2019 NFC East Season Predictions
https://spikedkoolaid.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/3DA0F3E1-94A9-466E-9E9E-D9C5B25AAD13-1024x576.jpeg 1024 576 Sir Squatch Sir Squatch https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/8454d5f4bbfc0cd782eeb865afa46fe7?s=96&d=mm&r=pgBy Joey Esquire NFCE Standings: 1. Eagles (11-5) 2. Cowboys (8-8) 3. Giants (7-9) 4. Redskins (6-10) bEast Curse lives. The Eagles have a strong roster and good coaching on both sides of the ball. Wentz staying healthy is the constant caveat for this team and, I think, the only real obstacle that could prevent…
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