Ever since Trump came down the escalator at Trump Tower, and announced he was running for President, you had the liberal elitist, climate change pushing, reality deniers out there wailing at the thought. Their erratic feelings came to the surface, to the sheer comedy of the rest of us intelligent folk. Their life’s pursuit of endless crying over nothing is now threatened by sanity. The shame of it all. That these pimple faced, lesbian, truth deniers with no charisma. have taken mental control over the Country….. or so they think. Mike has fallen into this madness, mainly because he has lied about his entire existence to the point that he actually believes it. He is the perfect example of weakness personified, due to his never ending hatred for Trump at the expense of our great Country. Instead of making things better, Mike and his cohorts vow to make things worse by engaging with the enemy against freedom of thought, expression and most of all the truth. People once blind, are starting to wake up to the truth. That this Country is being sabotaged from the inside out by people who hate it. Our own current government, run by the corrupt Biden Administration is living proof of that. Time and time again it has been shown that with their underhanded authority, they have purposely tried to transform this Country into a Marxist state. Through Covid 19 and its origins, to the blatant fraud committed in the 2020 election, to the wide open border, this is treason at its highest. This is a coup, designed by the current government to eradicate the very foundation of American principles. To tear down what makes this Country the most powerful Nation in the world only to be subjugated by elitist fairy tales. To that I say NO MORE! In 2024 with the help of President Trump, true American Patriots will take back this great nation and make it great again. Because if we do not, we will no longer have a Country. That is REALITY. So those of you sympathetic to Mike’s plight, will have to take a backseat, because hate and lies are no longer running the show. Truth and Justice WILL PREVAIL and GOD BLESS AMERICA! TRUMP 2024 USA USA USA!!!!!

https://spikedkoolaid.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/MFA-MAGA-mugshot.jpg 400 500 SKA Intern SKA Intern https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/3b7ee3b985f7c04097c46b8d0a6e0f44?s=96&d=mm&r=pg