Mike, MFA, the missing link…..It is all the same in a vicious circle. From his 5 finger blender of his blow up doll’s privates, to his fake Navy Seal story, it only seeks to capture the hearts and minds of the intellectually challenged. The people with an IQ in negative territory….the abject failures. Those adding to the delusion of Mike’s fake existence, are none other than Bader, Bkob, Tribe, and Vegas. Turning a blind eye to truth, only to build up Mike’s fragile ego. Instead of helping Mike lessen his BMI percentage and moobs, they would rather inflate his ID. Either through improvisation and SKA identity theft, or through outright ass kissing. This, ladies and gentlemen, is not healthy. Encouraging this kind of neurosis to generate laughs, is what the Biden Administration is doing. Taking an unintelligent geriatric, who lies as easily as breathing, and giving them any kind of power is a mistake. (And no, I am not talking about Trump). This kind of tragic comedy trickles down into our everyday lives and starts to affect our own pocketbooks.. Programs we are forced to pay for with our hard earned tax dollars to support these comedic failures. A Clown show of epic proportions. Bader, the ANALyst, tries to puff up Mike’s existence by lying constantly. We have often wondered if Bader impersonates Mike, because it is hard to imagine someone as retarded as this existing. The life coach of the intellectually downtrodden, with the expertise and PhD of Bozo the Clown himself. Bader, I have also noticed, becomes very jealous of anyone who makes an intelligent point. This stifles his ability to take control of the situation with his own “facts”. Nothing like truth getting in his way. Bkob encourages Mike by going along with everything he says. Like a little, lost puppy being led around by its Mother’s teet. There is nothing Bkob would not do for Mike, as long as Mike gives Bkob the everyday knob slob, by praising his inaccurate knowledge tables. Bkob is satiated by this, because he is a hippie after all, and does not ask for much…except for the occasional ziploc alfredo, while trashing our Constitution with his unquenchable thirst for Communism. Tribe, defends Mike and uses that as ammunition against Trump voters. Or so he thinks….. Tribe voted for Joe Biden, so he tries to excuse his terrible actions by attacking Trump with Mike’s input. Not an intelligent strategy…… Being an Aquarian, you would think that Tribe relied more on intelligence, but when it comes to Trump, Tribe acts more like Mike, and would rather trust his hateful feelings over good policy. Oh, and as long as his student loans are forgiven….. And Vegas…the shape shifting political pundit. The guy who one day sounds like he defends freedom and truth, then sides with Mike the other 364. Is he doing it to get a first hand look at Mike’s balloon collection, or does he really think Mike is an idiot savant of politics and economics? Like Mr. Owl trying to decide how many licks it takes to get to the center of the Tootsie Pop, the world may never know…. In the famous words of Ronald Reagan, ‘In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem”. and so is Mike…….. *Lisa drops mic (Mike) 🙂

https://spikedkoolaid.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Mike-blood-type.png 577 432 SKA Intern SKA Intern https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/3b7ee3b985f7c04097c46b8d0a6e0f44?s=96&d=mm&r=pg