474 248 BLONKERS

    Now we are onto TEs and i feel as such this one might require a little explaining given the homer bias expressed in the last 3 articles. As you know 49er fans are not that smart but they are loyal even if they haven never even been to SF. One of the biggest debates in…

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    1024 576 BLONKERS

    WRS time. The divas, the athletes, the bums, the wife beaters. They are all here in your top 50 WRS in the NFL. Please keep in mind these rankings reflect their talents this year just as much as how they ended last year plus your rookies joining the league. These are not the 2019 rankings…

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    1024 576 BLONKERS

    The NFL is no longer just a 3 down back league. Receiving backs have become just as important as rbs who can truck at the line. So with teams going with more of a RB committee these rankings will reflect the 50 best backs in the league. Not just a ranking of starters. The most…

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    656 369 BLONKERS

    The NFL Regular season has starts with probably the most depth at starting QB we have ever seen but none are more relevant than this season’s Super bowl MVP, Patrick “SHOWTIME” Mahomes. He is the Messiah of football. the Michael Jordan of the NFL and is locked down as a Chief for 10 more years.…

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    658 330 nofriendo

    TOP 10 ASSHOLES OF SKA These dumb youg krunks really are assholes! Most of them are cacuasian cult Trump followers! AVOID talking to those people whenevr possible! 1. Sharif – blocked! This krunk has been a problem for a long time! He posts disgusting gifs that I can’t even mention! Block before he gets yo…

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    GATR PRESENTS: An Open Letter To Michael Brummett

    640 360 Chris Keal

    Dear Michael, You are the Biggest Fattest Piece of Shit that has ever posted here on this site I have Constantly proved your lies but just like a bad penny or Herpes you keep showing up. When you made up your own ‘site’ most of us here were hoping you were gone for good but…

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    1024 736 Warv Ette

    After months of avoiding the possible devastating impacts of the Covid pandemic on the NFL, the league and the NFL Players Association are finally at the bargaining table trying to sort things out. Both sides need some clarity on the issues- teams need to know rules for cap planning and budgeting and players need to…

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    Speaking of which…

    1024 716 Ravenous128

    We’re getting there. With NFL teams finalizing plans to open training camps, however abridged, optimism over the football season happening as scheduled is steadily climbing.  While most teams have been cautious and non-committal regarding the stringency of their guidelines, COVID-19 testing among athletes is expanding daily, although it should be noted that the NFL hasn’t…

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