you guys need to stop championing mainstream media start thinking for yourselves since 2017 these surgeries have doubled, and insurance now pays for them . so if you wanna argue those facts, come at me Gender Dysphoria / Gender Reassignment Virtually all major insurance companies recognize that transgender-related medical care is medically necessary and have a written policy describing their criteria for when plans they administer will cover it. Health insurance Medical Policies you need to understand what mainstream does to fool someone like you, when you need to find information that is clearly in the gray, its not black or white, its in the gray, both parties believe its black or white, but the truth is in the gray, to find those particulars, mainstream and google will make that very very difficult, but when they want you to find an ultimate truth they like its very very easy, one must understand this is how you squelch information its not in what you say, its in what you refuse to say now I could go over all the insurance forms to prove im right, but I know im right, its set up that way. it used to be covered at 10% now its more like 90%, there was a major shift, and you arent going to be able to search something like that, they dont want you to have a clear picture of something that makes them so much money welcome to critical thinking in america im a fan of cause and effect, and its clear what will happen as the effect of this, its already happening 320 568 SKA Intern SKA Intern