Cincinnati Bengals

    AFC North Camp Stuff and Things

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    Almost there. One more NFL preseason game to go before the actual season opener, which means the “educational” part of training camp is largely over.  It is certainly over (if it ever started) for veterans who have been excluded from participating in the preseason games; they may still be running drills in practices and working…

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    “It’s just a cat.”

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    Not for the last time…goodbye Paco, my fuzzy little best dude. Courtesy of featured comments, most regulars here are aware that I had to put down my beloved critter for 12 years last week.  While never easy, I’m a believer in pet euthanasia, because they certainly can’t decide when it’s time for themselves, and in…

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    AFC North Chat Board Again

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    Time and motivation are lacking today, so here’s a new temp board.  Will post something more substantial next week. Have at it.

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    Sports Media’s Slow Drift Into “Bro” Culture

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    Yes, I know. The guy that pretends to be a sports journalist every few weeks is trashing the industry he’s dabbled in. To that, I say: If not me, then who?  Sports journalism rarely policies itself, and when it does, it’s often in terms of money, not content.  Which, in a way, is why I’m…

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    AFC North Early Camp Stuff

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    NFL Stuff’s happening. Not a lot of stuff, but stuff nonetheless.  The Ravens’ rookies and QB Lamar Jackson have reported to training camp.  The rest of the team and NFL should follow suit this weekend, as camps will be fully open, with the annual Hall of Fame “game” set to be played in a little…

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