Cincinnati Bengals

    Bugger Off, Henry

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    “I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.” – Henry David Thoreau For those of you who’ve experienced in print the…

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    Note:  This will be my last offering until the draft.  Given the lack of football (and the lack of an appetite for discussing the few crumbs we have), here’s a few links.  It might be enough to distract from the disease-ridden hellscape we lovingly call home…but I doubt it. Because everyone’s talking about it, here’s…

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    Speaking of which…

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    Pro football’s a unicorn. It’s become that rarest of beasts in its sheer existence.  It’s alive!  It breathes!  It schedules things!  It’s finding a means to operate under unprecedented circumstances.  No one should ever view NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell as a maverick, but in this instance, he’s handled the situation well by providing cogent arguments…

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    NFL: Highlights and Observations

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    In these sports-deprived times, there’s sadly not much direct AFC North information to impart, although I’ll do my best.  My usual column, “Speaking of which”, is getting awfully hard to generate, as transitional themes from topic to topic aren’t always easy, especially in these addled times.  But why waste time reading my disclaimers?  On to…

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    Speaking of which…

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    All hail the NFL! The advent of COVID-19 across the world has enabled the NFL to effectively steal most of the current sports headlines.  For house-locked fans around the country, news of free agency and the draft proceeding as scheduled was a welcome tonic amid widespread financial and social upheaval.  Fortunately for fans of the…

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