“There is no conversation so agreeable as that of the man of integrity, who hears without any intention to betray, and speaks without any intention to deceive.”
-Plato (The Wit and Wisdom of Socrates)
Greetings, Knowledge Seekers.
Where does integrity come from? The quality of being honest and trustworthy, while maintaining moral principles and consistency in one’s actions, values, and beliefs? The distinctive feature that separates us from the weasels, worms, rats, cockroaches and parasites who possess only self-serving, manipulative instincts – without the internal moral strength to act with honor, respect, or duty to themselves or others? Hmm?
Are we born with an innate capacity to express dignity in our values, speech and deeds – like Silent Bob? Or is it in our nature to thoughtlessly exploit others and employ underhanded, shameful schemes in an effort to slither out of the consequences of our own selfish stupidity – like Beaster and all of his enablers?
!!! WARNING: RUDE LANGUAGE AHEAD !!! Viewer discretion is advised.
Exhibit A) An unjustified insult, and a gentleman’s bet:
As you can see, I plainly “answered the question as written above verbatim”
Exhibit B) The first admission of guilt
Exhibit C) Eyewitness testimonials
Exhibit D) Cowardly conduct, and the second admission of guilt
Exhibit E) Malicious mockery, “weak sauce”, and a third admission of guilt
How does this happen, Knowledge Seekers? How does a dishonorable misanthrope like Beaster stoop to such pernicious and perfidious practices? I believe I have uncovered the underlying psychological issues at play.
Exhibit F) The motive revealed
Now I’m not claiming to be perfect. But I easily could. There are countless examples of my unwavering virtue. I added “Lisa Rules!” to every comment for three months after losing the “Lisa Rules!/Sandwich” bet. I made my own custom avatar to go along with Jordy’s chosen screenname for me, “MFA’s Sex Toy”, after we bet on the PRO BOWL!! Unlike Beaster, my sense of self respect compels me to cherish the responsibility I have to others and to my own moral code, regardless of circumstances or external pressures. *power pose*
So what is the correct course of action? Beaster could change his name right now and leave it that way forever, and he’d still be a shameful, spineless welcher. In the olden days, an aggrieved party would challenge him to a duel. In the wild west, they’d find the nearest sturdy branch and take care of it right there on the prairie.
Today the only remedy is for Beaster’s peers and comrades to call out his treacherous tactics to his face. Only when we are confronted by those we respect are we likely to examine our behavior and make effective change.
Exhibit G) Judgement from his peers
Reputation, reputation, reputation! O, I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial.
-Cassio (Act 2 Scene 3 of Othello, by William Shakespeare)
My final plea to you dear friends is to remind Beaster that he is a giant loser and a welcher of the highest magnitude. Every time you see him, call him “Beastard” – his proper, legal name – and post Russell Wilson stats (provided below). NOT because you support me. But because you respect my Knowledge. That is my humble request.
Go forth!! And forever treat “Beastard” like the scornful pariah he is.
Exhibit H) RW> Hurts, and it’s not even close