FPS Presents: A SKA Love Story

1024 576 SKA Intern

Once upon a time, in the bustling world of online football blogs, there were two avid San Francisco 49ers fans named Scotti and Lisa. Fate brought them together in the vibrant comments section of the blog named “Spiked KoolAid.” Both shared a passionate belief in the MAGA movement and were huge Donald Trump fans. Little did they know that their love for football and politics would be the foundation of an extraordinary romance.

Scotti, a charming and adventurous man at 38, found himself captivated by Lisa’s fiery spirit and deep knowledge of football despite her being 16 years his senior. Lisa, at 54, was immediately drawn to Scotti’s wit and charm, and she found his love for bowling endearing. As they continued to exchange comments and messages on the blog, they discovered a shared love for cats, further strengthening their bond. Despite living in different states, their affection for one another knew no distance.

Lisa, who lived in Orlando, and Scotti, residing in Sacramento, decided it was time to meet in person. They chose Joplin, Missouri, as the place where they would finally unite. When they first laid eyes on each other, it felt like they had known one another forever. The chemistry between them was undeniable. In the heart of Joplin, where love blossomed, they shared their first embrace. Their passion was palpable, and their connection was electric. They spent the most memorable night of their lives, wrapped in each other’s arms, as they made love under the twinkling stars.

After that magical encounter, Scotti and Lisa knew they couldn’t let the age difference or the distance keep them apart any longer. They resolved to be together, no matter what it took. And so, Scotti had the perfect idea for their first real date – a San Francisco 49ers home game against their rival, the Seattle Seahawks. Scotti, with his adventurous spirit, embarked on a cross-country journey to pick Lisa up in Orlando, and together they drove back to Northern California, where their beloved team played. The excitement of the game, the cheers of the crowd, and the shared passion for football made their bond even stronger. The 49ers won the game in blowout fashion, and they knew that their love was destined to endure all the challenges life threw at them.

From that day forward, Scotti and Lisa became inseparable. They attended 49ers games together, rooting for their team with unwavering support. They cherished every moment together, basking in the love they had found in each other’s arms. They even made it a point to attend Trump rallies whenever they could, reinforcing their shared values and beliefs. As the years passed, their love only deepened. Scotti’s witty humor brought laughter to Lisa’s life, while Lisa’s nurturing nature provided a sense of comfort and security to Scotti. Their differences only enriched their relationship, and they found joy in celebrating each other’s uniqueness.

With a love that transcended boundaries, Scotti and Lisa lived happily ever after, side by side, hand in hand. They rooted for the 49ers every Sunday and attended Trump rallies, not just as fans of the team and the movement, but as a testament to the power of love to bring two souls together, no matter the odds. In each other’s love, they had found a treasure that would last a lifetime. And so, they cherished every moment, grateful for the serendipitous meeting in the comments section of a football blog that changed their lives forever.


SKA Intern

Asheville, NC English Literature BA - 2019 Grad

All stories by: SKA Intern