Week 3 Beast Predictions
https://spikedkoolaid.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Washington-Redskins-vs-New-York-Giants.jpg 1023 681 Sir Squatch Sir Squatch https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/8454d5f4bbfc0cd782eeb865afa46fe7?s=96&d=mm&r=pgUsername Prediction Fivers Weeden is terrible… lddsfuws Brandon Weeden wins NFC player of the week honors. cloisterwater stfu DJ NUGGZ They’re still shitty. Justin Chip Kelly is coaching elsewhere in 2016. JosephR2225 The Eagles better not fuck this up. I know that’s not a prediction, but still… the Eagles better not fuck this up. Dr…
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