Cincinnati Bengals

    AFC North Draft Junk and Things

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    The 2024 NFL Draft commences tomorrow.  “Big Boards” have been developed, presumably with prospects on them. Who your team chooses to wrap their future around will be revealed shortly. I’m not going to burn many words here, simply because no Big Board can be considered 100% accurate.  The only pick that generally seems certain is…

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    AFC North – Rerun Season: Just Go, Joe

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    Two weeks until the draft!  Until then, this network shall be displaying classic episodes of “Breaking Ravenous128”.  Remember, if you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! From 2017.  My, how times have changed.  Enjoy.   ______________________________________________________________________________________________________   A couple of years ago, late in the fourth quarter of a meaningless NFL game, Ravens quarterback…

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    AFCN North Free Agency Roundup

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    This is the odd part of the NFL calendar, aka “Silly Season”, where hopes of immediate turnaround and vast improvement correlate directly to the first “impact” free agent a team signs. While a number of useful free agents remain, the AFC North has already taken its proverbial swings at the market, with a few curious…

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    AFC North – Rerun Season: Injurious Woes

    1000 600 Ravenous128

    Hope you all enjoy the latest re-installment.  Consider it my way of ensuring my sportswriting legacy, because repetition is key to memory. Remember, “if you haven’t read it before, it’s new to you!” Anyway, here you go.  Kind of funny how so little changes besides the names involved.   I’m writing this after most of…

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    AFC North – Rerun Season: The NFL’s Ten Commandments

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    Network TV has always stalled during summers and myriad other times.  They run reruns of popular shows when this happens. While I can’t recall how popular my old columns were, I found a few of them and thought I’d repost some of the more cogent ones, at least until the draft arrives or something pertinent…

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