- April 3: Clubs that hired a new Head Coach after the end of the 2022 regular season may begin offseason workout programs.
- April 17: Clubs with returning Head Coaches may begin offseason workout programs. April 19 Deadline for clubs to time, test, visit, interview, or conduct a physical examination with a draft-eligible player at its club facility.
- April 20: Vegas has a transgender party. At that party Fred will be featured to be auctioned off to the highest transgender bidder.
- April 21: Deadline for Restricted Free Agents to sign Offer Sheets.
- April 26: Deadline for Prior Club to exercise Right of First Refusal to Restricted Free Agents.
- April 27: Deadline for clubs to time, test, visit, interview (including video and phone calls), or conduct a physical examination with a draft-eligible player at any location.
- April 27-29: Annual Selection Meeting/NFL Draft (Kansas City, MO)
- May 2: Rant will be exposed, Lisa will riot in the streets of D.C. and Bader wins the internet.
- July 17: Deadline for teams that designated a Franchise Players to sign a multi-year contract extension is 4:00 PM ET. After this, player can only sign one-year contract that cannot be extended until after the team’s final regular season game.

https://spikedkoolaid.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/18392F06-0069-431D-8F6D-2F6CB8695444.jpeg 400 400 SKA Intern SKA Intern https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/3b7ee3b985f7c04097c46b8d0a6e0f44?s=96&d=mm&r=pg