the sidelines. These guys can’t keep their flags in their pants.
Zippy, Corporate Whore got to keep the Eagles in the game
ESPN blogs…. You couldn’t say ” Tit “….But you could say “Teet”…….That’s Disney for ya.
ESPN blogs…. You couldn’t say ” Tit “….But you could say “Teet”…….That’s Disney for ya.
CharlietheUnicorn Zippy, Corporate Whore EXCEPT MOST OF THEM ARE ON THE EAGLES!!
CharlietheUnicorn Zippy, Corporate Whore EXCEPT MOST OF THEM ARE ON THE EAGLES!!
OIeSagginSeahawk It got worse after they went to FB. Which I found hilarious.
OIeSagginSeahawk It got worse after they went to FB. Which I found hilarious.
Hello 94063 Desert Pantera so he isnt worth 10 bucks a year? Must not be that good
Sounds like lots of Philly fans at the game.. Embarrassing for a home opener..
Sounds like lots of Philly fans at the game.. Embarrassing for a home opener..
damn it, I guess I should have played Coleman this week :/
damn it, I guess I should have played Coleman this week :/
Sando wrote a few articles when they fired the NASCAR guy
Good get out of this quarter. I’m ready to switch to johnny walker
ESPN, where The Dick Van Dyke Show became The **** Van **** Show.
CharlietheUnicorn yeah NASCAR no clue what they where thinking
Hello 94063 CharlietheUnicorn he is bad at nascar also
Are you sure Blount was smart enough for NASCAR? I thought he didn’t get past NHRA….
I have to say, there have been some very entertaining games the opening weekend of NFL football
TIGRE1629 CharlietheUnicorn play action to him, then toss a lollipop to him
CharlietheUnicorn most of them because of lots of bad football
Alright Matty Ice.. I’m 4pts behind fucker, and he’s got the Eagles D.. Don’t through anymore fucking INTs, and give me 1 TD bitch..
Zippy, Corporate Whore SFGoldRush49 Nope. out of competition.
Even the sorry ass Seahawks could beat these teams….I would say the Niners but that’s just pushing the.edge of rediculous
DGdub LOL I have Bradford and opponent still has philly D and Bowman I am screwed
ESPN was stupid, I wanted my profile pic to be a closeup of the ball bouncing off of Kyle Williams’ knee and they wouldn’t let me.
SFGoldRush49 Not saying it’s right, but some jobs you’d be fired for it. Either follow the rules, get a different job, or hide it better.
ESPN – I recall it was around Christmas time, After a long day, I cracked a beer , just logged on and said.” Ho Ho Ho what’s up ?”……..I was blocked until I dropped “Ho”…..
“Julio’s been quiet the seconds half”….. ummmm no everytime hes gets the ball its a flag.
JohnnyP31 SFGoldRush49 I get that, but in this case it’s extra ridiculous. For example, steroids gets you 1 year if even that. Domestic violence, damn near nothing.
If you are local, the game will be on KPIX 5 if you don’t want to deal with the ESPN delay (if one happens).
CharlietheUnicorn TIGRE1629 https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video/COlV_U6WsAEaIxX.mp4
Adusoron Thanks. But sometimes I prefer to see the despair from the fans posting here BEFORE I actually see it come across the screen.
Maxwell showing how mediocre he is without Kam and Thomas behind him
BKOB – RAM RULES!! That’s a Pats move. Let someone else sign a guy for a big contract, then get him back when they dump him.
Fucking Ruskell.
shhh, the Bobcat is back, going to go see how close I can get to him
Zippy, Corporate Whore Frasier Crane *hides coffee to avoid feces
TheAviator4102 GarrisonHearst Gruden probably likes you a lot too…he likes everybody.
Desert Pantera Im sure the locker room is a blast right now
Kramer916 I had to hear collinsorth 2x in 1 week. I am not happy about it
TheAviator4102 CharlietheUnicorn good enough…. showing something
TheAviator4102 CharlietheUnicorn good enough…. showing something
They are just throwing these flags so we can miss the 1st quarter of the niners game
BEATERING_THE_ODDS Murray still has me like 20 points in ppr league
JohnnyP31 SFGoldRush49 Probably. His straight-talk attitude probably factored in too.
TheAviator4102 JohnnyP31 Hey now, my girl negotiated it for free this year.
These teams blow! I mean, these teams are struggling with some childhood demons.
There you go, Failcants, get that safe six point lead.
Got within 15 feet this time, that cat is awesome, he just walks away, not afraid of humans
Bryant may be the best kicker in the league….. Dome kicker though is a knock against
Okay Bradford get a quick TD and force the Falcons to do something
TheAviator4102 Dawson was really good with Cleveland and still solid
TIGRE1629 I can tell you stories that would trip your mind…. But can’t go forward.
I have one kicker with 18 points, and one kicker with 0 points. Guess which one I started?
so obvious Falcons just wanted to kill clock hope it bites them in the ass
JohnnyP31 I started D-jax in a league. 1 target, 0 points. I feel your pain
DGdub Ya it’s pretty good….. way too many Hawks in it though….. I guess thats what happens when your owner owns Microsoft
Are you ready for some hilarious football???
Adusoron JohnnyP31 this one hurt and it had to be on my team where most of the guys under performed
Niners are going to impress the football world tonight boys
Rams_R_Just_Better (ReTodd) In a vacuum, I would guess the Seahawks?
Desert Pantera I found him. Refresh and see the featured photo.
Reverand Ras hopefully they start showing on ESPNNEWS or ESPN2
TheAviator4102 Reverand Ras Barrows says ESPN2 if game goes long.
For some odd reason, I’m rooting for Bradford like he’s a 3 legged dog in a 4 legged Dog race
regretting not getting Coleman was not sure someone would stand out
Im Back I Was Really Pissed After Yesterday And Had To Cool Down
Im Back I Was Really Pissed After Yesterday And Had To Cool Down
You guys are so hopeful…..like those on a certain doomed ship…lol
SaintChicka09 Understandable. It’s hard when you find out that your team is going to be a horrible disappointment by Week 1
Im sure everyone loved getting him in the 5th round though
Like When He Can’t Even Blow Out The Bears You Should STFU
We were a shitty team on Sunday morning according to Chicka. Now we are a top team according to Chicka.
To be fair this is the Falcons D he is going against……. I think Ohio ST’s D is superior
To be fair this is the Falcons D he is going against……. I think Ohio ST’s D is superior
SaintChicka09 LOL no contact injury. You could;t even do that right.
LoyalRam SaintChicka09 it at least was a 4 qtr game, unlike the AZ/NO game
Well Chicken showed up before Griz. Now I have seen everything
SaintChicka09 Ha Ha. The covered the spread easily, which was the largest in the NFL this week and somehow it’s a shame. One thing I noticed is that the Bears are better than the Saints. That is painfully obvious. They have a better QB and WR’s.
When Your Team Loses To The Rams And You Try To Talk Shit
Desert Pantera except griz was here after the game, chicka took a day
Mathews goalline, good call Keal. I look forward to beating to beating you now, because i know u did that saturday draft to fuck over anybody with a life
would of been crazy if Murray had 3 TD’s with how lousy he has been
SaintChicka09 when your team can;t even stay in a game for 4 qtrs, you might want to go grab another KFC bucket
SaintChicka09 The saints blow everyone can talk shit to you. Even Ram’s fans
We Only Lost Because Sean Payton Idiot And Punted. Otherwise We Win
Didn’t you hear? Griz came in at like 3 am, said “good game” and hasn’t been heard from since
Didn’t you hear? Griz came in at like 3 am, said “good game” and hasn’t been heard from since
The St Louis SEAfood Chef aka MB3 Ahhhhh to be young and have other plans…. I miss that.
Chica, have you ever tried to kill a rattlesnake by throwing your fat ass on it? What’s your body count? Keal is at 4. With a shovel!
SaintChicka09 you only lost because your dbs couldnt catch passes Palmer threw to them
SaintChicka09 you only lost because your dbs couldnt catch passes Palmer threw to them
SaintChicka09 so he’s no longer a genius? Living in Louisiana will do that
SaintChicka09 so he’s no longer a genius? Living in Louisiana will do that
ChrisKeal The St Louis SEAfood Chef aka MB3 and get BJs on the regular
Fucking Julio is amazing….. How does he get so damn open
If the shitty Saints could have picked off at least 1 of the 4 balls Palmer put in their hands they may have won
Does someone have a bucket of chicken for Chica, to calm her tits?
SaintChicka09 LIke his bad decision to keep stealing painkillers from the Saints training room?
Desert Pantera “I knew they were incapable and shitty so I rolled the dice.” – Palmer
NINERS Fans Only Have A Couple Hours Of Shit Talking Left. Enjoy It
When a Niner fan says your team is the worst in the NFL Chicka, you gotta accept that shit…
The flow of SKA seats are getting filled with 9er fans pretty damn quick……..
Bet they empty just as fast………….GO VIKINGS !
ska league II (lol) the brute squad just passed up some guy probably from the ska east? and i got hyde and dawson to ice that cake. 1-0
SaintChicka09 You clearly don’t know Niner fans. With the exception of ADU who disappears, they will talk shit win or lose.
SaintChicka09 You clearly don’t know Niner fans. With the exception of ADU who disappears, they will talk shit win or lose.
Why do they not just throw to Julio like every single play. That guy is just a machine
I might have to start Freeman in my ppr league next week
This game has 20 mins to end. Won’t happen. ESPN needs to update us on where to go
Foles had a better game, against a better team, and we got 2 picks. I would do that trade every day and twice on sunday. But im actually glad sam didnt shit the bed
AZKardinal CharlietheUnicorn in regular / prob 32 or so in PPR
1 thing is for sure….. The teammates of RW are tired of him
AZKardinal CharlietheUnicorn bonus at 150 yards as well
As long as ATL takes away the underneath they are OK. Parkey blows from 40+
I’m so conflicted, I need Bridgewater to have a shitty game to win my money league,.. but I want the Niners to lose. Maybe I can have both.
I’m so conflicted, I need Bridgewater to have a shitty game to win my money league,.. but I want the Niners to lose. Maybe I can have both.
Rams_R_Just_Better (ReTodd) Eagles if not might hear talk about Falcons winning the SOuth
Rams_R_Just_Better (ReTodd) Eagles if not might hear talk about Falcons winning the SOuth
don’t they put the game on espn 2 until the first game finishes? i think they do, or another abc channel, calm down people
I swear people who make comericals think we’re incredibly stupid.
I swear people who make comericals think we’re incredibly stupid.
I am good Griz. Maybe you can hang out with other no shows like Frank Clark and Kam
I am good Griz. Maybe you can hang out with other no shows like Frank Clark and Kam
How many more weeks until we see Jimmy Graham yelling at RW on the sidelines for not getting him the ball
How many more weeks until we see Jimmy Graham yelling at RW on the sidelines for not getting him the ball
How many points can he get in your money league and you still win?
How many points can he get in your money league and you still win?
I would ban Chicka for you Gatr,.. but she has mystical unbanning powers. You are just gonna have to suck it up. Sorry.
Suhkjot, I’m not bitter..Just have a name bet about Foles recording more yardage than Bradford this year…
The St Louis SEAfood Chef aka MB3 Jet black, just the way Chuck Tomsula likes it in his pornos
LOL! Did you see what Jimmy looked like in those unis? ugh
Hawks have the worst uniforms in the league… They have no say
The 9ers look like a high school team coming out the gate. Not a good sign
chicka.still.running her.mouth? hahaha, u guys.got.whooped.on shut ur mouth,.ur.dline.couldnt.even sack.palmer when.they had a hand on him. please
http://www.livefyre.com/profile/16758285/2 minutes ago
Foles had a better game, against a better team, and we got 2 picks. I would do that trade every day and twice on sunday. But im actually glad sam didnt shit the bed
Hard to say. At this point in your game Foles was like 12/16 for 175 yds, and a sack fumble returned for a TD. He played good when it mattered.
The Bet Clearly Said If Bucs Get Embarrassed By Titans Bet Is Off
Hypothesis: Earth is turning into a fire ball and the valley fire is the starting point. It will never end.
Niner uniforms designed exclusively for San Fran by Vernon Davis. It’s his new 2015 winter collection….
i hope this is the last game in this uni’s … i don’t like them
Nothing wrong with the 9ers uniforms…..Just a reminder they’re living in their dark ages.
49ers fans getting mad at Levi. North endzone latte machine is broken.
Fünf Schüsseln How many TDs do you have to lose by for that to happen?
Geepus, the 9ers look like a bad knockoff of U of Virginia. Sad.
whenever really dark blacks wipe the sweat off their face i always wonder if the white towel is turning black… no racist
whenever really dark blacks wipe the sweat off their face i always wonder if the white towel is turning black… no racist
That Niner uni looks like the team is ready to sell themselves on the Castro….
49ers look like beasty gladiador barbarian warriors of valor.
The bradford curse. The cowboys wil cruise to a div title without Dez
toodlum Well, when choking, one does clutch one’s throat, right?
yay.go falcons, saints and.bucs.in last place where they belong
When A Cards Fan Brags About Week One Standings Because He Knows It Won’t Last Long
When A Cards Fan Brags About Week One Standings Because He Knows It Won’t Last Long
AZKardinal they will run for it cant trust Ryan to not get INT number 3
AZKardinal they will run for it cant trust Ryan to not get INT number 3
SaintChicka09 When a loser hides for day after talking mad shit
SaintChicka09 When a loser hides for day after talking mad shit
CHicken I thought you made a bet about not smack talking AZ if NO lost
was up like 6 going into tonight and he had Agholor going… hahaha bummer
CharlietheUnicorn Can’t decide if I am gonna throw you off a building, light you on fire or just cut your head off.
This game going to end like ny vs Dal
Phily going to come back and ATL going to lose 1 pt lead
TheAviator4102 CharlietheUnicorn I should have called myself Al Shab
I’ve been waiting so long I’m already experiencing the hangover part of the drunkness
Fuck you Chicka. So you are a liar a Welcher, and a bitch
Hey Gruden. It’s Matt Ryan……. Yes , he will throw it again.
Hey Gruden. It’s Matt Ryan……. Yes , he will throw it again.
This is one of the better memes I’ve seen in a long time. Lol’d
This is one of the better memes I’ve seen in a long time. Lol’d
There goes Quinn with a failed run on short yardage in a critical situation….detecting a trend among coaches who participated in SB 49…..
There goes Quinn with a failed run on short yardage in a critical situation….detecting a trend among coaches who participated in SB 49…..
Did Mike Smith sneak in to call that play?
Did Mike Smith sneak in to call that play?
Tale of two halves.
First half under center Bradford…bad Bradford. Second half shotgun Bradford…good Bradford.
Which is why I believe the Rams and Eagles traded in the first place.
i’m already way up, but my league gives $10 weekly to person with most pts. I’m 5 pts away , with Vernon left too
Now that all the good games are done. Next week’s looking like a fun one for the division. 2 nfc north teams going down and then whoever the rams play. Gunna be good.
Well, now we get another legendary sam bradford 2 minute drive
When freeman slammed him for the 1st down was the worst. Subtle but sums up his performance
The St Louis SEAfood Chef aka MB3
He has always been a shotgun QB.
I gave Chicka a ‘Like”…………………………………………………………………..now I feel dirty
Ooh, look at the crispness on those throws
Bradford going to drive up the field checking down like 20 times to his RB
Never mine
Hey tribe, az had had over 300 yards passing, over 120 yards rushing, a erased 4.8 a carry, didn’t allow a sack, didn’t have an interception, AMD palmer had a passer rating of 122….. eat crow bitch
Kiko ALonso’s INT was one of the best we will see all year
Kiko ALonso’s INT was one of the best we will see all year
The St Louis SEAfood Chef aka MB3 well duh kind of sad you have to say it
aahhh Sammy…..You can’t help it…Thanks for taking the curse with you to Philly….
I used to think the problem with Bradford was the Rams. I do believe I was wrong.
IDK who “http://fantasy.nfl.com/league/2786112/team/12o.” is but he passed me for the top score this week. Threw up 130… nice. I am going to invade his country now and start a caliphate.
Matthews looks like a little bitch throwing the towel on the camera.
Saints & Bucs in the NFCS toilet, which is the league’s toilet of divisions.
Two levels deep of toiletry.
only managed a 5 point lead and opponent has Bowman left I am screwed
only managed a 5 point lead and opponent has Bowman left I am screwed
I won by 2.02 points.. Now, I’m left searching for WR’s.. Fucking Dez…
I won by 2.02 points.. Now, I’m left searching for WR’s.. Fucking Dez…
CharlietheUnicorn Hello 94063 1 point per tackle on those alone will destroy me
CharlietheUnicorn Hello 94063 1 point per tackle on those alone will destroy me
Fünf Schüsseln yeah Bradford’s 2 picks didn’t hurt them at all.
Fünf Schüsseln yeah Bradford’s 2 picks didn’t hurt them at all.
KZ Rider – backtobacktoback nfc west champs Keep dreaming
Hello 94063 CharlietheUnicorn ok, you are screwed unless injury
no clue why it took so long to get Bradford out from behind the center and into shotgun
Eagles receivers dropped a shit load of easy passes by Bradford
22SnakePlissken5150 Fünf Schüsseln oh, thought was 3…. oops
Well who will marry my daughter if you’re dead?
Hawk fans shouldn’t be mad at us because of their own deficiencies
I imagine everyone is commiting suicide next to the Rocky Statue in Philly
When your team is in last place in the worst division in the NFL….
ok.guys ill be back after the game. to gloat or.take my lumps
ok.guys ill be back after the game. to gloat or.take my lumps
TheAviator4102 Are you just saying this because he’s the only player left?
Well Charlie if Rudolph gives you a career night with 2 or 3 TD’s and a shitload of yards, you still have a chance. If that happens I am joining Al Qeada.
Eagles fans talked shit about Dallas only running for 81 yards
Eagles ran for 63
I need a huge night from Hyde and for Bethea to have a return TD.
Congrats BFS.
Man does Browns unis are ugly as hell
How do you fuck them up even more???????
Damn it…I really would like sleep than watch this dumpster fire of a game. But the trolling could be the juiciest SKA has ever seen!
niners are hopeful to be the first team to play in their own stadium.. uhh, in the superbowl
Those uniforms are to uniforms what Roseanne Barr is to our national anthem.
Some one tell Chris Berman that Levi stadium was there last year.
ChrisKeal hahahahaha I seriously doubt it, but there have been a few TEs that went off this weekend
I already won my FF game but need Hyde and 9ers def to get me 12 points to take first place in my league
Cant wait to see Borlands follow up
Niners jerseys look awful lol. Everything is an easy troll now days for sf. Jesus I feel bad and I’m a cardinals fan lol
So are these ugly uniforms throwback uniforms or the new home uni’s?
So are these ugly uniforms throwback uniforms or the new home uni’s?
Does justin smith have anything left?
I would rather Steve Young up there forgetting who he is than Trent Dilfer
ChrisKeal Fünf Schüsseln he used to do that in the locker room
I am not totally sold on Bridgewater. If the tomsula’s dline 9ers can handle peterson, they might sneak out a win.
Maybe with the black uni’s they are hoping that they are invisible
“Ummm,.. this chardonnay is room temperature,.. take it AWAY peasant!” – Santa Clara fan
If they’re gunna play like the Raiders, they might as well dress like the Raiders
“My last uni was a lot more professional” -Hayne
49ers fans are a bit too fired up for what is about to happen
So maybe we don’t even need Rodgers against the Vikes this year.
So maybe we don’t even need Rodgers against the Vikes this year.
Wow. The 49ers look really gay out there 🙁
Those uniforms are hilarious. Best offseason evee.
What’s the go to troll now that the Justin Smith holding is off the table?
Bkob is melting down because he realizes how good sf is and how bad sea is
Seriously. 49ers uniforms? It’s a Tomsula fashion statement.
Seriously. 49ers uniforms? It’s a Tomsula fashion statement.
Trent Dillfer and Chris Berman is a really fuckin bad combo
Does he really call Boldin the ultimate chain mover point scorer? That would be weird
“There’s a flag in the backfield. Let’s wait to see what it could possibly be.”
Not sure if there is anyone on Earth that is more irritating to me than Chris Berman and Trent Dilfer,.. maybe Steve Young but I will get to hear from him also later.
Its so good to see some power running instead of patient and gain 3 yards like Gore
You think this is bad. One year they had Mike & Mike do the late game.
Tomsula is a treat. Ive beem waiting for a Sopranos extra to be an NFL coach for a long time
We let Berman announce this game because we knew nobody would be watching these two shitty teams anyway….
Dude who said this Vikings defense was stacked? Their Dends I have never heard of. They are stout up the middle but even their secondary isnt all world.
They should just have Frank Caliendo call the game as Berman AND Dilfer. That would be better.
KZ Rider – backtobacktoback nfc west champs ChrisKeal He’s older now. You shrink as you age.
B Robinson.has.been around a long time and everson greffen was a high draft pick
Keal and MFA doing a live remote from bed bath and beyond would be cool
The runs have been solid. The throws have sucked dick
The St Louis SEAfood Chef aka MB3 they should stick to rushing
Refs get worse and worse every year. they’re 50% of the game
Kaep has zero touch today. Worse than as a rook
the refs bailing.us.out wjen they called holding when we ran it down to the 2
I think Kaep might be too tall. He sees over his linemen too easily, which distracts him when looking at the middle part of the field. They seem like ants.
Your signature drive of the 2015 9ers
I’m just about ready to take back Bitchwater’s HoF nomination.
I’m just about ready to take back Bitchwater’s HoF nomination.
Geepus. They scheduled 3 of the shittiest qb performances for the same night
See what I told you about Bridgewater earlier today? Overrated and overhyped.
Oh good lord! Neither team can make a chipshot fieldgoal. These two teams are going nowhere.
Good god… This makes the Eagles v Falcons game look like a possible NFCCG match-up..
DHC informed me that Bridgewater was awesome
Thats the extent of his football knowledge
Nanobubbles I think he is a good, young QB, but yeah, he is overhyped.
Tomsula is resting his starters for this preseason game. Smart….
Im leaving. This is obviously a D2 game
I hope the Vikings win, if only because AP has to go home to his son tonight.
The St Louis SEAfood Chef aka MB3
I am not wasting my beer on this bullshit!
Desert Pantera Don’t forget that ARI invented the big nickel D, and Buccanon is playing a position that no one else ever has.
Didn’t know the 9ers 5th round pick was a stubby lil fucker….Dude looked 5′ 4″….
CharlietheUnicorn Viking Fan After seeing Teddy’s first three passes, I’m not so certain.
CharlietheUnicorn Viking Fan After seeing Teddy’s first three passes, I’m not so certain.
well, the jerseys do match the…..lemme think…….the……well…the….. awe fuckit!
well, the jerseys do match the…..lemme think…….the……well…the….. awe fuckit!
You guys have missed the obvious uniform joke.
We are wearing black for all the local blackouts we will have.
JohnnyP31 Nanobubbles His stats were worse than Tim Tebow’s first year as a starter last year. To put it into some perspective.
Lmao. And people thought tennessee tampa was the shit game of the weekend
and good god…Teddy Bridgewater is making Colin Kaepernick look like a pocket passer!
Vernon seam route is the only pass he can make 60% of the time. Stop fucking around CK
Lol, the worst than can happen is we will be tied with the last place Hawks
QB get decleated that should make the passing game better.
Harrison won’t be so happy when his car blows up in 2 weeks.
Tribe He’s the best weapon you’ve had so far. Teddy, that is.
Warner taught Kaep a lot about his patented “take off and run” this summer.
Harrison Smith is not going to make it out of Candlestick…wait nvm its Santa fucking Clara he’s good
I mean why not go for it on 4th and 1… Teddy cant hit the broad side of a barn.
FanoftheRedbirds CharlietheUnicorn matter not, as long as it is entertaining
The niners can’t get just one yard…hahaha…
Remember that one time the Niner fans thought the last game was terrible?
This is like when you watch a day of SEC, Pac12 and BIG10 football, then somehow find yourself watchin hawaii play utah state at midnight at some dive bar
Seriously – Kaep will die , if he doesn’t learn how to slide.
I am legitimately impressed Kaep popped right up from that sideline hit. He got fucking drilled.
14million ausies are watching right now, put hayne in.
49er oline is so stupid the dline player never entered the neutral zone but the 49er oline player touched the helmet of the dline player
what an idiot
JohnnyP31 OIeSagginSeahawk BS… I’ve seen it for 2 + years
I want the Niners to force the Vikings to pass. I need Johnson to get me 15 Fantasy points…
Its a long shot I know.
OIeSagginSeahawk JohnnyP31 At some point your rhetoric is wrong.
KZ Rider – backtobacktoback nfc west champs They cut him and I think we signed him ironically.
KZ Rider – backtobacktoback nfc west champs They cut him and I think we signed him ironically.
So I’m up by 10 vs jive in the ska league. I have AP tonight and he has torrey smith. But he told me all week he was projected more. Haha
Everyone in Australia just threw their can of Fosters at the TV.
Everyone in Australia just threw their can of Fosters at the TV.
Looks like another game where our defense has to bail out the team
I keep waiting for this game to not be a joke but it wont cooperate
I told you we should have drafted Duke Johnson instead of getting Bush
I like seeing AP get stuffed though. Fuck him. He beat his 3 year old with a stick.
“I never played American football before this summer. Now look at me. I made the Niners….easy!” — Hayne
“Crickey, how come the tighthead prop didn’t ruck there?” – Hayne
*googles projected #1 pick to see who these fuckers are tanking for*
Who thought these shitty teams deserved primetime?
Lol if only the nfl had minor league teams. We could trim the fat.
“Excuse me bar wench,.. I require another libation.” – Santa Clara fans.
This game will be 0 to 0 and will go into OT
you know what they say…better to lose a laugher than a nail biter….
so….Can we petition ESPN and have Dilfer removed from the both ?
Hayne is worse than I ever dreamed. Maybe the 9ers should use a football player
Hayne is worse than I ever dreamed. Maybe the 9ers should use a football player
i like how.we.get.rolled.cause.we.lost people.on.d and our.d.looks 10 times better.than the hawks
So the niners are BUSH-less and Hayne is a fucking joke…Hyde is a big Tinkerbell
I’m switching to lifetime…more entertaining
I like Ed Hercules as a ref though. I wish they were all as fit and looked as good in tight pants.
These are the two worst offenses I’ve ever seen in my life
I have a theory that TOmsula’s headset isn’t even on. They just got him a Fisher-Price toy and spray painted it black. “Here ya go coach.”
Good god this is a gross approximation of football
Good god this is a gross approximation of football
were planning on winning this game with a defensive TD,clearly.
Two penalties on the offensive line and again its all on Martin.
BKOB – RAM RULES!! They’re all playing the new Destiny expansion on Wi-Fi.
“Jules, have you tried the San Remo shrimp basket?.. it’s to die for!” – Santa Clara fan
I guess Knut can celebrate a steelers win next week against the crappy niners
Heard there’s been a lot of complaining around the league about what college is producing for QB’s..
Case in point: Vikings v Niners
Heard there’s been a lot of complaining around the league about what college is producing for QB’s..
Case in point: Vikings v Niners
love the hate, like I said worst case we are tied with the Hawks for last place
*glares at OSS
love the hate, like I said worst case we are tied with the Hawks for last place
*glares at OSS
“I love what they done with the place. The field looks great and the fries are to die for. Too bad the team sucks. Let’s go watch the Raiders.” ~ 49er fans
Obviously both teams partied at Aldon’s new crib in oakland last night. And all day today
Obviously both teams partied at Aldon’s new crib in oakland last night. And all day today
Its obvious Well curt warner didn’t help kaep
I think I will cut and have this ready to paste. Will be needing it a lot the rest of the night.
49ers offense may make out defense actually look good next week
Colin hasnt taken a sack, this is better than usual, joke is on you guys
Colin hasnt taken a sack, this is better than usual, joke is on you guys
“Chicken fingers? Oh heavens no dear man,.. this is lightly crusted Atlantic swordfish with chutney marmalade dressing!” – Santa Clara fan
“Chicken fingers? Oh heavens no dear man,.. this is lightly crusted Atlantic swordfish with chutney marmalade dressing!” – Santa Clara fan
More flags than completed passes, am i right on that ? Lmao
vikings just figured out if you hand it off to one of the best backs in the3 game, you get first downs
*sniffs….my, this Sushi does not seem as fresh as it could be…
~Santa Calara Fan
Where was bowman on that play johnny p?
Where was bowman on that play johnny p?
Wow a slap and a grab, who he think he is SHERMAN?
Wow a slap and a grab, who he think he is SHERMAN?
Crap my TV just went out. That is what sucks about DirecTV. When it’s gets real rainy or stormy, shit goes out. Creepy Rob Lowe should have mentioned that when defending cable.
Well, now we know why the NFL scheduled these two teams for 10 PM Eastern time.
Are we watching nfl football or the globetrotters playing football?
Replay the gowns jets game…its better than this dumpster fire
50 net passing yards between both teams so far.
50 net passing yards between both teams so far.
These fuckin guys look like Sac State vs UC Davis, if everyone was on crack…
Everyone was basically expecting this from the 9ers, but the Vikings holy shit is this team waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy over hyped
It’s a 10pm ET start time on Monday night.. So yeah, they put the worst match-up in this timeframe..
Kaepernick mighy not score a TD this year. He was 1/4 the way there last year
Kaepernick mighy not score a TD this year. He was 1/4 the way there last year
“Hi, Im ESPN Chris Keal, i have a sweet Sun Devils hat and i have cable.”
“Hi, im SKA Chris Keal and my Direct TV goes out the 2 times a year it rains and i hold fantasy drafts while MB3 is tryin to party”
“Hi, Im ESPN Chris Keal, i have a sweet Sun Devils hat and i have cable.”
“Hi, im SKA Chris Keal and my Direct TV goes out the 2 times a year it rains and i hold fantasy drafts while MB3 is tryin to party”
halosramsfan Wait, you mean this isn’t the fifth preseason game? Why the fuck is is starting at such a jackass time?
My prediction of 6-10 for the Ninerslooks overly generous at this point…they look worse than the Raiders
Ok im done watching this pre season game what’s on nat geo?
KZ Rider – backtobacktoback nfc west champs
Gotta keep the bugs off the props!
Refs are just pathetic. They think people come to watch them. It’s just mind blowing.
Kaep will have to complete a pass beyond the LOS at some point
Fucking holding calls ruin drives….. should be 5 yards imo
Yeah 49ers runs look good when you are holding lol
Yeah 49ers runs look good when you are holding lol
Great job VD..
Someone forgot to tell him Kam is holding out.. It’s ok to catch the ball..
Great job VD..
Someone forgot to tell him Kam is holding out.. It’s ok to catch the ball..
Hayne holds the football wrong…going to have fumbleitis from rugby habits.
Hayne holds the football wrong…going to have fumbleitis from rugby habits.
Vernon retired, he was just smart enough to not announce it
I can’t believe these are NFL Teams….Both missed FG’s, multiple turnovers, penalties on almost evetry play……..
Returners in this game would be wise to learn the fair catch signal.
Returners in this game would be wise to learn the fair catch signal.
The St Louis SEAfood Chef aka MB3 stealing one more paycheck, smart
The St Louis SEAfood Chef aka MB3 stealing one more paycheck, smart
Berman, your catchphrases were stupid in the 90’s. Now you sound like shit on top of it.
Berman, your catchphrases were stupid in the 90’s. Now you sound like shit on top of it.
Im looking at this game. we are kicking the 49ers ass week 3
Im looking at this game. we are kicking the 49ers ass week 3
Sweet my TV is back on. I can tell from the thread I did;t miss anything.
Sweet my TV is back on. I can tell from the thread I did;t miss anything.
BKOB – RAM RULES!! The NFL is hoping everyone is too drunk, high, or asleep to notice.
BKOB – RAM RULES!! The NFL is hoping everyone is too drunk, high, or asleep to notice.
Literally shaking my head at that one. It’s for car steering. I guess we aren’t HIP, DAWG.
*phone rings*
this is the Commissioner. pull the plug on the stadium light immediately!
yes sir.
*phone rings*
this is the Commissioner. pull the plug on the stadium light immediately!
yes sir.
at least there is.stuff.to.clean up at halftime,we always get.killed in the 2nd.half.when we.playing well in firstt half
at least there is.stuff.to.clean up at halftime,we always get.killed in the 2nd.half.when we.playing well in firstt half
but honestly so many stupid flag need to get their act together
Hayne is the easily the worst player any of us will ever see
Fuck, I am wasting my time..gotta read about the Rise of SunBelt Conservatism after WW2, BITCHES!..OUT
OMG the Niners schedule,.. if they can;t scrape out a win tonight, they might not get one until they play the Bears in week 13.
OMG the Niners schedule,.. if they can;t scrape out a win tonight, they might not get one until they play the Bears in week 13.
Normally I would say this is a defensive battle. But in reality it is a battle of shitty QB’s.
CharlietheUnicorn Nanobubbles Yeah. That 50% comp rate is awesome!
I think the 9ers are hoping the ucla qb is the 1st football player to ever leave as a freshman
DHC, which of Bridgewater’s net 17 yards passing impressed you most?
too much comedy here. I got to get back to some serious work with my jigsaw puzzle ……later guys!
Comedy of Errors? Comedy is entertaining in a GOOD way, though….
Tomsula has the constipated while concerned look down. He is a pro now.
MHB™ Nothing those garlic fries at half time won’t help work out.
I cant turn away, this is like Caddyshack in cleats
Can’t even put words to it Refs need to be done with. Need something to replace them.
BKOB – RAM RULES!! It’s rivaling the 3-0 Cleveland game a few years back.
double the pleasure double the fun doublemint doublemint gum
HAHAHAHAHAHA !…….These to teams are a cluster fuck of mistakes.
HAHAHAHAHAHA !…….These to teams are a cluster fuck of mistakes.
Those 2 Vikings fans they showed in the horn hats and purple suits are the biggest fags you’ll ever meet. Saw them at the bar after a Packers/Vikes game at TCF stadium.
Those 2 Vikings fans they showed in the horn hats and purple suits are the biggest fags you’ll ever meet. Saw them at the bar after a Packers/Vikes game at TCF stadium.
Well 9ers…win or lose, after this game you will have a top 5 D in points allowed!
Tribe Fuck your coaching staff. It’s week one, not a preseason scrimmage.
Special Teams is killing us. I’ve never asked to fire a coach before here during a season but this performance is making me want to see the ST coach GTFO.
Move over Vince Lombardi, Jimmy T is in town
Hello 94063 I don’t know. Maybe you should look at the bright side. With how much your defense got gutted, be happy they have allowed 0 points?
SF looked good on offense early,… Then they ran out of their scripted plays
So far the best thing about this game is the 49er cheerleaders in those black leather outfits.
Lol Tomsula even looked like a smutty bastard back then
I’m the only 9er fan on here who even owns a fucking gold jacket
Hyde does look good, though. Maybe the one offensive player that does.
If you aint got the matching shoes then fuck you
This is like the olden times..run until you punt
“The biggest doormat I ever sold to the public was the 2015 49ers.”
“The biggest doormat I ever sold to the public was the 2015 49ers.”
Hayne was a doormat salesman and now he plays for the doormat of the NFL.
Hayne was a doormat salesman and now he plays for the doormat of the NFL.
Kaep has really developed as a passer
Kaep has really developed as a passer
You would’ve thought Berman would study the names. He does one game a year/
Fuck this. I wanted it scoreless at the half
Am I the only one who finds it odd that Trent Dilfer of all people is calling Kaepernick passing the ball the equivalent to a Prius?
i like the offense tho, better play calling.than.we.ever had.with harbs
CharlietheUnicorn Desert Pantera and what does that have to do with being in the guys range? dont be dhc you are better than that
Nanobubbles I thought he was talking running. “He was a Prius last year.”
Vikings have no gap discipline, cant seet the edge…horrible defense.
Lol…the Niners are gonna mop the floor with the Packers… Lol
They’ve had the outside edge all night, even when they aren’t looking for it.
CharlietheUnicorn Nanobubbles Apparently you haven’t watched his patented spin move
CharlietheUnicorn Nanobubbles Apparently you haven’t watched his patented spin move
The difference between Hyde, Christine Michele, and Turbin is one of them has star potential and the others are Turbin and Michelle
The real question I have is will Hyde go into the HOF as a Niner?
yes charlie AP is going to answer in the 2 minute drill. You are in bad form tonight
Former back ups that you guys hailed as Lynch’s replacement. GTFO
For the first time ever, Half-time will be better than the game.
I guess the Christine Micheal/Carlos Hyde debate has been decided huh?
KZ Rider – backtobacktoback nfc west champs Reverand Ras LOL
Adrian Peterson is nothing when he can’t beat his kids anymore.
Yall better be worried about hyde, then hayne because bush is hurt.
Everyone came in talking about AD but they will leave obsessing over el Guapo.
Everyone came in talking about AD but they will leave obsessing over el Guapo.
KZ Rider – backtobacktoback nfc west champs Mikes Gams his pants
We go from Garrison Hearst, Kevan Barlow, the the greatest RB in franchise history Gore, and now El Guapo. We are blessed at the running back position
Hyde has to carry Kaep and Hayne. He’ll break down soon.
BKOB – RAM RULES!! Beastmode proved you could do it for like 5 years.
49ers are the only team in the nfcw with an actual run game.
rstoopes30 Charlie Garner should get a honerable mention if you are including Barlow
At this point , I’d give both teams 1.2 points…….That is some shit play on both sides.
Don’t worry we all will get our turn raping the Niners for two easy wins this year…lol
I think a team full of trannies with michael sam at qb could give these teams a run
Think of it this way… After this game the 49ers will not relinquish 1st place in the NFCW
Idk if anybodys seen enough games between AP and the 49ers, but he’s never done good against the 49ers
Watching Bridgewater lead an offensive drive is like death by 100 paper cuts.
Bridgewater doesn’t have the arm……….. More mobile Matt SChaub
Seriously, Hayne is your backup now, you’re screwed. Hyde will have 50 carries a game.
I wish. These teams are giving me a hangover though
BKOB – RAM RULES!! Ya you play fallout for a living….. Im sure
Hot garbage beating hot garbage doesn’t prove anything
LOOK !… The 50 yard line where RW and Sherman ate turkey dinner !
That is as far as Bridgwater can throw it. I’ve been trying to tell you this all day!
Wow, we just found out Teddy can only throw it 30 yards
sweet I get a whole timeout to say one more play
BKOB talking shit on Hayne when their backup is Fred Fucking Jackson Lmfao
I muted the game. I’ll here Your guys reaction to find out what penalty is.
I muted the game. I’ll here Your guys reaction to find out what penalty is.
will not be surprised if Tomsula drops his pants in the locker rrom
Desert Pantera he is gathering his ALLPRO backpeddle award right now
Desert Pantera he is gathering his ALLPRO backpeddle award right now
Steelers07 If you’re worried about wasting time SKA is not for you.
Steelers07 If you’re worried about wasting time SKA is not for you.
i.cant remember the last time our.offense had players on.offense running.wide.open.in.the.field. i like it, need to clean up the penalties tho
31. 49ers
32. Vikings
31. 49ers
32. Vikings
Hyde could go for 2000 this yeat… Zone blocking scheme is a godsend for him
Hyde could go for 2000 this yeat… Zone blocking scheme is a godsend for him
Reverand Ras I think the Golden Shower has been raining on your head a bit too long.
Arm Strength Rankings: Serena Williams > Mone Davis > Lisa > Bridgewater
Hyde has acceleration, power, agility, elusiveness, hands, and vision. Complete package
https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=timkawakami @timkawakami 1) A Vikings fan was following me? 2) He’s THAT angry at me after that half????https://twitter.com/timkawakami/status/643632170947338241
AP has not went over 100 yards in an opening game in 6 years. AP has never had a 100 yard game vs SF
Reverand Ras Rae Rae! Holding and false start. He gets a pass from me
However it turns out, we are a scrappy bunch, fuck the haters
rstoopes30 they are trying to bring in all the former niners they can
Our ST is garbage. Couldve had a FG and a PR TD. Its so sloppy in that area
sf9ers4905 Either that or the Vikings really suck. Too early to tell.
Hyde looks fucking awesome….. Oline is blocking great… He isn’t getting touched until about 5 yds downfield
Now the haters can watch in envy as an organization with actually HOFers inducts one of its own.
https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=NinersNation @NinersNation Haley coming out for the halftime ceremony. He was inducted into the 49ers HOF last night http://t.co/WjkbtuMxIlhttps://twitter.com/NinersNation/status/643632773140377600
Brew its really not hard to piss fans off. I can go over to FAP and say 1 thing negative about the Packers and horse will start bitching to have me banned.
Munkey (Banality of Trolling) I disagree, my JV team plays better than this ~ JP
Munkey (Banality of Trolling) Naw. HS passing is much more efficient and effective.
I’m already toast for the night…….I’ll try and hang in there
hyde looks real good, i like how he can bounce outside, keeps defenses from stacking inbetween the tackles like they did with gore.
Hayne: 2ypc and a lost fumble. You guys better hope Reggie is ok
Maybe the best news – 0 sacks surrendered by our offensive line.
The Steelers are gonna destroy the Niners on Sunday
seriously, we win this game and the Hawks are in last place alone? what a week on ska that will be
i also like how its not a fire alarm before the snap, quick play calls
i also like how its not a fire alarm before the snap, quick play calls
Munkey (Banality of Trolling) I wanna be a virgin out there – RW
Munkey (Banality of Trolling) I wanna be a virgin out there – RW
BKOB omitted the sweet 12 yd catch Hayne had…. fucking juked that dude out of his shoes
BKOB omitted the sweet 12 yd catch Hayne had…. fucking juked that dude out of his shoes
If Bridgewater is a surgeon, tell him to do some Tommy John shit on himself so he can get some velocity on his passes.
Not remotely concerned about the 49ers after seeing this clown showno
DHC left because everyone started to troll him about his Bridgewater comments
Hayne’s highlight: a 12yd screen pass when they needed 17
Baalke gives Tomsula a coupon for an order of garlic fries for every TO left.
Our OLine looks good minus the penalties. They’re holding up really well and is creating holes for Guapo
I’m tired of Draft Kings. Shit is overplayed already
I’m tired of Draft Kings. Shit is overplayed already
Teddy Bridge water has more yards and higher avg than Kaep
BKOB – RAM RULES!! so your troll Hayne coming short on the first down yet count Bridgewater stats
Berman is a fucking idiot lol. He really said Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde
Teddy’s throwing motion is indicative of down syndrome.
Oh look at that. Media starting to slurp on Hyde instead of Gore
Reggie Bush has a great 49ers career. Not I told you that guy sucks
Dilfer’s announcing is worse than the QB play in this game.
hahaha Horse posted this on FAP,.. allegedly an Aussie blog. Even if fake,.. funny.
I don’t want to hear anymore good things about Bridgewater. DHC can fuck off
Teddy Bridgewater is joining Derrick Carr on overhyped train, or its just one game. But we over react
Munkey (Banality of Trolling) If it weren’t for SKA, I wouldn’t be watching.
yea said.he wanted a.more.reacting.d.instead.of.fangios thinkin d
If it wasn’t a 49ers game I would not be watching. Any other team plays this game I go to sleep.
KEal – someone posted something similar on NN. They were talking about the movie The Rock and Sean Connery for no reason at all. Hilarious stuff.
Munkey (Banality of Trolling) King Tomsula’s Super Reality Climax!
And its seems the Jarryd Hayne experiment has ended for the moment.
Give me a break, I haven’t trolled SF in a meaningful game since November
Hey Davis is coming back next year it should say break not retirement
Reverand Ras if your offense is working how it is.. no reason to mess with it
Reverand Ras if your offense is working how it is.. no reason to mess with it
Munkey, retodd ( or whatever his new rams name is), OSS forgot the Hawks lost
Beautiful. … RW can only dream of stepping up in the pocket
8 straight completions….. RW hasnt done that since flag football
I’m surprised Dilfer can even talk at all with Kaepernick’s dick in his mouth.
If this fag Dilfer says ferrari one more time im gonna punch a womam
5 flags MIN / 7 flags SF…. I swear it was more than that
Desert Pantera What do you expect from a guy who managed to get arrested twice in a 24 hour period?
I cant wait to see the Rams front against this team
CharlietheUnicorn You’re carrying over the penalty-filled first game, too.
hey scotti do you have a face in hole of grizs avatar with mfas face?
hey scotti do you have a face in hole of grizs avatar with mfas face?
i love the troll.backpedaling. i thought Bridgewater was gonna carve us up?
He has every combo of .mike’s face. He has mike’s face o. Hitler kissing Ghandi
Mikes Gams Desert Pantera I have a bet with him AP doesnt go over 100 yards. give it to him you see him before me and say he has to rock it
Pete Carrol lied and threw kicker under bus. Scumbag coach
Good drive none the less…. took about 8 minutes off the clock
Good news… We get to go up against the leagues worst defense next week
Good news… We get to go up against the leagues worst defense next week
tomsula.isnt as.good of.coach as pete yet, but he did have his team more.prepared that pete did
tomsula.isnt as.good of.coach as pete yet, but he did have his team more.prepared that pete did
I wonder if Tomsula is going yo throw Phil Dawson under the bus. I told him to fake it – Tomsula.
I wonder if Tomsula is going yo throw Phil Dawson under the bus. I told him to fake it – Tomsula.
A shut out will be nice to throw in DHCs face. He spent about 2 weeks talking up AP and Bridgewater.
A shut out will be nice to throw in DHCs face. He spent about 2 weeks talking up AP and Bridgewater.
Colin Kaepernick is 10-of-12 for 86 yards on play-action passes tonight, that is his career high for such completions in one game. https://twitter.com/ESPNStatsInfo/status/643639735404072960
great to hear at half time that the hawks arent gonna pay kam
Tribe seriously no clue why they did not do more of these last season being a run first team
Tribe seriously no clue why they did not do more of these last season being a run first team
Tomorrow lets all just pretend that we didnt take this fat game home tonight and do unspeakable things with it. Lets just tell all our friends we came home and went to bed early
Niners D is just dominating… 49ers have just shot themselves in the foot on offense
The St Louis SEAfood Chef aka MB3 Sorry we haven’t given up 31 points and had a bunch of turnovers.
TheAviator4102 *Bridgewater and washed up AP does make things easier.
Munkey (Banality of Trolling) the one that got Celek rekt?
Munkey (Banality of Trolling) the one that got Celek rekt?
so the fans of the team that gave up 30+ points talking crap of team that has a shut out
so the fans of the team that gave up 30+ points talking crap of team that has a shut out
Just keep blitzing them up the middle. Stop their garbage
A big test for defense is Sunday. The Vikings defense is better than Steelers, so Hyde should tear them up.
It will be funny to hear the Vikings fans I live among try to talk themselves out of the fact that Peterson is washed up.
At least it is a home game. Nobody would be classless enough to throw popcorn on him.
TheAviator4102 It disturbs me that our groins were so closely aligned.
BKOB – RAM RULES!! Players who get carted off the field survive fans booing them as well. Doesn’t make it any less classy.
BKOB – RAM RULES!! Players who get carted off the field survive fans booing them as well. Doesn’t make it any less classy.
Not getting amy pressure…. cmon Mangini rushing 3 isnt working
Berman is like 7 years behind present time “Wallace the speedster”
how had teddy completed 19 straight? he only has 16 completeions
how had teddy completed 19 straight? he only has 16 completeions
seen this so many times with the 9ers, get a lead and give up a dtive
Munkey (Banality of Trolling) *reviewing cheering policy on cue cards* ~ 49er fans at stadium
We have a good mix of different varieties of cheerleaders.
Some white, asian, I think there may be a black one there too.
Well represented. Could use a Latina though.
Remember that time when we didnt give up a rushing TD for like 13 straight games
The crowd is binge watching Orange is the New Black on their Apple watches.
Vote on BMT’s new name:
A) My Ancestors Worshipped Dirt
B) My Ancestors were No Match for White
C) Christopher Columbus is my Hero
Kramer you right, our taunting is borderline Raiders
AP only has 31 yards, but he can tell everyone he had 22 more yards than last year’s rushing leader.
CharlietheUnicorn Desert Pantera so thats not near 100 right?
CharlietheUnicorn he had to get a diet pepsi like his idol mfa
CharlietheUnicorn he had to get a diet pepsi like his idol mfa
Is there some rule there has to be a human blimp in every crowd shot tonight?
Lol Hyde has been tackled by his neck all night. That’s pretty much the only way to tackle him
Vernon is such a pussy. How do you get body slammed by someone so much smaller
I’m out….almost midnight… Cheerio you cheeky bastids
The Vikings should be running away with this one. 9ers are so lucky.
White Trash Lizard #DHC Bridgewater Rocks according to PFF ~ DHC
49ers are the best team in the NFC West, were younger and faster
I guess what I’ve learned tonight is we steamroll the NFCN again.
Carlos Hyde almost threw that ball away before it cross the plane.
He better watch that shit.
Hey there are countless fans that have said me say Hyde is legit.
Lol, you guys are actually happy about this clown show.
Lol, you guys are actually happy about this clown show.
Can’t wait until Sunday. Let’s see this team on the road.
Can’t wait until Sunday. Let’s see this team on the road.
Kaep hasn’t thrown a 4th quarter TD pass in more than 800 days
Kaep hasn’t thrown a 4th quarter TD pass in more than 800 days
Hyde was the one guy I liked for the niners lol. I trolled everyone else. Ask adu we had lengthy debates
Hyde is legit…. best you are gonna get from me, but it’s from the heart.
DHC, I’m confused.. you liked Hyde before or after tonights game?
After starting the game 3-of-8 for 63 yards on passes more than 5 yards downfield, the Vikings QB has completed 4 of his past 5 such throws for 68 yards.
> 5 = “deep ball”?
HYDE is freal SEAHAWK fans have to be SO MAD right now.
Kap was tired of carrying Gore for his career.
I am sure he finally lobbied to get rid of the old goat.
Munkey (Banality of Trolling) Whoo Hoo !… 10 points in the 4th 1/4
Yeah Munkey the fuckin point is to win. I’m happy with any win. Not that this game is officially over ( pretty much is but still things happen )
Are you kidding? Hyde was one of the 3 “good players” I said you guys had
Kaep has been damn good….. 3rd down conversion rate is all telling
I love how charlie us a full blown niner fan. Especially after yesterday
That was the least impressive pick that i’ve ever seen.
That was the least impressive pick that i’ve ever seen.
I’m looking forward to re-connecting with 49er homer trolls in the coming days.
Did Brock realize he was still in the field of play? Was he trying to walk into the endd zone?
don’t give a fuck if its only week 1…. the hawks trail the rams and niners, ahahahahahaha
I have heard so many people talk up Bridgewater nationally,.. I’m not seeing it hahaha
I could almost get behind these uni’s if they had a helmet that even remotely matched. But the gold helmet looks retarded with this setup.
Oh fuck. Take him out. That collision made me nervous
Keal, you’re my brah but sometimes you just need to be completely irrationally stupid and blindly say every team sucks besides the cards.
“i can’t wait until the 49ers game” — hawk fans 3 hours ago
White Trash Lizard #DHC LOL you are calling Keal out? You are a joke
That’s Jive’s job. Keal’s is to shovel the shit out rattlesnakes.
Fünf Schüsseln I was entertained, I know this messes with your narrative
Looks like we’ll sweep the 9ers again. They need a real QB
Bring on the Steelers. That should be fun. Hopefully a W
Mangina gonna force them to chop down underneath
Munkey (Banality of Trolling) so much shit from you guys, eat it
Niners are making a strong case for 3rd place this year. It’s a niner fan bukakke in here.
having hyde and j. jones tonight sure finished off my opponent
I’m the only one here and I’m laughing at Hayne and Kaep
lol, not worried, kap still sucks, and this defense wont hold up
Combine the dez injury with some sorry performances and it looks like nfcw + packers for the nfc crown. We’ll see if anybody else steps up from the lesser divisions
It’s week one Maybe should calm down but fuck it. As will be mentioned 1,0000 times 3 teams in NFC 1-0, Seahawks 0-1.
*pops champagne*
Let’s do this right, fellow 9er brethren.
So I predicted Bradford would rush more yards than Foles week #1… humm
not even sure if this really is happening since we are apparently all delusional
not even sure if this really is happening since we are apparently all delusional
Cards had 300+ yards passing no interceptions, 120+ yards rushing, 4.8 yards per carry. Allowed no sacks, scored over 30 points and palmer had a passer rating of 122. Like I said, I can’t wait to play sf.
Cards had 300+ yards passing no interceptions, 120+ yards rushing, 4.8 yards per carry. Allowed no sacks, scored over 30 points and palmer had a passer rating of 122. Like I said, I can’t wait to play sf.
Don’t worry , Aaron Lynch will have 5 or 6 sacks before Clark has first tackle
Don’t worry , Aaron Lynch will have 5 or 6 sacks before Clark has first tackle
Don’t get too excited. Clearly the Vikings are just even more terrible than you guys.
Don’t get too excited. Clearly the Vikings are just even more terrible than you guys.
DHC you played the Saints… all offensive stats are meaningless
DHC you played the Saints… all offensive stats are meaningless
Is anyone else offended by the idea of a QB as universally terrible as Dilfer was, breaking down the QB process snap after snap?
MHB™ I pointed this out to Sando once and he freaked out at me
MHB™ Actually we all did, he came into the chat and nuked us
MHB™ Actually we all did, he came into the chat and nuked us
Niners defense is legit!! Fucking nasty!! Carlos Hyde!! Fucking beast!!! Eat shit DHC.. OH YEAH kaep in the pocket… Much improved
Niners defense is legit!! Fucking nasty!! Carlos Hyde!! Fucking beast!!! Eat shit DHC.. OH YEAH kaep in the pocket… Much improved
Congrats Niners…We have found a team that’s worse than you..but hey, a wins a win.
Congrats Niners…We have found a team that’s worse than you..but hey, a wins a win.
Finally the playcalling on both sides has some creativity to it
Finally the playcalling on both sides has some creativity to it
Kap looks like a whole different QB this year. OLine looks good. Elite RB, Great D. I see this team in the playoffs
Kap looks like a whole different QB this year. OLine looks good. Elite RB, Great D. I see this team in the playoffs
The better team didn’t win today. i expect the league to adjust the rules in the offseason.
The better team didn’t win today. i expect the league to adjust the rules in the offseason.
Sc0tti they did not look good, but they did expose the viqueens. That was my 1st time seeing bridewater, he looks worse than Manziel lmao
Sc0tti they did not look good, but they did expose the viqueens. That was my 1st time seeing bridewater, he looks worse than Manziel lmao
TheAviator4102 you cant run the same shit for 4 years in the NFL and not change it up
TheAviator4102 you cant run the same shit for 4 years in the NFL and not change it up
Yeah, but MAYBE we wouldn’t be fucking terrible. We saw that he was.
Yeah, but MAYBE we wouldn’t be fucking terrible. We saw that he was.
Do the niner fans s forget that drew fucking start ton beat them last year? Do they forget ryan fucking lindley had a career day over 300 yards against then and only lost by 3?! Yet somehow they talk shit hahahahha
DHC just eat crow man.. You were wrong about us
TheAviator4102 any change will throw the league off for a while
not even close to any delay of games or coach timeouts… i love it
White Trash Lizard #DHC How about shut the fuck up? The more you talk the dumber you sound
We lost all these players!!!! The vikings are a sleeper team!!!! The fucking experts!!!
You were wrong about us for some arians came to az. Hope you’re hungry
And the question isn’t really Dilfer vs. a casual fan. It’s Dilfer versus, you know, some QB that was, like, GOOD, and stuff.
The fucking experts guys!!!! They said we wouldn’t win!!!
The fucking experts guys!!!! They said we wouldn’t win!!!
Defense looked all world… shot ourselves in the foot a few times… easily could have been 30-3… Kaep was money on 3rd down… and Hyde is turning into a top 3 rb in the NFL
Defense looked all world… shot ourselves in the foot a few times… easily could have been 30-3… Kaep was money on 3rd down… and Hyde is turning into a top 3 rb in the NFL
Rocking OK- HIS FUCKING KNEES BRAH!!!!!! and the sheeps listened. LOL
Rocking OK- HIS FUCKING KNEES BRAH!!!!!! and the sheeps listened. LOL
haha, u played the saints sorry ass defense.dhc. dont double.down on the dumb shit u say. not even sayin niners will win, but ur happy about beating up on the retarded kid
Niners won vs Saints at the Dome and this still had Charmin
remember, we are all delusional fans that will find out week 1 how bad we really are guys?
It’s 2015 who gives a fuck what happened last year anymore
You watched a different game then lmao
Well, it can’t be denied….The Hawks are the worst team in the NFC West
Fünf Schüsseln 1 minute ago
mhb, we breakdown plays too, at least dilfer played
The question isn’t really Dilfer vs. a casual fan. It’s Dilfer versus, you know, some QB that was, like, GOOD, and stuff.
One 3rd down conversion allowed.. After all the losses
charlie with the occasional post, other than that… the seahawks are imitating frank clark right now
charlie with the occasional post, other than that… the seahawks are imitating frank clark right now
BMT, you must change your name. Don’t be an indian giver with your name beta
BMT, you must change your name. Don’t be an indian giver with your name beta
Adu, I’m more ready than ever to talk shit. You’ve been wrong about us for literally YEARS. our backups have beat you. Get ready lol
sadly, i only think we are good for another 6-7 wins…. #debbie downer
lol..you guys are acting like Rams fans from a few years ago, winning their only game of the year….lol
toodlum we deserve to talk trash after the whole off season of taking it
But all the ESPN, NFL, BR “experts” said the Vikings were going to win
This is going to be a real rough week for the Dick Head Cardinal fan
But but DHC is talking about some shit a year ago which is totally irrelevant to today
But but DHC is talking about some shit a year ago which is totally irrelevant to today
All wins are not created equal. The Rams are the only team that beat a 2014 playoff team, let alone superbowl team. They were by far the most impressive. The 9ers and vikes looked liked the bad news bears out there
All wins are not created equal. The Rams are the only team that beat a 2014 playoff team, let alone superbowl team. They were by far the most impressive. The 9ers and vikes looked liked the bad news bears out there
Tribe what are you going to name giz? I am having scotti give him an avatar with mfas face
Kaep in the pocket looked good.. Making progressions
Seeing that we win a tie breaker for the only divisional win….THIS is the order
Rams 1-0
Cards 1-0
49ers 1-0
Hawks 0-1
“Christopher Columbus is My Hero”
Keep it til next Monday night. 9ers blow.
Nobody said the Saints were good before AZ played them.
DHC sat here for 2 weeks talking up the Vikings
surprise team, better d than sf, ap is great, bridgewater is great
Desert Pantera Let it be known that I said the Vikings were trash and overhyped for at least 3 days.
Nanobubbles Desert Pantera You did we kept liking each others comments
Rae, we had over 300 yards passing no sacks allowed, no interceptions, palmer had a 122 passer rating, we scored over 30 points, had over 120 yards rush , averaged 4.8 yards per carry as a team and won our hone opened. Please talk shit. Let’s compare the stat IF you win lol.
You guys scored 20 points. Big deal. Cards made the saints offense kick field goals all day while we marched up and down the filed all day at will. The only thing this game proves is that Hude is legit and that the Bikings are the worst team in football. Goodnight!
Bridgewater was the highest rated qb over the last 5 games last year he is going to be awesome this year – DHC
DHC. No Homer. Niners and cards played good and win… Here is to the hawks being in last place lmao
White Trash Lizard #DHC Weren’t you talking up the Vikes all week?
This was touching, I will speak for all of the 49er fans on this.
With the way Dilfer was sucking Kaep’s dick, I have a feeling Rodgers is gonna be jealous!
Weren’t you guys saying we sucked all year and the saints would beat us?
MHB™ *points to doll, where KEAL touched me* ~ 49er fans
Not sure what you all are arguing about. Mariota is going to only play three quarters every game this year. ROY, MVP, Super Bowl MVP, HOF, Titans 19-0.
^ My entry for “Biggest overreaction of week one”
1 game down.. and Palmer is still ready to go…#WINNING ~ KEAL
Troll aside. Cards, Rams, Niners all played legit this week. Here to hoping a great season for the NFCW. Fuck the Hawks tho
BMT Check my comments. I’ve posted it twice. Then go fuck yourself.
The standings show the Rams in first with a better divisional record
Kramer916 its easy to have a high completion rate when you just do check downs
btw..The Cubs DO NOT have the 3rd best record in the National League anympore
LoyalRam you are not allowed to talk about that sport
Anyone with a brain knew the Cards would beat the Saints DHC. Niners fans weren’t denying it. But now you’re back pedaling saying the Vikes are trash when you were talking them up for two weeks. Niners played better. They are better than what the experts think. Just stop
Bills vs Patriots week #2.. that should be funs to watch
Hahahaha all your niner brothers said we would lose and go 5-11
NAv, your team had a nice win.. and you talk about baseball.. come on man
You haven’t been here for a while. I forgive you
Carlos Hyde finished with 77 rushing yards after contact tonight vs. the Vikings, that’s the most for any player in Week 1 this year
Carlos Hyde finished with 77 rushing yards after contact tonight vs. the Vikings, that’s the most for any player in Week 1 this year
said it earlier,.not.a.perfect game, but as a jumping off.point ill take.it. we have mistakes to.clear up and as.long as we keep building, by the end of.the year we will.be legit
!!!!BMT’s New Name for the 3rd Time!!!!!!
“Christopher Columbus is my Hero”
Keep it til Monday night
Hyde was really great tonight.
*stands back and awaits shower of likes*
No it they meant it….. they all thought the cards would suck. Until yesterday
His longest run was 18 yards . He was getting 7 yard chunks at a time
His longest run was 18 yards . He was getting 7 yard chunks at a time
Same story though, good D, good run game. Suspect passing and PENALTIES!!!!!
1 good thing we cleaned up. No delay of game!
Same story though, good D, good run game. Suspect passing and PENALTIES!!!!!
1 good thing we cleaned up. No delay of game!
So is Hyde the most important player on the 49ers now?
So is Hyde the most important player on the 49ers now?
Carlos Hyde’s 168 rushing yards & 2 TD were the most by a 49er since Frank Gore in 2009 against the Seahawks. http://t.co/AFVTGy6B0m 2m
Carlos Hyde’s 168 rushing yards & 2 TD were the most by a 49er since Frank Gore in 2009 against the Seahawks. http://t.co/AFVTGy6B0m 2m
Tribe FYI I am having scotti give griz his avatar with mfas face. I would be willing to switch it if you want to tag team him. What were you thinking of naming him?
Tribe FYI I am having scotti give griz his avatar with mfas face. I would be willing to switch it if you want to tag team him. What were you thinking of naming him?
CharlietheUnicorn Hard to say. He looks like he could pick up a 4th and 1.
CharlietheUnicorn He’s the focal point of the offense for sure.
he wishes the hawks.lost people.on.d so.they could.be good too
those 14 million australians are going to bed like HOLY SHIT HYDE
ChrisKeal I tend to agree.. my man VD scored as much as he did
ChrisKeal I tend to agree.. my man VD scored as much as he did
I love when I’m called fake fan. No worries as long it’s nor Ado or Ras saying it, I won’t but person on complete blast. I said I’ll talk about what I want. I love all sports.
I love when I’m called fake fan. No worries as long it’s nor Ado or Ras saying it, I won’t but person on complete blast. I said I’ll talk about what I want. I love all sports.
He’ll score a TD on a bomb once every 3 weeks and I will always pick the wrong week. Time to cut bait.
Luckily for me Hyde is the one player I said I liked on the niners lol. Real talk I’ve b=en on the record saying I see pro bowl potential all offseason. I trolled every other niner player though lol
The best part is how strong the vikings front 7 is
I promise you the 49ers just won over the entire australian continent.
1 thing surprised me is how garbage Teddy Bridgewater looked
Thought he was suppose to be a cerebral QB
White Trash Lizard #DHC lol first game as a starter 160 yards and 2 TDs. He has all pro potential to me
White Trash Lizard #DHC lol first game as a starter 160 yards and 2 TDs. He has all pro potential to me
I said Bush wad useless in March. Hopefully he is out for season.
Chill…. but I like him a lot. I’ve said that for a while
ChrisKeal I don’t see him being very consistent … boom or bust
DHC shut the fuck up you trolled the niners defesne and front 7 bad.. 30 yards for AP.. suck on that bitch
What a story though, a player who had never played football or put on pads until months ago, weeks ago, just played in his first NFL game
Can’t belive how good the right side Oline looked
Hopefully they can keep it up
Kaep was awful, im sure that wont be a problem later though
I believe the word DHC used for Hyde instead of liked was unproven
OK DHC how about AP. Surely you guaranteed a huge game for him and our sucky d couldnt stop him. remember?
I’m learning an important lesson about double dipping here.
I think Bridgewater is cerebral enough. I just don’t think he has the arm strength. He was floating up some ducks.
He was. Dude I’ve said good things about him. Ask adu
niners front 7 held AP to 30 yards.. they suck – DHC
MHB™ I think its safe to say me and keal will like whatever you say
Because fuck you. At least Reggie Bush signing was not as bad as Billy Butler.
Somebody do a lisa Homer Simpson meme
Where she has a sea jersey, goes into the bushes and comes out with a 9ers jersey.
She was trying to jump ship this offseason
One game doesn’t mean much. But I think Hyde is legit
OMG I don’t even know anyone one the nienrs D line!!! – DHC
*proceed to shut AP down*
sf9ers4905 Christopher Columbus is my hero or had 100 yards in a game
Perhaps Bush going out was a blessing.. forced to feed Hyde
Christopher Columbus is my hero dorsey and ian williams both were starters here. He is an idiot. He did say this though
Desert Pantera Christopher Columbus is my hero WHO! *dhc
I see mb3 is trying to out idiot dhc. Gtho of here with that shit
Lisa has not caught on that todd is just using her for phone sex
Cheaper than 3.99/minute
Lisa has not caught on that todd is just using her for phone sex
Cheaper than 3.99/minute
Shall we go off what you said about az? Cause you were epically wrong
BKOB – RAM RULES!! yeah what the mother fuck
My stats will destroy yours for week 1 I promise.
I like how dilfer showed every remedial anti kap viewer in painstaking detail how kap went thru 4 reads to complete a pass.
Lol i predicted you would say this exact same thing
Acker Ward and tart looked good as the young guys being asked to perform
whats being.overlooked is how.good kaep.was.at the line.of.scrimmage and in the pocket
I beat jive. Not only was az better than sf but he swore he would beat me in ff. I’m winning all around lol.
White Trash Lizard #DHC manning and dt shit the bed. Good for you. SF looked way better than AZ
Still ruined our season. I should thank him for getting Jack Z fired, though
This is funny, it’s only a 5 second video too. Maxwell’s reaction after hearing how many yards Julio Jones had on him.
There are sacks that Bridgewater avoided that would have destroyed Palmer
White Trash Lizard #DHC Defense we were better than you guys tho
MHB™ he got paid and got SEA a free 3rd rounder.. thanks
Don’t worry find out who is better in 13 days. Not far away
You guys were right about Hayne.
And by “You guys” I mean me and DHC
Adusoron PFF says that the OL for the CARDS will be up to the task ~ DHC
Palmer had a 122 fating… not worried . Wamt more stats?
BKOB – RAM RULES!! and he had one really nice run
Hawks fans… We niners fans don’t talk to last place teams.. Please disperse
We averaged 4.8 a carry and didn’t allow a sack.
Man or defense really blows after all those kisses. How dare they give up no tds and that field goal. Unacceptable. First pick overall bound
DHC, why don’t you write articles using PFF for SKA…..
DHC you couldnt see the difference between SF’s defense and the Saints? I feel bad for you
BK If you want to talk to me last place fans can relay their messages through loyal
Adusoron the Steelers are going to kick the competition up a notch
I would like to mediate this DHC – RAE feud using the power of matching shirts.
Christopher Columbus is my hero let’s not, I’ve seen enough burnt toast memes already
Someone please interpret.. BK is yelling from last place and I can’t hear him
He looked fine to me overall. Just wish he would run through a tackle instead of trying to juke
He looked fine to me overall. Just wish he would run through a tackle instead of trying to juke
In celebration of Ohio state nasty spin move for a TD
Hyde deided to pay tribute to his alma mater!
In celebration of Ohio state nasty spin move for a TD
Hyde deided to pay tribute to his alma mater!
You want your week one trophy now? Or after the parade?
You want your week one trophy now? Or after the parade?
Since Football is over, at least I have OKC Sonics soon
Since Football is over, at least I have OKC Sonics soon
The hawks in fourth place…back to their rightful place in the division.
Cards OL was legit in week 1. We a erased 4.8 a carry amd had over 120 yards rushing and didn’t allow a sack. Palmer was clean and had a 122.8 passer rating with 3 tds and no picks. All you fags were wrong. AGAIN
LoyalRam Please don’t lose to the Redskins, that would be embarrassing
LoyalRam CharlietheUnicorn history says….. you very well might
Adusoron I believe we’ve only finished last in the current alignment twice in 14 seasons.
White Trash Lizard #DHC who here said Saints where going to win NO ONE
After a 4th place finish in the division this year Paul Allen will sell the team to a wealthy Oil-man out of OKC….
CharlietheUnicorn LoyalRam yeah, how did your guess just work out with the Rams?
Christopher Columbus is my hero IT WAS AWFUL….. HOW WILL WE COMPETE
Hello 94063 White Trash Lizard #DHC I did but I like to troll him
White Trash Lizard #DHC Yes we watched the game in here dhc.
LoyalRam CharlietheUnicorn I was close….. Seattle could have won multiple times…. and since the Rams took a few hits in the secondary.. might be toughs. Lucky the Redskins #1 WR is out
White Trash Lizard #DHC Dude, did you see Frank Clark’s sack yesterday?
White Trash Lizard #DHC 4 times during the game we said that should have been picked it was righ tin his hands
When Brock made that pick I was screaming at the TV so loud saying “BEHIND YOU”
When Brock made that pick I was screaming at the TV so loud saying “BEHIND YOU”
Christopher Columbus is my hero http://imgur.com/wNx5jKe
CharlietheUnicorn LoyalRam No we didn’t everybody will be there vs the Skins..and no..you were only close because of Isaiha Pead and his fucked self
Lol, the 49ers lost all their good players. They’re a joke. ~dhc this off-season
The 49ers have like 1 or 2 good players left. ~dhc this off-season
I am glad Die Hard Cleo told me sf was gonna get blown out today so I didnt have to watch
I am glad Die Hard Cleo told me sf was gonna get blown out today so I didnt have to watch
Adu..relax…You beat possibly the worst team in recent history..This just means the Niners arn’t the worst…
Adu..relax…You beat possibly the worst team in recent history..This just means the Niners arn’t the worst…
That D looked all world……… To say they swarmed would be an understatement
That D looked all world……… To say they swarmed would be an understatement
Dude you lost all your good players. I don’t know anyone in your front 7-DHIV
Dude you lost all your good players. I don’t know anyone in your front 7-DHIV
LoyalRam ADU has pent up frustration from all off season
LoyalRam ADU has pent up frustration from all off season
I will say I thought Bowman looked pretty close to 100%, so there’s that
I will say I thought Bowman looked pretty close to 100%, so there’s that
LoyalRam Rams hold that title….. W/L % backs up this claim
LoyalRam Rams hold that title….. W/L % backs up this claim
National analysts think you’re going to be a joke. ~dhc this off-season
LoyalRam TheAviator4102 Ya right…. We aren’t the shithawks
TheAviator4102 LoyalRam We exposed the NFC Champ..You exposed…the Vikings? lol
DHC spent the whole offseason trashing sf and putting a lot of hope on the VIkings. LOL
love how the.vikes became the worst team in the league all the sudden
Where is sc0tti..I would think he is going insane somewhere…
Hey if BK speaks again can you forward it to my inbox guys.. Can’t hear last place teams
DHC should just stay doing what he does best and that’s sucking that Seattle dick clean!
I have to admit Hyde looked really good tonight. Reminded me of a young John Kuhn.
Loyal what 49er bandwagon troll will re-appear first do you think?
Loyal what 49er bandwagon troll will re-appear first do you think?
Desert Pantera k1joyce #frankclark Griz is still looking for Frank Clark
Adusoron Looks like he pulled an Adusoron. But he probably won’t disappear for 3 months.
Adusoron Looks like he pulled an Adusoron. But he probably won’t disappear for 3 months.
Jive says when Griz shows up he has to wear this avatar
Jive says when Griz shows up he has to wear this avatar
Monte Irvin will show back up……Rae won’t disappear for a little while….hmmm….
Monte Irvin will show back up……Rae won’t disappear for a little while….hmmm….
those long drives just killed the Vikings D how long was time of possession
I like the Vikings checkdown offense, reminded me of the 2010 Rams
The world is reverting back to its norm… Hawks sucking ass and the 49ers are once again the pride of the NFL
haha..you guys are cracking me up…….It’s going to not be a safe place for Hawk fans this week, methinks
Nav, tonight is the night you unveil your new name
LoyalRam nwg’s head exploded at some point during the game
LoyalRam nwg’s head exploded at some point during the game
Navorro your avatar for now is blank like oldcschool naborro
Navorro your avatar for now is blank like oldcschool naborro
Watched episodeone of Voyager. It was ok. Lots ofaction sequences.
Watched episodeone of Voyager. It was ok. Lots ofaction sequences.
It feels weird being on the map again by some analysts. They’re talking up Hyde now lol
lower s a zero and get rid of the spaces in chicken
What mangini was able to do with Tartt and ward and our crazy blitz packages was really nice Bridgewater looked jittery all night except for that one drive for a fg
Adusoron It was awesome…… First time I have seen some creative playcalling on both sides of the ball since Mooch
Adusoron It was awesome…… First time I have seen some creative playcalling on both sides of the ball since Mooch
Adusoron I think he might really be a fergeni, better watch him close
Make fun of Bridgewater, but he had a much better day passing than Kaepernick did. Must be that awesome MIN defense.
Make fun of Bridgewater, but he had a much better day passing than Kaepernick did. Must be that awesome MIN defense.
think I only saw one missed tackle all game from the Niners
CharlietheUnicorn JohnnyP31 I was going to post a recap article, but wanted to make sure you didn’t have anything planned. Its cool if you replace it tomorrow.
JohnnyP31 CharlietheUnicorn go ahead.. not until wed for me roughly
What the hell game were you watching BKOB, all of brigewaters stats were in garbage time
Is mb3 ready to pay up to Johnnyp on the bowman bet? boy that looks like a bad bet for mb3
Mikes Gams throwing shit on the walls to see what sticks
I’m not sure if any of my prediction came through in week #1 JP, but I try to make them outlandish
I’m not sure if any of my prediction came through in week #1 JP, but I try to make them outlandish
Wilhoite looked very solid tonight. He looked ready next to bowman. They’re a good pair.
Wilhoite looked very solid tonight. He looked ready next to bowman. They’re a good pair.
CharlietheUnicorn I bet 100 on The Miami Was game when the sspread was 3-1/2
CharlietheUnicorn I bet 100 on The Miami Was game when the sspread was 3-1/2
Rae Rae! AP is nasty and washed up. I could see it coming a mile away. Old and a year out of football is a bad combo.
Rae Rae! AP is nasty and washed up. I could see it coming a mile away. Old and a year out of football is a bad combo.
Adusoron looks like he learned from Borland how to play
Adusoron looks like he learned from Borland how to play
TheAviator4102 CharlietheUnicorn wasn’t it a 3 pt game?
The one game I never would have taken the over was the SEA/STL game…… they blew it out of the water
Adusoron Thats about as good of a litmus test as one will get
I liked how Dilfer talked about Baalke doing a good job of turning over the roster. Leaving out that half the roster retired and it was out of his hands.
Okay im going to have learn cap lock thing. Just to.fuck with Chicka. Thing is so annoying
Recap article up. Hope I didn’t fuck it up.
TheAviator4102 Sc0tti (Chicken ) hes doing this on purpose isnt he
thats it navorro you made me mad, im gonna custom make your avatar, and its gon be fucked up.Your shenanigans here today will cost you.
Adusoron Hard to say. Some did. But I was saying that Bridgewater was WAY overhyped and Peterson was washed up for the last week. So it’s really hard to say. But I did admit that Hyde looks like a young John Kuhn!
JohnnyP31 Nanobubbles doubt it was how he planned it but worked out it seems at least for now
Hello 94063 JohnnyP31 Nanobubbles That was kinda my point. He made it sound like it was some master plan.
This was the worse game Kaepernick has had thus far, 165 yards on MNF, Hyde hogging the ball, game plan was the worse ever. MNF in the past with the 49ers had the QB passing the ball. Looks like we don’t have a QB and never had. ALex Smith should’ve been left alone. Tomsula needs to be fired. He’s the worse HC on the 49ers. Wait until he plays real games. Steelers going to put out Hyde and go after CK. Ben is going to rip the 49ers a new one as he never forgot that game 4 years ago and how he couldn’t move around on the bad ankle.
Nanobubbles Is there any hope that York will fire Tomsula and throw out Baalke with him if the 49ers manage to blow their season?
Nanobubbles Adusoron Not impressed with Hyde. Just like Gore, hogging the ball and doing nothing with it. He played against a one trick pony.
Comments are closed.
Zunino’s #1 Fan™
9ers suck ass, prepare to be reamed