835 425 BKOB

    Good morning SKA users. It’s Tuesday and that means it’s time to Arm Yourselves… WITH KNOWLEDGE!!! Another glorious weekend of NFCW Football has come and gone, leaving a wonderful wake of Statistical Wisdom behind – so let’s grab our Knowledge Boards and get ready to ride! Our great Nation is preparing for our annual Giving…

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    NFC East Prediction Result – Week 11

    150 150 Sir Squatch

    Username Prediction JosephR2225 STFU Mosley Frenchie Eagles put a 40-burger on the Bucs, sparking irrational confidence that Sanchez should start the rest of the season Skins lose to the Panthers by a FG Cowboys beatdown the Dolphins, sparking irrational confidence (by Cows fans not named Choy) that Romo’s return will lead them to running the…

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    TAILGATE 2015: WEEK 11

    835 425 nofriendo

    The Week 11 games are as follows: [divider color=”#949494″] Colts @ Falcons Rams @ Ravens Redskins @ Panthers Broncos @ Bears Raiders @ Lions Jets @ Texans Cowboys @ Dolphins Buccaneers @ Eagles Chiefs @ Chargers Packers @ Vikings Niners @ Seahawks Bengals @ Cardinals (SNF) Bills @ Patriots (MNF) We are going to be more…

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    Charlie’s Pick Week #11

    1024 689 Charlie the Unicorn

    Welcome back to the Charlie The Unicorns Weekly Feature. NFL Week 11 is here. For the record, 95-51 straight-up / 75-71 (ATS – against the spread)….. The Casinos cleaned up with the shockers from week #10, another week of getting smoked. Due to some real-world events, I’ll be a ghost for awhile. Anyhow, let’s beat em…

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    SACSIG: Arguing with Knut is like…

    1024 576 nofriendo

    Arguing with Knut is like: Politely asking a mosquito to not bite you. Playing tongue hockey with a Great White. Pissing into a 50 mph wind, while on your boss’ boat, with him directly behind you. Teaching a T-rex how to hug Asking MFA the truth….about ANYTHING Convincing Zippy that Ronald Reagan was the best…

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    NFC East Prediction Center – Week 11

    1024 681 Sir Squatch

    Below are the currently tracked Predictions, so check that out then fill out the form below to make some new predictions! Prediction Center of Doom NFCE PREDICTIONS LIVEFYRE USERNAME * PREDICTION *   Verification Please enter any two digits *Example: 12 This box is for spam protection – <strong>please leave it blank</strong>:

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    835 425 BKOB

    Good morning SKA users. It’s Tuesday and that means it’s time to Arm Yourselves… WITH KNOWLEDGE!!! I’ve got a riddle for you, Knowledge Seekers… What has a passer rating higher than every QB in the NFL Hall of Fame, a higher Yards-Per-Carry average than Jim Brown, and more Playoff Wins than the last seven #1…

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    TAILGATE 2015: WEEK 10

    835 425 nofriendo

    The Week 9 games are as follows: Jaguars @ Ravens Lions @ Packers Dolphins @ Eagles Browns @ Steelers Bears @ Rams Cowboys @ Buccaneers Panthers @ Titans Saints @ Redskins Vikings @ Raiders Chiefs @ Broncos Patriots @ Giants Cardinals @ Seahawks (SNF) Texans @ Bengals (MNF) We are going to be more lax with embedding images…

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