Seattle Seahawks

    The Real BKOB Report: Week 11 Edition

    835 425 BKOB

    Good morning SKA users. It’s Tuesday and that means it’s time to Arm Yourselves… WITH KNOWLEDGE!!! The Reviews are n!! “Best Only original content we have ever had.” -ChrisKeal “Great Job!” ~BK “Nice article BKOB, as usual! I expect nothing less.” -MFA “BKOB obviously knows way more about the Rams than I do.” -k1joyce “The reviews…

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    Quick NFCW ReKaep

    150 150 SKA Intern

    SEAHAWKS With Eli Manning coming into town to avenge his older brother, the Seattle Seahawks struggled to gain control early in the game. However, lead by duo of star running backs, Wilson and Lynch were able to carry the team past the Giants with crippling runs. In fact, this was the Seahawks highest rushing total…

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    Pete Carroll, the Benedict Arnold of USC

    150 150 SKA Intern

    Pete Carroll, the Benedict Arnold of USC Documentary about the corruption behind the man   by Derpster I look at the clock and see a giant 3 flash back at me. No it is not a Wilson themed clock, its really 3 in the morning and I’m in a heavy sweat. . . The nightmare….it…

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    The Real BKOB Report: Week 10 Edition

    835 425 BKOB

    Good morning SKA users. It’s Tuesday and that means it’s time to Arm Yourselves… WITH KNOWLEDGE!!! Wow! What a weekend of football, FILLED with all kinds of Knowledge just waiting to be copy/pasted! But before we get into that, it seems like I have to clear the air about what The Real BKOB Report is…

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    150 150 nofriendo

    A Magnum Opus by RAS: Russell Wilson and the Disastrous Consequences of Overconfidence.

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