Cincinnati Bengals

    Speaking of which…

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    We’re getting there. With NFL teams finalizing plans to open training camps, however abridged, optimism over the football season happening as scheduled is steadily climbing.  While most teams have been cautious and non-committal regarding the stringency of their guidelines, COVID-19 testing among athletes is expanding daily, although it should be noted that the NFL hasn’t…

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    AFC North Roundup

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    The inexorable march through the dregs of the offseason continues. While the NFL scrambles to produce a coherent plan for (supposedly) pending training camps, fans, still stuck in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, are essentially in limbo.  We’re treated to the latest accounts of NFL player-based Twitter wars.  The torrent of badly-conceived TikTok content…

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    Speaking of which…

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    The Groundhog Day analogies are everywhere these days. Every morning, you wake up in the same bed at roughly the same time.  You’re probably sporting a mild hangover.  You try to remember what you watched on TV last night, or the night before, but even two cups of coffee isn’t enough to jog your memory. …

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    AFC North Roundup and Other Stuff

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    There’s a glimmer of hope.  A beacon, if you will. Discussions are ongoing regarding the NFL’s return (although really, is it a “return” if they haven’t missed any game time?) from the COVID-19 global pandemic.  Little  concerning concrete testing and prevention has been disclosed to the public, but it’s encouraging the owners and players are…

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    Speaking of which…

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    That, as they say, is that. For three days, NFL fans were treated to a familiar process, and for three days, they ate it up.  The 2020 NFL Draft proved to be as enlightening as non-quarantined versions from previous years, and at minimum, it represented the hope that football will indeed return someday…soon.  For 72…

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