K1 PRESENTS: SKA Election Results

    960 720 nofriendo

    The time has come to declare a winner in the SKA Election. Many votes were cast, and many more were recorded. People both deceased and alive voted, some more than once. It was a truly incredible experience to be able to manage this election. Here are the vote totals:

    Mosley: Himself 2x

    Ron: Lisa/Rant

    Mars: Lisa/Rant

    FJY: Himself 2x

    Jive: Rant/Lisa

    Juju: Himself

    Yoshii: FJY

    ReTodd: Sc0tti/Zippy

    MFA: Himself

    Monz: Dubs/Rant

    KZ: Lisa/Rant

    Jordy: Sc0tti/Rant

    Vegas: Himself for libtards

    Too Short: Keal

    Bader: Lisa/Zippy

    4905: Lisa/Too Short

    sc0tti: Himself 2x

    Munky: Lisa/MFA

    Dubs: Himself

    Tribe: Himself/Lisa

    Beaster: Abstain FJY

    Lisa: Abstain FJY

    Stelter: Bob 2x

    Justin: Abstain FJY

    Rant: FJY

    OMGZ: Mosley

    Cocktoasten: Mosley

    Special dump truck: Mosley x1500 for Libtard Leader

    SteelersDepot: CK x1000, but they voted for him to go to prison. Not sure where to go with this one.

    FYS: Agree to be paid an undisclosed amount to take Juju back in exchange for 100 votes for Mosley

    Undisclosed briefcase: FJY x1500 for MAGA Supreme Leader

    Therefore, with the special votes the rest of them are irrelevant. Your winners are:

    • Mosley for Libtard Leader
    • FJY for Supreme MAGA Leader

    Congratulations to the winners, they truly separated themselves from the pack. The positions are for the rest of their natural lives. So there will be no Article II, no recount, and no investigations into anything. Depending on where your political biases lay, you have a new leader and you will obey them. God Bless SKA God Bless America



    All stories by: nofriendo