FPS PRESENTS: Friday Frednesday Farewell

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    To the mental retards, science appears to be magic while truth sounds to be heresy. -FPS

    Leaves are fallen all around,
    Time I was on my way.
    But still, I’m much obliged, for such a pleasant stay.

    At 1030 on a bright Sunday morning
    My mom birthed me into this world,
    While all God’s people sang worship
    To the Most High God.

    But now, it’s time for me to go. The autumn moon lights my way.
    For now I smell the rain, and with it pain, and it’s headed my way.

    The man from no place, with no name and no face. Having neither mother nor father, brother nor sister, nor wife nor seed. Made a king and priest forever, after the order Melchizadek.
    I am simply a voice, crying out from the darkness, Make straight the path for the coming of the Lord!

    Mine’s a tale that can’t be told, my freedom I hold dear.
    How years ago in days of old, when magic filled the air.
    T’was in the darkest depths of ESPN, I met a blog so fair.
    But Bader, and the evil one crept up and slipped away with her, her, her, her, her j’yeah.

    There’s a few things about God you should know. He is the God of truth. He reveals mysteries. He brings a mans’ own way down upon his head. He is the God of irony, serendipity, and karma. He opens doors, and opens to all who knock. He says, he who seeks shall find. So we know which rooms you want to be in by which room you stand in, and we know what you’ve sought by what you’re holding in your hand.
    To those who are pure, God shows Himself to be pure; to those who are profane, He shows Himself profane. He came out to meet you as a man, but you nailed him to a tree. Round 2, He will not come out to meet you as a man – but as God.
    What you pour out to others in life will be poured out to you, double, filled up and spilling over, for eternity: and you will drink it.
    And you will drink it to the dregs.
    The preacher man has a job, and it is not to put the love of God in you. It’s to put the fear of God before your face.
    You will be judged by your heart, and your every muttered utterance. You will be judged for how you treated the least among you, and for treating your neighbor as yourself. He will also judge you for how you treated the widow, the orphan, and the prisoner.
    Most of all He will judge you for believing He is real, because your conscience and all creation tells you that He is.
    Do not say that God did not send a loving voice who did not tell you the truth. He sent me bright and early, day after evil day, telling you things you hated to hear, and i didn’t quit on you, or Him.
    He also sent his only begotten son, who you nailed to a tree for doing exactly what I am doing here.

    Got no time to for spreadin’ roots, The time has come to be gone.
    Although, Our Health, we drank a thousand times, it’s time to Ramble On.

    Fred knows his SKAsian brothers don’t want a sermon to spoil their trolling, rant first and foremost.
    So until next time, I leave you with trolling:
    MotherKeal; You have this going for you, you’ve been faithful, and have kept a covered thing covered. Yet this I have against you, you have forgotten your first love.
    Munky; I look to your seat and it is vacant. Have you cast your crown into the woods? What say you of what has become of all this?
    Tribe; You are still the youthful phenom, there is still time. The choice has always been simple: Light or Darkness? Life or Death? Don’t die a retard, because death seals the deal.
    Beaster, know what is faithful in you will be tested, tried, and proven by the Lord of spirits. The Kingdom is not full of pussies. If He saves your voice, it’s His now. It’s been preserved to do His duty, not to curse man.
    Ian; ya done well. Narrow and strait, while they throw tomato’s to knock you off.
    Dubz; You do you; an evil king has a short reign. Your memes are funny and poignant. Up theirs.
    JuJu; what can the man say? Just keep from creeping MotherKeal out and you can let all these other jack rabbits know they can hunt the Moon till sunrise if they don’t like The JuJu. Nobody’s got nothin’ on you, Ju, and the man luvs you, ta deaf.
    CamelToes; you make hilarious meme’s. Bader is a mouthy cunt infested with a legion of demons, don’t mind him. Unban all his unbannings.
    Vegas; at some point you will have to learn how to dislike being lied to. Do the math on it, because the truth always adds up. God does not contradict Himself, so the math of this place always adds up, lies don’t. And don’t forget, using 90% truth is the best way to lie.
    Justin; Thank you for the invite, we will have a beer one day, no-homo.
    Jordy; my blog bestie. Really nicely done. My heart goes after you. Keep leaning into it.
    MM; These people have luxury politics dissociated from the duties of preserving the Liberty that allows them to hold such inane opinions. I leave it up to you to remind these people of their Patriotic duty. I shall return with top-rope leg-drops. You’ll also have to be the funny one around here, as the place seems to have gone stale. Munky’s basically a blogging corpse.
    K1; watch stuff you disagree with for 1 month.
    Rant, Too Short, Bader, Jive, Bader’s Alt’s, and any red-headed, freckle-faced pansy-asses who might remain; I leave you in the wise words of MotherKeal: STFU, Guy.

    But still, I’m much obliged, for such a pleasant stay.



    I am Trick Daddy in flip flops Cooking up them conch fritters

    All stories by: BLONKERS